Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 17, 1963, Page 3, Image 3

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    m, up iJ.iiiiu mi. in .win I. mil mm
HERALD AND NEWS. KUmath Falls. Or.
Thursday, January IT, BB
U :
Nevada Rites
Unite Couple
McCUU'D Besaie Beach,
daughter of Mrs, Doris Jaeksea
;of Pfws, litah. asrf Terry Kaf-
erty, son of Mr. and Mrs. jarses
Bafferty of Mi-Cloud, exctegedj
wedding vows at Carson Wedding
Qiapei ta C'arsoa Qty, Nev,, ta
Jan. 7.
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RECENTLY WED Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wa gner were
married recently at The First Church of God. She is the
former Alice Lester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Lester, this city. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wagner of Oregon
City are parents of the bridegroom. A reception in Fel
lowship Hall honored the young couple, who are making
their home in Oregon City where both are employed.
ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Bourn of Bly announe
the betrothal of their daughteer, Shelba Diann, to Martin
C. Clemens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Clemens Sr.,
also of Bly. The wedding will be an event of March. The
future bride, a senior at Sly High School, was a princess
of the 1962 Klamath Basin Rodeo, rier fiance, graduate
of Bly High School, is serving with the 5th Infantry Di
vision at Ft. Carson, Colo.t Photo by Ferebee
NEWLYWEDS Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Fiink of Klamath
Falls announce the m&tti&qe of their daughter, Frances
Louise, to Richard Michael Jones of La Grande on Dec,
28 in Reno, He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. L. L.
Swinney of La Grande. The new Mrs. Jones is presently
residing with her parents. She will join her husband at
his new assignment upon completion of his schooling in
air traffic control at the Naval Air Station in Slynco, Ga.
Phots by Ferebee
TO WED SMriey Windham of Dallas, Tex., wISi become
the bride of John ITedS Bamett on Feb. 9. Ha is the sob
of Mr, and Mrs, jewel Barrsett of Dsrris. The couple wtSS
make their home in Dallas while he is stationed as pri
vate first class with the Army at Fort Hood.
One For The Birds
Newspaper Enterprise Assn.
DEAR POLLY Here is one for
the birds. Fill a paper cup half
full'cf bird seed or cracked com,
then pour into the cup any drip
pings left in the frying pan or any
(at skimmed from meat slock.
When the cup is filled, put into
the refrigerator until hard. Peel
off the paper cup and put the
"suet cake" out for the birds.
They love it.
Another least for our feathered
DEAR POLLY-Wanted to get
this suggestion in now as there
is so much writing to be done at
this time of year. When using pen
and ink, regardless of the color.
1 always have an emery board
nearby and every time I make
a mistake; be it one letter or a
whole word, I use the board to
sand it off. It is tops. I prefer
the small size and a pack costs
very little.
DEAR POLLY An easy way to
fit a dust ruffle to a bed is to take
a worn or patched fitted sheet and
sew the dust ruffle to it. It does
not move around as it does with
only elastic bands at the top.
GIRLS Any of you who have
had Miggly dust ruffles trill love
this one. However do be sure to
measure and make the dust ruffle
so that the contour sheet will be
over the box springs and not the
mattress or you will not be able
Printed Pattern
Overblouse look smart, new.
especially slimming for shorter
waisted. fuller figures. Sew this
two-piece fashion in wool oiena
Printed Pattern K-V: Half Sires
12i,. ill, 161,. is'. 20'a. 22'j
Size Ifi'i requires J' yards 45
inch fabric
. Fifty cents in coins for this
pattern add in cents for each
pattern for first-class mail Send
to Marian Martin. Herald and
e Pattern Dept.. 132 west
IMh St., New York 11, N Y. Print
plainly name, address with 2one
lire and stvle number.
v,ri time ever! Glamorous
movie liar's wardrobe plus 110
netting stles to tew in our new
Fall-Winter Pattern Catalog Send
to iuck the sheets in wben making
the bed.
DEAR POLLY' My husband put
an end to the dirty ash trav in
the car. He filled it with fine
and. (Bird's gravel will also do
the trick I No more smoldering
ash trav. It is so much easier
while driving to just stick the
cigarette butt in the sand than
to try to stub it out in an al
ready filled tray. When She cigar
ette butt is definitely out, it can
be put in the litter bag.
Share your favorite homemak
Flowers Accent1
Bridal Beauty
Newspaper Enterprise Assn.
What winter bride doesn't
want to look lovely, not on!y on
her wedding day, but during the
weeks preceding that memorable
: occasion?
ing ideas . . . Send litem to PoSlv
in care of Herald and News. Y'ou
will receive a bright, new silver
dollar if Polly uses jour ideas in
Pollys Pointers.
One of the prettiest ways to
accessorize your costumes for the!
parties and showers you wiii at
tend is to wear the most femininci
adornment of all flowers.
For a special evening out with
your fiance, a single (such as
a lush rose carried in a gloved
hand can lend elegant charm to
Tour appearance. Or yoa might
prefer to pin a blossom to your
evening purse.
When you select your flowers,
be sure that they Mend or contrast
prettily with your outfit. And al
ways wear them as they grow,
with the stem down.
If you've been invited to s pre-
nuptia! party for an out-of-town
friend, but are unable to attend
because of your own wedding ac
tivities, it would be a nice gesture
to wire her flowers to wear to
her party.
You'U probably have no idea
of what her gown will he Hke,
so it's best, according to Florists
Telegraph Delivery members, to
leave the selection stp to the flor
ist. He wil! choose neutral Mos-
soms that w ill go with almost asy
Your bridal bouquet should
be made up of year own favorite
flowers and styled to coordinate
wsfh your gown. Sf your stress is
a heavy satin r brocade, you;
might prefer a bosquet of carssa
lions or snowdrops.
U vou will wear a delicate fab-i
ric, such as poie sis soie, yoa
might prefer white violets.
roses and lily-of-the valley. Bat
whateer blossoms yssu choose,
your bridal omujuel should be car
ried low, with elbows relaxed.
During Use exerting weeks before
your wadding day, tet fresh flaw
ers add to vour beauty. They
will serve a purpose m Jewels can
SAT., JAN. 19rh
Ssrvms Start! ot 7 P.M.
$1,50 Per Person
dance to rouow
Pickup & Delivery
Sparkle Car Wash
4023 S. sth Ph. TU 4-SS43
ut to hilp eiherf. Dsn'f (hrs
Atteodanis were Ctoria Loftas
and HonaM Olson ot Hayfork,
Present for the wedding, efter
Ifcan parents of the isuple. were
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stone ef Psa-
dssa. Mr, and Mrs, joe Cabsota
of Carson City. Mr. and Mrs.
L. B. Lcaabary, Mr, and Sirs.
Albert Landrabura and Mr. sad
Mrs. Pat Mulan. aU ef Reno. -
Hie newSyweds sill make Itmt
jme at tS4 Caste! Way in Ressf.
yo II be
of yeyr
fine wool coats...
One Low Price For
Fas! Clearance!
k the luxurious fabrics Including Feisiaaan
flushes, Einiger fleeces, Worurabo woolens,
mi souffles.
see the meticulous, supeA detailing like
designee tailoring on each mi every eat ,
eery ott his i ightaeight imulatej lining
35 cents.