Jacob On Bridge NORTH (D) A A J853 J 10986 A Q J 18 WEST EAST K9 5 843 3 10764 V K732 95 52 AQ9883 SOUTH 2 A4 K J 107 6 2 K1074 North and South vulnerable North East South IVut 1 A 2 A 2 Pass 2 Pass 2 N.T. Pass 3 NT. Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 5 Confidence Aids Play By OSWALD JACOBV Written Tor Newspaper Enterprise Assn. One of the strongest points in the Jordan-Robinson partnership is a willingness of each partner to be dummy. Each has great con fidence in his partner's ability to handle the cards and tends to raise his partner rather than rcbid his own suits. Bobby Jordan who held the South cards might well have dou bled East's two club bid, but he decided to try for game because he was vulnerable and his op. ponents weren't. Arthur had a natural two heart rebid over his partner's two dia mond call and Bobby's hand clearly called for no-trump. This gave Arhtur a problem. He held two five card suits and most play ers figure on rebidding the second suit in order to give a clear pic ture of the hand. Arthur reasoned that while he did hold two five-card suits, his partner had heard him bid both and that seven of his 13 high card points were outside those suits. The jack of clubs ought to help his partner stop that suit, the ace and queen should fill in his partner's diamonds. So Arthur raised his partner to three no-trump and of course Bob by had no trouble making the contract. It Q The bidding has been: South Wert North East 1 1 3 A 4 N.T, Pass 1 4 i Pass 3 A Pass 4 A Pass S Pass Pass Pass Pass You, South, hold: AAQ76 AQ76 ! KJ52 What do you do? A Bid six clubs only. Ton have too man? holes in your suits to warrant trying; for seven even though your side has at! the aces. Remember that yonr partner merely responded one diamond at the start ot the bid ding. TODAY'S QUESTION You hold: AAK107 A97( KQI04 A3 What Is your opening bid! Answer Tomorrow View Voiced On Gas Tax SALEM lUPl' House Speaker Clarence Barton. D-Coquillc, said today he was "not opposed'' to increases in the gasoline tax. or bond issues to finance "have not" highways in Oregon. Barton voiced his ' view when asked to comment on a bill intro duced Wednesday by Sen. Walter Pearson, D - Portland, to reduce the gasoline tax by one cent. "I'd be more inclined to sup port an increase in gasoline taxes tor neglected areas." Barton said. "And I'm not opposed to a bond program (for have not highways' if it is so financed it won't hurt v the present highway construction program." Shortly before the legislature convened this week the Oregon Coast Association announced it Mould seek a one -cent gasoline tax hike to finance a bond pro pram to pay for improvement of "have not" highways througliout the state. Barton pointed to the Cold Beach - Brookings highway im provement that was financed by bonds, and said the improved roadway produced savings for motorists and the transportation industry. He cited Highways 101, 20 and 42 and Tillamook County as areas needing highway improvement. Barton said he favored sugges tions made Wednesday by House Taxation Committee Chairman Richard Eymann. D-Marcola. to tax utility trailers and speed up pavments of withholding taxes. Gov. Mark Hatfield has voiced strong opposition to any further highway bonding programs. Spanish cattle enrols have yel lowish bills, which blush bright pink when the birds greet their mates. People Read SPOT ADS you ere now. HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath aC r i '.131 iv3 il li '",-is-if '- i ,..9 n hp - . CONTROL ROOM These control rooms for the Minuteman Missile are being built in such a manner that they can be easily adapted to new and more advanced missiles. Two Boosts In Take Pay Seen WASHINGTON (UPI) The nation's workers would get two boosts in take-home pav under President Kennedy's tax reduction program. Effective July 1, the plan would reduce the tax take from indi viduals by more than 10 per cent equal to an annual reduc tion of $6 billion. Another rate re duction cf $3 billion would take effect July 1, 1964. However, the administration does not expect Congress to com plete action on the program be fore late summer or early fall. Under the