CANCER DRUG ADVOCATE Dr. Andrew Ivy, an advocate of the controversial cancer drug Krebiozen, is shown in his office in Chicago. Dr. Ivy has labeled a charge that Krebiozen is being illegally sold, "a deliberate falsehood." An invesi gation by the U.S. government is being planned. UPI Telephoto ass Miqration To Plans To Do 'Will Of TOLA, Kan. (UPI) Two years 'ISO, the Rev. Don Kindhart told hii congregation here that "in Gnd's own time" people would be coming to lola to do the Lord's will. That lime has apparently ar rived. In the past two days, approx imately 130 persons, in cars and trucks jammed with their perso a! possessions, have descended on this small southeast Kansas town of 7,000 persons. Journeying from Kansas. Mis souri, Illinois and Oklahoma, the Baffle By '. G. BRANDSTADT, M.D. Written for Newspaper Enterprise Assn. All infectious diseases, even ton sillitis and small skin abscesses, have been found to cause the body! to lose nitrogen. This element ex ists tn every living cell and is supplied only by the protein our diets. An infection that mild m a well-nourished person may be severe or even fatal In one who is poorly nourished. This is commonly seen in epidemics which always take their heaviest toll among the undernourished. When infection causes a loss of body nitrogen this lakes place chiefly through the kidneys but if the infection is compUcated by a severe diarrhea, the proteins are swept through Die digestive tract undigested and this further depletes the body's store of es sential nitrogen. Add to this the loss of appetite that so often at tends a fever or diarrhea and the body's chemistry takes a real beating. Some misguided housewives when feeding a person who is sick in bed w ith an infection, give the Three Admit To Shooting SACRAMENTO, Calif. IUPD Three youths Saturday confessed ihe apparently accidental fatal s looting of 17-year-old Robert I Castanedo. Sacramento, alter 16 t.ours ol intensive questioning. The vouths. Barry Vincent, in, Fred Fletcher, 18, and Kenneth Schroeder, 19, ail of Sacramento. first told police Castanedi was shot Friday night by an in ,:uder as the four teenagers played poker. However, alter the questioning ;hey said Vincent picked up a Sun thinking it was unloaded, jointed it at Castanedo jokingly ,md pulled the trigger. The victim was killed outright. The trio told police they immed iately called an ambulance and concocled the story about the intruder. Police suspicions were aroused hv the circumstances of the slay ing by (lie conflicts in the story as told by the three youths. rjlb rien, women and children have come because it was "the Lord's will." Members o( the Rev. Mr. Kind- liHit's Madison Avenue Baptist Church congregation have taken 'nany of them into their homes. olhers began living in an old cmirch annex. Two years ago, the Rev. Mr Kindhart, in his evangelistic trips in the area, told congregations people would come to lola to be .1 airied as missionaries in his church. lola officials Friday said THE DOCTOR'S MAILBAQ infection patient a diet that is high in starch and sugar but poor in pro tein. This may result in a serious protein deficiency and a greatly delayed convalescence. Even though a child has diar rhea it is unwise to cut down essential nutrients because what little is absorbed from the bowel into the blood may make the difference between recovery and death. Although carbohydrate in the form of a simple sugar is stored in the liver and fat is stored in the deep layers of the 6kin and other so-called fat depots, the body has no comparable way of storing protein. In addition to a loss of protein, infection is accom panied by a loss of vitamins. Although I do not advocate a person in good health getting his vitamins out of a bottle, multivi tamin tablets may have a defin ite place in keeping up tlie nutri tion of a person w ho has an acute infection. When the body becomes run down due to malnutrition, a vicious cycle is established. Not only does the infection lead to lioor nutrition but poor nutrition interferes with the body 5 ability to build up an immunity and throw off the infection. More specifically, it interferes with the building up of antibodies that kill the disease germs or neutralize their poisons and with tlie production of the white blood cells that attack germs and other foreign bodies in the blood. Such diseases as those due to vilamin deficiency or diabetes, which is an interference with the body's ability to use the sugar in the blood, render