"Al "T FOR SALE JQ BEDROOM htvnt, Mllti. iKlrie halt. NEW, large viiw homt. Large lot, clett 10 nw un am nosDiiai, daylight tM mtnt. Appointment only. TU 1-0570. GOLD BEACH PROPERTY Excellent retirement ertwertv. One bdroom home or rental unit and one j v to room nome with large fireplace. mnei north of Gold Btch, overlooking LOW INTEREST RATE On this large 3 bedroom home (1 vr dd) in Movirt Heights. Excellent floor plan. Circulating fireplace. Glast doors io pano. sweeping view or Mt. Shasta. A steel at 1)5.750. Assume tour per cent loan appro, n 3,000, payable M3.00 per mo,, or rennance. DON' SLOAN Realtor 30 So. 7th St. TU 4-5651 Anytime MOVING? We will "TRADE" your property any where west of the Rock lei I Call DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders Club Licensed-Ore. Cel. Ida. Wain. W i I C Multiple Income Property Gross $2,040 per year, net 11,470 per year. Near new OTI Site. All (4) units furnished. First mortgage cart be as sumed at 5 per cent Interest. Balance eas ily handled. Price $14,500. ANDY SILANI REALTOR Ed Mitchell Wileni Welch Andy Silanl TU MU3 TU :-,I37 TU 4-5S44 MLS Multiple Listing Service Suburban Charmer Lovely three bedroom home close to school. Nice sized living room, dining area, kitchen with built In range and oven, two baths. Large lot, Prlct 112,300. i erms. Norrhside immaculate three bedroom home. Large living room witn fireplace, kitchen abundance of built Ins, dining area, hard wood floors throughout, tamity room with (replace in daylight basement, two baths. Price only 115,950, terms. 2.5 Acre Rancherte Lovely three bedroom home located five miles from Ihe heart of town. Nice liv ing room with raised hearth fireplace. dining room, kitchen with lots of built ins and breaklast area, hardwood floors, bath and half. Price 1)7,500, terms. ANDY SILANI REALTOR Wilene Welch Ed Mitchell Andy Silanl TU J-,137 TU MU3 TU 4 1544 MLS Multiple Listing Service WANT 3 bedroom, south auburbt, around 115,000. . . . HAVE . . . bedroom, well - planned home, beautiful fireplace, garage. Paved street. Excellent rental location. For someone who wants to trade down. Price, 11,500. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRAOERS CLUB 306 S. 6th TU 3-2776 (Van! VanSlckle TU 2-6173 Mildred Hall TU 4-1576 MLS Multiple Listing Service .'HOT SPRINGS SPECIAL 3 BEDROOM HOME VALUE desirably located on Eldorado Ave., and attractively priced to you at only H 7,750. Full masonry basement, large complete ly fenced rear yard tree. LOW COST NATURAL GAS HEAT. Not a big home, nut ideal tor the meniunviire family. FHA, Gl or conventional financing. ' r EASY TERMS!! NEAR UPPER LAKE ON EAST SIDE- 3 bedrooms, large living room with , fireplace. AN ECONOMY SPECIAL AT 17.000. Only 1600 down end 160 ocr month 1115 VINE AVE. Just 1500 down on esv contract tor this immaculate, centrally located larger 1 bedroom home. Spacious rooms, attached ga raoe. MOVE IN IMMEDIATELY; JUST 17,500. 3321 HOME AVE A REAL BARGAIN AT ONLY 12.500 priced real low to settle estate quickly, ideal tor tt.tKt eou'ooed to do some recondi tioning. 1500 down will handle. iV INCOME TRADE! TRADE YOUR HOME, CAR, PICKUP. TRAILER, etc for this steady income properly, plus 1 level blocks from Wain St. 6 apartments plus housekeeping rooms for ust 16,750. Terrific Income fit aoorow. $4,500 yearly LET'S TALK TRADE HE RE 1 1 Chilcote ond SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 711 N fth St- Phone TU 4-7771 Sies Personnel: Trim Rabbrtt Ph. TU 7 61 Eves. B II Chilcote Ph. MJ 4 32t Eves Fd Chilcote, Associate Broker Bob Crtlco'e. Broker MLS Multiple Listing Service TRIPLEX with eocene"! Income recrvd 0fr will conS'der T R ADE tor f- X P4NDO TRAILER HOVE or SUBUR BAN HOVE. Full pne II 7,500. SHASTA WAV a neat clean tw twj rocm home on 7xJ0f) ft. lot New KOOL TOP floor furnace plus electric wall heat, f This home has been