The Court Records DISTRICT COURT OtC. mi TRAFFIC . Samuel Allan Htnul, passing insuffi cient viilon, plea ol oullty. 17.50 tint paid. J nek Mllford Dale, violate . basic rule, pica of guilty, 115 flnt paid. Georgt Francis Lynch, violate basic rule, pies of guilty, no fine paid. Harold Raymond Melton, violate basic rule, plea of guilty. 15 fine paid. Harvey Northrop Hanson, violate bask rule, plea of guillly. $25 fine paid. Audrey Bernice Herrlck, violate basic rule, plea of guilty. SIS fine paid. Charles Louis Vashaw, violate basic rule, plea of guilty, S10 (me paid. Floyd Dean Laws, parking on highway, plea of guilty, $".50 line paid. Henry (none) Praetorlus, violate basic rule, plea of guilty, $10 fine paid. Clark Howard Engles, improper passing, plea of guilty, $10 fine paid. Lester Ora Folti, disobeyed stop sign, plea of guilty, $7.50 fine paid. Robert Edward Earp, violate basic rule, olea of guilty, $10 fine paid. Abel Costilla, no PUC permit (trailer), Dlea of auiltv, $25 (ine paid. Lynn Truman McKune, disobeyed stop nan, oiea ol auillv, J.M tine peia. Maynard Nelle Chambers, disobeyed itop sign, plea of guilty. $7,50 fine paid. Cecil Eveneigh Borden, improper pass ing, plea of guilty, $10 fine paid. Ronald Lyman Owlngs, failure to trans fer title. Dice of oulltv, $6 fine paid. Clara Lawona Edmison, violate basic rule. Dlea ol auiltv, $15 fine oeid, Howard Allen Losncss, violate basic nil p. nlca nl auiltv. $10 fine oald. William Roy Wilson, oper. MV white oper. lie. susp., plea of guilty, $150 fine and 10 days In county all of which $100 and 10 days supended. w line pa id. Donald Robert Ballev, oarklno on high' way, plea of not guilty, trial without Jury tet lor Jan. v, iw. Henry James Knoll, disobeyed stop sign, dismissed on motion of District Attorney. Unable to locale defendant. Jan. J, 142 Melvln Dave Mecham, violate basic rule, plea ol guilty, $15 fine paid. Doyle Glenn Par rot t, violate basic rule, plea of guilty, $25 fine paid. John Arlle King, violate basic rule, plea oi gunty, $zo fine paid. Charles Alford Marshall, no clearance lights, plea of guilty, $10 fine paid. Max Julian Hicks, Improper left turn, Dlea or oullty, $10 fine paid. Gordon Thomas Todd, violate basic rule, Dlea of auiltv, $15 fine paid. Lloyd Mark Thomas, Improper muffler, o ea of oulltv, 10 fine paid. Charles Franklin Carlsc,, failure to dim headlights, plea of guilty, $15 fine paid. Garrett Owen McKendree, disobeyed top slon, Dlea of oulltv, $15 fine paid. Terril Ronald Stone, No Opr. Oper. Lie. plea of oulltv, $5 tine paid. Arthur LeeRoy Amos, no vehicle license, Dlea of oulltv, $5 line paid. Harvey Allen Mailer, violate basic rule, olea of ou iv, $25 fine paid. Francis John Kaiser, disobeyed slop sign, plea of guilty, $15 fine paid. Bonnie Jean Parker, failure to dim headlights, pica of guilty. $10 fine paid. Stanley Nelson Chapman, disobeyed stop sign, plea of guilty, no tine paid. John Eric Anderson, driving while un der Influence of Into. Ilauor, plea of not guilty, jury trial set for 1-17-63 at 9:30 a.m. Clay Ambrose, no lights, dismissed on motion of D A i unable to locate dell MISDEMEANORS William Henry Lowder, In toxica ted upon public hwy., arraigned, to enter plea 1-11-63 at 3 p.m. Stanley Anthony Rodak, pointing a fire arm at anothor, arraigned, plea of not guilty, trial without ury lei lor 1-11 -A3 at 10 a.m. FELONIES Royal Jones, assault with a dangerous weapon, prelim, hearing, bound over to grand ury, bait Increased from $6000 to $10,000. Committed. Arlin Lei Rich, burglary In a dwelling, arraigned, requested prelim, hearing; set lor 1-11-63 at 4 p.mj ball continued In I he amount of $3500. Committed. Jan. 4, 141 TRAFFIC Robert Roy Tuler, no horn, plea of auiltv, $10 line Paid. William Kenneth Glodowskl, no vehicle Irnnse (Exp), plea ol guilty, $5 tine paid Wlllard Shelton Bates, violate basic rule. Dlea ol auiltv. SIS line natd Roy Charles Thompson, violate bask rule, plea of Qulity $5 fine paid. Jimmy Joseph Roojgera. no operator II cense, plea of guilty, $5 tine paid. Georae Gavnor Vt, violate basic rule, plea of not guilty, ury trial set for 3-2I-6J at V.