Sunday, January 20, 19(3 PAGE J D HERALD A.T NEWS, Klamalh Falls, Ore. ' of :.:; f ; j 3 t- 'J Vi: . n i u WATCH NEW YEAR IN A foursome pictured against colored streamers of red, black and white which formed ceiling for gila affair, seated left to right, are Sherry Alexander and Linda Taylor, senior princess. Standinq at left is Don Breithaupt, re tiring master councilor, and Allen Clark. OVER THE GARDEN GATE The Grwnsprings Garden Club met in January at the home of Mrs. Norman Briggs. The Christ mas party being postponed, an exchange of gifts was made at this time. ; Mrs. Briggs showed lovely gifts she had received from relatives in Japan and India. Mrs. Lane Smith Sr. opend the meeting with the poem, "The Old and the New." Ways and means of making money for the club were discussed during the business session. The group also decided to apply for the Sears Roebuck grant given to qualifying garden cluhs each spring. Date of the rummage sale was set for Feb. 16 at Clyde's Towing Service. mcnt table were Mrs. Tony Pol cak and Mrs. Lane Smith Sr. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Bernard Fiegi. Engagement Is Announced During the holiday season in Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Richardson announced the engage ment of their daughter, Coralcn Ann. to Frank Howard Lagcson He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Haakon M. Lagcson of Klamath Falls. The bride-elect is an elemen tary education major at Portland State College. Her future husband will be graduated in accounting in June from Portland State Col lege. The wedding will be in August. THE NEUTRAL APPROACH If your shoe wardrobe includes offbeat colors, neutral polish solves the problem involved in carrying a complete range of shoe polishes. When they get scuffed, a professional shine will restore shoes' attractiveness. Couple Wed In Minnesota MOUNT SHASTA - Karen In gebrigsten of Karstad, Minn, and Isadore Dcrkos of Mount Shasta were united in marriage Dec. 29 in the rectory of the Hallock, Minn. Catholic Church. The bride groom is English instructor and football coach at Mount Shasta High School, and the bride is a junior at University of North Dakota. She will join her husband here at the close of the semester. Pinochle Party MALIN Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gray were hosts Thursday even ing Jan. 10. to a group nl friends for an evening of pinochle. Three tables were in play with prizes being awarded to William Hays. Mrs. Ken Wilson and Mrs. Marvin Shell. Other guests for the social af fair and refreshments were Mr. and Mrs. George Fabianek. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Evans, Mrs. Hazel Hundley, Mrs. William Hays and Marvin Shell. SERVERS Pretty threesome, left to right, Sherry Breithaupt, Janet Ground and Maryls Reppe, helped serve refreshments to dance guests. Tables were set against red walls, on one of which was printed Mardi Gras 1963 and on another a huge New Year clock. The Fendermen played for dancing. Club Meets In Bonanza BONAXZA-President Jean Mc- Fall conducted the Jan. 8 meet ing of the Bonanza Women's Club at the library. Madeline Ketcham and Veta Williams were hostesses. It was reported that $159.14 was cleared at the New Year's Eve dance. Norma Haskins was appointed to be in charge of the Fun Night to be held this spring. Dorothy Peterson and Alice Nork will be hostesses for a pub ic card party at the library on Jan. 26. Bridge and pinochle will be played and prizes will be giv en tile winners. Refreshments will also be served. Madeline Ketcham won the spe cial prize. Alter the meeting. Florence Mc. Cartie demonstrated making Christmas decorations. Alyce Ha iey will assist her at the Febru ary meeting and anyone interested is invited to attend. Mrs. Anna Downing was greeted as a new club memeber. FINDS SKELETON MEAUX. France (UPII A skeleton believed to be that of a Russian soldier killed during the Franco-Russian War of 1814-15 w as discovered near here Friday, ac cording to authorities. DANCE TIME "Mardi Grai 1963" was the theme for the New Year's Eve party giv en by Henley Job's Daughters Bethel No. 51' and Lost River Chapter ef DeMolay. Carol Ziegelmeyer, right, bethel queen, was general chairman ef the affair held in the Henley High School cafeteria. Others pictured with her are, left to right, Bob Osborne, Sue Bebber, junior princess, and Leo Huff. MON.TUES.WED. 23 ONLY! p THIS OFFER GOOD JAN. 21 - 22 TAKEN I ATI W III I BYTHEJAUY II JILL STUDIO SKILLED DEPENDABLE BONDED O DRESS O 'EM UP - BRINGTHEM TO PAY LESS FOR YOUR LIVING COLOR PORTRAIT OF YOUR CHILDREN AS THEY REALLY ARE - YOU WILL CHERISH IT FOR YEARS! MOTHERS MANTEL SIZE ONE LOW PRICE - EACH JUST REK EMBER:; V V - ' f Age Limit 13 Years EACH FOR ONE OR AS MANY AS YOU WISH! DAYS ONLY - DON'T MISS IT! PHOTO HOURS 10 TO LADIES AND MISSES BEDFORD CORD PLA-AT HOMES A A Remington Long Rifle 22 SHELLS Reg. JTIC 79c 67 PLASTIC COATED PLAYING CARDS Poker or Pinochle! At Pay Less' inochlc: 69 FREE BALLOONS f0RTHE KIDS! New! Electric! Charming! WARM-O-WARE ttsi OYEN TO TABLE MATCH MATES Choice of 3-D MOSAIC WALL PANEL KITS Complete A 79 Easy to Make J 2.00 Vol. I Each A 7.99 Value Your Choice 4 EACH With A McKciwn GiH Crtiticot Givn o our Star with Purchase of A 2 for 1 Sal Item! STRATFORD Kinq Size CIGARETTES mm mi n, 3 llVr-mlM VeLEGANT" nnc i vAki rri r Tim rrc 24s nf no c 70 AAUn LULU IADLCIJ WO tc nckiTiinr iiucrinc l!ic KING SIZE 20x26 BED PILLOWS Filled with A QQ Fluff Knnk M Foncv Tiekin' 5 A TINY TOTS & KIDDIES I J B I I m mm JKl I I ROSEMARY Mi, M muom yMl7f J 1 I for Hand t (oir g?m"l 7 QR4 McKcon rii Reg. A McKnwn RUBBING 53c Cu;n,:S,!csch ALCOHOL Cl tiDtnc 5p'"', Pric Full Pt. Reg. 59e rLUWKlUC Z3) 2591 Ttjy "'98 REPEAT of a SELL OUT! 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