reooreted m- de and is ready for you Owner will tarry paper or sell fo' no nown pav merit to qualified Ol. Full price 110063 IP AT BE tfl HENLEf district and thee befi'oom Vi bath rambler Fire p'ace. tots of storage srace and large two car garage. Only it'.OOO. SACiOUS two bedroom home w-h fire Ciace. toll basement with party room r3 f-Cfiienf hot wa'er wen. Large lot oi owet street w.tn nice view he''i your tnr to beat me heat bin. Full price HI. CC0. SALES JTFP Vt R ,' Jones u ( T.na Rx1r Ovfle Wiinamt TU .M'Ui,- DURANT KfAiTro r f tu " T" 115,1 Naif to Me'9ar Bowl Al ISTATI FOR SALI 30 ACRE, 3 bedroom south suburpei oouDie (erag. hop, chicken house. TU VIEW PROPERTY FOR SALE, f lots. P- proimaieiy n. by 300 It. tuburben area, I u PACIFIC TERRACE You save money right from the start in " immacuiaie 3 bedroom home large family room living room ami gining room and breakfast area wne oi me rinest end most healthful mrei is an excellent hot water well Just a hop, skip, & jump to Roosevelt nd KU. Has double garage and beautifully landscaped. This is a terrific buy al (19,000 and you may assume urcsem loan, uo let us show you thli way. V IHF.R GOOD BUYS W.50 - Bedrooms - Completely fur- msneo - Norm Side. Ji.500 - 3 Bedrooms . ideal for Weyer haeuser Employe. 17,500 3 Bedrooms Owner will carry 111,400 - Charming J Bedroom Picture windows - Wills Add n. 116,300 - Appox. 5 Acres 3 Bedroom nome - uuiouiidings South. Schroeder Realty Co REALTORS . ill AAAIM TU 49JJ4 Anytime TU J-OUI FUTURISTIC HOME IN HENLEY HI """'uui j oca room nome w h an excelled view of Klamath Basin o.tir exterior & interior, triple fireplace, sun inveiy carpets. Two car garage, utroumuny lanascapea. A dream come ,ut ""s nome witn many many ex tras. Total price 13A.0O0. Terms to be ar aiiytU, CUTIE ON HOMEDALE owner anxious to sell. I eaving for Call- orn.a. Nice sue 1 bedroom home, large gii id wan carper, oeautl M fireplace, cheerful kitchen. Carport, mJw " 'PP'eciate. Only PAUL McATEE ... na ASSOCIATES, REALTORS JJ e. Main Tu 2- aaies siari tvej. fcieanor Mahan jj 3.5255 Evelyn McAtee TU 2-59J5 MLS Multiple Listing Service CLOSE IN Walking distance tn tnwn rin,t.ki, 1 oearoom nome, solid construction. Let urnisneo DAsement apartment help make nurmcmj on ?nis one, or have four UUI i. pains, price 110,000. TERRIFIC VIEW New restricted area. Four vr three bedroom ranch style home. This .mi cverymino, aoub e auraa x 100 ft. lot. Owner avc Ii it M i. 1H,625! Wants to retire. Any type fi nancing. BRUCE OWENS Realtor 34 NO. 7th TU -1-3179 Lucille Anderson TU 2-0519 Ray Worden TU -67 TWO bedroom home on Front St. rencan city Addition. Large lot. This Is a sacrifice at 13,000. i ACRE, grass and alfalfa with three bedroom home. Trees, lawn shrubbery. 1101 wurd SI. Price SS.OOO. Midland Er i-ana tmpire 1 REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1004 Main TU 3-W71 Jim O'Donahue Eves. TU 4-W3 MLS Multiple Listing Service SUNDAY DRIVE BY Nimrod River Park. 4 i miles east of Sprague River. Big lots all front on grav el road. 2,900 ft. of river to olav on. 110 down, 110 per month. Total 11,300. ANDY SILANI REALTOR Wilene Welch TU 3-4(37 TU 2-1683 TU 41544 Ed Mitchell Andy Silanl MLS Mulfip! Listing Service INDEPENDENCE TRACTS 3 acre, 5ISH ft. 2 bedroom house on paved street- Lot reaches to another paved street to provide another building site r trailer site. House was recently painted on Inside and the all channel TV antenna that was blown down on the root Is Included in the low price of M.OOO. PEYTON Member international Traders Club 835 Market TU 4-5 Irt Evenings Harold M. Rush TU 2-l?3 t" Pft'one TIJ 7-0136 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIIS 32 SUNNVS1DE Sfvice Station and store at Ruch. Rt. l Bo 74, Jacksonville. Ore. Good business. SMALL restaurant, good location. 11,000. will handle. TU 4-3061 evenings. