PACE 12 HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath FalU, Orrgoo Monday, January 21, 19GJ Jacob On Bridge JiOETB , Si V 10 KQ8 876S WEST EAST A1S2 VAQ864 VKJSS 10 48765 AJ32 KQ SOUTH (D) AAQ864 AJ32 10 Both vulnerablo South Wnt North East 14 Pa 4 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 10 Spades Rule Of her Suits By OSWALD JACOBY Written for Newsnancr Enterprise Assn. The average bridge player di vidrea suits into two classes. Spades and hearts are major suits because 10 tricks make game. Clubs and diamonds, are minor Kill IS. A better division would be into narlos and ell other suits be cause spades outrank and in many instances tyrannizes the omers. South lias a 13-point hand, in rludinc 11 noints in high cards lie also lias spades and should open the bidding. West has an almost Identical h;ind nxcv.nt tliat his five card suit is in hearts. If he could get into action at the one level Wad- uonld Hirelv overcall. but Smith's f.pade bid lias made it impossible. Look at the Jisl nana and you see that west snouia nm hut West can't see that East hand All West sees is his own cards and Hie vulnerability situation Wrct nassas. North lias some sort of spade and chooses to jump to game. It is a happy choice be cause South is cold for 10 tricks. In fact, only Uie singleton dia mond opening keeps him from making an overtrick. Against that lead South must draw three! rounds of trumps and eventually will loso two hearts and a club. If the 6pade suit had not shut West out of his hearts, East and West could have bid up to five luvirls Tliev would make it, ex cept 0R'unst a club opening. Tliis iloos not mean West sliould have biH Thin time a heart ovcrcall would have worked. Next time it might lead to destruction. It 12?-- Professional Girl Watcher Enjoys His Job On Airline AfTm hMrllntf has beem South WaX North -1 v pass , -IV Pass T . You. Sonth, faldj AAK.10J VA976 4KQ10IS What do jrou bid? A. Two ipadra. Ton trans to get to came la any event, TODAY'S QUESTION Your partner rebids three hearts. What do you do now! Answer Tomorrow APPRECIATED Sfowardesi watcher Bill Cartwriqrir give the girls some pointers after a flight. His advice is appreciated because ha represents the male point of view and most passengers on his airline are businessmen. BASIN BRIEFS DAIRY MB. AND MltS. DON BICE and Mrs. Don Hughes of Tulclakc spent the weekend at Burney with Mrs. Edna Promo and at tended funeral services for vcar-old Debbie Prcmo, her. granddaughter. MR. AND MltS. AL PER RAULT of Siwkane spent a few davs in Dairy with (Mr. and Mrs Ilarvey Butts. They were on their way home from a vacation trip. to Hie Hawaiian Islands. MR. AND MRS. HARLAN PROl'GII are in Brookings with their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Carl Prough, and children while Carl Linfield Votes Building Drive McMINNVnJ.K UPI - The Linfield College Board of Trustees has voted to launch a $00,00ll building campaign. Dr. Harry L. Dillin. school prcs- ident, said funds already were ivailablc. Tile school plans to build a new science and research building, to complete the home economics project at Toller Hall and to eliminate the observatory ind Colonial Hall, two old campu: buildings. is recovering from surgery at St Joseph's Hospital in Eureka. MAUN MRS. JACK WEST, Wagontire, and her sisters, Mrs. Bob Derry and Mrs. Dick Stevenson, visited another sister and family, Mrs Johnny Vaughn, and mother, Mrs Annie Worlow, in Sacramento lust week. MRS. AND MRS. WILLIAM COOI'ERRIDER. district forest supervisor, Modoc County, were guests at tho Robert Bvrne homo one day last week. MR. AND MRS. EARL IR- VINE JR., Allen, and Lcsly. re cently returned from a month vacationing in Camdemton, Mo., visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chandler. They also vis ited in Denver and Albuquerque. STANLEY JOHNSON was a re cent business visitor in Ilcno. MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM HAYS visited Sunday In Ashland uilh his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Heard. They were joined there by two others sis ters. Dr. and Mrs. Dwight Har nett. Alherlon, Calif., and l-'rankie llobbs, Chico. 