PACE-li HKKALD AND ON THE NOSE Luis Rodriguez, right, lakes one on -the nose from Joey Giambra, Hollywood, Calif,, in their Miami Beach Battle Saturday. Rodriguez, a Cuban who now makes Miami his home, won a unanimous 10-round decision. UPI Telephoto Rodriguez Eyes Shot At Griffith MIAMI BEACH, Ha. UJPD Cuban welterweight Luis Itodri (iuez, fresh from his Saturday night victory over foxy middle weight Joey Giambra, says he now has his sights set for cham- . nion Emile Griffith. Rodriguez, at 150 pounds, danced, dodged and slashed his - way to a 10-round unanimous de cision over the handsome, 159- pound Giambra. "I want Emile Griffith now," Rodriguez said. "He's got to fight me. . .here. . .Las Vegas. . .any where. He can't run away from me any more." Rodriguez, who does his road work on the dance floor, kept the fans standing more than sitting with his furious, multi-blow as saults on Giambra. But the punches had little effect except to baffle Giambra, who says he is going to quit the game at (he end of the year anyway to try for an acting career. Bo Belinsky Signs Pact 1.(18 ANGELES HIP1I - Bn Belinsky, who lust season zoomed out of obscurity on the strength of a no-hit game and several oil- t he-diamond performances, has signed his 1963 contract with (he Ims Angeles Angels, General Man ager Fred Haney announced to day. . the dark-haired pitcher-playboy became the fifth member of the Angels to return his contract. Slugger Lee Thomas signed his part Saturday. Belinsky. who exhibited some excellent pitching between twist dancing and nights on the town, won II) games and lost II in VM2 his rookie season alter starling off with five straight victories He pitched Hie first no-hitter in the majors last year and in 1-os Angeles' major league history when he blanked the Baltimore Orioles 2-0 on May 5. Details of the contract were not released by Haney, who said Be linsky "could become one of the game's line pitchers. . . if he con centrates on baseball." Thomas was reported to have received a considerable raie over VM1. Thomas came back after a ioor start In drive in more than 100 runs and team with Leon Wagner to make the Angels one of only two American league teams who cnild boast of two men with more than 100 RBI Thomas told Haney that his left knee, oxraled on during the fall, (ell fine and he had been working nut daily at his St. Louis, Mo . home. Thomas hit T.XI last season, had 2ii home runs and 104 RBIs, Skier Makes Record Leap KOX H1VKR GROVK. III. dTI Grne Kollarck, Dululh, Minn increased his chances for a berth on next year's U.S. Olympic ski- lumping team by winning first place Sunday in the .uth annual Norse Ski Club Tournament with a record-breaking leap of 21: Icrt. ("omiieling against most of the lop contenders for the American team. Kotlarek thrilled the 4.000 fprclators with Ins streamlined lnrm as he ncared the 2HB-(ool record on his lust leap, then sur passed It on the second. He had - a 212 point total. Fawned Anslcn Samuelstiien. Steamboat Springs, t'nlo., a Nor wegian who became an American cilicn, was second. He had jumps of 202 and 200 feet and a xint total of 222 I. Hoth Kotlarek and Samuelstiien were memliers of the 'M OImpic team and both are lavnrod to gain spots on next year's team. Sam uclst iien has won the Notce om ielition (our limes. NEWS, Klamath Falli, Oregon A;,r" . V Idle Buckaroos Hang To WHL Lead By I'nltrd Press International WHL Standings Southrrn Division W I. T Pts OF GA Portland 27 13 1 55 161 108 Los Angeles 21 14 0 4 134 HMi San Francisco 22 10 0 44 151 118 Spokane 18 20 1 37 116 135 Northern Division W L T Pts GF GA Vancouver 20 " 42 132 127 Seattle 20 21 1 41 140 153 Edmonton 16 30 0 32 145 V.W Calgary 13 28 1 27 124 160 Sunday's Results Los Angeles 5 Calgary 2 Seattle 7 Edmonton 3 San Francisco 4 Spokane 2 No games scheduled The Western Hockey league went into three days of hiberna tion today with both Northern and Southern Division races getting cosier ell the lime. Three games were played in the WHL Sunday and there are no more on tap until Wednesday. In Sunday s play Seattle pushed up to within a