Ranch Tour Plans Told LAKEV1EW - All county resi dents are invited to attend a tour of the MC Ranch on Tuesday, Feb. 12. according to Bill Lane, Vein Colvui, and John Kiesow, Lake County Stockgrower's Com mittee in charge of arrangements. The tour to begin with a free luncheon at the MC Ranch Shop will highlight the feedlot opera tion where some 5.000 head of cattle are fattened each year. Other points to be included in the tour will be the feed mill, discussion of rations, finish of the cattle, and dual grading. Arrange ments are being made for a pack area to be on hand to discuss fin ish, dressing percentage, and dual grading. Jack Nicols and Bill Lane, rep resenting the .MC Ranch, are making ranch arrangements for the tour. -Teh tour scheduled to begin at 1 1 : .10 a.m. and end at 3 p.m. will be of interest to businessmen as well as local ranchers. Ample inside space is available for the visit in the event the day is inclement. HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Latin was not the original speech of Italy, but of central Latium. It is believed to have developed in the 5th century BC. Robert Peary's Arctic explora tion in 1891 proved that Green land is an island. Tuesday, January 22, 1983 PACE-7 ftO r- J -I r; fffmjxrpujari . . f . t. A -4 "3 -it ' .. V ' , .- . . . t .. . , : ' - . t -vvsS V - BULL SALE MATERIAL These views were taken last week of two groups of the range-ready bulls which will be sold Wednesday beginning at I p.m. at the Klamath County Fairgrounds. The bulls arrived at the fairgrounds this morning and can be in spected prior to the sale. A total of 82 bulls have been consigned to the sale. County Agent Photos "Time to get up and look over those form mochinery speciols!" SPECIAL! 9N FORD TRACTOR f.,. $425 8N FORD TRACTOR Very Good $850 FARMALLW TRACTOR .$950 Klamath Tractor & Implement Co. 5616 So. 6th f5pk Ph- 2-5525 Service fjriiiH After the Sale Bull Sale Scheduled At County Fairgrounds Klamath County 4-H Leaders Invited To State Meet Klamath County's 4-H Club leaders are invited to partici pate in the annual State 4 11 Leaders' Conference given hv Oregon State University. Jan. 23- !5, in Corvallis. Motel accommo dations and transportation ar rangements will bp arranged through the county extension of fice, according to Beverly Bower and Francis Skinner, 4-H Club agents. Local 4-H leaders who attend the conference will get acquaint ed and exchange ideas with sonic of Oregon's 5,500 4-H leaders, re ceive new information helpful in conducting their clubs, and be brought up-to-date on new and revised 4-H project areas avail able to youth in their communi ties. First and second year 4-H leaders are especially encouraged to attend the conference. A break fast has been planned Thursday for these new leaders only. They will learn how their local 4-11 club is a part of the county, state and national 4-H club program that presently enrolls 2'i million boys and girls. They'll also have a chance to ask questions and get a birdseye view of new project ideas. Registration for the conference begins Wednesday afternoon fol lowed by a gct-acquainted hospi tality tour. That evening lead ers will attend the Scars banquet be greeted by OSU president. James Jensen, and be entertained by the OSU chorus. Keynote speaker for the banquet will be Dr. Orlo M. Brees. public rela tions representative for the Na tional Association of Manufactur ers. Dr. Brees, author of "Spudville Philosophy and Foolosophy" was a New York newspaperman who later went to the New York leg islature. He has been a coal min er, textile worker, salesman, teacher, minister, and printer. Dr. Brees completed his formal edu cation at Shurtleff College in Illi nois, Brown and Columbia univer sities, University College at South hampton, England, and Universi ty of Vienna. Thursday is the new leaders' breakfast and an all-day program focused on community action for will be given new ideas on how to help youngsters find worm while activities to cany out in their communities. Late that afternoon Rognar An derson, 4-H club leader from Colton, will show slides and tell about a week he spent at the National 4-H leaders' forum in Washington, D.C. this fall. Ander son is a dairy club leader from Clackamas County. Thursday has been designated as international night with Ore gon's International Farm Youth Exchange delegates on the pro gram. lFYEs are Jerry Maddy. Albany, who lived with Finnish families: Rcata Young, Grants Pass, Luxembourg; Don Walls, llcrmiston, Honduras: and Robert Youngman, McMinnvillc. Ecua dor. Friday leaders will attend re- HAS ATOMIC DEVICE WASHINGTON (UPH - The State Department said Monday that Red China may be able to ex plode an atomic device "toward the end of this year or next year." But. said department press offi cer Lincoln White, there would be a "long gap" between explosion of a nuclear device and develop ment of usable nuclear weapons by the Red Chinese. By RAY O. PETERSEN County Extension agent The third annual Range-Ready Bull Sale, sponsored by the Klam ath Cattlemen's Association, will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 23, at Insure This With Us AT LOWER RATES See Bob Jones at Southern Oregon Insurance Agency Inc. Your Safeco Agency 119 So. 6th TU 2-4671 ANNOUNCEMENT Basin Farm Chemicals Announces the appointment of AL KONGSLIE As General Manager DON PHILPOTT As Salesman NH 3-NITROGEN -NH 3 r. ( . j