-JO a.m. MISDEMEANORS John Albert Trigg, hunting prohibited methods, plea of not guilty, trial w-o jury set for 1-18-63 at 9:30 a. Paul Dean Sneddert, no PUC permit, auiltv Dleai $10 fine paid. Calvin Bragg, no muttier, guilty plea S7. in pa id, Arlln Lee Rich, disobeyed traffic ilg- nal, not guilty plea; trial without )ui set tor Jan. II, 1963. Calvin Bragg, reckless driving, not guil ty pieaj trial without u-y set for Jan. 16. 1963. Mary Ann Matt, no operator license, dlimlued at reauest of stale police. Francis John Kaiser, no operator li cense (suspended), trial without jury Found not oulltv. Charles Erwin Shulmlre, driving whili under the Influence ol Intoxicating liquor Jury trial. Verdict of not guilty, FELONY CASES Robert Leon Chock loot, burglary not a dwelling, preliminary hearing. D missed lor want ol prosecution. MUNICIPAL COURT TRAFFIC Edgar George Albert, VPR 40 In 35, $25 forfeit. Gerald John Amerllng, disobeyed traffic signal, $10 lorieit. James Edwin Avarlll, disobeyed traffic sianel, $10 forfeit. Kathleen Ann Brlckner, no operator' license, $7.50 suspended. Tnrry Robert Brown, ran stop sign. $10 forfeit. Leora Florence Bryan, disobeyed flc sional, $10 forfeit. Clarence Edwin Cornett, VBR 30 In 30, $10 forte t. Bobby Gale Peering, VBR 35 In 30, 125 forfeit. Ellen Dixon, Improper lelt turn, $7.50 forfeit. Samuel Curry Dugan, disobeyed stop an, $10 forfeit. ftallln Kenneth Eudallv, no operator' license, $7.50 forfeit; VBR 30 in 30, $1 forfeit. Arthur Loren Everly, VBR 30 In 20, 110 forfeit. Adolph Faller III, disobeyed traffic slg nal. $ 0 forfeit. Patricia Marlene Fenimore, ran red light, $10 forfeit. Calvin Reed Hecocta, following close, $10 forfeit; no operator's license, $7.50 forfeit. Hueyt Wayne Hicks, no operator's een&e. 57.50 forfeit. Hannan Amanda Hickson, failed leave name and address at scene of ac cident. $50 forle t. Elmer Dean Husled, opened car door nn traffic ilde, 17.50 forfeit Kenneth Vernon Jennings, VBR 35 In 20, $25 or five davs. Larry Kent Johnson, disobeyed stop lian. tin forle I. Lesler Joyce Llston, disobeyed traffic slonal, $7.50 forfeit. George Waller Martisak, obstructed vl s on. $7.50 forfeit. Dennis Carl Montague, vbr 30 in zu, $10 forfeit. Fay Foster Montgomery, vbk 3 in iv, $25 forfeit. Michael William Murray, reckless onv- no, $ 00 and 10 davs. Raymond Lewis Kiaaie, vbk jo in zu, $10 forfeit. Kenneth Rlohtmlre, failed to yield right of way 10 venicie, hs lorten. Eihel Grace Roberson, failure 10 pane securely, dismissed. Larry Alien Ross, vbk 30 in 10, ito for feit. Ronnie Philip Schlll, VBR 40 In 30, $75 forfeit. Clayton Wayne Dumonl, meter warrant, $1 forfeit. Robert Earl Garrison, meter warrant, 111 forfeit. Jesse Dale Hankins, meter warrant, $33 forfeit. Mrs. Arnold McSwaln. meter warrant, 15 lorieit. Darlena Berkley Sanchei, meter war rant, $9 forfeit. Aivis Clayton smitn, warrant, ran rea light, $15 forfeit. James winie atepnens, vbk ju in iv, $10 lorell. Donald Hunt Swltllk, VBR 27 in 20, $id forfeit. Tom Tannery, failed to yield .right of way to vehicle, $25 forfeit. Jerry Lee Wagner, disobeyed traffic Ignal. 