Sunday, Jan. 20, 1963 Page 6-0 Herald A Newa Klamatn Falls v Printed Pattern J'. AND i " L I "9203 t I SIZES I 1 io20 SIDE BUTTONED Wrap up fashion's favorite side buttoned look sew this wrap Jum per in sheer wool to solo as a dress or team with the basic blouse. Printed Pattern 9203: Misses' Sizes 10, 12. 14, 16. 18. 20. Size IS jumper 214 yards M inch) blouse 1 yds. 39-inch. Fifty cents in coins for this pattern add 10 cents for each pattern for first-class mail. Send to Marian Martin, Herald and News, Pattern Dept., 2.12 West 18th St., New York 11, N Y. Print plainly name, address with zone size and style number. First Time Ever! Glamorous movie star's wardrobe plus 110 exciting styles to sew in our new Fall-Winter Pattern Catalog. Send 35 cents. Closet Order Gives Space "1 don't have enough room in my linen closet." That cry is hoard in many mod - crn homes across the country. Compact homes have compact lin en closets and considerable ingen uity is called for In making the most of this and other linen clos-, et space. You can solve this storage prob lem, and help your daughter help you, by making a chart that sliows on which shelves your linen closet items are to go. It will help you organize your closet bet ter and show your children how to help keep it organized. Here are some ideas for get ting maximum convenience from your linen closet; Bottom Shelf Here is a good place for disposable paper prod ucts like facial tissues, paper tow els and bathroom tissue. Second Shell Fresh bath tow els and washcloths are frequently used and should he placed on this shelf. Slack with the folded out so even 1 ho youngest member of the lamily can select one at a time without upsetting the whole arrangement. Third .Shelf-Here is the best spot for sheets, pillow cases and mattress covers. As they are fold ed, the hems should he exposed so a ha.sly glance shows their sire Top shelf Good (or hath mals. blankets and small rugs. Y o it may want to keep a sickroom kit here also vul'i a hot water bottle, first aid kit and an ice h.ig. Now that nu have a master plan you can hecin to reorganize your closet. Becm by emptying all the shcles and lining them with adhesive covenncs They will make cleaning the shelves easier, and they come in many designs and colors to complement any bathroom decor. You can see thai the easiest way to make the most of jour linen closet is to think about what you want lo put in fust. then lit everything in with the organization and care ou gie lo packing a suitcase. Good luck! ' Ms I FASHIONETTES The long T-shirt, practically a uniform on the Riviera last sum mer, is big in American resorl wear (or One manufacturer i.Janl;en shows a long-sleeved knit shut in multicolor stripe to cover the bnelesl of shorts in the same fabric'. Leather, rubber, nylon and met al all have been tested to cover the ends o( lethal spike heels. Now one manufacturer claims it has a new composition material that wean as long hs metal, dors not spread and snag, and cush ions the sound of the spikes Starts Today! Pick Up Your Card Now At Any Oregon Food Store... AYALON & SHASTA WAY 4480 South 6th 1315 Oregon Avenue New Store Hours Open 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Daily We Are Proud To Announce A 8" 2 With Profit-Sharing PREMIUM CARDS! Invalid If fMChH f Mr Hill tlkir Ihil iknrl hlrt Q VOID IF StU IS HOIK no ruiCHUts nutssur 10 oium nit functus o Cttl. SO IIUIS Tl k tfM Mfl Ml U fM4 3 kr otlirllid llr ptnwiMl. f THIS CARD MAY BE WORTH $1,000 CASHI FREE PUNCHES 1 2345678910111213 25!25;25',25;25!25;25;25'2525l25!25;25;2525i25!25l25 50:50!5050!5050!50!50!50;50505050!5050505050 PROFIT SHARING PREMIUM CARD THIS IS YOUR RECORD OF PURCHASES St. Pwrf. It,. Nl. IWi FftHivm Ct. Int., 7II Snifcf Plan, Dtllit. Itttt N v v CN CM t- v CM V CM - KT - N Csl $il$i$i!$i;$il$ii$H$i!$ii$il$i$il$il$il$il$i$il$i ess CAUTION! PLEASE DO NOT TAMPER WITH THE SEAL. TO BE VALID. SEAL MUST BE OPENED BY AN AUTHORIZED STORE EMPLOYEE. 1 o IT'S NEW o IT'S SIMPLE o IT'S SURE Jingles to write Contest to enter Gimmicks to confuse from LP ml pwiapMr NOTE: No purchase or other consideration is required to receive your Premium Card or to for the premium indicated under the seal! The validation of free punch section is in no way upon the completion of the purchase section. participate dependent WHEN FREE PUNCHES FULLY PUNCHED, CARD IS WORTH A MINIMUM OF M.OO-AMD MAY BE a-fl(a(a-5)S(a or EiLaatil ,9