PAGE 4-A HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falli, Ore. I01JR DEFENSE GAMBLE (3) Chinese Hew Year Celebrated In San Francisco Feb. 9 Thousands of San Franciscans and visitors from all over the world will celebrate their second New Year on Feb. 9, as they mark the arrival of the Chinese tunar Year 4661 In the city's famed Chinatown. ; Many of the festivities are pub ' ltd Chinatown's buildings are fes tponed and streets alive with sidewalk exhibits and game booths during the 10-day street carnival that begins Feb. 1. There are roving lion dancers, showings of ancient and modern Chinese art, the annual "Miss Chinatown, U.S.A." pageant commencing Feb. 3 and culminating in the Coronation Ball which crowns the Big Parade Feb. 9. This is the Year of the Hare one of 12 symbolic animals which comprise the cycles of Chinese New Year. Each animal is hon ored once in every 12-ycar cycle The hare, according to Chinese legend, is the symbolic figure for tiie moon. This Year of the Hare Is particularly significant since For week KLAMATH COUNTY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION HW. T. Holman, Ffnt Church of the Najarene, president; Rev. Warren W. Peehman, Hope Lutheran Church, vice president; Rev. Robert u. joon, i.i rhrktliin Church, secretarv-irefli- nrer. AAornina business meeting li held the first Wednesday of each month In tht various churches. 1v KLAMATH FAILS Vl AMATH GOSPEL MISSION urDose of the mission Is reaching, "The! Last, The Least, and The Lost" Inhn Prfern. director 3 Walnut Street Ph. TU J-4IM Pest OMIce Bo 87 Klamath Falls 4:30 a.m. Broadcast on Station KFLW Monday through Saturday - lift n m Niahtlv D reaching 8:45 a.m. Broadcast on KAGO, Monday through Friday SALVATION ARMY 400 Klamalh Avenue. Phont TU 4-eMI Capt. and Mrs. Dale E. Johnson -" Commanding Officers Sunday: p.m. Sunday School 3t j a.m. Holiness Meeting 7:O0 p.m. Street Service 7:30 p.m. E -Evangelistic Meeting ASSEMBLY OF GOD A - 746 Oak Street Rev. Lloyd Fosnor t: a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a m. Worship Service J -30 p.m. Christ's Ambassadors :30 p.m. Evangelistic Rally BAPTIST, BIBLE Conservative BaPllst Assn. Wlard Ph. TU 4-4t4f Rev. Freeman senmm i45 a.m. Sunday Sen-ml flfOO a.m. Morning Worship tJO f i.m. Baptist I ?CD0 .m. EvenMHi &ervte BAPTIST, CALVARY E. Main and Uarrlen Rev. Ferfis 01 Winn Res. 1740 Avtcieifcn Street Phone TU 1 4444 t:45 a.m. Sunday. Sch'l )I:00 a.m. Mornlno Worship 4. IS p m. Training Union 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship BAPTIST CHURCH, FIRST Mack P. Jones, castor Ith and Washington Phont TU 44373 :45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship 4 On p.m. Training Union ?;)S p.m. Training Worship BAPTIST CHURCH GRACE MISSIONARY C - O'ene Community Hall OlenSf " Elder C. V. Blanchard, peOor ". , 4715 Harlan Drive, parsonage Phone TU 4 3064 . l6iW a m. Sunday School 1)1)0 a m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Bible Study BAPTIST, IMMANUEL Conservative Baptist Assn. 11th and High Phone TU 41934 Rev. William I!. Cress f -if a m. Sunday School 1100 a.m. Morning Worihlp 4 no p m. Young People's Meeting 7.00 p m. Evening Worship . BAPTIST,MISSIONARY 4)34 Douglas Fldtr Bill H. Davis 4114 Balsam Phone TU 4 64 J I .4 a m. Sunday School T1 .(V) m Vnrnirtq Wnrihip '4,-flO p m Training Union ) j;00 p.m. Sunday Evening Service ' BAPTIST, STEWART-LENOX K. f. West, pastor . Corner Douglas and Tmerald . Phone TU J-OS64 JJi4J a m Sunday School tl'OO a m V timing, Worship 41 p m B T (I .30 p m Evening Worship BAPTIST CHURCH SUBURBAN HEIGHTS South Baptist Convention Shasta Grant) Rv. D. J. Me 1 4i a m Sunday School 11 00 am Morning Wnrthtp 6 00 p m Training II man 00 p m. Evening Worship CATHOLIC CHURCH : ST. PIUS X Rfv. Gro, Murphy 4511 B'isfol Ave Phone TU M? 7 in. 00 and 11:00 a m. and 7 30 , 4 00 and 00 a m. and 7. 