PAGE 4-B 1 Several people mentioned to me that I wasn t thinking positive when I wrote last week's column, And do you know they were right! Monday night, we locked horns A VMfilB T mum 4 19 li, with Alia Sports Center. We, East Side Electric, had a handicap of 157 and Alta Sports Center had a handicap of 216, making 59 points that we had to make be fore we could gain a point towards winning. And we just couldn't do it. They were too sharp lor us. So that puts us down a notch on the ladder with four wins and one loss but not so with VFW. They came through with flying colors to win their match with U.S. National Bank and retain their record of straight wins. Not only did thoy win but they took all the honors for the week. VFW team members Gerald Munjar was high man for the week with a score of 243 and Audrey Lund was high woman for the week with 158. High scratch team for the week and high handicap team was one and the same, VFW, Their scratch score was 651 and 720 was their handicap score. My very sincere congratulations go to tins fine team. They are not only fine archers but must "think posi tive." The league standings now look like this: VFW S 0 Farmers Lumber 4 1 Alta Sports Center 4 1 East Side Electric 4 1 Dugan Mest 3 2 Kingsley Field 3 2 Signal Oil 3 2 Oregon Food 3 2 Shcrwoods 2 3 Joes Sporting Goods 2 3 Roberts Hardware 1 4 U.S. National Bank 1 4 Western Auto 0 5 Klamath Kamera 0 5 Last Wednesday night, election of officers was held at the regu lar monthly meeting of the Klam ath Archers. Elected as president for the year 1963 was Bill Nash also known as Dr. Earl Nash to many local residents. Bill did such a fine job on last year's in vitational tournament and I'm sure that we can fill look forward to a successful year in archery with BiU leading us. Bill will Uike his new office immediately replacing retiring president, Irv Cater. Retiring secretary, Ginger Jones, has turned her books over to the new secretary, Helen Reeves. The first and second vice president offices are being filled by Bob Reeves who suc ceeds Bob Jones as first vice president and Bob Faster filling the now vacant second vice pres dent office. Into the offices of public relations go Audrey Lund and Don Stonehill. Congratulalioas from all the members of the Klam ath Archers go to these new offi cers. Next Monday night, Jan. 21, tlicie will be a work night before the regular league shooting. All archers are asked to bring as much carrtlioard as possible, cut to size, for the pasting up of tarpLs. Come at 6:30 and in full force and this little chore can be completed in tltc available hour before leapu shooting starts Cimeung that evening will bo Farmers Lumber vs. U.S. Nation al Bank, Signal Oil vs. Roberts Hardware and Alta Sports Center vs. Kingsley Field. On Wednes day, Jan. 23, it will be VFW v Owner Halas Rallies To Back Rozelle's Play By MILTON RIOIMAN Srt Wrllrr NEW YORK I LTD - Owner- coach Ocorpe Halas of (lie Chi cago Bears, first to niake public Ihe NatKfial rcothall Lea pic s current investic.Mion. rallied to Commissioner Pele Rorelle's up wrt today by praising his "cx- ci .lent handling'' of the probe, Halas, in a telephone conversa tion from Chicago, said. "I think :(?e!le is doing an excellent Job n his handling of this lnvestica lion." but declined any opinion as to what the far-reaching probe ctentuaily might turn up. The 67-year-old Halas. who has served as a player, orach and owner in tho NH, and also is one of its founders, said lie "pre ferrcd to wail" until tlie investi gation is over before commenting on any of the player-gambling dc velopmenb so far. "Nothing has been proven yet." Halas said. I'd rather wait unti: Rozelle completes his investiga tion before saying anything fur tlier." At his league office here, Ro zelle said there was no way of knowing when the investigation j w u!d be concluded. "Siiould tlx facts justify action HERALD AND ? BOWING WITH t I ? M8y BARBARA BAUMGARDNER Sherwoods, Oregon Food vs. West ern Auto, Klamath Kamera vs. Joe's Sporting Goods and East Side Electric vs. Dugan and Mcst. Oregon Bow Hunters is sponsor, ing a state league slioot to be gin sometime early in March. The Southern Oregon District will com pete in Asliland, Ore., in March DR. BILL NASH i and will be shooting a 56-target (lint round. Each club participate it' will sponsor one scratch team and two handicap teams. There will be four archers on each team. Persons entering as a handicap team must establish their handi cap prior to the competition. Three 28 target scores are re quired to establish this handicap. Awards are being given to the top handicap team and the top scratch team as well as a num ber of individual awards. Archers who are interested in participating in this new league are asked to contact Dale Bax ter for furtlier details. RES B6BTHB0MB LEAOUI Mould Ingcraff, Inc. 51 Oregon Food Store 47 Eagles Aux. 42 Richfield 3M 37' Joe Fisher 32 40 Club 37 Acmt Concrete ' 31 Bills Auto Tewing 30' 45' Result: Bint 4, wouiotngcran qi mi 3, Richfield If 40 Club 3, Oregon Food I; Eagles 2, Joe Fisher 2. High team gam, Jot Fisher Wl ; high iNm series, Bids Auto Towing 2M5; high Ind. game Thelma Kallstrom 1 93j high Ind. series. Shirley Hottman 494. IARLY BIRDS LEAGUE LA 49 W L 51 21 49 71 45 27 40V 3lVi 40 32 .19 33 J9 3.1 31 39 31 41 31 41 m