point of Northern Division leading Vancouver by Ixuincing Edmonton 7-3, while lis Angeles and Sun Francisco both gained ground on the Southern Division top dogs, the Portland Buckai-oos u,s Armeies slapped Calgarv kj Sm, J.'rancisco overcame 'Spokane 4-2. Seattle defenseman Gordim Sin- clair sarked the Totem victory with four assists, .lorry Leonard and Don Chiupka each scored twice for the winners in the iwigh. penally-marred contest at Seattle. lxw Angeles swept to its fourth straight win in a g.uiie that saw Blade Frank Amelt become the first man in league history to achieve more than 1,000 minutes in cnalty time. He made three trips to tile )M'nalty box Sunday. Owl Boosters Meet Monday The Oregon Tech Owl Booster Club will hold its bimonthly meeting .Monday night at the Broiler Restaurant, hrginning at 6:30. Coaches Jim Parllnw of the basketball team and Howard Morris nf the wrestling team each will bring one player from their respective teams and give a rundown on the team's prog ress and the future games. 2 Ml ONLY ONE THING IN MIND Cec Moekitra of the Los Angeles Blades, left, net to referee, reaches into the midit of battlinq players (upper photol and comes out with the puck as teammates and (oe alike remain locked in corrbat fo' the puck that it no longer there. The Blades won 5-2 over the Calgary Stampedert UPI Telephoto Monday. January 31, 1963 Ijeo La Bine scored one goal in the second period and another in the third to highlight the Blades' triumph. Bruce Carmichacl's se cond period tally broke a 2-2 tie At San Francisco, the Seals' Orland Kurtenbach scored at 15: 13 of tlie last period to shatter a 2-2 knot. Danny Bclisle added a gift goal with one second remaining when Spokane goalie Claude Du four was yanked off the ice in favor of a six-man attack. High School Scores Saturday's Prep Raskrtball South Eugene 57 North Eugene 50 Astoria 67 Hillsboro 39 Cottage Grove 60 Thurston 45 Roscburg 63 Springfield 37 Willamette 51 North Bend 48 Grants Pass 66 Medford 62 Klamath Falls 39 Ashland 29 Pendleton 99 Madras 46 Redmond 47 La Grande 45 Bend 46 Baker 44 Neah-Kah-Nie 66 Clatskanie 49 Seaside 71 Toledo 49 Sherman 58 Hood River 48 Sanliam 52 Wondbtirn 48 ("reswcll 46 Unveil 38 Elmira 51 Mapleton 38 Monroe 39 Harrisburg .17 Sulherlin 43 Glide 36 Riddle 60 Glendalc 58 Douglas 33 Myrtle Creek 28 Henley 61 St. Mary's 49 Phoenix 77 Sacred Heart 24 Eagle Point'fiO Illinois Valley 44 Heppner 58 Burns 48 Pilot Rock 42 Grant Union 41 Nyssa 63 Vale 57 Elklnn 30 Oakland 29 leffcrson 58 Crow 56 Yoncalla 65 Days Creek 33 Cascade Locks 63 Dufur 45 Elgin 43 Joseph 27 Stanfield 52 Weston 36 I'malilla 47 Helix 42 Powers 78 Canyonville Bible 71 Knappa 73 Jewell 35 HONOR TIIRKR Pl.AYKRS HOUSTON, Tex. aTl'-CaUh- rr-toiuh Yui Berra of the New York Yankees, pitcher lon Drvs- diilo of tlk Ijos Angeles Dodgers .tnd shortstop Dick (iroat of the St. Uuiis Cirriin;ils will be hon- ured Tuesday night at Houston's third annual Major league Base ball Dinner sKnsored hy the Hotittnn chapter of the Haschall Writers Association and thp Hous ton Colls. 1 Cassius Clay, Joe Headline Boxing NEW YORK (UPD-The per formances of 36-year-old Joe Brown, former lightweight cham pion, and 21-year-old Cassius Clay, third-ranking heavyweight aspir ant, will command much atten tion on this week's boxing sched ule. "Old Bones" Brown of Baton Rouge, La., will be taking the big test whether to continue fighting and try to recapture the 135-pound title or retire. Brown faces Tony Noricgo, a 22-ycar-old former Marine from Fresno, Calif., in a 10-rounder at Houston, Tex., Tuesday night. On Thursday night, young Clay the "Lip from Louisville" en gages former football star Charley Powell of San Francisco in a 10- rounder at the Pittsburgh Civic Arena. Cassius seeks his 17th straight professional victory and his 14th knockout. He has predicted a fifth- ound knockout over big Chancy, just as he forecast his fouith round kayo over Archie Moore at Los Angeles Nov. 15. f. t .