30 p m Holy - ys apl 00 a m. and 5 p m. First r-niy -van pi 3 M 4 3a 7 10 and I Saturday Con. M0 and t tfl p m Fves at Holy Davs f,r, r-nrmy i tuiiuMto-is anrt ortni an Masies. Sundays. Holy Days and Fir Fridays METHODIST CHURCH, FIRST vvrn H R(rn, IJfl Nfir'h Iffn st it Phone TU 4-40U .', mm ii.vm wo'tmp .10 am Surxiay VhvM 11 00 a.m. Divme. vtonh.p CHRISTIAN CHURCH, FIRST R-ibrt L. John, Minuter Th & Pm Phone TU 4-5433 a m.-nmi srhrvii V 00 am Vnmlng Vorhip 4 30 p m Adult fl,M study 30 p m Chretien FndMvor .f.M p m Evening Worih0 V CHRISTIAN CHURCH, ! SUBURBAN V '. Shasta Way v ' Lee Sharer, minister 4 4S am. Sunday SrhOOl pm. Bible Study A C I fl-W a m. Worihlp Service ' 7 30 pm. Evening Service CHRISTIAN SCIENCE IP and Washington f'hone TU Nomg Room f Vain Sire t'hona 7 u 4'S7v It o0 a m Sunday Srhnot 11 00 a m. Mnrnmg Service $ 00 p m Wednesday Testimony Meat' ing CHURCH OF THI BRETHREN 4B73 Briifol Aveni Phone TU4-744) "v. can Simmons, Minister 4! am Sunday School II 00 em Worship tervlct .00 p.m. Youth .- GIDEONS -i . R. Laron, PrasHent Phone TU 4-5001 ar TU a-ne tor time and pfece or Information. Vetlng Third Sunday o the monS. the parade heralding its arrival takes place Feb. 9. along with the appearance of a full moon. New Year's Day, or Yuan Don, is the most important of all days in the Chinese year, and San Francisco's Chinatown reflects all of the traditional aspects of this ancient and symbolic holiday. Throughout the week-long New Year celebration Chinese women prepare elaborate holiday dishes to demonstrate love for all living things. Families and friends gath er to feast on a multitude of exotic culinary creations. Jin Dui, a round dumpling fried in deep oil, and stuffed with rice and peanuts, is a popular sweet that is present on every table. Children receive tokens of good fortune called "lai shee," or money wrapped in bright red pa per, and during the entire New Year's festival the Chinese Opera plays to packed houses. All Chinese make every effort to get the New Year off to a good start, the last day of the old year UUCH DIRECTORY - day services, please CATHOLIC CHURCH SACRED HEART Right Rev, T. P. Casey, Pastor 815 High SI. TU 4-45U Sunday Masses: 7, , 9:30, 11, 12:15; 7:30 p.m. Weekday Masses: 7 and t a.m. Saturday Confessions: 3-4:30 and 7-1:30 CHURCH OF CHRIST (Every member a minister) 1771 Arfhur Street TU 21140! io:oo a.m. Bible classes 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship :30 p.m. Evening Worship CHURCHoT CHRIST C. Wayne Lowe, minister TU 7-0374 Wanlland and Martin :45 a.m. Bible study 10:45 a.m. Lord's Supper 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY Rev. W. F, Golden Altamont and Maryland Street 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 1:00 a.m. Morning Worship 4:30 p.m. Young People :m p.m. tvangaiistic service CHURCH OF GOD, FIRST 7802 Altamont Drive T. Charles and Irene Buckle, pastors f:43 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Church Services 10:45 a.m. Junior Church (youth room) 4:15 p.m. Youth Fellowship 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic service FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH United Church ol Christ 3154 Garden St. Phone TU 2-3278 Rev. Qulnn Hawley. Mlnlsler 10' 4! a m. Church School 10. 4S a.m. Worship Service EPISCOPAL CHURCH ST. PAUL'S Eighth and J Her ion Re. Robert l. Greene, Rector TU 4 3515 100 a.m. Holy Communion 9:15 a.m. Family Service and Church School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship tNvrurf at f:15 and 11:00) 7 00 p m. Episcopal Young Churchmen t:jo p.m. tvening prayer (4tn Sunday) j do a.m. Thursday Holy communion 10:00 a.m. Thursday Holy Communion FAITH TABERNACLE Rev. F. J. Bipby, Pastor 7410 Shasta Wav- 0 00 a m. Sunday School 1:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p m Young People's Meeting, vveansiaav 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship GOSPEL MISSION OF THE UNITED HOLY CHURCH OF AMERICA 251 Commercial Street Rev. C. M. Tlmms. castor