ON "ALJSTATI FO SALI Ji NEW- large view homt. Urgt lot, clou new ui na noiDir', daylight beut mrtt. Appointment only, TU i-0570. HOT SPRING. Family lypt homa, hot wter heat, pricgd to tail. TU -79is. THREE bedroom brick, 4MS Onyx, Vi batM, wall to wall carpet fireplace, bunt In oven and range, sprinkler jyitsm, 119,800. Will accet 7 or & bedroom trailer In trade. TU 2-513?. 1-8EDROOM brick home, flreolace. Wash-1 tr, dryer, stove Included. Fenced yard, covered patio. 16'x20' nop. 17,500. Call TU 1-0334 after 5 p.m. THREE bedroom home tor Summers Lane, TU i-4i39. ale. 1749 WANT ADS are all-purpote nelpersl To buy, tell, swao, rent. hira. ran m NEAR Roosevelt School 5 hfrirnn, hnm. sparnung ciean ana Bright, fireplace, hardwood floors, full light basement. norm winaows, furnace heat. Owner leav' ing town. Assume equity, existing FHA icon or io, w. iu iOUiU. NO DOWN PAYMENT I will sell my Sl.250 equity in this J5.500 lurnisnea 2 bedroom home for only iSM This need not be cJh. Pay It over 36 monins. Assume my loan ot J4.283.90, pa able 155 per mo. 2014 Gary St. Cred must be good.-Move In for NO DOWN PA t M t N r. TU 2-512?. 3 ACRE, 3 bedroom south suburban, double garage, shop, chicken house. 2-1 148. 15 ACRES, unimproved, paved road, beau tiful building site, Henley School District, W.5Q0, TU 4-7814. VIEW PROPERTY FOR SALE, 9 lots, ap proximately 96 ft. by 300 tt. auburbai area. TU 2-1056. Duplex In Mills Addition. Close to Mill: School. One and two bedroom apartments. Gas and oil appliances. Priced at 55,500. Terms available. OREGON Avenue. Pumice block build Ing 20x70. Suitable for repair or plumbing shop. Also two bedroom house on same lot. Suitable as living quarters or rental All this for $12,000. Terms can be ar ranged. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker ' INK Main Jim O'Donahus TU J-3471 Evai. TU 4-949 OUTSTANDING COMMERCIAL BLDG. Ext el lent close In location, en one ot the busiest streets In town. 2 store or office rentals, plus a very neat 2 bedroom apartment on ground floor. Good solid masonry construction, and, in too condi tion throughout. Real value tor only iv,3uu. i arms. LEONARD REALTY 1213 Main TU 4-7521 or TU 4-9005 Audrey Keerlns Joe Perry Joe Leonard TU 4-4285 TU 4-5332 TU 2-0527 MLS Multiple Listing Service SPECIAL 3 BEDROOM HOME VALUE, desirably located on Eldorado Ave., attractively priced to you at only $12,750 Full ma&onrv basement, large complete' ly lenced rear yard area. LOW COST NATURAL GAS HEAT. Not a big home, but ideal for the medium-size family. FHA, Gl or conventional financing. . EASY TERMS!! NEAR UPPER LAkE ON EAST SIDE 3 bedrooms, large living room wf fireplace. AN ECONOMY SPECIAL AT 57,000. Only S600 and 560 month. 2115 VINE AVE. Just $500 down on easy contract tor this immaculate, centrally located larger 1 bedroom home. Spacious rooms, attached ga rage. MOVE IN lAnwtDIA I ELY JUST $7,500. 232B HOME AVE A REAL BARGAIN AT ONLY $2,500 priced real lo to settle estate quickly. Ideal fc those equipped to do some redeco rating. $500 down will handle. iV INCOME TRADE! TRADE YOUR HOME, CAR, PICKUP, TRAILER, etc for this steady income property, plus 3 level Mocks from Main St. 6 apartments plus 9 housekeeping rooms for ust 16,750. Terrific income Of approx. $4,500 yearly. LET'S TALK TRADE HERE 1 1 Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 711 N. 9th St. Phona TU -J17 Sales Personnel: Tom Rabbitt Ph. TU 1im Eves. SMI Chilcote Ph. TU 4-J2H Eves. Ed Chilcote. Associate Broker Bob Cnlcote, Broker MLS Multiple Listing Service WANT 3 bedroom, south suburbs, around $15,000. . . . HAVE . . . J bedroom, well - planned hem, beautiful Urepiact, ga'age. Paved t street. Excellent rental location. For someone who wants to trade down. Price, $6,500. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 50. S. ith TU 2-2774 (Va.1) VanSiCklt TU J-6U3 W.ldred Hall TU 4 8576 MLS Multiple Listing Service Income Property Gross . (U0 per year, net St ,47$ per year. Near new OTl Site. All 141 units furnished First mortqaqe tan h as nuT'd a 5 p"- cent interest. Balance eas ily handled. Price su.ioo. ANDY SILAN REALTOR tu !- TU )-'f!3 w.ie we'cfi Anay Si int TU STILWELL & CO. Presents: DO VOu LOVE A 5UNSFT You snoutd vew one from trie broad windows w ii.s lovely home In voyf t f a bO Itving room wrth bfm Cf'I'O aid beautiui t.'m'ace wt cl'i ooors 3 OMd wed Wflroc-Tis. d n nq 'Oom w'K o' dco' 'o pa'io. fc-tcen wth comrjitf bw't-in e-ji.'p-menf ou.-s "'ce d-ien. t'i naiv h'Q utility room wm io's ' storage. dubie oa'ao. pavtd drive, lawm ' in, ya'd ft-nced New drass nd;beflroem itx In wen inciuaed in Pr'ci o KJ.500. 1m it now. O f. PLEASANT IAVEHNE STET eriy 7 Btocxs f'OTi Pp'e'son Stoei r-fsat I-V--0 rfn. din n9 vr-y cvr"'t f itc - b9 titmtv -m w-th abwnoart ti'8f. '"") at-i 'atM oa'asa Jh-s mac ti sce'i . t-tf dyntrsx'-o Fair "Ced at nt.fSO-A'-v M STILWELL & CO. Refers w: 4 i ft - ca'' TiJ i-m or TU MAL ESTATf M SALI LOVELY 3 bedroom home in good loca - lion near new OTl te. Bath and half, flreolace. COurrf rsatirv f-nrH h r 1,1 yard. Double garaoa. Price 117.SM Caul2 BEDROOM home, Willi, electric heat, IU i-iill. SELL or trade for Klamath Falls oroa- erty, l year old Central Point beauty. mrw oeorooms. large living room i urepiact, all drapes Included. Lovely ui'.my room eno Kuerten. uouDlf Ca port, lawn and shrubbery In. Available warcn ist. ati Moorman TU 7-12 JS. FOR sale by owner 2 bedroom home with 2 bedroom rental in suburban area. Will accept came In trade. TU 4-4023. Suburban Bungalow bedroom home. Spacious living separate dining room, hardwood room floors. Circulating fireplace, well insu lated. On fenced 100 x 174 tt. lot. Rea sonably priced at $15,500. Any type fi nancing. "CALL US TODAY" Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS TU 4-9254 Anytime HUNTER'S DELIGHT 160 Acres. Good cut over timber land. sman, ciear permanent creek runs mrougn center. Good access. Near Bealty. $50 per acre. Cash) BRUCE OWENS REALTOR Woody Bowers TU 2-3379 MLS Multiple Listing Service TRIPLEX with excellent Income record. Owner will consider TRADE tor EX- PANDO TRAILER HOME or SUBUR BAN HOME. Full price 127,500. 4S4S SHASTA WAY a neat clean two bed room home on 79x200 ft. lot. New KOOL TOP floor furnace plus electric wall heat ers. This home has been redecorated In side and is ready for you. Owner will paper or sen tor no down pay ment to qualified Gl. Full price $10,000. ONE ACRE fn HENLEf district and a three bedroom IVj bath rambler. Fire place, lots of storage space and large two car garage. Only $17,000. SPACIOUS two bedroom home with flre- ... . . quiet street with nice view. Here's youi chance to beat the heat bilts. Full price I0,WU. SALES STAFF Mn. Buff Jones TU 4-9843 Tkia Reeder TU 4-7342 Clyde Williams TU 4-8734 DURANT REALTOR 20J0 So. eth TU -9a3I or TU 2-3517 Next to Holiday Bow, STROUT REALTY 2429 S. 6th Ph. TU 4-5281 Eves. Bob & SteHa Dehlinger TU 2-S601 Hank Holman TU 2-5048 Large, well buill ranch type 3 bedroom home In Merrill. Excellent condition. $25, 000. Will trada for Klamath Falls prop er ij. 70 Acres Irrigated. Good loam soil (n grain and pasture. $17,500. ' TEN 50 ft. city lots. Good location. Total price $2,800. FOR SALE TO BE MOVED 35 units. One 3-bedroom house, 15 2-3-4 room houses, 19 two and tour room apartments. Make sealed aids on one or alt Furniture, plumbing and wiring included. Lo cated at 2514 So. 6th, and I on Weyerhaeuser Road. Bids will be dut January 30th. Inquire Rte. 2, Box 500A TU 2-5423 MLS Multiple Listing Service INCOME! Apartments In a