PAGE 14 A HERALD AND CAPITOL MEMO Proposed Increase In Legislator's Pay Still Short Of Many States By ZAN STARK SALEM (UPI The proposal to pay Oregon legislators $3,000 a year plus $20 a day while in ses sion is a big increase over the $MX) a year plus travel allowance that they formerly received. But it's chickcntecd compared to many states. Oregon legislators presently are working (or nothing. The voters last year authorized senators and representatives to set new pay scales. i ' ! "In) SOCIAL SECURITY Chief Warrant Officer and Mrs. Frank Beardsley of Carmel, Calif., measure their string of social security cards, obtained last week for their 19 children aqalnst the six-foot-two frame of District Social Security Manager Oscar Donaldson Jr. The Beards leys, married in 1961 have one child, plus 18 by pre vious marriages. Eight of their children now receive monthly Social Security checks under survivor benefit plans. UPI Telnphoto WASHINGTON WINDOW Two Kennedy Policies Seen Headed For Fracas WASHINGTON UIPH Twn ive factors in President Ken nedy's annual messao direel at trillion to administration jwlicio lhat arc loaded for trouble. In a message of 5.ron words, Ihe Present devoted nine lines to civil rifihts. Hut civil riphts tame out as basic rights in this mrssae. Moreover, the President toiied short (ar short of am civil rights legislation for this M-.sin. He was content with a statement that qualified Ameri cans must he ixMmitlcd to vote regardless of race or color. This once over liditly will tend;i)OUt hMia-s ,wrsM(ll, .;,-, to pacify Southern democrats and certainly arouse some other par ty elements to loud and sustained potest. It becomes obvious, how ever, why the President has nut intervened emphatically in the Senate effort to strengthen the rule au.nnt filibusters without which no civil rights legislation would lie hkcly to pet by the Sen ate. The President has no civil rights legislation in mind. There fore, why iinolve himself in an angry Senate contest? Doubts About The non-response of the joint essiun to Kennedy's pitch for the United Nations was another net ative factor. To the I'nited Na tions, the President allotted one paraeniph, eight lines. The legis lators received it in silence. The word was thereby passed to Ken- ticdv that iongresN has some doubts about the I'nited Nations pcrlormanro, alxut its future and alwut the composition of the L'.N Aemhly, Assembly membership has been swollen by new nation1'. notabK African, regardless of Iheir quali ficalinns as .socially, politically, economically, educationally going concerns. A basic foreign policy of the Kennedy administration is to 0 along wilh the Assembly, no matter what or, almost so Kor example; On Nov. 27, lil, the .WrnhK adopted a resolution on colonial jrii for which Ihe I'miH Slates Voted along with W oilier mem bers, France, deal Britain MOOSE CRAB FEED SAT., JAN. 19th Srvinfj Stortt at 7 P.M. $1.50 Pr Pcnon OANCI TO FOLLOW NEWS, Klamath Falls, Orr. That is why legislative pay will be considered early this session. Washington legislators receive $1,200 a year plus $25 a day while in session. In Idaho, legislators receive $10 a day while in session, plus $13 a day expenses. Lawmakers in Nevada receive $25 per day for 60 days California pays legislators $6,000 a year, plus mileage and $19 daily while attending sessions. South Africa and Spain ahstained. This extraordinary resolution committed Ihe United Stales to this proposition: "That inadequa iy of political, economic, social ir educational prepared ness should never servo as a pre text for delaying independence," in Africa and elsewhere. Hrltish Criticism Resolutions such as that prompted Und Home, tlie Hnlish Korean Secretary, to sjieak about what he called the crisis of con fidence