i, a. v ' at t m JANUARY BRIDE The former Heather Hamalcer, daughter of Mr. and Mn. C. H. Hameker, became the bride of Clinton Murphy of Junction City on Jan. 6 at First Christian Church in Junction City. Photo by Betti, Eugene 3n unction Heather Hamakcr, daughter of JJamaker (J2ride , dlii Cliurcli Mr. and Mrj. C. H. Hamakcr ofj : Klamath Falls, and Clinton Mur ; phy, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H ; Murphy of Junction City, were ; united in marriage on Jan. 6 at - the First Christian Church in ; Junction City. : Members of the two families ; and close friends were present for ine j:w p.m. aouDie ring cere mony read by Gilbert Knox, pas tor of Hie First Christian Church. The bride was given In mar- nape by her father. Her ballerina Irngth gown of white brocade sat in was fashioned with scoop neck line and short sleeves. The skirt flared softly from the waistline, , i iiiiiiicu in uuiu wan uuw ana dropping slightly in back. She car- ried a white orchid on her white ; Bible. IIAP .ll.. i.ll-. - 1.....1.. diamond droplet made from ring belonging to her paternal grandmother. A blue garter was made by the. hnde s maternal grandmother. Mrs. V. E. Johnston' of Gold Beach, who was present for the marriage. In the bride's slipper! was a Dutch penny given her by Selma Iteinks of Holland, who made her home with the Hamak crs last year. The bride's sole attendant was! her sister. Judi Hamaker ol Klamath Falls. Her frock was of green satin worn with matching slippers. She carried a white muff trimmed with holly. Lynn Murphy was best man for his brother and ushers were Har lan Hamaker, brother of the bride, and Arthur Hawley, cousin of the bridegroom. Mrs. B. Blankenship sang "Be cause and The Lord s Prayer. After the ceremony, guests as sembled in the church parlors to greet the ncwlyweds. The wedding cake was served by Mrs. Rich ard Poole of Klamath Falls and Mrs. Irene Van Winkle of Port land presided at the coffee service. Loretla Haniuk of Eugene served punch. Charlene Hublcr of Eu gene received gifts and Georgia Vannice of Mamath i alls attend ed the guest book. for a honeymoon, the new Mr. and Mrs. Murphy traveled to Colorado Springs where he will be stationed with the Army at Fort Carson. Their new address is 2121 Tejon Street In Colorado Springs Traveling outfit for the bride was a gray wool dress with which she wore gray accessories, black coat and the bridal orchid. Mrs. Murphy is a graduate of Sacred Heart General Hospital School of Nursing in Eugene. Her husband attended the University of Oregon for two years prior to entering the service .'p.W'Jiwril'i!uMWN.iiMWi - ' fMs c 4 i" y fit- J 7 I A DECEMBER BRIDE Mrs. Aaron Stephens Evans was a bride of Dec. 9 at the Malin- Presbyterian Church. She Is the former Suzanne Lynette Kujac, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kujac of Malin. Photo by Ferebee divans i a 15 Sole emniza 512 Main . . , Frte Customer Forking Sth t Klamoth Two Chorles of the Ritx Consultants VI REID ory !" ".i-'L'"1 Milkr't 1 -un. A York trained fi Chorlti ot I r m ceniulttnt i VI INIZ DAITON Millti't Wtif Coait Iroinid Ch.rl.. of I ho Kilo coniuiont What is a "transluminant?" TThe newesr category in boauIyisa'Transluminant" : ' ; i ...a make-up that reveals : f your natural beauty as it " ...