Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 21, 1963, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2
ttLRALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Oregon
Monday, January 21, 1963
Team Of Surgeons Rejoins
Ex -Marine's Severed Limb
BOSTON (UP1) An hour-bv'
hour check of the rejoined leg o
an ex-Marine was maintained Sat
urday by a team of surgeons who
may have written a new chapter
in medical history.
Peter Bent Brigham Hospital
officials disclosed Friday that a
?M Fanned
Against High
Living Cost
BOGOTA (UPD A labor dem
onstration against the high cost of
living was fanned hy Communist
agitators into a riot which raged
through the night, ending Satur
day wilb one dead, 19 wounded,
180 arrested and 43 automobiles
' humed.
The dead man was identified
Ins- Ernesto Jlichelsen Uribe, !
cousin of Alfonso Lopez Michel
-'sen, head of the liberal revolu
tionary movement.
- Police, accompanied by riot,
dogs, continued to patrol down
town streets Saturday.
Most of the burned cars be
; longed to government officials or
congressmen, and were parked
;outsido the national capital.
Labor leaders who had organ
ized the demonstration had given
orders against violence, but the
crowd of 30,000 was soon whipped
" into a mob by fire-brand speeches
from Communist and other radi
cals, including some congressmen.
Union leaders lielped restore or
der by urging all trade union
members to movo out the south
end of the central Bolivar Plaza,
and all Communists out the north
end. Most of tlio demonstrators
went south, but truncheon-swinging
mounted police fell on both
Tha two largest labor unions of
Colombia, the Workers' Union and
the Workers Confederation, had
Called llio demonstration to de
mand salary readjustments and
price controls on consumer goodsl
'. in the wake of the recent devalu-
'atlon of the peso.
A pro-Communist congi csnnian,
Luis Villar, jumped to the speak
er's stand and threw down tlwl
labor . banners, which were de
stroyed by pro-Communist ele
ments in tlio crowd. Other radi
cal leftists seized the microphones.
; The labor leaders tried to fight
hack but appeared to be outnum-
bered and poorly organized.
The mounted police, riding their
. horses at full gallop through the
'crowds and swinging the Iron
'. cheons at heads like polo players,
' made no effort to discriminate be
tween pro and anti-Communist
In an unrelated incident, ban
dits armed with submachineguns
ambushed an army patrol Friday
near Tulua village in the south
west "badlands," killing four soldiers.
seven - man surgical team per
formed a six-hour opera'ion Tues
day to rejoin the nearly severed
leg of William Hunt, a 37-year-old
father of seven.
If successful it would mark the
first time a limb as large as a
leg had been rejoined by doctors.
"He's not out of the woods yet.
He still has problems to over
come, but wo are optimistic,
said Dr. Francis D. Moore, hospi
tal surgical director.
Can Move Toes
Doctors said their optimism
was based on the fact that Hunt
Family Hunt
Draws Blank
LA GRANDE tUPD-Scarehcrs
il'cw another blank Friday In
Cicir cflorts to locato a missing
Walla Walla, Wash., family of
The Oregon State Police said a
nine car spotted at the bottom of
a canyon 14 miles east of Elgin
i'd not belong to the missing Rob
ot Brown family.
A private pilot searching for the
i.unily spotted the overturned car
i- ir,y Friday. However, Slate Po-
Ue s.iid the car. a 1953 blue
Chevrolet, had been in the canyon
l-r five years.
Mr. and Mrs Broun and their
t- lee childien have been missing
since Jan. 7 when they left Walla
x alia for Enterprise where Brown
had a temporary assignment with
,ne canvassing firm for which ho
liam Hunt, 37, of Brook
line, Mass., father of sev
en, had his severed left leg
sewn back on by a team of
doctors at a Boston hos
pital. He was pinned be
tween a trash truck and a
car. If operation is success
ful, It will be the first time
a limb as large as a leg
has been rejoined by doc
tors. UPI Telephoto
can move his toes and has feel
ing in the leg. The leg also has
warmth and color and doctors
have located a strong pulse in
the limb.
