WOW! COINWORD HITS fMW Everyone Can Play OINW Try Your Skill Right Now! PRIZE GOES UP $25. WEEKLY Plus Your Chance To WIN UP TO $50 BONUS Check The Ads At Right, See How You Can Win Up to $50.00 Extra In This Big Contest! COINWORD No. 398 PRIZE $2000 00 " 'se1d t 1 folNl PbI ,Tp iiiii-EL: B, R E CH G. I A - 1 iNi IC V 'NO IN IE1 Aj CN S 'm At" TE WJs't e e pTfe ft"R P - O op ni jp tpIrIoI I e1 si si NAMI ADDRISS CITY - STATI ( ) Start e HmU I Ne UmscSetely! Complete punle, itrni SUBUMAN DRUG OR WAGGONER DRUG CO. . . . er poife en 4c past card end mail lo Hereldl and Nawi, P.O. Ie 941. CLUES ACROSS 1. Talk of might cfluM fl i'O't eootoin to canctl o vovflge. (Sedation, Sed'fion) 3. A eromiung could be tmtrMtlng to a omin'i Hub. 'B'd, Bud) 7. ConHv ho o tendency to make children (Reach, Retch) 9 Iqth .... hii a definite meaning for a child in school. (Noon, Noun) 10. Th ouol'tv of o food p'orluct deoendi upon ho it. (Cans, Cons) 11. These a't uunllv annovmg. (Tots. TutO 12. Wajazmes mght fmH n rf"ab'e to feature a polite con i (Rise, Ruse) COINWORD CONTEST RULES 1. Selva COINWORD al yea wayld any ertec eraae ward uiila. 2. Anyeae il eligible ta enter tne center! accept eca pleyet el the Herald and Nawi and their families, and ens. ployes ef Shea Warahauta aad Waggener Drug Ca. aad thair families. 3. A contestant may submit as many entries ai ha wishes, using the entry blank printed in this paper, er exact-, fiiad. hand'drawn faetimilat at the puixla mada without use ef carban papar ar athar duplicating maant. 4. Ta submit an entry ceatelteat may depeiit kii completed punla oleng with hii name and address in rha COINWORD conteit bo at Waggoner Drug Ca., 839 Main St., or Suburban Drug Co., 3950 So. 6th, or attach the com pleted punle aieng with hie name and address an a 3c peet card and mall it ta the COINWORD Idrter. Herald end Newt, P.O. lex 941. Mail aatriat must be peitmarked net later then 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, and entries must be deposited in the COINWORD contest baxas by 12:00 neon Wcdaeedet. Daylight Saving Time 5. The Hereld and Nawi will ewerd prise af $ to the winner ef eech week's COINWORD contest. It mere then one winning eniwer is received, the price will bo di vided equally emang the winners. If ne correct telutiea !e received, the emount ef the weekly price will be increescd $21.00 eech week the puaxie ie net solved. i. There is eery one correct eolation to eech COIN WORD punle end only thet correct enswor con win. Deel lien of the judges ie finel aad ell centeetenri eg roe to abide by the officio! answer supplied by tha COINWORD editor. All entries become the property ef the paper. Only one price will bo awerded to e femily onrt. 7. Intriee meet be moiled ar delivered by head before closing deedlines. No entries con be returned. The enswor will to published in the Hereld and News. CLUES DOWN 1. Upsetting a , e barmoid cculd blomt It on on of her many customer!. (Skein, Stem) 2. No housewife would knowingly Overlook a dangeroui (Omen, Oven) 4. A silly guest may be disturbed by her host's , (Dig, Dog) 5. We should be careful how Ve words. (Ac cept, occent) ltj. A good person ... his pet. (feeds. Needs) 18. One should lock forward to setting o Tf.pi ... (Trap, 6. Weddings co'l for suitable (Bands, Banns) 8. A man might sk'D on appointment alter he ho .... on hour, (Waited. Wasted) 10, A new ... usually mokes a good tmpresnon. (Carbon, Carton) 13. A outck entail increasing energy. (S'ep, Stop) 14. An expression of hesitation. 