-. Jl .i. I CiaaaasMaaaf . aCnal t . U - iJl GETS WINNER'S CHECK Dan Guerney of Riverside, Calif., gives a whoop as he is presented with the winner's check after coming home first in the Riverside 500 mile stock car race. Makinq the presentation is Bob Petersen, left. Guerney, who gave credit to his crew chief, Ralph Moody, right, won the race in his 1963 Ford with an average speed of 84.96 mpk UPI Telephoto Sport Parade: Maid Upset Over Of Betting On Pro By OSCAR FRAI.EY i l l'l Spirt Writer MIAMI (UPIt The man was from the plush Palm Beach polo et and he was talking about the seemingly unrelated matters of maids and pro football. "Our maid is a jewel," he said. Quiet as a mouse and a fine worker. There's just one oddity aiKiut her. She's crazy about pro football. "When they played the Pro Bowl game in Miami," he added, "we bought her tickets and a cor sage and shipped her off to the game in the chauffeur driven lim ousine. She was in seventh heav en" Then he shook his head som berly. "II 1 ght now." he frowned, "she's all upset about the pro football scandal." Tip for Kozelte There should be a tip of sorts in this for Peter Hoelle, commis sioner of the National football League. Because on Friday in New Mirk, Hoelle was reported to have "broken his silence" on the pro grid betting investigation to announce that the investigation is continuing, his men had uncov ered nothing of a criminal nature and he would make an announce ment as soon as possihlc, Big deal Because that's exactlv what he told this reporter to the word, comma, sentence and para graphat HolKwood on the dav the scandal broke into the open And that was a month ago, l-el it he understood from the lirst that I'm not second-guessing Hoelle. I'm lust-guessing him. Because it seems to me that when a maid in Palm Beach is "upset" about this bubbling pot of porridge it's time to lift the lid and let all the amateur cooks hae a look. fraud I nhkrtv If it will help rave the feeluus nf nn lnend' maid, or ainhodv else who think the detect the odor of sailed fish in this cloak and dagger opera. I ll give you i - n . e,- ,-3 V7 si point or two to one that a"'e 1 ' there is no siamlai a tar as, rigging tames or shaving p-Miits;Ws IHMUBTV Tin V. is concerned o it w.nild be ri.uiKmg Vo'Ay V ,in, v Both won the IV-'total of S 4 million in -Mies wa anna in sp,utes to entertain a.he:-.v Women's m,iteur KoltluM-rdtxl during t:v t-.iav mn thought that ptsib'y a mahHitych.imp.,nvhi here Sundav. upset of the pio ginkiers didn't xA ftjlmg three time winner Marlene hit of j a wager on themselves now ,uiii .ikMin. Tim oYpite a rule to I tip ciMilr .irv in thru control nipro n a.;.tint hookies. former defensive end, for the San Francisco Forty Niners, won 22 of his 31 fights. In his latest on Nov. 1, he took a decision over Dave Furch at Los Angeles. Clay is cockily confident of winning the heavyweight crown in a year or so; but Old Bones has dreams, fraught with uncer tainty, about recapturing the light weight crown. Brown appeared to be on the skids last April 21 when he lost his title to Carlos Ortiz of New York on a decision at Las Vegas. Nev. And he showed no improve ment on Aug. 24 when he dropped a 10-round verdict to newcomer Luis Molina at San Jose, Calif. Tuesday's tilt with young Norie ga at Houston will be old Joe's second fight since he lost the crown and the big test. If he can't beat Noriega, who has a 12-9-4 record, Joe knows he had better complete his plans for going into radio or public rela tions. There will be no nationally tele vised fight Saturday night because but I've bet with them and so have some police chiefs I know. And that's a face mask the pro footballers wear, not a halo. While most of the pro sridders arc rollcKe uradualcs, they all weren't Phi Beta Kappa. Still. they realize what they have poinj; for them in what has become a flourishing industry with sizable salaries, a solid jensinn plan and and frinye job lienefits. Concern Justified Pro football's leaders, quite just ly, have been concerned about the company into which some of their stars are thrown. Gamblers al ways hant; on the convivial edjic of athletics. Without defending Ihem, let it be said that they are happy to settle (or the middle cut ELKS MIXfO LEAGUE W S'tie Ptifw if) U S Ntionl lfl War tit funtrjil Homf t j Pitiff r TtMiJKCrt 0f PffAuty SuP"nr Trrty I inky Li""1 Holland $ht rVa'll Mow. Ion lm. LnnQ PHI CfM PAC III Jan ?i) rmtin Smtfi trv. Ptit'C t. f i v.v Pharm. ?. BalMQ'r Vo'O't 1. Onggv V-rnlt J. CiOer Lake J vVarfl. . Suiprittr Troy 0; Pionttr To lA((tt j HoiiA'xt srl Metal 1. Itxfcv La"f 3 MnuM.