the victim more likely to develop an infection. Leap In Lap Brings Suit VALE 'UPI A man has sued tlie Vale Livestock Auction Com pany here for $5,336 because a 700-pound steer allegedly leaped a wall and landed on his lap. Lloyd E. Campbell said in his personal injury suit that the live stock company was negligent he- cause it failed to lake precautions to prevent animals from tak.r.g such unruly action. Kansas Lord' v iuth, who they said seemed eon fused, maintained the pilgrims came because lola was a "sin 1 ul city." A few of the religious migrants left substantial jobs. james Hoss, a Hutchinson, Kan., draftsman with four children, said he was not worried about how he would support his family in his new home. "I'm doing what the Lord wants me to do, he said. . "We have yielded to the lead ership of the Holy Spirit," said Mrs. Warren Blaze of Hutchinson, who came here with her five sons. 'We're going on faith. The Lord is going to supply tlie jobs." But some Iolans, puzzled by the whole thing, were not as sure as Hoss or Mrs. Blaze. Our county has one of tlie heaviest relief rolls in the state," said Mayor D. A. McDonald Jr. I don't believe we have any la bor shortage." The Rev. Mr. Kindhart said some of the people would be re turning home after they "do the Lord's will." He said the coming of the peo ple was as much a surprise to him as to other lola citizens, but that he had not used any persuasion to bring them. Budget Hike Predicted SACRAMENTO, Calif. (UPI I -A workload increase of $122.6 million in the budget was predict ed Saturday by director of finance Hale Champion. Champion said a population growth of 586.000 in the current fiscal year will cause the increase in the budget Gov. Edmund G. Brown plans to submit to the legislature Feb. 4. He said the state's population will total 18.274.000 on July I, a jump of 3.6 per cent in one year. "Certain growth costs are fixed by statute and the constitution and must be met automatically," said Champion. He said other costs are tied lo population in creases and are "unavoidable if we are to maintain present public service levels." Champion set automatic in creases by statute and constitu tion at $90.1 million, with these component categories: Public school assistance, $48.4 million: bond retirement, $6 9 million; teacher's retirement, $4.3 million: and categorical welfare aid, $30.5 million. Higher education ranked high in the director of finance's $32.5 million estimate of "unavoidable workload increase", with these categories. University of California. $9.4 million: state colleges, $ mil lion; mental hygiene, $5.4 mil lion; corrections, $5.9 million: and school text hooks. $28 million. 1 M Salinger Raps Paper Strike As 'intolerable' PHILADELPHIA (UPD-White House press secretary Pierre Sal inger Friday night hit prolonged newspaper strikes as "intolerable and warned that sources of mtor mation tor the American people aie "drying up." He called for a study of news paper economics in the iev orn and Cleveland strikes which he said "might pave the way to keep this from happening in other cit ies at a time when communication is so vital." Salinger delivered the speech at the Printing Week banquet here. Excerpts dealing with the news paper strikes were released in ad vance from tlie White House, in dicating the importance attached to them by the administration. At a time when the American people, more than ever, are need of the widest possible cess to information, it is a fact that their sources of information are drying up" because of a de cline in the number ot large news papers through mergers, plus the pattern of labor management dif ficulties in the trade. Salinger said. "It is intolerable that tlie na tion's largest city, New oik, should be without newspaper serv ice for 42 days. It is equally in tolerable tliat tlie people of Cleve land have had to do without news papers for 51 days," lie said. Salinger stressed that worldwide communication is vital "it we are to survive" and pointed out that wars have started because of a lack of it which led to a misin terpretation of ideas. It is becoming painlully ap- Kuchel Pulls Out Of Race WASHINGTON I UPI I Senate Republican whip Thomas H. Ku chel, Calif., said Saturday night he was not available for the 14 GOP vice presidential nomination and would not seek any national office. "I want to say without any equivocation, I am a candidate for nothing, Kuchel said in television interview. "I was re elected to the senate. I am where