Junior TREASURE Chest EDITED BY RUTH DIXON Where's the Wigwam? By Clarence Biers A Surprise Birdseed Garden By Evelyn Pickering This sort of birdseed garden is definitely not for the birds! Place a medium-size sponge in a saucer and fill with water. Sprinkle birdseed on top of the sponge. Set the saucer in a warm sunny place, remembering to keep it well-watered. After several days, tiny green plants will pop up all over the sponge. You will be surprised at the number of different kinds of plants that sprout. This is because bird food con tains a variety of seeds. Enjoy this tiny garden yourself or maybe give it to a friend who's sick in bed and will have fun watching it grow. Baker's Puzzle By Eleanor M. Marshall Change the first letter in the words below To find things made from baker's dough. TREAD makes FUN makes HAKE makes TIE makes DOLLS make &Q Riddle! What woman is happy when her husband is down and out? Answer: 'aji 8,nBuojSH uy Let s Draw a Baby Buggy By Ann Davidow G The letter G will make a snuggy. Funny, little baby buggy Into which you'd like to peep To see a baby sound asleep. Garden Cditora ajfi" " apBaw V Fast-Growtne Ever-Blooming Amazing RED ROSE HEDGE Sand lor tpoetsl Spring Sonus Otfi FOR AS LITTLE AS 124 A FOOT I ESl"!eW is. Sea the nsatnal Red Robin Rose Hedge (Gtoiie Oes j ,, .iim. ,,m luH- Rosomanes) that'! weeping the country! Planl THIS cotorbook.um.pticn.iMciii spttni eonua SPRING; have a viorou LIVING FENCE hursting with (re- j ". E Ro6lN uviKGTiNCt. grant RED ROSES THIS SUMMER. Red Robin'i lush ireen j foliage Is covered with a riot of richly scented red rose Um month after month. Not a sprawling Multiltora. Grown i straight, upright to 6 feel, stays compact. So tough, thrives in even poor soils. Grows so dense Red Robin j keeps children and pets in, animals and intruders out. j Availableonh;fromGindenNunery,SanBruno,Calitornia. ' n.u 1 " E does Getting I Up Nights I MAKE YOU FEEL OLD 5 Alter 35. common Kidney or Bladder Ir S ritatlons ofien occur and mar mike you S. ttmr and nervous from too frequeDt JS passases both day and night. Second 's arlly. you may lose sleep and aufier from 5 Headaches, Backache and feel old, tired. S depressed. In inch Irritation. CYBTEX m usually brlniia fast, relaxing comfort by g curbing Irritating germ in strong, add S urine and by analgesic pain relief. Oet CYSTEX at druiiuu. reel bttter faat. Florida I'f.B.'.M.'IAal.rnn 1 HOMI SITBS 498 Lowly Uj m tiles in Central Florida hilfa. lake, trove area S495, no money down, SIO a month 5 milea from famous Rainbow Springs Electricity, phones 22 miles lo Gulf Coast Fish, hunt Invest or retire. FREE color folder wru uept. Rainbow Park, Box 321, OCALA. Florida. AP2070WIO STOPPED INAIIFFY -kact ITCH Now, get relief fait Dr. Dennis' D.D.D. Prescription atop tormenting, raw, fiery Itch of eczema, rashes, acne, chafing, other Itch trouble. Greaseless, atainleaa, soothing, cool antiseptic. Helps prevent Infection -promotes healing. Don't suffer. Ak druggist for ODD. liquid or err me. DOMES pouomimH omrmcrm jurmfurrm m TMM MAIX INBIIIUlB Like Walking on Pillows! D-'Scholk LrJ I 1 j air-pillo zjryi I I INSOLES Sr7J Give iMxvrfovs aJrL-'i A Walking fas ...aimmml Alr-Cuthion your shoes for only... 60p Thia modern mimckt of walk ing eaao gratefully pillowa, vonlilatoa your feet from Cos to neei. tletierea painful oaU louaes . . . gins mild aupport of feet . . . helps leaeen strain of stendlng, walking. Insulates fret against cold. Sizes for men, women. Sold at Drug, Mhos. Dept., 6-10r Stores. P. S. alWUO Isnlii were le way ! NOTHING LIKE POULTICE HEAT ' H(T Ai FOR MISERY OF CHEST COLDS Anliphloistias's ft satttral heat peMetttrtss detf dm. Speeds relief of colds' MMtcMis adtsa. coniesiloa as only poultictcaa. KtlHblel Over m-m wotf. ait syHttnts. Trial sua uu t ANTIPHLOGISTINE POULTICE Ar, jumi-mavraKsj SARAKA SOLVES THE PROBLEM OF "AFTER 45" IRREGULARITY Doctor-approved bulk stimulant helps keep you comfortably on schedule as no ordinary laxative can I As we grow older, our systems may often need outside aid to help maintain a normal regularity pattern. Continued use of strong drug laxatives can be irritating, even dangerous. That's why many doctors recommend SARAKA, the pure, all-vegetable bulk stimu lant laxative for middle age and over. SARAKA supplies the moist. bland bulk that is so essential to healthy bowel function. And only SARAKA has a gentle stimulant action lo help ease this bulk through your system plus Vitamin B,. Special note to weigh! watchers! Lack of suf ficient bulk in 900 calorie liquids can lead to constipation. If this occurs, supplement your daily diet with all-vegetable SARAKA. 'amity Weekly, January lo, IK IS