HERALD AND Police Hunt Stolen Art At College CARACAS, Venezuela (UPII Heavily armed troops and police sealed off the Communist-infested Central University Thursday and searched the campus for $600,0(10 worth of stolen art works. Aggressive students who used force to oppose the police search caused the officers to use their guns Wednesday night to disperse the angry mobs. Three rioters were wounded. The U.S. Embassy reported that UPI's news editor in the Caracas bureau, Anthony Valbuena, had been arrested "with a group of people" inside the university while covering the search. Police said the masked tommy gunners who stole five French paintings from tile National Art Museum Wednesday, shooting and wounding a child in the process, had been positively identified as university students. A coed at the university had tipped Valbuena that the stolen paintings were hidden in the bo tanical gardens on a hill overlook ing the campus where tecn-aged terrorists often cache their arms. Judge Luis Billarte authorized police to ignore the medieval tra dition of "university autonomy in their search. It was the second lime in two years that police assigned to deal with Communist activities had raided the campus, but never be fore had patrolmen fired on stu dent rioters in the university grounds. The thieves entered the museum Wednesday, seized paintings by Paul Gauguin, Pablo Picasso. Georges Braque, Paul Cezanne and Vincent Van Gogh from an exhibit of French modernists, and fled in a car driven by a woman. Police said Uitre were four per sons, three young men and the one woman, in the gang that stole the paintings, but Thursday news- pars placed the number at 13 youths and 2 women. Guards dared not fire on the thieves for fear of hitting one or more of the 900 school children who were in the museum at the lime. A schoolboy who shouted at the thieves, "I know you and I'm against you!" was shot as they tied, apparently by the woman at the wheel of the car. Police said it was Uie wounded youngster who identified the thieves. Shabby Book Report Asks More Money SA1.EM (UPl'-Orcson's librar ies reveal a pallcrn of "shabby and daled" book collections, obso lete buildings, untrained person nel, and inadequate support. State Librarian Kloise Kbert said to day. She issued a rcixirt based on n survey of some 118 libraries and library systems in Ihe stale, the lirst such study since N. Most Oregon communities have substandard public library serv ire and one-fourth of the state's citizens have none, she said. "The local libraries simply are not providing the quality of serv ice that may be reasonably ex pected of a literate state such as Oregon," she said. Tlie report said .! million was spent on public libraries in Ore gon m 1961. about $1.7 million less than needed. It advocated i $7 million "catch up" expenditure and said by 1975 Oregon librarie should h spending 6S million annually. The report recommended legis lation making the advice of the slate library mandatory in estab lishing or revamping local librar ies. Other recommendations inilnrl fd the abolition of libraries with less than 20.mio books, establish ment ol cooperative city . county library systems, mure bookmo biles, certification of librarians and better pay, and an increase In (he stale lihrarv staff. Oregon Farm Income Hikes CORVAI.LIS HTIi Value ol the 1IK2 Oregon farm crop has been placed al nearly R.V1 million, above 8 per cent higher than in PAGE-U ItHil. Oregon Slale University eMen sion economists said total crop tonnage was estimated at 5.4 mil lion, up about 7 per cent, with holh higher average prices and higher yields figuring in Ihe in creases. In terms of value, wheat led the list, with oilier leading crops in order: Hay, barley, potatoes, snap beans, pears, strawHwrries, rye grass, seed, cherries and oats. I NEWS, Klamath Falls, Off. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice li hereby given that the under ilgntd hat been appointed as Administra trix of the Estate ol MERWIN M DON' EL50N, alio known as MERWIN MIL' TON OONELSON, deceased, by Order of the Circuit Court of the County of Kiam. Ih, and all persons having claims against said estate are required to pre sent the tame 10 l. orth sistMont, Attorney lor Administratrix, duly vert- tied and With proper voucners auecneo. at 731 Main Street, Klamath Falls. Ore gon, within six months from the dale of first publication of this notice. JUNE M. OONELSON Administratrix NO. IM, Jan. II, 35, Feb. 1. I. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE Is hereby given that trom and alter the 39th day of January, i63. June H. DetMeies, Conservator of the Estate of Alleen O. Scottf, will, pursuant to order and license of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, County of Klamath, duly entered on I he 26th aay ot uecemoer 19?, proceed to sell at private sale foi cash or on terms approved by the above entitled Court, and sublect to the approval of said Court, all of the right, title and Interest of Aileen O. Scotti, ward. In and to the following described real property, lo-wlt: Lot E of the ub-dl vision of Enterprise Tract No. 54, Klamath County, Oregon Bids lor the purchase ot so id property may be made to the undersigned al the olllce of O'Neill & McLaren, attorneys at law, Room 4. Melbeso Building, 321 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Dated this 21th day of December JUNE H OESMAZES Conservator of the Estate of Aileen O. Seoul No. let Dec. 7, Jan. 4, 11, II 1962 No- 6? 