OUR BIG DEFENSE GAMBLE US. Hopes To Bypass Missile Need Editor's Note: Recent decisions on what weapons the United States should build have been clouded by differences with our allies or among the military services, mm tary analyst Ray Cromley set out to discover the strategic thinking behind the decisions to shelve Skybolt and postpone action on the Nike Zeus anti-missile system and the RS70 reconnaissance strike plane. What he found is told in an important three-part series which begins here. By COL. RAY CROMLEY Newspaper Enterprise Military Analyst ;WASHINGTON (NEA - Presi dent Kennedy and Defense Sec retary McNamara have decided to take the calculated risk that we are so far ahead in intercon tinental ballistic missiles, that the Communists won't dare start an all-out nuclear war in the next 10 years. They are gambling, too, that within that decade Nikita Khrush chev will not have an adequate anti-missile defense operating nor an effective way to knock out Polaris submarines. This is the reasoning behind the Defense Department decision to shelve the Skybolt ana to post pone decisions on building the big RS70 intercontinental plane and the Nike Zeus anti-ICBM sys tem, as learned in two weeks of interviews with key military men, diplomats ana scienusis from the Defense and Slate De oartmenls and private defense industry. The U.S. defense planners are committed to the further gam ble that within the 10-year period U.S. scientists will make the ma jor breakthroughs necessary to leapfrog to intercontinental weap ons and equipment concepts which will plug the dcfense-oflense loop holes for many years to follow. . Behind these gambles are a number of factors. The White House has ordered something cut from the growing defense budget to accommodate a tax reduction. McNamara wants to spend as much as possible on conventional warfare. Ranking Pentagon' scientists believe Nike Zeus, Skybolt and the RS70, as today conceived, will be obsolete "too quickly." Key Pentagon planners now be lieve the decision to huild an anti ICBM system should be put off for three years, that some new way should be evolved to do the Sky bolt job and some new system to do the fiS70 reconnaissance- ttrike task. The scientists consider it likely that the research, development, construction and full emplace ment of such new systems would not be completed in less than 10 years. If this gamble proves wrong and there is an all-out nuclear war within the next 10 years, the United States will find itself with major loopholes in its defense and offense. Loophole 1 We'll he naked for 10 years against any ICBMs the Russians fire. Loophole 2 We'll have dnly a limited ability to lob ballistic mis siles into the Soviet Union from a wide variety of unexpected an gles and directions. With a perfected Skybolt, inter continental bombers could fire these missiles from a range of heights and from any direction unexpectedly. The system thus v . Ill ?j I Tl rc. y x . i an - i RrTi mm irrri IrH 1 'Mm t m i NIKE ZEUS Second best or better than nothing? would force the Russians to build their defense to cover all direc tions and a wide variety of pos sible trajectories. In contrast, the Minutcman, Ti tan and Atlas missiles would be fired from fixed bases. These mis siles would approach target on fixed trajectories which the Rus sians could calculate in advance. Through Polaris subs do not oper ate from fixed sites and trajecto ries therefore cannot be precisely known, the limited numher of areas feasible for operating Polar is submarines against Russia docs limit surprise in missile direc tion and arc. Therefore, eliminat ing Skybolt makes it possible for the Russians to have a simpler and more effective system of anti missile defenses. Loophole Z We will have a limited and ineffective reconnais sance-strike ability a few years from now. In major war, this would be a very serious matter Once the first exchange of ICBMs was completed, some way would be needed to assess what largeLs had been destroyed, to find what major targets remained and hit them fast. Lacking this iibility is rather like fighting a war blindfolded. This is the mis sion intended for the RS70. Skybolt, Nike Zeus and the RS70 all have technical problems, With Skybolt, it's the problem of how vou fire a ballistic mis sile at a precise target 1,000 miles way from a moving airplane which may not be flying smooth ly and whose precise location and altitude you may not have at the exact second you are firing the missile. With Nike Zeus it's the problem of developing a radar that would not be fooled by a flock of sophis ticated Sqvict electronic decoys ;ind a command and control sys tem that would not be knocked out cither by the Nike Zeus mis sile itself or by a high-exploding enemy ICBM. With the RS70. It's the problem of designing a plane with a much longer range and an electronic sensing and viewing system so designed that crewmen could find targets of opportunity, recognize them, evaluate them and act fast enough to bomb before the plane whizzes too far past the target. The scientists and military men who spoke for these systems ar gued that these problems could be solved fairly well, that no weapon is perfect and that the defense-offense loopholes had bet ter be filled with the kind of weapons we could begin building now with today's knowledge. The men who spoke against the Nike Zeus, Skybolt and the RS70 said they would cost too much as presently conceived, that they wouldn't do a good enough job and that they would be obsolete too soon. So the decision has been taken to gamble and continue the research. I v , " $F i i'. v. r M 4 1 , " 1 If j i I m 1 1 PAGE -B HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Thursday, January 17, IMS Buildings Started At OSU Two new buildings a Radiation Center and an Oceanography Building are expected to be start ed this month at Oregon State Uni versity, setting the stage for sig nificant future advances in these two important new teaching and research fields. Bids for the structures were opened this week. Both are expect-i ed to be finished in about a year. James H. Jensen, president, said, and both will be built in large part with federal grants. The Radiation Center will be a' $735,280 building, especially de signed for a wide range of radia tion studies involving a large num ber of scientists from several de partments. Dr. C. H. Wang is di rector of the Radiation Center which will be built on the west edge of the campus. The $666,500 Oceanography Building represents another mile stone in the rapid growth of OSU ocean studies. Almost no research has been done on the ocean off Oregon before OSU launched its work in 1954. Now, the Oregon State Department of Oceanogra phy is becoming one ot America s leaders, Jensen said. Dr. Wayne V. Burt is head of the Oceanogra phy Department. SKYBOLT Is this weapon too tough to be perfect? LONG RANGE RS70 This plane with electronic sensing can be a completely new system of defense or possibly a major offensive loophole. When you think of Building in the Basin, m TL1-I. .1 D in R,.ilii THIS WEEK'S You Know Amos Dollard- He is our yard foreman. This week he offers vou his special: r3BDCH48 AMOS DOLLARD deQ fof Cabinet Work! $13 50 Sheet IW Dry Surfaced $ nJ 95 Boards as low os Per M Mm $0 95 7 CEDAR 50 lb. Kegs of NAILS Same size and types JOE MEADOR offers you many types and finishes of KITCHEN CABINET HARDWARE Knobs , 1 D;. JOE MEADOR etc. II I I IIC DON BIRKEY: wants to mention that wt ore REMODELING and we will have many specials for your build ing or remodeling. Watch for them! mmmtmmmtm DON BIRKEY When you're building or remodeling - see these men! 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