The surgery was similar to an
operation last May on Everett
Knowlcs, 13, whose arm was cut
off by a train. Doctors at Mas
sachusetts General Hospital re
joined the arm and thus far the
surgery has been successful,
Hunt's left leg was all but
severed when he was pinned be
tween a truck and an automobile
in suburban Broukline six days
Only one nerve, the all-im
portant sciatic nerve, a couple of
muscles and some skin tissue
held the leg to the trunk. The
"scissors cut" wound was about
mid-way up the thigh.
Dr. Lucius T. Hill Jr., resident
in charge of the emergency room
assembled a team of about 30
persons, including eight surgeons
each of whom is an expert in his
own field.
Leg Shattered
A fragment of the bone was re
moved, shortening the leg by V.i
inches, and an 18-inch stainless.
steel rod was inserted to hold the
broken ends of the bone together.
The rod will remain in the leg
While this was being done,
Hunt received 13 blood transfu
Other surgeons then worked on
the wound itself and the damaged
Finally, the arteries and the
veins were rejoined, then the
bone and last the skin and mus
Minutes after the surgery. Hunt
was awake and talking with doc
tors. About four hours later
warmth and color began to return
to the leg.
urn: i.vj.-iztv..o
fi m x.p .' -'i
1 fl , ' aK
aby-Faced' Student
Moans Unshaven Skin
By ANN LANDERS Inherit our skin from our antes-
Dear Ann Landers: I am a 22
year-old fellow, who unfortunately
has a very fair and smooth com
plexion. I have1
never shaved. 1
go to a s m a 1 1
a -I i
lil mtit n in il
checked out your pniblrm
with a skin specialist. He sug
gested you shave a couple of times
week. Thla will roughen your
skin slightly and suggest that you
two homes damaged by an earth slide in Brentwood,
homes were threatened by the slide
company started work Friday on the
Ualit., two weeks
removal ot
ago. Other
UPI Telephoto
Death-Vacated Post In Congress
To Be Filled By California Vote
SANTA ROSA, Calif. (L'PD -
Voters in California's 1st Congres
sional District elected a dead man
last November and must now
choose someone to take his place.
In Washington, the Kennedy ad
ministration is hoping that the
district's lumberjacks, winemak
ers, cattlemen and thousands of
suburban dwellers will choose
New Frontier" Democrat Wil
liam Grader to fill the only va
cancy in the House.
But with Uic special election
due next Tuesday, Grader admits
to "problems" in his campaign
against Republican Don Clausen,
who ran against the late Clem
Miller last November and lost.
Grady's Campaign Behind
During 10,000 miles of cam
paigning in the huge district.
which strctclics 300 miles from
the Golden Gale to the Oregon
state line, Grader has discovered
lie is "not a public figure the
other guy has had nine months
to get his name across.
To win more friends and
fluence voters, Grader spends
long days at news conferences
coffee hours, television studios
dinners and on the streets ot
small towns. He's also-been try
ine for a public debate with
Clausen, so far without success.
"We've come a long way,"
Grader said, "if we keep it up,
we'll win."
But Clausen is also keeping up
the hard work. A 39-ycar-old pro
fessional pilot, he flics regularly
between his home in Del Norte
County at the north end of the
district to the commuter regions
of the south. Here, in Marin and
Sonoma counties, across the Gold
en Gate bridge from the city of
San Francisco, lie most of the
district's 600.000 population.
Name Stayed On Ballot
Miller was the incumbent Dem
ocrat who perished one month be-
known around
campus as "Ba
am perfectly
healthy and nor-
in every
way and I bitterly resent the thin
ly disguised implications that per
haps I am otherwise. Every girl
I have ever dated sooner or later
has raised the question about my
fair skin and Uic absence of a
Other fellows on campus have
light beards, but they shave once
or twice a week, so nobody makes
any cracks about them. This con
stant bugging is gelling me down.