51 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of the Estate of MANUEL MOSES, Deceased. Notice It hereby given that the Executor of the ebove-entitled estate has tiled Its Final Account and Report of Executor, and that the Court has set the llth day of February, 1963 al the hour of 9:30 A.M., as the lime for hearing of ob jections to said Final Account In settle ment thereof, said hearing to be in Cir cuit Court, Department No. 2, Klamath County Court House. Klamath Falls, Ore gon. Dated ints w day or January, 163. Philip j. Engelgau Attorney for Executor 0. 194, Jan. II, 25. Feb. I, I. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF ESTRAYS To Whom II May Concern: Notice hereby Is given that on the 37nci day of January, 1963 at the Klamath Stockmen's Commission Co. a public sale will be held at which time and place the following described astray cattle wi'l be told to the highest bidder, 11 claimed by the true owner prior to said dale. The aforesaid animals are de scribed as follows: Hereford yearling sleer, branded up side down Y I on right rib; Hereford yearling heller, branded up- Ide down Y 1 on right rib, both horned cattle. The true owner of the above-described animals may reclaim and fake posses sion thereof prior to the date of sale by establishing to the satisfaction of the Stale Department of Agriculture his own- ship thereof and by paying Ihe costs ol the publication of this notice, the reason able cost of teed and care prior to the sale, Ihe cost of transportation of the ani mals lo the place of sale and other costs Incurred by the Department including the time and mileage ot lis employees. Any person having claim fo said est ray animals may give notice thereof to the undersigned at Box 133, Merrill, Ore. Victor Shuck Livestock Officer State Department o( Agriculture 116, Jan. 11, II, 1963. NO. ? PROBATE NOTICE OF OATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In Hit Malllr of trm Eltatd ol FRANK OBENCHAIN. Deceaied. Nolle, li hereby given diet we neve filed our line) account ol ine eclmlnl trellon of the above entllled estate and that the Court hat appointed February li, ivu, at to a. M. ai ma time for neai Incj objection! lo tuch line) account end the leltlemenl thereof. Frank Obenchaln and Matthew Obenchaln Execulort Oanorto & Genong Attorneys for Executor! Legal No. MS, Jan. II. II. IS. Feb. , 1943. no am; prorate notice of datf of final settlement in the circuit court of the state of oregon for klamath county the Matter of the Estate nl JOHN CARROLL HARTI ER. Deceased Nollce li hereby given thai I have rued my final account of the Admlrtl! Irahon ol the ebove entllled eslale and thai the Court has appointed February li. IV6J, al 10 AM. as the time hearing oblectlonl to luch final account ana Ihe settlement thereof. Anne Hartfler, Administratrix ong 4 Ganono Attorneys tor Administratrix No. Ill, Jan. 4. II. II, IS. Introduce Lobby Bill ,,,, .iii- .MLhM U'H A luhliytstS registration hilt that ricalril a fuss two years v,n hut pit no the Oregon IcKi.slattirc. It was intrmliKTrf in the Smalt? by Sen. Kdwairi Kadt-le, D-Ku-Rene, who ftiMmsored the hill in the House when he was a repre sentative in l!Hil. It would require paid tnhhvists lo register with the presiding olti cer of oaeh house. The lohhyist would he required lo list his name, who he is working (or, and what hills or areas of legislation he is trying to effect. He also would he rrquiml to report his expenses during the session. Failure to comply would be a m.M.emeanor. Non-paid lobbyists, persons in vited More committees, public employes and purely legal advi sers wwild lie exempt. "I think it is a good bill and the vast majority of the people ot Hie state would favor it," Kadelev said. He added it did hot have my "public' opposition last ses Rion. Legislator Pay Bill Circulated SM.KM ilTl A lull lo rl IcKinIhIoi's' pay $.111,10 yo.ir pliu Kfl a day ep-iw while ill trosinn is still Ix-ine omilali-il for sponsor ' Mmutmos, IIiiiim Speaker Clarence H.irtnn, I) Co quillr. naid tixl.iy. Ballon sard he uixlersliml a I lea-t Id .siiivii' n.imrs had al ready been jinned lo Hie proposed measure. Friday, January U, 1963 To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays a am tn noon Saturday Count five words per line. Adt under 3 lines count tame at 2 lines. 