LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE In the Circuit Court at the Slate of Oregon for Klamath County. George Moresch and Adeline Mora sen, husoand and wife. Plaintiffs, vs. Anthony Jonn Schukls and Ruth N. Schukls, husband and wile, their heirs, successors and al iens; and any persons in possession o' the property described "i the Complaint herein under the nameo Defendants, if any. Defendants. Case No. 62-3U-Eq. By virtue ot an Execution, Amended Judgment Order, Decree and Order of sale tssuea out ot the above entitled S'JJ I. ,0, me Curling' Vour hir becoming to vou? directed and dated the 2 day of Janu- You should be coming to Kim and Anona, ary, 1963, nunc pro tunc December 3. Istudio of Beauty TU 4-7151 192, upon an Amended Judgment end!---,-- , ' , Decree rendered and entered In said I KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous. TU Court on the 7 day ot January, left's. I 3S91' TU 46704. Friendly help anytime. nunc pro tunc December 3, 1962, In tavor! of the Plaintiffs George Vorasch and'SERVICES 10 aaeiinej vicrascn, nusoano ano wiie. against Defendants Anlhsny John Schu kis and Ruth N Schukis, husband and wife, and their heirs, successors and as signs, for the sum of SV.141.54 together with Interest on said sum at the rate of 5 per cent per annum from the 15th day ot August, 1962, plus S645.00 attorney's tees, plus Plaintiffs' costs herein of 151.65, and the costs of and upon this Writ of Execution, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property and to foreclose the foregoing liens situ ated in the County of Klamath, Stale of Oregon, to-wit: Block 40 BUENA VISTA ADDITION to the City of Klamath Fails, Klamath County, Oregnn. Now, therefore, by virtue of said Ee cut ion, Amended Judgment Order, De cree and Order of Sale, anr In compli ance with the commands of said Writ, I will, on Monday, the 11 day of Feb ruary, 1963, at 10 o'clock, a.m., at the front door ot the Klamath County Court house, Klamath County, Oregon, sell al public auction (subject to redemption), to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named or mentioned defend ants and each and all of them in the above entitled suit had in and to the above described property or any part thereof, to satisfy said Execution, Amend ed Judgment Order srti Decree, intei est, costs and accruing costs, accordinq to said Amended Judgment Order and uecrce. Dated this 3rd day of January, 196J. First publication: January 7, I V63 Last publication: January 28, 196 J. AA. BRITTON, SHERIFF Klamath County, Oregon By Ellen Bichn, Deoutv No. 878, Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the AAatfer of the Estate of Beryl Butler David, Deceased. I have been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Beryl Butler David, Deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to pre sent them with proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof to me at the office of my attorney at 432 Main Street. Klamath Falls, Oregon. Dated and first published this 7th day of January, 1963. GLENN D. RAMIREZ Administrator. LLOYD A. DOMASCHOFSKY ' Attorney at Law 432 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon No. 879, Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28. NO. 63-10 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH tn the AAatter of the Estate of MARY AAACHAC, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed Administrator of the Es-! taie o wary wacnac, deceased. All per- sons having claims against said estate ere required to present them to me. proper vouchers, at the office ol Picnard J. Smith, First Federal Savings snd Loan Building, 538 Main Street, Klam ath Falls, Oregon, within six months trom January 21. 1963, which is the dale of first publication of this notice. Charles J. Kuccra, Administrator tVICHARD J. SMITH Atlorney for Administrator :78 Main Street Kiamalh Falls. Oregon o. m, Jan. 21, 28, Feb. . To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-81 1 1 HERALD J, NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 8 am. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays I 8 am. to noon Saturday Count five words per line. Ads under 3 lines count same as 2 lines. 3 6 10 1 Lines Timet Tlms Times Wanth 2 $2 Wi $4 00 $5 00 9.00 3 3 75 5 "0 6 50 11.50 4 4 00 6 00 1 00 14.00 5 4.75 7.00 9.50 16.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement. It paid In advance. Anavt retes are for consecutive inser tions, without change of cpy, for pri vate individuals. Advertising must be dear and understandable to be produc tive. All words must be spelled out. Ajtos offered for sale by private indi viduals cash with copy. DEADLINE 4 30 p.m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and M ,nday. On sama schedule, except on Monday! in taken 'til 9.30 a.m. PiMse read first insertion of your ad. The Herald & News will giva one ttr run for typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column Inch, $35 oer month with $2 58' rMcount for pavment on or before the ictr. ' Inch, $i with It, 50 discount lor rtamcnt nn nr halnre the 10th. Bated On ane copy change per month. BOX SERVICE 50 cents par ad. C.RD OF THANKS, and IN MEMORtAM $2.50 ' PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral MitH Vt Po"( TU 2-"r MEETING NOTICES " SPECIAL COMMUNICATION, 220. AF&AV,, Monday,1 Jon 21, 7 30 p m W,-.rk in FC Dcgfec ' Refreshment',, f I" nt W M GENERAL NOTICES BOYS! EARN Vacation Money by selling the He: aid & News ; Downtown AFTERNOONS : Contact I Herald & News, Circulation; Dept., 1301 Esplanade . PHCN.E TU 4 8111 1 EUIN OTC 1 "aloha chapter no. 6i oYs will hold a STATED MEETING Tuesday, Jon. 22. 