Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 20, 1963, Page 17, Image 17

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    Sunday, January 20, 1963
This Is Life' Host
ow Raising Funds
I'Pl Hollywood Correspondent
haps you've wondered what has
become of Ralph. Edwards since
the genial host of "This Is Your
Life" disappeared from television
almost two years ago.
Enough people have asked
"Why aren't you on television
this year, Ralph?" to merit an
answer, to wit:
"I'm too busy to work
Edwards makes that commentl
with a straight lace and a great
deal of pride. He is up to hisl
broad smile in fund raising cam
paigns for charities and the bat
tle against disease.
To give you an idea, the red
haired emcee is National Crusade
Chairman of the American Can
cer Society, a board member ol
' the Southern California Sympho
ny Association, a member of the
University of California Alumni
Council, and deeply involved in
good works for the Presbyterians,
the Methodist Family Life Con
ference, the YMCA, the Wabash
College Development Board and
Senior Citizens Medical Wings.
Other Activities
There are many similar activi
ties requiring his attention.
Unlike many Hollywood celebri
ties, Edwards refuses to write out:
a large check for the Community
Chest and return to self-aggrandizement
in the rankling war of
tinseltown egocs.
In the past year he has flown
tens of thousands of miles at his
own expense to promote civic,
health and educational programs.
In all, he has raised more than
$16 million.
Meanwhile, he Is not starving
to death personally. He owns the
new rodeo series, "Wide Coun
try," and after 23 years on radio
and video, "Truth or Consequen
ces" still is gfing strong.
To questions about his willing
ness to appear on the air, Ed
wards replies:
Too Busy Now
"I've been offered several
shows, but I like to own my pro
grams. 'Truth or Consequences'
and 'This is Your Life' came out of
my owrf head and heart. And
right now I'm too busy to think
up a new property and get it on
the air.
"This year when the American
Cancer Society asked if I would
be their national crusade chair
man I felt the time was right to
step into this one big job. One
tiling you can't do is a half-way
In one way or another, on the
air or off, Edwards is dedicated
In helping mankind. Both his
t" C f r ' t C'Vr .'
I if . - f s " t " ' i - -J
WEDDING BELLS During his engagement at the Sands
Hotel in Lai Vegas, singer Franltie Avalon, 22, an
nounced hit intention to marry Kay Diebel, 24, a Lei
Angeles dental technician. Last week they took out the
marriage license. UPI Telephoto
Hollywood Boys Tell
Avalon Of Army Life
I PI Hollywood Correspondent
HOLLYWOOD (L'Pl) A bunch
of the boys were whooping it up
in a Hollywood movie studio,
swapping yarns between "takes"
before the camera.
Central figure in the conclave
was youthful Frankie Avalon, boy
sinjer. actor and tycoon, who is
faring a hitch in the Army.
Advising him were his costal s.
Tab Hunter. Jim Backus. Gary
Crosby and Scott Brady. The en
tire cast was costumed in Navy
Earb for "Operation Bikini."
"Cod a plea." Backus advised
the tren-a;er idol.
"It's gonna be big change for!
vou. kid." said Crobv with enm
pas.;ion. "Yes. sir. a big switch
fiom the way you've been living
Has A Choice
"What are you going to dol
Huntrv wanted to know. "Are you
signing up for a two-year hitch
or are you going the six-month
route and then into the reserves?
"I dnn't know." said Avalon. tin
av about the whole thing.
"Slav the hell out of the Ma
rines. kid." Brady advised. "That
is a rral touch outfit. They'll cut
nil all that lone Italian hair ol
Frankip't head sniveled around'
from actor in actor. mor- about th service than 1 did
"What ou should try for is F.an hour ago."
long-running shows have reaped
benefits lor people who partic
ipated in them.
When time permits. Edward;
thrashes out problems of several
new television series on the plan
ning boards, including a number
of pilot shows which will need
sponsors before hitting the video
waves. Of his self-imposed sabbatical
Edwards concludes: "If vou knock
it all down to size, the answer toi
Why aren't you in TV this year
instead of being engulled in var
ious causes of humanity.' is a love
(or my fellow man, and a couple
of years to indulge it
Anka Seeks
Anka, 21-year-old singer-composer'
publisher, made his first million
before he was old enough to vote
But he maintains his main inter
est today is "achievement."