Ann. 1 don't know if 1 can take
it much longer. I've even consid
ered dropping out of school and
going to a large university where
will bo less noticed. Can you
help me?-I)l-:PRE.SSED.
Hear Depressed: The condition
of a man's skin is no elue lo his
virility or lack of II. All of us
cullcgo and am really have a beard. It will not
The church of San Miguel in
Socorro. N.M., is one of the old
est in the United Stales.
New Kidney
Saves Life
BOSTON il'PD - A kidney
aiuplant between a California
To'iher and her 23 vearold son
who was stricken with a usually
ljal kidney ailment apparently
has saved the man's life.
Peter Bent Brigham Hospital
riiicials di-clnsed Fridav that the
urgery apparently was success-
Frank Caiares of Tulare. Calif.
was operated on Dec. 12 and re
el ,ved a healthy kidney from his
mother, Mrs. Sorrocco Cazares
On Jan. 10 he underwent another
oreralion to remove the diseased
k nnev.
Cazares is "up and around.
looks well and spends his time
reading, watchuig television and
v 'siting with his mother and his
incle, Vincent Leija," a hospital
V'okrsman said
Doors Open 6:45
.a. "i'W At
be harmlul and Is bound lo im
prove your emotional state.
Kltmith Pm, ervftn
PvfeluMtf tiny lt st i H IwMty
ttrvlftf iMthfrn Ortn
rtt Ntruwrn olihHma
Klimttfc Pwfeliism CtmMny
Mtin at aialanad
Phana Tmaaa H1
w. a. Swatnana. faauiNar
Mara at aacana-alail mattar at fda
aaat aHita at Kiamata aalii. Orafan.
aa Aufvit It. in, wnaar at at Caa
traaa, March S, tar. iacaa-claii aat.
aaa aaia at Kiamatft Paid, oratatt.
ana at aaataaai maiiiif
1 Maatn tlH
a Mantat lit ta
1 Vaar atl.tt
Mall la AvaiKt
I Maat l
a Maatsa ait aa
1 Vaar lit at
Camar aaa Oaalara
Waataar A twaaav. a Ita
twauritari nal racavta aalivarv at
tsair Hara4 aaa Naa. iaaM pnana
TUaaaa a4in patara I P.M.
Dear Ann Landers: I need some
help and I need it fast.
Whenever I say lo my 13-ycar-
old, "That's enough TV, go do
your homework," my husband
yells. "Stop nagging the boy."
When 1 tell my 10-year-old to go
back upstairs and wash his neck
his dad shouts, "Don't be such
perfectionist. He's clean
Veslcrday my 11-year-old came
to the breakfast table in soiled
trousers and a wrinkled shut
which he had worn for two days.
I told him to go chance h I s
clothes. His dad chimed in. "The
boy locks all right. Slop picking
on him."
The kids get the idea I'm a
witch left over from Halloween
and their dad is a saint who is
taking their pari.
What can I do? DEFENSE
Dear 1).: The kids are smarter
than you think. And they'll get
smarter as time goes on. They
know you want what Is best for
Ihrm and that their dad Is try
ing to make life dllfirult for you.
il s a mean ana peuy game ne s
See a marriage counselor to
gether. Your husband's hostility
toward you Is damaging to the
entire family.
Dear Ann Landers: I am a
lugn school senior who is going
steady with a terrilic girl. The
only trouble is I'm never quite
sure of what she is doing behind
my back Luetic has my class
ring and we are almost semi
The other evening we were at
a parly and she suddenly disap
peared for almit an hour. When I
lound her silting in a guy's car
in front of the house. 1 was pretty
burned up. We had a big light
but kissed and made up and she
promised lo be faithful.
Yesterday a buddy told me she
gave this creep her phone num
ber. II figured because her line
has been busy lor two nights
straight. When I asked Luetic
about it she said it was (lie onh
way she could get rul of him
Should I believe her? TOBY
Dear Toby: You ran If ou
want to. hut I don't. A girl doesn't
give her phone number to a gut
if she wants to get rid of him.