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Please investigate thoroughly any Invest ment of moneys In merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities be fore investing your capital, ine Mereid ltd News makes every effort to re (eel ill fraudulent or misleading advertising. however, we are not responsible for the teorify of the firms Or ind-vduai who pia'e advertising in our publication. Any advertising of business opportunities ap pearing io be fraudulent or misleading srouiJ o reponeo io in naui'ieo a ver'rsmg Department of the, Herald and News. TEXACO Service Station for lease, 330 So 6th anrj Altamont. SPLtov i tha word advartitart via to oeicr.oa want Ac. -atullft. P'at IU 4-11 1 1, MAIN STREET PROPERTY Rcol estate ord going business, for sole. A good opportunity, for mon ond wic. Will trode. T. B. WAITERS Reoi Eftate & Insurance 107 So 7th Sr TU 4-4193 KLAMATH FALLS nerds o enm-ope rated ltce"d WESTINGHOUSE Laundry and DRYCLEANING Store Con Net $5,000-510.000 annuo!- y in spare time. ALD, Inc. has hflcoed establish nvrr 15 000 sue-! cestui LaundromotRi stores If i you or tht nght po'ty, e Ml hcip you on your own practical, proven $tvjM neighborhond store vA,,r romrnunttv No obltgahon. Call Or write. ALD, inc. PO. 6 5077 Euirn. 0-,cn Dl 3-2523 34 NEED MONEY for PAYING BILLS? If nagging bills become o nui sance, oet rid of, them! Check our courteous, confidential, cash loon plan. You II be glad you did. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cart Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. 513 So. 6th TU 4-7783 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 FOP full i m. .... t- 1 idition or will trade for roll-away bed In good condition. TU 4-6254 or see at 1147 FOR sale blond oak dinina rnnm thla and chairs, RCA TV, desk. roft tM. sewing machine, radio, reasonable, ex- teuenr conoinon 1302 E. Main. WESTINGHOUSE dryer, oood conditinn. call weekends or alter 3. TU 4-3410. FOR sale large refrigerator, good con dition, phone TU 2-0838. UNUSUAL offers get response when. meae in "personals' Call TU Mill. GUARANTEED USFO Piur.Pt - REFRIGERATORS - WASHERS URYER5 - WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Furn. WESTINGHOUSE Automatic f Clothes Dryer $00 Excellent KIRKPATRICK'S Ear.t Side AoDlionces 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 & LIKE NEW -fr AUTOMATIC PORTABLE 5EWING MACHINE When New $249.50 Now $69.95 $5.67 A Month After SmoM Down Payment SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main TU 2-2513 SUNDAY AUCTION 1:30 P.M. 3899 So. 6th VERY PINE SELECTION OP FMD N ITU RE AND APPLIANCES FROM IWU TUUNG FAMILIES WHO ID LEAVING THE AREA. ALL QUALIT ntws, IN NEAR NEW CONDITION. ivb) LOKMpot refrkjirator-freeier torn. binalion, very fin twin maol bedroom sei wun potter and canopy beds and Sim mons mltre. 1961 Kenmort pushbut ton electric range, nearly new Italian Provincial double bedroom set with box prings ana mattress, matching desk and nsir; u CU. tl. Chest rJeeo I rti. Westingnouse relrigeralor, 2?0 electric neaters, I960 Weitinghous washtr-dryar tomotnaiion, mapie aining set witn buf fet and hutch, 1962 Kelvinalor electric range, maple occaiiona tables ol all sorls. matching lamps, fireside chairs, modern walnut and naugahydt occasional chairs, large mirrors, new Babvllna cribs and mattresses, several vacuum clean ers, two large wool hooked rugs and oads, three TV sets, like new Hide-a-Bed. bookcases, books, very fine daveno and cnair in oeigt nylon, ruQS. mirrors, pic tures, lamps, pots, pans, drapes, linen, small appliances, pair of matched duel ing pistols. THE POET'S CORNER ZONING We're alt for It tr It's dona our way. So let's ail vote to tone. We'll eliminate ait the otner ouys But leave The Resale House elontf If You're Not Buying At , The RESALE HOUSE You're Spending Too Much' FUtl - HEATING 38 DRY 4odoepole pine