PAGE 4-D HERALD AND NEKS. Klamath Falls, Ore. Sunday, January 20, 196 OES Conducts z Cancer Projet Z DUNSMUIR-Old dress shirt sheeting and pillow cases are being- collected by members of Fidelity Chapter, No. 131, Order of Eastern Star. These articles will be converted to hospital gowns and bandages for the American Cancer Society and be available to cancer patients through dress ing stations in California. Mrs. Griggs Tillotson and Mrs. George Walter are serving as chairmen of this project for Fidelity Chapter. f ' V I J X... " ' .-r r v, .. ?' . I 7 ... I in,... . ii,Mnr-niTriiiiriiinni ininrrn-i apymm qui r 4 7 BRIDE-ELECT Nola Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Roy Mills of Klamath Falls, and Melvin Winn will be married in June. Both young people reside in Redding where she has been employed by U.S. Plywood Cor poration since her graduation from KUHS. The future . bridegroom, son of Mrs. Sylvia Winn end Jake Winn of ' Redding, is associated with Winn's Transfer and Lumber I Company in Redding. TO WED Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Caldwell Jr. announce the engagement of their daughter, Donna Jean, to John Hyden, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Hyden. Both families ere of this city. The bride-elect will be graduated from KUHS in June. Her fiance is a graduate of the same school. They plan an August wedding. Photo by Ferebee Vs.S.!? ' - I pf RETIRE Mr. end Mrs. L. C. Rhein of Mount Shesfa re tired Jan. 10 from many years working as manager end assistant manager, respectively, of a variety store. Their . future plans are indefinite, but include a trip to Terre : Haute, Ind., their family home and where they were mar i :f!od- Photo by J. O. McKinney David KirVpatrkk was lislwi as one of the students at Arizona State University to receive a B plus grade average this past mid term. He is a first-year student in architecture at the university. Jimmy Freeman of Malin, ma jormg in social sciences, is a Idcree candidate at Jan. .10 eom 'mencemont exercises for Tacific ; university. Lloyd Howard of Keno is one of II top juniors in the Air Force HOTC program at Oregon State University tn be selected for membership in Arnold Air Socie ty, national honorary for ad vanced Air Force KOTC cad- dets. He is majoring in the School io( Engineering. Betty Jean Kerns, sophomore at University of Oregon, was se lected for the Dean's Honor Roll of the Scliool of Business and Technology for the first fall quarter. How To Help Winter' Skin Winter skin is an unfortunate but common effect of our comfort able indoor living. Artificial heat often dehydrates the skin so it be comes papery to the touch and the surface looks parched as well. The skin becomes taut when you wash it with soap and water and makeup goes on spottily. The flaky appearance is .most notice able when you apply powder. ff this sounds like a description of your skin, have courage there is a cure. Try a soothing, lubricating mask. Cleanse the skin first, then stroke on night cream lavishly. Now, hold a very hot washcloth close to your face. The steam will warm the cream and help it to penetrate the fine top layers of skin. Repeat the pro cess, keeping the washcloth steamy hot, for five it.inutcs. Then gently remove most of the cream with tissues, leaving on a fine film as a base for foundation and make-up. After a week of "facials," you should notice a definite improve ment in your skin's appearance. TIIK LIGHT TOUCH A cornice which is attached to the ceiling will provide direct light to "wash" a wall, drapery or window area. The downward lighting also provides a dramatic effect on brick, stone, fabric or any textured walls. Couple Wed In Dunsmiur McCLOUD - A double ring ceremony Dec. 29 at First Lu theran Church in Dunsmuir united in marriage Atargaret Eleanor Flathman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Flathman of Mc Cloud, and Walter Newton Peter sen Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Petersen of San Jose. The bride's cousin, the Rev. George Lusk of Tacoma, Wash., officiated. Judith Ann Flathman was her sister's maid of honor. Brides maids were Carole MacFarland of San Francisco and the bride groom's sister, Mrs. Thomas Burns of Tucson, Ariz. Patricia Burns, niece of the bridegroom, was flower girl and Chris Lusk. cousin ol the bride, was ring bearer. Robert Peterson of Tucson was best man and ushers were Wil liam Boothe of San Jose. William Pathcal of San Mateo and Donald Nuncs of Mountain View. A reception was held after the ceremony in the banquet room of the McCloud Restaurant. The ncwlywcds will make their home in Santa Clara. A ENGAGED The engagement of Mary Peterson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson, to John