Got our ring hack and call
off the seml-eogagement I whatev
er that means i. It't obvious she
wants to date others, and 1 hope
vou will do the same.
APR. 21
MAY 21
MAV 22
I 4-18 29-34
W 3.14-16-23
432-41.81 8:
(3 JutTJ4
U-AUG. 23
n 1
?)13 27.:
SWT. 2:
-A ft-
M Your Doily Acfivify Guid it
According to lha Stan.
To develop message f or Tuesday,
read word, corresponding to numbers
or your Zodiac birth sign.
1 VfHj'lt
? Total
S Don't
5 Ar corripliih
6 Afternoon
7 Thing
fl Day
9 To
10 Moit
1 1 Com ton
12 Work
13 Watch
lb Deploy
19 It
71 Yinj
?, Dtit-ek
2? Ymif
20 O'Q'fn
31 By
TO Htolth
3 3 Da
35 And
36 Words
: S Your
39 Prcpfty
dO For
t I Or
42 Mok'nj
ai.j Nothing
44 As
4'i Lovefl
46 Favorably
at At
19 Keeping
SO f
M KJ-na.
f ' V.cl
; in
( Mitten
i0 Waiitn
61 V.tol
6,1 L.-nnty
4 Arul
66 SofeifTKinihrp
67 Importont
fc8 Wing
69 A
70 OM
7 1 MovM
72 Tnj
73 Coofidn(iot
74 As
7r. Or
77 E?niei
79 DomHc
1 Work
f .1 Ynur
84 And
f i rVen-ort
M Todoy
90 Id-,
OCT. 23 4C
1- 5-10-31
H960-73 5
OCT. 24 Ujj
NOV. 23 Am
DLC 22 f5
7-12-20 i6(CA
63-70-80-88 Vv'l
DEC. 23
lAtl 20 VyK
AN 21
581-75 V:'
fore the election when his light
plane crashed into a mountain
.ccording to California law, Mil
ler's name could not be removed
from the ballot.
Democratic leaders needed the
Miller victory to get the special
election. Without it, Clausen would
have gone to Congress with his
opposition to high priority Ken
nedy programs for medicare and
federal aid to educations.
Grader, who received the now
democratic endorse m e n t , was
Miller's field representative dur
ing the congressman's four years
in Washington. A big, earnest
man of 45, he wears a Miller
campaign button in his lapel and
promises that he will try to be
the kind of congressman thai
Clem Miller was."
Clausen, who also operates an
insurance business and has serv
ed as a county supervisor, stop
ped campaigning when M 1 1 1 e
died. 'It was the only decent
thing to do," he said.
He rates his chances as "pretty
good.' but he also admits that
he rated them that way just be
fore losing to Miller.
Probe Slated
On Contract
For Planes
WASHINGTON' (l'PI - Senate
investigators will initiate hearings;
soon on the controversial award
of a fighter plane contract which
is expected to run into billions of
The Investigation, into the
Pentagon's so-called TFX con
tract, may well overshadow pro
jected studies in both the Senate
and House of cancellation of the
Skybolt missile program.
Informed sources, who reported
Saturday that a staff inquiry is
nearly complete, said public hear
ings on the contract has high
priority with the Senate investi
gations subcommittee.
The group is headed by Sen.
John L. McClellan. D-Ark.
Now budgeted for about $t2
million, the present contract is for
development of a TFX supersonic
fighter plane to be used by both
llle Air Force and the Navy.
Ultimately, procurement of the
plane is expected to involve $6.5
billion over a period of years.
The Defense Department has
awarded the contract to two plane
builders Convair Division of Gen
eral Dynamics, and Grumman.