110 lorieit. Lester Arthur wasnDurn, taiien to yieio Ight of way to vehicle, $25 forfeit. Sandra Lynn west, vbr iq in 20, $io lorieit. Richard Coy Wiles, VBR 50 In 30, $50 forfeit. Rose Williams, no operator's llcenM $7 50 lorieit; disobeyed stop sign, $10 lor felt. Jack Clayton Winkler, VBR 30 In 30, $ 10 lorfelt. Larrv Zltek, meter warrant, $9 forfeit Brian Bernard, Improper lelt turn, $7 50 forfeit or tit days; reckless driving, 1100 or 10 oays. Jan. II Charles Hood Jr., drunk, $75 or five or Service News Airman Basic Dennis L. Cross, son o Mr. and Mrs, Royal V Cross, 401 Ski Bowl Drive, Mount Shasta, is being reassigned to Goodfellow AFB. Tex., lor train H if tut mttomiixir DENNIS L. CROSS ing and duty aa a communica tions operations specialist. Airman Cross recently com pleted Air Force basic military training at Lackland AFB, Tex. lie is a graduate of Mount Shasta High School and a for mer student at the College of the Siskiyous at Weed. lionald E. Shaver, 1!), 4159 Sum mors Lane, and Gordon P. Her ion, 18, Box 3,2, Chiloquin. re cently enlisted in the Marines, the local Marine recruiting office announced. The men enlisted under a pol icy which guarantees a few quali fied enlistees training in Marine ivinlion. A recruit guaranteed aviation duty is assigned to basic airman school after he completes boot and combat training. The recruit is then assigned to another school or on the job train ing in one of the aviation special- tics such as jet mechanics, avia tion electronics, air traffic con trol or aviation communications. Shaver is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Shaver and is a l!H2 graduate of Klamath Union High School. Ilerron is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Herron and is a 1WB graduate of Chiloquin High. Wayne C. McNeill, seaman. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McN'cal, 4431 Laverne Street, aid ed in training Marines of the Re public of Korea during Decern ber while serving aboard the at lack transport USS Cavalier. Some 4.000 ROK Marines under went training in amphibious land ings. In addition to learning land ing tactics, the Marines learned how to operate the boats. Edwin Bruce Serpa, aviation electronics technician chief, USN, son of Mrs. D. L. Moore of 3937'i Homedale Road, is serving with Air Anti-Submarine Squadron 27 which recently returned to the Naval Air Station, Norlolk, Va. The squadron conducted opera tions in support of the United States quarantine forces. It is commanded by Cmdr. Edward M. Haugh, USN. Lynn II. Jlartgrave, utilities man third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cletis Hastings, 1720 Washington Street, is among those who greeted the New Year at the bottom of the world. In this land, where time zones have little meaning, the men of Antarctic Support Activities brought in 1963 with little flourish. For Christmas observances, the men had evergreen trees tlown in from New Zealand, 2,000 miles away. The continent is perpetually covered with snow and ice and temperatures always are below zero. More than 90 per cent ol the ice in the world is found in Antarctica. Strategy Shift Reported WASHINGTON (UPII A stra tegic shift was reported in the works for the Mediterranean to day, with U.S.-built Jupiter rock ets in Italy and Turkey to be re placed by Polaris missiles at sea When the switch is made, it is excepted to be described as fur thering the Kennedy-Macmillan, concept of a NATO nuclear force as outlined in the agreement they reached at the Nassau confer ence, No part of the plan now being developed has been spelled nut officially. As recently as last summer the Defense Department denied that any withdrawal of Jupiter missiles was contem plated. During the Cuban crisis in Oc tober, President Kennedy ignored a proposal from Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev that the Turkish bases be dismantled in return for Russia's withdrawing missiles from