3 6 10 1 Times Timet Times Month 12 50 4 00 15 00 9,00 1 3 25 5.00 6 50 11.501 4 00 6 00 BOO 14.00 4.75 7.00 9.50 16.50 Lines 7 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement. If paid in advance. Above rates are for consecutive laser lions, without change of copy, for pri vate Individuals. Advertising must be clear and understandable to be produc tive. All words must be spelled out. Autos offered lor sale by private IndJ- vidua is cash wnn copy. DEADLINE--1:30 o.m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday tor Sunday and Monday. CANCELLATIONS t CORRECT IONS On iimi schedule, except on Monday test art taken 'til ?: a.m. Please read first Insertion of your ad. The Htra d & Newt win give, oni exrra run for typographical trror. "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column Inch, 135 par month with tt.SO discount for payment on or before the 10th. Vj Inch, $19 with $1.50 discount lor payment on or before Ihe lOfh. Based on one copy change per monrn. BOX SERVICE 50 cents per ad, ' CARD OF THANKS, and IN WE MORI AAA U.JOi PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES IN MEMORIAM WE wish to thank all of our kind friends. neighbors, pallbearers ana those who so kindly provided their many ac's ot kind ness, expressions of sympathy and con dolence and for their beautiful floral of ferings at the loss ol our dearly be. loved husband and father. Mrs. Verna Al bert, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Castel and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fletcher and illy, brothers and sisters. FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. Hirjh Street Phone TU 2-4404. MEETING NOTICES 1 Klamath Lodge No. 77 AF & AM SPECIAL COMMUNICATION Friday, Jon. 18, 7:30 n.m. Work in the FC (1X Degree. All F C. andi diolly invited. Re freshments. Gene R. Byrnes, W.M, SCOTTISH RITE BODIES The 1 5th Degree wit! be con f erred Saturday, Jan. 19, ot 8 p.m. All members are urged to nltpnd this meetina '$,s 10 539 wk,v kitchens avail to ciuena mis meeting.. b)fc Jonnny.t Motf) 20Ji Biehn KCiicsnmpnis win ue nnn GtwIH, Spc. LOST & FOUND - LOST Irish seller male, vicinity of Yarns) Ranch, C.ill TU 7-4U0 GENERAL NOTICES 4 BOYS SCHOOL AGE EARN Vacation Money by selling the He: aid & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact HurnlH JL Mpwt (Tim ilnMnn nerd ia o rews iircuiauon uppr, uui tspionade PHONE TU 4-8111 PERSONALS 6 OVERTURE TRFNO. 1963 shaping" "and Hnti Your hair not becnmiita to voti? Vnu should be coming tn Kim and Anona. Studio Ot Beauty, t U 4-7151. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonvmouv TU !. I tt it7i menrtiv Pf'n Jtnyttme SERVICES 10, JRFiWODClING, competent, reliable, es- il.mates. terms. IU 7 6J0. cmamrf RSH7)usrMoVfNG. fm.nda - "ei.ng. 2 orjior tu 2 iou. for aponmlment, TU 4 7J. DENTAL PLATES Repaired wul you mntlt. : New PlAtes Marfe From Your CM PERSONAL DtNTURB SERVICE 1013 Main TU 4 T3H4 Gino's Toiler Shop Ta lrtr.na - alteration fo men, vprr child rn AM vofI( guaranteed. Rtason ahle prices Gene t Mens Wear 51T Vain Jess' Tree Service Tree toopino- remnvnq anv kind of cleanup word. Free estimate. TU 4M1R Pon t .ue Call Jeii! FuHcrB7i7shTU'2-5972 Coin Op Laundry TIC SHOPPING fFNIER HELP WANTED. MALE H Good lo JOURNTV WAN 1 nevs m Ven'oid, a"d Ne 4.W. Herald DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN' Ane 7 and over 1 Mai -ert 5 years SUC(frSSfUL Sales epf lenr e f tnatK lailv t.tAhi. (.svnl arre'Ai.e IF YOU DO . MfSF IS vAMAt A tAPI f Oj WITH At". M At F I AN K'f AN TO MH. .'Af (inq SM v PUS ( OVMSSIOS .mu"i t'.i'ararsire is (V0 anmiaHv s is not a ft aw c advance '. im Opportunities Unlimited, tifiia I mes weeks t'exmrva course wh salary plui II -1 I Ttf-aM Fart'iM'l I Prflt.f Sh m-niiv rtiTM 'd L''e tnuirf up Mo.p'ta ,1 Ai1 "c rf"f nl d,.e to vr Plus e'h" efi"t ei'iar.'aofi CONTACT OR WHITL BOB HALLOCK ALLSTATE 133 So. 8th TU 2-1171 URVICtS TREE topping, pruning. Insured tree grooming. Lakeshore Nurtery. TU 4-69SS. CUSTOM WEAVING. Hendwoven rag! rugs. U up; tote bags, CM, Mrs. E. C, Murphy, TU 2-1357. wniKP ramrvtelina. cabirels our special ly, please check our references. TU 4-4079. TREE surgery, such as removal, prun ing, topping, grooming. TU 2-2961. REMODEtjNG and report, all kinds, reasonable, references, IU 2-53M. CUSTOM BUTCHERING wuir olnce. deliver to processing! plant or leave at your place. Al stoii, TU 4-6I26. DOLLS repaired, modern and antique. Reasonable prices. Lome's Doll Hospi tal, TU 4 6992, 1434 lakcvlew. EDUCATIONAL 1 NEW 1963 World Book Encyclopedia, Ruth SchaeMer, TU 4-4941 before 9 a.m. HELP WANTED, FEMALE 14 PERMANENT child carp needed, my home. Adult only, part or lull time. Write P.O. Box 564, Klamath Fails. NURSE to manage office and assist doc tor, write Herald and News Box 4B3C. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wanted. Ap ply Mr. Carter, Carter's Fine Foods, 1420 Esplanade. HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted adi published In the Herald & News are accepted In good faith that the lobs ollered are as stated In Ihe advertising copy. We are not re sponsible lor the Integrity of our adver tisers, but we make every ellort to dis cover and reject all misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering help wanted ad and finding It to be misleading is asked to report It to the Classified Ad vertising Department of the Herald V News. SITUATIONS WANTED ....18 WANTED small sets of business accounts to keep my home, TU 2-5217. IRONING, Washing, Pickup, Deliver, Ex perienced, Reasonable! TU 4-9434. CHILD care, your home or mint any- Ime. TU 2-1778, TU 2-2711. LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1378 Carlson Drive, TU 7-lBM ROOMS FOR RENT 22 ROOM and kitchen privileges for working lady, also garage, reasonable, lis blocks from Main, TU 2-4381. CLEAN, comfortable from Main, $5 & up. rooms. 