New Federal Tax Laws can hurt you if you don't know how to apply them... BUT YOU HAVE THE GREATEST OPPORTUNITY IN YEARS TO SAYE MONEY ON TAXES IF YOU ACT NOW! New 1963 Edition of J. K. LASSER'S YOUR INCOME TAX is Guaranteed to Add at Least $100 to Your Net Income or it Costs You Nothing! ET tough!" is the White House and Congressional attitude 'J that will spur the tax examiners to even greater efforts this year. If you're not prepared, this could mean trouble for you. New laws, interpretations and rulings will help tax men probe more deeply into expense accounts, charity donations, business expenses, gifts, income-producing properties and in vestments, medical expenses, and other areas of tax deduction. but paradoxically contemplated changes in taxation for 1963 offer you the greatest opportunity in years to save tax money now. new, revised 1963 edition of J. K. Lasser's world-famous tax guide, Your Income Tax, brings you a double bonus. It shows you how to avoid trouble and how to cut your taxes this year lor greater net income. this Year Congress put through laws affecting increased retirement income credit, investment credits, increased medical deductions, depreciation allowances for cooperative apart ments, and tax enforcement. Two major provisions just passed provide new tax savings. One allows self-employed profes sionals and businessmen to set up retirement programs; the second, provides a tax credit for investments in equipment... much, much more. here is specialized help for single people; young marrieds; self-employed; private and corporate businessmen; families; pensioners; professional people; home owners; investors; stu dents; the disabled veterans. Get Right Answers To Questions Like These: How can you defer your pay? ( See p. 198)... Are you taking full advantage of lower tax on dividends? (p. 34)... Do you know how to profitably make use of alternating the standard deduction? ( p. 110). ..How to figure the reduced tax on secu rity profits (p. 65)... Are you deducting all of your property taxes? (p. 123). ..Are you eligible lor retirement plans for self-employed individuals? . . . Can you take advantage of the generous new investment credit on buying business equipment? . . . Do you know about the new liberal medical expense ceiling? . . . Do you know what records you must keep to support your business travel and business entertainment expenses? . . . hun dreds more! vou also GET: checklist of over 375 specific items you CAN deduct; checklist of over 190 specific things you CAN NOT deduct; 400 APPROVED DEDUCTIONS for every job and profession with checklists; deducting expenses to produce income plus numerous tax saving plans for the family; giant all-inclusive 8-page index which immediately locates any thing you want to know. All checklists and index are in alpha betical order for fast, finger-tip reference. Figuring out your taxes is now so easy it's almost impossible to make a mistake! NO-RISK DOUBLE GUARANTEE Simply mail coupon here. We'll rush you this brand-new 1963 Edition of J. K. Lasser's famous Your Income Tax to examine and use for two weeks. If you don't see at once that it will add at least $100.00 to your net income, return it for full refund. Or, use the book until April 15, 1963. Fill out your return, using all the money-saving advice included in Your Income Tax. If you don't save at least $100 over what you normally would have paid, return the book then, and your money will be refunded immediately. ACT today and we will send FREE J. K. Lasser's special 24-page booklet containing the new tax forms already .filled in line by line to show you how to save time and dollars filling out your own returns. This booklet also contains sup plementary reports on up-to-the-minute changes in the tax laws. Mail coupon today to: Simon and Schuster, Publishers, Dept. WT, 630 Fifth Avenue, New York 20, New York. N The Original, Most Widely Used Tax Guide in America 11 H YEAR OF PUBLICATION MORE THAN 10.000,000 COPIES SOLO PRICE $1.95 (TAX - Of DUCTIBLC) J. K. LASSER'S j NEW 1963 I j EDITION I i j WM For Preparing j 1962 Returns j to Save You Time, i Trouble and Taxes i flCOME TAX l IT HELPS YOU TO FIND: ALL the ways to lake eicmptkm tot your support of your children and other dependents ALL the deductions and taafrec benefits for salaried persons ALL the possible ways to increase your aflcr-taa income ALL the medical and dental expenses that can be deducted ALL the deductible local uses for the 50 States and the District of Columbia ALL the capital gam advantages for investors INCREASES INCOME AFTER TAXES Hundreds of laxfree income Hems More than 1000 ui-savin aids Hundreds of approved suggestions for rechicing your las-plus sections on family las ptanning and trusts and estates NEW tai-saving opportunities in the 1961 Treasury rulings and court dectuoas-tnduding many thai should be used before the end of the year FREE SUPVLEneENT: fo keep van up to en the new UK lews now dtmvj MMilinl b Congress, you ism a rvoort ol the mm changes that mo effect vour 1962 the REVISED fOR 1962. compwtetv Mwd hi new forms To got your WC". Hii YOUR OUAftMtUl Of PROUCTIOn) RIGHT OP 10 APRIL 15. 1961. ant M a ami man IM card male the front of trmbook TAX SAVING SECTIONS FOR FAMILY PLANNING BUSINESS EXECUTIVES HOME OWNERS HOBBY AND SIDE-UNE BUSINESSMEN CITIZENS ABROAD ALIENS HERE MARRIED COUPLES VETERANS MILITARY SERVICEMEN SPECIAL NOTE TO INVESTORS IN REAL ESTATE AN0 SECURITIES Special las saving sections give specific plana to assure maxirmMi sennas on your Mveauoenle, OVER 62 OR RETIRED Special Section on Tea and Social Security Laws wtucb retired persons tiwwkl lake attVaatagt of. SIMON AND SCHUSTER PUBLISHERS ONLY (Tax Deductible) OVER 10 MILLION COPIES SOLD To Your Bookmtlet, or SIMON AND SCHUSTIR, vblfthers. Dept. WT 630 Ptftt, Aveiiwe, New York 20, N. Y. Please ruth me copies of the brand-new 1963 Edition of the famous J. K. Lesser money-savin? handbook Your Income Tax, for which I en close $1.95 per copy. If I don't think it will save me at least $100 on my taxes for this year, I may return it anytime before April 15, 1963 for an immediate refund in full. The special 24-page booklet of filled-in tat forma and supplementary reports on tax laws that I will receive are mine to keep in any case. Name. irrxANR ratNTi Address. City. .Zone State.