plan, withholding rates would be lowered soon after the program is enacted and reduced again on July 1, 11164. Tax refunds would be necessary Storyland ACROSS 1 Piper's son 4 Little boy 8 Mother Jiubbard searched for it 12 Miss Gardner 13 majesty J4 Presently 15. Sea iKr I in Dissipated IB Fetter 20 Staggers 21 Pronoun 22 Trey tor instance 24 Pain 26;o by aircraft 27 Indian wild sheep 30 Screened 32 Eye inflammation 34 Analyzed grammatically (ab) 37 Corded fabrics 39 Lohengrin's bride 40 Conceal 41 Number 42 Truck tBrit dial.) 45 Fraction 49 Overpass M Bustle .52 Unaspirated .53 Mask M Light brown 55 Native metals 56 Essential being 57 Bel ore DOWN 1 Domesticate 2 Stove part 3 "Wonderland" character 4 Hoodwink fi Son o Jacob IKib) 6 Practice 7 Evening (poet ) .15 ApophyRe 1 I2 3 I U 15 16 17 I 18 19 110 11 12 13 14 15 Tt3 17 18 IT" r; 20 30 31 "T32 33 34 135 35 n 37 38 l""" 39 Ld f ' 42 143 144 TT4T46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57" " I I 1 I I if Briton Signs To Build Casfro 'Fishing Port1 HAVANA (UPI '-The Castro re gime today signed up a British en gineer to build a $12 million "fish ing port" in Havana which West ern sources fear may become an advance base for enemy subma rines. A government announcement saia Alex scolt. a tsnton acsennea as a refrigeration expert, has signed a five-year contract with Cuba to build the "port" for the Cuban and Soviet fishing fleets. It said that work on the port. to be located in strategic Havana Harbor, will start within a month and be completed in a year. Scott will supervise the building of the base. He said the first building materials' are due short. SKKKS ONE SKRVICE WASHINGTON UPI' - United Air Lines plans to ask the Civil Aeronautics Board iCABi today to approve a one-class service de signed to hit a happy medium be tween coach and first class travel N. J. Rosenbaum INCOME TAX CONSULTANT Commerce B'dg. till Wolnut Ave. Ph. TU 4-5903 or TU 4-5863 Md! ! Mill" Ibre ft n Falls. Ore. Friday, i:ol uf -hr'TJ- U -tL n.J- U :n Ui. " r w ?a 'HN .? . '-..' V In Tax Cut to compensate for loo much with holding of taxes through payroll deductions from July 1 until the first reduction in withholding rates. How It Would Work" Under the plan the tax cuts would be passed on to the indi vidual taxpayer in this way: By reducing withholding rates under which the individual pays his taxes on a current basis. This would immediately increase take home pay. By revising the lax tables on the income tax forms which the taxpayer fills out at the end of the year. Reductions here would cut his annual tax burden. Under Kennedy's plan two re ductions in withholding rates Answer to Previous Put'le 8 Established 9 One time 81 Weirder 33 Boadicea's tnoe 3R Foot levers 40 Employs 41 Paint pigment 42 Philippine machete 43 Above 44 Mr. KcllT 46 Small shields 47 Hebrew month 48 K.nd of ranger 50 Mariner's direction 10 Christmas carol 41 Termini 17 Mistakes 19 Pays attention to 23 Constellation 24 Vipers 25 Oscine bird 26 Augmented 27 Chess term 28 Body part (pi) 29 Bewildered ly frcm the Soviet Union and Bul garia. When Fidel Castro first an announced plans for the port sev. cral months ago. Western naval experts immediately warned it could be used to advance Rus sia's "front line" for submarine warfare to within 90 miles of the U.S. coast. Castro set the port value at $12 million which cost, he said, would be shared equally by the Soviet and Cuban governments. He said the base would include factories, repair and other installations as well as a fish-processing plant. Ji I jMI IS AMMY A,R;t eHmJ KD.ue MTilS E.eimTlEAf1slT paTr oriPMgrnr3 es lAigj'FLaTAM T A N. I S EBAR S'Si NiA'L. 1- ffDfUNlf,AtP!A if;ei E"5te Itwctn'tI land SKIERS Coming or Going Don't Pass By THE ODESSA STOP IN FOR . . . BREAKFASTS - LUNCHES - DINNERS Delicious Fried Chicken, Sizxling Steaks, Ham 'n Eggs as you like 'em! HOME MADE PIE ODESSA COFFEE SHOP Rocky Point Rood Cloud Mindon Ph. IL -22S0 Potlr Point Opfl i h) f P.M. For RtMrvationt PAGE-71 - vsA ill- '. SIS. - - t - few i? - Home Plan would immediately increase take- home pay. By revising the tax tables oi, the income tax forms which the taxpayer fills out at the