sii 14 5ft Rolling Pins Rollers Star Dusters Odd Balls Alley Cats 8, Mill Twisters lly Hi's Poor Excuses Apropos (same Dames Bowleretles Jan. 16 results1 Tally Hi's 4, Bowlerpttes ; Apropos 4. Poor Excuse 0 Rolling Pins 4, Game Dames 0; Hit ft Miss At ley Cats 1; Twitters 3, Rollers 7; Star Dusters 3, Odd Balli 1. High team game. Rolling Pins mjj high team series. Rolling Pins 2130; high Ind. game, Peggy Rcxiqers 234; high nd series. Leona Quails 50. The art of the coffee break was perfected in Argentina hy city dwellers long before it became popular in North America. The rickshaw ticd in the Ori ent was invented bv a U.S. Ma rine who visited Japan in KA with Commodore Perrv. at the conclusion of our invcsli galion, action will bo taken and announced," he said. One player facing possible ac tion is Detroit Lion tackle Alex Karraa, wlw admitted h bet on his ow n team and was summoned here Thursday by Rozelle along with teammate Wayne Walker. Rozelle spoke to both players but Walker told the IVtroit New most of his conversation with tlie commissioner was alout Karras. "I talked to him mainly About Alex and how he needs help." Walker explained. "He's a great football player and he's made a mistake. There's nothing disltonesl aht him and he's no gambler. Maybe he'll Just get a hig lino nwylie a fs' fine or something." Tlie feeling alwit Karras, a big, amiable former All-American fiom tlie I'niwrsity of Iowa, is divided. Some NKL officials and players! tool sympathetic toward him and wonder whatever Possessed h;m to anrnxmcc on a television pro gram that lie bet on tlio Lions ami then later, to say lie merely meant cigarrltes and cigars. Otliets in tlie kvigue are iiwt bout tlie fael tlie 27-ve.ii-old All- Pro delensne tackle said, "a lot of oilier plajen and coailves bet. loo.' NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Financial Changed By OSCAR FRALKY DELRAY, Fla. (UP1) The arrival of sports as big business has done a tremendous amount to change financial tactics, golf course architect Dick Wilson ex plained today. Let's lust take golf alone, said the ruddy-faced Philadclph: an with the booming voice. "There was a time 20 years ago when subdivisions financed g o 1 courses. Now golf courses finance building subdivisions. Wilson, who by creating a largi and capable staff in his special ity, probably has become the world's leading figure in the building of golf courses. The side profits now come from the build ing lots left in juicy sites along the fairways. The 100 courses he has creat ed range from the Royal Mon treal to the Villa Real in Havana with 98 others in between and sev cral dozen on the drawing boards or under construction. "We get letters every day from young fellows who want to be golf course architects, he said. "Now landscaping, engineering and math are necessary, of course, when it comes to hacking course out of a wilderness but really the only way to learn this business is to go to work for somebody who knows it. That's what Wilson did. Worked For Klyiui "My folks were contractors in Philadelphia," he related. "I went to work for one of the early greats. Bill Flynn, who built such. courses as Morion and Spring Mill in Philadelphia, Denver's Cherry Hills, and Florida's Boca Raton." One of the toughest jobs Wilson undertook was creation of course and subdivision near Car-i acas, m Venezuela. It took three years and required $20 million. We had to fill in ravines 150 to 200 feet deep," said Joe Lee. a tall, personable young profes sional who is Wilson's right hand College Scores College Basketball Results By United Iress International EAST Ithaca 66 Hamilton 53 Northeastern 62 St. Michaels 56 St. Joseph's (Pa.) 76 Muhlenberg 53 utica so Kochesler Tech. 57 Cornell 78 Pennsylvania 76 Buffalo 67 Alfred 56 Kings Coll. 71 Kings Point 60 Princeton 86 Columbia 63 SOUTH Tampa 72 Jacksonville 64 Bethany (W.Va.) 112 Allegheny 75 Knoxvine 73 Morehouse 63 Baltimore 80 Hampden Sydney 78 .Maryland St. 77 Virginia St. 75 Morgan St. 93 Lincoln (Pa.) 75 Southern (La.) U. 115 Tex. Coll. 72 MIDWEST K. Illinois 74 N. Illinois 65 Sculll Dak. St. 82 No. Dak. St. 73 WEST Glondalo 68 Pasadena 57 Montana St. 53 Idaho St. 47 Air Force 86 Montana U. 62 Oregon 60 Washington St. 51 San Anlonia 72 Grossmont 44 Stanford 57 Washington 48 Oakland 52 San Mateo 42 Nevada 77 Portland 69 Southern Oregon 66 Portland State 50 Oregon College 98 Eastern Oregon 70 Linfield 77 Tacific 76 Seattle 90 Gonzaga 59 Pomonia BO Biola 67 Cal West. 76 S. Diego Marines San Diego St. 84 Wluttier 81 Pcnperdine 89 Japan Steel and Tube 47 CAIIPKR Tmirnainrnt at Pomona Westninnt 75 Sacramento St. 71 Cal. 1'oly Pomnia 80 Pasadena 7; C.H.Q. B.ikMball ft.iullt fty United Prtu Inl.rn.liOfl.l MlnnM)t. II? Purdn. 