Pyles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Pyles of Oakland, Ore., was an nounced during the Christmas holidays. Both young peo ple are students at Multnomah School of the Bible in Portland. No date has been set for the wedding. Altar Society Has Party MOUNT SHASTA-SL Anthony's parish hall in Mount Shasta was the scene Dec. 11 of the Altar So ciety's annual Christmas party. The tables were Christmasy with evergreens and symbolic figur ines, centered by a tree. Kathy Fredericks and Frank Salzer entertained the large group with several accordion numbers. Bianco Pastega showed slides PLEAT KNOW-HOW Read the directions before you wash your daughter's school dresses. Pleated skirts labeled "permanent" may be tumble-dried after laundering. Pleats labeled "durable" must be line-dried for good results. taken on a recent European trip to Venice, Home and Switzerland. Refreshments of fruit cake, fruit bread, Italian cookies and cof fee were served. Secret pals were revealed and names drawn for next year. There was also the regular gift exchange. ID ihm magnificent fabulous new STEREO HIGH FIDELITY ENROLLMENTS arrrpttd at hrflnnln r my menlh. f or n lnt?mtinr. reward ing career In ('melolof j . . , Call TIJ t-llll Klomath Beauty College W f 1 512 Main Free Parking Sth & Klamath 5th and Main January Storewide NOW IN PROGRESS! 1 Vz Vi Off Dresses -Car Coats Suits - Sportswear and Lingerie Use Your Chorjt Account . Frit Porkmj . Sth t Klomath SLIMWEAR CLEARANCE Iff! Famous Merry Widow Long Line STRAPLESS BRAS Longline Corscletfes or Regular Corselettes Broken Siici Regular 13.50 to 20.00 1 3 OFF pnonograpn Th MGNS0NIC X 30 in natural or Sable walnut. Far Eastern Contemporary styllnj, Model 1-SCS1S SUCH GREAT TONAL DIMENSION-IT CAN FILL A CONCERT HALL LIKE A SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA! . . . exceeds all previous accomplishments in the perfect re-creation of music! In your home, it can "whisper" the full beauty of music, or "shake tho Avails" with the crescendo of a complete symphony orchestra and all this without a single tube! With, Step Bass, Step Treble, Timbre and Loudness con trols plus Speaker Selector Switch, Now, SOLID STATE CIRCUITRY a by-product of the billion dollar space age gives ten times the efficiency of comparable tube sets; uses no mora power than a small electric light bulb. m NO TUBES NO COMPONCNT-OAMA0. INS HEATi tht source o moit tervc tfoubl r clirntnatpd. Tu, Th Knionic is so riir that parte ' suanntfed five ytars twnt trn as long as tht standard industry guarantee for tube sets. UWGt EXPONENTIAL THE. RLE HORNS ' ten t"-.t Mn n ii convf ntifrtl eon SflfMkifrj reoroduct t'b t.Tif? w thtnit a tmUh ef V .tO- 'Cn, HIGH E FFICIENCt W BASS WOOFERS v ycJ bairn definition you'vt nvtr heard before I mm V NEW MICROMATIC REC0RII HAVER COMPLETELY ELIM INATES PITCH OlSTORTtON turntable speed is at accur"t our e'ectric clock! New pick-up p'ay at omy I ' 1 eunct touch nisrtct rece-d nd stylus wearl p.a-nod Stylus t tuaranteed ten years; your records can Wit hfttortl Devhtf Music Co. 126 No. 7th DIRECT FACTORY DEALER Ph. 4-5121 PLAN WEDDING The engagement of Johnelle Talcacs of Tulelalce and Oakley George Parker of Newport Beach, Calif., was announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Takacs Jr., at an open house New Year's Eve at their home in Tulelake. He is the son of Mrs. Nell Parker of Newport Beach. The wedding will take place in June. The future bride Is a junior at Fresno State College and plans to continue her education after the wedding. DEAN DEWITT ANNOUNCEMENT DEAN DEWITT Is Now Associated with the JERRY THOMAS Insurance Agency 304 So. 7th Ph. TU 2-55SS IT'S OUR FIRST aM7 ) vac a & i ii One Year Ago We Opened NORGE COIN-OP DRY CLEANING Now One Year Later, We Offer A ComoEete... LAUNDRY CLEANING VILLAGE 10 New Merge Top-Loading Washers With 5 Fu" Rinse Cycles 4 New Horge 504b. Dryers With Vorioble Heats. Fast! Fast! Fast! Fast! 1 Gigantic New Norge Family Washer Holds 25 Ibs for Rcal Economy 8 Norge Dry-Cleaning Machines With Extra Gallons of Fluid for Cleaner Clothes Always an Attendant iT" Finishing Service For Shirts And Other Laundry Leave Them With Attendant! OPEN 8:00 to 10:00 Weekdays 9:00 to 5:00 Sat. & Sun, Pleasant Waiting Rooms Free Hair Dryer come in with your curlers on. Free TV - and magazines Coffee, coke, candy, cigorcttes available Leisurely shopping in Kerns' many departments Our Thanks to You for a Successful Year! CLIP THESE COUPONS! (25c) Good For (25c) ;i (50c) Good For (50c) i ONE 10-LB. ! i 8-LB. LOAD i WASHER LOAD S i DRY CLEANING j Annitn,r Wtck lan. 20 to 26 J J Anmvtrwrr Wtk Jan. 20 to 2i NORGE VILLAGE 734 So. 6th J NORGE VILLAGE, 734 So. 6th ! J. W. Kerns Norge Laundry & Cleaning Village 734 So. 6th Ph. TU 4-4197 1