The Pentagon's selection process
had narrowed the field to two pro
posals, and the rejected plan was
It has been reliably reported,
that the award was made to the
Convair-Grumman group despite
technical evaluations favoring
According to these reports four
expert evaluations of the two pro
posals were made prior to the
contract award and the two which
made a finding for either pro
posal favored Boeing's. There
has been speculation whether
political pressures were applied
prior to the final award.
California is the fastest-growing
state population-wise.
How To Hold
More Firmly in Place
Do your false terth annoy and em
barrass by slipping, dropping or wob
bling when you eat. lauah or talk?
Just sprinkle a little FASTEfcTH on
your plates. Thisal kn II ne (non-ncid i
powder holds false teeth more firmly
and more comfortably. No tummy,
gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Does not
bout. Checks "plate odor" (denture
breath ,. Get FAKTEKTH todf at
drug counters everywhere.
illll III wiltlut
TV il luluuf II
mull, tttiulni
ficinlii Clint
with the purchase of
from $14995
Model 19P33
j- citri lu you buns TV
to room. p2
$ TOO 95
Hand wired chasiii il preci
sion crafted with modtrn
hand and dip soldering.
23,000 Volts Of
Picture Power
PULl VIA aUAflANTII-ManufMluffr't n ytir o toiifl fio iefc"l
rDir any conuww tvon 4lcti In wnil wm. Arwiirt IKravth MUf.
UbOf tltTta
830 Moin Acron From Tha Dimt Slorai TU 2-48B3
Suits Filed To Force
School Integration
tice Department, aiting on behalf
of more than .15.000 children of
federal employes and servicemen,
has Mied to desegregate puhltc
schools near four deep South mili
tary Ivucs.
The four counties involved, in
Alabama. Mississippi and Louis
iana, have received a imai oi
$.12 5 million in (ederal school aid
Ix-cause of the children Irom the
military bases.
Hut Ally. lien. Itobcrt K. Ken
nedy emphasired "we are not say
ing to these school disli u Is. 'ik-
sograte or the government will
take its money away ' "
The suits were filed in:
Birmingham, Ala., lor iluUlicn
at the Kedstonc Arsenal
Mobile. Ala., lor children al
Biooklcy Air Force ll.ise
Jackson. Miss , againM the
Riloi-t;ullioit cilv school dis
tricts, lor Kecsler Air force llasc
Sluevchiit, Ui . for children
at Haiksditle Air tone ILinc
Ttie gmrinmnil had a direct
interest in ending school scgieg.i-
lion in these areas, Kennedy said,
"because goeniinent emplo,e
and money are involved "
The schotd disti u ls oit .is miu h
s $11.8 million each in federal
impacted area" assistance for
school construction, maintenance
and operation. The program
was established hy Congress in
tfljo to help localities meet the fi
nancial burden of education for
children of federal workers and
The Justice Department said
that in many cases, lederal funds
paid most if not all ot the cost of
building new schools.
Kennedy said that as in all other
civil rights cases, the Justice De
partment had first sought volun
tary compliance.
But lie said Hut in the (our
counties involved in l-'riday's
lion, "it was found that voluntary
compliance was impossible."
Relaxed, the hollow proboscis
of the male sra elephant droops
several inches below the mouth
When it barks, tins fills with air
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Baker's Nursery
Coll TU 2-SS53
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150c) i
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I .nnltftrt tvpfh .tin :o :a J Vnnlvrt.iM vwk Jin :.; J
I Imit I nr pMon .1 tni.t I nn ptn
f Nim Vllliff. l. Mk t, tl,e. :t hth I
Open 8 to 10 Weekdays 9 to 5 Sat. & Sun.
Norge Laundry & Cleaning Village
734 So. 6th TU 4-4197
One Inch One Month,
(Daily per month without copy change, $35.00 less $2.50 discount for pymt by the 1 01b)
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"Business Card"
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For information on "Business" ads or any ad
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ment, TU 4-8111, or stop at 1301 Esplanade.
Ifcratti aiiblteUr;
Tht Boiic Adirtiiin9 Med:m of the Klamath Basin