PAGE 2-B HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Thursday, January 17. 1963 u nere s mom By MRS. TED HIDE Public Relations Chairman IN STORE For You At Your . . . Oregon Food Stores This is the first in a series ol articles which will come to you throughout the year from the Klamath County Cow Belles. Wc will feature a cut of the month with different ways to prepare it tell you about some of the projects we carry on, and intro duce you to some of our mem bers, your neighbors and friends. We know most people like to eat beef and lots of it. The problem Winter Store Hours 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. is to get variety and stretch out of every dollar you spend, and Beef Shank Makes Meal nn that is what we hope to help you with. COW BELLE CUT OF THE MONTH BEEF SHANK ' Beef shank is one of the least expensive cuts and appropriate for this time of year as it is best used in soups or hearty stew- type dishes. Beef shank Is the "forearm" of the steer. It is usually cut across the bone into fairly small round pieces with the bone in the middle. It makes particularly good soup meat. Here is a recipe from the Cow Belles ' Roundup of Beet Cookery." BEEF AND VEGETABLE SOUP (8-10 servings) 3 to 4 lbs. beef shank 2 tablespoons bacon fat 2 quarts cold water 1 teaspoon salt 1 Mb can of tomatoes Vi head young cabbage, shredded 5-6 carrots, sliced 2 cups green beans, cut in thirds 1 cup potatoes, diced Vi cup celery, chopped Vi cup uncooked rice or bar ley Brown meat in hot bacon fat. Cover with cold water; bring to a boil slowly. Add salt and onion Simmer for 2 hours. Add vege tables and rice or barley. Sim mer 1 hour longer. The recipo is offered as as .'starting point. Soup is, of course something which can be developed according to the Imagination of the cook, the ingredients at hand and the tastes of the family. If the bones you use for soup arc fat, a cooling period (before the vegetables are added) is suggest- ea. me tat win rise to tnc lop. solidify and can be easily lifted off. You may remove the bones and break up the meat at this time. Any combination of vege tables your family likes or which may be on hand may be substi tuted, but for Iho best flavor, at least onions, carrots and celery should be used. Killers can be var ied also, singly or in combma. tion for an iniinite variety, pot a. toes, noodles, rice, macaroni, bar ley. Seasoning to taslo with more salt, pepper, beef extract, labas co sauce, Worcestershire sauce, herbs, etc. is part of the fun of soup making. Serve with a sprig of parsley in each bowl, or hot buttered or cheesed French bread in or with it. If there is any left over, it is good warmed up again the next day or a quick lunch. Here Is another recipe using shank, with a really different taste: SPICED SHANK OF BEEF (6 prrvlnfcsl 3 lbs. beef shank i cup vinegar ; 2 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons sugar j teaspoon cinnamon !i teaspoon cloves t teaspoon rPPef 1 bay leaf 1 teaspoon Worccslershiie sauc I onion, sliced 3 tablespoons fat or salad oil Cut shank in portion Mzcd pieces. Put Into deep bowl. Com bine vinegar, salt, sugar, clnn.i mon, cloves, pepper, bay leal Kg- anil Worcestershire sauce and bring to boil. Cook tor 5 minutes, cool and pour over meat. I.ct stand 4 hours, turning meat oc casionally. Itenwvo meal, saving spiced marinade. Brown meat anrli onion in fat or oil. Add marinade and enough hot water to ocr meal, (over and simmer 2 hours. : s or until meat is tender. ThukriH s gravy. I SMOTHERED BEEF CUBES (4 servings) 2 lbs. beef shank or neck) seasoned flour 2 onions, chopped 2 to 3 tablespoons fat l2 cup sour cre.'im j nip water 2 tablespoons cheese, giated 