in the Initcd Nations Home v,;s s n e n k i n t ilti4-rt1v Portuguese (loa. India seizin! Con ')' force, an actum Hume hold to have boon a direct drench of the U.N. Charier. Ttle foreign secretary s.iid the crisis in confidence bad been foreshadowed by the growth ol tlx Assembly's new anil danger ous practice of passing reckless resolutions, notably on colonial ism, whuh revealed an almost total lack of nsjionsihiIit) . The Congressional silent treat ment of Kennn'j s plug lor the I'nited Nations does not reflect any substantial desire to with draw. .So long as there is a l int l Nations. Hie I'nilod Stales, no doubt, will siipixiit Hie idea that there should be a United Nations. STAR -H I .Y R t Vow Dnifjr Artitifv ((( Actetdma to thm Start. 11 3- ,1 To develop mc.'.rKjr f.v Friday, rrotl MPivck 1 01 rcs(xxli'Q to nvmMrs ol your Zodioc birth vtjn. 1 'HV..L.-, ;i l K' M ("rr r Tp j : r.)iv.fxj .'t"w 'ts' ,i i I nx -s - f'i c . r-H ,'4 1 .a f4 Nr . I 1 ." Sk-l f's 1' ".X Mirk .'ft r." t '- 7 80 Kl f TAutm I MY Jt Ot B HJ OtMM iv..,,', '. 1,-. - KM . '10 76 8S (A uo 1 -p 7 31 VMOO s x id Al rU A7 Thursday, January 17, 1963 Other high-paying states include New York, $7,500 a year; Mass achusetts, $6,700 a year plus an expense allowance: Pennsylvania and Illinois, each $6,000 per year Michigan, $5,000 per year plus a $1,250 expense allowance; and New Jersey and Ohio, $5,000 per year. New Hampshire is lowest, at $200. Rhode Island pays $5 per day for 60 days. Kansas, which pays $5 per day plus $7 a day expenses, with a $.100 per session limit, is near the bottom of the scale. Other western slates pay: Montana, $20 a day while in session; Utah, $500 per year; Ari zona, $1,800 a year plus expenses and travel; Wyoming. $12 a day plus $12 a day expenses while in session: Colorado, $2,400 a year plus actual traveling expenses and New Mexico, $20 a day while in session. The union's two newest addi tions pay these amounts: Alaska $3,000 a year plus $40 a day dur ing sessions, and Hawaii, $2,500 for each regular session and $1,500 for each budget session, plus expenses. Some Oregon legislators say privately the proposed $3,000 a year plus $20 a day during ses sions is ton high. Others claim the pay should be higher. From the legislators' point of view, this is a bad year to have to sot their own pay scale. Oregon faces big money prob lems and lax increases this ses sion. Many legislators may hesi tate to fight for a realistic pay scale because of the slate's trou bled financial situation. Outstanding Man Signup Set Ahead Deadline for nominations on the nnual Three OutstandinR Young Men awards has been extended to in. 20, necoidinR to Don Hosen, Madras, chairman of the program. Ml nominations must be post marked no later than midnight on that date to be eligible for judging. Nominations should be sent to Oregon's Three Outstand ing Young Men, P.O. Box 17, Gresham, Ore. The program, sponsored by the Oregon Junior Chamber of Com merce in cooperation with the First National Hank of Oregon. is designed to rccVignize outstand ing achievement by young men. The I1 award winners were John M. Amundson Jr., Kugene architect; Duanc Drushella. Scio (aimer; and Hubert K. Smith cattlcman-husinessman, Burns. Beautiful myrtle wood plaques cut in the shape of the state of Oregon will be presented the 12 winners in appropriate ceremonies at Bend on Kcb. . The Oregon Junior Chamber of Commerce will tie convened in Bend at that time at their an nual winter board meeting. Over 7fi are ect'tod to attend the presentation hanui't. Oregon's Throe Outstanding Young Men for P.V.t will tie the honored guests, Koscn said. Two Attorneys Change Posts PoltTI.ANI) il'PH Two Mult nomah County deputy district at torney will exchange criminal dcuitmcnl isls Monday. District Attorney George Van Hoomisson announced lhat Harold J. Blank will move from bis city olici department office to t h e county courthouse. Heplacing Blank will lie Gordon M.icUnen. a member of the dis liicl atloinov's staff since I'lW GA2E.l0O POI.I.AS- 1PT 2i OCT 2-1 ew - II H IP 38 ; C.S0.S.S V- ,M ft2 6S 1AGITT AIIUS M,-' 7? f IV17 n Ir-M CAftlCOtN 'I 71-79 W' AOUAHUt .V V 44,- - n v: men 7 I0 3J . NfllTfll Boy Talk ACROSS 1 Corbet! 