I want to be. I have a duty tn"T"" ' the people of California and I just want to stay there." He would not flatly say that he would not accept the number two spot if drafted or asked by (he party's presidential nominee. But asked if he were available, lie replied, "No sir, I am not . . . I want to stay in the United Slates Senate for these next six years." Kuchel, who bucked a California Democratic tide to win reelection in November by a wide margin, has been mentioned prominently as a GOP vice presidential possi bility, especially if New York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller or Pennsylvania Gov. William W. Scranton wins the party presiden tial nomination. The senate GOP whip said he regarded Rockefeller as the front runner as of now, although he declined to endorse anyone at the present. "A year and many months be fore a national convention, so far as I am concerned, is no time lor people to say 'I am for this man' or 'that man'," Kuchel said HOME FREEZERS unsurpassed craftsmanship with exclusive contact freezing parent tliat one person, one union or one publisher can deprive e mass of people of its daily news papers," he said. "With full rec ognition of Ihe basic rights ot full collective bargaining, this is a sit- uation which 1 do not believe tlie American people can long toler ate. Danger Seen In Election WASHINGTON IUPH Demo cralic National Chairman John M. Bailey told party leaders to day the Kennedy administration won a great victory last year, but the election results also carried warning signals." He reviewed the 19B2 election results in a report prepared for the Democratic National Commit tee at the final session of its three-day meeting. Committee members and other party officials came here for Friday night's cel ebration of the second anniversary of President Kennedy's inaugura tion. Bailey said the victory in tlie House Rules Committee fight last week showed tlie administration had "won a great victory in the mid-term elections" in November. However, he was not content. He pointed out that the Demo cratic share of the congressional vote was less than was forecast by the Gallup poll. He expressed Hie belief that tlie difference rep resented potential Democratic voters who did not register and vote. Although an off-year vote is normally less than in a presiden tial election year, Bailey said the Democratic congressional vote fell 32 per cent from I960 compared with only 16 per cent for the Republicans. "These figures are warning sig nals," he said. "They show that the Republicans are trying hard to improve their organizational ef forts. And to me they show clear ly that the Democratic votes are there unregistered and unvoted to win close elections which we sometimes lose." Space Rocket ICntiSnO IrtAfl SAN FRANCISCO (UPD-Atom ic expert Dr. Racmcr E. Schrci- b'-r said Friday he hopes that nu-1 iear rocket engines will be ready .'- r flight tcsls in 19118. Schreilier, associate director of 1'ic University of California Los Aiamos Scientific Laboratory in New Mexico, said that all the ba sic tests for development of such an engine have been completed. What remains is the perfecting of instrumentation and numerous sMuctural details, he said. Schrciber said the engines use liquid hydrogen as a propellant. Ihe propellant is vaporized by passing through a white-hot re- ,ctor core and expanding through Ihe rockcl nozzle to provide thrusl. file engine has been ground-test ed at a Project Rover Station in I evada, he said. ENROLLMENTS arrrptri! it hrflnnlnr any mitnlh. F'nr mn InlrrtMInf, reward Inf rarrrr In t'namrlolnf f . . . Call Til X-I4M Klomoth Beauty Collcgt Model D - 452 Model D-18 UPRIGHT Holds 613 Pounds Model D-23 UPRIGHT Holds 791 Pounds MODEL D-11 HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath f Pl ,Uj pi . v tw ., I fr---IT -"-I-- iii)irri iWirn- 1 mif Itir""-'" ' -"--'"" - BIRTHDAY CAKE A hugo looks on in the background inauguration in Washington. Cheap Asphalt Coating Proposed To WASHINGTON IUPD Cheap, asphalt, spread over thousands of square miles of the earth's sur face, could bring rain to coastal deserts and perhaps free cities of smog, according lo a scientist. James E. Black of the Esso Re search and Engineering Co., Lin den, N.J., suggested the method for improving the weather in a report lo the American Associa tion for the Advancement of Sci ence. , The energy which creates the weather comes from the sun, but first it is absorbed by tile earth's surface and then