8 p.m. Mo ionic Temo'p. All mem bers cordially invited. Leona Selby, W. M Snnfnrd Se'by, W. P. PERSONALS overturf TRFiyn REMODELING, competent, reliable, limatej, terms. TU 2-6207. CHAMBERS HOUSE MOVING, founda tions leveling, TU 2-0816 or TU 2-1014. THE PRIM POODLE, c, storog rooming, for appointment, TU 4-4i.'9. REMODELING and repairs, all kinds, reasonable, references, (U 2-5388. C UST OM" B UTCH ERIN G A your place, deliver to processing; piam or leave at your place. Al Slotl, TU'room, exira pain, neat tree, aouits, 4-6124. s85. Alpha Apartments, TU 4-4527. uullj repmren, moaern ana antique Reliable prices. Lorna's Doll Hospi- TU 4-6992, 1434 Lakeview CASH tor farm equipment you want la M Aa Z Tii ill ni i Rfct topping, pruning, insured tree grooming. Lakeshore Nursery, TU 4-6955, CUSTOM WEAVING. Handwoven rag rugs, sj up; tote bags, 50, Mrs. E, C Murphy,TU 2-1357. HOUSE remodeling, cabinets our special 'y, please check our relerencos. TU 1-409. TREE surgery, such as removal, prun ing, topping, grooming. TU 2-2968. DENTAL PLATES- Repaired while you wait. New Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-3284 Gina's Tailor Shop children All wnrk aiixranlenrl. Ptuitnn. able prices. Gene's Mens Wear 537 Main Jess' Tree Service Tree topping, removing, any kind of ciean-up work. Free estimates. TU 4-6418 Don't Guess Call Jesst Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 Coin Op Laundry Topload Washers Also 20 lb Washers T & C SHOPPING CENTER Behind U.S. Bank EDUCATIONAL NEW 1963 World Book Encyclopedia, Ruth scnacner, tu 4-4741 betore 9 a.m. HELP WANTED, FEMALE 14 WOMEN needed. Merrill, Mnlln, Bonama, Tulclake, and Lakeview. Earn while you learn. Career development program, in cludes Interior decoration and floral dp sign. Write Box 440C Herald & News or phone TU 4-7586 after 1 p.m. PERMANENT child cai needed, home. Adult only, part or full time, Write P.O. Box 564, Klamath Falls, mTTv-, z ., ;y ,2 Vl D,,u rite Herald and News Box 4H3C. HJ lP WA NIi?i MALE . J 6 EXPERIENCED barber wanted. Good fr! cation. TU 4-7161, TU 2-3726 1 JOURNEYMAN ( ness In Medford, and News. ctrician, lumber busl rite Box 439C, Herald PAROLE OFFICER Salary $5,280 to $6,600, Parole and Pro bation work In various locations in Ore qon. Must be between 25 and 59, Col lege Graduate and have 1 year's experi ence a Parole Officer, or In related so cial service work or teaching. Apply Im mediately! Oreqon Civil Service Commis sion, Public Service Building, Salem, Orprjon HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS AM help wanted ads published in the Herald & News are accepted In good ffiith that the jobs offered are as staled in the advertising copy. We are not re sponsible for the integrity of our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and reject all misleading advertis-1 I rig. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and unoinq It to be misleading n a-ved to report if to the Oassit.ert Art. vertising Department of the Herald New SITUATIONS WANTED 18 ,,...-. . rTu O WOMAN wants work. What-Have-You.i Days. TU 4-8537. LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday. B a.m. to 6 p.m. 1328 Carlson Drive, TU 2-1844 IRONING, Washing, Pickup, Deliver, Ex perienced. Reasonable! Tu 4-9434. CHILD care, vour horn's or mine any time TU 2-177P TU 2 771V ROOMS FOR RENT 2 APARTMENTS FOP RENT PARK APTS . $30 up, bachelor. hot water, TU 4-9754, TU 4-3B54. MODERN 3 rooms and bath, $40 and up, brick court, garages. 221 Spring. MODERN rer month, ! bedroom fui TU 4-5692. lished apts. 145' 1 nhed. Utilities, steam heat, $40, Tu' 4-8JU. WARM. CLEAN, COMFORTABLE, tet Units with kitchens, low ' weekly ra'es. TU 43236 in,f j DUPLEX, 4 room locat'on, garage, 4-3659. $60, TU 1 CLE AN three bedroom tnlurnHhed, 2 net. furnished, hth. steam!rr,nei north , Kiamath Falls, children, CLEAN, heat, nea courinouse, is wamui. ONE bedroom furnished apartment. 33J So. nth FURNISHED apartment Riverside I ?H3 Gary, $45,1 FURNISHED aoartmr-nt, wasi fac. lilies, TU 2-60J4. ATTRACTIVE 7U free heat, Adults TU 4 4522 & Pine, fur $59 50, Alpha esl. ad-s. !$!5 TO $?0 weeny rates, k-tchens avail able, Johnnys Motel, 2005 Biehn. EWAUNA DOWNTOWN Klamxth's moM modern, furnished. 319 So lllh. TU 2-1062. 2 BEDROOM drlue ii"'urmsh?d anarf- 1 ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 2-6500 G BACHELOR apartment, S47 so. heat. fer, garbage service included, inquire 2i3 No tin.Apt. 10? 