SITUATIONS WANTIO EXPERIENCED care. Reasi TU 4-5344. ROOMS FOR RENT STEAM hefltifd, quiet, sleeping roomj. tf.w ruin - iu l-Uf. CLEAN, comfortable rooms. 2 blocki from Wain, is & up. TU 4-:9 APARTMENTS fOR RENT 24 PARK APTS. hot water, TU 4-9754, T'J 4-3854, MODERN 3 rooms and bath, $40 end brick court, garages. 231 Spring, MOOERN 2 bedroom lnrnithoH i.i't- incM i near vveyernaeuser f u r nished. Utilities, steam heal, $40, TU WARM, CLEAN, COMFORTABLE, Mo tel Units with kitchens, low winter weekly rales, TU 4-3236 uuMLt a, 4 room furnished, excellent TU 2-3B52. uin.'WM, jimoye, launary, J6Q, jii 4-3659. CLEAN, quiet, furnished, bath, steam iieet, near courthouse, 4)5 Walnut. ONE bedroom furnished aparlment 333 So. nth FURNISHED apartments, TU 2-4736. 142 Riverside FURNISHED apartment, 2113 Gary, $45, cashing facilities, TU 2-4034. a T T R ACTIVE 7thA p InT furnished, TU .1 4522 AdU"S' 59-50 APna AP'S., EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN amath s most modern, furnished. 219 , I lin. I U i-lUM. 1 BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart nent. Immediate occupancy. TU 2-6500 JACHELOR apartment, $47.50, heat, w er, garbage service Included, inquire I" '" Olll, Hpi. J), URNISHED 1 room apt., $40, utilities )aid. 419 No, 10th. ?L EAN, furnished or unfurnished. Cal fU 4-7151. Call TU 2-0206 after 5. URNISHEO, heat free, outside entrance, espionage, 1 U l-iiw. IOMPLETELY furnished studio apa nent, all utilities paid, S17.50 a week or ivallable by the month, washer-dryer, ilia Marquis Apartments (under new nanagement) 1330 Oak, TU 4-5995 before of u -B3B aner p.m. ;URNISHED 3 rooms. Close in, adults inly, no pets, laundry facilities. 802 Lin :oln. )NE or 2 bedroom furnished. Heat, vater paid. B25 Grant, TU 2-4719. JICE clean furnished apartment, close in! U 2-2531, TU 4-6966. BEDROOMS furnished aptv, carport, U 2-4935 anytime, TU 4-3269 after 7. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near ew OTI site, furnished, TV available, weekly rates. Pelican Motel, TU 2-9256. "HREE room completely furnished aparT ienl, 9ll Walnut, TU 4-5472. 4ICELY furnished, three rooms and bath, laragc, private entrance, TU 2-1214. :URNISHED large 3 rooms, clean, warm, ug, $45, inquire 1624 Division. -NE bedroom furnished apis., nice, lean and comfortable, plenty heat, utili es furnished except electricity, TU 4-6471 IOMPLETELY furnished " Including utiT ties, 1411 Main. NJOYABLE, ee. Adults, $65, 4522. Alpha Apartments, TU BEDROOM unfurnished, ground uto. washer hookup, fenced, $50, 5686. iPARKLING, uptown, furnished. Larqe ledroom, extra bath, heat free, adults, 85, Alpha Apartments, TU 4-4522. REX ARMS 1 OR 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. CLOSE IN HEAT, WATER, GARBAGE PAID 224 BROAD - TU 2-9217. $36 to $58.50 OMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COST) 2-3 bod room apt., furnished or unfur ished. Permanent maintenance included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS !I7 WASHBURN WAY TU 4-t27) uriicc noun a.m. to 5 p.m. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shosta Way One and Two Bedroom opts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Daily, Weekly Motel Rates TU 2-5577 :LAMATH FALLS FINEST 2S44 Union 1 Bedroom unfurnlthed 1 Bedroom unfurnished Snacioui Rooms Tastefully Decorated Wall to Wall Ca'fetlng Swimming Pool Rental includes all services ercent telephone and electricity Pe-ete Nclew TU ?-0rc4 OUSES FOR RENT FURNISHED 2 bedroom dude ir ilU Addition, electric heat, washer-dry hookup, qaraqe, $85, TU 4-5561 eve nos or weekends. E bedroom suburban, stores included, irage, paved street, $50, TU 4-3570 CE. clean unfurnished 2 bedroom. Mills idition. TU 2-0292 after 5 pm. JPNISHED 1 bedroom, gat or oil, Children o k. TU 2-3702. CELY lurr re, close i E hedroom furnished home neai . TU 4.JS93 eveninqs. E bedroom furnished, gas heat. Phc-ie 1-3363. VE bedroom hou',e. l'Qe Mvi vly painted Inside A"d ou(. 