lfi-OO a m Sunday School II Oft a m. Morning Worship 4 30 p n-. Sunday Young People's Ser Ice 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Strvlce FREE METHODIST CHURCH Hit Oregon Avenue C O. Tremaln, Pastor Ph. TU 4-eM t 4i am Sunday School 11 00 a m. Morning Worship e in p m y. p. service 7 00 p m. Evening Sc. ice KINGDOM HALL tfhovah's Witnesses 111 North Ninth Street 7-ftft p m Puhilc Talk 3:15 p m. Watchlower Study KLAMATH TEMPLE 1007 pine Phone TU 4-4335 Rv. Flmer Krelrlnger 00 a m Sunrtay Ratlin Broadcast t II I m Sunday School 11 00 a m Morping Worhlo 4 no p m Overcomer Service 4 00 p m Sunday C. A Young People i on p m vinrtay Fvening worship 7 30 p m Wednesday Mid-Week Service KLAMATH GOSPEL CENTER IM5 Mitchell Phone TO 1 0770 Rev. Meivlfl R. Griffith 10 00 a m Sunday School 11 nn a m Sunoay Morning Worship 7 30 p m Sunday Night Worship CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Home and Martin Prion TU 4 4JSS rua-nam t an Firsi ward Buhno David J Dsvts Phona TU j-tijj I 0t a m Sunday, Prlthov e W a m -Sunday School S 00 pm Sacrement Meeting CHURCH or JESUS CHRIST OF LATTFR DAY SAINTS Home And Martin Phone TU 4-41M niamain Fan second Ward Bishop Georne Shatte' Jr Ph TU 4-tJfr4 i m . Minnav, PriMirtOM II nn a m Sunday School T 00 pm Sacrament Meeting REORGANIZED CHURCH Or JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS h and Plum t 4! m Sunday Srhnol " Oft a m Morning Woxh.o 7 30 p m tvening Wnrthip LUTHERAN. HOPE Rev. w. W. Peehman. patter TU ?ivm ti, iAt South s.m stra Momedala Road v a m - Sunday r hoot I JO and II 00 a m worship Services Holy Communion first lumdaw 4 month PACIFIC SYNOD ICA LUTHERAN, KLAMATH 1175 Crescent LeRoy M Redai. pastor TU 4 U1 t 30 a m Sunday School t 30 and II no a m -worship Service Fourth Sunday Holy f am muni on First and Fifth Sunday Broadcast LUTHERAN, ZION (Tha tuteran Church-Mlvri Synodl Eleven ad Hgh Streets Norhert ft. Day, Pastor Ty e 4S a m Sunday Srhoni h1:00 a m nivioe Worship MIRACLE TFMPLE 3H4 Delaware Rey. and Mrs. Ben Peter. Pastors 10 00 a m Sunday Srhnol I no a m Worship service .t0 0 m. FvangellitK Service 4 00 p nv Young People Me'ing 7 V p m. Tuesday ft'h'e Study 7 30 p m Froay Se'vce being the traditional time to settle outstanding debts. Everyone avoids spanking children, break ing dishes, using needles, swear ins, scolding, or sweeping the floor. According to tradition, these Whooping Crane Flock Depleted WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Interior Department Tuesday set the size of the last known flock of wild whopping cranes at 32, a re duction of six from the flock which flew to northern nesting grounds last spring. The flock is at the Arkansas National Wildlife Refuge in Texas, Department officials had hoped more of the big. rare bnds would show up long after the normal fall migration period which ended in mid-December. Repeated aerial surveys, however, could account for only 32 cranes. I call the church of your choice CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE OF BLY George Simon, Pastor, Bly :45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 6:30 p.m. Sunday Young peoples Meet ing 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Service CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, FIRST Garden and Martin Phone TU 4-48701 Rev. Lawrence T. Ho man 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. Classes for all ages. 10:50 a.m. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. n.y.p s. and Junior society 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, LAKESIDE Quarry and Acost Streets W. R. Trusty, Minister :45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship service 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting: Branch Sunday School and church all Rocky Point Grange Hell. 7:15 p.m. Sunday school 3:00 p.m. Worship Service PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD 4637 Shasta Way TU 2-4163 Rev. Lawrence D. Haddock 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 1:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. Tuesday Bible stuoy ana prayer PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH WEAVER MEMORIAL Rev. Sherman Moore 7301 Wanlland TU 4-5584 t:45 a.m. Sunday School 1100 a.m. Morning Worship A 10 p m. Youth Service 7:00 p m fcvrnlnq Service PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, FIRST 401 Pine Street Rev. Robert C. Groves, Minister 9:30 a.m. Church School class for all eats 11:00 a.m. Worship, Nursery and story nour PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 5:30 p.m. Westminster Fellowship, Juiv lor high and high school MT. LAKI COMMUNITY Andrew A. Jarvis, Pastor Ph. TU 5-1210 9 45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Junior High and Junior Youth Fellowship PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PEACE MEMORIAL 4431 S. 6th TU 4-5057 Rev. Laing w. sibbet 9.30 a.m. Church School and Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Church School and Worship Service 7.00 p.m. Junior High Westminster Fel lowship 7.00 p.m. Senior High Westminster Ftl lowshlp SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 1775 Mam Phone TU 4-7878 tider Kennetn h. Mcvay 9 30 a m. Saturday Sabbath School 11:00 a.m. Saturday Morning worship UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP Ren Kern, Pres. TU 4 BTJ0 Pine Grove Martmghouse Lakevlew H'wy Programs every Sunday 11:00 a m. Fellowship Program and Dls cussion 11:00 a m. Junior Fellowship Classes for all ages YOUTH SOLDIERS FOR CHRIST 1217 Bismark Rev. Effie Shelby 10 00 a m Sunday Schoo 1100 a m Morning Worship 7.30 p m. Evening Worship VICTORY TEMPLE Silas H Jones, paslor 19Ct Homedale Rood t 4S a m Sunday School 11 00 a m. Sunday Worship 7:30 p m, Sunday Evangelistic Rally BEATTY BEATTY METHODIST MISSION Rev Lmn Pauahfy It 00 a m Sunday School and Worship Family night last Wednesday of each monin. BLY ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Riph Rentro. pastor 10 00 m Hunrtv Sch(o: n Oft a nv Worjhip Service r On p m. Sunday Evangelistic Si 1. X p nv Wednesday Christ Ambassa dors 7 30 pm, Friday RiMe Study ad Pray er meeting BIY CATHOLIC CHURCH ST. .IAMIS THE APOSTLI Rev Herotd Fumo 11 00 a m Vast BONANZA ASSEMBLY OF GOD, BONANZA COMMUNITY Rtv Carl Smith, peitor 10 Oft a m. Sunday School 11 'On m Momma. Worship M0 p m Evening Servxa CATHOLIC CHURCH, ST. F. X. CABRINI rJoname Rev CM A Vurphy 1 1 00 a rn Sunday CHILOQUIN ASSEMBLY OF GOD, CHILOQUIN Rov Willi-- Reni '0 y a t Hi"v1v Sf "noi M W a n Vtorsn p S'vd W p m vove ppi-i ; so p m Cvengeiicai Mee'rg LATTER DAY SAINT CHURCH. CHILOQUIN F 'M laMfn. F (tier Oi'SMrso, pn and Cru'onum P'iv '0 JO a m Sunday Scnool aed Worship Se'vee METHODIST CHURCH CHILOQUIN COMMUNITY Rrv T't f Fice '0 rv a m S(indv school II 00 a m Vorn.'Mj Worship CATHOLIC CHURCH OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL Rev. t'rift F vmo Ch'ooviin e 1 M-Vi'i acts, if performed during t h New Year holiday, would bringthe flower of good fortune: and bad luck in the coming year. Throughout the entire New Year period, Chinatown is bedecked Youngster Dies In Accident SWEET HOME (UPI) Kathy Ola Forsbcrt, 9, Sweet Home, was injured fatally as she stepped from a school bus near her home here Tuesday afternoon when she was struck by a pickup truck. State police said the child daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forsbert, died about an hour later. The truck driver, Bill James, 44, Sweet Home, said the brakes on his vehicle failed. He said he waved his arms to alert the bus driver and the girl but the child could not get out of the way in time. OPEN BIBLE STANDARD CHURCH, CHILOQUIN Rev. James Rlngseth, pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service DORRIS FREEWILL BAPTIST, FIRST North California St. Dorrl-., Calif. Pastor, Rev. Robert H. Middle EX 7-2952 