1HJANE I'KKEMAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. .lack Freeman, has lioen a patient at Klamath Valley Hospital the past week. By RALPH MONCRIEF Newspaper Enterprise Assn. DALLAS, Tex. INEA) Men. pick the job of your dreams! You will probably imagine some thing pretty close to the work of Bill Cartwright, professionaj girl watcher. Cartwright, 28, is hostess supervisor lor Bramlf Airlines. As such he flics around with doz ens of pert stewardesses, making certain they haven't forgotten their lessons of hostess school. The tall, red-headed Texan was apprehensive at first, lie wasn't quite sure how the girls would react when he had to tell them they were going a little heavy on make-up or that their uniforms were loo snug. To his surprise,! the reaction was favorable. Because it was a man telling1 them, and because it is basic for a girl to want the approval of men and to be attractive to them, they appreciated his advice. Cartwright, strangely enough, didn't angle for the job, he was selected by his supervisor. Sev eral other young men were con sidered tor the spot, but tart Wright's charm Won out. "The primary reason for his ap pointment," explained Sam Mig uel, assistant director of passen ger service, "was to help us get a male point of view in our in flight service. Since most of our passengers are men business men we feel it makes good sense to have their outlook represented right there in the plane." Cart- wright's work has already begun! to bear fruit, reflected in a favor-1 able ratio of commendation com-1 plaint letters from passengers. Cartwright is responsible for about 20 per cent of the girls who fly for tlie line, which means he has about 45 hostesses to look after. Many of the girls were not sure at first whether they liked the idea of a man aiound the plane. But they found that be cause he is so tall he can reach unreachable things for them, and when something gets out of kilter he can fix it. Also, he acts as a father con fessor to the girls, most of whom live far from their parents' homes. 'We think he Is nice to have around," said Louise Fournaise, of Glasgow, Mont. "If we have problems or run into trouble, we can go to him and know he will help." "I second that," said Glenna Gulley. of Kennedy, Tex. "With those fantastic blue eyes he can win any girl over. The job of hostess supervisor is not without its little embarrass ments. The girls sometimes for get Cartwright is around. One girl, when called for a quick flight, ran into the office to change into uniform. She was half un dressed w hen she discovered Cart wright and vice versa. Cart wright's (ace turned almost as red as his hair. And soon after he started on the job, Cartwright telephoned a girl to call her to a flight. The host ess' roommate answered. Think- INCOME TAXES 5e Your Kcliabla Income TAX CONSULTANT CHAS. HATHAWAY Auditing Bookkeeping 120 N. 10th TU 4-5473 GUARANTEED REPAIR SERVICE AT WARDS Hl.fl phono, radio. TV, appliance . . . a Wards technician Is lusi a phone call awavl You'll Ilka the service . . . and tha price! Call today! MONTGOMERY WARD SERVICE DEPARTMENT TU 4-21U Tth a Pine ing Cartwright was the girl's boy friend, she yelled at the top of her voice, "It's lovcrboy!" "The girls do have problems," said Cartwright seriously, "espec ially in their romantic life. Be cause of the mixed-up hours they have to work their date life gets almost as mixed up." But Cartwright has no date life worries. Mrs. Cartwright approves of her husband's work, but says: "He leaves his work at the airport: he can't bring it home." Hova Your Own MEDICARE Eqpltahle't Major Medic riia John H. Houston Service Since laiil Lawmakers Get Advice By Ullman "Choosing a committee Is lhe most important decision facing ai new congressman," AI Ullman ill-Ore.) declared recently before a bipartisan meeting of all new ly elected representatives. Ullman is a momlwr of Uie House Ways and Moans Committee, Democratic mcmlters assign committee positions lor all Dem ocrats. Ullman was invited by the American Political .Science As sociation to r-jicik to all new congressmen mi tlte significance of committee work. He strosed the inipnrtance for each memtter to get on a committer handling tlio qucslJons of greatest interest to his consUtunii. Usually it is only in his committee work that a new- congressman lias n oppor tunity to influence the details of ponding legislation," Ullman limited out. Tlic Second District lawmaker explained that the Ways and Means Committee tries to place each memlwr on the committee of Ins cltoH-o. Hut with mote ap plicants tlwn vacancies, top com mittee assignments are at a pic iniiim. Ullman is one of Ilie two mem- liers from the West on (he Was and Means Comniilltee. He is re sponsible lor the i-ommittee s Mcnmcnts of all Democratic mem bers from tlie Western states oth er than California. EASY WAY TO PROFESSIONAL LAUNDERING RENEWS SHAG RUGS If you oie thinking ot spending money to re decorate your living room or bedrooms, why don't you first send your washable shag rugs to us. Our laundresses will make them soft and Huffy again as well as bright and cheer ful like new. You'll see what wonders this will do for any room's app-atonce Right now, some of the nicest people in this community are treading on laundered shag ritqs done by us Also complete carpet cleaning including wall to wall carpets and furniture cleaning. CASCADE LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Opp. Post Offico PH. TU 4-51 11 NEW METHOD CLEANERS Gold Eond Stamps 1453 Esplanade Ph. 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