3. call after I p.m. Tu 2-48i ng VO bfdroom hove, partly furnished, i. Hilltop Station, 3021 Greensnnngs. O bfdroom duple, stove, re'iger , washer, water lurnfsred. garage, in e 375 Homedele befoie 9 a.m. "erii,uce p,n TU 4-8944, f AN 2 bd-flom hfi'j'i Strict, Call TU 2-6T68. Suburb-m icm home. 2?r j BEDROOM, oil fun if, 931 Lincoln, TU ace. wi-ed for -;30 for show-i bedroom furn; hed, gas heat, qai gas refrigerator, etc., $4 7 50. TU Ch e LOR cabin, gas heat, stove. S22.50 4.430 iUt bed'oom, ec"e'-. ne'Ur-bnrhofld, .th Suburban, hardwood floor i, tire cf, TU 4.5244 .NT, tat or t-ede 3 heirocm ui'u' ed house, tull basement, eu'omafi heat, dreolace. QB'age. plus 11 x 2 rear T U t-Ui s lease to penman"" t tenant, t-( iroom home at 14 Conger Ave Pre ce. basement, cl turnete. garage At etive ya'd wth tree- fiowe-s. servos arable latter pa-t of Fe.i. $115 Der mo 2-3'4', dflvS; TU 4-4581, evenings f -eciace, tu: bed'oom furnished ami. TU 4-3854. O bed'Oom unturniir-ed r-Cull. TU o'y $ i0 duon. Act,:ts.: v dog 4j. TU 4 428'. E tsed-eom n.sfe 1. eiectr c 'a-oe, oeo. ei' wdot eno s'o'j at'achM to flarage, 3 a-es, lijj F. bet'oe unv i rscrn. 5'vet a-d .' . d'eer hooup. Tu 2-j MMii. TU i OUTSTANDING d'W" Oae'Wr n Lav'" V gi'tge, fireOci. TU i-4-' 18 HOUStS FOR RENT 2 housekMnlna nr chiirt . ci i d m i iue n i wTTTTr-TT7TTTT care. RMsofwbli. i.r.,..'Ti .V. ' ... . .:.:,"'"r' orDe' ... ...... ,v .jii. no pets, iu m-vtyf. neat and deai 3 yejr old 2 bedroom urtturnisneo duplex. New stove and retrig- trai Mills Addition, $85. TU MMi Eves. TU 4-5544. i BEDROOM duplex. Watei- garbage (jo "j. aigvc, rcingeraior, yu. ij 4-4S15, J65, Inquire lit Pine. (IMP hlH.un 4. h...4 -a. .-I.-, ?3A,p',.b,ace.,?r' na'ural Ipnid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-U56. HOT SPRINGS 2 bedroom upstairs, un furnished duplex, garage. Adults only, per month, TU 4-5692. ' 0 unfurnished two bedroom houses. jTWO bedroom i 4-6023- unfurnished house. TU TWO bedroom unfurnished house, Children, pels, o.k. References requi TU 2-6590. NICE 2 bedroom furnished house. $75, LARGE 1 bedroom, garage, gas furnace fflnfje, $40, inquire 1502 California. NICE two bedroom trailer for rent, phone CLEAN three bedroom unfurnished. miles north of Klamath Falls, children. peis o k. 565, i u -j-tbm. MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 FOR lease 140 acres level ground under irrigation, Macdoel area. 70 acres good afiuu yruunu. jr will set" Qr Trade. TU "m Ji h20 rafes' ki,cheni avail-jREAL ESTATE WANTED 28i TWO or three bedroom in city under i,3w. uive aeians, box 4ZVC, Heral and News. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .. 29 I am a "TRADER" ARE YOU? why tell when you can trade. Cak DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders Club Licensed Ore. Cal. Ida. Wash. 1037 Main St. TU 4-4127 TRADING CENTER!! 1 6 room home In south suburbs. Price M,3w. A.uuu equuy 10 iraae on acre age - 20 to 30 acres. 3 bedroom, split level, playroom. 2 fire-. piaces, i ? Pains, price 521,500. Will con sider small home to $4,000 as down pay ment. 3 bedroom, modernislic, view property. I1 hfllh Rrirk fmnt rln.A.lnr .., dows. $16,000. Will consider small home m trade. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 So. 9th St. Phone TU 2-4740! Fred Tucker TU 4-9745 1 '"'r Stilf; TU 4-9904 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 THREE room modern house with port, storage, Irailer soace. IB so rh. jikj emerald ai. IU 2-UJ5. FOR sale or lease, three bedroom, f ir olace, two car garage, '.j acre. 1503 Ivory, TU 2-2015. COMPACT, firmly built home, one bed' downtown furnished, heat room' concrete foundation, paved street. garage. Electric range & oil healei eluded for only $3,950, terms $400 down, $50 monthly. EVERETT DENNIS. REAL TOR, ph. TU 4-891 or TU 4-4578. THREE bedroom home for tale. 1749 hummers Lane, TU 4-4539. LOT overlooking Moore Park "arid-Kl ath Lake within city limifs. TU 4-7953. OLDER 3 bedroom suburban home. Buill in kitchen, carpeting, garage, small lot. 59,000. TU 4-7312. BY OWNER, line Ashland home. Roman oricK construction, best location. Out' standinq view. acre in city limits 2 bedrooms, V baths. Sacrifice, $26,500, Ashland 482-107 or 482-3969. 15 ACRES, unimproved, paved road, beau tiful building site, Henley school District, , $4,500, TU 4-7B14. 2-BEDROOM brick home, fireplace. Wash er, dryer, stove Included. Fenced yard, covered patio. 