converted home eloie to Main St. Good view over Lake Ewauni nd the valley. Apartments rent for $50, 130. total S120. Indvldual heat. his is not a status symbol type 0' prop erty, it Is lust a place for YOU to 1 a high rate ot income on YOUR money. price W,500, Including furniture PEYTON Member International Traders Club 835 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings ,r01d M Ruih TU 7-4173 Pat" PeJone TU 2-06M 5 ACRES LARGE TWO BEDROOM hnme HEAT. Good oufbuildinqs. Only i9250 wilh S1VK) Down, or owner will raae for smaller property. Call now be- o-e It s TOO LATE. THREE BEDROOM ONLY $10,500 Located on Crescent St back of KtjHS Walking (Jiifer-ce to C.ty FULL BAST VENT. FIREPLACE. FORCED A I R HEAT SEE THIS IDEAL HOVE TO DAY. Good terms. Deane Sacher REALTOR 127 iuj main iu SALESMEN POLL 'N TUTEP TU -)" LAPP MPA600 TU -' BOB SOPLIEN SON BOB BAZILIUS 5JJ-11M Btn. ONLY $7,500 tin 2 bfdrrwm modern home fln "i iT"ja!ert. Excellent suburban loca. Name your own terms, Will COnsid- Buys ir or pickup or what havt yog In 1ra. FOR Co'orf. (rfvfTMne ard rr9- tor your 00"'. tan no to see inis niy bu'U 7 mooe-n hrmt Family ro"v u'-t'tv, dftubi ca'port. Total prra o"v S00. Low oown paymtnt on F.M A. or SUBURBAN tunw Rvn l r'oom to' mon ivy ffrTvai.ng L")t 'oors tfifotMut Vac'" f't a!i f'oiace kconc-e. i Vnatt Mat. A real vaiut at HS.iM Te-n STILES REALTY TPADfPS CLU "i St'tet Priorte TU 7-i'ifi -'M Tyrfr U 4-f:J H - fc Mr-sfn tu rrc Heme y .fi tu iw Lc 1 TU 30 REAL STAT I FOR SALI .29 jTHREE bedroom home for tale. 4103 Sum. men Lane, TU 4-4339. . .. .-, iv"'ow h,jw. voti am untrKN. rujteejo aays, iu 4-S7Q evei. OLDER 3 bedroom Hot Springs home Dishwaiher, basement. fj baths, double garage. l 1.750. TU 4-371. FOUR apartments, excellent investment. ClOSe in, IU 3-2531, IU 4-464. LARGE 4 bedroom homt only 3 blocks irom scnooi ana mopping center. Re duced to $13,000 tor quick tale. TU 4-1226. NORTH OF MAIN Large 3 bedroom home. Excellent condi tion. Owner will carry contract with low down payment on gooo credit. $1,500. Shown by appointment only. DON SLOAN Realtor 304 SO. 7th St. TU 4-565B Anytime Want Comfort & Livabilitv? Then you will find HAPPINESS In this LARGE THREE BEDROM family home. It tt. x 23 ft. MASTER BED ROOM. PLUS 12 It. by 24 It. recreation room with BAR & FIREPLACE. Oil forced air heat. Large lot. Beautiful view. All this tor only $16,000 terms. SEE this $750 Down and $75 per month IMMEDIATE POSSES SION on this Two Bcdrocm home locat ed close in. Near FAIR VIEW SCHOOL- KUHa-T or t5 and lots of fruit trees Only $6500. Deane Saeh er REALTOR 037 Main TU 4-4127 SALESMEN BOB BAZILIUS 545-2161 Bonanza Collect ROLLIN TUTER TU 4-S-lll BOB SORLIEN TU 4-7385 ANNE MASON' TU 2-2738 LARRY BARABOO TU 4-4616 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 33 , Burn. Rt l nn ia. jm-ktnnvi . nr Good business. SMALL restaurant, good location, will handle. TU 4-3061 evenings. TEXACO Service Station for lease, 3360 So. 6th and Altamont. FINANCIAL LOANS 34 - NEED MONEY for PAYING BILLS? f. noaaing bills become a nul bonce, get rid of them! Check our courteous, confidential, cash loan plan. You'll be glod you did. FOR READY CASH . See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Con Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Yeori Motor Investment Co. I 513 So. 6th TU 4.7783 HOUSEHOLD GOODS TWO BIG TWO AUCTIONS THIS WEEK AT 3899 So. 6th FRIDAY January 18, 7 P.M. . A COMPLETE SELECTION OF GOOD, USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES GATHERED ESPECIALLY FOR THIS SALE! $800 blond mahogany bedroom set, levely condition; 3-pce. cherry finish bedroom set with springs and mat tress, 8-pce. blond dining set with hutch, gas and elec tric refrigerators, round table dinette set, two, like new, 