73 N.vv Holitm ft. Nwlh Carolina U Vlrqlnl, 11 low. II Ortio Stmt 4 WORE In S.H. tt s.tcMi an Michigan stata ao KJorthw.,t.rn ftl Xavi.r lOhiol J Miami (Oniol 62 Cprn.ll 7) Prlnc.ton at tvnntt Statt V Pair U Pelican Jayvees Topple Ashland Tlie Klamath Telican Jayvees ppod the Ashland Jayvees in the preliminary game on Pelican Court here Saturday night, 4(V25 wilh Kim Coon leading the way with 15 points. The KU first live did fine leicnsive job in allowing the Grizzly JV quintet only one point n the first period and one point in Ihe third Irame. The Pell- c.iiiS led :it half time. 2.V16. Coon hit 15 points lor the Pels ai.d John Freohack chipped in with seven more. Hob Alherton ! tapped 'be Grizzlies wifh 14 points. six of which came Uvm the char ily line. An abscessed tooth may distri bute intection to other p.irts of tlie body and cause damage to kidneys, heart and oilier organs. Sunday, January 20, 1963 Tactics In Sports man. "Once I was running a bull dozer to mark out the fairways and I made filets out of a 12 foot boa constrictor with the steel treads." Wilson and Lee are at Delray enjoying the golfing fruits of their latest creation, the magnificent $2 million Pine Tree Golf Club. But they won't be on hand long Others On Schedule un tneir schedule are new courses to be built. Including one! in San Diego and another in Palm Springs, Calif.; two new ones in Westchester County. N. Y., and others in the Grand Bahamas, Nassau, Blucficld. W. Va.. Biloxi Miss., and Titusville, aenCrape Canaveral; a par three at Chat tanooga and a nine-hole course in Malaga, Spain. They also face the task of putting Miami's Dora! Country Club in shape for its spring tournament, remodeling both the Columbus and Scioto, Ohio, country clubs, and the Jckyll Island and Cape Coral courses for the state of Georgia How do I keep up with it? he grinned. "I don't even try. I leave that to the rest of the crew or I'd go crazy. Instead, I forget it all and go out and play the course instead of trying to im prove it. Pretty good, too. Shoots in the low 70 s. High School Scores By United Press International Cleveland 05 Madison 60 David Douglas 67 Central Cath olic 65 (OT) Wilson 89 Benson 88 ( 2 OT) Franklin 50 Lincoln 31 Hillsboro 55 Gresham 54 (OT) Jefferson 61 Grant 45 Astoria 46 Beaverton 45 Clackamas 57 Sunset 55 Tillamook 45 St. Helens 38 Oregon City 39 Newberg 21 Lake Oswego 63 West Linn 54 Parkrose 65 Jesuit 53 Molalla 77 Silverton 55 North Salem 53 Lebanon 41 South Salem 62 Corvallis 44 Albany 56 Sweet Home 52 North Eugene 69 Thurston 36 Cottage Grove 59 Marshficld 56 South Eugene 68 North Bend 42 Medford 76 Ashland 41 Madison 54 Washington 51 Sandy 68 Scappoose 55 Redmond 54 Baker 42 McMinnvillc 46 Tigard 41 Crater 59 Klamath Falls 57 Reynolds 52 Wy'east 49 Pendleton 64 Prineville 45 La Grande 50 Bend 41 Willamette 55 Roscburg 47 Hermiston 66 The Dalles 58 Ontario 43 Nyssa 35 Vale 35 Emmett 30 Vernonia 55 Neah-Kah-Nie 41 Warrenton 65 Banks 41 Concordia 60 Clatskanie 44 North Catholic 57 Rainier 36 Hood River 64 Estacada 42 Nestucca 52 Yamhill-Carlton 45 Philomath 50 Salem Academy 30 Willamina 54 Amity 40 Dayton 36 Sheridan 35 Woodburn 65 Scio 37 ML Angel 64 Staytnn 56 Serra Catholic 70 Cascade 47 Central 58 North Marion 37 Canby 48 Gervais 38 Siuslaw 52 Newport 48 Toledo 7.1 Reedsport 69 Taft 49 Waldport 42 KImira 61 St. Francis 46 Creswcll 49 Harrisburg 40 Pleasant Hill 50 Drain 39 Junction City 51 Drain 44 Myrtle Creek 60 Sutherlin 40 Riddle 54 Douglas 39 Eagle Point 59 Phoenix 55 Illinois Valley 66 Rogue River 42 Idkeview 56 St. Mary's 53 Henley 64 Sacred Heart 33 Handon 59 Pacific 45 Coquillc 36 Myrtle Point 34 Burns 50 Pilot Rock 38 Knappa 59 Star of the Sea 52 Corbel! 46 Gaston 39 McKentie 69 Oakridge 54 Cold Beach 35 liioukings 33 Wallowa 42 ,l scpli .15 Maupin 51 Culver 40 Dufur 59 Sisters 21 rlington 55 Mosicr 35 Condon 48 Wlieeler 3.1 G. Shearer Tops Junior Bowlers Gary Shearer, a junior bowler in a leapie at Holiday Bowl, cot Iwt in a scries last weekend and (ired a series for three games. an average of 221 jxt game. His average for tlie league presently is 1 for 30 games of league play. John Tinker is a etae second v.ith a 1R3 average Then come Ilex Heed with a 174 to round out (lie top three. TOP TEX Gary Miearer John Tinker Rex Keed Gene Kotferolla Robby Hall Mav I'imninclum 158 7. Roy Van Pelt 8. Tom W illiams 9 Ron Friend 10. .Slxridan U1 SPORTSMAN! LEAGUE W L St 25 SI 23 47 79 4a 30 46 30 41 35 41 35 40 3 3 3? 35' I 40 34 42 32 44 39 47 381 1 47 24 50 23 53 Drivt Mort Molori Oorris Lumber Victor Builnesi Fuhton Cltancn Local Lun Wood Oil Co. Ed Wharton Signal Svci. Lucas Furniturt Palican Sarvlct Stalt Poiict Jordan Shall Fuller Paint Co. 40 Club J. W. Kerm J. C. Renit Jewelen Lonas Chevron ReiulU; Pelican Mobil Service A, Mobil O Co. 0i Victor Businesi Macn. 3, vor- rla Lumbar I; Lucas Furniture 3. Ed Wharton Signal 1; Fashion Cleaners Lono's Chevron 1j Fuller Paint Co. 40 Club 3; Drive More Motors 3, Local Loan It State Police 3, Jordan Shell J. W. Kerns 3, J. C. Renie Jewelers Hioh team aame, Victors Business Ma chines 1049; hioh team series, Victors Business Machines 3046; high ind. game. Jim cniiaers 2M; nigh ma. series. Hahan 592. HOLIDAY JUNIOR LEAGUE W L 32 12 31 13 27 17 23i, jo' 21 ',i 22' 19 25 16 21 S 37 Wood Hogs Hypoohrenict Witch Doctors DeMolay No. 4 Fumbling 5 Figureiess S Top Dogs No Talent Results: Witch Doctors i, No Talent 0; DeMolay No. 4 4. Fumbling S 0; Hypo- phrenics 3, Top Dogs I; Figureiess Five i, wooa nogs i. High team oamt. DeMolay no. 4 vt. hioh team series. DeMolav No. 4 2714, high Ind. game. Dava Johnson 244; high ma. series, oary snearer tti. BOWLING HOLIDAY MAV BASIN BOWLERS LEAGUE W L B's & Q's 4Ji 24 Va Grease Monkeva Lower Lakers 42 30 Alley Sliders 0"j 31 Lee'S 76 3fl 34 Grandmas & Pas Bowl Weevils 29 29 Team No. 7 K-Gs 28 44 Ooen Frames 27 45 Results: Lower