i Most Experienced Prompt Service Finest Applicators Price Competitive Place Your Orders For Early Spring Application BASIN FARM CHEMICALS Phones Tuleloke 667-2697 Bonanza 545-2188 Klamath Foils TU 2-2541 1 p.m. at the fairgrounds in Klamath Falls, according to Nor man Jacobs, president of Uie as sociation. The bulls will be brought to the fairgrounds Tuesday morning and will be inspected for soundness by a sifting committee comprised of Dr. Dred J. Wcdam, Louis Randall and John Horton. Anyone interested in seeing the bulls at that time is welcome to be pres ent. The sale committee has checked the bulls on the ranches on two, different occasions and only bulls j of satisfactory quality have been accepted for the sale, Jacobs re-j iwrtcd. j Eighty two bulls have been consigned for the sale, including 62 Honied Hcrefords. eight Polled Herefords. 10 Aberdeen Angus and two Shorthorns. Consignors to the sale are as follows: Horned Herefords: Haley Hereford Ranch. Donald Jacobs, Norman and Lois Jacobs, Lost River Ranch. Sidnev Kerns. J. C. and Juanita Stevenson, Harry and Inez Obcnchain. Jim Watts and Wright Hereford Ranch: Polled HwMnrds: Halev Hereford Ranch. and J. C. and Juanita Steven son: Aberdeen Angus, J. Lcland Pope. Charles and Alvin Choyne and Warren Annus Ranch: and Shorlhoms. Ralph Vaden. The Klamath Countv Cow Belles will serve coffee and dogulinuts from 9 am. and a lunch at 1 p.m. the day of tlie (.ale. Bob Rhodes will be the auctioneer. Klamath Animal Hospital 2727 So. 6th Ph. 4-4400 Wishes To Announce the Association of DONALD G. MORGAN, D.V.M. Ford Trucks Last Longer en tht FARM S your Frm Truck Htadquartsri BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Eie. Ph. TU 4-3121 gional breakfasts and attend a luncheon sponsored by Standard Oil of California honoring win ners of 4-11 college scholarships provided by the oil company. In the last few years Standard Oil has given more than $12,000 worth of these scholarships to 4-11 youth. Gene Lear, associate director of the cooperative ex tension service, w ill speak to lead ers at the Friday luncheon. Also participating in the pro gram will be Edgar A. Reeves, program leader on 4-H club work for the federal extension office in the 13 western states. The Oregon 4-H Leaders Asso ciation honors a 4-H leader by providing a trip to the national 4-H leader forum in Washington. D.C. In 19ta the leader will be a woman with announcement of the leader's name to be made at the final luncheon. Jan. 23. Klamath County is submitting the name of Mrs. Harold Campbell. Leaders who have not made conference reservations but wish to do so should contact the Coun ty Extension Office. REMEMBER! when it comes to a truck, see Bob or J uric Trucks are their business! rj JUCKELAND M MOTORS, Inc. Your International Dealer 11th & Klam. Ph. 2-2S81 VALLEY PUMP AND EQUIPMENT CO. COMPLETE PUMPING SERVICE ALL MAKES REPAIRED CALL TU 4-9776 Now at MrrilULakvitw Jet. Next to John Deero aWlSr RANGE READY BULL SALE WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 23, 1:00 ?H. Klamath County Fairgrounds 60 Horned Herefords, 14 Polled Herefords, 10 Aberdeen Angus, 2 Shorthorn. Sifted for quality. Good breeding condition. Sponsored By KLAMATH CATTLEMAN'S ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 231 - Klomath Falls, Ora. Phono TU 4-8151 Bocf Stow will bt tarvod at noon by tho Klamath Cow Ballot 4-H News PINK GROVE SIIKK.P CLl'B The Pine Grove Siiecp Club meetine, was held in December at the home of the leader. Dr. W. K. Dean. The meeting was called to order by Diane Vandcrholl, president. We cliose a new report er who is Marilyn Mann. Mr. Horton talked a little to the members who are raising cat tle. We were each given a disease of sheep to report on at our next meeting. The meeting was adjourned and refreshments served. Marilyn Mann, News Reporter. DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU! Ranch Rite Buys Heavy Duty TARPS 6" 12 16 10 45 69 Rca. 8 45 ftonch Rita Prico Onljr 8.12, Reg. 16 95 Ranch Rita Prica Ontjr 10.14, Rta. 23 95. Ranch Rita Prica Onl Many other Ranch Rite Direct Factory Purchaiei throughout tht store! SAVE MORE HERE J.W. Kerns 714 St. th TU 4-4197 Si 29th Annual Klamath Production Credit Assn. All Members are Urged to Attend iATOPM, JANUARY Registration Starts At 11:00 -Luncheon 11:30 Business Meeting 1:00 Klamath Union High School Cafeteria Guest Speaker: LOUIS P. GROWNEY 26 Development Engineer for Pacific Power & Light Co. STATEMENT OF CONDITION DECEMBER 31, 1962 ASSETS LIABILITIES Loam ta Mambtrt Inttrait Racai'ablt Lttf Provilion for loiict Ntt Loam & IntfrMt Coin U.S. Govirnminl Bondl (Par $481,000) Clou "I" Capital Stock FICB Other Antrt llnclydai A'n Bldf .. $89,891) Total Auitl . S4.24S.158 1 30.556 $4,195,714 148,581 4.247,131 5,642 487.S02 112.025 128 724 4,981,026 Manor Borrowad Prom PICB Intarttt Parable to PICB .... Other Debt! Total Liabilities C. Stock Owned br 478 Mambort ...$J72,J11 A. Stock Ownod br I7J Momben 48,811 Accumulated farninai ... 556,234 Total Liabilities Not Worth 4 914,158 72,497 16,787 4,003,442 OFFICERS: Murel Long, President; J. Randall Pope, Vice President; Don W, Krider, Manager; K. B. Peterson, Ais't Mgr. DIRECTORS: A. R. "Orb" Campbell, Lee Holiday, W. M. Williams, Wilbur E. Harnsberger, John W. Withers. KLAMATH PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSN. 9th and Klamoth, Klamath Falls, Oregon i