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Younq People's Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship DORRIS HOUSE OF PRAYER South Oregon Avenue Dorrlj, Calif. Rev. Haine scnerer, pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Young people's Meeting 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service 7:30 p.m. Friday Gospel Service BAPTIST, FIRST W. B.' Russell, paslor 9:45 .m. Sunday School. Lea Harring ton in charge 7:00 p m. Sunady, Training Union, Otis Mlddaugh director Sunday evening worship service CATHOLIC CHURCH OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL Rev. C. F. O'Connor. Pastor 11:15 a.m. Sunday Mass FORT KLAMATH METHODIST CHURCH FORT KLAMATH COMMUNITY Rev. Albert E. Place 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School LANGELL VALLEY ST. BARNABAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bill Milne, lav vicar 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship and Church bcnooi LOR ELLA FULL GOSPEL, LOR ELLA Rev. Eugene A. Willis, pastor t;45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:45 p.m. Sunday Evening Worship MACDOEL- MAC DO EL ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Henrv G. Kali Box 31 EX 1-3531 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening W or snip MALIN ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH, MALIN Joseph Boyle, Pastor -43 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worihlp 4:45 p.m. C. A. Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MALIN COMMUNITY Rev. Ethan Wh.tman I 45 a m. Sunday School 11 :00 a.m. Worship Service MERRILL ASSEMBLY OF GOD, MERRILL Howard Peterson, Pastor pn. m-snji 10 00 a m Sunday School 11 00 am Vorning Worshio J;4S p.m. Evangelistic Service CATHOLIC CHURCH ST. AUGUSTINE'S Merrill Father Vincent C. Egad S 00 a m. Sunday Mass 10 00 a m Sunday Masa PRESBYTERIAN, MERRILL, FIRST 4S a m Church School 11 00 a m Worh.p Service S 00 p nv Junior Youth Fellowship 4S p nv Sentor Youth Fellowship NEWELL BAPTIST, NEWELL CONSERVATIVE Howard W. Roth- pastor t t a nv Sunday Schoot 11 00 a m. Morning Worship A JO p m Training Union 7 30 p.m. Evening Service SPRAGUE RIVER FRIENDS CHURCH, SPRAGUE RIVER P'Gr, Fvff J. Twntno Sunrt.v ScNwl H WnrtMO S.rv.C n Fvrnino srvc. ti Suwl.v Sclool 10 00 11 0O . 7 JO p a TULELAKE ASSEMBLY OF GOD R.v, Gltin Wr!,i(5 P O. Bo. JS Phort! Tiii.take c.'i H 00 i m Vorfling Wor.Mp Bid CM- I V pm (n.t At.h...don 7:A0 p rrt Fv.omQ (.r.Mp BAPTIST CHURCH, FIRST Tom Helm, P.itor t a m 5und.y School H 00 Wd'Olng worship JO p m P.pli.t Tfi-.lno Unlcfl HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH R.v C O Conner, p.tpr 5i,n1V V.r R and v . m. CHURCH OF CHRIST U-i.iA.a. Cat rnia R,v o w.rtd,ti H.fb'ipfl '0 Op i m - Si-nd.v School M 00 a m Hp'.lva tOOpPi ni'h ml, ,.n a JO p m F.r,in9 Mp..,p TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Rpp.fl n Mo.i"d, P.jtnf Him Siinrt.v S(O.V uiim -ail,h u-bta eian M Ml (A .h.p PRESBYTERIAN, COMMUNITY -fp-o a Wa" IOn- - 11 OP a m A P-. p f. Si,-.p,y I K pm.-n fp,iph,p WILLIAMSON RIVER METHODIST MISSION WILLIAMSON RIVER Rv L'nn Pafhfy of p rn S- n-uv ScvX' artj Wsm p Sfv-'t el with symbolic flowers; narcissus peony, the flower of wealth and honor. Traditionally, flowers rep resent growth, and if a blossom opens in a Chinese nome on New Year's Day, it signifies a year ol prosperity. Climax of the celebration takes place at 7 p.m., Feb. 9, when a bright and noisy two-hour pa rade wends its way up Market Street from First to Grant Ave nue, along Grant to Pacific Ave nue, down Pacific to Kearny street and along Kearny to Clay. This year's extended narade route allows viewing room for extra thousands over the route followed in previous years. Highlight of the parade is the appearance of the Golden Dragon. a 125-foot long serpentine beast mat dispels evil spirits as it weaves and twists its way along the entire length of the parade route. The parade also includes