and pin body wood, any lengmi, tu fuel oh, f Western Oil & urnscei, Heaten Burner, TU 4-317 PINE body wood. 16 to II Inches length. us ceo, oenverea. tu 4-5toi. COOO red fir body wond. SIS cord, iivered. TU 4-7671, TU 1-4312. CALL CLIFF YAOEN For Presto Loqi Heating Oils Metered Propane Sales $ M Green Stamps Open U hours 3560 South Sixth TU 4-31 1 and TU 2-9360 COLD DAYS AHEAD!!! STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stoves "SO ALL YOUH FUEL NfEOS" Fronkford Fuel Co. STOVES STOVES STOVES & PARTS MERCHANDISE MART ?o.4 c, TU 4.Sf0 GOOD THIN6S TO IAT 39 BEE P, POBK. whoi', eui'tvr, butch ering, cutt.ng, curing, Sfamrocli: Mt, Beatt Putt PCGISTEEO AKC mltiWurt WMii , uupt'r tot mm. (.namnnqri D'own Hurry d 91 them while they Ceiit GrAnM Pott H Jtyi c 47-Sj 'cr t Dm SH II Hi p4s. Ore E. 7th (t . Grtnli UC. Irguire Pul Newell A4-Jl?r WFLSH Tpfr.er puo. ehmo.on AKC regiitt'M. "TU MtlJ. TINV Pkiget PvDC ti ItiO Phi -ng. g'oom-i ,r9, t SMAS thi1g Dmi duocm for tut CASCADE fcfcNNELi, Vf".n-(.liview Ji-ti 1-5671. ot Wt"-'" Hy FINANCIAL LOANS B . Peri - SfH - Hfctie OR ilt: Scout Jr. I 11 Colt tingle ction Buntlini 'fl. TU 4-liW. AKC register TU 3-OJii. toy black poodle, feme It POR SALE OR TRADE : late model Dor iclt Cetaline, full canvas, 70 hop Mer cury, oe'or trailer, TU ?-im0 evenings. BLACK min. rvwdle ouooiei. excellent blood lines, SIW-SI25. Terms. TU 2-4051. PUPPIES, Poodles, Pekingese, Poms. Stud service, poodle clipping. TO 4-7535. LAST CHANCE . . . ICE SKATES . . . GOING FAST Good Selection, Small Sizes up to 3 The RESALE HOUSE 3899 So Sixth RADIO - TV - MUSIC 41 PORTABLE Motorola Stereo, 2 extension wings, 4 soeakers, deluxe model, like new, been stored. Cost $'60, steal at 170. fcL A. Neace Jr. Box 307, Bly. 24 IN. Sears console TV. 14 In. G E. TV, excellent, tu 4 8641. MUST sell almost new piano because ol illness In lamily, see at 5J07 Sturdevant, TU 4-6254. RENT a new Baldwin piano, f 10 a month. No delivery charqe. Bowden Music Co. 830 Main, TU 2 4883. EXPERIENCED piano teacher, beginn ers, advanced, Blanche Mapes, TU 4-30A9. WE pay cash for used pianos. Derby's Music TU 4-5121 RENT A NEW WURLITZER SPINET PIANO $7.95 A Mo. (NO OELIVERY CHARGE) DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Years on 7th St." 126 No. 7th TU 4-5121 LOWREY "MUSICAL MIRACLE" In organ playing lets anyone play In. stantly ... In oerfec harmony. Automatic Orchestra Control. Advertised In Lite January lath. $1095 Klamath Music Center 515 E. Main TU 4-3360 USED ORGAN TRADE-INS BALDWIN THOMAS LOWREY HAMMOND EASY TERMS - SAVE UP TO $450 BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Moin TU 2-4883 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY WANTED gentle saddle mare. Write Rt, box 96, Rogue River, ore. ONE registered bay mare, one filly two- year-old, and two kids horses, TU 4-7835. WANTED to buy thoroughbred type mare 3 or 4 years, si$o, TU 4-9034. BONANZA artificial insemination service. TU 2-0741, Bonanza 545-2381. BABY calves tor sale or trade. TU 3607, 2312 Autumn. BABY calves for sale, TU 2-5889. 1845 Gary, phone KLAMATH PROVE SIRE SERVICE TU 4-4400, TU 2-1185, TU 4-4558, TU 2-6103 WANTED: 34 whitetact heifers to calve March. Call Jack Siemens 783-2751 Chiloquln. PROTEIN BLOCKS CATTLE & SHEEP 40 lb. Blocks 40s. Protein 15.000 units vitamin A per lb. 12.85 per block (10 or more) PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE 462) So. 6ih TU 2-4555 KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! Coll "Woody" Gueck, Owner-Mgr.! TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY ot 1 p.m. shorp Rte. 3, Box 44 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Rood Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. Th BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Moke Your Plant Now to Consign to th Stockmen Market. Tuesday is sole day in the