16'x20' shop. S17.5C0. Call i u 2-0274 after 5 p.m. OLDER 3 bedroom Hot Springs hoi Dishwasher, basemenf. Tj baths, double garage. $11,750. TU 4-3798. LOVELY 3 bedroom home in pood loca tion near new OTI site. Bdth and a half, lirenlaec, covered patio, fenced back yard. Double garage. Price $17,500. Call TU 2-1422. VIEW PROPfRTY FOR SALE, lots, no- proximately 96 ft. by 300 tt, area, TU 2-105 HOT SPRING. Family type home, hot wter heat, pr.ced to sell. TU 4-7985. SELL or trade tor Klamath Falls prop erty, l year old Central Point beaufy ee bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, alt drapes included. Lovely dining room and kitchen. Double car port, lawn and shrubbery tn. Available March 1st. Art Moorman TU 2-1238 THREE bedroom home for sale. 4103 Sum' S Lane. TU 4-45J9. NEW HOME Beautiful 3 bedroom, hardwood foe I fir'oiace. ceramic tile bath, forced air 26' heat, palio. dmmg room. Exclusive Du Ir.ct. $15,000. TU 2-2410- STILWELL & CO. Presents; NEAR CONGER SCHOOL - plenty of room for trie family in this com'nrf. abe 3 bedroom home. Large living room with fireplace. Ominq room, good utility area wiih plenty of Mor. age. s-op. double lot wMh large paved area for children's p'ay. $10,000 - Good ten WEYERHAEUSER EMPLOYES C live close to work in tnis comfn bedroom home m Wevt Ki Home har. larqe glassed in and basement, aood garaqe it Harden .rMoe. 16 500 full pnt dovn $50 per moifh. $4,300 FULL PRICE nn thi, cl'ii porch ShoD. 1750 herl. rnom home in rjood area North vde of t0n. Triil is a good starter home Can he douqM with only $;00 do,n. STILWELL & CO. Realtors 5'9 Mam Sct TU 4 3U6 er 5 00 call TU 4-J J ffl Pen Van 0-rr.n "UJ 2-i4'2 It no answer c-VI T U 4 'T O' TU 2-0 Multiple Listing Service MLS i t Quality? Yes'! 4 FASCINATING WORLD OF PFAUtV v;D COVPCRT educes you as vu en ttr this juoerh'y deoner1 . vrtua'ly ne. 1-i'ger J bedrocm morternnt.c south sur urijan home. E"-iarge family room c 'rtuli'i-'j fireplace. 2 ceramic '.ahs. bu'it-" raro Oven. preaMait tar. Large at'ached double Qfl'aqe, e'lui siie lenacap'g Cho.ce ''fl 125 tt ie si'e m beautiful restricted newer ti,me area YOU CAN'T CO WRONG AT ,90O, just 10 per cent oowi. r i The Very Best U THE MEDIUM PKKf RANGF A' . l-flvlive and weH-BUf't neer 2 bM'Wm ( ome. nea- in!-, chu'des, and V'ii SCool Fi-epiace- harrtwc-'d fioo'.s hr-Hjgh-xjt. ovet-iaed i"qie attached g I rage. Reason n'y p"red at SI,, i: 'iy pa mere'? $410 DOiVN l-HA K ' 0 DOWN Gl; nominal cwg; PMO'-L . K.GHT NCA! J '"s' i r Northsidc Special bw 't 2 bed'Oom ht)",e i , trt'P b-seme' le Vfl near com in hasett ''' UE PLUS at tr $ lew pr,(.e -, a it . HEBE S VA! QUICK ACTION ON LISTINGS'! Chi cote and SMITH SL,RCE TOO Pt t U ;4f2 B'Cer ..30 U . . : "-r: ' "ukuom nome, wins, electric tie-. inartn. .tnrr, U (jyi r ho IU 4 8856 flays, TU 4-5207 eves. NEW. large view home. Large lot, close io new un ana Hospital, dayiignr base ment. Appointment only. TU 2-0570. MOVING? will "TRADE" vour property any- wriB'i wmi Ol infl KOCKiei! (.Ill DFANE SACHER REALTOR Member Inter national Trader) Club Licensed-Ore. Cel. Ida. Wash. GOLD BEACH PROPERTY" Excellent retirement orooertvi On bedroom home or rental unit and orje 2-bcdroom home with large fireplace. 8 miles north of Gold Bwch, overlooking Call TU 4-6812 days, or TU 2-2404 E, es PACIFIC TERRACE You save money right from (he start in this immaculate 3 bedroom home with large family room - living room sep arate dining room and breakfast area. One ol the finest and mcsl healthful fea tures Is an excellent hot water well Just a hop, skip, & lump to Roosevelt and KU. Has double oaraae and beautifully landscaped. This is a terrific buy at $19,000 and you may assume present loan. Do let us $now you Ihis today. OTHER GOOD BUYS W.750 - Vj Bedrooms - Completely fur-i nished North Side. i S5.50O 2 Bedrooms - Ideal tor Weyr-I haeuser Employe. $7,500 - 3 Bedrooms Owner will carry contract. 511,400 - Charming 2 Bedroom - Picture windows Mills Add'n. $16,000 Appox. 5 Acrej - 3 Bedroom Home - outbuildings - South. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS - 434 MAIN TU 4 9254 Anytime TU 2-0168 MLS Multiple ' Listing Service ri rKc im Walking distance to town. Comfortable bedroom home, solid construction. rnished basement apartment helo make 'he payments on this one, or have foui bedrooms, 2 baths. Price $10,000. TERRIFIC VIEW New restricted area. Four vears ok three bedroom ranch style home. This piace nas everyinmg, double garage, 00 100 tt. lot. Owner says let tt go lor 18,625! Wants lo retire. Any type fi nancing. BRUCE OWENS Realtor 34 No. 71h TU 4-3129 Lucille Anderson Ray Worden TU 2-0518 TU 4-9267 MLS Multiple Listing Service TRIPLEX wiin excellent income record. Owner will consider TRADE for EX PANDO TRAILER HOME or SUBUR BAN HOME. Full price $27,500. 4545 SHASTA WAY a neat clean two bed room home on 79x200 ft. lot. New KOOL TOP floor furnace plus electric wall heat ers. This home has been redecorated in side and is ready for you. Owner will carry paper or sell for no down pay ment to qualified Gl. Full price $10,000. ONE ACRE In HENLEt district and a three bedroom 1'; bath rambler. Fire place, lots of storage space and large two car garage. Only $17,000. SPACIOUS two bedroom home with fire place, full basement with party room and excellent hot water well. Large lot on quiet street with nice view. Here's your chance lo beat the heal bills. Full price $18,000. SALES STAFF Mrs. Buff Jones TU 4-9863 Tina Reeder TU 4-7342 Clyde Williams TU 4-8734 DURANT REALTOR 2050 SO. 6!h TU 4-9837 or TU 2-3587 Next to Holiday Bowt STROUT REALTY 54J? S 6th Ph. TU 4-5281 Br,n A StHI Dohl.nger TU ?-W Hdiik Holrran TU 2-5048 SUBURBAN ESTATE 5 acres, 10 irrigated, South Suburbs ceiient view on elevated knoll. Three bedroom, play room, full daylight base. ient, wall to wall carpet, two fireplaces. two baths, circular staircase with wrought iron railing, built m Oven and stove, rambow rock fireplace and planter boxes. sun deck. 37, 500. Will sel' home with one acre $27,500. Shown by appointment only MILLS Addition Dupi, completely reno vated and redecorated inside end out side. Two I) bedroom apartments with range and rctnperator. Electric heat Pnce $15,600, $3,000 down and $f) per month vVill consider trade lor smaller property. D'.P'p School men's 55.500. in MiUsi Addition Onse to M.iil' One and two bed-oom apart Gas and o! annliancci. Priced at Terms available. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LE.SULUR, Broker if Vam Jim O'Donah TU 3-3471 TU 4-993 Henley School Dist. VERY ATTRACTIVE and nearly new 3 hedroom ranch style home near Madi son. Fireplace, carpefmq and hardwod Ncnrs, beautifjl kitchen with built in Ovfn and ra'iof. Me bath. Large attached rjfAgf Ecellent condition throughout. eiimg for the FMA appranal Of $15,600. down will handle. LEONARD REALTY '2:2 Ma n TU 4-7521 or TU 4-9005 Audrev Keeri' Joe Perry .to Lesnanl TU 4-42(15 TU 4-5j37 TU 2-0527 LOW INTEREST RATE Dn this Uqe J tied'oom home (I yea md) in Mo vina He-gnu. Excellent door ruan Circulating fireplace. Glass Ooo'i (o pat-o Sveerni) view of Mt $hesa A s'el at $15 750 Assume four per cent ion ar.prox $J,000, payabl? $83 00 per rro., or refinance. DON SLOAN Reeior j4 So 7'h S TU 4-558 , nytime 280 ACRES rrtv 10, gra.n. g's fn.-yerft home, machine iherj, ?d yi ft iri ft. 35 miles from f ;is r" paved road Should 5 Cfl' ver a-O'jnd Rea-.cnaMy ' WiO App'O'imatfiy . down. 520 ACRES " " Balance a; D'rf Fenced m ? Dt?0- oom ir -wri Pr.ce! imatfiy t-' 23 ACRES m ai'r"t Lm P'i" Ail If r' v'a a"d o-t'twre nt iy b'j it -.rytr-r hwn. Ca'n a"d My Wi O"1 fs I'on ton. Pnt 131.100. 1-3 STILES REALTY VEVRt-R B'JAT 10. A L 'OADERS CLUB Snu' "i P-o- TU 7'4'0 r'- vjfn Lo't'ia '? 4'i -ei Tyrk-nf tu i-mi 3' tS TJ 4-Wj REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE THREE bedroom house, garage, outbuild- ingi, TU 4-91.'. MLS Multiple Listing Service . INDEPENDENCE TRACTS 1-3 acre, 58x254 ft. 2 bedroom house on paved street. Lot reaches lo another paved street lo provide another building site or trailer site. House was recently painted on Inside and the all channel TV antenna that was blown down on tne root is included In the tow pnee of $6,000. PEYTON Member International Traders Club 635 Market TU 4-5)49 Evenings Harold M. Rush TU 2-4173 Pat" Palone TU 2-08J6 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 33 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Pleas Investioate thoroughly any Invest- men. o rronys in mwtnsnaiw, viriouv 0NE registered bay mflrv One filly twO' enterprises or business be-', )w0 ioV norsC5i