exotic Oriental floats, precision march ing units, and a variety of bands. HAMBER OMAAENTS by GEORGE T. CALLISON Manager KLAMATH COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Although the Sister City program with Kotorua, New Zealand, is not a formal project of the Klam ath County Chamber of Com merce, promotion of the city and county m every way possible is, For that reason, the office staff at the chamber finds itself more than casually concerned with the events of this week, which has been proclaimed by Mayor Rob ert Veatch as Sister City Week. With the fine assistance of Clif ford McDonald, official represent ative of Rotorua to Klamath Kails, four excellent color films of Rotorua and New Zealand, as well as numerous photos, posters and artifacts have been obtained from the New Zealand consulate in San Francisco, Much of this material will be seen in local win dow displays and at various pre sentations of the films during the week. Of interest to the public, gener ally, is the act that the four films will be given a free showinc Wed nesday evening at 8 o clock at Fremont School. Members of the local Sister City Committee, in cluding at eail two who have vis ited Rotorua, will be present to explain, in brief, the Sister City program. Mayor Veatch and the commit tee chose this week for the local observance since the concluding day, Jan, 26, coincides with the opening date of a year-long cel ebration of city status on the part of Rotorua. Also, on that day. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Mclntyre, chosen as official representatives of the City of Klamath Falls, w arrive in llotorua, to spend a week as guests of our sister city E. J. Morton Rites Held Funeral services were held in O Hair s Memorial Chapel at 10 a.m. Saturday. Jan. 19. for Ed ward James Morton, past 86. Mr. Morton died Jan. 16 in a Klamath Kails Nursing Home. He had lived in Klamath Kalis since 1948. He had been identified with llie lumbering industry and farming during much of his life time, and oflen said "he was the only tramp lumberjack left in the Northwest." He began employ ment in the Michigan wwds when he was 15. left Michigan to go to lirilish Columbia, and lived in Portland before coming to Klam ath Falls. He w as a member of the Golden Age Club. Msgr. T. P. Casey of Sacred Heart Catholic Church will offici ate at the service. Final riles and commitment will be in Klamath Memorial Park. Survivors include a brother. Henry James Morton of Reed City, Mich., and a nephew, Frank. E. Morton of Sacramento. Mr. and Mrs. Mortn came to Klam ath Falls for (he service. Lake County Speaker Named IAKF.V1EW - I,. P. C.rowney. industrial development director of the Pacific Poer and Light Company frum Portland, will be the featured sixsiker at llie an nual banquet o( the Lake County Chamber of Commerce on Jan ei ,Vu w.l serve as master of ceremonies for tlte 7 p m. event at Hunters Lodcc. which will take the place of the regular Ian. 21 meeting. Ticket must be purchased bo lore noon Thursday. .Ian. 31 Your ",rf w.ll" Howtn lt lham knew yeia ' Phona. Nyboclt't F I w f Fa... Propaganda Strength Of Judged By Ability To Deter By COL. RAY CROMLEY Military Analyst Newspaper Enterprise Assn. WASHINGTON I NE A I De fense Secretary McNamara has ordered a detailed study into what weapons most impress the Soviet Union with U.S. strength and determination. The study, to be completed with in six months, is intended to determine: 1. What weapons will convince Xikita Khrushchev and his advis ers that they had better not start a war and what weapons are less convincing, whatever their actual military value in war. 2. What weapons might scare Khrushchev too much and trig ger him into desperate action. Why this study is being con ducted was learned in a series of interviews with Defense and State Rotorua is the first New Zealand community to seek a sister city relationship with a community in the United States. The