Cuba. It is apparent, however, that plans for "modernizing" NATO weapons have been discussed and that the Jupiters in northern Italy and near the Turkish Black Se coast likely will be casualties. Fanfani Stirs Thinking There are 30 Jupiters in Italy and 15 in Turkey. Latest thinking came to the surface during the visit here this week of Italian Premier Amin- tore Fanfani. The Italian leader based Polaris force under some kind of still unspecified NATO control. All U. S. officials said was that modernization of weapons sys tems was a matter of continuing concern to NATO and it could be assumed that the subject of modernization is being discussed with the Italians. It was made clear unofficially that the matter of withdrawing the Jupiter missiles from Italy and deploying Polaris submarines in the Mediterranean was part of the modernization process under discussion. There were intimations that a similar arrangement at the other end of the Mediterranean would be discussed. How cither Italy or Turkey would participate in a submarine force has not been explained. They have an equal say with America on the launching of Ju piter missiles on their territory. Nine Subs Afloat The U.S. Navy now has nine Polaris submarines afloat and soon will begin to organize a sec ond squadron to comprise- nine subs, which it may deploy in the Mediterranean and base at the huge U. S. naval facility at Rota, Spain, if suitable ai -ngements are worked out with Madrid. The Jupiter missile and the Thor, which is being dismantled in England, are the only major oped and supplied to foreign pow ers but not deployed itself. Sixty Thors, which like the Ju piter have a 1,500-mile range were sent to England under a 1957 agreement between Presi dent Dwight D. Eisenhower and Prime Minister Harold Mac-mil Ian, The, Jupiters were installed in Turkey and Italy under a post Sputnik agreement in 1957 when NATO determined to bolster its strength in the face of Russian rocket advances. The Polaris is regarded here as much less vulnerable than the above-ground, liquid-fueled Thors and Jupiters. It fits a seeming Kennedy administration concept that a portion at least of the NATO deterrent should be kept at sea. himself bespoke "the most sen-1 weapons that America has devel- Finances Make Session Tough PORTLAND lUPD- State Rep. Ed Whclan, D - Portland, said Thursday that money problems will make the 1963 Oregon Legis lature "a difficult session." The financial honeymoon is over for Oregon." Whelan said in a speech at Portland State Col lege. "Our surplus is gone. We are now in the area of austerity financing. PACE 6 B Sunday, January 20, 1963 HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. I 1 mi St Ml, w TJ ui "That was our kindergarten teacher! She just bought up his supply of tranquilizers; LIQUORS Oprn Sunday, B:IHI tn 11:1)0 WeeJuUyi H:00 to 8:00 Jock's Super Market Tuleldke, Calif. For Professional TREE SERVICE Baker's Nursery Call TU 2-5553 r. : Don't Delay Income Tax ... ' ' 10 davi. . dm umi r . u,.t,- Dh.i itninU t? nr fit, William Henry L owner, into, uoon public hwy-, pica of guilty, S25 ball ap plied a fine. Wilburn Jackson, whos frua nmt U Wilbur Jack ton, plaa of guilty, $25 tint paid Fred Jamai Brown Jr., plea of not oull ty, ury trial tet lor 2-14-63 at V:J0 a.m. Out on bond. FELONIES Rnherf Leon Chockloot, burglary not In dwelling, retiue&led pralim. hearing, tet for l-U-41 at 1:30 p.m., commitled. Robert Leon Chockloot, burglary not in a dwelling, prelim, hearing tet for 1-14-43 al 1:30 p.m. commitled, January 11, 11 TRAFFIC CASES dura Ann Scot l, violate batie rule, guilty plea; 17.50 fine paid. John Harvey Hunrtei, no vehicle li cense (expired), ouilly plea; IS line paid flovd Crmrln