15. A mas n invanob'y a to a new satlor. ijpO', Spur) 19. The prnvn of an inventor wOu'd be his security. (Process, Prowess) 1 7. A farmer might rehjse to res! 0 stubborn , Sn, Sow, Deposit Your Entries At Either COINWORD Sponsors Suburban Drug Co -or-Waggoner Drug Co. 3950 So. 6th 839 Main St. Or Mail to: Coinword Editor P.O. Bex 941 Extra Coinword Papers Available At Waggoner Drug and The Herald and News! McKesson gJJ, ITEMS ALBATUM 4li 11 Reg. .79 2 for .79 for tl"fwiry riiitf of mincu'ir kvi. pt'H. Mn.til-on, ALCOHOL SUBBING COMPOUND Pint R(f. .59 2 for .59 BACITRACIN OINTMENT i it tubl Reg. 1.25 2 for 1 .25 Mf ip( pfenl ikm .nftctien Hi minor evil irtd Ibrwoni. BEEF, IRON t WINE Pint Reg. 1.9S 2 for 1 .98 TonC tO Klp ltmuitl JpMIitt. BENZOIN, Compound Tincturi 2 oz. Re. ,65 2 for .65 An mMUnt fer use n vioomtn. BORIC ACID OINTMENT 1 tl tubl' Reg. .37 2for .37 BURNTONE IMPROVED 1 ot tubl R.g. 1.00 2 for 1 .00 Of wmor bum in itinburn. CALAMINE LOTION 4 u. Plain ir with Phenol .... Reg. J7 2 for .37 CAMPHORATED OIL 2 01 Reg. .45 2 for .45 CAMPHOR. SPIRIT OF 2 et. Reg. .75 2 for .75 CASTOR OIL 2 of. Reg. .41 2 for .41 CORN REMEDY Vj oz. Reg. .55 2 for .55 CUT 'n SCRATCH CREAM 1 tl tubl Reg. .69 2 for .69 DENTURE ADHESIVE 1si u tubl Reg. .63 2 for .63 Siii ipt-Hi'ieo tiroi dtntufit n diet HI DENTURE CLEANSER 6V, tt jar Reg. .63 2 for .63 Mlill fctflL It fill I'll DUO AQUA DRIN LOZENGES 12'l Reg. .69 2 for .69 for miner n throit. Contuni 2 Jrtul mfb'OtiCL GLYCERIN 2 k Reg. .59 2 for .59 GLYCERIN ft ROSE WATER ac Reg. .79 2 for .79 HAIRTONE ROSE HAIR OIL I er. Reg. .69 2 for .69 IBATH 6 n. Reg. .79 2 for .79 Coo'i.r. iwtnr, lotion ler dcly cere ol sylt litf srH-fll. IODINE TINCTURE III. Reg. .39 2 for .39 KESSAMIN TABLETS 96s Reg. 3.00 2for3.00 180 M Reg. 5.49 2 for 5.49 A tf'etiry iiffiimiptt tor ttH witehfl. LANOLIN COMPOUND 1 it tubl Re. .45 2 for ,45 To tPOlnt rhiseed, 07 ikin. MAGNESIA TABLETS 100'S Mk,9. M.IS imtivi Reg. .59 2 for .59 MAGNEX POWDER 8 or. Reg. 1.29 2 for 1.29 for ttmporiry riief o( nmoi sour ilemich ind (it. MAGNEX TARGETS Pocket vial 0112 Reg. .39 2 for .39 0ibie unlacMl. Tiste rood. Leng llilinl iflieL ' MERTHIOLATE, Tincturi 1 or. Reg. .49 2 for .49 MILK OF MAGNESIA Pint Reg, .57 2 for .57 NEOMYCIN SULFATE OINTMENT Vi or. Reg. 1.25' 2 for 1 .25 first Aid for minor cuts ind burnt, PINOTOL Pint Reg. 1.29 2 for 1.29 F:irint pirw oil di'inirctlnt Jnd Iwusrhold dnderlnt. SACCHARIN TABLETS V4 grain 100$ Reg. .33 2 for .33 SHAVING LOTION 4 or. iriwiMt. i...i Reg. .50 ' 2 for .50 SLEEP TABLETS 16't .Ninmrtttic. Nor. hiMfonir,!... Reg. .89 2 f or .89 SODA MINT TABLETS 45'aoUitilietmniscii. ...... . Reg.' .25 2for .25 SODIUM BICARBONATE (or Reg 39 2 for 39 SORETONE 6 or. Highly effective liniment. Reg. .98 2 for !98 SPECIAL FORMULA for UPSET STOMACH 4 or. .... Reg. .59 2 for .59 Cmii irntitM Ms-i;h ni iooinm mMlcmts. Hilpi rtlirve single rjilrrhel. SUPER HIGH POTENCY VITAMINS 92'! Reg. 9.00 2 for 9.00 GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES Adults or Infant Reg. .49 2 for .49 Jl'Of 1?. UvtcYitd ferourity. ' SURIN OINTMENT 154 01 jar Ref 1.25 2 for 1 .25 (or ouic toooriry relief ol eiinor Him si Irtlntit . . . for ovsraeiutf nusclsi TARTAN UP POMADE For fever jorii.chippei llpi. Reg. J5 2 for .35 Miy tj JBCi!0 under mM. THIAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE TABLETS 25 mg,100'i Reg. 1.50 2 for 1 , 50 (V"""'""' 50mg..100Reg.2.50 2for2.50 100 mg.