Klomath Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Office 4-9667 Home 4-9436 MACHINERY DOZER BLADES for TD6's - TD9's - D4's HD5's - D6's TD6 Angle Dozer - $2,500 C. Equipment Co. & Hilvard TU 2-2051 SEE J. W. KERNS FOR ONAN LIGHT PLANTS (Sole & Servic CLINTON ENGINES AIR COMPRESSORS 73 So. 6th TU 4-4197 We hove the following equipment (or leose, by the doy, month c year. John Deere 2010 Wheel Looder I with or without backhoe John Deere 1010 oned 440 Oawl- erj with dojers i John Deere 1010 Crowler Looder John Deert 435 Diet with Trencher will trench 5 ft. deep 12 ft. w.de Coterpillar D2 j with dozer Coll or ee us ot Klorr-oth Fo'U or! Tul'ate. Don Potter Machinery Co. Phone TU 2-5571 7376 South Sith St T,.l-ini,. Ph 667211 luitr iad tcur At FOR RENT screw 4C and hvdri t. 'h, TU -4i. 40 MISC. FOR RENT .45 FOR RENT, American floor tnr enfl eager, witt end easy to operate, tarn papers and Bruce floor fin line. Klam ath Valley Lumber Co. 140 So, lh. TU MISC. WANTED 46 WANTED antiques, anything old! Call TU 2-J7g4 days or TU 4080 eves MISC. FOR SALE 91 INFANT and toddler Clothing, stroller, lumper chair, walker, nvsc good con dition, very reasonable, TU 2-HiO. USED lumber, 1x4 to It 12 Including 2i grooved. Also box shook firewood. TU 2-05U. SAVE over 130 on tub, TU 2-045. a new colored bath- FOR sele portable TV, S50; -inch Dtlta table sew, St5, call TU HAY near Modoc Point, 5 ton, TU 4-e750. INK BARRELS, K 50 Press Room. Hfrtld and Ntws. DRAIN rock, gravel, aito roadway ma. lerlal, TU 4.3561, GEO. R. STACY CO. TOPSOIL. concrete aggregate driveway material, dreln rock, J. M. Bernei, TU ,-765. MASON sand, till dirt, sandy till. Cirv ders. Pelican Sand. TU 4-437. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS r SPECIAL OFFER FREE FLOWER SEEDS TAKE YOUR PICK Yours For The Asking STOP IN TODAY I GOODYEAR STORE :oi So. inn TU 41141 SPECIAL ICE SALE OUT OF PAWN DIAMONDS GUARANTEED Quality Plus - Lowest prices m town at COFER'S EXCHANGE 625 Klamath TU 4.7160 FISH EGGS (Bulk Skains) NIGHT CRAWLERS & FLY TYING Moteriols ft FRANK'S TACKLE V bRINDINO SfcHVILt 430 E. MAIN TU J-478 TRAILERS ..5a 16 FT. vacation trailer, like new. S700. 3026 Laverne, TU 4-7298. FOR rent large trailer space, ill month. phone TU i-50. WARM, economical 1954 Eastern Built I x 45, storms, banking, washer, dryer. Colonial, 53,000, Robert Schmeichal, Box 492, Merrill, Oregon. II FT. 1960 self-contained travileit. Ex : el lent condition. TU 4-7900. 1957 NASHUA DELUXE. 26 It. Alonio Hodges. Merrm, pre. 50x10 NEW Moon, 3 bedroom f u r- nlshed. reasonable. TU 4-5343 between 9 & 5. WANTED small trailer house. Reason able, good condition. Writ Rt. 3 Box Tuieiake or can 6W-z. HOUSE TRAILER REPAIR, 4423 Winter Ave. TU 3-113. FACTORY trained Coleman t, Internet'! mobile furnace service, parts, tu 4-b4. FOR SALE Equity In I960 Great Lakes trailer. 5S X 10. 1 beflroom. furnisneo, washer-dryer. air conditioner. Consider Irade. TU 4-7401 alter p.m. FOR sale two-wheet trailer, all steal. !?MJ. TU JANUARY CLEARANCE on all new ond used TRAILERS! See These Fine Buys 1958 CAMEO 45 ft., 10-wide, 3-bedroom model. Lorae bathroom, torced oir oil hcot with thermostat, center kitch en. Interior in excellent condition. Was $3195. Reduced to . . . $2695 th only S500 down on approved. credit ond easy monthly payments. 1957 MAGNOLIA REBEL 43 ft., 8-wide, 2-bedroom model. Furniture in excellent condition. Center kitchen, large living room, all new mattresses, lots of storoge space. Oil heat with forced oir to each room. Ready to go tor tne low price ot only $2295 ond only $400 down on approved redit. Low monthly payments. Wilson WILEY BUICK Main Goroge 1330 Mom TU 4-3141 Car Lot No. 2 42 So 7th TU 4-9203 USED CARS AND TRUCKS SS Uanrl frr tho rHkVY f N -K I Our Stock Reduction SALE ENDS TOMORROW! '62 CHEVROLET IMPALA Sport Sedon. Lie new. Loaded. WAS $ fc2598 $2798 '62 CHEVROLET IMPALA Sport Coupe. Blue ond white. Pow er steering. sl 2598 '62 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-Door Sedan. V-8 engine, Power- Glide. WAS OOQQ $2598 ZjVO '61 CHEVROLET IMPALA Sport Sedon. Looked with entroi, was $9 I QQ 52498 L I 70 '62 CHEVROLET CORVAIR Monro Coupt. 