Lakers 3. Grease Monkeys 1; Bowl Weevils 4, Lee's 76 0. Allev Sliders 2. B's & Q'S l; K-u s Open Frames 0; Team No. 7 2. Grand- ma & Pas 1. Hioh team oame. Bowl Weevils 753; high team series, B's & Q's 2156; high Oamt. Jim Parxer ivi. Leona wuans 7; hioh Ind. series Bill Moore-Richard vaugnn j, Leona uueus j. HOLIDAY MINORS LEAGUE W L 25 Sarge's Trailer Estates 47 Mouldingcratt Inc. Suburban Finance Co. 41 31 39' -a 32 Vi 38 '-1 33Vi RC of A la math Auto Wreckers 38 Superior Troy Pacific Power & Light Co. Bennington Steel Bldg. 36Mi 35Vi 32') 39Vi tnt Arts MAM Grocery Jan. 16 results: sarges i rauer ts tates 3, M & M Grocery 1; Bennington site B Ida. Co. 1. Pacific power Light 3; Suburban Finance 0, Superior Trov Laundry 4; Pine Arts 4, Klamath Auto Wreckers Of BRC of A 2. Moulding- craft Inc. 2. Hioh team aame. superior Trov Laun- dry 973; high team series. Superior Troy Laundry 2794; ftlgh inc. game, tvtei hoi- 230; nign ina. series. Jim irapo sea. SPTS BOWLING LUCKY LANES M ALLEY KAT2 LEAGUE W Great Northern Automatic Trans. Service Little Sweden 41 35 40 36 40 36 Fort Klamath Hotel Duff's Heating Service anfclin Lite insurance Jfl't 37,i Swan Lake Moulding Amidon's Business Machines 38 38 37' 38' 37 37 36 40 33 43 Blue Ox Cafe ter Lake Meals Sewing Machine Center ' W Mont's Real Estate Results: Swan Lake Moulding 3, Blue x Cafe 1; Franklin Lift Insurance 4, Fort Klamath Hotel 0; Crater Lake Meats 1. Little Sweden 3; Automatic Transmission 3. Sewing Machine Center Duff s Heating service 3, urea? Northern Railway 1; Amidon's Business Machines 3, Wright's Real Estate 1. High team game. Franklin LHo Insur ance 13; high team series. Amidon's Business Machines 2595; high Ind. game, Betty Coot 199; high Ind. series. Betty cool 317. LADYBUO LEAGUE W L 46 30 45 31 42 34 47 34 39 37 31' 1 37' 31' a 371 37 39 36 40 33 43 32 44 27 49 Schulie Tires Drive More Motors Billy Golden TV Coca Cola First Federal Lucca Lounge Little Sweden TP Pack, no Howard's Cleaners Signal Oil The Ranch Market Basket Jan. 17 results: Market Basket 4, Lucca Lounge 0; Drive More Motors 2, The Ranch 2; Howard's Cleaners 3, Little Sweden 1; Schule Tires 3. Signal Oil l; Coca Cola 3. Billy Godlen TV 1) TP Packing X First Federal 1. High team game. Coca Cola 1001; high team series. Coca Cola 2844; high Ind. qamt, Sandy Shaffer 215; high Ind. se ries. Mary Bolhwell 559. MAJOR CLASSIC LEAGUE W L 50 30 47' j 32' 1 47 33 46 34 44 36 41 "j 31' j 3 47 37i 31', 36 44 33' 1 46H 30 46 25 S Spud Cellar Maury's Foreign Cars Southern Oregon Music Lewis Chevron Vomers Cate Jocks Super Market Lucky Lanes Kingsley Jets Superior Troy Klamath Tractor K.ngilev Voodoos eth St. Otvoen Sales Jan. 14 reiuUs: 6th St. Oxygen Sales 1. So. Oregon Music 3; Jocks Super Mar ket 1, Superior Troy 3; Klamath Trac tor 3. Lewis Chevron 1; Spud Cellar 0. Maury's Foreign Cars 4; Lucky Lanes 1, Valhers Cafe 3. High team game. So. Oregon Musk 804j high team series. Valuers Cafe 2147; high ind. game. Bill Hawley 249; high "id. series, Bitty Hawley, Keith Wurner MU. SPTS BOWLING CITY LEAGUE M W L 59 17 55" t 20U 53 51 25 51 25 J8 it 34' 41' I 34 42 Ji'l 43' 25 SI 15' 1 60' 1 10 66 Rpherts Hardware Walker Bros. Gurtnarfls SfOt Repair Kn.ghfs ot Col. Bly Logging StMrs Roffruck Bald Eagles Ss-hulr tires Shatter fclKtriC U S. Nat Bank Pa'mer V Tire ONC Trucking Jan 17 rtsulti Krugnfi (if Col OC Trucking 0, 4 Stars Roebuck 3. Farmers Tire Service Bald Cao'ei J j. Shatter Eiectr.c r ; Schulie Tires 0. Roberts Hardware : Gunnards SNM Re- Pa. r 2, Waikfr Bros. 2, Bly Logging 4. U S Nat Bank o Hign team game Knights of Cot. ICOfh high team se'ei. Bly Looqrg 78'6; hqn nd. game, Gun'wd Piorson 21 ; high md. series. &ynnrtf Biorson 603. LUCKY LANES . .. LUCKY ROLLERS LEAGUE W L Halls Construction 49 23 Crxa Coia 46i 25 Vanity Fair 4J 79 Cray-VifCell J9'i Ji' Arrow F-uel if 33 1 Crater LaKe 37 35 treis Dfrt S'ore 34 JS Peterion UI JJ' 38' Thurston Danct S'udO J Mtnley 5-ora 79 43 Cliff Yadens 2' 45 Mannifi J6 6 It result- Hai C(wi)triKtlon 3. Cova Co'a t Off Yaem 0. Vanty Fair ffe'i Dppt 5o-e S Pefe'vws mm Mann.e t. Ar-ow Fuel 3: Oay-V'tc-1 Hfn'ey $i0, j, Trtyrstons Dance ift-n-o 2 C''r I aks IfLi M,o" tm oime. Oav.V'Ci 7 gh t-n if. C'v-V'f('i 70i tol g- RjrtrtfVf (n 101 h8" lti7:tnd. se'.e. Benn, Cray 43. AMCRICAN BANTAM LIAOUI W Itt'eotfoMrt ?8 A 'ev Cn ;0 1 Ci"'ftO'S H 1 Jf'vn 9 1 Results- A"v OM 7 Jetjons li tCAKhafe1 j. C or r m tors H gh team oame. untouchables I high team series. Untouchables 1511; high ind. game, Wayne Begg 201 ; high Ind. series, Wayne Begg 361. HOLIOAY BANTAMS LEAGUE NATIONALS W L Cards 26 10 Top Cats 19 17 Screw Balls 14 Giants 13 23 Results: Screw Balls 3. Giants 0; Cards 3. Too Cats 0. High team game. Screw Balls 733; high team series, screw eans mv; nign ma. game, Ron Stemler 177; high Ind. se ries Ron Stemler 340. HOLIDAY BOWLERETTES LEAGUE L Crescent Sea Foods 59 17 Klamath Dairy Association 57 24 Elect rolux 40'4 3S'i Klamath Hardwoods 35' j Conners Service 33V 42' j Shell Oil 33'.i 42V) Drumstick 29 47 CWA 23 53 Jan. II results: Shell Oil 4, CWA 0; Crescent Sea Foods 3. Klamath Hard' woods 1; Klamath Dairy Assoc. 2, Drum stick 2; Electrolux 2, Conners Service 2. Hioh team game, Klamath Dairy Assoc. 