4 Davu Jr. 9 Carney or l.inklrltr-r 12 City in the Netherlands 13 Invest 14 My lltal ) 4.1 Vegetable 44 Provide! with food 47 Takes aa one's own 51 Narrow Inlet 52 Abstract, be ings 65 Masculine nickname 56 Make a mistake J5 lmg fifth 57 Twit 17 Devotee ' S Biblical prophet 18. Scout group fZ h""Vl jnl.lw, WJ 'city malice 22 Ibsen character61 '"""T"1 2.1 Social Insect m"""''!H, 24 Aromatic herb BOn.N 27 Armn 1 Vehicle 2 Not um 3 Thaw 4 Bristly B Anoint 6 Doctor fab.) establishment 91 Conducted 3'2 HontHry 33 Brazilian walla I) 34 II--fore 35Hiifltle 3ft HiR loy 37 Fellowship 40 Cubic mclcr 7 Amcn-Ha'a wife 9 Amung 10 (let up 11 Makes late 42 Onafipr 1 12 13 I 14 15 16 17 8 9 10 U 12 13 H 15 16 V7 1 25 26 127 28 29 30 3l rrT 32 "" 33 i : ' 34 35 36 37 38139 IJW 41 42 43 44" 45" 46 f'J' 47 48 49 5o" 51 ""5253 54 "" 55 5l 57 58 59 W- 61 I I I 17 Easf German Publicly By Khrushchev By PHIL NKWSOM L'PI Foreign News Analyst Whatever Nikila Khrushchev may flunk about bast German Communist boss Walter Ulbricht privately, publicly the goatced Ulbricht scarcely could have asked for more. "Ulbricht is the carpenter and I am the jointer," said Khru shchev. "His friends are iny friends." i .So, for the moment at least Khrushchev, arriving for the sixth congress of the East German Communist parly, set to rest speculation about the future of the man who has been rumored ready for the Kremlin ax more often than anv other satellite leader but who has outlived them all. As the Kremlin's overseer for East Germany, Ulbricht has been somewhat less than successful either in restoring the East Gr Businessman Leadership Encouraged EUGENE Because the atti tudes and morals of the American businessman "pervade the whole American way of life." he must assume leadership if these areas in order to curb moral deteriora tion which is rapidly taking place. David liassan. assistant to Ihe president ol ABC Lite Insurance Co., Uis Angeles, toid a Univcr sitv of Oregon audience. .Ian. 14 that Ihe American businessman "occupies a large space in the colossal moral dilemma of our limes." Speaking on the topic. "In Search of Meaning . . . Integrity in Business." in conjunction wilh liehgion Kortim Week activities on the uniersity campus. Hassan elalmrated on ethical and moral responsibilities of the business ex eculive. "The cocutic." he said "should be a buttress lor govern ment and public welfare. He should recognic that he has vat lies in life which transcend profit and success and place moral health on the same level as men tal and physical health." Today, so much emphasis is placed on materialistic gain, lhat the businessman lends to ignore ethical laws that apply to his job "Ecn Ihe most casual observers are aw are of transgressions in industry," said Hassan, "To com M'te in was designed to destroy another in business is hardly fair eomiH'tition and miserable eth ics," When our culture became suc cess dominated, we lost sight ot our real reason fur h ing." he con tinued. "The early Americans, on the other hand, were ideal-dominated, They had an impelling motive (or h(e." Logger Denied Hauling Permit SM.KM a rt' - The riihlu I'tility t'onimision h; denied a Suthcrhn loiter fl permit to hau. Ini in IHui;iiis County. K.iy II Sowm'mmi h,n1 millet-Mi tho vimit on prouiuU he xwrns times .tv unship to 1 1 Till A