4 speed, radio, ! header. s?AS8 s2 1 98 DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! '6th to 7th & Plum TU 4-3 101 AUTO MISCELLANEOUS 147-53 v-i er t aickun (mir Mit -- LP.ieiu tBf.giiion. 4 speed trentmission tomDiere v.iin drive shaft. Dual certo. tideibrock heads, cam tor 4-i3 Ford w nnercury v-e. IU 4-M4I. FOR sale t4l to 1944 " i ton pickup can opy. Make reasonable offer, TU 4-4321. WANT ADS ere all-purpoee helpers l our, sen, swep. renr, hire, cell TU 111. MOTORCYCLES NEW & USED LARGE SELECTION Rav's Harlav Davtdian North TU 2-70 Cecil Cox Garage Motor Overhaul er valve Grind Tune Up Is Specialty 1151 Altamont Call TU 4-9033 "OVER JO YEARS EXPERIENCE" USED CARS AND TRUCKS ... 51 1V54 FORD 3 door Ranch Wagon, VI. straight stick. (Voter and transmission lust overhauled. UbQ. TU 2-Jill axt. SO days. TU I-4JSS evenings. VALUE RATED USED CARS You'll Like Our Low, Low Prices! '62 Oldsmobile 88 2-Dr. Hardtop $2993; '62 Oldsmobile F-85 Cutlois Coupe $2643 '61 Mercury Comi-t 4-Dr. $1593 60 Ford Goloxie V-8 Hardtop $1633 60 Pontioc Storchief 2-Dr. $1943 '60 Oldsmobile 88 4-Dr. Air conditioning $2223 '59 Oldsmobile S-88 4-Dr. $1673 59 Ford V-8 4-Dr $1393 '59 Ford Goloxie V-8 Hdtp. $1293 58 Chevrolet 6 Station Wagon $ 793 '57 Oldsmobile 98 4-Dr. $ 793 57 Chevrolet V-8 4-Dr. Standard shift $ 763 57 Plymouth 4-Dr $ 513 56 Oldsmobile 98 4-Dr. ..$ 643 '56 Packard 4-Dr. $ 483 '55 Ford V-8 Hardtop $ 493 '55 DeSoto 4-Dr $ 133 '54 Buick 4-Dr $ 493 '54 Oldsmobile 88 4-Dr. ..$ 143 '53 Buick 4-Dr $ 173 "53 Oldsmobile 88 2-Dr. ..$ 183 '53 Chevrolet 2-Dr. $ 273, 51 Willys Jeep Station Wagon 4x4 $ 643 !'5I Ford Pickup $ 293! i'50 Buick 4-Dr $ 193 '47 Pontiac 2-Dr $ 113 Dick B. Miller Co. 7th & Klamath TU 4-8886 ECCLES MOTOR CO. NOW is the time to SAVE During the big JANUARY STOCK REDUCTION SALE 606 So. 6th St.! '62 Pontiac Grand Prix Coupe Rodio, heater, floorshift Hy dra. Finned wheels, power, bucket seats, Morrokide in- r; $3597 58 Cadillac '62' Sedan DeVille Kodio, neater, Mydra. Power steering, brakes, , $ I QQ"7 windows, seat I 77 I '60 Pontioc Catalina 4-Dr. Stn. Wogoo. Radio, heater. Hydro. Power ond 6-woy power seat. Full Morroklde in- $0 I QJ tenor. Excellent .... I 7 .i Rambler '6' Custom 4-Door Radio, heater, overdrive, pow er steering. One local owner. Jet block. Full vinyl $0007 interior CXJl I '60 Chev. Be ( Air 4-Door Radio, healer, Power Glide, one local owner '57 Metropolitan Hdlp Radio, heater, I A07 Cpe. 597 standard trans '57 Chev. 210 4-Dr, Radio, heater. Power A very popular car $ for only Glide 897 '62 Mercury Monterey Custom 4 Dr. Radio, heater, MulH-drive, power steering, power brakes, one local $)LQ1 owner '59 Mercury Monterey 4-Dr, Rodio, heoter, Mercomotic, power steering, $ extro horp 1397 '60 Plymouth Fury Convertible Rodio, heoter, outo. trans., power steering & brakes, swivel seats, CQ7 one owner I J 7 '59 Volvo 544 2-Dr. Sedan Radio, heater, 4-speed, mtleaae, one owner. low Fire ::r i097 '58 Volkswagen 2-Door Rodio, heater, 4-speed, Block with white $ sidewolls 1097 '55 Pontiac Starchtef Hdtp. Cpe. Radio, heater, Hydramotic, genuine leather Interior, t cedent tires. $ Reduced to . .. 397 '60 Ford Foirlone 2-Door Radio, heater, standard trans. v.8 1 497 engine 1 1 ' ' Call one of our Solesmen ' You'll be GLAD you did! Dick Floyd TU 2-5859 Dean Howell TU 2-3596 Bill Cunnmghom .... TU 4-7177 Pete Stride TU 2-0491 Russ Cotter TU 2-1403 Bus Thompson TU 4-6618 Bill Hotchkin TU 4-4551 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th St. TU 4-8124 S3 HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath ' USED CARS AND TRUCKS SS S3 CHEVROLET, slick i. oood raw tirai brakei. sm. TU 4-44J! ivas. I'M TEMPEST Lamont Sporli Couoa. 