GET-TOGETHER' ...from the RCA VICTOR Record Club fa trwdimn nt wtt&t tnM hfQ I iNciuots isTauiK rv TT I SOUVtHIH PBOOAW jV -and PLAY 4 MORE FREE for 10 days YOUR CHOICE OF THRILLING REGULAR HI-FI OR BREATHTAKING STEREO till !.! Ml-. Origlnol pformoiK of 50 Molar MihiplKM by ilor.thidd.d band. I Hw A UMpMd, ton III nW Nigol. AHeo lb Gotra, All Fh HUngi few A., Hoar Doodb, Mr CM Sal, 44 anrol (. L7. aatrl . Caaall 3 ulit.liil HENRY MANCINI I i I HPti I I V WTT I PORTQWWONa siandMm TCHMKOVMV THEmrrcucKn Ciri Wanncb Itoclt ii.ui Mnsii 414. Trkfcy, IwwM trek bycompotarof Sreoefaif at HHtmy't, Nw Gt, etc 941. NowcahrptoaRMMa Rota font tem hove bM waiting 6 yon fori 401. TnjMpel Una 12 424. A me fMnfli Yam 424. Have I Fold Toe 422. M-Ut W lo, tee 42a Wall of In flow- 29. Thudenng Toccata, JiiKm narfonaoncef! Ar. Don' Horn Mm. toHfr That I lev Vow. AW Umomr. WW I Fa m. Dance of ft Swear Ihrllllna Prelude and axj aw imm, omen, inoti swmm, atony mot, adovo aM Myond. M lev, mm lover, etc rhm retry, ll ntore. ngumoym Vmmm r?""l 'At rA jf" iJ -sinFMiMOMi I 1 1 HAM SNOW IPI tii" -I ; r-i i ryw.riJBim- i.-iiai;a :7.C3rdUui rV', I lunmc unmc LANZA -.t9 1 .-XT . " - 1 aSIIS I WORKSHOP 1 1 I . 24t. Wen 3 AcooWy 411. SyncopoW Clot. Aword for I Ml Scor, JKMata, WctMintg Cof, Ml Song, (Moon Urmr)l CMcfeea Jtee., more. 417, nalortirVtnw, At of en. (Reg. Li, only) 292. Aho ftad W Va. hf, Thm Urf o Up, 241. Abo SkfoT low, 24. Alw t Doa'f Narf Umthalmd AW00V, nora Aiqrioro, i otoro now by now vocal MnMHen. votiIom of Snow MH. 2. Tho original TV ocHoo KM olbwNi. AN-ttar aodom 2tO. Golfar vlrttjoto 254. rWiolorooordingt 1. Aho 10 mor teoMtfrtg plari(j4lofayorlrdJaW, Indudn C-SJtarp AVaor lnitraintali Wa MaH, VVMoMroio, mti, Wom, f ofoaafM, otWu Wc'ro foiMa, rlMN7fa. 4 It. 30 Mh by banfot, 414. Al Woftfa fa K Tvto, niyttkm. Hit aoHvy, HoM, r a root (.01 U Umo faawa Uopors. If ( No SWiW , 41 S. My FovarM TMnpt, Moomg low, Hufc Ih iw M XaaMMOor AprN, oro. 214. Alio lto Stlat, CoooVCa, nw tody It O Inmm, 4 oMlor. 294. Arnold ting hit oft- 219. DafWilHvo vonhm Ttnta htn ogan now of Oarwrwtnt two atoM popalor cMMtct. 244. PlanU pkjyi 23 mat Sfarrivff. landy, SelrtWa, ate 4 M-fl toonai popalor tfouica. C I . MIT W BiLAfOKTtt I BIS , fcS"'t!""T'l tjfer'l 5fflllIT. f--VlTfl F ..w-t. HITSXPJMDO i-WlrfJ on P'C fUM ! a r , Hii I M m 2a I. And Mora of Mi 4. Yamngar Thorn Sorfno- 272. HN tW ton plm 34. Indvdai DMp tfvor, 982. WBh vokoi, tfrtnot. Nogatlm, mma. I f V top LaNn donca band ttma, $omm tmtkamlod lot Ala mm thm O , Happy Amw Ay of Atoa'a OaaVaie, roarlorfGoootqw.Honf rjTtvBBT- ' I nlfi m Hnw iOMnd." fmoia, 12 -arm blti. Ilrtnooy fa AW, Hmmma frrnymt, alkmn. On, UmAaimd Alalody. 1 It . .....r. JjyjSom. 3--vJ -A vu ubum T1 NEAPOLITAN Ml. AaonJng. aaaibx In. WW W SaWt 141. Ako Kalamaa, bowUca vartov Com UmiMti Im, $Mo of faaHt. Tmobo ortbo. STtKO ONIV. too, 10 aoro ohmia. Mateo, 4 aora. eicaai t 'Tn1'Tm,j"""'"1'"' t t i. ...J 977. roing od Faaldt, Ml. Holt aMgai, Abldo 317. tilling Slis.ii yMMgw noo SnWwglioo, WMh Mo. Stood Up For wohtat aod ovortoroi In I lovo IToo, 9 OOMn. Joo(, 10 agn, too ityio. ' .. Islands . 231. lUdort im thm Sky, JeMDoloro, On Tap of Old Smoky, 9 Mora. 247. Hrtorlovt, Irtttntota, "In parton' mncart by top faioofososaMdy trio. 22. SUo whMWt. wtntv 9. Tha fn doitkol L. board, auto horm of eft Hm fo tall Mora oiMand od btfwvnl Ikon ona MiKon capiat! 