-100'i Reg. 4.25 2for4.25 TOOTHACHE DROPS V or. bottle Reg. .49 2 for .49 VITAMIN A CAPSULES 25.000 unitMOO't ....... Reg. 2.59 2 for2.59 50,000 uniu-100'i Reg. 4.98 2for4.98 WHEAT GERM Oil CAPSULES 100 s Reg. 1.19 2 for 1 . 1 9 Awjrei otVittninE WINTERGREEN OIL 2 or. Reg. .65 2 for .65 WITCH HAZEL Pint Reg. .69 2 for .69 YEAST TABLETS (Brewer's) 250 s Reg. .98 2 for .98 H'tr. leufci of prolem. ZINC OXIDE OINTMENT 2V4 or. tubl Reg. .61 2 for .61 J McKesson I; crA,n HURRY-i I gHj 10DAYSH I SALE 1 ONLY I -' mi I 1 St. Hi gin f SYRINGES ' Combination $1.69 v Fountain MiKtison ASPIRIN TWINS Adults McKesson CYTAMIN MULTIPLE VITAMIN CAPSULES 100 Vitirflin vilut al 1 io, Mf ! ig. s2.11 2or$298 Q2 wfs? r JR. ALARM 1 r.i nnic CV; , 'i- SZ-rj Plain di.L I Jr Slwiicv'tS)teisl f TOILETS ' TISSUE7 lOrellsinhsndynl PIIIUCOII. UMfW-J 1 1UM ft Rill viljl Ctiuntilur fBathroom SCALE fmi Low. shm-lini f I r BAG Smi-t. ySfJi I rubbsmel f'Ki'ii. I k eV fabrics. ASCORBIC ACID TWINS 100 mE.-2IOO' Vat. 2.58 1.29 250ntg.-2100'i V4I.4.98 2.49 500mg.'250's Vil.4.98 2.49 ASPIRIN TWINS for CHILDREN (2 bottlii .1 50'i) Vat. .7 .49 Auurili HI a'- d"l' Stilly us. IMS litvortl AXON COLD 24 s Reg. .98 ea. 2 for .98 TABLETS -Adults 50' Reg. 1.69 ea. 2 for 1.69 24's Reg. .69 ea. 2 for AXON COLD TABLETS fnr Children $25 COINWORD BONUS if you correctly work tha eolnvortj putila and hov a eaih receipt ef on dollar or more within 7 doyi prior to the winning announce- ment. Bonug plit in cot or . isra0L!ma - - - mfGrcen Stamps .SUPER VALUE NYLONS Sov' 0n High Quo,i,y S'SsS TOOLS 10 r 7.faVi H em tAr.r.. B.r.-h Visa! ' v!vt 1$ v Suburban's Bang Up Values Hazel Bishop Cosmetics 5)c, Lipiticki Crema and Powder Compact Makeup Complexion Glow Mascara Reg. 1.00 your choice Lt Picture Croft Two matched 8"x10" artiit paneli. Mony picture! to choose from. Fun for oil ages from 8 to 80. Paint By Numbers 91 f Pinr I nAACTcn i Utility Pails K'.Sr'' 7Qc Non-corrosive, Reg. 1.10 M Monopoly Barnes Be a financier like on TV. Reg. 4.98. While they loit ! Revlon Aquamarine 4 Moisturo lotion. Reg. 2.50. 14-et. lixe. OU Now plug tax Brush Rollers CQc Get 8 rollers and 16 pint. Reg. 1.00. Now J Jg COINWORD J25 BONUS ... if you correctly work the COINWORD punle and have a cosh register receipt of one dollar er more from the Suburban Drug doted within 7 days prior to the winning an nouncement. Bonui split in case of ties! V EXTINGUISHER riv Instant action for all types of ra small fires. Use en electrical or grease fires. Suitable for office, camp, boat, home, auto, farm, etc. A "must" In starting deed Mf batteries In ears with auto- -yl matie transmission, and ax- iml ceotionallv handv for the . yW others, a feet long. ; jfjfc 1.88 11 Reg. 2.9849 Prices Effective Friday loth through Sunday wtn DAACTCD It... J'.t.. m i,.., tAA nit lien vsnrt Opan 9 till 10 ... 9 to 9 on Sundays & Holidays Druggist On Duly All Times Current charge customers may charge anything except Camera Dept. Mdae., in the Suburban Drug Bldg. at tha prescription counter.