"I'm financially well off and in
a position to appreciate it because
I never had it before, he said
"But show business is still very
virgin. There are more young peo-,
pie in it than ever before. There1
arc no limits."
Years ago, Anka was known as
"The Tecn-Age Tycoon of Tin Pan
Alley" and the "Little Mr. Midas
of Pop Music." Today, having re
corded more than 50 hits, he's out
to blanket the whole broad field
of pop music.
He writes not only for himself
but for such other singers as Bob
by Rydcll, Connie Francis and Pat
Boone. He is a frequent guest on
the Perry Como, Ed Sullivan and
Dinah Shore television shows. He
plays in motion pictures and even
wrote the musical score for one
The longest Day."
Anka was born in Ottawa, the
son of a restaurant owner. He
made his first public appearance
at the age of 10. "A natural," they
called him then. And still do to
Irvin Feld, Anka's friend and
manager, recalled escorting
the lumbcrjacketed, blue-jcaned
youngster backstage in an Ottawa
theater m 1957 when Fats Domino,
the show's star, w as getting ready
to go on. Anka was earnestly
giving Fats some "pointers.
Just as confident and self-as
sured today, Anka said he will go
on writing and singing and look
ing for new worlds to conquer.
"I'm twenty-one," he said, "and
interested in achievement."
That's what 1 was during World
War II," Jim Backus put in. "Yes
sir. A day before my physical I
slipped and fell on my elbow
You should've seen it. I had so
many broken bones the doctor said
I'd never be able to bend
Backus flopped his arm around
lo show he had recovered com
pletely. Young Avalon was im
rarifirs Avalon
"You Still have a big career and
your future ahead of you," Hunter
said in an attempt to cheer the
singer. "The time will pass quick
"That all depends on what
vou're doing." Crosby added.
Personally. I thought basic train-
ing was the easiest part of it all
But the time passed very slowly
or me over in Germany.
"I wonder which branch of the
service is best?" Frankie asked
"Boy, what a question'." Brady
"None of 'em will ever replace
civilian We," Backus ruminated.
rubbing his elbow affectionately
Director Tony Carras called the
cast hack to work. Frankie was
the last to leave his canvas chair
He shook his head uncertainly and
said, "Upe, I don't know much
Klimill Fall!. On.
pi 'W
FIREMAN'S TRY It has been four years since actress
Jane Wyman appeared in a TV show and 12 years since
her Academy Award winning song of "In the Cool, Cool,
Cool of the Evening," but as Jane says, "I'm giving it the
fireman's try," in referring to her return to song end
dance routines when she appeared on the Andy Williams
show last week. UPI Telephoto
John Payne Decides
Life Not 'Rat Race'
stardom can be as deadly as a
creeping cancer, according to
actor John Payne, who says:
'I'm quitting the rat race. From!
now on I'm going to stroll."
After seeing his friends Clark
Gable and Tyrone Power die atj
the heights of their careers.
Payne has taken it easy.
Many actors make the mistake
of forgetting the years," he said.
'They start out as handsome
young athletes who can do any
thing asked of them. For years
they ride horses, climb moun
tains, swim rivers, stay up late,
work 60 and 70 hours a week,
and they die of a heart attack.
If only they had stopped and said!
to themselves, "My God. I'm not
25 years old any more. I'm 50,
and I'm tired." "
Starts With Goldwyn
Payne began his career in 19361
with Sam Goldwyn. He and
Power were contemporaries who
headed the 20th Century-Fox con
tract lists.
I've been around this town for;
more than 25 years and during
that time I made a lot of
friends," he said.
'I'm shocked lo look around
Death has been dashing through
the streets of Hollywood too much
lately. I'm going to get off the
"What is the sense of having
plenty of money, fame, security
and all the other things that go
with stardom if you lose the
pleasure of growing up with youri
children. What is the good of see
ing your wife only a few minutes
dav, work until you re blind
tired and grouchy, and then die
of a heart attack?
My youngest boy Is 14. He
wants to be a ball player. Well.
I'm going to slow down, and
watch him grow. I'm going to
eat, read, travel and sleep.
"I've tasted the heady wines of
May, and they were great. But
Uiere still is plenty of rich au
tumn beer left to be sipped."