-. flatters it. Veilesscence, by .Charles of the Ritz, is a transluminant. With Veilss-' scence, you don't "mask" your skin, ..you don't look artificially "made-up." Veil esscence highlights the natural life, texture and vitality of the skin. Choose from six beautiful, translucent shades. , (' $12.50 ( f , plus tax. v"t- MALIN The marriage of Su zanne Lynette Kujac and Aaron Stephens Evans was a Dec. 9 event at the Malin Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Ethan Whitman of ficiating at the double ring candle light ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kujac a! Malin and was given in marriage by her father. Her white princess gown of silk organza over peau . de soic was fashioned with full skirt caught up at the sides to form a bustle effect above the grace ful chapel train. Venetian lace outlining the sculptured neckline extended over the short cap sleeves. A butterfly veil of Eng-I lish silk illusion held in place by a cascade of pcarlizcd orange blos soms and long white gloves com pleted her ensemble. For her bou quet, a spray of white carnations was centered with white phalaen opsis orchids. In keeping wilh tradition, the bride carried an heirloom hand kerchief belonging to her grand mother, Mrs. William Johns of Milwaukee, Wis., and wore a blue garter and lucky coin in her slip per. The church was decorated for the 5 p.m. ceremony by Mrs. Rob ert Hon and Mrs. Kujac, using white topiary trees with white and red poinscttias. white carna tions, evergreens and white tapers. Furthering the Christmas theme windows were banked with ever greens, accented with ruby red andleholders and white vigil lights. White bowls, holly and ev ergreens marked the pews. The kneeling pillow was loaned by Mrs. Carl Michelson of KJam-; ath Falls, a family friend. The pillow was first used at the Mich-! elson wedding and later for their daughter June's marriage to Har old Drydcn at which event Su zanne Kujac was flower girl. The orchids in the bridal bou quet and those worn by the bride's mother were grown by Mrs. Kujac. Orchids grown by! Mrs. Kujac were also corsages or Mrs. Leo Walker, the bride's aunt, and Mrs. William Johns. grandmother of the bride, and Mrs. Roy Evans of Pensacola Fla., mother of the bridegroom. The latter two were unable to1 attend the wedding and received their flowers sent by the bride Attendants for the bride were Arlene Schneider, maid of honor, and Suzanne Tufts and Frances Misquel, all of Sacramento. Their street length (rocks were of Christ mas red velvet bodices with red chiffon over taffeta skirts. Red velvet crowns with veils and white in muffs, all accented with holly, and red slippers completed their outfits. The bride's mother wore a silk brocade sheath in Crcme Cafe shade, matching satin gloves, pet al hat and willow green acccs sories. Charles Mauradian of Sacramen to was best man. Ushers were Neal Kujac of Fort Ord, brother of the bride, and James Holbrook Sacramento. The bride's brother also lighted the candles before the service. The Malin Community Hall was decorated by Mrs. Holl and Mrs Kujac for the reception. A poin- scttia Christmas tree centered the L-shapcd bridal table and topi ary trees, Delia Robbia wreaths mobiles and twinkling light; graced the room. The five-tiered white wedding cake, topped with white bells and a bridal pair, was served by the bride's aunt, Mrs. Leo Walker of Chilton, Wis. Mrs. Hershel Had- Icy, Klamath Falls, poured coffee and Mrs. Loyal Lovencss served punch. Assisting was Mrs. Dick Craven. The new Mrs. Evans' going away outfit was a moss green wool suit worn with leopard muff, brown accessories and the orchids from the bridal bouquet. After a honey moon in San Francisco and the Bay Area, the ncwlyweds are at home at 3357 Firt Street, Apt. in Sacramento. The bride is graduate of Malin High School and attended University of Oregon Her husband attended Florida schools, and is at present serving as paymaster of the Army Corps of Engineers at Mather Air Base. The rehearsal party was given by Mrs. Robert Holl at her home with Mrs. Dale Holl assisting. Sojourners Sojourners met Wednesday, Jan. at the Willard Hotel. Mrs. Charles Dakin won high score in bridge and Mrs. Hal Rotrock, sec ond. Mrs. J. L. Blackburn won in canasta. Pinochle honors went to Mrs D. L. Green and Mrs. F. W. Carter, second. Hostesses