278. arabadi ttor plavt Ukm Sommom In lava, I'vm Col Yam IM Aly S-H 245. Mtoting Mondofini 211. Mat'tnowMMoHon 204. AvHianlk lilond play Sonta Iwcfa, O Sola tlnat arkii from Vara. Moodt. HowafWn Wad Mio, Mrf S-kW. ate. and rWM opartM. dina Song, II oHkora. Aftofl tor RCA Victor ftocord CU taoalw't DltoM Mvtl. (icv PtowHttrvllk, N. Y. PleaM Band ma rocord mimberl , land MD nw btat for only 10c At I ha tame lime, you may alto rattrva a Trial Mnnhenhip in tha Csuh under tho tarina outlined tn thM adertiamnl and aeod DM mami thcM 4 addiuonaJ rocortltw 1 L STFRKO: Check hero if you havottrreo oquip mmt and wuh thow and fuluni twktvUora in with tha umWrtianding that after paying them AOOti FRFB for 10 day I may raturn them at your coat without further obligation, and my reaenration will be cancrlad. If I decrda lo keep thecn I will be felted only SI (plus handling and pwitapr) for all 4 record. TrW one retard I harm cAomn or 10c u mi to Are U,T km amp cmm. t am two.' Intrmtrd la tha rollowlna type of muk) Bheck ona boi only: Pmammm C CtWal taowa-y 8 P.Ha ZONI. but I undonund thai I may arway chooaa amy . type of auaic I wiah. OnW GoW Im U.S.A. OWy If you wtah your membership croditod to an aulhoriiod RCA Vktor Dealer, pleaje tend tua name and addreea. NOW-SUtVfY SHOWS PttCI A NO AVAtAMiTY OF COMPARABLE RCA VtCtO RfCORDS The 51 RTtal records shown here are typical of the great RCA Victor selections offered to Club members. To find out just how much you might expect to pay for such records, the independent research firm. Audits A Surveys Company, Inc. recently shopped ten metropolitan arras across the United Slates. The re searchers checked the prices actually charged for 20 records offered in recent Club advertising. Here's what they found: The Club member accepting this offer only SI for any 4 records shown here would pay from $10. 16 (Popular Hi-FO to 123.92 CI .mica I Stereo) for comparable records covered in the survey. And no other source offered a wider choice than the Club, of the RCA Victor Records surveyed. HUtTS AU TOO DO Write the number of the record you want for 10c on the coupon at I he left. Then fill in the numbers of 4 more records you want. They will be sent lo you for 10 days' FRFE home listening, and a trial member ship will be reserved for you. You may keep the 4 records for only SI (plus a small handling and post age charge) if you accept the membership and agree to purchase only five additional records during the com ing year. Otherwise, return the 4 records within 10 days at our cosl and your reservation will be canceled. The record yon hare chosen foe JOe (to help cover postage and handling) is yours to keep in any easel YOU tUT THESI UNEFTTS AS A PAMBI Yow enjoy Boat Sowfj Record by worid-farnous artists. Yew Rocorvo Reader's Dtgoot Mwk Goido FREE. You Snop of Ham a choosing only the records yom want. You Hovo ChnV Otoroo Account you pay for records after you get them and while you are en toying them. Members' prices are always shown in the Musk Guide (usually S3.98 or J4.98 Stereo SI extra) plus postage and handling. You Qieew 1 Rocord FREE for every two records you take after fulfilling your introductory agreement. Free records are the same as those you may purchase, am? you have a wide choice from hundreds offered. SIND NO MONfY MOW Fill in the coupon at the left and mail it today to: RCA Vktor Rocord Out, co RaooWt Digest Mmlc, twc. PtoosenwVilW, Now Yark THUS RADIO CORPORATION O AMCRIOA A survey, by an Intfaaandaat erg aw I rat Ion, of arieaa poto for ooMearaote reeoroa wta be ant on roaaeet.