tiUtk- t to lor him. Tfv Applic-.i-lon piototevi by tl log Irmk- vr l mm the l-iucre. Mu'Jc ('ink atul Hoolnti ,ium.v Amwtr la Prtvlmn Puzil AL Bl p,aAA! HQ5.EU rSPi IA?rTTrrl E VTA NliAKil StiTBo'F'iR rKfel d;o keHBs h3T5 O rVft r o A pms a os as s vlAilMTS IIM STiAJeSiTBiDri IA.NE .HIAHrjE!M I ir-iENrCI&s, mm is'tg-a t 19 Short-napped fabric 21 Follower 23 Italian stream 24 Alexander s 38 Cushion 3 Property item 40 Dispassionate 41 Philippine peasant 43 . . saddle old nickname 2S Roman emperor 2ft The same 44 Mr. MacMurray 1 1 -a I in) 45 Ireland 27 Nickname for 4fi Merit Andrew 48 Entreaty 28 Appellation 4 Hclate 2i(Mimicker B0 Quick cut 30 Narrcw way B3 Snooze 32 Mr. Hunter and 54 Parson bird olhers (Maori) Red Backed man economy or in winnin; friends for the Soviet Union. His regime depends upon the presence of Soviet armed forces. Architect of Wall The Berlin wall, of which Ul bricht reportedly was a chiel architect and which was designed to halt the mass outflow of; refugees threatening the East German economy, also proved less than a success. In the last year more than 12,000 East Germans risked Com munist bullets to escape across it, and the economy nosedived to even greater depths. The potato harvest fell 43 per cent lower than in llKil, sugar beets 32 per cent, maize 37 per cent and wheat 24 per cent. There were 46,000 fewer head of cattle and 1.3 million fewer pigs. Yet for now Ulbricht is the best lhat Khrushchev has, and, be sides, Khrushchev had other fish to fry. Favor Returned And, as he kcynoted the open ing of the party congress in East Berlin, Ulbricht obediently picked up his cue. China, he said, violated the doctrine of co.oxistcnee when it attacked India without consulting or even informing its Communist allies. China and Albania are oriented toward war. which "has become unrealistic in the settlement ofi my dispute... disputes must be settled through negotiation." As for Germany: Berlin tensions can only he settled through Ihe West Berlin city government, not by Bonn brection Decollations must take place for creation of normal rela tions between East and West Ger- manv. There probably is not a more hated man in the whole of Ger many than Ulbricht. He scarcely would seem to lie the man to carry on successful negotiations. But West Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, an adamant foe of any settlement short of German re- unilicalion. now is a lame-duck chancellor. Khrushchev may hope Adenauer's successor will be easier to deal with. Sweetland Wins First Hill Sueclhtml, University of Orcpon freshman, won first place in junior men's debate at a speech tournament at Seattle Pacific Col lege l.Vst weekend. Participants eame from 24 col leges and universities in Wash ington and Oregon. Throe hun dred students were in attendance at the festival. Sweetiand was one of 17 OU students taking part in the competition. The university wil' enter its next speech tournament at l.mfield Col lege during the last weekend of Kehruarv, Sweetland is the son of Mr. i and Mrs. V. n. Sweetland. 2051 Melroe Si reel Art Mill Foil KFWI DY NKW YuliK '1T1' - Presi- dent Kennedy will icceive thejlle said the committee had lines I'M merican Award ol the Anti-IVamatiin U-acur el IVNai H'rii),. TV Icacue s.nd Monday the award to Kennedy tor hu "deiir cation to democracy as reflected in tin' cl forts, to hioadcn Ihe bone- lits of civil ruhts" would be ntcd at a dinner in Washington 'an. .11. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICP TO CREDITORS Not let tt twrfby given that the under signed hat been appointed as Executrix ot the Estett of LINDSAY POMPEY, de ceased, by Order of the Circuit Court ot trx County of Klamath, and at) pertoni having claim eqainst taid estal art re- quired to present the same to L. ORTH SISEMOR6. Attorney tor Eecutri, duly verified and wdh proper vouchers at tached, at 731 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oreqon, within tin months from the dale ot first publication of this no tice. JOANNE VIGIL Executrix No. 19 Jan. 17, 24. 