Free To Loaf
Payne works often enough In
movies and such television shows
as the Dick Powell drama series
to insure a steady income, but he
is free to loaf and dabble in real
estate whenever the mood takes
For two years he starred in his'
n video series and it was that
r TVS ViV. ' WW
V4 V W IA rr
RELAXING THOUGHT Dinah Shore, who is less re
laxad Than usual du to tht fact she has been moving
from one mansion to another, is shown with Liberace at
they rehearse for her TV show. She said, "I was so con
cerned that my costumes might clash with Liberace's
beaded jackets I forgot ell about tht big movie."
UPI Ttlephoto
experience more than anything!
else that brought Payne up short.
"Television isn't worth all thatl
hard work," he said. "By the
middle of the second year of
Restless Gun' I felt 10 years old
er than I have the previous sea
son. Some instinct told me that
human machinery wears downj
just like any other."
Payne, who is hovering around!
the 50-year mark, said this is a
waiting period in his life.
'Maybe I'll discover that the
parade has passed me by while
I wait on the sidelines. He
grinned. "And that's all right
too. In movies we used to work
hard, but there were breaks be
tween pictures. In TV it was a
matter of meeting deadlines
every few days."
Weep not for Payne under any
conditions. "Restless Gun" is be
ing rerun and he owns the series
outright. It earns a fortune.
"Stardom is a wonderful and
dangerous thing." Payne con
eluded. "But a man can't make
the mistake of running at full
speed all his life."
NEW YORK ( L'Pl ) Clint East
wood, one of the "Rawhide" scries
stars on CBS as Rowdy Yates,
ramrod" of the cattle drive, is
the latest television star to join
the recording brigade. Cameo
Parkway Records has released his
singing of "Rowdy" and "West
ern Wedding Song," on the same
platter. He has done a little vo
calizing on the TV series on rare1
Singer Robert Goulct and come
dian Phil Silvers will be the guest
stars on Judy Garlai.d's March 19
one-hour special for CBS. Goulct!
also will be available on Bob
Hope's March 13 NBC special
Hope had signed the singer
months earlier but in this case
waived his right lo the usual spe
cific time exclusivity for Goulet
prior to and after his telecast.
4 -, .- 1
' W a
January 20 January It
H:00 Faifh For Today
tl:J0 Herald of Truth
11:00 Challengt Colt
1:00 TBA
I 30 Veel lha PrtXesior
2:00 Oircct.ons 3
? )0 Adlai Sttvenson
3:00 Forum
3 : 1 S Dan Smoot
3 30 Ftlm Fart
3 5 WMlcal Pantl 0-VuOnn
4:00 Wonderful World Oi Coll
5.00 Major Adams Tram Mailtr
4:00 Mark ftogftra' Rtporti
6 30 McKtver and Th Colonel
7:00 Enxgn OTealt
7:11 Dlinay't Wonderful World of Coll
S:0 Car 54 Wntrt Ar Vou
;0 lonama
10:00 Vole of Fireifon
10:30 Howard K Smith
11:00 David BrlnMay
11:30 This is tht Way, Rtligioui
13:00 Lata Newt
ff:3t Educational
10:90 Prict U Rlflhf
10:30 Conctntration
11:00 Jans Wvmen
11:30 Vours For a Song
11:00 Tenntneo Ernie Ford
12:30 Father Knowi Beit
1:00 Loretta Young
1:30 TV lingo
2:00 Day In Court
2:24 Midday Report
1:30 7 Keys
3:00 Queen Por A Day
3:30 Who Do YOU Truit
4:00 American Band i tend
4:30 Discovery '43
4:55 Bandstand News
5:00 Brave Stallion
5:30 Mickey AAOJte Club
4:00 Newsbeat North State
4: IS Hunlley-Brlnkley
4:30 Gallant Men
7:30 The Dakota!