1 FURNISHED I room ant., 16, J'pa'd. 4'9 No. 10th. REX ARMS 1 C 2 BED00'A APART VL NTS. CLOiE in H F. A T , WATER, OARBACK PAID ii 8RGD - T'J ?f;ir $36 tcT$58.50 CO'.,cOPTPLl LIVING AT LO C"T' l-V-3 e.!room (.. ticmsned Of un'ur nished. Ptrmnitn mifitfi"tp inciuUed Wonnav Pnday SHASTA VIEW PBT"frNTS lJ7 vYASHRuRN WAY TU 4-l?7 j OM-ce noun I am. te 5pm RICKFALLS APARTMENTS ond MOTEL 2660 Shosto Woy CVe ond Two Bedroom opt!. FjrrmhfH ond Unfijrnittd S69 50 to $89 50 Dflify, WrffHy Motel flotet TU 2-5577 KLAM ATH" FALLSF I NEST 2U4 1 H!r-.wn ffi 2 P?!"tom u"'w shed 5rf 0.iS rrems Tsifuiiv DfKAra'M Vu fn vvi( C-fi' 9 S rr -g PW -!! na'lS ' set-V'fM rr ''r-'fte a"d !e,r,ci e e-"va Np'ti TU APARTMENTS FOR RENT ONE or 7 bedroom furnished. Heat, water paid. $, Grant, TU 2-4711. NICE clean furnished apartment, close In, TU 2-3S3I, TU 4-6964. 2 BEDROOMS furnished dpts., carport, JUMW anytime, TU 4-3269 after 7. CONSTRUCTION WOrkerswiTcomt Near new OTI site, furnished, TV available, weekly rates. Pelican rVottl. TU 2-9256. ONE bedroom 2650 Bisbe. Pt unfurnished duplex, TU 2-4Q90. '$40" THREE room completely furnished apart ment, iwyv a I nut, TU 4-5472. NICELY furnished, three rooms and bath, garage, private entrance, TU 2-1214. FURNISHED large 3 rooms, clean, warm, rug, $45, inquire 1624 Division. 1 ON E bedroom tiirnkhMi ni . nr. clean and comfortable, plenty heat, utill-' ties turnished except electricity, TU 4-6471 COMPLETELY furnished includingutil' ities, 1411 Main. ENJOYABLE, downtown furnished, heat free. Adults, $65, Alpha Apartments, TU 4-4522. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, ground floor, auto, washer hookup, fenced, $50, TU 4-5686. SPARKLING, uptown, furnished. Large HOUSES FOR RENT 26 HOT SPRINGS, one bedroom furnished house. TU 4-4379. I BURNISHED 1 bedroom, gas or oil, 1 or 2 children o.k. TU 2-3702. NICELY furnished one bedroom home, acre, close In. TU 4-5058. ONE bedroom furnished home near bast. S45. TU 4-J693 evenings. RENT, lease-option, sale or trade, two bedrooms, electric heal, approximately three acres. Mile from Kingsley. Twin Cities Realty, 1087 Main, Springfield, Ph. Diamond 3-0112. ONE bedroom furnished, gas heat. Phone I u -jjoj. FILL that vacant rental with a fait act- g want Ad. simply dial T U 4-11 11. ONE bedroom house, large living room newly pa in led inside and out, garage, $50. call after B p.m. TU 2-6481. TWO bedroom house, partly furnished, $65. Hilltop Station, 3021 Greensprings. TWO bedroom duplex, stove, refrigera tor, washer, water lurnisred, oarage. In quire 3675 Homedale before 9 a.m. after 6 p.m. TU 4-8944. CLEAN 2 bedroom house in Suburban District, Call TU 2-6268. NEW furnished 2 bedroom home. Madison, call TU 2-3280. WANTED to rent 4 or 5 bedroom home. Write Herald and News, Box 44IC. 2'T BEDR 00 M7o i ff u r r ace7w I r ed or dryer, 931 Lincoln, TU 4-6130 for show- ONE bedroom furnished, gas heat, gas sioves, gas refrigerator, etc., S4.5U, iu 4-6130. BACHELOR cabin, gas heat, stove, $22.50 TU 4 6130. FOUR bedroom, excellent neighborhood, South Suburban, hardwood floors, tire' place, TU 4-5244. RENT, sale or trade 3 bedroom unfur nished house, full basement, automatic heat, fireplace, garage, plus 18 house in rear, TU 4-6844. FOR lease to permanent tennant, two bedroom home at 614 Conger Ave. Fire place, basement, oil furnace, garage. At tractive yard with trees, flowers, shrubs, Available latter part of Feb. $115 per mo. TU 2-3461, days; TU 4-4581, evenings. UNFURNISHED duplex, fireplace, full basement, call TU 4-6597 after 5 p.m. CLEAN one bedroom furnished cabin, $35, 1235 Adams, TU 4-3854, TU 4-9754. TWO bedroom 4-4379. unfurnished house. TU UNFURNISHED two bedroom house, East Main, one child, $55. TU 4-9106, ONE bedroom furnished duplex. Adults, no dogs, $45. TU 4-4281. ONE bedroom unturnlshei. electric range, builtin oven, extra bedroom and storaqe space attached to garage, 3 acres. 2330 Grape, TU 4-3309. ONE bedroom furnished house, call TU 4-4379. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, like new, $85. 1B13 Siskiyou. TU 4-7584. ONE bedroom unfurnished house, 21,19 Mam. Phone TU 2-2866. $59, MILLS, three ator. Washer, room. Stoves and retriqer dryer hookup. TU 2-3852. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex, qa rage, fireplace, 3011 Boerdman, TU 2-0990. TWO bedroom ilurnished, near Mills School, 249 Mart , TU 4-9784. ' I FURNISHED 1 bedroom. Water, garbage. "iWoeus. no nets. TU 4-9497. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, garage. TU 4-3B93. speedy i the word advertisers use to describe Want Ad results. Dlt TU 4-1111. . FURNISHED two bedroom, hot well, gi Irage, fenced back yard, TU 4-7175. NEAT and clean 3 year old 7 bedroom unfurnished duplex. New itovt and refrig erator. Mills Addition, $85. TU 3-4664. Eves. TU 4-5544. OUTSTANDING 7 br-droom duplex on Leverne, electric heal, garage, fireplace, TU 2-752. 1 BEDROOM duplex. Water, garbage paid. Stove, refrigerator. $60. TU 4-4915. REMODELED 2 bedroom duplex, furnish $65. Inquire 111 Pine. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, water paid. Nice neighborhood. TU .1456. HOT SPRINGS furnished duple bedroom upstairs, un , garage. Adults only. , T U 4-4850. TWO unfurnished two bedroom houses, south suburban, $65, TU 2-3923. bedroom unfurnished house. TU TWO bedroom unfurnished house, $65. Children, pels, ok. References required, tU 2-6590. .NICE 2 bedroom furnished ;TU 2-3852 LARGE 1 bedroom, parage, gas furnace, range, $40, inquire 1502 California. hed, eceiienlrNjcE twobedroom trailer for rent, phone TU 2-1350. ; n S"S. TU MISC. PROPEHTY TO LET 27 for lease 140 acres level ground under1 irrigation. Macdoel area. 70 acres good Dud ground. Or will sell or trade. TU i -4' 3T REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 TWO or three bedroom in city und1 1 17.500. Give details. Bo 429C, Heraic Rf AL ESTATC IXCHANfil "TRAOE" ond SAVE TAXES Fo, Inlormotion on to FREE Trod, coll DEANF SACHER l,enor U.rwhBr ta'.mal.on.t Tr.a.r, fly& L'cene)-Ort.. C.I.. 10..., n ru .! RIAL ESTATf FOR SALE . 1749 LOT ovprionHnq Moore Park and K'am atr. lukt withm cty limits TU 4-7953 OLOFO 1 bedrontn subu'ban home Built in k -tcbrn, rA'pMing, gaiage. small lot. Sfl.OOO TU 4-73I2 thrfe bedroom Two bat, 2 fir Witts Addition, family room room tarM'M ard GMge dr-ooai. a"athj garoe. I6.- qoq i0r ou,ti( taie tu 4-4442 BY O'ANER, fine Airland home. Roman h"ck lorufruc'ion, hi! tfxatlon Out .iriirg vlf. Cr9 tn d'V limits 2 rtMrrwvns. ' ba'hi Sacrifice, 126.500. ird 4l2-'r.7 or 4.?.j99 e's. sen nr fade for late model TU 2-4143. 'oit- iwage- OEE bed'csm house, garage, ovtbyld s. TU 4, i Arpp$. 'i'dI bui d'g rt)v3, oevel road. b"u . Henlfy fccrtOOl District, S4.jiM. tu 4 ;n 2 ELD ROOM b'itu Ht-p. firppiace. ftash-e-, dryer, sovf mr 'uded FencM ya"J. cwed oa'fl H'W shop. '?,y. Can u i 5 p .T; it.DE 1 bd'OOm Hot Sprmoi home 0'Sfshf, bemer-t. i baths, tfouote jga'age SH,7W. tu 4-37H ' COVE l. Y j tefj-rm hote m q-v4 loca. -n rf rM O't ft Eath a-fl a half, : ,'ria'e. (ov'H oa n. e"'d back : v-a D!b g'5 Rnct i7 y I U 2-14i. Can 1 i 24 RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4 ACRE. 3 bedroom south suburban, double garage, shop, chicken house. TU 2-1141. VIEW PROPERTY FOR SALE, 9 lots. ap-j proximately 96 ft. by 300 ft. suburban area, TU 2-1056. HOT SPRING. Family type home, hot wter heat, priced to TU -7ni. SELL or trade for Klamath Falls prop erty, 1 vear old Central Point beauty. Three bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, all drapes Included. Lovely dining room and kitchen. Double car port, lawn and shrubbery in. Available March 1st. Art Moorman TU 2-1238. THREE bedroom home lor salt. 4103 Sum mers Lane, TU 4-4539. NEW HOME Beautiful 3 bedroom, hardwood floor t , fireplace, ceramic tilt bath, forced ir heat, patio, dining room. Exclusive Cis tricl. $15-000. TU 2-2410. ONLY $7,500 Buys this 2 bedroom modern home on acre irrigated. Excellent suburban loca tion. Name your own terms. Will consid er car or pickup or what have you In trade. FOR Comfort, convenience and more for your dollar, call now to see this newly built 2, bedroom modern home. Family room,! utility, double carport. Totdl price only $9,500. Low down payment on F.H.A. or G.I. SUBURBAN custom built 2 bedroom tor the most dis criminating. Large rooms throughout. At tractive full wall fireplace. Economical oil furnace heat. A real value al $15,500. Terms. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 South 9lh Slrtet Phone TU 2-4740 Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 Hank Hansen TU 2-3101 Homer Stiles tu 4-9904 Lois Macy TU 4-5667 DRIVE BY 4809 Summers Lane and check this at tractive 3 bedroom home on large cor' ner lot. Fireplace, sepurara dining room. automatic heat. Garage and patio. Own er will take good house trailer for part payment. 513,800. Terms and immediate possession. LEONARD REALTY 1212 Main TU 4-7521 or TU 4-9005 Audrey Keerins TU 4-4285 Joe Perry TU 4-5332 Joe Leonard TU 2-0527 STROUT REALTY 5429 S. lh Ph. TU 4-5281 Eves. ' Bob & Stella Dehlingir Hank Holmin TU 2-5601 TU 2-5048 Attractive suburban t bedroom home, completely remodeled. New fireplace, wall to wall carpal, hall acre, shrubs, flowers and apple trees. I, 500. Medallion 3 bedroom home, 3 baths. Nice suburban district. All built In ap pliances, fireplace, wall to wall carpet. Excellent condition. St 5,750. Five Bedrooms HENL6V DISTRICT. Only 2 yrs. old La roe kitchen & breakfast Area. Separate dining room. Bla family room. 2 fireplaces. Excellent hoi air furnace heat piped to alt rooms. Double garage. Unsurpassed view 160 x 215 lot. S2J.500. Easily financed DON SLOAN Realtor 304 So, 7th St. TU 4-5658 Anytime STILWELL & CO. Presents: NEAR CONGER SCHOOL - plenty of room for the family in this comfort. able 3 bedroom home. Large living room with fireplace, dining room good utility area with plenty of stor age, shop, double lot with large paver) area tor children's play. 110,000 - Good terms. yVEYERHAEUSER EMPLOYES tan tfve close to work In this comfortable i bedroom home In West Klamath Home has large glassed In porch and basement, good garage 4 shop, garden space. S6 500 full price. 