906; hioh team series, Electrolux 2563; high Ind. game, Jewell Hughey 190; high Ind. series, Ricme uunn 434. CAL-ORE LEAGUE W L 55 25 48', 3 31Vi 44 36 i 43' 36' 1 42 '1 37'-2 42 Vj 37' 4)'i 38li 36 44 34 Va 45 V) 33 47 32 48 27 53 Greenwood LoOben Masonry Adair Furniture Webb Insurance Klamath Gas Co. Simplot Devot Stevens Bob t Pollys Keffers Auto Repair Cash & Save Oil Co. Jones Auto Repair sixth Street Steel Results: casn & save aimpior urvoe 1; Keffers Auto Repair 3, Bob & Pollys 1; Jones Auto Repair 3, Sixth St. Sleet 1; Lobben Masonry 4. Klamath Gas Co. 0; Adair Furniture 4, Stevens 0; Green wood Masonry 4, Webb Insurance 0. Hioh team aame, Ketters auio Repair 1 810; high team series. Greenwood Mason ry 2337; high Ind. game (men), Harold Daniels 236; high ind. series (men). El- mr Anderson 601 ; nign inn. game iwom- en). Nancy Yancy 198; high ind. series (women), tiama ureenwoou j. FRI NITB MIXED FOURSOME W 1 Ace TV Weyerhaeuser Credit Union Coca Cola Mitchs Grocery 50 Norvais Golden Rule Cash & Save Tower Service 42 40' i 39Vi Kerns Dry Cleaning 39' i 40V Todd Building Bud & Jerris Midway M&M Market AJUrilanri Mrkt 34' 45 'a 22Vi 57'3 Jan. 18 results: weyerneeuser trrun Union 3. Todd Bulldlna l; coca coia a, Cash a. Save 0; MAM Market 4, Tower Service 0; Ace TV 4, Mllchs Grocery 0; Kerns Dry Cleaning 2Vi. Midland Market vt. Norvais Golden kui a, duo a jer ries Midway 0. High team game, Ace iv bm; nign team series. Ace TV 2421; hiqh ind. game (men). Jim Hasskamp 221; high ind. series (men), Leon Roberts 5B6; high ind. game (women), Cathy Hoft 211; high Ind. series (women), Lamy mom m. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays I a.m. to noon Saturday Count five words per line. Ads under 3 lines count same as 3 lines. 3 6 10 1 Tlmel Tlmaf Tlmai Wanth S2.50 K00 tSOO I f.00 3!S 500 S0 11.50 4.00 a.00 9 00 14.00 4.75 7.00 M0 16.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement. If paid In advance. Above, rates are tot consecutive inser tions, without change of copy, for pri vate individuals. Advertising musr do lear and understandable to bo produc tive. All words must be spelled out. Autos offered for salt by private indi viduals cash with copy. DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and Mirtdey. CANCELLATIONS ft CORRECTION same schedule, except on Monday test art taken 'tu f:3Q a.m. Please read first Insertion of your ad. The Herald ft News will glva on antra run for typographical error. "Business Builder" : WANT ADS column Inch, $35 per month with S3. SO scount for payment on or before the 10th. u inch, 119 with SI. 50 discount for payment on or before the loth. Based on en copy change oar month. BOX SERVICE 50 cents per aa. CARD OF THANKS, and IN ME MORI AM II PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES CARD OF THANKS E wh to thank Dr. Howard and Dr. ic ha i son, nurses and staff on the sec ond floor of Hillside Hospital and the many friends tor cards and messages ia the illness and death of our hus band and father. Mrs. E. P. Pool and iMy FUNERAL HOMES ARC'S Klamath Funeral Home. Street P"r?ne TU 7 " MEETING NOTICES Odd Fellows, KLAMAI M LULXafc No. 137 regular meeting Tues day evening. 8 D m. Jon. Bth Odd Fellows Hall, 5th & Main. Refreshments, Visiting Odd Fel low$ welcome Edgar O, Hoffman, N G. GENERAL NOTICES 4' BOYS! SCHOOL AGE EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Confoct Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-81 1 1 MEETING NOTICES SPECIAL COMMUNICATION, Ponderoso Lodge No. 220, AF&AM, Mondoy, Jan. 21, 7:30 p.m. Work in FC Degree. Refreshments. Elmer Vincent. W M. PERSONALS OVERTURE TREND. 1963 shaping and curtlng. Your hair not becoming to vou? You should be coming to Kim and Anona, Studio of Beauty, TU 4-7151. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous. TU 4-3S91, TU 4-8704. Friendly help anytime. SERVICES 10 REMODELING, competent, reliable, as- 11 mares, terms, tu 2-6207. CHAMBERS HOUSE MOVING, founda tions, leveling, TU 2-0816 or TU 2-1014. THE PRIM POODLE, custom grooming, tor appointment, TU 4-4239. REMODELING and repairs, all kinds. reasonable, references, fU 2-5388. CUSTOM BUTCHERING your place, deliver to orocesstna piam or nave ai your piace. Al stoil, TU -oiio. DOLLS repaired, modern and antique. Reasonable prices. Lome's Doll Hospi tal. TU 4-6992, 1434 Lakeview. TREE topping, pruning, insured tree grooming. Laxesnort Nursery, tu 4-6955, CUSTOM WEAVING. Handwoven rag rugs, S3 up; tote bags, S2 50, Mrs. E. C. Murpny, tu z-1357. HOUSE remodeling, cablrets our special ty, piease Check our references. TU 4-40w. TREE surgery, such as removal, prun ing, lopping, grooming. TU 2-2968. DENTAL PLATES Repaired while you wait. New Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-3284 Gina's Tailor Shoo Tailoring alterations for men, women, children. All work guaranteed. Reason able prices. Gene's Mens Wear 537 MalnLJAM(..c bcljt ox Jess' Tree Service Tree topping, removing, any kind of clean-up work. Free estimates. TU 4-6418 Don't Guess-Call Jessl Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 Coin Op Laundry Topload Washers ' Also 20 lb. Washers T & C SHOPPING CENTER Behind U.S. Bank EDUCATIONAL 13 NEW 1963 World Book Encyclopedia, Ruth scnaetter, tu 4-4941 before 9 a.m. U.S. CIVIL SERVICE TESTS! Men-women, 18-52. Start high as S102 a week. Preparatory training until ao- pointed. Thousands of lobs