2 TU 4-4259. STEAM heated, quiet, sleeping rooms. 310 So. 5th - TU 2-0214. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 FURNISHED one bedroom apt., gas equipped, adulls only, 2013 Eberlein. PARK APTS., $30 up, bachelor, hot water, TU 4-9754, TU 4-3854. MODERN 3 rooms and bath, $40 and up, brick court, garages. 221 Spring. MODERN 2 bedroom furnished apts. $45 per month, T U 4-5692. APARTMENT near Weyerhaeuser fur nished. Utilities, steam heat, $40, TU 4-8313. WARM, CLEAN, COMFORTABLE, Mo tel Units with kitchens, low winter weekly rates, TU 4-3236 DUPLEX, 4 room furnished, excellent location, garage, laundry, $60, TU 4-3659. CLEAN, quiet, furnished, bath, steam heat, near courthouse, 415 Walnut. ONE bedroom furnished apartment. 333 So. 11th FURNISHED apartments, fU 2-4736. 142 Riverside FURNISHED apartment. 2113 Gary, $45. washing facilities, TU 2-6034. FUR N I SHE Dapt7No pets, adults only, 4731 So. 6th. ATTRACTIVE 7th & Pine, furnished, free heat. Adults, $59.50, Alpha Apis., T U 4-4522. -i.,Y,ii " .,.iTft,s,i '" furnished. 219 l2 BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart- ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 2-6500. BACHELOR apartment, $4"7.50, heat, wn fer, garbage service Included, Inquire 223 NO. 6lh, Apt. 107. ENJOYABLE, downtown furnished, heat free. Adulls, $65, Alpha Apartments, TU 4-4522. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, ground door, auto washer hookup, fenced, $50, TU 4-541. SPARKLING, uptnwn, furnished. Large bedroom, extra bath, heat tree, adulls. $85. Alpha Apartments. TU 4-4522, ONE bedroom turnishM apts . nice. clean and comfortable, plenty heat, utili ties furnished except electricity, TU 4-6471 FURNISHED 1 room apt., $40, utilities paid. 419 No. 10th. NICE clean furnished apartment, close in, TU 2-2531, TU 4-6966. 7 BEDROOMS furnished aotv, carport, .TIJ 2.mi -nytmf Tu 4 3269 after 7 CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OTI site, furnished, TV available, weekly rates. Pelican Motel, TU 2-9256 ONE bedroom unfurnished duplex, TU 2-40W. 2650 Bisbee. Ph THREE room completely furbished apart ment. 199 Walnut, TU 4-5472. NICFLY furnished, three rooms and bath, garage, private entrance. TU 2-1214. FURNISHED large 3 rooms, clean, warm, rug, $4S, inquire 1624 D'VDton. REX ARMS 1 OR 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. CLOSE IN HEAT. WATFR, GARBAGE PAID 214 BROAD - TU 2-9717. $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COSTI 1 11 OMfroom aoti., furnithed or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance Included Monday through Frmay SHASTA VIEW APARTUFNTS UJt WASHBURN WAY TU 4-tt Office hourt a m. ta J b m. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS ond MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way On ond Two Bedroom opt. Furnished and Unfurnished $69 50 to $89.50 Poily, Wffklv Motel Ratu TU 2-5577 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST ni Union t ftevlrnois unfurn'e1 1 BeclrooTi u"'i j rushed Soariflus Rooms Tastefully Otcer.t.rt '.Veil to wall C'setma Snimjw,nfj Poi Rental nriufles all t'vi(e frfxM tiphone e-d electricity HOUSES FOR RENT . 26 HOT SPRINGS o-ie bedroom fum-stied tiOtnf 1 u 4 4J?f F-URNISHCO 1 bedroom, gai or o.l, 1 or I children ok 'U e, cloe jONl. hrdr. furnniSrd hpne near bene. T 11 4 4-J eemrvj. Rl NT. leave iv'-on. sale or t',ie. wo neiViNirm. eie "K te, artvov-ma'e'v "ee -t V i'e f cm V iratev Tv n ( itie. Reaitv. '7 iVtt n. Springitd, Pn Di'wM .ton; mtied. gat heat P'wie HMf NM'tvti fHXi Vssli rMi'-'fil mi. lv0 i 'i af P o if. -Qt l'vi iW is rv'. j WO IV.lrivni hvie M.ii-,o s'-o, jii;i ' ings 'WO hil't'Ti tVp if . t(vf . 'p'riqe-a. ; , 'or iiff vvnV' li "r i ( oaf age l-i jqu 'e J' nrv,(j,i te'ivt a rr . e'f-1 : p iu 4 . I Kbo' Va" ! D.."tt. t.K tu I: 'HOUSES FOR RENT 24 Mrs. Bob Adams, Bonania, or phone LOreiie 4161. CLEAN one bedroom furnished cabin, J), I7JJ Adams, TU 4-3154, TU 4-9754 UNFURNISHED two bedroom house. East Main, one child, 155. TU 4-9106. FOR rent 2 bedroom hou?e, wall to wall carpeting living room, partly furnished. I U Z-J'U. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, no dogs, $45. TU 4-42BI. Adults, ONE bedroom unfurnished, electric range, builtin oven, extra bedroom and storage space attached to garage, 3 acres, 2330 urape, i u 4-jjuv, IMMACULATE, unfurnished 2 bedroom home. Inquire 2232 Union. ONE bedroom furnished house, call TU 4-4379. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, nice new, MS. 1113 Siskiyou, TU 4-7584. ONE bedroom unfurnished house, $59, 2U9 Mam. Phone TU 3-2864. MILLS, three room. Stoves and refriger alor. Washer, dryer hookup. TU 2-3852. UNFURNISHED two bedroom dUDlex, ga rage, fireplace, 3011 Boardman, TU 20990. TWO bedroom unfurnished, near Mills School, 19 Martin, TU 4-9784. FIIRNICHFn 1 htflrnnm Wmlmr mrhana Wocus, no pets, TU 4-9497. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, aaraae. TU 4-3893. MODERN furnished 2 bedroom, close to school and store, 425 Martin. FURNISHED two bedroom, hot well, ga rage, fenced back yard, TU 4-7875. NEAT and clean 3 year old 2 bedroom unfurnished duplex. New slove and refrig erator. Mills Addition, $85. TU 2-4664. Eves. TU 4-5544. OUTSTANDING 7 bedroom duplex on Laverne, electric neat, garage, fireplace, TU 2-4752. SMALL unfurnished house. Mills Addition, $40. TU 49323. SMALL two bedroom house, automatic gas heat, washer-dryer hookup, garage, S6U, IU Or TU 4-4619. 1 BEDROOM duplex. Water, Garbage paio. stove, refrigerator, $60. TU 4-4915. MODERN, unfurnished 2 bedroom. At tached garage. Fireplace. Water, garbage paid. 3 miles norm of town. $75. TU 4-5647. REMODELED 2 bedroom duplex, furnish 63. inquire ill Pine. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, water paid. Nict neighborhood. TU 2-1456. HOT SPRINGS 2 bedroom upstairs, un furnished duplex, garage. Adults only. SA, I U 4-4850. TWO unfurnished two bedroom bouses, south suburban, $65, TU 2-3923. TWO bedroom unfurnished house. $65. Children, pels, o.k. References required. TU 2-6.590. NICE 2 bedroom furnished house. $75. TU 2-3852. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished home, Northside, $75, TU 4-5293. DESIRABLE, furnished house. 2 rooms, bath, adults, $35. 620 Division. LARGE t bedroom, garage, gas furnace. range, $40, Inquire 1502 California. TWO bedroom unfurnished, good location, TU 2-3587, TU 4-9863 afler 5. SMALL house, furnished, close In, $47.50, phone TU 4-8702 evenings. NICE two bedroom trailer for rent, phone TU 2-1350. NICE unfurnished two bedroom house with fireplace, yard, garage, $65. Across from Henley High, TU 2-3020. CLEAN three bedroom unfurnished, 3 iles north of Klamath Falls, children, pets Ok. 565, TU 2-6590 MISC. FROPIRTY TO LET 27 FOk lease 140 acres level ground under Irrigation, Macdoel area. 70 acres good spud ground. Or will sell or trade. TU 7-4137. REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 WANTED to rent, 3 bedroom house, pref erably Stearns School District, needed be fore Jan. 23. TU 2-1536. TWO or three bedroom in cily under $17,300. Giva details. Box 429C Herald and News. REAL ESTATE IXCHANCC .. 29 's ACRE ranch style 3 bedroom home, fireplace, 2' baths, nicely landscaped! yard, excellent view, $27,500. Location Yreka. will trade for Klamath Falls prop erty. TU ? 5048 HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 1 THREE bedroom home for sale. 1749 Summers Lane, TU 4-4539. Suburban Bungalow New 2 bedroom hnm Spacious llvino room, separate dining room, hardwood floors. Circulating fireplace, well Insu lated. On fenced 100 x 174 tt. lot. Rea sonably priced at $15,500. Any type fi nancing. "CALL US TODAY" Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS 43 MAIN TU 49254 Anytime TU 30161 FREE CABIN with purchase of lot . 7 and It of Block 70 Chelsea Add il ion. Selling for only 13,500. STUKEL MT. 1W acres bordered by Lost River. Ttiii ranch it a cattle if I -up with a pasture and hay balance tor year round ooeration Atl pasture and hay produc tion under irrigation. One 3 bedroom ranch houie, large bunk houe and spa cioul metal machine shed. Also a potato cellar. This ranch telling for only tSOOOC, J per cent down, balanct easy terms Midland Empire REALTY IPC Mam TU J-JiM CLEM LESUEUR, Brokrr J-m O Donahue Evll.TU 4 W93 FIVE BEDROOMS HENLEV DISTRICT Only J y'V Old Lrae kitchen ft breahlast area. Sep arate rlinmq rnom fVg family room J fireoiaces. Excellent hot air fur nace heat Piped to all rooms Double oarage Unsurpassed view 160 x 285 let, (,500. Easily financed. DON SLOAN Realtor S SI TU Anvflme STROUT REALTY S Mh rn. TU 41 57S1 Eves. Pf , Stella Dehf-nger TU 1-SM1 TU 7 4041 Ha"fc Mo'man A ft' s(t. v iithurhan f, hed'Oorn nt. comp etetv renweied New fireplace, wall to wall carpet, halt acre, Itvups. tiowft and eoote treat. I.100. Meda iinn 3 bed'onrn home ? haths N'te .utui'o.'! ft st'irl AH tM-'lt tn ap. oiianc. ti'epiae, wail to wall carpet. Pceient ccvrtit.fn !V?. OPEN HOUSE SAT. ond SUN. 164 ASiZ ANITA j Wet Spriig Adili'ip" ! Levei Siocus to High School t-0 V CfKFNT ST TO VAN:Ni! ' NP TURN RK'.HT t Hff It a drfa- KiV-e h,- !1 f0r n i.tnv,. flt )n(frnfn? Nvi.-vi Cai-fft in living room. h". (inq fn r.1'iwi Crmi-q h.rch kiH t" w ll''m apiidrvri full room tvo! ,ife piate -n cp'tHM party N'ff. Ci- Cf'f d".fy M riid"XV ANO. t: ot Th ,u, pyrjhjuf pr.e Hi f'V .... $12,500 3f THREE bedroom home. Mills Addition. Two baths, J fireplaces, family room. Front room and dining room carpeted. Garbage disposal, attached garage, tie, 000 lor quick tale. TU 4-4442. BY OWNER, tint Ashland home. Roman brick construction, best location. Out' standing view. acre In city limits. 3 bedrooms, I'i baths. Sacrifice, (26,500, Ashland 4BM067 or W-3969. THREE lots, sell or trade for lale model Volkswagen, TU 2-4343. HOT SPRING. Family type home, wter heat, priced to tell. TU 4-791. hot THREE bedroom brick, 4715 Onyx, l'j baths, wall to wall carpet fireplace, built in oven and range, sprinkler system. Sl?,800. Will accet 2 or 3 bedroom trailer in trade, tu 2-5132. THREE bedroom house, garage, outbuild' ings, TU 4-982S. FOUR apartments, excellent Investment, Close in, TU 2-2531, TU 4-4964. NEAR Roosevelt School. 