for the dav were Mrs C. E. Bales. Mrs. II, H. Ozle and Mrs. Llovd Young The next meeting will be Jan, 3 at the Willard Hotel. Founders Day will be observed. For further information call Mrs. Lee Holli- dav. TU 4-7117. pi "mi eoinmii n mi iim H'wit m m. i, -, rm ; i , i h J ' s j II -; 'I ' L- - 'U6 jihilu u t lwir Lmm ii' i I DECEMBER NEWLYWEDS Mr. and Mrs. James An drew Ryan are shown following their Dec. 27 marriage at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Mrs. er Cecelia Andrieu. Photo bv Bob Andarson m aru a Ceceli Of s$nct V) anted l.i rieu ij.an Mary Cecelia Andrieu became the bride of James Andrew Ryan on Dec. 27 at Sacred Heart Catho-I ic Church. The 11 a.m. double ring ceremony was officiated by Msgr. T. P. Casey, assisted by altar boys Joe Dcnault, cousin of. the bride, and Eddie Howell. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Andrieu, ell-known ranchers of the Lower Klamath Lake district. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs, Bob Brown, also of this city. The Christmas flowers of the church were a pretty background lor baskets of white gladioli and pompons at the altar for the cere mony. George Andrieu gave his daugh ter in marriage. She wore a for mal wedding gown made by her mother. A long sleeved jacket of Chantilly lace topped the simply tylcd gown of white satin styled with brief train. A fingertip veil of tulle net was held in place by seed pearl crown. She carried white orchid with stcphanotis on white prayer book and the liito lace handkerchief which her mother had carried at her wed ing. After the ceremony, the bride; presented a small bouquet at the Blessed Virgin's altar while Rosa- Bartcll, cousin of the bride. sang "Mother Beloved, organist as Peggy Matson. The bridal attendants were dressed alike in short frocks of light blue peau de soie, embossed ith clusters of light and dark blue roses and blue crowns with short veils. The bouquet for the maid of honor, Cecelia Crouse, was of hite pompons, those for the bridesmaids, Paula Andrieu, sis ter of the bride, and Danice Col- cll, were blue and white blos soms. Flower girl was another sister the bride, Ellen Andrieu, who ore a dress of blue with lace- trimmed caplet. Johnny Bilani was the ring bearer. Peter R. Garskc, uncle of the bride, was best man and ushers were the bridegroom's brother, William Ryan and his cousin Richard Bastiani of Dunsmuir. Mrs. Andrieu's ensemble was a beige brocade dress, fur trimmed hat, fur stole and corsage of Yel low roses. Mrs. Rvan wore s cape-collared gray suit with gray and white accessories and corsage ot pinK roses and carnations. Arrangements for the reception in the parish hall were made by ladies of St. Mary s Altar Soci ety. The wedding cake was five tiered, surrounded with white pompons and decorated with white and pink roses and bridal figures It was served by Mrs. 0. A. De- Nault, aunt of the bride. At the coffee services wore also aunts of the bride, Mrs. Rceis Andrieu and Mrs. Leon Andrieu 0. A. DeNault poured punch. Rosemary and Margaret De Nault served the children's punch and Ruth and Sylvia Andrieu helped open the gifts. All are cou sins ol the bride. Maria Ryan, sister of the bridegroom, attend ed the guest book. Special guests at the wedding were grandparents of the bride groom, Mr. and Mrs. Ezio Sari of this city and Mrs. Mildred Bickers of Grants Pass. Also present were Mrs. Marie Pastega and Gary of Corvallis and Dino Bastiani of Dunsmuir. Members of the wedding party and families were served a buffet dinner at Sari's after the recep tion. Later the ncwlyweds left for a short honeymoon before contin uing to Corvallis where both will attend Oregon State University. Both are graduates of Sacred Heart Academy. Mrs. Ryan is a first year student and her hus band a junior. For traveling, Mrs. Ryan