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper Hone beel; in 1-imli cubes lioll In seasoned flour. Rifrwn beef cubes and chopped onions in hot fat in heavy skillet, dutch oven or electric skillet. Combine remain ing ingredients; pour over heel Cover and simmer for 2 hours Add a I it tie more water diinm; cooking if necessary. .Serve hot with pan gravy. Pan Gravy Pan gravy would be made in this case by skimming off any ex cess fat. adding more waler i to bring the liquid to about 2 cups' and adding a Hour and cold water blend for thickening Use about 4 tablespoons flour (or the 2 cups of liquid in the pan, and mix with enough cold water (about 'i cup for I his amount to make a smooth blend. Add slowly to hot liquid, stir until thick and IV gravy simmers. Season t taste. I EwriM,'ji.isiHiBiMsiaiMiiJwiij) ' Ji" , ;" i tawr" ',',1 V - -T y 1 r 1 r" PICTURE PRETTY From a famous brand of canned foods comes this recipe for Pineapple-Orange Salad. One package or orange gelatine dessert, I cup hot Pineapple Orange Juice Drink, I cup cold Pineapple-Orange Juice Drink, 12 slices cannod Sliced Pears, six maraschino cher ries, halved. Add gelatine to hot P!noapple-Orangs Juice Drink and stir until dissolved. Stir in cold Pinojpplo- Oranqe Juice Drink. Chill until syrupy. Add pear slices and cherry halves. Pour into a three-cup mold previously rinsed with cold water. Chill. Unmold and serve with salad dressing made with the equal parts of mayonnaise and commercial sour cream, with dash of salt. Garnish with sliced, toasted almonds. Serves six. If preferred, this salad can be made In six individual molds. GET THIS 59 CARTER'S FELT TIP MARKER FREE with 4 coupons from backs of 4 Armour Star Bacon packages Hundreds of uscsl Marks any- Get extras for the kids! They'll For esch Carter's Felt Tip thine permanently. Ideal for rejlly go for these all-purpose . Marker, mad the coupons from identiliru; items you store, ilul- markers -lor fun, and for their the 4 baton packages, ith your drrn's school equipment, sym nhool work. name and address, to: All- shorn, tennis shoes, etc. Hanoi- ' x Purpose Marker, P.O. Boa 351)0, est ever for addressing packages, JJ'WWtlHlIsi, Hij Spring Park, Minnesota, leaving messages, making charts. "Wp5 4 i Crater K , PINT Mm ottege Cheese" Crater Lake V - S PINT TUB 7 12-oz. Tin mms. M (IrlliTN V humph) . IM.C.P. Frozen LmiDiiDadb Cottage 5? i m Hll ft I rnhf j I riffle 5 - - .w.'.w. . vof- w.-A- wv' v- -.-,v,v.vo; I afa)H1!Ei1S)DS pt. ir 2 (IRK F P "i Pa Ms Cottage Frozen 22-oz. Size Crater Lake Vi Gallon ITS.MPIli'fj ia. c 11357 Cottage Frozen 8-oi. $00 AW fit 100 ft. Roll ZEE Double WAXED PAPER 19c Why this bacon will get good marks from you 'r, ltd. Tlut mfans hc look luinilrcli f tlu-m iiiul hniiness and tcinlrinrs. Dnlv one nut ol iviMsiii; 'I'lns Imciiii U ovrr for lcnitir--s llncc is rii;)u for Annour Star. Thru wc iut olT liotli etuis Oieie the streaks o( lean start to thin out aiul get skimpy. Not 1:00,1 enough lor Armour Star. Ami what's left in the mi.hlle of the slab... the ile, loin; slues itli tlic hro.ul strips of yooil lean 1ne.1t. .. an, I enoui;h tat t.) fry )ip 1 risp... that's the only par t that is i;ood cnoui;!) to pi into this package. 1 J ENERGY Detergent. Giant size . 49c - . ... 7' A I AY tlconer "tn mmnia v)r 1. rMHA ncg. lie uianr sue wv 'VELSOAPW 2?35c MfiLEC Cottage t fC Tall Tins M SaB PEANUT BUTTER 39c EGG NOODLES Best Bet Vi lb. plcg. If You're Not Shopping Here You're Spending Too Much! We Reserve The Right To Limit 4480 South 6th 1315 Oregon Ave, Avolon and Shasta Way rlrwour Star is the bacon the hatcher brings home m yq- i i Ubeem Prices Effective Through Sunday Night While Quantities Last Store Hours 9:00 00 P.M. c