3 bedroom home sparkling Clean and bright, fireplace, hardwood floors, full light basement, storm windows, furnace heat. Owner leav ing town. Assume equity, existing F HA loan of S8.7O0. TU 2-5050. 15 ACRES, unimproved, paved road, beau tiful building site, Henley School District- 14,500. TU 4-8 1 4. 2-BEDROOM brick home, fireplace. Wash' er, dryer, ttova included. Fenced yard, covered patio, li'xjrr hop. $17,500. Call TU 2-0234 after 5 p.m. HUNTER'S DELIGHT 160 Acres. Good cut over limber land. Small, clear permanent creek runs through center. Good access. Near Beatty. $50 per acre. Cash! BRUCE OWENS REALTOR Woody Bowert TU 3-3379 FOR SALE TO BE MOVED 35 units, One 3-bedroom house, IS 2-3-4 room houses, 19 two and four room apartments. Make sealed bids on one or all Furniture, plumbing and wiring Included. Lo cated at 2514 So. 4th, and I on Weyerhaeuser Road. Bids will be due January 30th. Inquire Rte. 2, Box 500A TU 2-5423 OUTSTANDING COMMERCIAL BLDG. Excellent close In location, on one ol the busiest streets In town. 2 store or office rentals, plus a very neat 3 bedroom apartment on ground floor. Good solid masonry construction, and In top condi tion throughout. Real value for only S19,500. Terms. LEONARD REALTY 1213 Main TU 4-7S1I or TU 4-VO05 Audrey Keerins TU 4-P5 Joe Perry IU Joe Leonard TU 2-USJ7 MLS Multipls Listing Service INCOME! ! 3 Apartments In a converted home close to Main St. Good view over Lake Ewauna and the valley. Apartments rent tor wu, $40, $30, total $130. Individual heat. Thit It not a status tymbol type of prop erty. It Is ust a place for YOU to make a high rata of income on tquk money. Sale price U,SO0, Termi. Including furniture. PEYTON Member International Traders Club 135 Market TU 4-5149 Harold M. Rush TU 2-4173 Pat" Palone TU 2-0836 STILWELL & CO. Presents: DO YOU LOVE A SUNSET? You should view one from me Droaa winoows or this lovely home In Moylna. There I) a big llvina room with beam ceiling and beautiful fireplace with glars doors 3 good sized bedrooms, din ing room with glass doors to patio, kitchen with complete built-in equip ment plus nice dinette, I1 1 baths, big utility room with lots ol storage, double garaqe, paved drive, lawns are in, yard fenced. New drapes and itock In well included In price ol $23,500. See It now. ON PLEASANT LAVERNE STREET only 3 btockt trom Peterson &crooi. 3 nice bedrooms, oversized bathroom, pleasant living room, dining room, very convenient kitchen, bg utility area with abundant storage, tarqe ar tached garaqe. This piace In splendid condition, best construction. Fairly priced at $16,950 Any type financing STILWELL & CO. Realtors 51 Vain Street TU 4-3136 After 5:00 call Ron Van Orman TU 3-367 Bruce Binkley TU 4-3471 If no answer call TU 4-7006 or TU 3-0444 MLS Multiple Listing Service WANT 3 bedroom, south suburbs, around $11,000. . . . HAVE ... 3 bedroom, weH - planned home, beautiful fireplace, qarge. Paved street. Excellent rental location. For tomeone who wants to trade down. Price, $t.SO0. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE V E VBF R INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CIU 30 S. h TU 1-7774 (Van) VanStcklt TU 3-6U.1 Wilrtred Mall TU 4V-SS7 5 ACRES Plun LARGE TWO BEDROOM home OAS HF AT. Good ouibu'Winqs Only IM with IIW Down, or orte' wni :rde lor .rti4lifr property. Call now be fore It I TOO LATE. THREE BEDROOM ONLY $10,500 Lctert on C'e.cen S bark f KUM5 WaUing d'ttance to citv FULL BASF VENT. FIREPLACE. FORCFP A I R HEAT ?FE THIS IDfAL MOVE TO DAY. Good termt. Deane Sach er REALTOR 1037 Main TU 4-4127 5ltSVEH Pfn l'l TirTrs 'U 4-ult nf. sont-'i s tu ANNt VASPN TU J-."!! l)Ot 04ZILIU1 Mlt'll ftcwfl, COI'fKt EAL ESTATE FOR SALI REAL ESTATI FOR SALE ..3t 4 ACRE, 3 bedroom south suburban, double garage, hop, chicken house, TU 3-1144. VIEW PROPERTY FOR SALE, f loft, D- proHlmately 6 ft. by 300 ft. auburban area, tu 2-iOM. LOVELY 3 bedroom home in good loca tion near new OTI site. Bath and a half, lireplace, covered patio, fenced back yard. Double garage. Price $17,500. Call IU 3-142?. SELL or trade for Klamath Falls prop erty, i year old Central Pont beauty. Three bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, all drapes Included. Lovely oining room and kitchen. Double car port, lawn and shrubbery In. Available March lit. Art Moorman TU 3-133$. FOR tale by owner 3 bedroom home with 2 bedroom rental in suburban area. Will accept cattle In trade. TU 4-4033. THREE bedroom home for tale. 4103 Sum mers Lane, TU 4-453?. NEW HOME Beautiful 3 bedroom, hardwood floors, fireplace, ceramic tilt bath, forced air heat, patio, dining room. Exclusive Dis trict. $15,000. TU 3-3410. ONLY $7,500 Buys this 3 bedroom modern home on l. acre Irrigated. Excellent suburban loca tion. Name your own termt. Will consid er car or pickup or what have you In iraoe. FOR Comfort, convenience and more for your dollar, call now to see this newly built 3 oeoroom modern noma. Family room. utility, double carport. Tola) price only $9,500. Low down payment on F.H.A. or O.l. SUBURBAN custom built 3 bedroom for the most dis criminating. Large rooms throughout. At tractive full wall fireplace. Economical on furnace neat. A real value at $15,500. Terms. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 South th street Phone TU 2-4740 Fred Tucker TU 4-9743 Hank Hansen TU 3-3101 Homer Stiles TU 4-9904 Lois Macy TU 4-5667 Want Comfort & Livabilitv? Then you will find HAPPINESS In this LARGE THREE BEDROOM family home. 11 ft. x 23 ft. MASTER BED ROOM. PLUS 12 tt. by 24 ft. recreation room with BAR & FIREPLACE. Oil forced air heat. Large lot. Beautiful view. All this tor only $16,000 terms. SEE (hit, Happinett Home NOW. $750 Down and $75 per month IMMEDIATE POSSES SION on thit Two Bedrocm home I orat ed close In. Near FAIRVIEW SCHOOL-KUHS-STORES and lots of fruit trees Only $6500. D eane Sach er REALTOR 1037 Main TU 4-4127 SALESMEN BOB BAZILIUS S'5-2168 Bonanza Colled ROLLIN TUTER TU 4S4II BOB SORLIEN TU 4-7885 ANNE MASON LARRY BARABOO TU J-27J8 TU 4-4.1. MLS Multiple Listing iervice Suburban Charmer Lovely three bedroom home close to school. Nice st led living room, dining area, kitchen with built In range and oven, two batht. Large lot. Price $12,200. Termt. Northside immaculate three bedroom home. Larqe living room with fireplace, kitchen with abundance of built Ins, dining area, hard wood Moors throughout, family room with fireplace in daylight basement, two batht. Price only $15,90, terms. 2.5 Acre Ranchette Lovely three bedroom home located five miles from the heart oi town. Nice liv ing room with raised hearth fireplace, dining room, kitchen with lots of built Ins and breakfast area, hardwood floors, bath and hall. Price $17,500, terms. ANDY SILANI REALTOR 314 SO. 71 h TU 2-4664 Salesmen: Wilene Welch tu 3-4137 Ed Mitchell TU 3-16K3 Andy Silanl TU 4-5544 MLS Multiple Listing Service LARGE two bedroom home and guest house with full bath This prooerty Is in tip lop condition with new roof, new ex terior paint. 1.13 acres of irrigated pas ture. Full price $14,500 FRANCIS PARK ecellfnl three bedroom home with storm doors, storm windows and an economical healing sys tem. FHA or Gl terms. Only $11,900. HOME & BUSINESS on South Sixth St Excellent neat two bedroom home with office & waiting room. Large shop with vault., storage shelves and work bench- 70 ft. frontage, only $15,000. LARGE one bedroom home with built-in anqe and Oven, colored bath fixtures The handy man can do something with this one. Only $7,000. Terms. SALES STAFF Clyde William Mrs. Buff Jones TU 4 m TU 483 TU 4-7342 Tina Reeder DURANT REALTOR ?0 SO. eth TU 4.M Of TU MSI? Neit to Hot-day Bowl MLS Multiple Listing Service .'. HOT SPRINGS SPECIAL 3 BEDROOM HOVE VALUE. des-r-Abiv located on Eldorado Ave. and attractively prrced fo you at only Full mwnry basement, large comole'e iy fenced rear yard area. LOW COST NATURAL GAS HEAT. Not a big home, put tdtal for ine meritum-sne family. FHA, Gl or convent tonal financing. .'. EASY TERMS!! NEAR UPPER LAKE ON EAST SIDE 3 bedrooms, larqe living room with, fireplace AH ECONOMY SPECIAL AT S7 OP0. Only o0 down and $0 per month 311$ VINE AVE Jut 1500 down on ea.y contract tor this immaculate. ceireiiv located larger l bedroom tvme. Spncous room. atacid oa f aqi? MOVE IN IMMEDIATELY; JUST 17,500 JJII MOVE AVE -A REAL BARGAIN AT ONLY 13 S0O D'tced rfn) low tp settle estate ou'chiy Ideal tor tise CQt'Toed to t)0 snm recondi tioning. 1500 down will handle. .'. INCOME TRADE! TRADE YOUR HOVE. CAR. PICKUP. TRAILER, etc tor ft-if. steady Income p'one'tv. piu 3 tevi bipcus trpm vain St a acertrrfntj plus NxijefceepmQ r.-omi tor nt l.?Si Te'rit.c income pt aroro U.SS6 yearly. LET $ TALK TRADE MERE" Chilcote ond SMITH REALTORS S'NCE 1909 SEE I'S FOR INSURANCE. TOO H N tn $1 Ptone TU 4-"'1 SAlM Pf-.m.nel: ?t e-fi Tu I A4IJ Etw Bit C'Hr't U Jilt Ee tn C- cpfe. Anc' B-pher Bob C'ike'e. B-oer RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3. OLDER 3 bedroom Hot Springs home.1 Dtthwasher, basement, I'i batht, double garage. 1)1.750. TU 4-37H. LARGE 4 bedroom home only 2 blockt trom school and shopping center. Ke duced to $13,000 for quick salt. TU 4-S236. 3 BEDROOM home. Mills, electric heat, oarage, storage. $6,500. Can be financed. TU 4-8856 days, TU 4-520 eves. FUTURISTIC HOME IN HENLEY HI Spacious 3 bedroom home with an un excelled view of Klamath Basin. Rustic exterior & interior, triple fireplace, sun deck, lovely carpets. Two car garage, beautifully landscaped. A dream coma true In this home with many many ex tras. Total price $34,000. Terms to ot ar ranged. CUTIE ON HOMEDALE Owner anxious to sell, leaving for Cali fornia. Nice size 2 bedroom home, larqe living room, wall to wall carpet, beauti ful fireplace, cheerful kitchen. Carport. 7 acre. Must sea fo appreciate, only 18,500. PAUL McATEE and ASSOCIATES. REALTORS 339 E. Main TU 2-464i Sales Staff Eves. Eleanor Marian TU 3-5355 Evelyn McAfee TU 3-5935 i ' i I Multiple MLS ffijs Yalta Gardens It the location of this beautiful home with a large living room, separate dining room, three and possible tour bedrooms,-1 family room, wall to wa' capeting, two baths, fireplace, hardwood floors, fully insulated, fenced back yard, double ga rage, tawn ano snruos. owner nas been transferred and Is very anxious to sell. A real buy at $35,550, terms. 