Tu fore Investing your capital. The Herald - - and News makes every effort to reject I BONANZA artificial insemination service. all fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, we are not responsible tor 'ha Integrity ol the firms or individuals who place advertlslna In our publication. Any advertising ot pusmess opportunities ap- peering to be fraudulent or misleading should be reported to the Classified Ad vertising Department of the Herald and Mews. TEXACO Service Station for lease 3360 So. filh and Altamont. SUNNYSIDE Service Station and store at Ruch, Rt. 1 Box 24, Jacksonville, Ore. Good business. FINANCIAL LOANS 34 NEED MONEY for PAYING BILLS? f naqqincj bills become a nui sonce, aet rid of them! Check our courteous, confidential, cosh loon plan. You II be glad you dtd. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location 0 Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. 513 So. 6th TU 4-7783 HOUSEHOLD GOODS .. 371 FOR sale large refrigerator, good con-1 dltion, phone TU 2-0838. i GUARANTEED USED RANGES REFRIGERATORS WASHERS DRYERS WATFR HEATERS Cascade Home Furn 412 Main TU 4-8345 WESTINGHOUSE Automatic C AC? Clclhes Dryer Excellent KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 SINGER FLOOR MODEL CABINET MA CHINE REDUCED TO. $1 14. I month Mcr smflll down payment. SINGER SEWING CENTER 6J3 Mflin TU ? 7!il3 FURNITURE APPLIANCES HOUSEWARES BUY THEM TODAY! AT THE MERCHANDISE MART 29S.) So filh TU 4. MM FUEL HEATING .38 DRY lodaepote pine and plna body wood, any lengths, TU 2 3705. FUEL Oil Western Oil Furnaces, Heater & Burner, TU 4-W3 GOOD red tlr body wood lis cord, dt livered. TU 4-7671, TU 3-IJ. CALL CLIFF YAOFN For Presto Loos ft Otll Metered Propane Sales S 4- H Green Stamns Open 7i twrs ?540 South SiKttl TU 4-J6I1 and TU 3-9760 COLD DAYS AHEAD!'! STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stove "FOK ALL YOUR FUEL NFFD5" Frankford Fuel Co. WOOD HEATERS Excellent Condition Large Supply Low Price The RESALE HOUSE 3899 S 6th 39 GOOD THINGS TO IAT RF.EP, PO"K, whrlesa'e. cui'om butch ering, cutting, curing. Stamf-ec Meatj i-:e wv. tu 1 ?. t 1 1 Beatt Pert - Seorti Hobhtci 40 BEAUTIFUL, rfQ itered spaniel puppies See at 3171 Crest. REGISTERED AKC miniature porjdie PuCP'ei 'or sale Champagne brown Hurry and oel them while they tv.t Ca'l G'a"ti Pa;t 47A-2413 c 7-S?3 a'ler i Dm. See at 505 N. E. 7th St., Grants Pass. Ore ' REG BatseM pups, l, 'it Newel uire Paul M4-2277. Cl sty, Tute'ane, pi WELSH Terser ouo- champion llrfj, AKC registered TU 2-ll3 TINY Penngme puoctes; also Pi-tingeit tud service, TU J-2030. DOG and cat boarding, train. ng, groom- bathing Digs and PuDO'es lor sui SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS. cast Vernn Latryiw Jn:ln. o" (Ve'rHt Hw on Bootn Road, Rte. 2 Bo 50iE, 1 U 4-5671 t sie ?? Con vo'e action Buntitne it Jr. Pn, TU 4-156 AKC reo s'ered toy btac poodie, (er BLACK min nryyii pnopies, ece'iet PUPPIES. PoMi-M, Pemgeje. Pf;rn. S'.-t s'-yi:'. r-'e C rp -.q ""J ' ' ', RADIO TV . MUSIC 411 VUST sail cst ew par-o because nfj My, tf at lifJ Slurdevart.! - - TABLE Wrorola 'prjo. ? e-'envn" W'ngs. 4 ittrs, de'ut mryje1. -t new. been iforM Cost I SO, steal at I'O EL 3-?;37. A. Neat Jr 80 101, B' " P I N T A N F t4 WURLITZER SPINET PIANO S7 95 A Mo. I'lO DtUIVEPr CMCEI DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Vfarii on 7lh St." 126 Jo. 7ih TU 4-S12tl.iT , 30, RADIO - TV . MUSIC 41 EXPERIENCED piano teacher, beflVnn ers, advanced, Blanche Mapcs, TU 4-309 RENT a new Baldwin piano, $lo"a" month" No delivery charge. BoAoen Music Co 830 Main, TU 2 -488 J, CASH FOR USED PIANOS OL RBY'S MUSIC, TU 4-J121 ORGAN SPECIAL TRADE - INS 2 HAMMONDS LOWREY THOVAS BALDWIN DEMONSTRATOR Save up fo $4?0 TERS AVAILABLE BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Main TU 2-4883 LOWREY "MUSICAL MIRACLE" in organ playing lets anyone play In stall! ly ... in pcrlci.' harmony, Automatic Orchestra Control. Advertised In Life Janudry 18th. $1095 Klamath Music Center 515 E. Mom TU 4.3360 Ljy Eil? POULTRY BABY CHICKS Babcock W. Crosses. Free toldcr. Wilson's Hatchery Lyons, ore. pn, Bi?-25Jj TU 2-0741, Bonanza 545-2J8I gpy" calves for sale or trade. 