30-in. electric ranges, TV sets, good automatic washers, occasional tables of all types, lamps, dishes, pots, pans, acuum cleaners, cribs, cedar chests, sectionals, divan ettes, gos heaters, pictures, mirrors, books, bookcases, cedar fence posts, ond loads THE POET'S CORNER ZONING We're all for It if it's done our way. So lc oil vote to zone. We'll elimirote oil the other guys But leave The Resole House alone! SUNDAY ' JANUARY 20, 1:30 P.M. A VERY FINE SELECTION OF FURNITURE . AND APPLIANCES FROM TWO YOUNG FAMILIES WHO ARE LEAVING THE AREA. ALL QUALITY ITEMS, IN NEttR NEW CONDITION. I yo I loldspor retngerator-treezer fine twin maple bedroom bods and iimmons mattresses, Ivo Kenmore push button electric range, nearly new Italian Provincial double bedroom set with box springs and mottress. Tu '""'matching desk ond chair; 20 iroi wesnngnouse jrerngerator, eiccrric nearers, I960 Westinghouse wosher-dryer combination, maple dining set with buffet and hutch, 1962 Kelvinator elec tric ronge, maple occasional tables of all sorts, match ing lomps, fireside chairs, modern walnut ond nauqa- hyde occasional chairs, large mirrors, new Babyline cribs and mattresses, several vacuum cleaners, two large wool hooked rugs and pads, three TV sets, like new Hide-a-Bed, bookcases, books, very fine daveno choir in beige nylon, rugs, mirrors, pictures, lamps, pons, drapes, linen, smoll appliances. IF YOU'RE NOT BUYING The RESALE HOUSE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 33 MAIN STREET PROPERTY Real estate and going business, for sale. A good opportunity for iman ond wife. Will trade. T. B. WATTERS Real Estate & Insurance 107 So. 7th St. TU 4-4193 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Ptetse Investigate thoroughly any Inves! 'ment of moneys In merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities be fore Investing your capital, lhe Herald and News makes every effort to relect all fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, we are not responsible lor the Integrity ot the firms or individuals who place advertising in' our publication. Any advertising ot business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading snouio ot reporiea to me Liassined AO- er'islna Department of the Herald and niflWS. OPPORTUNITY to do something for yourself is our BUSINESS! VALLEY RENTAL 1 003 E Mo.n TU 4-6812 HOUSEHOLD GOODS a new colored bath- 9 CU. FT. Westlnghouse upright freeier, 2 yrj. old, S100, TU ,-031. LIKE NEW ZIG ZAG AUTOMATIC PORTABLE SEWING MACHINE When New $249.50 Now $69.95 $5.67 A Month After Small Down Payment SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Moin TU 2-2513 EASY Spindrier :With deluxe $07 Spin Rirwe 0 Guaranteed. Excellent. KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 1 32 So. 7th TU 4-8886 $$ SAVE $$ ON USED FURNITURE NOW!!! 7 Piece Chrome Dinette Set. Toble & 6 $ choirs. Good! 19' ,95: i Piece Dinette Set. $ Excellent Shope! Ot'5 1-S ' Piece Twin Bedroom Set. I Includes mottresses $ I rA00 ond springs ' Piece Drexel Dining Room Set Includes buffet. $ AHOO Top shape! MANY OTHERS TO . CHOOSE FROM. Bush Furniture Co. 221 Main TU 2-4688 37 ot miscellaneous. combination, very set with poster and canopy cu. ft. chest deep freeze, ond pots AT , YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH' HOUSEHOLD GOODS WESTINGHOUSE a;,r. ge,d ;ono,l,on. or erier s. TU 4-3110. o fc. reinqerator. Kenmora Automatic washer, bjj range. Reasonable! TU GUARANTEED IKFO DAur.cc - KL-t-KIGLRAIORS - WASHERS ""'C" WAItR HfcATfcRS Cascade Home Furn !? ln TU t (?5 FUEL . HEATING 38 DRV lodqeoo'e pine and pine body wood any lengths, TU 2-3705. FUEL Oil, Furnaces, Heaters WeslernJDil & Burner, TU 4-JI73 PINE body wood, 16 to II Inches length, $15 cord, delivered. TU 4-5902. GOOD