31, Feb. 7. EQUITY NO. 67-790 AMENDED SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. CITY OF CHILOOU1N, OREGON, A MU NICIPAL CORPORATION. PLAINTIFF VS. JAMES L. CHIPMAN AND CLAR ICE CHIPMAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE; LORENA ARTHUR JACKSON WRIGHT, ALSO KNOWN AS, LORENA HILL AND LORENA E. HILL; CARL DAWSON AND CHRISTINE DAWSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE; CALVIN BARNEY AND WINO NA BARNEY, HUSBAND AND WIFE; ROSE MARIE LANG, ALSO KNOWN AS, ROSE MARIE JACKSON. ROSE MARIE HILL, ROSE MARIE HERRERA, ROSE MARIE LONG, MARIE LANG HERRE RA, ROSE MARIE MOORE AND ROSE MARIE LAON; LEO HERRERA; LEO FRANK; C. R. SCHIFFBAUER AND ETHEL SCHIFFBAUER, HUSBAND AND WIFE; HUGH COWEN; EDNA COWEN, ALSO KNOWN AS EDNA COWEN STAN TON; HUGH WALLACE COWEN; BANK OF CALIFORNIA IN TRUST FOR HUGH WALLACE COWEN; C. C. HED RICK; LEONARD D. JONES, DOING BUSINESS AS BASIN CREDIT SERV ICE; M. A. CARTER, DOING BUSINESS AS, CARTERS COLLECTION AGENCY; ATLEE CARMICHAEL AND LYMAN SLACK, A COPARTNERSHIP, DOING BUSINESS AS CARMICHAEL MOTORS; TOGETHER WITH THE UNKNOWN HEIRS ANO-OR SUCCESSORS OF EACH OF SAID DEFENDANTS, IF ANY OF SAID DEFENDANTS ARE DECEASED; ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PAR TIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE. ESTATE, LIEN OR IN TEREST IN OR TO THE REAL PROP ERTY. OR ANY PART OR PARCEL THEREOF, DESCRIBED IN THE COM PLAINT HEREIN; DEFENDANTS. TO: CALVIN BARNEY, WINONA BAR NEY, LEO HERRERA, LEO FRANK, C. ft. SCHIFFBAUER, ETHEL SCHIFF BAUER, HUGH COWEN, HUGH WAL LACE COWEN, EDNA COWEN ALSO KNOWN AS EDNA COWEN STANTON, AND C. C. HEDRICK, of THE DE FENDANTS, THE DEFENDANTS STYLED, "UNKNOWN HEIRS OR SUC CESSORS IN INTEREST OF EACH OF SAID DEFENDANTS IF ANY OF SAID DEFENDANTS ARE DECEASED," AND DEFENDANTS STYLED AS, "all OTH ER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ES- TATE, LIEN OR INTEREST IN OR TOjfjrmalion by the above entitled court. THE REAL PROPERTY, OR ANY PART The right is reserved to reiect any and UK rAKLb L IMfcKtUr-, UblLKIBt D IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN FILED, OF DEFENDANTS AND TO EACH OF YOU, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON; you, and each and every one oi you, art nereoy summoned to appe and answer the Complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or be fore the 8th. day of February, 1963. and set forth the nature of his, or her, or Its claim, right, title or Interest In the prem ises described in plaintiff's complaint, which are located in Klamath County. Oregon, In the City of Chiloquln and described as follows, to-wit: Lot 6, Block 3, South Chiloquln Addi tion; Lot 7, Block 3, South Chiloquln Addition; Lot 7, Block 6, South Chiloquln Addition; Lot 15, Block I, South Chilo- quin Addition; Lot 16, Block 8, South Chiloquln Addition; Lot 3, Block 5, West Chiloquln Addition; Lot 8, Block V, West Chiloquln Addition; Lot t. Block 11, West Chiloquin Addition; Lot 1, Block 12. West Chiloquln Addition; and. East Chiloquin unpianed; beginning at a point 16 feet Southeast and parallel to Schonchln Street from Southeast corner of Lot 3, Block 7, Original Town of Chiloquin; thence Southwesterly parallel to Third Ave,, 80 tnence 5ouiheisierly parallel to Schon chln Street 110 ft.; thence northeasterly parallel to Third Ave. 80 feet, thence Northwesterly parallel to Schonchln Street no teer; to point ot beginning. And you will please take notice that If vou fail to appear and answer plaintiff's Complaint, or