4-spaad transmlulon. buckat teatl. Fully Tel aquippadl 12JQ0. TU 1-4197, TU 2-4411 Et. SI4. FOR tala or trade IflSC GWC panel, speed, ISIS Summers Lone. 1954 FORD V I Ranch Wagon. TU 4.II1S. VOLKSWAGEN Kombl Camper, only If,. 000 miles. Just Ilka new. All the fecil) has of a trailer house plus ektonsion tent Has full bed. running water, tebla, etc Use as a camper or as a family car SI79S. no trades. Phone TU 4-9Ke. I9el FORD Galexlo convertible, one own. er, SI.650, 710 California WANTED 'J? & older cari. Central Auto Stlei. TU 2-1130, Tu J.JJW. CASH for Can and Pickups. CarlarM i 13W E. Main, TU 2-0445 1940 FORD coupt. Full load Oldsmobllt engint. Set at 134 Main or call TU FOR SALE 1947 Chevrolet panal, 4832 Summtrs Lant. 1959 RENAULT Dauphlnt. JM, ph. Chll- oquin 783235. 60 VOLKS. 2 Dr. Sedan, motor ovar hauled, new clutch, battery & tires. Good paint & interior, saoirice ii?5. trades, private parly, tu 4-4S42. CARS WANTED Wt need vour car ... . cash wait- I no l Payments too high? Trade Into cneaper car or ten your eqimy. SELL YOUR CAR-DON T GIVE IT AWAY See Dale or "Snint" DALE'S USED CAR LOT 333 So. ath St. TU J-4910 TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your car or equity for cash Come In Today! 7th & Plum TU 2-4784 HI VALUE Used CARS & TRUCKS Are Always Found JUCKS! -tt CARS 60 Hillman 695 795 Station Wagon ., 57 Ford Station Wagon ... 55 Plymouth 2501 Station Wogon ... '54 Buick 2 -Door 395' Hardtop '51 Buick I '3 PICKUPS PANELS TRAVELALLS '61 Int'l. Scout 4-Wheel Drive. Full conopy . $ j OOg '61 Int'l '2 Ton 6 cylinder, 3-ipeed, 1 1 ZQr like new 1 070 '60 Int'l. Vi Ton Pckp. $ AQC 4.srMd. V-8 l ll '60 Int'l. Va Ton Pckp. S I CQC 4-trweri. nw tirea I J 7 J 61 Int'l. Va Ton LWB $ '1895 4-speed, V-8 Pckp. '59 Chev. El Camino 3-speed, $ I overdrive ' 595 295 '58 Chevrolet Pickup $ I 4-speed 58 Int'l. Va Ton Pickup. 4-speed '57 Ford Pickup $ 995 4-speed '57 Dodge V-8 Vi Ton $ Pickup. 3-spd. trans. 57 Dodge Ponel 3-speed with $ overdrive 56 Ford F250 $ 1 Ton Pickup 795 825 895 55 Int'l Vi Ton Pickup. 3-speed. OOcll Speciol "os-ls1 '1i FnrH '' 595 595 395 ricKup '51 Ford Pickup Very clean Int'l. LWB Pickup 51 4-speed WILLYS SPECIALS 60 Willys Jeep Pickup 4-wheel drive. ) New paint 60 Willys Jeep CJ3 $ 4-wheel drive 1195 995 595 '50 Willys Jeep CJ3 4-wheel drive, J Sfeel top, winch .... 8 ft. Schetky Aluminum canopy! for standard long wheelbase 195 ir COMMERCIALS -fr '55 Chev. 2 Ton 1I495 Dump truck 53 Chev. 2 Ton 4-speed. 12 ft. von body 50 G M.C. 2 Ton 14 ft. beer von ... 800 ,$I395 $ 695 $ 495 '50 Ford F800 5-speed and 2-spd. 120" CA 48 G M.C. 2 Ton with 12 ft von body '48 Dodge 2 Ton with Brownie ond flatbed 16 ft. 4-wheel pull troiler. Now Only . 595' I095, DUMP BODY 4-5 yard with i 250 Garwood hoist SALESMEN Bud Foirclo, Malln 723-2354 lim Knoles TU 2-320Q Bob Tordiff TU 4-5598 JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. it International Fruehauf Cummin Hthto 12 nKiomothTU 2-2511 Falls, Ore. Sunday, USED CARS AND TRUCKS 35 I tit DYNAMIC OLDS. Take older ear 01 trailer house. 11.750. Alonio Hodgei, Mer nil, Ore. STD. TRANSMISSIONS SI Chav. Sta. Wgn. i cyl. O D . . 11M5 '51 Plymouth V-I 4 Door s 9j, '14 Chav. 4 Door Hdtp. 0-0 1 795. 51 Chev. Sta. Wgn. V-I. OO ... 79J. 55 Chev. Bel Air 4 Dr. VI. 00 ...I 6)5. CARLAND'S USED CARS JOE FISHER'S Safe-Buy BARGAINS at New Low Prices! '1497 I297 '61 Ford Folcon 2-Dr. Sedon , '60 Ford Folcon 4-Dr. Sedan , '62 Mercury Monterey Custom 4. Dr. Auto, trans, radio, heater, power steering1. and brakes, one owner, real sharp . s2597 SII47 s2397 $II97 $ 797 $ 797, '59 Ford 4-Dr. Sedan 62 Mercury 2-Dr. Hardtop 60 Rambler 4-Dr. Sedan '61 Renault 4-Dr, Sedan 57 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Power-Glide , 61 Plymouth Voliont 4-Dr. Stn. Wagon. New mo tor, new paint, I "307 outo. trans SALESMEN I J 7 Dalai Sechrist TU 2-5720 Roy Rinehart TU 4-9541 Jot Padgett TU 2-0637 Jim Ehreth TU 2-0149 Mortin Arnold TU 4-571 1 Elnothan Dovii TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP '677 So. 7th TU 4-8104 BALSIGER MOTOR CO. ft Wrap Up a Real SUPERMARKET VALUE! Shop These Outstanding ONE-OWNER COMMERCIALS! 