open. Experi ence usually unnecessary. FREE Informa tion on obs, salaries, requirements. Write TODAY giving name, address and phone. Lincoln Service, Box 433C, Herald and News. HELP WANTED, FEMALE 14 WOMEN needed, Merrill, Malm, Bonanza, Tulelake, and Lakeview. Earn while you learn, career development program, in cludes Interior decoration and floral de sign. Write Box 440C Herald & News or phone TU 4-75B6 alter 1 p.m. WOMAN WITH CAR to call regularly eacn month on established Studio Girl Cos metics clients in and around Klamath Pans, making necessary deliveries, etc 3 or 4 hours per day. Route will pay up to 15.00 oer hour. Write STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS, Dept. 73631, Glendate, Calif. PERMANENT child care needed, my home. Adult only, part or full time. Write P.O. Box 564, Klamath Falls. NURSE to manage office and assist doc tor, write Herald and News Box 4B3C. HELP WANTED, MALE 16 EXPERIENCED barber wanted. Good lo cation. TU 4-716!, TU 2-3726. JOURNEYMAN electrician, lumber busi ness in Medford, write Box 439C, Herald and News. WANT to make S20 or more in a day for pert or full time route work? Man or woman. Write Mr. Stetson, Box 4014, Oakland 23, Calif. PAROLE OFFICER Salary S5.280 to S6.600, Parole and Pro bation work In various locations in Ore gon. Must be between 25 and 59, Col lege Graduate and have t year's experi ence as Parole Officer, or in related so cial service work or teaching. Apply Im mediately! Oregon Civil Service Commis sion, Public Service Building, Salem, Oregon. HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS Alt help wanted edi published In the Herald ft News are accepted In good faith that the obs offered ara as stated in the advertising copy. We ara not re sponsible for the Integrity of our adver tisers, but wa make every effort to dis cover and reect all misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding it to be misleading is asked to report It to tha Classified Ad vertising Department at tha Herald ft Nf ws. SITUATIONS WANTED IBlrage, fireplace, 3011 Boardman, TU 2-0990. WOMAN wants work. Oays. TU 4-8537. What-Have-You. LICENSED CHILD CARE bv hour. dav. week Monday through Friday, t a m. to 6 p.m. ijd lanson urive, 1U Z-IS44 WANTED small sets of business accounts to keep my home, TU 2-5217. IRONING, Washing. Pickup, Deliver. Ex perienced, Reasonable! TU 4-9434. CHILD care, your home or mint any time. TU 2-177$, TU 2-2711. CLL that vacant rental with a fast act Want Art S'mnly di TV im ROOMS FOR RENT 22 CLEAN, comfortable from Main, S5 ft up. STEAM heated, quiet, sleeoing rooms.i$ J'U ao. Jin - i u j-vi'M. APARTMENTS FOR RENT jPARK APTS , $30 uo, bachelor, natural noi waier, I J -y54, TU 4-3854. MODERN 3 rooms and bath, $40 and up, brick court, garages. 221 Soring. MODERN bedroom furnished acts, per mjnth, TU 4-569?. APARTMENT near Weyerhaeuser fur. . ;nra. umines, steam heat. $4 , tu 0 4-8J13. t?5WARM, CLEAN tel Units with COMFORTABLE. Mo- kifchens. weekly rates, TU 4-3236 1 DUPLTX, 1 location, 4-3659. 4 room turniihed, garage, laundry. excellent M. TU CLEAN. Qiiiat, furnnhed. hsth. itm ""r courtnouse. ats Walnut. ONE bedroom furnished apartment 3J3 So. Mth FURNISHED apartment TU 2-4736. 142 Riverside FURNiSHFD aoartmeot, ?nj Gary, Ui, cashing facilities, TU 2034 ATTRACTIVE-7thft Pine! furnished, free heat. Adults, Alpha Apis.. 4-4522. $'5 TO $20 weeMv rate, kitchens avail ab'e, Johnnys Motel, 2005 Bfenn. EWAUNA DOWrVTOWN Klamath's mot modern, lurnnhed. so. nth. tu : io2 2 PEOROOM flelue unfurnished apart ment. Immediate occupancy. TU I-500. BACHELOR apartment, $47 W. heat. w. ter, garbage servce inuuoed. inquire ?I3 No. etn, Aof. 102. COMPLETELY furnished including'" i- ENJOYAHLE- dow'pwn Vfvvi. het free Adults. $5. Atea Apartments, tu 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, ground flOO-. ' washer hoowo, ffxed. $50. TU SPAOjtatNC. uCfw-v h."i-ed Le'ot bedroom. et-e bat. hef tree. Mwits. ONE hedrtym fr -n-'ed tft , r ;e 1 C'ean a-st comtrvtt.-,, c,ri, ft. y.j..! t es furmined ecrt e et" ty. tu -7i ! BURNISHED l room apt., $& pa4. 4i No. i:m. 1 1 APARTMENTS EOR RENT ONE or 2 bedroom furnished. Heat, water paid. 125 Grant. TU 2-4719. NICE clean furnished apartment, close in, TU 2-2531. TU 4-4966. 2 BEDROOMS furnished apts., TU 2-49J5 anytime, TU 4-3269 CONSTRUCTION workers welcome) W. new OTI site, furnished, TV available. weekly rates. Pelican Motel, TU 2-9256. iONE bedroom unfurnished duplex, 2650 Bisbee. Ph. TU 2-4090. THREE room completely furnished apart menf, 199 Walnut, TU 4-5472. NICELY furnished, three rooms and bath. garage, private entrance. TU 2-1214. FURNISHED large 3 rooms, clean, warm, rug, $45, Inquire 1624 Division ' REX ARMS 1 OR 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. CLOSE IN HEAT, WATER, GARBAGE PAID 224 BROAD - TJ 2-9217. $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COST! 1-2-3 b-vdroom apts,, furnished or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance Included, Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS U27 WASHBURN WAY TU 4427) OMtca hours I a.m. to 5 p.m. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS ond MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One ond Two Bedroom opts. Furnished ond Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Daily, Weekly Motel Rotes TU 2-5577 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 2544 Union t Bedroom unfurnished 2 Bedroom unfurnished Spacious Rooms Tastefully Decorated Wall to Wall Carpeting Swimming Pool Rental includes all services except telephone and electricity Dorothr-a Nelan TU 1-OJ66 nuUJLJ rjr (ti v HOT SPRINGS, one bedroom furnished FURNISHED 1 bedroom, gas or oil, 1 or t cnuarcn o.k. iv -aivt. NICELY furnished one bedroom home, '.i acre. Close In. TU 4-5058. ONE bedroom furnished home near bast. S45. TU 4-4693 evenings. RENT, lease-option, sale or trade, two bedrooms, electric heat, approximately three acres. Mile from Kingsley. Twin Cities Realty, 1087 Main, Springfield, Ph Diamond 3-0112. ONE bedroom furnished, gas heat. Phone TU 2-3363. ONE bedroom house, large living room, newly painted Inside and out, garage, sso, can atier a p.m. tu -i. TWO bedroom house, partly furnished, S6S. Hilltop Station, 3021 Greensprings, TWO bedroom duplex, stove, rcfrigera tor. washer, water furnished, oarage. In quire 3675 Homed ale before 9 a.m., after 6 p.m. TU 4-B?. CLEAN 2 bedroom house in Suburban District, Call TU 2-6268. CLEAN 1 bedroom furnished home, rage, fenced yard. TU 4-7373. NEW furnished 2 bedroom home. Madison, call TU 2-3280. WANTED to rent 4 or J bedroom home. Write Herald and News, Box 441 C. FURNISHED clean bedroom housOi 5719 Shasta Way. BEDROOM, oil furnace, wired tor dryer, 931 Lincoln, TU 4-6130 for show ing. ONE bedroom furnished, gas heat, stoves, gas refrigerator, etc., $47.50, 4-6130. BACHELOR cabin, gas heat, stove, $22.50. TU 4-6130. FOUR bedroom, excellent neighborhood, South Suburban, hardwood floors, fire place, TU 4-524. RENT, sale or trade 3 bedroom unfur nished house, full basement, automatic oil heal, fireplace, garaqe, plus 18 x 22 house In rear. TU 4-6844. FOR lease to permanent tennant, two bedroom home at 614 Conger Ave. Fire place, basement, oil furnace, garage. At tractive yard with trees, flowers, shrubs. Available latter part of Feb. $115 per mo. TU 2-3461, days; TU 4-4581, evenings. UNFURNISHED duple, fireplace, full basement, call TU 4-6597 alter 5 p.m. CLEAN one bedroom furnished cabin, $35, 1235 Adams, TU 4-3854, TU 4-9754. TWO bedroom unfurnished house. TU 4-4379. UNFURNISHED two bedroom house, East Main, one Child, $55. TU 4-9106. ONE bedroom furnished duplex. Adults, no dogs, $45. TU 4-4281. ONE bedroom unfurnished, electric range, builtin oven, extra bedroom and storaoe space attached to garage. 1 acres, 2330 Grape, TU 4-3309. ONE bedroom furnished house, call TU 4-4379. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, like new, S85. 1B13 SUkiyou, IU -SB4. ONE bedroom unfurnished house, 2139 Main. Phone TU 2-3866. MtLLS, three room. Stoves and retrloer ator. Washer, dryer hookup. TU 2-3852. unfurnished two bedroom duplex, on- TWO bedroom unfurnished, near Mills School, 249 Martin, TU 4-9784. FURNISHED 1 bedroom. Water, garbage. Wocus, no pets, TU 4-9497. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, garage. TU 4-3893. FURNISHED two bedroom, hot well, rage, fenced back yard, TU 4-7875. NEAT and clean 3 year old 2 bedroom unfurnished duplex. New stove and ret rig Orator. Mills Addition, $85. TU 2-4664. Eves. TU 4-5544. OUTSTANDING 7 bedroom duptex on Laverne. electric heat, garage, fireplace, TU 2-4752. SMALL unfurnished house. Mills Addition, -;S40. TU 4-9323. SMALL two bertroom house, automatic gas heal, washer-dryer hookup, garage, - jo, TU 2-5322 or TU 4-4(19. 1 BEDROOM duplex, Water, garbage paid. Stove, retngerator, $60. TU 4-49IS. REMODELED 2 bedroom duplex, furnish $65, Inquire 111 P-ne. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, wMai raid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-1456. HOT SPRINGS 2 bedroom UPltalri, un- I furnished duplex, garage. Adults only, 1 $65. T U 4-4850. TWO unfurnished two bedroom South suburban, S65. TU 2-3923. TWO bedroom unfurnished house. TU TWO bedroom unfurnished house, $45. Children, pets, o.k. References required. TU 2-6590. NICE 2 bedroom furnished house. $75. TU 2-3852 LARGE t bedroom, oarage. as furnace, rage. $40, inau"-e 1502 California. TWO brd'oom un'u-n shed, good location, j TU 2-JSI7. TU 4-9S63 after 5. i SMALL flushed, close in. 147 50. ' oho" Tu 4-l?02 evening. NICE two bedroom traiict for rent, ohone TU 2-1350. J CLEAN three bed'ocm imlurrtihed. 3 miles north of Mamath Fails, children, " ' M ' SC. fO PtRT YTO L C T 77 j '''jPOR lMe lil acre evel ground under' Irrigat-on. Vactioei area 70 acre good! spud ground. Or wtl se( or trade. TU REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 ' W ANT f D ; e'sMv Ste' et. 3 bed'oom house, cef- s ScNw1 District, neeoed be- ifor-e Jan jy TU I-IS34. T'AO 0 $,7,yjr three bxuocm j've de'aiis, Bo 4?c. HAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 79 I om o 'TRADER" ARE YOIP rff teh wMn vou can trad. Cal DEANE SACHER FLT0 Ml"! lt.r.tiori,l TrM.r CL L4M Of,. c,(. I 1911 V.i. II. 24 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE H 29 'i ACRE ranch style 3 bedroom home, fireplace, 2' i baths, nicely landscanad yard, excellent view, 127,500. Location Yreka, will trade for Klamalh Falls prop arty. TU 2-5048. HEAL ESTATE fOK SALE ..30 TKR?E bedroom home lor sale. 174 Summers Lane, TU 4-45??. FOR sale by owner: Deluxe home in Moyina Heights. Assume Ore. Vet. Loan. 1225 Carlson Dr. TU 4-6364. - , LOT overlooking Moore Park and Klam ath Lake within city limits. TU 4-7953. OLDER 3 bedroom suburban home. Built in kitchen, carpeting, garage, small let. 59,000. TU 4-7312. THREE bedroom home. Milts Addition. Two baths, 2 fireplaces, family room. Front room and dining room carpeted. Garbage disposal, attached garage. !!, 000 for quick sale. TU 4-4442. BY OWNER, fine Ashland home. Roman brick construction, best location. Out standing view. 4 acre In city limits. 