-n In.. 1; U $ National 4. long Ptll Lir-br, 6; RicMHl J. Pfe. flauty Saion ' M fjh tfrl'Tl gima J 5 t.nal tf a-n f c. yvaM. f utifrai Homf 2' ri)1 gami nifn 1 , J A V( Porta M IK. .Qh irsrt If irrfrtl M Hi"lt m .("' n.Qh iifi o,ne iwomn. V. ltf v.n : 11 h,gf .n, tntt ivomfi, V JUNlOt O'tLS LIAOUE W 3 'r .11 '0 P 7. .it - -wp C n C,V,M 1. P9K KoRT I KBl At K. Kla Istrert 0 Tonmin H ?-t vear-oldi Powell ?Sj5DRES Hoi:,d. FU . nod.M bwkr m .t!t of bo.tts. t'o nn t!-o I'tth awt a inio Ihcj.uvl .inr-vii ts -miev winning the hlo nvilvh 1 VMC loul t M nnwon. Brown Schedule the sponsors are putting on bowling show. They have the right to pre-empt four nights during the boxing year for other attractions The week's boxing schedule in cludes: MONDAY: Las Vegas, Nev. Jeff Davis vs. Jerry Sims. Phila delphia Percy Manning vs. Dick Turner TUESDAY: Houston. Tex. Joe Brown vs. Tony Noriega. New York (Sunnysidci Frank Nar- vaez vs. Heriberlo Hcrcado WEDNESDAY: .Paterson, .N.J. Stefan Redl vs. Joe Williams, THURSDAY: Pittsburgh Cas sius Clay vs. Charley Powell. San Jose, Calif. Luis Molina vs. Chi huahua Kid. FRIDAY: Jacksonville, Fla. - Florentino Fernandez vs. Hilario Morales. Los Angeles (Olympic) Boots Monroe vs. Licho Guer rero. Berlin, Germany Karl Mil- denberger vs. Archie McBride SATURDAY: Dortmund, Ger manyEric Schoeppner vs. Von Clay I No nationally televised fight this week.) Big Probe Football of the two-way spread by which they handsomely balance their hooks. They are the first to yell copper and they have extremely sensitive nostrils. There was a whispered state ment that one mid western pro gridder had been seen constantly with a known character who re sides on the shady side of the street. They happen to be broth ers-in-law, and how do you Icgis late against a guy's family? Kozelle admitted there was "nothing new" about the situation revealed hy George Halas of the Chicago Bears in a moment of late niuht revelry. He had told Halas about it "a vear and a half ago " Which means its now a vear and seven months old. Time, it would seem, for Ttozclle to let the disturbed maids and others of the loyal legion of fans in on exactly what transpires. Smoke can do as much damage as fire. Title Hght MB Pact Seen MIAMI BKACH -CPU - Tom Bolan announced that two Miami Beach meetings, scheduled for to day, should definitely set the re turn Sonny Liston-KIovd Patterson heavvweight title fight for the Miami Beach Convention Hal April 4. Bolan. president of Champion ship Sports. Inc. CSI said "all parties concerned, except thr lighters t hem-elves." were to meet late today with the Miami Beach City Council and tonight w ith the Miami Beach Boxing Commission CSI was represented here hy Bolan and vimuger brother Al Bo lan. the promoter. Kvehampion Patterson s representative was .lu !ms Noveniler. attorney and ad- vivr rnm l hester. Pa. came i hampion I.iston's representatives advi-er Jack Ni!tn and attorney liarland Chert v. -SM.KS HIT KM OIll) KW (1JK -1 PI iof the Wnl Motor Show which rn.led at t!ie New York Coliseum Sun.tav night The' Ex-Footballer Hopeful Of Upset Win Over Clay PITTSBURGH lUPD - Charlie Powell may have to concede to Cassius Clay in poetry, but the Los Angeles slugger has come up with a bit of prose which clearly outlines his feelings about the FORT KLAMATH HOLLIS KIZER was able to resume work at Tulana Farms last week after an accident in which the horse he was riding stumbled and fell, causing a foot injury which necessitated crutch es for ten days. MAUN MR. AND MRS. PAUL Mc LAUGHLIN and son Kelly from Anchorage, Alaska, were guests last week of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd King. This is their first visit here in 10 years They had been visiting her parents in Texas and also his sister, moth er, and blathers in Seattle and Wenatchee, Wash. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH. Maiin, will hold special services beginning Jan. 23 at 7:30 p.m. These will continue each night except Monday and Saturday, con ducted by Rev. and Mrs. Glen Ayers, evangelists. MRS. CHARLES LONG has re turned after spending several months in Mount Grove, Mo. Her mother, Mrs. Ixwnard Thomas, re turned with her and will make her home here with her daughter and family. MRS. GEORGE PAPPE I teaching the sixth grade classes this week due to the absence of Mrs. Wilbur Haskins, who is re cuperating in the Klamath Val ley Hospital from a recent auto accident. MR. AND MRS FRED DREW- EI.OW, The Dalles, are visiting relatives and friends in the area this week. California Briefs NKW PINE CREEK MR. AND MRS. R. L. SNIDER, former residents, now of Rose- burg, attended the Sportsmen's New Year s dance and visited his father. Robert J. Snider, and wife and other friends over the holi days. He is Roseburg's post master. MR. AND MRS. STANLEY LO GAN have purchased a half in terest in the Sunset Hotel near flerber. Calif., and left last week to spend the winter months work ing in their new business. They sold their stock some time ago and leased their ranch to Ray Bishop. They plan to return in the summer. FRANK SHELDON', fire control officer stationed at the Buck Creek Ranger Station, and family spent the holidays visiting rel atives at Oak Hurst, Calif. HARRY MILLER, ranger, and family spent Christmas visiting his parents at Fort Bragg. Calif, and returned the day after Christ mas. MR. AND MRS. HOYS returned last Saturday after spending the holidays with his son and fam ily at Tracy. Calif. His son is a commercial crop duster. MR. AND MRS. WALTER ED WARDS ot (ireenville. Call!., were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Johnson. MR. AND MRS. W A LT E R CAMBRON of ( h-ioquin were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dick on Fridav, Thcv left the following day to send New Year's with relatives in Ce- darville. Calif. MR. AND MRS. A RTII VR CLARK and family of Sebastopol. Calif., are spending a tew days visiting his mother. Mrs. Nancy Thomas, and sister. Mrs. l,ealh May. DONALD FAR IS. accompanied by his wife. Helen, and month-old daughter, left Sunday afternoon for Eugene whore he will resume classes at I' of O MR. AND MRS. EDDIE ( 'KOX. TON and family of lbanon. Ore., enjoyed a vint w-th her parents. Mr. ami Mrs Clvde Coghurn They armed Saturday and lelt New Year's Dav. City Briefs i MPHKl.t.. mrmor Basin Briefs ivMii!rfvutie vnt.irv of t!w Km - ath Ciximy YVCV has lvn tranv :erni from t;ie KaixT Koumia- t;.'n Hospital in Sm Krancix-o to .thr Sutter Towns Hospital. ilV Suiter Sirw! .iiifittv ) en;:nfivr,iii:' This whip imprmoj. It " ini tVlhinitv for t!xr; .h(ttni;:i; U i, Yamiii. talkative former Olympic cham pion from Louisville. Powell, who meets Clay in a 10-round bout here Thursday night, has been working out be fore sellout crowds along with his opponent in special quarters in a downtown hotel. Both hope to use the fight as a stepping stone in the heavyweight rankings. But Clay has been get ting most of the headlines with such doggerrell as: "Listen, my friends, this no five. Charley Powell must bow out in five." Powell, who says he will let his rhythm come out in his punching Thursday night, was asked Sun day night why he switched from football to boxing. Replied Powell, "In football you have to play against 11 men. In boxing, it's only one. and I don't think Cassius Clay is as tough as the Green Bay Packers. Powell is a former defensive end for the San" Francisco Forty Niners. He also had a tryout with the Harlem Globetrotters and played professional baseball with a St. Louis Browns farm club. Court Records DISTRICT COURT Jan. 7, H4i TRAFFIC Marcel Ludwlq Capik, no wheel cov ers, olea oi guilty. 5 'me paid. Darrell Bruce Irwin, failure lo dim head' lights, plea of guilty, S10 fine paid Hiram Waller Winnoo Jr., no PUC per mit (common carrier), plea ol guilty S)5 fine pd. Ray Thomas Parker, violate basic rule, plea of guilty. 