red fir body wondYl5 cord, de' ered. TU 4-7671, TU l-622. CALL CLIFF YADEN For Presto Logs & Heating Oils , Metered Prooare Sales S J. H Green Stamps Open ?4 hours ?s South Sixth TU 4-jaBl and fu 2-V260 PR E PA R E FO RWTn T E 5TANDARO HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stoves "FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS" Frankford Fuel Co. O, Biedn St. TU J-4444 Wt GtVE GOLD BOND STAMPS STOVES STOVES STOVES & PARTS MERCHANDISE MART 2964 So 6th TU 4-6660 GOOD THINGS TO EAT BEEF, PORK, wholesale, custom butch- enng, culling, cunnq. Shamrock Meats. 4X"? Shala Way, TU 2-4:M8, TU MW8 Boots Pets Sports - Hobbies 40 FOR SALE OR TRADE: late model Dor- sett Catallna, (utl canvas, 70 hop Mer cury, Gator trailer, TU 2-160 evenlnos. COLLIE puppies, AKC, 2' i mos., Kay"- Mac Kennels, Old Fort Ra, S100 AKC registerd Chesapeake Bav re trlever pups. Field trial breeding. Ph, 773-2951, Bob Napolltano 3099 E. Mc- Andrews, Medford, Ore. P.LACK mrn. poodle puppies, excellent blood lines, 51W-S125. Terms. TU 2-4053. PUPPIES. Poodles, Pekingese, Poms. Stud service, poodle clipping. TU 47525. "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" . iO' your pets. Dog & cat boarding, beit professional care. Heated sanitary pickup & delivery. Special rales for stea' dy or monthly boarders. Special atten tion to females in season. Visitors wel come. Shasta Cascade Kennels, just past iVterriii-Lakeview Junction, ott Mei Hiqhway on Booth Road. Rte. 2, Box 504E, TU 4-5078. LAST CHANCE . . . ICE SKATES . . . GOING FAST Good Selection, Small Sizes up to 3 The RESALE HOUSE 3899 So. Sixth RADIO - TV . MUSIC 41 24 IN. Soars console TV. l In. O.E. TV. excellent. TU 46648. MUST sell almost new piano because ol Illness in family, see al bMI Slurdevant, TU 4-6254. RENT a new Baldwin piano, $10 a monlh. No delivery charqe. Bowden Music Co. 830 Main. TU 2-4883. FULL set ot drum,, 8150 TU 2-2498 EXPERIENCED piano teacher, becilnn ers, advanced, Blanche Mapes, TU 4-3069. WE pay cash for used pianos. Derby's Music TU 4-5)21 THE EXCLUSIVE LOWREV "MUSICAL MIRACLE" in organ playing lets anyone play In stantly . . . tn pertec' harmony. Automatic Orchestra control. $1095 Klamath Music Center 515 E. Moin TU 4-3360 RENT A NFW WURL1TZER SPINET PIANO $7.95 A Mo. (NO DELIVERY CHARGE) DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Years on 7th St." 126 No. 7th TU 4-5121 USED ORGAN TRADE-INS BALDWIN THOMAS LOAPEV - HAMMOND EASY TERMS SAVE UP TO S450 BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Main TU 2-4883 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY BONANZA artificial Insemination service. TU 2-0741, BOnn 545-1 ill. BAB calves tor sale 4-3607, 3311 Autumn. or trade. .TU WANTED: 34 whlteface he iters to cal tVarcrl- Call Jack Siemens 711-2751 Criiloquln. KLAMATH PROVE SIRE SERVICE TU 4-4400, TU 2-1115, TU 4-4551, TU 2 .tt BAYCAlvesl loTsalt, U4J Gary, phone TU 2-5B8?. KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! ;all "Woody" Gueck, Owner-Mjr. TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY ot 1 p.m. thorp Rte. 3, Box 44 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Rood Sole TUESDAY - 1 p.m. The BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Mal-e Your Plans. Now to Condon to the Stock men j Market, Tuesday is sole day In the Klamath Bain. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. OfO 4-9467 Hom 4. 