1962 FORD PICKUP 6' 4-speed, heater, big bumper, 4,200 octuol miles, dark green color. DOWN PAYMENT .. $700 $2245 1962 FORD FALCON RANCHERO PICKUP Heater, only 2,000 actual miles. Populor green finish. DOWN PAYMENT .. $650 $1995 1960 FORD '6' PICKUP Healer, bin bumper, red color, $ I I nc'sharp condition DOWN PAYMENT .. $450 $1345 I960 FORD V-8 Duals. 132 inch wheelbase. 4 -speed transmission. DOWN PAYMENT 1960 FORD '6' PICKUP - ong wheelbase, 4-speed, big bumper, red color. DOWN PAYMENT $1345 $450 1960 FORD V-8 PICKUP 4-wheel drive, 4-speed, hubs, big bumper, green color. DOWN PAYMENT .. $700 $2095 1960 FORD '6' PICKUP Radio, heater, Fordomolic, 28,000 miles, grey color, big bumper. DOWN PAYMENT .. $500 $1495 1957 FORD '6' PICKUP Heater, big bumper, tan color, DOWN PAYMENT .. $285 $795 I960 FORD V-8 PICKUP 4-wheel drive, 4-speed, big bump- arme guard, blue and white. DOWN PAYMENT .. $700 $2095 LOT NO. 1 TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER TU 2-3866 BALSIGER'S REPRESENTATIVES AtiM Cwtnd . .TU J1 Porter Clmns TU t-fif Mlckty Crr .TU t-OVS Jack Mirier TU 4-ol M AWrtch ..... BALSIGER MOTOR COMPANY Always th Fairest Deal Malri & Esplanodt January 20, 1963 f AGE USIO CARS ANO TRUCKS 53 DRIVE MORE AOTORS Will Day cam lor can. TU 4 JS't. SAVE SAVE SAVE a Ford Gilaila 500 4 Dr. Hdtop .ns'5. '41 Chav. Impala 2 Dr. Hdtp. Std...S2m. '41 Ford V-I Gllaxla Dr. Hdtp. ,!WS. '41 Ford Ranch.ro R 4. H, Std. . '40 Ford V4 V) Too pickup v apaad 4139) DEAL RITE MOTORS 1317 So. trt TU 4 94! EfV Dowty TU 4-930 JANUARY . CLEARANCE ,' We don't want these in stock at tax time, so get a real deal NOW! 59 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. S QQ7 Belveddre ' '59 PONTIAC 4-Dr. $ MOT Station Wogon .. I"'' '59 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. S I OOT Bl Air I J 7 59 RAMBLER '6' 4-Dr. $ I I Q-j Overdrive II '58 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. 897 997 $I097 $ 397 $ 697- Station Wogon 58 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. Fury Hardtop 57 PONTIAC 4-Dr. Stn. Wgn. (Shorp) '57 GOLIATH 2-Dr. Sedan 57 DODGE 4-Dr. Sedon '55 Plymouth 4-Dr. (Shorp) Standard Trans. 597 350 397 97 77 47 56 CHEVROLET 2-Dr. "As-ls" Speciol .... !'55 STUDEBAKER 4-Dr. Sedan '55 FORD Station Wagon (Mechonic Speciol) 47 DeSOTO 4-Dr. Sedan 52 BUICK 2-Dr. Sedan JIM OLSON :: MOTORS Used Car Lot 7th & Commercial TU 2-5646 1962 INTERNATIONAL ' 4x4 SCOUT PICKUP Full closed cab. traction tirei, heavy-duty bumper ,18,000 miles, white color, very shorp. DOWN PAYMENT .. $700 $2195 1958 DODGE V-8 PICKUP 4-specd, heater, big bumper, tu tone white ond fan. DOWN PAYMENT .. $285 $845 1959 DODGE V-8 PICKUP Heater, 4-speed, canvos canopy. 'red color, big bumper. DOWN PAYMENT .. $315 $945 F350 CAB & CASSIS Va W VIW $1445 $485 1960 CHEVROLET '6' PICKUP 4-speed, rodio, heater, big bump er, oreen color. DOWN PAYMENT .. $500 $1495 I960 CHEVROLET '6' " PICKUP Heoter, big bumper, green color. DOWN PAYMENT .. $485 $1445 1962 CHEVROLET '6' PICKUP 4-speed, heoter, big bumper, 12, 000 miles, green color. DOWN PAYMENT .. $735- $2195 1957 FORD '6' PICKUP Lang wheelbase, heater, big bump er. DOWN PAYMENT .. $285 $845 1959 FORD '6' PICKUP Heoter, big rear bumper, green color. DOWN PAYMENT .. $350 $1045 . LOT NO. 2 2152 h SOUTH SIXTH TU 4-4354 tab Van4rf4Ml TU J-44t LteV ChMWttf TU 4-44JJ Ulchatrtl Dick TU -Ut "RolHt" Wit .... Mrrl'l m-ifn TU 4UU . . . Th Finest Product TU 4-3121