0:30 (Neman
9:00 Stoney Burke
10:00 Ben Casey
11:00 ABC News Final
11:10 Sportscast
11:15 Tonioht
12:25 Late News
:30 Educational
10:00 Price is Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Jane Wyman
11:30 Yours For a Song
12:00 Ernie Ford Show
12:30 Father Knows Best
1:00 Loretta Young
1:30 TV Bingo
2:00 Day In Court
2:24 Midday Report
3:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Queen tor a Day
3:30 Who Do You Trust
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery
4:55 Bandstand News
5:00 Cartoon Time
5:30 Mickey Mouse Club
4:00 Newsbeat Northsfatt
4:15 Huntley Brinklay
4:30 Laramie
7:30 Combat
1:30 Hawaiian Eve
9:30 Untouchables
10:30 Don't Call Ma Charlie
11:00 ABC News Floal
11:10 Sportscast
11:15 Tonlghl
12:25 Late News
0:30 Educational
10:00 Price Is Right '
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Jane Wyman
11:30 Youri For A Son
13:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford
12:30 Father Knos Bast
1:00 Loretta Young
1:10 TV Bingo
2:00 Day In Court
2:34 Midday Report
2:30 7 Keys
3:oo Queen For a Day
Who DO YOU Trust
4:00 American Bandstand
4:ti Discovery 42
4:55 Bandstand News
5:00 Broken Arrow
5:30 Mickey Moust Ctub
4:00 Newsbeat NorthstotO
4:15 Huntley-Brlnkloy
4:30 International Showtime
7:30 Hollywood The Fabulous Era
1:30 Going My Way
:30 Our Man Htoglni
10:00 Naked City
11:00 ABC News Final
11:10 Spertscest
11:15 Tonight Show
13:35 Late Naws
:30 Educational
10:00 Price Is Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Jane Wyman
11 :?0 Yours For Song
12:00 Ernie Ford Show
12:30 Father Knows Best
1:00 LoretM Young
1:30 TV Bingo
3:00 Day In Court
2:24 Midday Report
3:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Queen For A Day
3.30 Who Do You Trust
4.00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery 42
4:55 Bandstand News
5:00 Super Car
5:30 Mickey Mouse Ctub
4:00 Newsbeat Northsltlt
4:15 Hunlley-Brlnkley
4:30 Father Knows Best
7:00 Guiitward HO
7:30 Adventures of OlflO and Hor.lat
1:00 The Donne Reed Sho
0:30 Leave It To Beaver
0:00 My Three Sons
0:30 McHale s Navy
10:00 Fred Astaire Premiere
11:00 ABC News Final
11:10 Sportscast
11:15 Tonight Show
12:25 Lata Naws
0:38 Educational
10:00 Price Is Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Jane Wyman Shew
11:30 Yours For A Song
13:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford
12:30 Fother Knows Best
1:00 Loretta Young
1:30 TV Bingo
2:00 Day in Court
3:24 Midday Report
J 30 7 Kevs
3:00 Queen Far A Day
i. 10 Who DO You Trust
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery 42
4 55 Bandstand Nlws
S:M Jill's Party Time
5:30 Mickey Mouse Club
4:00 Newsbeat NerthstaiO
4:15 Huntley Brlnkley
4:30 Films of the Fiftiei: "Phantom i
the Rue Morgue"
0 30 Fllntstones
0:00 I'm Dickens He's Fensttr
0:30 77 Sunset Strip
10:30 Rebel
11:00 ABC Now Pinal
11:10 Soorts Cast
11:15 Tonight Show
12:25 Leto Newt
0:M Sharl Lowit
t King Leonardo
10:00 Fury
10:30 Magic Midway
11:00 Too Cat
11:30 Matties FunnlM
12:00 Buos Bunny
12 30 Alakaem
1:00 My Friend FIICM
1:30 The Northerner
2:00 Forum
2 15 Dan Smnot
2 30 Disc Date
3:30 Profession! Bowlers
S 00 Wide world of Sports
4 30 Jetsons
7 00 AH Star Bowling Tour
0 00 Harel
0 30 Joey Bishop
f 00 Lawrence Walk
10 00 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
10 XI Here's Edie
11:00 Sunday N.ght Movlt
12.10 Lott News
Channel 10
Pacific Standard Ttmt
January SO January 31
II 30 S'O" On
11:35 Sacred Hfrt
11 45 The Chmtonners
II 00 Breakthrough
12 30 Sunday Cinema? Two Flags Wist
2 00 Wide worm o poris
3 JO Wttd Kingdom
4 00 Wonderful World Of Golf
5 00 Uooate
5 30 Bullw.nUt
4 00 Meet The Press
4 10 VcKftver end tht t city I
7 00 Ens'gn O'Teete
7.30 O'sney WerM of Ctir
I 30 Car 54. Whtrt Art Ytu?
