CMMIMg. tftopeint ar S C avi!!l!lTflS crAwuM fe. hjAMr Im ia tW, jf lUll'l lilllU POCUtl, alluring a r! Ill Iflffla mci'm. tm'ii tm s fl I'll I f'Aill a " M ""- Iff I f i iff;! B M M H aradONi- gt 1 Iflll Mff.'i E "ulm aiact s MlIlfjjjR "" tMh S flliiliitjUl a M- ,Uck 3 i Mb Will H 8o,d,ors 9e i Lz..iaa n j in tOOt btlt. (MKMaaMf imM pocUU, altering MckitM. tm'ii ffti Mm -4 t abtt m tan BfMkM' MUIHU PUM. A Whltt, tMh M. luck ft MaiM, lack fta . - . H' Sold for S9.96 r 14 MVft n RIVIERA ORIGINALS, Dept. 1-1 603 MacOonough SI- Brooklyn 33, N. V. R-2W Sin Color. - 3.M WITH StEEVES WITHOUT SLEEVES PREPAID (Add J5 POfUf) C.0.0. Shrinks Hemorrhoids New Way j Without Surgery STOPS ITCH RELIEVES PAIN For the first time science has found 5 a new healing substance with the astonishing ability to shrink hem- -orrhoids and to relieve pain with- out surgery. 5 In case after case, while gently 8 relieving pain, actual reduction (shrinkage) took place. Most amazing of all-results were so thorough that sufferers made astonishing statements like "Piles a have ceased to be a problem!" i The secret is a new healing sub- S stance ( Bio-Dyne) -discovery of a world-famous research institute. S This substance is now available g Tn tuppotitory or ointment form s under the name Preparation H. Ask for it at all drug counters. BUY U.S. I SAVINGS BONDS 1 MEDICATED OINTMENT RELIEVES INTENSE ITCHING I Modern medicated relief from Itch s caused by acute dry shin, rash, psori- jjj asis, eczema, and insect bites. Soothing 3 emollients plus sulphur compounds and a nti -microbial properties help heal skin, help prevent secondary infections. I HxrfftiTTiTrTli 11 Why "Good-Time Charlie" Suffers Uneasy Bladder ITnwUe rating or drfnklna; may he a amiir nt mild, hut annoyint hladdtr Irritation- making you fwl rmttrw, trnae, and unmmfortall. And if mtkua nift-hta, with nMRcinc harkach, hradarhv or irnw ruiararhfw and painaduUuvr-rttiin, train or rmottonal uparl, ar adding to your miftfry-don't wait-try Dnan'a I'illa. Ihna i'illa art S way fur apwdy re lief. I - TKy hav a aonthin vitrei on Idaddrr irrilatama. l-A faxt pin-rrltv inn act ton on nasviiiK harkarh, hrad &hr miwcular arhca and paina. 1 A T nlerriilly mild dttirvttr arlmn thru the kidney, tending to tncrvaae th output of th IS mitra nr kidnvy tubva. Su, rt th Mm happy rrlirf milliona hav rnnijrrd for owr 60 yrara. for ctnvrnlnrr, buy the tarvr . Ct Daan'a IMIb today 1 HOW THEYRE TRAINING YOUTH FOR MODERN MARRIAGE m G Qfa Scorning old, haphazard methods, one city has organized an intensive educational program and it begins in kindergarten By EDWARD R. SAMMIS 12 family Wctkly, Jaaiary . 1MJ The girl with green eye shadow was in tears. A boy whom she did not know had pinched her as they passed in the hall. This was the opportunity her teacher-counselor at a junior high school in one of the more affluent districts of Washington, D.C., had been waiting for. They sat down together after school and had a heart-to-heart talk. The girl was shocked when the teacher of health education pointed out that her appearance and dress penciled eyebrows, pancake make-up, exaggerated hairdo, tight skirt had invited the familiarity. It had never occurred to the girl to ' relate her new personality, which she had "put on" just because other girls were doing it, with the effect it might have on the other sex. After the talk with the teacher, her attitude and man ner of dress changed entirely. This is but one of the many ways in which the Washington school sys tem is seeking to provide guidance to youngsters involved in the emotional difficulties that can limit their chances of success later on in marriage. The moving force is a carefully thought out program of training in personal and family living, starting in kinder garten and going through high school. Although the school system pro vides the impetus, there is active par ticipation by parents, church groups, and civic organizations. Thus, an en tire community is going all-out with an organized attack on a'great di lemma the troubles arising from the early maturing and social precocious ness of our youth. One reason advanced for such pre cocious behavior is that adolescents today respond more to the judgment of other youngsters than to the opin ions of their parents. They go steady, they marry young because "the other kids are doing it." Washington educators have scored by facing squarely that fact of life and turning it to advantage. In the city's program the students agree on, put in writing, and abide by their own standards of desirable conduct. And it's surprising how eagerly the young-