otherwise plead within the said time, the plainlilf, tor want thereof, will aoply to the above entitled Court lor the relief demanded in Its Complaint filed In this suit, as follows: That It be de creed and adudged that defendants and each of them have no estate, claim or interest in or to said premises; that plaintiff be declared the sole owner of said real property; and that defendants and each of them be forever enjoined from asserting any claim whatever to said real property, or any part thereof, adverse to that of plaintiff; and for such other and further relief as to the Court, iay seem ust and equitable. This Summons Is published and served' upon you pursuant to an order ol the above entitled Court made of the 7th day of January, 1963; the first publica tion hereof being on January 10. 1963, and the last day of publication being on the 7th day ot February, 1963, and Feb ruary 8. 1963, Is the last day fixed by the Court for ihe defendants herein or ether hereof to appear herein or answer plaintiff's Complaint. Done this 10th day ol Jtnvttry, 1963. Henry E. Perkins Attorney tor Plaintiff, Address 731 Main St , Klamath Falls, Oregon. No. 8S7, Jan. 10, 17. u. 31, Feb. 7, 1963 Storm Year's Fells Logs POHTLAM) flPl1 year's Columbus Day mdslorm destroy- oa a years suppiv 01 umncr loriont cocv change Dr monm. the Orepon-Ulunpt.n forest in- fiSoSZJTSL dustiv. the Timber Disaster tonvi'N memoriam mtttee said tod.iv. Chairman V. D. Ilaiicnstein 3ti- nounced results of a survey o! more than 30 million acres suh jecled to hii;h winds last fall. The survey showed that 11.2 billion board feet of timber was hluwn down in the two states more than double the blowdown reported to the President's Teeh nical Conicrence here last OrUttvM follow ing the storm, i Hafcenstein said the new figures. make it more necessary than ver to harvest the windthrow timheri before the sprint; of 1!4. WkIcI scale tree destruction by the Douglas fir bark beetle which wll, nerea.-e in populalion during the ;omini; spnnfi is threatened. Cheap Aspirin Given Approval WASHINGTON 'I PI' - Tin American M p H i p a 1 Association confirmed today thai aspirin is aspirin, despite the price. Sen Pal McNamara. D Mich.. asked AM V sin'riesmen about aspirin during a hearing Tuesday hv a special commits on ning ticatod aspirin prices and (mind lhat brands sell lor as much as Vi times the price of unknown braivds. Olner Kirid. director of the AMA's IVpartmcnt of Investiga tion said all aspirin must meet tV pre-lsame retunements in order to be Mud, and people might as well buy the cheaper product. LEGAL NOTICE No. A3 74 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter ol the Eitalt of CLEO MAE NORCUTT, alio known at Cleo May Norcutt, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai the undersigned has filed his final account and report as administrator of the above entitled estate, and that the Court has fined Tuesday, February It, 1963. at 10 a.m., in Circuit Court Room No. 1 of the Courthouse, Klamath Falls, Ore qon, as the time and place for hear ing obiections, if any, to the same and lor the settlement ol said estate. -s- James A. Woodhouse Administrator No. 8?, Jan. 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned. Administrator of the Estate of Vard Theddeus McNair, Deceased, will from and after the 1 5th day of Feb ruary, 1963, at 10:00 A. M. at the office of Glenn D. Ramlrei, Attorney at Law, Suite 205, IOOF Building, 432 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, proceed to sell to the highest bidder the real properly of said estate as follows: Beginning at a point ot the Southerly line of Front Street 131 feet westerly from the Intersection of the Southerly line of Front Street and the Westerly line ol California