end the year. Reductions here would cut his annual tax burden. Under Kennedy's plan two re auctions in withholding ratcsi would take care of the tax table changes required for the years 1963, 1964 and 1963. Rates in the tax table covering 1963 income would be set at a average between the present rates eltective during the first half ot the year and the lower rates ei- (ective during July December Rales in the 1964 tax table would likewise be adjusted downward to reflect the second tax cut in mid- 1964. Rales Would Decline The 1963 tax table would have to be changed, too. That would be the first year in which the final reduced rates would ap ply throughout the year. Indi vidual tax rates now range from 20 to 91 per cent. Kennedy's plan would lower them to a 14 to 63 per cent range, an average out of more Uian 20 per cent. Kennedy wants to lower the tax rate for corporations to 47 per cent from the present 52 per cent, starting Jan. 1. Initially, tax pay mcnts by corporations will go up not down. They now pay part of their taxes in the last half of the year and the rest the following year. Starting in 1964, Kennedy s program would shift some of tlicse deferred payments into the first half of the year. When fully effective, Kennedy si plan would cut income taxes $10 billion. Rates would be cut $11 billijn for individual and $2.5 billion for corporations. But $3.3 billion in new revenue would be produced by eliminating lax "pref erences. Expects Congress to Balk Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon told newsmen that the ad ministration expects Congress lo turn thumbs down on some of the $3.5 billion in new revenue. He said the administration felt Ihis should be compensated for by moderating the steepness of rate uts. He said a net reduction in excess of $10 billion would not be 'sound." Kennedy told Congress today that this year's proposed $6 billion rate cut would reduce tax reve nues only $3.3 billion during the fiscal year starting July 1. The reason is thai some taxayers will not get their full benefit from this reduction until they file their 1964 returns in the spring of 1963 Chances are good that some version of Kennedy's tax reduc tion program will clear this year. But the lawmakers may upset Kennedy's time table, postponing the first cut until Jan. 1. 1964 The DANMOORE HOTEL 1217 S.W. Morrison St. Portland, Oregon All Trantlrnt (lurilt. All lhe blih. nl law. rf larair, TVi and Radlvi. Rrpautlon for rlran lltirt. Ihlldrrn andtr irvtn, n c har. January 18. 1963 OUR DEFENSE GAMBLE (2) Pentagon By COL. RAY CUOMLEY Newspaper Enterprise Military Analyst WASHINGTON INE.V - The Pentagon's military scientists be lieve they are on the road to fan tastic improvements in the na tion's intercontinental strategic weapons. Item They believe that in three years tlwy can develop and in 10 years install nation wide a radically new anti-ICBM svstem "10 times as effective" asl -Nike Zeus is today. If work started today, it would take seven years to install Kike Zeus nation wide. Today's nuclear Nike Zeus blacks out its own communica tions system temporarily. The new anti - ICBM may solve this bv using a conventional warhead, which in exploding would stop the enemy 11 BM with a blast of small pellets hurled out at great force. Today s .Nike Zeus finds it diffi cult to distinguish quickly between the real tiling and a llock of so phisticated electronic decoys car ried along by an enemy ICBM. The new anti-ICBM may solve this by using a speedier missile tiiiiiiiii Predicts which would "hit" the enemy mis siles at lower altitudes where it's a lot easier to tell a decoy from a missile. Today's Nike Zeus could be ex pectcd to knock out only a frac tion of the enemy missiles which might be aimed at a major city such as Now York. The new sys tem may be able to fire anti ICBMs rapidly one after another as in an anti-aircraft battery. Sci entists estimate that the n e w anti-ICBM complex might save as much as half the city and half the people and knock out as many as three-fourths of the incoming mis siles. Today's Niko Zeus radar must be turned mechanically. This is. too slow and too imprecise for the missile age. The