Thurs.. Jan. 17, 1963 Page Herald h Nfwi Klamath Fall Inspector Warns Old On Crooks WASHINGTON UPI - Chief Postal Inspector H.B. Montague warned elderly citizens today thai all manner of crooks are out to filch their money with schemes ranging from land fraud to fake youth nostrums. Montague testified before a spe cial Senate committee on aging which is conducting hearings on frauds and quackery affecting old er persons. He said mail fraud is on the increase and "experience has shown that certain schemes have particular appeal to elderly citi zens, many of whom have been victimized by these promotion-." There were 524 convictions for mail fraud during 1962. an in crease of 21.6 per cent over the previous year, Montague said Federal investigators have adopt ed new techniques to catch these "while collar bandits" but they are still at work in large number bilking the public of millions of dollars every year, he said. ' Montague listed these frauds as having particular appeal to t h c elderly: Advance fee racket: Owners o! small businesses are induced to sell property to secure loans they never receive. Vending m-a chine schemes: Swindlers offer part-time emnloy mcnt for persons wanting to sup plement family income. The vic tim is induced to buy the machine that brings him no money in re turn. Sewing machine promotions: Housewives are talked into buying machines at excessive cost to make money at home makng garments. Land frauds: Retired persons are sold worthless lots as far away as Brazil through b?uut:l"l ly illustrated brochures sent through the mail. Medical frauds: Elderly persons are sold nostrums advertised to restore youth. Dr. Ronald W. Lamont-Hrvers. national medical director for the Arthritic and Rheumatism Foun dation, told the committee Tues day that arthritic sufferer, are constantly subjected to fake gadg ets and medicines advertised as a cure. "The publication of books and magazine articles (reporting al leged cures' is one of the great est Irauds being perpetrate) on the American public today," he said. No. 300 I . can I Basin Briefs NEW PINT. CREEK "RED" BENTON, Oakland, vis ited with Doug Panter for two days while he was home on fur lough. They left last week for their Air Force base in Phoenix. JESSE UGHTLE came home from (he Lakeview Hospital last Tuesday and is reported getting along well. JANET FARIS received word last Tuesday that she had been awarded first chair alto sax at the All-Stale High School Band Concert which will be held in Portland during spring vacation. DALE BORS and Stanley Sulli van arrived last weekend to con duct a scries of evangelistic meet ings. The first was held Jan. 17 at the Grange Hall. THE GRANGE will have a reg ular meeting Saturday. Jan. 19, at 8 p.m. in the Grange Hall. MR. AND MRS. EAR!. POR TER are the parents of a baby girl born two weeks ago and named Vicki Lee. MARILYN MATHEN. primary grades teacher at Kelly Creek School, moved her trailer-home Sunday from the Faris lot to the south part of the Farl Cogburn property near Lakeview. MR. AND MRS. WALTER PTL- GRIM returned last Wednesday from Reno and report that their son. Rusty, will be able to re turn to school next week. FORT KLAMATH ROBERT E. GORDKN, member of a pioneer Wood River Valley family, is ill in Sacred Heart Hos pital in Mcdford. Gordon was em ployed in cattle operations here for the late R. Seth Dixon for M years before retiring and moving to Mcdford. Mail will reach him at Room 308. Sacred Heart Hos pital. Mcdford. PETER 0. MVRE. has returned from a month's visit in Astoria with hu sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. Erling Husby. and their two LYLE BREWER has returned to OTI in Klamath Falls after spend ins the vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Brewer. He is studying dicsel technology. C.:t I,.!.. Del Monf. Pin.. 29 ot. riUIIJUlie epple-Grapefruit Peaches Pineapple Asparagus Catsup Mellowest, freestone Del Monte, sliced No. 21j can No. 1 1 Flat Town House, cut No. 300 green spears can Del Monte, rich 14-oz. tomato catsup bottle f,.. D . Gardenside. No. 303 WCCN DCdlli Extra flavorful can ,(.,, C ivrt Gerdenside. No. 303 V.redlTl WOm Nourishing, tool can f,,.. D Gardenslde No. 303 ureenreas Family wit. can T , Gardenslde No. 303 I OmdTOeS Grand in soups can D!nAnnl Lalani, crushed. No. I rineapple A bit of Hawaii Flat friij.r-?: J L tn 'mi 1 Bel-air frozen 10 01. pkg. or Peas, Bel-air 10 ot. pig. Peas & Carrots Frozen Corn Chopped Broccoli SS X Frozen Beans French style pkg. Mixed Vegetables Bel-air 10 ex. frozen pig. 1 1 I Mr Hominy White or golden Large Limas Highway No. 300 More flavor can No. 300 M-.w D.x.x Highway NeW TUIdlUe pre-cooked can 300 can Pork & Beans uXl ft couNoi Kidney Beans M?00 SI. Peaches Del Monte can Fruit Cocktail Sections.D.Monte can Green Beans Del Monte can C1.....J T ' orPeai 801, D. Mont can Mix. Vegetables Del or Corn 8 ot. Monte can IS mi ICS S 09c 5 2sHc I SUNICIST NAVEL RANGES Extra sweet! Extra Juicy! Picked in their own sweet timet Quality is unbeatable. LOW PRICES, PLUS VALUABLE COLD BOND STAMPS Full Box . . . 3.89 N BANANA Ripened a Better Way It's your favorite fresh fruit, and Safeway has the very finestl Combine with Sunkist Oranges for a popular dessert treat. lbs. Campbell's FroiJ C Wesson Margarine Soup Tomato, or Heint. Reg. can Oil Town House fruit bits. No. 303 can Never colors the flavor of food 24 oz. btl. Coldbrook. Tops In flavor. Tops in value. Mb.ctn. ktiKi-iAnr Cohf. Fucrte. MTUiaUUJ ' I Your fovonte. Tomatnor Red ripe Firm slicers. 2, 29c Grapefruit Ruby R ib. 35c Sprouts Bn umbo size Red. 3, 49c usse's. Bite size 00 10 or. pkg. Wt Chili Beans Qg Mrs. Wright's Cinnamon Haley's. Cold wiothtr favorite. 40 ei. Pkg. 39 c Snowfldke Saltines Mushrooms Nablico Pftmium 1 trltnd'f, pfttti and stimi. 4 ex. cm 33c ,, 6V All center-cut blade and 7-bone cuts. Favorite pot roast. U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF lb. 8V Everybody Likes Ice Cream 'n Cookies Cookies Busy Baker Choc. Chip, Oaf meal er Frosted Spice. Ice Cream lucerne Party Pride Chfrry Vonlllo Ch.c Chip Alm.ne1 P.pp.nnlnt Condr Ch.c. Morinoll.w . Vanilla tonono Nut Mowdomio Nul Chat. Morbl. ult.rfln.r Butttrfcrlckl. lulltr Pon Ntupoliton Mople Nut Half Cal. 69 Mb. 39' Potato Chips N"""3r 69c Waste-free, CHOICE Boneless Chuck Roast Cross-rib Roast S!Sr 1b 79c Franks Armour Star. Froth, taity. Silver Salmon N.::,K.r 79c dlllCU HUVVII Arm.ur Slor. ::..B.59c Tillamook Chsese 50c Safeway Cheese b 69c We Give GOLD BOND STAMPS You lave as you spend ot Safeway with Gold Bond Stamps, an EXTRA bonus. Start saving now. Books fill fasti Prices effective Thursday, Jan. 17 thru Sunday, Jan. 20 at Safeway in Klamath Falls. We reserve the right to limit. Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Every Day! Camay Soap Dtr 3 f0r 35c Zest Soap For a real glow 2 for 33c Ivory Soap 3 f0f 35c Ivory Snow Tide Joy Liquid Cascade For fineit fabrics. 3 1 ot. All-purpose, heavy duty detergent, I? ot. With Joy mildness. 32 eu for eleetrie dishwashers. 20 ot 89c 39c 99c 49c Comet Cleanser w 35c FLOUR Harvest Blossom 10 Ib. Sack li POOCH DOG 1501 Can FOOD Two Flovors 4 25 Miracle Whip Salad Dressing (Q)C Full Quart t&l Biscuit Mix Mrs. Wright's 40-oz. Pkg. WILSON'S "BIF" All pure beef. Makes wonderful sandwiches. 12 ei. can 49c Soft Weave, white OQ, or asstd. 2 roll AC Toilet Tissue Confidet's New shapi. Pkg. of 12 39c Paper Napkins 3.1 2 f0r 31 c Scotties Boi of 400 29c Plastic Wrap fitS!iU 33c