1?S0 down 150 per month. K300 FULL PRICE on this clean 1 bed room home in Qood area. Norm siae of town. This Is a good starter home. Can be bought with only $500 down. STILWELL & CO. Realtors 519 Main Street TU 4-3136 Alter 5 00 call 6iuce Binkley TU 4-348 Ron Van Orman TU 2-36'J If no answer calt TU 4-7006 or TU 2-0444 207 HOMEDALE. Large two bedroom house, attached garage with extra room Next door to Ferquson School. A buy at M0. 000. Owner will sell on Gl or FHA appraisal. Shown by appointment only. SOUTH SUBURBAN ESTATE. Fine two bedroom home with fireplace. On ' acres. Concrete walks, ga-age, large shop, sulaled storage house, two room guest house- very handy small barn, neatly ited fences, very good pasture, wen Dped to keep horse or cow. Ideal home for persons with a hobby. All this for 514,500. Owner will sell furniture. horse and fiorse trailer with property, tan us for appointment to see. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR. Broker 1ST V.ln TU M im O'Oonahut Eves. TU Multiple Listing Service MLS r'r' Quality? Yes!! 'lAND COMFORT enttces you as you en. Ur this superbly desiqned, virtually new larger 3 bedroom modernistic south sub urban home. Etra-iarge family room i circulating fireplace. 2 ceramic ',aths, built-in range and oven, breakfast Lar. Latoe attached double gareqe, equi te landscapinq Cnoice HO 125 ft vifw site in beautiful restricterl newer l-cme area YOU CAN'T GO WRONG AT; jusl 10 per cent down. I'i'The Very Best IN THE MEDIUM PRICE RANGE t-adive and well-built newer 2 hed room f ome, nea' town, churtre. and Mills Sctool Fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, over-sued single attached ga rage. Reasonahiy priced at S 13,000. so wtw Pay more"" 4O0 DOWN FHA hO DOWN Gl; nominal dosing; PHONfc fi.OHT HOW I v i'Northside Speciol only H.eM) for this tj"y msylaied srjl "lly bu'H 2 bedroom horn with full con- cre'e basement Firott, huge tun DO'Ch, possible 3rd bdroom In basemm H B E 'S VALU6 PLUS at thU low pfK Mammum financing. QUICK ACTION ON LISTINGS'! Chilcote ond SMITH PEALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 11 N. tth $t. phone TU Salts Personnel: fi-tl Ch,lr.r5i TU 4-)V1 EvS nm Rahp.ft Ph tu 2 6411 Eves f n r'no'e. Asf n'e Broer Br Chikote, Broker REAL JSTATt FOR SAL! . ..30 2 BEDROOM home. Mills, electric heat. Oarage, storage. 16.500. C-in be financed TU 4-6856 days, TU 4-5207 eves NEW, large view home. Large lot, ilose to new OTI and hospital, day'mM base ment. Appointment only, TU 2-0570. GOLD" BEACH PROPERTY Excellent retirement property, One 1 bedroom home or renUl unit an.i one 2-bedroom home with large tirenMce I miles north of Gold, overlooking ocean. Call TU '.6812 days, or TU 2-2404 Eves. v it Multiple MLb sLri3 Income Property Gross $2,040 per year, net 11.470 per year. Near new OTI Site. AM ii) units furnished. First mortgage enn be as sumed at 5 per cent intereit. Balance tay Hy handled. Price S14.500. ANDY SILANI REALTOR Ed Mitchell TU MII3 TU 2-48J7 1 U 4-S54, Wllene Welch Andy MLS Multiple Listing Service WANT 3 bedroom, south suburbs, around HS.OOO. , . . HAVE . . . 3 bedroom, well - planned home, beautiful fireplace, garage. Paved street. Excellent rental location. For someone who wants to trade Cown, Price, 18,500. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 306 S. 6th TU 2-2776 (Van) VanSickla TU 2-6123 Mildred Hall TU 4-6576 LARGE two bedroom home and guest house with full bath. This property Is in up Top condition with new roof, new ex terior paint. 1.12 acres of Irrigated pas. lure. Full price $14,500. PRANCIS PARK ecellenl three bedroom home with storm doors, storm windows and an economical nealinq sys tem. FHA or Gl terms. Only $11,900. HOME 8. BUSINESS on South Sixth St. Excellent neat two bedroom home with office & wailing room. Large shop with vaults, storage shelves and work bench- 70 ft. frontage. Only Hi, 000. LARGE one bedroom home with built-in ange and oven, color en bath fixtures. The handy man can do something with irua one. uniy ,uw. I erms. SALES STAFF Clyde Williams Mrs. Buff Jonei Tina Reeder TU 4-8734 TU 4-9863 TU 4-7342 DURANT RF Al TOP 2050 So. 4th TU 4-9812 or TU 2-358 Next to Holiday Bowl EASY TERMS , Good value In this comfortably furnished, newly decorated 2 bed room home. Separate utility. Fenced, overtired garage. ss'iSO. ' Contract 8J0O down, $60 per month. WALKING DISTANCE Furnished 1 bedroom, larqe tiv-frig-dining room. Convenient kitch en. Extra storage in unfinishnl basement U2.W, J300 down, iyj per month. Discount for cash! Dye Insurance Agency 130 South 5ih A. E. Dye, Realtor, Virginia Brown, Sis. TU 4-7755 or TU 4-4357 PACIFIC TERRACE Vou save monev right trom the start n this immaculate 3 bedroom home wifh arge family room living room - sep irate dining room and breaKtast arfa. One of the finest and mfsl healthful fea- s is an excellent hot waler well Just a hop, ikip, 8. lump fo Roosevelt and KU. Has double garage and beautifully landscaped. This is a terrific buy at 119,000 and you may esent loan. Do let us show you this today. OTHER GOOD BUYS 14,750 1'i Brdrooms Completely fur nished North Side 15,500 - 2 Bed rooms - Ideal for Weyer haeuser Employe. $7,500 - 3 Bedrooms Owner will carry contract. $11,400 Charming 2 Bcfroom - Picture Windows Mills Aild'n. $18,000 Appox. 5 Acres - 3 Bedroom Home - Outbuildings - South. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS - 434 MAIN TU 4-9?54 Anytime TU 2-0168 MLS Multiple Listing Service CLOSE IN Walking distance to town. Comfortable ? bedroom home, o"d t (instruction. Lit ished basement apartment help mafcp the payments on this one, or have lour bedrooms, 2 baths. Price $10,000. TERRIFIC VIEW New restricted are. Foui Vfars old br-droom ranrh yip home T Ins double garage. place hai everything, 100 tt lot. Oi ays tft It no tor $18,6251 Wants to retire. Any typo ft nancmg BRUCE OWENS Realtor 134 No 7h LucHe Anderson Ray Word" tl) LIU? TU 2-0511 TIJ I 927 MLS Multiple Listing Service INDEPENDENCE TRACTS acre, SiJS4 It, 3 bedroom house 0" paved s''H Lot rrchr-s tnlhr paved street t(t provide another bui'd'ig srte or wader sm Mnu'.e ws rere"My la'ntfrl on insme arri thf aH (hanid IV antenna 't ws blown dnn on the root i included in the low price ol W,tW). PEYTON nter"a''onal Trarie"t Club 13 7'ket t Ma'ftlr) W Ruth TU 4SU9 TU 3 4173 tu 7 , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 NOTICE TO PUBLIC pit invesl'Oate thoroughly any IrweO mm O moneys tr merchant. s, va'to., '(rouses or business opportunities tm- tore Investing your capilat The Hera'l ara News mafe ev'v eMort to rnct frai-fdu'ent or miifi'Aq advertising however, we aft not responsiBie mr me inteoftv o te firms or mrjiviffuaii who plare advertising in aur pubhca'inn. Any ftOvtrtismj ol butmeis opporturMtii j parsg to be fraudulent or misleading iMTKi'l ! repnneo to tn t.iassi'ieq i ver'ifing Department of the Herald and New. TEXACO Service S'tn Inr lees, M So. tm ano Anamorii. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 33 SUNNYSIDE Service Station and store at Ruch, Rt. l Box 24, Jacksonville, Ore. Oood business. jrant. good location. U 4-JP61 evemnnv FINANCIAL LOANS 34 HEDGE YOURSELF ega'nst infiati Sea about REAL TATE IN VESiMFN 1 S anywhere west ai the Rockies, at- DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member international Traders Club L'cenied-Ore., Cal., Ida., Wash. 1037 Main SI TU 4-4 lit NEED MONEY for PAYING BILLS? If noaainq bills become a nul-1 sance. act rid of them! Check our courteous, confidential, cash loon plan. You'll be glad you did. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER Wc Finance New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location A Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Soles Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. 513 So. 6th TU 4-7783 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 FOR sale full size mattress in A-l con dition or will trade for roil-away bed in onod condition. TU 4-8254 or see al 1847 Ivory. FOR sale blond oak dining room table and chairs, RCA TV, desk, coffee fable, sewing machine, rfldlo, reasonable, ex cellent condition 1302 E. Mrtin. FOR : anion, ale large refrigerator, good con phone TU 2-08J8. GUARANTEED USED RANGES REFRIGERATORS WASHERS DRYERS WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Furn. ,12 Mdin TU 4-836S WESTINGHOUSE Automatic tAI Clothes Dryer P03 Excellent KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 SINGER FLOOR MODEL CABINET MA. CHINE REDUCED TO. $1 14. 5 a month afttr tmail down payment SINGER SEWING CENTER m r.'n TU ?M3 FUEL - HEATING .38 DRY lodgepole pine and pine body wood, any lengths, TU 2-3705. GOOD red fir body wonH St5 cord, llvercd. TU 4-7671, TU 2-6212. CALL CLIFF YADFN For Presto Logs fc Heatinq Oils Metered Propane Sales S & H Green Stamps Open 24 hours 2560 South Sixth TU 4-3681 and TU 2-9760 NEW FRANKLIN HEATERS The RESALE HOUSE 3899 So. Sixth COLD DAYS AHEAD.'!! STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stovn "FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NFEOS" Frankford Fuel Co. Blehn St. TU ? UU WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS STOVES STOVES STOVES & PARTS MERCHANDISE MART 2964 Sn 6th TU 4-6(SS0 GOOD THINGS TO EAT 39 REEF, POpk, wholesale, custom butch- ermo, culling, curinrj. Shamrock M"ati. Shfl',ta Way, TU ? 4711!. TU 7 078. Boott . Peti Soortf Hobbiei 401 RfVGISTEREO AKC min-atur poodle puppies fnr ie Champagne brnwn. y imd oet them while thfv last. Call Granl Pass or J7a-J9j? alter 5 p.m. See at MS N, E. 7lh St., Granti Pass, Ore. REG. BastaH pups, Christy, Tulplakc, Ph JSfl, Inquire Paul Newell 644 7377. WELSH Terrier AKC registered. TINY Pekingese p-jppicij Hud service, TU 3-20JO. also Pekingese DOG and cat boarding, framing, groom- loq, bathing Dogs and Puppies tor sale. SHASTA CASCADE KFNNLLS, pad ili-l.akeview Jrvtn, of Merrill Hwy. nn Booth Road. Rle. 7 Box 504 E, TU FOR sale. 77 Cnlf vlnnif aclion Buntline Stout Jr. Ph. TLt 4-DH6. AKC refi''.'ered loy black poodle, female. 