wore a two-piece gray suit. white ostrich plume hat and red bag and shoes. PAGE r-D HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Sunday, January 20, 1.1 Aloha Club Reviews Year Alpha Social Club. Order of Eastern Star, began its seasonal meetings with a dessert luncheon in September. Mrs. Wilbur Hams- burger, president for this year presented her officers. They are Mrs. J. C. Renie, vice president; Mrs. Orval Alley, secretary, Mrs Herman Gisvold, treasurer; Mrs. Harold Rush, ways and means Mrs. 0. E. Powell, oublicitv. Hostesses for the luncheon were Mrs. Brooks Custer, Mrs. Charles Nale, Mrs. W. R. Brittain and Mrs. Earl Rutherford. May Phin ney won the bridge prize. October s meeting began with a humorous style show featuring members modeling styles from the annual rummage sale. Mrs. Her bert Haneline was mistress of ceremonies. Mrs. J. C. Renie, Mrs. Edgar Swift, Mrs. Lester V. Wells and May Phinney were Hostesses lor the day. Mystery prevailed at the No vember meeting. A special mys tery guest was described to the club members by Mrs. 0. E. Pow ell. A unique skit of "This Is Your Life described Mrs, Oscar Pey ton, first president of Aloha So cial Club. She rehiinisced her early memories of the club and later was presented a corsage by Mrs. Harnsburger. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. Gerald Rutledge, Mrs. W. A. Rien miller, Mrs. George W. Shclton and Mrs. Eva Pennington. December brought the annual Christmas potluck luncheon of the club. The officers planned and pre sided at the Yuletide event. San ta Claus placecards made by Mrs. Harnsburger marked place set tings at one long table. After the meeting, gifts were exchanged. At the January meeting, mem bers were informed of the pro gram and plans of the Intercom munity Hospital by the Rev. Laing SlDDCt. Chairman of the luncheon was Mrs. Herbert Haneline, assisted by .Mrs. Alva P. Oldham, Mrs Ben Fraiscr and Mrs. J. V, Brewbaker. The Aloha Social Club meets the first Friday of each month at 1:45 p.m. in the Masonic Temple. 418 Klamath Avenue. All Eastern Star members are welcome. SfllOTD 5 11 LOW in calories. HIGH in vitamins. HIGH in Proteins. LIGHT in body. I . t ,- N m ... BRIDE-TO-BE Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hugelman announce the engagement of their daughter, Nancy Eloise, to Ronald Jay Reinmiller, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rein miller. The future bride is a student at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma. Her fiance attends Oregon State University. No date has been set for the wedding. Photo by Miller-Williamj Gorham, .International Reed & Barton Towle STERLING MADE TO ORDER PROGRAM Limited time now thru March 1st. You can take advantage of this Annuol-Made-To-Order Program. Now you can fill in or odd to your treasured pat tern. So don't delay, if you have o time honored design, now is the time to order. Sovortign 140 Klamath's Sterling, China, and Gloss Center Coltox 1M1 """Bronlal 1 896 lontdown 1917 lily (Whiting) I90J Molh.rl H73 rortimoulh 1911 M 522 Main Ph. TU 4-4361 For Your WASHING & DRYING Convenience and Pleasure Merit's Has 3 Coin-O-Matics There's one near you: 1 4801 So. 6th 2 333 E. Main 3 Ore. & Biehn Dry Cleaning at E. Main & Oregon Ave. Litllt ei no artilinf niided . . . Dry H itf in 30 minutti 10 lbs. For Just $2.00 loin th fhriftintn and contninca ( Coin-O-Matic torn, nlftt clcaninf. focibl.ti. Ytu'll find .11 the tixnixn r M.nl'i ... end rtmtmbtr, only Mtril'i ii COIN-O-MATIC. To) if Entire Fall Stock FOR High Heels Mid Heels Flats DRESS SHOES 2 2 2 for $ 22 DeLiso, Kimcl Reg. to $21.95 FLATS -2' 12 Reg. to $13.95 $ 1 Q Handcraft, Amono for I O Gcppetto Reg, to $18.95 for J IF Joyce, Porodiie Kittens, I J Fiance Reg. to $16.95 All StUi Mel Ne Rttwrm N lUfundi Ke IicKengtt SHOE SALON