4-J607, 2312 Autumn. uabt caivcs tor aia, too oary, KLAMATH PROVE SIRE SERVICE TU ,.00. TU 2-1185. TU -51, TU J-6I0J PROTEIN BLOCKS CATTLE & SHEEP ,0 lb. Blocks ,0ffp Protein IS, 000 units vitamin A prr lb. S2.8S per block UO or more) PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE 4621 So. 6th TU 2-4555 KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! Coll "Woody" Gucck, Owner-Mgr TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY ot t p.m. shorp Rte. 3, Box 44 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Koad Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. The BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Moke Your Plans Now to Consign to the Stockmens Morket. Tuesday is sole day in the Klamath Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Office 4-9667 Home 4-9436 MACHINERY DOZER BLADES for TD6's - TD9's - D4's HD5's - D6's TD6 Angle Dozer - $2,500 J. C. Equipment Co. 6th A H.lyord TU 2-2051 . SEE J.W. KERNS FOR, ONAN LIGHT PLANTS (SAI ES & SERVICE) CLINTON ENGINES AIR COMPRESSORS WRIGHT SAWS REMINGTON CHAIN SAWS 4 6th TU 4.4197 MISC. fqRRENT.. ...45 FOR RENT, American fioor iAntJcr Jin-I edqer, swift and caiy to operate. Mid Dpcn snrj Bruc floor tinuhei. Kltm jiih Valley Lumber Co. mo So. UK TU 4MJ16. FOR RENT cr,w C nd hydraulic Klameth Valley Lumber Co., 1940 I TU ii'lti MISC. WANTfD MISC. FOR SALE 5PFCIAL purcha-.e! 9 fo 36 CUP co(f rnnnn. $18 fir Valley Rental, 1003 E Wain, TU 4-l?. USED lumtr, U4 lo Bt1? including grooved. Also bo (hooK firewood, iu 2-0588. INK BARRELS. I 50 Press Room. Herald and Newt. DRAIN roc, grave!, ant; roadway ma terial, TU 4-3, GEO. R. STACY CO. TOPSOIL, concrete aggrenafe driveway maieriai, dram rocK. j. m. eernes. WASON sand, fill ders. Pelican Send. dirt, tandy till. TU 4-43B. USFD CLOTHING NEW VETMOD CLEANERS LIKE NEW HOSPITAL BED $75 The RESALE HOUSE 3899 So. Sixth SPECIAL OFFER FREE FLOWER SEEDS TAKE YOUR PICK Your, For The Aching STOP IN TODAY! GOODYEAR STORE Jf)1 So H'h TU 4-8141 SPECIAL ICE SALE OUT OF PAvVN DIAMONDS fjUARANTFED Quality LoAf-t D'lffs m town at p,l)K COFER'S EXCHANGE ?5 vian.ath TU , 7IM FISH EGGS NIGHT CKAWLERS i FLY TYING Materials FRANK'S -J fLE I GRINDING SERVICE '-'"l Tij 7 V TRAILERS 52 WARV, econtjmi;al Eai'erri Built t 4i, tjprr, h"'ng, washer, drver, rniomai. s-W- Rfittert ichmt'crtal. Bo VVTf"-N ifVWry,H, ' 7 ' bnO0fn fur- 31 '6 FT. vacation trai'er, like new. 3026 Laverne, TU 4-7298. FOR rent targe trailer phone TU 4-5042, space, $18 month, HOUSE TRAILER REPAIR, 4423 Winfer Ave. TU 2-113. FOR sale two-wheel trailer, alt steel, TU 2-2042, - 1957 MODFL 23') fl. Kensklll trailer house. Will sell or trade on late model 30' or 35' trailer. Ph. TU 2-0331 after 5 p.m. f-OR sale 458. two bedroom, eastern built, fully equipped, bet) oner, 1507 ium mers Lane. FACTORY trained Coleman & Internat'l mobile furnace service, pans, TU 4-8436. FOR SALE Equity In I960 Great Lakes trailer, 55 X 10, 2 bedroom, lurnished. washer-dryer, air conditioner, Consider trad-, TU 4-74P1 after 6 p.m. AUTO MISCELLANEOUS S3 MOTORCYCLES NEW & USED LARGE SELECTION Ray's Harley Davidson Sales 97 North TU 2-6270! Cecil. Cox Garage Motor Overhaul or Valve Grind Tuna Ud Ii Specialty 2851 Altamont Oil TU 4 023; "OVER 30 YEARS FXPff RIE NCt " USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 PICKUP, 1947 Dodge ' ton, full price, J?B. PjCiflC Finance, 121 So. 9th 1953 JEEP pickup, oood condition. $425. 205 Lewis, TU 4-6490. '53 JEEP station wagon lor sole. TU 2 2881. DRIVE MORE VOTORS Will pay cash for cn. TU 4-357- I9S6 FORD 2 door Ranch Wagon. V-8, straight slick. Motor and transmission lust overhauled. J450. TU 2-5581 ext. 50 days. TU 2-6255 evenings. REAL Sharp 1962 Tempest LeMans Soot-Is Coupe. 4-speed transmission, bucket seats. Fully equipped! tt-wo. tu -4bv, TU 2-4411 Ext. 514. FOR sale or trade 195C CMC panel, speed, 1515 Summers Lane. WANTED '57 h older cars. Central Auto Sales. TU 2-1)30, TU 2-3204. CARS WANTED We need your car ... , cash wall- ingi Maymenti ioo nignr i rou n .SELL YOUR CAR-DON'T GIVE IT AWAY see D69 or "anine DALE'S USED CAR LOT 331 So. 6tti St. TU J-40 SAVE SAVE SAVE 42 Ford Galaie 500 4 Dr. Hdtop .$2595. 61 Chcv. Impala 2 Dr. Hdtp. Std.. J2395. 61 Ford V-S Galaxle 2 Dr. Hdtp,. $2095. 61 Ford Ranchero R B, H, Std. . 