returned to the atmosphere as heat radiation. Dark surfaces are belter solar License Asked For Dog Track PORTLAND (UP11 Formal application for a license to build $2.5 million dog racing track and convention center near Wil sonville was filed Friday with the Stale Racing Commission by David K. Funk. H. S. Chapman, executive sec retary of the racing commission, said a hearing will be scheduled soon and promised that the public will be notihed in ample time lo prepare testimony Chapman said both backers and opponents of the track will have a chance to be heard For information about Midland Empire' pay-ai-you-go insurance plan. See friendly Bill McKibbin Midland Empire INSURANCE AGENCY 1006 Moin St. Phon. TU 4-6417 Bill McKibbin and Clam Laiuaur 13 upright - Holds Pounds! $19995 319' 379 95 Falls, Oregon Monday, anniversary cake is brought at a gala celebration of the Cure Foul energy absorbers man ngnt colored ones. Black said research willi black asphalt coalings and coating containing a white reflect ing substance, such as gypsum, were carried out in Arizona. Black absorbing patches, he said, increased the soil tempera ture by as much as 1! degrees, nd white ones reduced it up lo 24 degrees, Increasing the surface tempera ture 19 degrees, Black estimated, would be enough to aficct the weather. Twin asphalt coatings, Black said, could be applied cheaply, would last a long time, and used "over tens of hundreds of square miles of the earth's surface," they could produce useful changes in local weather." "One possible application for black petroleum coatings would be for the covering of large areas of arid land near the shoreline of a sea or large lake. "This might augment the inten Sity of tlie sea breeze circulation, bringing in moist air lrom over tlie water, lifting it lo its con January 21, 106.1 PAGE- out as President Kennedy second anniversary of his UPI Telephoto On Earth Weather densation level, and causing cloud formation and subsequent rain fall." Black suggested the Libyan coast, Australia, or such South American locations as the Para- guana Peninsula of Venezuela as areas "where such an experiment might prove effective." The dark coalings, he said. might bo used to slir up stag nant air and relieve t h e smog conditions which plague many parts of the world." Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Stops Itch Nw York, N. Y. Sp-l.1) - For the fir lit time science hm found new "healing substance with the aston ish in k ability to shrink hemor rhoidi, itnp itching, and relieve pain without surgery. In cane after cane, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction (nhrinknge) took place. Most amazing of all-results were 2-SPEED, 2-CYCLE! l AND ONLY KM fDemo Party Observes Inaugural WASHINGTON (UPI) - Polit ical fund-raising under any cir cumstances is a painful task, hut the Democrats seemed Saturday to have come as close as practi cable to a painless method. Their system: The foodless ban quet. Instead ot swimming through cold gravy, gray meat and life less lettuce to the dubious reward of eight or ten droning political speeches, the Democrats now con centrate on a walloping entertain ment show and a couple of one minute Ihank you speeches. I his w as the formula used here Friday night and apparently it put something close to a million dollars In the Democratic till, thus making up a deficit suffered .in the congressional elections last fall. While the Democrats have bro ken sharply with political tradi tion, they still retain a small part of the past and food has not been banished completely. There are about 18,1X10 profes sional foresters in the United States. IDEAL LOT for Used Car Operation 7S'xll5' with 2 entrance!. Lot of traffic; on E. Main across from Lucas Furniture. Rent or Lease, Inquire at LUCAS FURNITURE 195 E. Main Ph. 4-3134 Relieves Pain ao thorough that aufTerere made astonishing statement like "Piles have ceased to be a problem!" The secret la a new healing sub tance (Bio-Dyne) discovery of a world-famous research Institute. This suhstance Is now available in nupponUory or ointment form under the name Preparation B, At all drug counters. WONDERFULLY SIMPLE Set Just one dial to do 90 of your wash I NEW 12-LB.TUB NON TANGLING ACTION! Model WCDA-63 Lowest Price Ever for This 2-Speod, 2-Cycle Washer if! 1 : I w'Vr 1 Vtrn " "iau ! Now ot Yern Owen's VERN OWENS' Cascade Home Furnishings Cascade Home Furnishings fUKMA Exclusively For Children Ph. 4-8365 Ph. 4-8363 41 Main 412 Main 412 Main f2