3 (?4J. RL.AfK mm "oorHo puppies, excellent lilood lines, HW JI7S. Terms. TU 3-4053 'PIC?., Pooriles, Pekinrjes". Prims. . service, p-wlie clipping. TU 4-7535- LAST CHANCE . . . ICE SKATES . . . GOING FAST Good Selection, Smoll Sues up to 3 The RESALE HOUSE Vi Vth RADIO . TV . MUSIC 41 PORTABLE Motorola Slereo, 7 extension wmqs, 4 soeVerS: rtrliue model, like iww, hoen stored Cost t'Vi. steal at t70 tL 3Jjj7, A NeAte Jr Bor 10, Bly. VUST sell almost new p'ano because ot iHrttss in family, sac al U07 Sturtievant, TU 4-7i4 RENT a new Baldwin piano, $10 a month Nn fleiivery charqe. Bowden Music Co. 30 rV-n, TU 7 Am t X PE R IE NC t DpiaroleacherTbVri?rm! es, adva'Ked. BUnche Mpes. TU 4- Tclrvr.ion Service HOUSE CALLS $4.75 DERBY'S MUSIC CO. '28 Years on 7h St." a. 7th TU 4.5121 126 t' ORGAN SPECIAL TPADl - INS 2 HAMMONDS tnA-otr - tmo's BALDWIN Dti VON-rRATO Savt un to I4W TtUVS AVAIL ABLB BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 130 Vom TU 2-4883 HERALD AND NEWS. KliimatR KAPIO TV .MUSC .. CASH FOR USED PIANOS DERBY'S MUSIC, TU ,-5131 it MUSIC & Lessons & Sales Guild & Eplphone Guitars Sonola Ac cordions and Lowrey Organs. "Rent Ap plies to Purchase." Klamath Music Center 515 E Main TU 4-3360 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY ONE registered bay mar, one filly two year -old, and two Kids' horses, TU 4-7S35 WANTED to buy thoroughbred type mare j or 4 years, im, tu 4-?iu4. BONANZA artificial Insemination service. TU 2-0741, Bonanza 54WJB1. BABY calves for sale 4-3607, 2312 Autumn. or trade. TU BABY calves for tale, 1845 Gary, TU 2-5889. KLAMATH PROVE SIRE SERVICE TU 4-4400, TU 2-H85, TU 4-45S8, TU 2-6102 WANTED: 34 whltefaca heifers to calve In March. Call Jack Siemens 783-2751 Chlloquin. PROTEIN BLOCKS CATTLE & SHEEP 40 lb. Blocks 40"- Protein 15,000 unils vitamin A per lb. S2 85 per block (10 or more) PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE 4621 So. 6th TU 2-4555 KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! Coll "Woody' Gueck, Owner-Mgr. TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY at t p.m. sharp Rte. 3, Box 44 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Kood Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. The BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Moke Your Plans Now to Consign to the Stockmens Market. Tuesday is sale day In the Klamath Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Office 4-9A67 Home 4-9436 MACHINERY DOZER BLADES for TD6's - TD9's - D4's HD5's - D6's TD6 Angle Dozer - $2,500 J. C. Equipment Co. (Sth & Hllyord TU 2-2051 SEE J.W. KERNS FOR ONAN LIGHT PLANTS (SALES & SERVICE) CLINTON ENGINES AIR COMPRESSORS WRIGHT SAWS REMINGTON CHAIN SAWS 714 So Ath TU 4-4l97i MISC. FOR RENT 45 FOR RENT, American floor mnder nrl ectfier, iwllt nd My to operate, snd PAnen And Rruc door finishes. Klam-i fllh Vllty Lumber Co. 19J0 So. 6th. FOR RFNT screw flck And hvdriulle lacks, Klamath Valley Lumber Co., 1940! r. ih. tu 4-inu. MISC. WANTED 46 MISC. FOR SALE SI USED lumber, to HI2 Including 7x6 gronvca. Alio box thOOK flrewoM. TU 7-ossa. now colortd bath- INK BARBELL 12 SO Preis Room, Hernia und Ntws. DRAIN rock, gravel, mm roarJwny mi). Irll, TU 4-3&6I. GEO. R. SrACV CO. 10PSOIL, concreta ogrtqatr, driveway material, drain rock. J. AA. Barna, TU 4-71S9. MASON sand, flit dirt, landy flit. Cln den. Pelican Sand. TU t-iV. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS SPECIAL OFFER FREE FLOWER SEEDS TAKE VOUR PICK Your For The Asking MOP IN TODAYI GOODYEAR STORE SPECIAL ICE SALE OUT OF PAWN DIAMONDS GUARANTEED Quality Plus Lowest prlres 'a town it COFER'S EXCHANGE 35 Klamath TU 4-I60 FISH EGGS (Bulk Sln) NIGHT CRAWLCRS & FLY TYING Motprjols FRANK'S TRAILERS Ji WAR', etrmorrtirel 19M Eastern Buill t) K 41, tlorms, hanking, svaher, dryer, Cnlonlal, 11,000. P fiber t Schmeichfl. Box 43, iVerrill, Oregon. )t NFW Woon, ? shed, reasonable. TU bedroom f u r-4-S34J between WANTrn small trailer house Pf a'-on-ab'e, onrd conrlitinn Write Rf. 2 Box ii, Tuleiake or call M4-J492 F AfTOPY trained Coleman 4 Internal'! mobile furnace service paris. TU 4-UJ. ton SALEEnulty In ItM Great t.atte trailer, 55 x 10, 7 fc-Mrnom, furnnneri. washer-dryer, air ennfl it inner, Contider trade TU 4-7401 after 6 p.m. FOB "s'aletwfl-wheertraiie'rairiteeirTU 2 2047 TRAILERS WANTED Un to ii ft ay age or mabt. ati. CASH waiting, trade up Or rlownl SELL YOUR TRAILER DON'T GIVt IT AWAY Src Dole or "SHInt." DALE'S USFD CAR LOT 33J So. 6il TU 2-4980! Fm, Monday, TRAILERS .52 H FT. vacation trailfr, Ilk. rt.w. J700. 3026 Laverne, TU 4-7291. FOR rcir larga trailer ipaca (10 month. phon. TU 4-M47. HOUSE TRAILER REPAIR, Erv Carr, 441 Winttr Av. TU 3-1 163. JANUARY CLEARANCE on all new and used TRAILERS! See These Fine Buys 1958 CAMEO 45 ft.. 10-wide, 3-bedroom model. Large bathroom, forced air oil heat with thermostat, center kitch en. Interior in excellent condition, Wax $3195. Reduced to . . . $2695 th only $500 down on approved credit and easy monthly payments 1957 MAGNOLIA REBEL 43 ft., 8-wide, 2-bedroom model. Furniture in excellent condition. (Center kitchen, large living room. oil new mattresses, lots of storogo space. Oil heat with forced air to each room. Ready to go for the low price of only , . . $2295 and only $400 down on approved edit. Low monthly payments. Wilson WILEY BUICK k Main Garage 1330 Main TU 4-3141 Car Lot No. 2 429 So. 7lh TU 4-9203 AUTO MISCELLANEOUS 53 FOR sale 194T to 1946 Vi ton pickup can opy, wane reasonabla otlar, TU 4-4318. MOTORCYCLES NEW & USED LARGE SELECTION Ray's Harlev Davidson Satas 97 North TU J-M701 Cecil Cox Garage Motor Overhaul or Valv Grind Tun Ud It SDeclallv 2851 Altflmont Call TU 4-9023 ' OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE' SPECIAL SALE! 1 Good Used 4-5 Yard Dump Bodies and Hoists. 