120 fine paid. Wary Ann Badorek, disobeyed stop sign, ptea ol guilty, 110 fine paid. Jewell Forest Cox, no vehicle license. plea ot guilty, S5 tine paid. Jewell Forest Con, no clearance ngnis, plea of guilty, S10 fine paid. Earl Aubry Petty Jr., following Too close. S10 fine paid. Herbert Wesley Kurre. violate oasic rule, plea of guilty, S35 fine paid. Alvin Lerov Taque, parking on hwy., plea of guilty, S10 fine paid. Wade Ellis Jossy, overheignr (I3'4"j, plea of guilty, SIS tine paid. Warren Robert Jack, no vehicle license (exp). plea of guilty. $$ fine paid. Fred William Welch, improper horn, plea of guilty, S10 fine paid. Edward cnanes on, no operator license (exp), ptea of guilty, IS fine paid. Kenneth Roland Coffelt, no Oregon oper ator's license, plea of guilty. 15 fine paid. Bob Nelson Merrill, failure to dim head lights, plea of guilty, S10 tine suspended. Victor Onqman, violate basic rule, plea ot guilty, 115 fine paid. Billy Max Brown, improper lett turn, plea of guilty. S'O fine paid. MISDEMEANORS i Martin Lloyd Slrachan, pointing a fire arm at another, plea of not guilty, trial w-o lury set for 1-15-63 at 9:30 A.m. Arthur F. Duncan, Inlox. In a private place, plea of guilly, 3 days In county Ian; committea. r cLONIcS John Doe, whote true name Is un lown, larceny, dismissed on motion by D.A.; car has been recovered. Jan. I, mi TRAFFIC Janet Cholaine Moore, violation basic rule, plea of guilty, S35 fine paid. Gale Edwin staiey. violation basic rule, plea of guilty, (10 fine paid. i Roy Arnold Hurley, failuro to transfer; Itie, plea of guilty, ii 00 fine paid. Curlts Roy Smith, operating during tuspended period, plea of qui It v, SI 50 tin paid. Clay Ambrose, no operator license, dismissed on motion of district attorney. una tiie to locate. Donald Cramp) on, no operator license, dismissed on motion of district Attorney. unaoie to locate. MISDEMEANORS Donald Eugene Schwartz, failure to stop and furnish name and address after col lision with unattended vehicle. Si 00 ball forfeited. Phillip Burton McCulloch, hunting pro hibited hours, plea of guilly, SI5 tine paid. Carmen Harold Colston, hunting prohib ited hours, plea of guilty, S3 5 bail for feited. FELONIES David Lee Sloan, assault with a dan gerous weapon, preliminary hearing, suf iirient evidence to hold to answer charge. neig lor grana Jury. Frederick Irvin Egger. fugitive frnm lustice (non-supportl, e tradition hearing set for Feb. I. 1963. Undertaking of bal ot S500 approved. Jan. IS, in TRAFFIC Rav Mack Johnson, no ooeretor license (evpired), guilty plea. $5 fine paid. Dennis Marvin Coleman, no tail light, guilty plea, siD tine paid. Floyd Jackson Hall Jr. disobeyed stop sign, guilty plea. S W tine paid. Louis Thompson Hill, no vehicle license, guilty plea. S5 fine paid Richard Pence, tmorooer lane usage, guilty oiea. StO fine paid. Edwin Fr) Eisenbeisj. no operator li cense, guilty plea. SIS fine paid varvm J. Coleman, disobeyed stop sign. guilty pia. S0 fne paid Loval Harlan Loveness failure to dim headlights. oultv plea, II 0 fine paid John Charles Moriarty, disobeyed stop sign, guilty plea, S10 fine paid James Wilson Barrett failure to dim headliqnts. guilty piea. S10 fine suspended Walter Thomas Franklin, violation ba sic rule, ouilty plea. s?S fine paid Manuel Eugene Silva, no vehicle license (eniredl, guilty plea. S5 tine susoenrlea Roy Lee McDowell, no operator l-cense. gu'lty plea. M davs in county jail ni which 50 days suspended. Ten days In county eit MISDEMEANORS Howard Brown, hunting prnhih'fed hours. iot guilty piea. trial without jury set lor Jan. 73. Ifc3 Stanley Anthony Rodak. pointing fire (rm at another, trial without lury, found guilty. Six months in county fail. FELONIES Phyllis Joann Lund, forgery, waived preliminary hearing Held lor Grand Jury Bail SJ.000. On The Record LAKE COUNTY BIRTHS VcPHFR SON Born le Mr and V-s arry VcPhersnn Jan in l.akev.ew Hos pital a boy we.Qhing lbs , 10 ois VtwHINNt-V Born to Mr and Mrs Frfd Mewhmnev Jan t in Lakeview Hos pital a boy weighing t lbs , ) j 07s PORTER Born to Vr and Mrs Farl Porter Jan m Lakeview Hospital Jan i a girl weighing T 16s , I? oS OUNRAP Born In Mr and Mrs James C Durbar Jr Jan J in Lanevew Hospital a qir wfohing irj , 11 nrs CHANplFR Bnm to Mr a-vi Mrs Sammv Chandler. Bty, Jan 13 in Lt- ew Mosc'al a gri weighing ; 10, , IV. MARRIAGE LICENSES O Mcward. 