149S. '60 Ford V- '.i Ion pickup speed $1395 DEAL RITE MOTORS 31BT t.n Alh IU trv Dowty TU i-9'30 PAY LITTLE ... ... SAVE LOTS .WILEY'S 58 OPEL 2-DOOR Standard transmission, radio, heater. Excellent car, locaHv owned, low $C' 58 MORRIS MINOR 2-DOOR. Heater, 4-speed, stick, excel lent interior, bucket seats, good rubber, low 4?5 Wilson WILEY BUICK Main Garage 1330 Main TU 4-3141 Car Lot No. 2 429 So. 7th TU 4-9203 JEEP! '51 WILLYS JEEP STATION WAGON 4-whccl drive. Worn hubs, fjoodi tires, new clutch, better than ocrogc condtlion throughout, $643 Dick B. Miller Co. 'th & Klamath TU 4-4154 Top Value FURY SPECIAL '59 PLYMOUTH SPORTS FURY 2-DOOR HARDTOP Power steering, power brakes, low! milcoge, white sidewalls, $1695 JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot 7lh & Commercial TU 2-5646 RED. HOT TRANSPORTATION BUYS! TRAILERS '56 Plymouth Stn. Wagon Rodio, heater, stick '53 Plymouth 4-Dr. S Only '52 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Standord trans '52 Chevrolet 4-Door Auto, trans., rodio, $ heater '53 f-ord Pickup Stanoard trans 56 Chev. 2-Dr, S' Radio, heater, stick '56 D.'xJqc 4-Door ft ad ia, heater, $' automatic d '54 Ford Sedan $' Stick '52 Cnditloc Radio, heater, $ automatic '50' 50 98 98 98 Thomas DODGE Soles & Service Used Car Lot 7ih 4 Ccrnmerciol TU 4-4627 HERALD AM) NEWS. Klumatli USED CARS AND TRUCKS 95 1940 FORD couoe. Full load Oldimohll engine. See at 136 Mam or call TU i'AI 1 1. - 1956 FORD V-8 Ranch Wagon, TU 4-7835. FOR SALE 1947 Chevrolet panel, tea at 9ii summers uane. 1959 RENAULT Dauphint, $450, ph. Chll oquln 783-2365. TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your car or equity for cash ' Crime In Trtrlnv' 7th & Plum TU 2U784 PERFECT Trailer Puller! '57 FORD 1 Vi Ton ' Short Wheelbase $1075 JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. 1 1th & Klamath TU 2-2581 JOE FISHER'S Safe-Buy BARGAINS at New Low Prices! 62 Thunderbird Excellent $3697 I297, 60 Ford Falcon $ 4-Dr. Sedan '62 Mercury Monterey Custom 4-Dr. Auto, trans., radio, heater, power steering and brakes, one OOV owner, real sham .. '62 Mercury 2-Dr. 2397 Hardtop SALESMEN Dale Sechrtsr TU 2-5720 Roy Rinehart TU 4-9541 Joe Padgett TU 2-0637 Jim Ehreth TU 2-0149 Martin Arnold TU 4-571 I Elnathan Davis TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 So. 7th TU 4-8104 ft BALSIGER SAVE THE FAMILY CAR AND MONEY, TOOl ' Buy One Of These FINE 2nd CARS IN THE MEDIUM PRICE RANGE! 1958 FORD V-8 CUSTOM One owner 1958 PONTIAC V-8 SUPERCHIEF SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydromatic 1958 FORD '6' BUSINESS COUPE Rod'o, heater ; 1958 CHEVROLET V-8 STATION WAGON Radio, heater, Power.Glide, power steering 1958 FORD V-8 4-DR. RANCH WAGON Radto, heoler, Fordomatic, power steering 1957 PONTIAC V-8 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatic 1957 FORD V-8 COUNTRY SEDAN Rodio, hooter, Fordomatic 1957 FORD V-8 FAIRLANE SEDAN Radin, heater, F&rdomatie 1956 BUICK SPECIAL HARDTOP Radio, heater, power steering, Dynaflow, power windows, power seat 1956 FORD V-8 COUNTRY SEDAN Radio, heater, Fordomatic 1956 MERCURY HARDTOP Radio, heater, Mercomatic, 1956 FORD V-8 COUNTRY SEDAN 9-passengcr, radio, heater, 1955 FORD V-8 FAIRLANE SEDAN Radio, heater, Fordomatic, one owner 1955 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. STATION WAGON Radto, heoter v 1955 FORD V-8 COUNTRY SEDAN Rodio, heater, Fordomatic 1955 PLYMOUTH V-8 CONVERTIBLE Loaded 1955 FORD V-8 FAIRLANE 2-DR. SEDAN Heater, Fordomotic 1955 LINCOLN HARDTOP Completely equipped. One owner ; 1954 FORD V-8 RANCH WAGON Rodio, heater, overdrive ,. 