t 00 Benanra
01 00 Of h Short INr
11:M News
11:01 S'OM Off
25 Sign On Morning Visit
0 . Continental ClasiroOm
0 00 The Pnca U Riht
to 30 Concentration
II 00 Your First lmprtsOA
TV Schedules
11:30 Truth or Consequences
U.bi nbl News
2.00 Merv GnMln Show
12 55 NBC News
1:00 Loretta Younfl
130 Young Dr. Malone
2 00 The Match Game
2 75 NBC News
J 30 Make Room for Daddy
3 00 Queen lor a Day
3 30 Who DO YOU Trust
4 00 Focal Point
4 30 Pooeye Theater
5:00 King Leonardo
5 30 Our Gano
S:55 Weather Window
4 "0 Newsreel 10
15 Huntley Brinklev Report
4' 30 Our Man Hiogms
7 00 Valiant Years
7 30 It s A Van's World
30 Saints and Sinners
30 The Price Is Riant
10 00 Ben Cfliey
1:00 News Ten Night Reeort
11:15 Tonight Show
1:00 News, weather. sn on
:?5 Sion On . Morning Visit
0:30 Continental Clauroom
10 00 The Price Is Right
u: jo loncemraiion
11:00 Your First Impression
11:30 Truth or Constouences
11:55 NBC News
12:00 Merv GnHiR Shew
12:55 NBC News
1:00 Loretta Young.
2:00 The Match Game
2 75 NBC News
2:30 Make Room For Daddy
).m Queen tor a Day
3:30 Who Do You Trust?
4:00 Focal Point
4:30 Poeeve Theater
5:00 MaQic Ranch
5:30 Laurel and Hardy
5:55 Weather Window
4:00 Newsreel Ten
4:10 Sports HlQhliqhls
4:15 Huntley Brlnkley Report
4:30 Combat
7:30 Laramie
1:30 Empire
0:30 Dick Powell Show
10:30 Chet Huntley Reporting
11:00 Newsreel Ten Night Report
11:1$ Tonight Show
1:00 News, weather, sign Off
0:25 Slon On Mornlna Visit
30 Continental Classroom
10 00 The Price Is Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Your First Impression
11:30 Truth or Consequences
11:.' J NBC News
12:00 Merv Griffin Show
12:55 NBC News
1:00 Loretta Young
i:jo Young Dr. Maiono
3:00 The Match Game
2:25 NBC News
2:30 Make Room For Daddy
3:00 Queen For a Day
3:23 Who Do You Trust?
4:00 Focal Point
4:30 Popeyt Theater
5:00 Pull and Reddy
5:30 Our Gang
5:55 The Weather Window
4:00 Newsreel 10
4:15 Hunltay Brlnkley Report
4:30 Sam Benedict
7:30 The Vlrolnian
0:00 Perry Como
0:00 The 11th Hour
1:00 News Ten Night Report
i : i i onigni anow
1 :0C News, Weether and Sign Off
IS Sign On Morning visit
t: 30 Continental Classroom
10:00 The Price ts Right
q:jj concentration
1:f0Your First Impression
11:30 Truth or Consequences
n: nbl riews
2:00 Merv Gritfin Show
12:53 NBC News
1:00 Loretta Younq
1:30 Young Dr. Malone
2:00 The Match Game
2:75 NBC News
2:30 Make Room For Daddy
3 00 Queen For A Dey
3:30 Who Do You Trust
4:00 Friendship Circle
4:30 Pope ye Theater
5:00 Fury
5:30 Laurel and Hardy
5:55 Weather Window
4:00 Newsreel Ten
4:10 Sports Highlights
4:15 Huntley Brlnkley
4:30 Feature Profile
4:35 Sports Special
7:00 Touchdown
7:30 Wide Country
1:30 The World of Bonny Goodman
9:30 Haiel
10:00 Andy Williams
11:00 News Ten Night Report
11:13 Tonight Show
1:00 News, Weather. S'qn Off
f:25 Sign On Morning Visit
0:30 Continental Classroom
10:00 Tht Prfct Is Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Your First Imprcssitn
11:30 Truth or Consequences
11:55 NBC News
12:00 Merv Griffin Show
12:55 NBC Ntws
1:00 Loretta Young
3:00 Tht Match Game
2:23 NBC News ,
3:30 Maka Room For Daddy
3:00 Queen For A Day
3:30 Who Do You Trust?