9434 MACHINIRY SEE ' J. W. KERNS FOR ONAN LIGHT PLANTS CLINTON ENGINES AIR COMPRESSORS 734 V. 6th TU 4-4197 S7MACHINERY DOZER BLADES for TD6's - TD9'S D4's HD5's - D6's TD6 Angle Dozer - $2,500 J. C. Equipment Co. 6th c Hilvord TU 2-7051 MISC. FOR RENT FOR RENT screw ack and hydraulic lacks, Klamath Valley Lumber Co.. 1V40 5. tin. iu 4-411. FOR RENT, American floor lander edger, swift and easy to ooerate, sand papers and Bruce floor finishes. Klam ath Valley Lumber Co. 1940 So. 6th, TU MISC. WANTID 44 antiques, anything old! Call days or TU i-jmo eves MISC. FOR SALE FOR sale portable TV. S50; 9-inch Delta raoie saw. IBS, call TU 2-S36I. 23 JEWEL Waltham Vangard, ft position icver sei ranroaa waicn j'5, tu 2-585V. FOR SALE, about 60 ton alfalfa hay. win ieeo ii wamea in gooa winter pro tected teed (.round. C. M. Haley, Rt. !lBo SI'JorianM' ph. Lorella 762-4181. LADIES I' carat diamond wedding set, Platinum mounting. TU I-O805. ton, TU UNUSUAL offers get response v.hen made in "Personals.' Call TU 4-1111, INK BARRELS, S2.50 Press Room, Herald and News. DRAIN rock, gravel, arte roadway ma terial, TU 4-3SA8. GEO. R. STACY CO. TOPSOIL, concrete aggregate driveway material, drain rock. J. M, Barnes. TU 4-7659. MASON sand, fill dirt, sandy tilt. Cin ders. Pelican Sand. TU 4-4387. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS FISH EGGS (Bulk Skeins) NIGHT CRAWLERS & FLY TYING Materials FRANK'S I AL K L fc 620 E. MAIN SPECIAL OFFER i FREE FLOWER SEEDS TAKE YOUR PICK Yours For The Asking STOP IN TOOAYI GOODYEAR STORE 201 So. Illh TU 4-8141 SPECIAL ICE SALE OUT OF PAWN DIAMONDS GUARANTEED Quality Plus - Lowest prices n town at COFER'S EXCHANGE 615 Klamath TU 4-7160 MUST SACRIFICE Two Wheel trailer. 7' x 4' K !B" Sold new for 193. Has been uied foui limes. Sale price 150. Custom home tent by White Stac. New light material. Sage green color Sell supporting, No ropes or wooden poles. Six x 10' has 4 fool walls. This tent was used twlct. New price jw so sale price iso. 1 Umbrella tent site 9' x complete ith slakes. Will sell for J?S. 1 Presto canner -cooker (pressure). 13 at. excllent condition. Sale price 110. 1 Coleman ' camp stove. Detua model 413E. Slide away legs. Excellent con dition. Price HO. lFour man rubber boat. Excellent con dition. Complete with pump and repaii kit. Wilt sell for 13S. CALL TU 2-4204 alter 1:30 p.m. concern inp. these Hems. Will sell all or part TRAILERS WARM, eeoriomleaf 19S4 31 Eastern Bui vasher, dryei S x 45, storms, banking, Colonial, 13,000. Robert Schmeichel, Box , Merrill, Oregon. 7) 1957 NASHUA Alonzo Hodges, DELUXE, ? fl. Merrill, Ore. 50x10 NEW Moon, 7 nishedf reasonable. TU 9 & 5. bedroom f u r. 4-5343 between WANTED small trailer house, able, good condition. Write Rt. S3, Tulelake or call U4-7W. HOUSE TRAILER REPAIR, El 4473 Winter Ave. TU 2-U43. FACTORY trained Coleman & Inrernat'l mobile lurnsce service, parti, TU i-8436. FOR SALE Equity In I960 Great Lattes trailer, 5S X 10. 2 bertroom. lurnlihed, washar-dryer, air conditioner. Consider trade. TU 4-7401 after p.m. FOR sale two-wheel trailer, all steel, TU S-J041?. AUTO MlSClLLANiOUS 51 1943-53 V-l or 6 DickuD (molars only) e cellent condition. 4 speed transmission complete with drlvt shaft. Duat carbs, Eldfibrock heads, cam for 4f-SJ Ford or Mercury V-8. TU 4IA41. Cecil Cox Garage Motor Overhaul or Valve Grind Tune Uo Ik a SDtclalfv 1151 Altamont Call TU 4-W3J "OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE' MOTORCYCLES NEW t USED LARGE SELECTION ftav't Harlcv Divldton Salts 11 North TO Mill BATTERIES CAR TRUCK BATTERY JUVPEi CABLES STARTING FLUID ICE OFF REASONABIY PRICED AT PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORfc 4621 So. 6th TU 2-4555 COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. MAIN & ESPLANADE usi? CARS ND TRUCKS si 11 VOLKSWAGEN 4 pastanqtr plchup. qood coKJil'Ofl, II.OW. I U 713?. 