1954 CHEVROLET SEDAN Rodto, heater 1954 MERCURY HARDTOP SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive 1953 FORD V-8 2-DR. SEDAN Healer, Fordomatic ' 1953 CHRYSLER 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, automatic, vry sharp 1953 FORD V-8 STATION WAGON Radio, heater, Fordomatic 1953 PONTIAC V-8 HARDTOP Radio, heoter, Hvdrnmatic 1953 FORD '6' 2-DR. SEDAN Heater, Fordomotic 1952 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON Radio, heater, Power-Glide 1951 CADILLAC SEDAN One owner, completely loaded, sharp LOT NO. 1 TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER TU 2-3866 BALSIGER'S REPRESENTATIVES Ail,ts Ca-arx) Porl.r Cl.manl wir.ty curr In. Millar . .. . TU . TU 4-..H TU 7 V" tu t-nm BALSIGER MOTOR COMPANY Always the Fairest Deal Main & Etplanade Falls, OrlV Tuesday, USED CARS AND TRUCKS CASH lor Can nd Pickup.. Cirln4'l 13(4 E. Main, TU 2-Oi43 SAVE at 606 So. 6th St. '62 Pont. Grand Prix Cpe $3597 58 Cadillac '62' Sedan DeVllle $1997 60 Pontiac Catalino 4-Dr. Stn. Wogon $2197 61 Rambler 6 Custom 4-Door $2097 '60 Chev. Bel Air 4-Door $1697 '57 Metropolitan Hdtp. Cpe $ 597 '57 Chev. 210 4-Dr $ 897 '62 Mercury Monterey Custom 4-Dr $2697 '59 Mercury Monterey 4-Dr $1397 '60 Plymouth Fury Cony. $l597i 59 Volvo 544 2-Dr. Sdn. $1097 '58 Volkswagen 2-Door .... $1097 55 Pont. Starchief Hdtp. Cpe $ 397; 60 Ford Foirlane 2-Door $1497 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th St. TU 4-8124, CHEVY CENTER O.K. WOLUME ALUES! '61 Mercury Comet 4-Dr, One owner, white sidewalls, radio, heater, $ LQQ like new ' O 'O '61 Ford Fairlane 4-Dr. Radio, heater, standard transmission. Interceptor $ 7QQ engine ' ' '62 GMC Pickup 4-wheel drive.1 3,000 actual miles. Sold new for approximately $"5fiQC $3,900. Now only '61 Chev. Corvair Monro 44-Dr. Radio, heater, $ I QQQ 4-speed, shorp ' O 70 DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 6th to 7th on Plum TU 4-3101 MOTOR CO. ft 2-DR. SEDAN 688 988 588, 988 , U44 688 644 688 744 5441 588 588 544 244 544 power steering stick shift, one owner .... 344 388 444 488 344 288 222 344 188 288 133 155 344 . LOT NO. 2 2152 lA SOUTH SIXTH TU 4-4354 Bists Vanrtaisfoal lloyd Crtidastar luehan) Diet, .. "lllt" Wait .. TU 4-7414 TU -l1 TU 4-S,tt . . . TU a-l" Marrlll 7tH9ll . , The Finest Product TU 4-3121 January 21, 1963 PAGE 11 55 USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 THANK, YOU KLAMATH COUNTY for making our Used Car Lot' GRAND OPENING Such a TREMENDOUS SUCCESS! Here Are The PRIZE WINNERS '50 CHRYSLER Dora Pruner 2007 Oqden St. DINNERS at Winema's Round Table Dean J. Hall 5109 Cottage Mrs. Max Hicks 1885 Del Moro Harold L. Halterman 4503 Bristol See Our 1st Choice USED CARS '61 CHEVROLET CORVETTE 4 speed, 4 barrel, SOCQQ racing, suspension JOU '61 CHEVROLET V-8 Biscayne Sedan, Heater, auto matic Transmission, $ I LOO Vinyl Interior .... 1 ' 61 FORD FALCON $ I CQQ 2-Dr. Heater, Stick 1 370 6 1 PONTIAC TEMPEST J I QQQ Sport Coupe I 070 60 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 4-Dr. Hardlop, Radio, Heater, Automatic Transmission, Pow er Steering, 94QR Power Brakes "70 '60 CHEVROLET V-8 BEL AIR Sedan, Radio, Heater, Auto matic Transmission, $ AQO 348 motor 60 CHEVROLET IMPALA' Sport Coupe, 348 SOnQR ennine, 4 Speed .. 70 60 VOLKSWAGEN $ Radio, Heoter 398 '60 DODGE V-8 Pioneer 2, Dr. Hardtop, Ra dio, Healer, Auto- $ 4QQ motic Transmission ' ' 7Q '60 NSU PRINZ $ 2-Dr. Heoler, Rodio 698 '59 FORD V-8 4 Dr. Station Wagon, Radio, Healer, $ AQQ Overdrive I "'0 5 CHEVROLET '6' Brooksvood 2-Dr. Stotion Wog on, Heoter, $ Rodio, 1398 998 298 '59 PLYMOUTH '6' 2-Dr. Sedan, i Heater, Stick 59 VOLVO i Station Wogon .... '57 FORD Foirlane, 4-Dr. Hardtop, fto- $798 dio, Healer, Auto. Trans 4-Dr. . Station Wagon, Radio. 56 PLYMOUTH V-8 Healer, Auto. Transmission 698 $I598 Heater, '56 CHRYSLER 300S 2-Dr. Hardtop .... 56 PLYMOUTH Plaza 4-Dr. Radio, Automatic Transmission 498 '56 DODGE V-8 Coronet, -4-Dr. matic Tronsmlision Hoter, auto- 598 '55 DODGE V-8 Royal 4-Dr. Heater, automatic $ CQQ transmission sQ 55 Dodge V-8 Coronet 2-Dr. Hdtp. Radio, heat- $ CQQ er, automatic J7U 52 Chev. '6' 4-Dr. Rodio, heater, Power-Glide 198 198 '52 Cadillac 4-Dr. Radio, heater, automatic COMMERCIALS '58 Ford V-8 Vt Ton Pickup R & H, 4-speed, i 1I098 heavy-duty bumper '56 Willys Jeep 2- wheel drive. Cob, radio, heoter, $ LOO electric winch u7 '55 Willys Jeep 4-wbccl drive. Cob, $ W")QQ radio, healer TU70 '55 Dodgo V-8 'A Ton Pickup ' 3- speed, $ CQQ heoter 370 '53 Dodge Vi Ton Pickup 4- speed, $ OOQ heoter wO '52 International 1 Ton Pickup Heoter, $ OQQ 4-speed -7c) '50 Ford Vi Ton Pickup Heoter, 4-soee'd, rocks .... 198 48 Chev. 1 Vi Ton Stoke 4-speed. $ 7QQ 8:25x20 tires .... ' 70 '48 International Hors Van 4-speed ond 2-spd. $ 7Q6 8.25 (new) ' 'V Tl I nomas i:- DODGEl Sales & Service t Used Car Lot 7th & Cfnmtrciol Ul 4-462?