2 Bedroom Home, separate dining room, hardwood floors, fully insulated, storm windows ano screens, lawn, shrubs, fencing, toot shed, dog kennel, five fruit frees. In good location on paved street. Only $11,750. Immediate Possession ! Three bedroom home fully Insulated, In good south suburban location, on 115 x 160 ft. lot, paved street, south suburban sew er connected. Total price $9,000, terms ol course. 1 If You Are Looking For a really good older home with four1 or five bedrooms. In excellent condition, good location, with plenty of yard room lor the youngsters to play, and redwood fencing tor privacy, and all the other details that change a house to a home. can us for an appointment to tee this one. For only $14,000, terms. "WILL" CEDARLEAF REALTOR 3937 S. 6th TU 4-5151 Anytime Sales Peggy Peebler TU 3-0329 TU 4-6546 Ken Allison BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 SUNNYSIDE Service Station and store at Ruch, Rt. 1 Box 34, Jacksonville, Ore. Good business. SMALL restaurant, good location. $1,000. will handle. TU 4-3061 evenings. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Please Investigate thoroughly any Invest ment of moneys In merchandise, various enteror ses or business opportunities be fore investing your capnai. 1 ne neraio and News makes every effort to reject all fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, we art not responsible for the Integrity of the firms or individuals wno place advertising in our puoncenon. Any advertising of business opportunities ap pearing to bt fraudulent or misleading should be reported to me ciassmea ao ver'islng Department of tht Herald and NPWS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS TWO -BIG TW0 AUCTIONS THIS WEEK AT 3899 So. 6th FRIDAY January 18, 7 P.M. A COMPLETE SELECTION OF GOOD, USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES GATHERED ESPECIALLY FOR THIS SALE! $800 blond mahogany bedrocm set, lovely condition; 3-pce. cherry finish bedroom set with springs and mat tress, 8-pce. blond dining set with hutch, gas and elec tric refrigerators, round table dinette set, two, like new, 30-in. electric ranges, TV sets, good automotic washers, occasional tobies of all types, lamps, dishes, pots, pans, vacuum cleaners, cribs, cedar chests, sectionals, divan ettes, gas heaters, pictures, mirrors, books, bookcases, cedor fence posts, and loads of miscellaneous. THE POET'S CORNER ZONING We're all for it if it's done our wav. So let 's oil vote tn ion. We'll elimitite all the other guyi But leave The Resole House alone! SUNDAY JANUARY 20, 1:30 P.M. A VERY FINE SELECTION OF FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES FROM TWO YOUNG FAMILIES WHO ARE LEAVING THE AREA. ALL QUALITY ITEMS, IN NEAR NEW CONDITION. 1961 Coldspot refrigerator-freezer combination, very fine twin maple bedroom set with poster and canopy beds and Simmons mattresses, 1962 Kenmore push button electric range, nearly new Italian Provincial double bedroom set with box springs ond mattress, matching desk ond chair; 20 cu. ft. chest deep freeze, 1961 Westinghouse refrigerator, 220 electric heaters, 1960 Westinghouse washer-dryer combination, maple dining set with buffet and hutch, 1962 Kelvinator elec tric range, maple occasional tables of all sorts, match ing lamps, fireside chairs, modern walnut and naugo hyde occasional chairs, large mirrors, new Babyline cribs ond mattresses, several vacuum cleaners, two large wool hooked rugs and pods, three TV sets, like new Hide-a-Bed, bookcases, books, very fine daveno and chair in beige nylon, rugs, mirrors, pictures, lamps, pots pons, dropes, linen, small appliances, pair of matched duelinq pistols IF YOU'RE NOT BUYING AT The RESALE HOUSE YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 31 TEXACO Service Station tor Mate, 3369 So. 4th and Altamont. MAIN STREET PROPERTY Real ' estote and going business, lor sole. A good opportunity (or man ond wife. Will trade. T. B. WATTERS Real Estote 4 Insurance 107 So. 7th St. TU 4-4193 An OPPORTUNITY to do something for yourself is our BUSINESS! VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E Mom TU 4-r58U FINANCIAL LOANS NEED MONEY for PAYING BILLS? If naqqinq bills become a nui sance, get rid nf them! Check our courteous, confidential, cash loan plan. You'll be glad you did. , FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cart Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Lccation Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Yean Motor Investment Co. 513 So. 6th TU 4-7783 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 FOR sale full siie mattress In A-l con dition or will trade for roll-awav bed In flood condition. TU 4-8254 or see at ISiJ Ivory. FOR sale blond oak dining room table and chairs, RCA TV, desk, coffee table. sewing machine, radio, reasonable, 1301 c. Main. 9 CU. FT. Westinghouse upright freezer. TS. OIO, SI OO, IU 4-U3l. WESTINGHOUSE dryer, good condition. call weekends or alter S, TU 4-3410. & LIKE NEW ft Zlb ZAb AUTOMATIC PORTABLE SEWING MACHINE When New $249.50 Now $69.95 $5.67 A Month After Small Down Payment SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main TU 2-2513 EASY Spindrier' With deluxe $07 5pin Rinse 01 Guaranteed. Excellent. KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 132 So 7th TU 4-8886 37