4:00 Focal Point
4:30 Popeyt Theater
4:55 International Showtime
5:55 The Weether Window
4 00 Newsreel 10
4:13 Huntley Brlnkley Report
4:30 Stoney Burkt
7:30 Gallant Man
1:30 Sing Along With Mitch
0:10 Don't Call Mo Chtrlit
10:00 Jack Pttar
11:00 News Ton Night Rtport
ll:is Tonight Show
1.00 News, weather and Signoff
11:05 Sign On
11:05 Minister's Round Table
11:30 Exploring
13:30 Watch Mr. Wlltrd
1:00 Sharl Lewis
1:30 Magic Midway
3:00 Saturday Matinee
"StaOtcoach to Fury"
3 30 Sports International
5 00 All Star Golf
4:00 NBC Ntws
4:15 Local News
4:30 Wyatt Earp
7 00 All Star Bowling TnurnamOnf
1:00 David Brfnklty'a Journal
1:30 Joey Bishop
0:00 Saturday Night At Tht Movies
"Deadline, U S A "
11:00 Intermission News
11:05 Seven Arts Playhouse: "Latter to
Three Wives"
1:00 News. Weather, Sign Off
Channel 1
Pacific Slant art Time
January 30 January 31
11 30 Championship Brlrlijt
1 00 Palmer-Player Golf
1 00 Championship Bowling
3 00 Oral ftooerls
J 10 Sunday Soorfs Spectacular
t OO Dan Smoot Report
a 15 Sports HiQhlights
4 TO Alumni Fun
5 00 Meior Adams Trallmasttr
$ 10 & E. College Bowl
4 00 70th Century
4 30 Trails west
7 no f mion O'Toolt
7:39 Jttsont
I 00 Sunday Night Movlt: "Cast I
10 00 Candid Camera
10:30 Howard K Smith
11:00 Sunday News Spatial
it m College of the Air
TO 30 Queen For A Day
11 00 Jant Wvman
11 10 Yours for a Song
17 00 Ernie Ffl'd
13 30 As Ihe World Turns
1 00 Father Knows BSSI
l Mouse Partv
1 00 Day In Court
30 Seven Keys
3 00 Secret Siorm
3. 30 Edot of Noht
4 00 American Bandstand
4 00 Discovery '41
4 i5 American Newsstand
5 00 Chaplain's Corner
5 05 Town 4 Country workshop
5 30 Denms The Menace
4 00 Your TV Weatherman
4 05 Farm Mt'tiei Peoert
6 10 SttcK Market ftaatrt
4 15 ABC News
4 3 Lft! News
4 41 Sotty't Berks 'n BtCS (Sports)
7 M Mr. C4
7 10 Tht Dekotas
I Jt ll if tamer
t 00 Stoney Burkt
H At Ben case
II 00 ABC Final fttport
10 00 College of the Air
to 10 Outn For A Day
11 oo J tot Wyman Presents
11:30 Yours For A Song
17 00 Tennessee Erne F-O'd
17 30 As The World Turn)
1 CO Father Knows Best
1 30 House Party
1 00 Day In Court
2 30 Seven Keys
3 00 Secret Storm
3 30 Edge of Miqht
A 00 American Bandstand
4-30 Ducovery '63
4:5 American Newsstand
5 00 Chaplain's Corner
5 30 Quick Draw MfGrew
5 S5 Tech Talks
4 00 Your TV Weatherman
OS Farm Market Report
6 10 Slock Market Report
4 15 ABC News
4 30 Local News
4 45 TBA
7 oo David Brlnkley's Journal
7 30 Combat
I 30 Hawaiian Evt
t 30 Untouchable?