1941 FOPD Oalaiif convtrtlblt, oo own ar, il.aso. 770 California GOOD l GMC TU tun .1 ton pickup. . phono 1955 OLDSMOB1LE, automatic transmis sion Good conation, 1550, TU WANTCD '5) & oidr tars Central Auto SalCt. TU TU 2-J704. DVNAMiC OLDS. Take oidr tar v railer htnju. lt,7. A'onio Hodges, Mer- n, Ore i40 FOD taupe FuK load Oxitmebiie na ne. ee at 1)4 Ven or can TU (-41?. FDR SALE "4 Chevrolet panel, set at Jl lummers Lane. mt'RFNAuCf-Dao'phtfit, UV, ph. CM onu.n 7Ij lit) CA M for Cars end Pctiupi fenenor iyn E. Vein, TU 2 0441 STDTRANSMISS I ON S 5 CMy S-e. ev'. 0-0 .. HW. M Ptymoutn V I 4 Doof 14" 54 Chy. 4 Dcor Mfltp 0 0 . .175 5 f hev Ma. WO" VI Of) . "5 55 Cev. B' ' V-. 0-0 .. t e CARLAND'S USED CARS E. Wa-fl TU 1-044J 44 HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath USED CARS AND TRUCKS 35 I 'St EL CAMIN O. Excellent condition, .Hi TM-power. 4 speed. See at 131 Alte monl. 1S PLYMOUTH V-l 4-Dr, like new, i4?i. Will traae. after 7 p.m. Absolutety TU I-JU4 FOR sale 19SS Jeeo Pickup 44, exception at condition. Winch, dual gas tanks, power brakes, new clear view Gem canopy, low mileage, 261 Chev. engin new toarn seal cushion, air lift overloads. Si 395, call iNewen 664.2141 eves. EXCELLENT BUYS!! 'tt Chevrolet VI lmpti Sportt Coupe '41 Ford V-l Call 2 Door Hard- . J2095. lop '61 Ford Falcon Ranchero R H. sid. Hit!. M Ford V-B l T Pickup 2-speed, Radio . 11395 '56 Buick special 3 Door Hardtop, RIH 595. DEAL RITE MOTORS ?3B7 So. th ' TU J-944S Erv Dowdy TU 4i-97j0 HEAVY DUTY PICKUP '61 INTERNATIONAL Vi Ton CI 20 Long Whcclbase Pickup V 304 engine, 4 - speed transmission, 7:00 x & tires, 8'2 ft. pickup bed. ONLY $ 1 895 JUCKELAND MOTORS, I Ith & Klamoth INC. TU 2-2581 SPECIAL Used Car Buys During Our BUICK LeSabre CARNIVAL of VALUES '61 FORD "6" 4-Dr. Stn. Wgn Standard trons., heater, ra-. dio, whitewolls, ( low miles, sharp .. 1994 59 PLYMOUTH "6" 4-Dr. Sdn Standard trons., overdrive, heater, radio, perfect paint & upholstery, top mechanical condition, $ QQI A tnl nt 07T Wilson WILEY BUICK Main Garage ir 1330 Main TU 4-3141 Car Lot No. 2 429 So. 7th TU 4-9203 JOE FISHER'S. Safe-Buy BARGAINS at New Low Prices 61 Ford Falcon 2-Dr. Sedan $ I497i '60 Ford Folcon 12971 4-Dr. Sedan , 62 Mercury Monterey Custom 4-Dr. Au'o. trany, radio, heater, power steering and brakes, one 9RQ7 nwnr. rpal shorn -37 59 Ford $II47 .2397 4-Dr. Sedan '62 Mercury 2-Dr. Hordtop , '60 Rambler 4-Dr. Sedan '61 Renault 4-Dr. Sedan '57 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Power-Glide , '61 Plymouth Valiant 4-Dr. Stn. Wagon, tor, new point. II97 $ 797 $ 797 New ' mo '1397, outo. trons. . .. SALESMEN Dale Sechrist TU 2-5720 Roy Rlnehart TU 4-9541 lot Podoslt TU 2-0637 Jim Ehreth TU 2-0149 Martin Arnold TU 4-57 1 1 Elnothan Dovii TU 2-3957; JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 So. 7th TU 4-8104 JANUARY CLEARANCE We don't wont these in stock ot tax time, so get a real aeai inuw: 59 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. 997 SI497 I397 MI97 897 997 Belvedere 59 PONTIAC 4-Dr. Station Wogon 59 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Bel Air 59 RAMBLER '6' 4-Dr Overdrive 58 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Station Wogon 58 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. Fury Hordtop ..... 57 PONTIAC 4-Dr. Stn. Wgn. (Sharp) 57 GOLIATH 2 Dr. Sedan 097 397 697 '57 DODGE 4-Dr. Sedan 55 Plymouth 4-Dr. (Sharp) Standard Trans. 56 CHEVROLET 2-Dr. "As-ls" Special .... 55 STUDEBAKER 4-Dr. Sedan 597 3501 397 55 FORD Station Woaon (Mechanic Special) 47 DeSOTO - 4 Dr. Sedon 52 BUICK. 471 2-Dr. Sedan JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot th & Commerciol TU 2-5646 Falls, Ore. Thursday. USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 W VOLKS. 7 Or. Sedan, motor ovtr. hauled, new clutch, battery & tires. Good paint & interior. Sacnt.cs Jl IM, no trades, private party, TU 4-4142. '54 PONTIAC Slarchlef Custom Catalina Hardtop. New tires, brakes, seat serts. Completely reconditioned engine. Power, Hydramalic. Dick Floyd TU aavi. TU 7 -ill? eves. ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT in our big Stock Reduction SALE! Visit the Chevy Center Right Away! 62 CHEVROLET IMPALA Sport Sedan. Like new. Loaded. $27A9S8 $2598 '62 CHEVROLET IMPALA Sport Coupe. Blue and white. Pow er steering. $279S8 $2598 '62 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-Door Sedan. V-8 engine, Power-j Ulide S '2398 '61 CHEVROLET IMPALA Sport Sedan. Loaded with extras, $249S8 $2 I 98 62 CHEVROLET CORVAIR Monzo Coupe. 4 - speed, radio, neater. 3$ $2 1 98 DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 6th to 7th & Plum TU 4-31011333 fa. th ECCLES MOTOR CO. STOCK R-E-D-U-C-T-l-O-N SALE! 5 For Real Dollar S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-R-S Head for 606 So. 6th Now!- '62 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX COUPE Radio, heater, floorshift Hydro. Finned wheels, power, bucket seats, Morrokldo interior. Popular block. finish. $3597 '60 PONTIAC CATALINA 4-DR. STN. WAGON Rodio, heater, Hydra. Power ond 6-way power seat. Full Morrokidei Interior. Excellent. $2197 '61 FORD FALCON FUTURA COUPE Rodio. heater, bucket seats, stand ord trons., one owner. $1697 '59 MERCURY MONTEREY 4-DR. SEDAN Rcdio, heater, Mercomotlc, power steering, extro sharp. $1397 '59 VOLVO 544 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, 4-soced. low mileoge, one owner. Fire engine rea. $1097 58 RAMBLER AMERICAN DLX. 2-DOOR SEDAN 6 cylinder engine, standard trans mission. A reol aas miser. '60 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. SEDAN Rodio, heater, PowerGlide, one local owner. Very clean. $1697 '57 CHEVROLET 210 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, Power-Glide. A very: populor cor for only $897 Coll one of our SALESMEN You'll be GLAD you did! YDick Floyd TU 2-5S59 Liean noweu iu rf-jDVO jBill Cunninahom TU 4-7177 Bill Hotchkln ECCLES MOTOR CO. j 606 So. 6th St. TU 4-8124 3 i January 17, 1963 ' PAGE 15 A USED CARS AND TRUCKS 53 DRIVE WORE iVOTORS Will pay cash for cart. TU 4-3579. TOM TIMMONS '' AUTO SALES We'll buy your car or equity for cash '-5 Come In Today! 7th & Plum TU 2-4784 "OLDS I I SPECIALS! '62 Olds '88' 2-Dr. Hordtoo Was $3193. $900- Now 4L77J 62 Olds Cutlass F-85 Coupe Was $2793. $ $2643 Now D !ck B. Miller Co. 7th & Klomolh TU 4-4154 SHOP DALE'S COMMERCIAL VALUES! 57 Ford Vi Ton Pickup (4-speed) $995 55 Chev. Vi Ton Pickup ....$595 55 Dodge Vi Ton Pickup ....$495 53 Willys Jeep Pickup $495 48 Willys 4x4 Jeep $495 46 Dodge 1 Ton wilh Camper. Complete $795 49 Dodge V? Ton Pickup ....$145 50 Ford Pickup $295' 45 Slude. I Ton Truck (Wilh sloock racks) $493 AND . . . plenty of good used cars, too! We'll really trade! Give us a try! DALE'S USED CAR LOT: TU 2-4980 '58 CADILLAC '62' SEDAN DeVILLLE ') 0 Radio, heater, Hydra. Power steer; ing, brakes, windows and seat. $1997 '61 RAMBLER '6' CUSTOM 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive, power steering. One local owner. Jet black finish, full vinyl Interior. $2097 '62 MERCURY MONTEREY CUSTOM 4-DR. ' Rodio, heater. Multi-drive, power steering, power brakes, I local ' $2697 '60 PLYMOUTH FURY . CONVERTIBLE COUPE Rodio, heater, auto. trans., , power steering & brakes, swivel seats, ohe owner. $1597 '58 VOLKSWAGEN 2-DR, SEDAN Radio, heater, 4-speed trans mlsl?n. Slock finish with white sidewall tires. $1097 '55 PONTJAC STARCH I EF, HARDTOP COUPE Radio, healer, Hydro ma tic. genu. Ine leather interior, Excellent'1 tires. Reduced to. $397 '60 FORD FAIRLANE . 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, standard trane- mission, V-8 engine. $1497 '57 METROPOLITAN HARDTOP COUPE Radio, heater, standard trons- imission. $597 Pet Stride TU 2-0491 rtuis orier iu 4i.uj Bus Thompson .... TU 4-6618 TU 4-4551 i