7 bedrooms, Vt baths. Sacrifice, 124,500, Ash I 4K!0i7 or 482-3969. THREE lots, sell or trade for lata model Volkswagen, TU 2-4343. HOT SPRING. Family type home, hot wter heat, priced to sell. TU 4-7985. THREE bedroom brick, 4715 Onyx, 1"i baths, wall to wall carpet fireplace, built oven and range, sprinkler system. 519,800. Will accet 2 or 3 bedroom Iraiier in trade. TU 2-5132. THREE bedroom house, garage, outbuild ings, u 4-ygja, 15 ACRES, unimproved, k-aved road, beau tiful building site, Henley School District, S4.500. TU 4-7814. 2-BEDROOM brick home, fireplace. Wash- aryer, stove included. Fenced yard. covered patio. 16'x20' shop, $17,500. Call i u Z-OZZ4 atier 5 p.m. OLDER 3 bedroom Hot Springs home. Dishwasher, basement, 14 baths, double garage. $11,750. TU 4-3798. LOVELY 3 bedroom home In aood loca tion near new OTI site. Bath and a half, fireplace, covered patio, fenced back yard. Double garage. Price .$17,500. Call TU 2-1422. SELL or trade for Klamath Falls prop erty, I year old Central Point beauty. mree Dea rooms, large living room with fireplace, all drapes included. Lovelv dining room and kitchen. Double car port, lawn and shrubbery In. Availablt March 1st. Art Moorman TU 2-1238. i FOR sale by owner 2 bedroom home with 12 bedroom rental in suburban area. Will accept cattle in trade. TU 4-4023. THREE bedroom home tor sale. 4103 Sum mers Lane, TU 4-4539. CASH for farm equipment you want te tell comes fast when you use low cost Want Ads. Dial TU 4-1111. NEW HOME Beautiful 3 bedroom, hardwood floors, fireplace, ceramic tile bath, forced air heat, patio, dining room. Exclusive Dis trict. 15,000. TU 2-2410. ONLY $7,500 Buys this 2 bedroom modern home on acre irrigated. Excellent suburban loca tion. Name your own terms. Will consid er car or pickup or what have you in trade. . FOR Comfort, convenience and more for your dollar, call now to see this newly built 3 bedroom modern home. Family room, utility, double carport. Total price only $9,500. Low down payment on F.H.A. or SUBURBAN custom built 2 bedroom tor tha most dis criminating. Large rooms throughout. At- active tuli wall fireplace. Economical oil furnace heat. A real value at $15,500. Terms. STILES REALTY - MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 South th Street Phona TU 2-4740 Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 Hank Hansen TU 2-3101 Homer Stiles TU 4-9M4 Lois Macy TU 4-5667 DRIVE BY 4809 Summers Lena and check this at tractive 3 bedroom home on large cor ner lot. Fireplace, separate dining room, automatic heat. Garage and patio. Own er will take good house trailer for part payment. $13,800. Terms and immediate possession. LEONARD I REALTY r 1212 Main TU 4-7521 or TU 4-9ftS Audrey Keerlns TU 4-4JS5 Joe Perry TU Joe Leonard TU 2-057T STROUT: REALTY Eves. Bob ft Stella Dehiinger Hank Hotman TU 2-560T TU 2-5041 Attractive suburban 1 bedroom home, completely remodeled. New fireplace, wall to wall carpet, half acre, shrubs, flowers and apple trees. S,500. Medallion 3 bedroom home, 2 betM. Nice suburban district. All built in an pliances, fireplace, wall to wall carpet Excellent condition. SI5.7S0. - OPEN HOUSE SAT. and SUN. " 1643 MANZANITA Hot Springs Addition 3 Level Blocks to High School fGO UP CRESCENT ST. TO MAN7APH. TA AND TURN RIGHT.) Here is a drei home built for a lifetime of enoyme Nylon carpet in living room. hall, and tw4 bedrooms. Charming birch kitchen ww builtin aooliances. Full room height fte place witn cor bled party hearth. Con crete driveway and sidewalks. AND, best of all! Tha full purchase price a only .... w, $12,500 r FOR SALE Z TO BE MOVED z 35 units. One 3 bedroom houit, U p. 2-3-4 room houses, 19 two am) four room apartments. Make sealed b'ds on one or all Furniture, plumbing and wiring Included. Lo- ,, cated at 2514 So. eth, and I oo, Vveverhatuser Road. Bids will be due January 30th. w Inquire Rte. 2, Box 500A TU 2-5423 STILWELL & CO. Present DO YOU LOVE A SUNSET? YOU ShovW view one from the broad windows tti.s lovely home in Moyina. Theca ls a b'O living room with beam ceiitoej and beautiful fireoiace with piu ooors 3 oood sired bedrooms, om ing room glm doors to palic kitchen wim complete buii'-in enu. ment r'us ne onete. I1 1 batna b-g Utility room with tots of storage, doub'e garage, paved drive. iau are m, yard fenced. New drapes and in wen incuod m price at Mi 500. See if now. ON PLEASANT LAVE ONE STREE- 0"i 2 b'txM from Person Scr-Tf. 3 n'ce bedrooms, oversized hathr(ir-i, pleasant dvig room, om ng rcr. ve'y co"ve",e"t h 'chen. b g u area w-tn abundant s'O'age. la'oe tacheo garage. This p,ce tn wceM co-fl'-on, best coni'ruct-on Fei- prmed at n.50 Any type fmaxn. STILWELL & CO. Reaifori TU 4)ti4 tt Ui'n St-et '9- S pn c(t ton v' an TU 2 iasi Brute Bnkf TU 4 14, TU -4TItt no answer call TU 4-7004 or TU J-v44