10 30 Belt & Howell Cieseup
11 00 ABC Final Report
10 00 College of tht Air
10:30 Queen For A Day
11:00 Jane Wvman
11:30 Yours For t Song
17:00 Ernie Ford
11:30 As The World Turns
1:00 Father Knows Best
1:3ft House Party
3:00 Day In Court
7 30 Seven Kevs
3 00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery '43
4 55 American Newsstand
5:00 Chaplain's Corner
5:04 Fund-O-Rama
5:30 Yogi Bear
4:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:05 Farm Market Reoort
4:10 Stock Market Report
4:15 ABC News
4.30 Local Newt
4:45 Sportsman
7:00 Harel
7:30 Hollywood Tht Fabulous Era
1:30 Going My Way
0:30 Our Man Hlggins
10.00 Naked City
11:00 ABC Final Report
10:00 College of tht Air
10:30 Queen For A Day
11:00 Jane Wvman
11:30 Yours for a Song
17:00 Ernie Ford
12:30 As Tht World Turns
1:00 Fethar Knows Best
1:30 House Party
2:00 Day In Court
3:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edoe of Night
4:00 American Bandstand
4:10 Discovery '63
4:35 American Newsstand
5:00 King Leonardo
5 30 Bullwinkle
6:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:03 Farm Market Report
4:10 Stock Market Report
4:15 ABC Evening Report
4:30 Local News
4:45 Scolty's Barks 'n Bllai
7:00 Deputy
7:30 Onle and Harriet
1:00 Story 01
0:30 Leava It To Beaver
9:00 My Three Sons
0:3u McHalt'i Navy
10:00 Premiere
11:00 ABC Final Report
11:15 lop Star Bowling
10:00 College of the Air
10:30 Queen For A Day
11:00 Jane Wvmen Presents
11:30 Yourt for a Song
12:00 Tennesstt Ernie Ford
12:30 As The World Turns
1:00 Father Knows Best
1:30 House Party
2:00 Day In Court
2:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery '43
4:55 American Newssltrtf
5:00 Ore. Cel. Panorama
5:30 Huckleberry Hound
4:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:05 Form Market Report
4:10 Stock Market Report .
4:15 ABC News
4:30 Local Newt
4:4SScolty't Barks 'n' Bites
7.00 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
7:30 Valiant Years
1:00 Father Knows Bast
0:30 Fllntstones
0:00 I'm Dlckens-Ht's Ftnsttr
0:30 77 Sunset Strtp
10:30 Lloyd Bridges
11:00 ABC Flntl Report
11:15 Showtime On Two
0.00 Captain Kanqaroo
10:00 Tht Alvln Show
10:30 Mighty Moust Pltyhoust
11:00 Top Cat
11:30 Beany t. Ctcll
13:00 Bugs Bunny
17:30 Magic Land of Alakaiam
1:00 My Fritnd Flickt
1:30 Sky King
3:00 Davey . Golielh
7:13 Social Security
3:30 Challenge Golf
3:30 PBA Bowling
5:00 Wide World of Sports
6:30 Country Show
7:00 All Star Bowling Tournament
0 00 Gallant Men
f:00 Lawrence We Ik
10:00 Gunsmoke
11:15 Showtime On Two: "Tht Gangs
Channel S
Pacific Standard Time
January 30 January 34
1:00 Roller Derhv
3:00 Challenoe Golt
1.00 Adventures In Medicine
1:30 Higher Education t You
3:00 Oral Roberts
3 30 Sunday Sports Spectacular
4:00 Championship Bowling
5 00 Father Knows Best
5:30 OF Colieqe Bowl
4:00 70th Century
4.30 Password
7:00 Tht Jetsons
7:30 Dennis The Mtntct
t-00 Ed Sullivan
t:00 Real McCoys
:30 G.E. Trut Truster
10:00 Candid Camera
0:30 What's My Lint
1:01 Ntws
11:15 Sign Off
I 00 Captain Ktngtre
00 Calendar
9:30 I LOvt LWCy
0 00 McCoys
0.30 Pttt tnd Gladys
1:00 Lovt tf Lift
1:34 CBS Ntws
1:30 Starch for Tomorrow
1:45 Gu'ding Light
3:00 Coneoe of tht Air
7:30 As tht World Turns
1:00 Password
1:30 Houit Party
3 00 To Tell Tht Truth
3 7) CBS Ntws
3 30 Jane Wyman
3 30 Secret Storm
310 EdQt tf Night
4:00 Johnnie Linn SntW
4. OUCOvery '41
SS American Newsstand
5 00 Alvln
i 30 Rin Tin Tin
6 00 TV Weatherman
6 03 Channel l Re ear
4:15 CBS News
6 30 McHale s Navy
7.00 My Threa Sons
7.30 Dakotai
I 30 Lucille Ball Show
f 00 Denny Themes
10 Andy Griffith
0 00 77 Sunset Strip
1:10 ABC News Final
I IS Sgn Off
00 Captain Kangaroo)
00 Calendar
f 30 I Lovt LufV
10 00 Tht VcCOvS
0 30 Pe't 1 G'advt
I 00 Lovt of Lift
1:74 CBS News
t Search For Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
l? 00 CAlieqt Of the Air
17 30 As The World Turns
1 00 Pessword
t 30 Houi Party
3 00 To Ten Tho Truift
3 75 CBS News
1 30 Jane Wyman
3 00 Secret Storm
I 30 Edge of N.ghf
4 90 Johnnie Linn Show
4 30 O i St Over y '61
4 54 American Ntwtsltntf
5 00 Sy Kino.