association with Klamath Falls was a natur al: the similarities between the two communities are striking. Among them are the population, presence of underground hot wa ter wells, lumber production and agriculture are the two principal industries of both areas; each has its native culture the Maoris and Klamaths, respectively; each has its many beautiful lakes and streams teeming with trout; each is the center of major tourist at tractions. The Sister City program stemmed from a White House conference called by President Eisenhower in the autumn of 1956 at which he emphasized the need lor a program to bring the peoples of the world closer together in the interests of peace. iffiliation with a Sister City gives Klamath rails an avenue to dramatically explain on a peo ule-lo-people basis the truth ol our way of life, our firm beliel in the brotherhood of man, and the elforU we sincerely exert in helping strengthen international amity. Through this program, Klamath Falls has the opportu nity to take an active role in world affairs. In these times when misunder standings seem to be the order of the day, any effort, no matter how small, to erase them and build in their place mutual confi dence and understanding is a wholly worthwhile effort. STARGA2EiV -By CLAY aics MAR. 23 Yowr Doiiy Afrording APR. 20 To develop messoge for Monday, reod words corresponding to numbers of your Zodioc birth sign. LV 5-21 -28-481 6 TAUWUf APR 21 MAY 21 1 froth 31 KffD 61 ltmt 2 Cflncuntrott 32 Tight 62 Tctono! 3 To 33 Tr-.rvj 63 Your 4 Attend 34 Liprd 64 5 Swop 35TU,r 6SU-xHvided 6 Oi 3ft Now 6ft And 7 You 37Pwpl 67R,3ht , 6 0m 38 At 6fl Track j 9ChilrfrM 39 Mov 61? Educoticrt 10P-cl 400-ir 70Pe(or 11 RmI 41 Morw 71 Arpmronc 1? Tr 42 Wtll-btino 72 Now 13 f .tot a-UThtfir 73Ycor 14 f Mottr 74 To 15TorJfVl 45Cortuiiy 7b Making Ift CHek 4ft Ho 76 Poc I 170r 47Wordrob 77 A 1BTrOVr 4flYru 7 D,?for 19 HoiOrrfrXB 49 Or 79 Phor- 20Somo MVuht 80Wonorful , ? 1 Event SI An ft) Ar 22 Diet 52 Be P2 Attenk 23 Good 5.1 MouieMId 83 Crowded ?4Dealngt '54 On Mf-ryj. 25 A 55 As-oid 85Co'l ! ZS With 5A f S Todov 77 Money ?TWof 87Fovor-J 28 Put WStrongtn f$Oonc 20 0-jw 5"t 8P-x P0Th.nk 60Af ODeris.v rfNI!-40-45 Of MM MAY 23 qJ1-3234-5 CANCM JUNE 23! JULY 23 i I Yi 4 12 22-47 M-Al -62-71 uo JULY 24 AUG. 23 fcTS 3-15.56-57 V635 82 86 vntoo AUG. 2 serf. 22 1 ri.fl 11 IT all AMA TRESIDKNT DIES SOL'Til BEND. Inrl. ifPl'-Dr. Roscoc Sonsonich. 80. president of lite American Medical Association in liMH, died here Friday. HEAR Rev. Fuchsia Parrish IN THE 8th WEEK OF REVIVAL NIGHTLY EXCEPT MON. AND SAT. AT 7 P.M. Anneintcd Bible ftochinf br former itminary reocrttr who hoi Keen mirocutouily htolfd nd t tiled with th Spirit of God. Assembly of God 8th and Oak St. "I can truthfully tor rhit It the frtttl revival tvtr been in," Rtv. LlevaJ Finr. Department officials, scientists and military men. McNamara and his advisers are worried. They are alraid they may have concentrated too heavi- may nave concentrated too heavi- ly on super-efficiency in military weapons. They are afraid that missiles, although they may be very efficient in winning wars, may not be as impressive in pre venting wars as are warships, planes and tanks. And Washington believes that preventing a war is even better than winning a war. One of the major factors in get ting Khrushchev to back down in the Cuba crisis was our ability to mass a huge array of visible force aircraft carriers, subma rines, troops, tanks, artillery, huge bomber planes, fighter planes. Re serves were called up. This build up could be seen and felt. These were normal, understandable ways of showing the United States meant business. But 1,000 intercontinental ballis tic missiles standing ready on 1.000 launch pads and silos don't move. Agents for Khrushchev. Fidel Castro and Mao Tsc-tung can't see missiles "building up" tor a showdown. Frank Vaile Dies Here Frank Ewing Vaile, 78, a resi dent of .Aberdeen, Wash., died Jan. 18, of a heart attack at the home of a daughter, Leone North- rup. owner of Melita's Motel near Chiloquin. Mr. and Mrs. Vaile were here on a visit. Mr. Vaile had been under the care of a doctor for a heart condition in Aberdeen. He had gone outside the home to bring in a load of stove wood when he collapsed. A son was en route to Klamath County by car to take his parents home, at the time of his father's death. Deputy coroner W. P. Kendall and Sheriff Murray Britton were called following Mr. Vaile's death. Survivors include the widow, Adelaide. Aberdeen, Wash. ; son; William M. of Clearwater, Wash.: daughters, Leone North rup, Chiloquin, Harriet Bailer, Moclips, Wash.. Ruth Eckenburg, Santa Marie. Calif.; sister, Clare Fitzgerald; eight grandchildren and tlu ee great-grandchildren Funeral services will be an nounced by the Elerding Mor tuary. Aberdeen, at a later date. Ward's Klamath Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements here. R. POLLAN- UUA Activity Guicfe t to th Stan. SPT.2J OCT. 23 2- 6- 9-35 A 42-43-69 KOMIO OCT. 24 tJii NOV. 22 73-27-29-52V1 54-73-74 74 V-l SACITTAR1US NOV 23 . otc n fji P4.3M7.38T; f77-78-8l-B7S; CAavKOtN 1819.1f,e (S044.76 AOUAMUt ;an. 21 Ff. It l- s-i4.i6jr BWI-72 5L- nscts WAR 21 7- 8 53 S 1 50.59.7WUJIJ 41 MAIN STKEfT "J. ft f V f - j. j .' "i, f V , V I & . I t . 4rf vZp. jJS. CUBAN BUILDUP Visible potential adversaries. 5if'' JV Small Groups Of Deer Seen On Forest Tour FORT ROCK Small groups of deer, scattered uniformly along some 35 miles traveled in the Fort Rock country, were ob served on a U.S. Forest Service sponsored "show me" trip here Jan. 16. No extremely large herds, equal in size to some of those of previous trips, were seen. Thirty six persons, largely from Bend, made the trip in a char tered Trailways bus. The route took the group past the Hole-in-thc-Ground, Cabin Lake, the Der rick Caves, and the Eleanor Long ranch. A cloud of dust behind the bus. in an area that normally would require four wheel drive equip ment to cope with mid-January snow, testified to the unusual season. The forest fringe which ordinarily has light snowfall was found to be suffering from over use of bitteibrush and other Klamnlli Ifcitiorial Park Perpetual Care . . . Reserved lots $50 to $125 68 ocres, 10 developed For full information without obligation TU 4-4560 or TU 4-3161 Owned by City Klamath Folic Class Forming! Develop These Basic Traits: O SELF CONFIDENCE O SPEAKING SKILLS 0 HUMAN RELATIONS INSIGHT O DECISION MAKING ABILITY O POSITIVE MOTIVATING ATTITUDES Neorly 1,000,000 graduates from all walks of life, with oil types of educotionol background have gained a new confi dence in themselves, , o new attitude toward their future. Why not git yourself the tome opportunity? DALE CARNEGIE COURSE Approved for Oregon Korean Yeterans J. R. (Bob) Taylor, Associate Sponsor 548 Lozier Lone, Medford, Oregon Weapons War t ':t -,c. ft. ra".3 miLzim :. ..3X " Ui 'iv? Vi -M i,' ?j U military strength impresses browse species. Deeper in the forest was bare ground where normally there are heavy snows, and excellent but unused bitter brush was found. Ingrained habit of the deer appeared to be the only reason for this unbalance of deer concentration with relation to available forage. Among those aboard were Francis Stokesberry, a director of the Oregon Wildlife Federation and members of the wildlife com mittee of the Bend Chamber of Commerce. Milton Griffith, range manage ment officer for the Deschutes Na tional Forest, narrated the trip. He was assisted by Ashley Poust, H. R. Tonseth, and Ed Bailey, for the forest service; Paul Bonn for the Oregon State Game Commis sion, and Bud Parks for the Fort Rock-Silver Lake. Soil Conserva tion District. of Klamath Foil ii DALE CARNEGIE Author of "How To Win Friends ond Influence People" FREE Preview Session WEDNESDAY January 23 MOLATORE'S 7:30 P.M. Call Bus Thompson, TU 4-6618 FOR MEN AND WOMEN