3 in stock. $l50MCh JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. 1 Ith & Klamath TU 2-2581 COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. MAIN & ESPLANADE USED CARS AND TRUCKS .55 1956 FORD 7 door Ranch Wagon. V-0, straight ilick. Wo tor and transmission lust overhauled. UW. TU 2-USI ext. 50 days. TU :-651 evenings. '53 CHEVROLET. tlck 6,QQodn9Urt, brakes, $175. TU 4-4831 tvei. 196? TEMPEST Lament Sporti Coupe 4 speed transmission, bucket teat). Fully equipped! UJ0O. TU 2-4lt, TU 2-4411 FOR sale or trad 1V5C GMC 4 speed, 1 SIS Summers Lane. 1956 FORD V- Ranch Wagon, TU 4-7635, mi FORD Galaxle convertible, on own er, tl.eSO, 770 California. WANTED '37 8. older cart. Central Auto Sales, TU M)30. TU 2-3204. CASH tor Can and Pickups. Carland't 1301 E. Wain, TU 2-0441 lV40FORDCOupt. Full load Oldsmoblle engine. See at 136 warn or can m Z-4717. FOR SALE 1947 Chevrolet panel. 4632 Summers Lane. 1959 RENAULT Dauphine, 1450, ph. Chll oquin 8J-2JU5. '0 VOLKS. 7 Dr. Sedan, motor over hauled, new clutch, battery & tiret. Good paint V Interior. Sacrifice ims. trades, private party, iu a-aaai. VALUE RATED USED CARS You'll Like Our Low, Low Prices! '62 Oldsmobil 88 2-Dr. Hordfop S2993 62 Oldimobile F-85 Cutlaii Coupe $2643 61 Mercury Com,l 4-Dr. $1593 '60 Ford Galaxi V-8 Hordlop $1633 '60 Ponfloc Storchief 2-Dr. $1943 60 Oldsmohile 88 4-Dr. Air conditioning $2223 59 Oldsmobile S-88 4-Dr, $1673 '59 Ford V-8 4-Dr $1393, 59 Ford Goloxio V-8 Hdtp. $1293 '58 Chevrolet 6 Station Wogon $ 793 '57 Oldsmobile 98 4-Dr. $ 793 57 Chevrolet V-8 4-Dr. Stondord shift $ 763 '57 Plymouth 4-Dr $ 513 '56 Oldsmobile 98 4-Dr. ..$ 643 '56 Pockord 4-Dr ,.$ 483 5 Ford V-8 Hordtop $ 493 '55 DeSoto 4-Dr $ 1 33j '54 Buick 4-Dr $ 493 '54 Oldsmobile 88 4-Dr. .$ I43j 53 Buick 4-Dr $ 1731 53 Oldsmobile 88 2-Dr. ..$ 1 83: 53 Chevrolet 2-Dr $ 273j 51 Willys Jeep Station Wagon 4x4 $ 643; '51 Ford Pickup $ 293, '50 Buick 4-Dr $ 193 '47 Pontioc 2-Dr $ 113 Dick B. Miller Co 7th & Klamath 7U 4-8894' January XI. 1963 PAGK-U USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 DRIVE MORE MOTORS Will pay cash for cars. TU 4-3579. SAVE SAVE SAVE '6i Ford Galaxle 500 4 Dr. Hdfop '61 Chev. Impala 3 Or. Hdtp. Sld...S2395. 61 Ford V-8 Galale 2 Dr. Hdlp. .J2095. 61 Ford R 8. H, Sid. . 1495. 60 Ford V-8 Ton pickup x ipeed $1395 DEAL RITE MOTORS 23(7 So. 6lri TU 4-9445 Erv Dowly TU 4-9730 TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your car or equity for cash Come In Today! 7th & Plum TU 2-47B4 JANUARY CLEARANCE We don't want these in stock at tax time, so get a real deal NUW! '59 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. $ 997 Belvedere '59 PONTIAC 4-Dr. i JI497 $I397 $II97 Station Wagon '59 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Bel Air '59 RAMBLER '6' 4-Dr, Overdrive 58 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Station Wagon 897 997 097 397 697 '58 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. Fury Hardtop '57 PONTIAC 4-Dr. Stn. Wgn. (Sharp) 57 GOLIATH 2-Dr. Sedan 57 DODGE 4-Dr. Sedan '55 Plymouth 4-Dr. (Sharp) Standard Trans. 597 350 397 '56 CHEVROLET 2-Dr. $ "As-ls" Speciol ... '55 STUDEBAKER 4-Dr. Secan '55 FORD Station Wagon (Mechanic Speciol) 47 DeSOTO 4-Dr. Sedan 52 BUICK 2-Dr. Sedan 97 77 47 JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot 7th & Commercial TU 2-5646 SAVE at 606 So. 6th St. '62 Pont. Grand Prix Cpe $3597 '58 Cadillac '62' Sedan DeVille $1997 '60 Pontioc Cotolino 4-Dr. Jtn. Wagon $2197 '61 Rambler '6' Custom 4-Door $2097 '60 Chev. Bel Air 4-Door $1697 '57 Metropolitan Hdtp. Cpe $ 597 '57 Chev. 210 4-Dr $ 897 '62 Mercury Monterey Custom 4-Dr $2697 '59 Mercury Monterey 4-Dr $1397 '60 Plymouth Fury Conv. $1597 59 Volvo 544 2-Dr. Sdn. $1097 '58 Volkswagen 2-Door .... $1097 '55 Pont. Starchief Hdtp. Cpe $ 397 '60 Ford Foirlane 2-Door $1497 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th Si TU 4-8124 JOE FISHER'S Safe-Buy BARGAINS at New Low Prices! 62 Thunderbird $3697 M297 Excellent 60 Ford Falcon 4-Dr. Sedan 62 Mercury Monterey Custom 4-Dr. Auto. Irons., radio, heater, power steering ond brakes, one $0CO7 owner, real sharp .. ' ' '62 Mercury 2-Dr. 0707 Hordtop CJI I SALESMEN Dale Sechrlst TU 2-5720 Roy Rlneharr TU 4-954 1 Jo Padgett TU 2-0637 Jim Ehreth TU 2-0149 Martin Arnold T'J 4-571 1 Elnathan Dovij TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 So. 7th TU 4-8104 chevyTTenter O.K. WOLUME VALUES! '61 Mercury Comtt 4-Dr. On owner, white tidewails, radio, i69s '61 Ford Foirlane 4-Dr. Radio, heater, stondard transmission. Interceptor $ I 7QO engine ' ' O '62 CMC Pickup 4-wheel drive. 3,000 actual miles. Sold new for approximately iOnQQ $3,900. Now only JvJ70 '61 Chev. Corvoir Monia 4-Dr Radio, heater, 4-speed, sharp $I898 DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST!. 6th to 7fh on Plgm tTU 4-3101 id bt i. . it IT J-