t 30 GuiCfc Oraw MfGrew
4 M your TV Weatherman
4:05 Channel S Report
6 15 Waiter Cronkitt News
4 30 Tht Dtpuly
f Country Show
7 30 Marshal Dillnn;
I 00 Lloyd Bridges
For The
030 Red Sklton
30 Jack Benny
10:00 Garry Moore
11:00 ABC News Flnet
11:15 Sign Off
I 00 Cantain Kangaroo
00 Calendar
30 I Love Lucy
10:00 McCovs
10 3O Pete and Gladys
11 00 Love of Life
74 CBS News
11:10 Search lor Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
11:00 College of the Air
13:30 As the World Turns
l:0O Password
1-30 House Parly
2 00 To Tell the Truth
7 73 CBS News
7 30 Jane Wyman
3 00 Secret Storm
3 30 Edge of Night
4:00 Johnnie Linn Show
4 .10 Discovery '43
4.34 American Newsstand
5 00 Uncle Bill's Adventure Time
3:31 Yogi Bear
4 00 tv Weatherman
4:05 News
4:13 CBS News
6:30 Hillbillies
7:00 Onle I Harriet
7:30 Wren Train
1-10 Going My Way
0 30 Dick Van Dyke
10:00 Naked City
1100 ABC News Final
11:15 Sign OH
I H Captain Kangaroo
0.00 Calendar
0:30 I Love Lucy
10:00 McCoys
10:30 Peta and Gladys
11:00 Love et Lift
11:74 CBS News
11:30 Search for Tomorrow
11:43 Guiding Light
13:00 College tf tht Air
12:30 As the World Turns
1:00 Password
1:10 House Party
2:00 To Tell Tht Truth
2:35 CBS News
2:30 Jane Wyman
108 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 Johnnie Linn Show
4:30 Discovery '63
4:54 American Newsstand
5:00 Mighty Mouse
5:30 Roy Rogers
4:00 Your tv Weatherman
6:05 Channel 5 Report
4:13 Waller Cronkltt
6:30 Sports Roundup
7:00 Rifleman
7:30 Mr. Ed
t:00 Perry Meson
0:00 Twilight Zone
10:00 Alcoa Premier
11:00 ABC News Final
11:15 Top Star Bowling
13:15 Sign Off
100 Captain Kangaroo
0 00 Calendar
0:30 I Love Lucy
10:00 McCoys
10:30 Pttt and Gladys
11:00 Lovt of Lift
11:24 CBS News
10:30 Search for Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
13:00 College of tha Air
12:30 As the World Turns
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1:00 Password
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3:33 CBS News
2:30 Jant Wyman
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4:00 Johnny Linn (how
4 30 Discovery '63
4.54 American Newsstand
5 00 Uncle B'll
5:30 Huckleberry Hound
4 00 Your T7 Weatherman
4 05 Channel 5 Report
6:15 Walter Cronklto
4:30 Story Of
7:00 Leave It to Beaver
7 30 Rawhide
1-30 Route 64
0 30 I'm Dickens-He's Fensttr
10:00 Alfred Hitchcock
11:00 ABC Nws Final
11:10 Local Nows Final
11:15 Stage 5
12:45 Sign Off
12:00 Rugs Bunny
17: 30 Magic Land
1:00 My Friend FUcka
1:30 Armchair Adventure
1:45 Visit With City Pollct
2:00 Championship Bridge
3:30 Challenge Golf
3:30 Professional Bowlers Tour
5:00 Matinee
6:00 Dan Smoot Report
4:15 Channel S Rtport
6:30 Fllntstones
7:00 l'v- Got A Secret
7:30 Jackie G tea son
I 30 The Defenders
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