2', and S"err J Lo'et'a jcns, ii DIVORCES FILED Vkanda Stunpn.K VS. Truman t.tnp,l a-ni-'ce 0'nn 0 ia ve S' e'ds vs Ver e Wew h ris. cPTiant d'ei Va-y Jo Wack vS Raymond ft Vck, comca. -it tiled. LAKE COUNTY JUSTICE COURT Mrvey Le Sa-vjt-s. no PuC r"h T-"' k . 'x 'O a"er e-vie'siy a v.-a n-- .i pi.hc i e '3 -yt I v !r, v B'a'v, 0run m Duf.f e. sp i?'m L Lse- r- .ng n e .i'nifrce o' mtni-ce'ig i u-r" o 1 1AV ' m-"i 'st-- ,vt i O" v'v ;e o IS o-s i i i ,wr-'t"'',c' ire-iefl rt ve- c - i. t -M ri 05 Wktu" ' l-.rtit r:.- r- i--5.stea Pfe s er-e". ru'i -j sn i 3", LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointee administratrix of the Estate ot Dice Crane, also known as Dice Cram, deceased, by the Circuit Court of Klamath County, Oregon, and that all persons having claims against said estate arc hereby notified to pre sent same to sad administratrix at Room 4, 325 Main Street. Klamath Falls, Oregon, together with proper vouchers, within six months of the dale ot the first publication ot this notice, which is January Urn, 163. ALPHA CRANE Administratrix O'NEILL & MCLAREN Attorneys tor administratrix NO. 887, Jan. 14. 31. 21. Feb. 4. 196. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed administrator of the Estate of Robert Hope, deceased, by the Circuit Court of Klamath County. Oregon, and that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, togetner with proper vouchers, to said administra tor at the office of the undersigned. Room 4, Melhase Building, 32 S Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within si months from the dale ot the first publication of this notice, which Is January 14th, 1963. R. F. McLaren Administrator , O'NEILL & MCLAREN Attorneys for Administrator No. 888, Jan, 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4, 1963. NOTICE TO CRFDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of CHRIS TINE VELDA HAINES, also known as CHRISTINE V. CHRIST, Deceased. I have been appointed Administrator of the Estate Ol CHRISTINE VELDA HAINES, also known al CHRISTINE V. CHRIST, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present them with proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof lo me at the office of my attorney at 433 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Dated and first published this 7th day of January, 1963. GLENN D. RAMIREZ Administrator. LLOYD A. DOMASCHOFSKY Attorney at Law 437 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon No. 880, Jan. 7, U, 21, 38. NOTICE OF HEADING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has filed her Final Account in the matter of the estate of James L. Rice, deceased, in the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon tor the County of Klamath, and that said Court has set the 15th dav of February, 1963, at the hour of 10:00 A.M. In the Circuit Court room No. 1 in the Klamath County Courthouse, Klamath Falls, Oregon, as the time and place of hearing thereon. All persons having objections thereto must appear at said time or tile written objections thereto on or before said time and date. -s-Phyllis A. Glass Administratrix of the estate of James L. Rice, Deceased. No. 882, Jan. 7. 14, 21, 28, 1963. PUBLIC NOTICE In the matter ot a zoning pattern for portion of Klamath County. Notice Is hereby given that at the hour ot 7:30 P M. on the ?3rd day of January, 1963, in the Public Meeting Room of the Klamath County C-urt , louse in Klam ath Falls, Oregon, the banning Commis sion of said County will hold a public hearing on the adoption of a toning pat tern, as provided in ORS 315.104, for the area within Klamath -County, Oregon, designated and described as follows: Beginning at the section corner com mon to sections 15, 16, 31, and 72, T. 39 S, R. 8 E., W.M., thence easterly along the northerly section line ot sec tions 33, 23, and 24, T. 39 S-. R. 8 E , W.M., and sections 19, 70, 31, 33, 23, and 74, T. 39 S., R. 9 E., W M., and sections 19 and 20, T. 39 $., R. 10 E. W M.. to the section corner common to sections 16, 17, 70, and 31 , T . 