Vnharry, violate baiic rule, gu'Hy plea; 5 fine paid John Joseph improper left turn. O'lty plea; S10 fine paid Frankle Marie Angel, violate batlc rule, ouiity meat Ho fin paid. I-ranees Audrey Kalina. violate basic rule, guilty plea; tin fine paid Kathnne May Mawlev. no operator II- cense, guilty plea; S fine paid Velna Leota Kramer, violate basic rule not guilty plea, trial without iury iet lor Jan 30, nt Roherl Earl Roberts, operating a mo tor vehicle while right In drive suspend ed, Bismissed lor lark o' proseduion. Robert Erl Robeilt. operating a motor vehicle while right to drive suspended, dumiued tor lack of prosecution. MISDEMEANOR CASES Oegory CVrarty Atkewn. hunting pro hlhited hours, ijf) hail forleited Dennis Armnnd Dedrtck, bunting pro hibited hours, us line paid. TRAFFIC CASES January 14, 111 James Philip Wilkinson, concealed li cense plate, guilty plea; S (me paid. Lester Charles Fleck, violate basic rule, guilty plea, tH tine paid. Sharon Lee flury, disobeyed ttop tign, Oullty plea, S0 fine paid Kenneth Oeoroe Rnghott, violate basic rule, guilty plea,- tis line paid. Vane lesluk Hrrelt. parkinq on High' way. guilty plea. 1M fin paid. I areme Alvtn no ope'ator Ikente erlred), Oullty plea; IS floe paid Douglas dene Shuey. driving while u rter the Inlluerxe nf lntoi( allng honor, guilty plia; SliC fine paid and ti days in rotm'y (all. F rrtestine I1 aye Wslt, no operator II-tr-e. S line paid Med Arnold Woods, vpft'a'e basic rule, guilty pie; t?S fine paid. Warceiia Ann Havnes, violate basic tu'e. guilty plea; US line paid. Roherl Donald BrunV, flisoheved traffic lfl"l- guilty plea; is 'ne paid. Walter Wendell f other inejham, volute have rule, guilty plea; SIS tine paid uerald Futiene Smith, pisorteyed Stop llgn. gi'lty plen. VI) fine paid Jane Arllne violate basic rule, gu'itv plea, "fl tme paid to davi. Byron Lester Llndland, drunk, Airman Asks Discharge MOUNTAIN HOME, 1 (I a h n (UPI i Airman Corald M. Ander son, 25, a key liKure in Idaho's most bizarre murder ease in years, applied Wednesday for a hardship discharge" from the Air Koree. Anderson, awaiting the Air Foree's decision whether In press double murder charges against him. asked for release under the unique and unusual cirnim stances" clause of military regu lations. The Air Korce has charged An derson with slashing tn death Mrs. Nancy ,loy .Mmson, 22. and her son, Danny, 2. in Mountain Home last April. Anderson as absolved of the crimes hv the state nf Idaho fol lowing a confession hv Theodore Thomas Dickie, 22, an ex-convict from Hoise. The Air Force is expected to an nounce soon its decision regarding the charges against Anderson. On The Record KLAMATH FALLS IRTHS BOYS M.UP!N-Rnrn tft Mr. (inrf Mr, TSpo rtort Vrtupin In KUmAin Vlly MoipllAI Jrv H A My weighing 7 im , r LLP We LLVN flftrn ro Mr and Mr, FfnnfllrJ F. LfeMtllyrl In KlnmAlh VMv HoipiMI Jn. 1 hoy wfl'ghtng t lb, . 3', 07. SHELTON Horn to Mr and Mrt Thorn J Shfllnn In Klmtn Valley Hospital Jon. 1 boy weighing A lot , U1 1 e,. ST A NL E Y Worn ,o Mr And Mrl Rill Stanley In Klamath valley Hmoital lr a boy weighing 7 !di., 10 oli. OIDLS CARLSON Horn to Mr. enr! Vrl. art! Cartson in Klamath Valley Hospital Jan. It a girl wer,n,ng A 10, . I JOHNSON Born to Mr, and Vm Lfroy Johnion In Klamath Valley Hospital JAn It a oirl weighing I Ihi. JONfS Born to Mr. and Mr1 Athert W Jonet In Klamath Valley Hospital Jan. It a girl weighing i lbs., 3 oil fOBLC Born to Mr. and Mm Eddy cohte In Klamath Valley Hospital Jan. I girl weighing S Ih' . P, nil. Hl SUMMARY Bnyl: 1 Glrlt: 71 Don't delay filing (hat federal income lax return you cot in the mail cxpecially if you are one of the many who have a refund coming. for, the sooner you file, the sooner