new anti ICBM may have a radar which can change its direction electron ically. Item In 14 years, defense sci entists think they could make an other leap forward and have in operation a series of satellites carrying anti-ICBM weapons. Item Orders are already be ing placed to substitute molecular electronics for some of the con See your favorite ColOre Electrical League dealer. Ask about easy terms on portable, permanent or convertible models. Bigger, ventional electronic systems in the! Minuteman ICBM. As this new electronic system is developed it will mean fantastic changes in both .Minuteman and Polaris. Molecular electronic sys tems are so small that theoretic ally a TV set, except for the screen, could be incorporated in a box the size of a dime. Molecular electronic systems depend on the motions of elec trons within solid chunks of ma terial or layers of material, rath er than through complicated wired or printed circuits and gadgets such as tubes which frequently break down. This means missile electronic systems using molecu lar electronics can be made much more reliable. Tlie small size means that new and more sophis ticated jobs can be given the mis sile. Eventually it can be made to zig or zag one or two times to escape an enemy antt-missile missile. Weight saved by the smaller electronic system can be used for making the Minuteman go far ther. If it can go farther, it can follow a differcnt-from-normal trajectory and come in on an I Added Bonus: BETTER HEALTH! Electric dishwashers also spell a healthier family. No matter how carefully you hand-wash dishes, you can't get them as clean and bacteria-free as does this electric servant. In dishwashers, dishes, silver, crystal are sanitized by scalding water and detergents stronger than your hands can stand. Cut down chances ot colds and other infections cut drug and doctor bills, lost school and work days. Give your family better health extra hours for family fun with an automatic ELECTRIC DISHWASHER. Better Weapons enemy's defenses at an unpredict ed angle or by an unexpected route. Weight saved can be used for a more powerful warhead. If the molecular electronics work is successful, scientists think that Minuteman and Polaris will be able to do in part what the Sky bolt was intended to do. But it will take lime. Item The hardened silos in ivhich Minuteman and Titan mis siles are being placed and the launching lubes for Polaris mis siles in nuclear-powered subma rines are being constructed in such a way that as new and more advanced missiles are developed. they can be accommodated with out great cost in time or money. Silos and submarines add up to much of the cost and time of building today's 1C3M systems. Time has been the limiting factor how many ready-to-fire mis siles we've had at any time. De fense scientists believe that with adaptable silos and subs they can make radical new missiles and put them into use relatively quickly- Item The Department of De You deserve better fore than this, lady of the house! Eliminate that sinkful of dirty dishes r that spoil every meal! dialing's mer Utl when the dishes or done... AUTOMATICALLY with an ELECTRIC DISHWASHER Let an automatic elec tric dishwasher do the grubby, after-meal cleanup chores for you. Sit and enjoy every minute of every meal with your family, or with your guests. fense men, bothered by the cost and the time problems of ' the RS70, have decided to study from the ground up what is actually accomplished by reconnaissance strike missions, what type tar gets are best suited for reconnaissance-strike techniques, what are the steps cr components in reconnaissance-strike and how these steps or functions can be accom plished by means other than by an RS70 airplane. The scientists think that if they analyze the problem technically and in detail they can break it up into parts which can be soKed by other techniques. The recon naissance part, for exam p i e. might be better done by a satel lite, the strike function by an ICBM fired in coordination with what's seen by the satellite. ENJOY A CLEAN CAR ALL WINTER Coll Sparkle Car Wash 4023 S. 6lh Ph. TU 4-5543 '....-.y.-.v.-.O.v.-. mmm mzm : : : : : : : : : : : : !!