39 S , R . 10 E W.M., thence southerly along the easterly section line of said section 30 to the Intersection of said section line And the thread of Lost River, thence in a southwesterly direction along the thread ot said stream to the Intersection ot said thread with the northerly section line ol section 7, T. 40 S, R. 10 E-, W.M., thence southerly, parallel to the westerly section line of said section to the Inter section with the east-wesi center '4 sec tion line ot section 7, T. 40 S., R. 10 E., W.M., thence westerly on the center ' section line ot section 7, T. 40 5., R. 10 E., W M and sections 17, 11, 10, 9, 8, and 7, T. 40 S, R. 9 E., W.M., and sections 12, 11, and 10, T. 40 S., R. 8 E W.M., to the section corner common to sections 10 and 9, T. 40 S , R. 8 E , W.M., thence northerly along the westerly section line of sections 10 and 3, T. 40 $., R. E W.M., and sections 34, 37, and 33, T. 39 S., R. 8 E., W.M., to the point 0' beginning. All persons desiring to be heard In regard fo the adoption of said toning pattern Are invited to attend said hear ing Done at the direction ot the Klamath County Planning Commission; dated this 35th dav of December, 1967. Robert Norris. Chairman, Klam ath County Planning Commission Jim Kerns, Jr., Vice-Chairman Murdo Morrison, Member Roy Gooding, Member Robert H, Beach, Member W. B. Bingham. Member Clvde Williams, Member Na. 153, Dec. 31, Jan. 7, 14, l. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, that the under signed Charles E. Riley has been ap pointed administrator with the will an nexed of the estate of Charles F. Rilev. deceased, by the Circuit court nf the state ot Oregon lor Klamath County, Oregon and has Qualified Any and all persons having a Claim or claims aoAinst said esmte are herehy notified to present the same duty veri fied as required hv law to the under signed administrator with the will an nexed at the office ot A. W SchAupo. JOS W.ilits B'dg . Klamath Falls, withm six months trom the date of the first publication of this notict which date Is Jan. 7, 191 Charles E. Rile Adm.mstrafor wth the w-tl an nexed A W Schaupo Attorney lor administrator. No. 881, Jan. 7, 14. 71. J, mj NO 62 167 PRDBATF NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter ot the Estate of ROSA HOFFLER. Deceased Notice is hereby given that I have been appomted E xecutor ot the F stai Of Rosa Hoefier, deceased AH persons era- reouireo to oresent them to me, with proper vouchers, at the nflica of Ganong & Ganong, First Federal Build ing. Klamath Fails. Oregon, wlhtn s" months from Decemhe' 31, mj, which is the date of first publication ot this notice RiCharrf HoeMfir, Executor Ganpng & Ganong Attorneys tor Eecutor Leqai No. Iftfl, Dec. 3', Jan. 7, 14, II. NO 62-161 PRORATF NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLA V AT H COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of STAN LEY O MITCHFLL. Deceased. Note is herehy given that I have been appoint administrator of the Es tve ol stagey O Mitchell. Deceased ah persons hav-ng naims agamst sa'i rtatf .rt reomred to preseni tnem to me. with proper vouchers, at the o-e 0' Ga-ipng & Gennnq. p irst Federal BuilOilg., F,. Oriagon, Withm months trom De-emher H. ti7. wich s te dt 0f first publication of th't no ce Am Ganong. 10. ft Gaiflig 'nr A1m,f 870. Dec Alto-' Legal 3i. Jan 7, 14. 31, ON Cisl ACCOUNT In te Va"er nt m, p ,.-f- 0f UtKk FGGWAN NELSON De.eed No . A -e Aim mst-.,.. . n p,ti of N'NA FCGsVAN NELSCN. Deceased I t,iM ,n fhf C.'t.t CKj't of Ktam- atl Coj-M. Oregon, mv l.r-! JKtount. a-vt sa d O-j-t p-t set jntn oy nt et'Va' ', ir ee'nr A M , w N-a'.r-g aii reiect.ons t"'o and set tiemer. '"e'eot Bf sFi nij PlEY G'e- 0 Oan.-; A'e"ey fir Aim n st-.ri, j v - st-e' i.e-wam Fan 0' No ', jar- ji. ;i t t, n In t'-p IVih. tl-p ic;a: rod cMahi;vhH a tr-p tnts! Irnh of Ihr icit (ro! oi lft m;n vho linrd up lo mfaMirrfi. -