the Internal Revenue Serv ice can process your return and gel your cheek to you. That is the idvice of A. G. Krickson, Direct or of Internal Revenue for Ore gon. He added: "If e have to audit your re n il before making a refund and thus delay your refund check, we inlorm yoli of that fact hy let ter. Hut even in such cases, the earlier you file, the earlier we can process your return and refund." Krickson has a couple of lips for early filers who want tn re- eive their refunds as quickly as possible. One is In make sure that you include all essential information n making out your return, such as, your signature (and that of your swuse ir it is a joint re turn i, your social security num ber, your Form W-2 roitortine .ytiui- iax wiinnoiciing, and vour address as legibly as you can print it. The other lip, Krickson said, is not to write (or a few weeks ask ing why you haven't received your refund. If we have to stop to answer such letters. Krickson said, it will slow down the refunding process and delay your check that much longer. BBC Surpasses Commercial TV London u pd - The nmish Uroadcasling Corporation claimed today it has won more viewers than its commercial rival or the lust time since 1955. KMC foihids commercials. The corjvoiation said that in tlie IH'iiod from Octolver through De comtver lat year owners of sets alilr to pick up both HI1C and the commercial channel spent 52 er cent of their viewing time watch ing MHC. The HHC said it had surpassed its commercial comK'titor without cutting serious programs. Wanted Man Found Hanging ASTOIIIV il'PD- The body of William Wineman, 4S, W.irrenton, wanted lor questioning in connec tion with the death of his wile, was found hanging from a tree Thursday altctnoon. Police said the body was found in woods behind his home. Authorities had sought him for questioning in the death of his wile. Conine, last Friday. An an topsy indicated she died from n beating, authorities said. Saw' F-i mxm1 l ll;,ni;nrwi; Pocahontas became a Christ linn and her baptismal name wa-Itcbeeca. CiWWWLiimiewiii Ctxut-t-Gut. NEWSPAPERS SELLTHE MOST!! NO MONEY DOWN ON CREDIT AT WARDS-JUST D o SAY "CHARGE ITH TXU-COLD COMBINATION REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER t ST5! $ 5)FF in uKAjmm I "n-s s fin lly . JMiMM No Money Down, $11 a month c fJ"' """1 r Frostless 120-pound freezer provide ) u II JTjiSL n JjZ Et safe "zero-zone" food storage af? rSjii1 fj nfjEL S I I Frostless refrigerator has full-width j IaISo ajjj teljpf5 t : shelves(full-width polystyrene crisper gP al , Cj Freezer door holds food packages a yfta " ' ljs-'j-V!ga Refrigeratordoorhaseggracks,dairy f. j 15B5J'Bfep-Q) .: i5!! bar, shelves for milk cartons, bottles j ppyj?s lASg j ' Ultra-modern design available V j y r- " , with right or left door opening '' . of W axtro chorg. fq : ;;v mriT&C PORTABLE TV SAVE 25.50! WITH ROLLING STAND Cleor-as-life 19' picture tube with tinted plastic safe ty window. Built-in telescop ing antenna. Slim-line styl ing. Weighs only 37 lbs. 20M2'x 5Vhigh. ia. vtiui NO MONIT BOWK TRU-COLD FREEZER BIG 17 CU. FT. CHEST AND UPRIGHT! Very special !Eoch holds 595 lbs. at certified zero .old! Chest has movable space divider, lift-out basket! Up right has open refrigerated shelves, full door storage! NO MONIT SOWN SAVE 40 NOW! WARDS 5-CYCLE TWO-SPEED WASHER 2 speeds normal and slow, 5 cycles for all-fabric HHRHnOO care. 3 wash, 2 rinse tern- U "f f peroturer.. Lint filter, deter- m M M gent and bleach dispen- - o. jjD.ti sers, water-level control. " "onit bown no money down Tak up to 36 month! to pay FREE DELIVERY FREE normal installation WAP" "TIONWIDE RE: -E Is ust a p. away! LOW PRICES EVERY DAY, and even bigger values when ws soy "sale"