Avenue. Thence South 261' j feet, more or less to the shore line of Upper Klamath Lake; thence southeast erly along said shore line 172 feet, more or less 1o Ihe Southwesterly corner of that certain trad of land heretofore con veyed to Donald J. Divens and M. Marie Divens, by deed recorded in Vol. 233, page 134, Deed Records ol Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, which said point Is 218 leet Northwesterly from the intersection of said shore line and the Westerly line of the West Side Highway, thence North 15 deg. 03i min. East 341 feet, more or less, to the point ol beginning, and being a portion of Lot 8, Section 30 Township 38, S. R. E., W.M. SUBJECT TO: Ease ment and release granted to Calif. Ore. Power Company, a Corporation, by in strument recorded In Vol. 133. at page 201, Deed Records of Klamath County, Oregon; Reservations in deed recorded In Vol. 133 at page 199, Deed Records of Klamath County, Oreqon, other ease ments and rights of way of record and those apparent on the land. If any, ALSO SUBJECT TO that certain mortgage, in cluding the terms and provisions thereof, executed by the grantors here in to Albert M. Hattan and Ruth E. Hat tan, husband and wife, dated Jan. 20. 1959, recorded Jan. 21, 1959, in Vol. 187, at page 582, Mortgage Records of Klamath County, Oregon, which said mortgage the grantee herein hereby expressly as sumes and agrees to pay according to the tenor thereof as the same becomes due and payable, and the note accom panying It. The terms of the sale will be cash, or for part cash and part credit, and. if for, part cash and part credit, the offer ot; purchase must state the terms ef suchi credit: all sales made subject to con- ' (II bids. Bids in writing may be left with the undersigned at the office of Glenn o. Ramirez, 105 IOOF Building, 432 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, any time from the dale hereof until the property s so d. This sale Is made pursuant to Order of the Circuit Court dated the 8th day t January. t96j. DALE MCNAIR Administrator of the Estate ot Vard Thaddeui McNair, De ceased. NO. I'5, Jan. 17, 34, 31, Feb. 7. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays ft a.m. to noon Saturday Count five words per line. Ads under 3 lints count same at 1 lints. i 3 6 10 1 Time Tlmtfi Time IV anth I $7 50 $4 00 SS0O S 9.001 3.35 5 00 11.501 4 00 6 00 1 00 14.00 4.75 7.00 f.SO 16.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement, If paid In advance. Above rates are tor consecutive Inser tions, without change of copy, for pri vate Individuals. Advertising must be' clear and understandable to be produc tive. Alt words must be spelled out. Autos offered tor sate by private indi viduals cash with copy. DEADLINE 4 30 p m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday tor Sunday and M,nday. CANCELLATIONS & CORRECTIONS On same schedule, except on Monday . itst ere taken 'til 9.30 a.m. Plea read first Insertion of your ad. The Herald ft News will give one extra run for typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS Discount tor pavment on or before thel j,V'i.iTo,S:KBSS,'S; PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES FUNERAL HOMES ...0 WARDS Klamath Funeral Home. M.nn St-eet Phn TU 2 MFETING NOTICES SPECIAL COMMUNICATION, Croter Loke Lodae No. 21 I, AF 4 AM, Thurs day, Jon. 17. Work in MM Degree. All Master Masons wet Thomas Barnes. W.M. Klamath Lodge- No, 77 AF & AM SPECIAL COMMUNICATION rndov, Jan. IB. : JUj pm. work m the tLrJ. Degree. AH F C. and. COMPLETELY furnished, all utilities, Master Masons cor dially invited. Re- GENERAL NOTICES j: BOYS! scahg?l EARN Vacation Money by selling the He: aid & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact HtP'old & News, Circulofion Dpt , 1301 tsplonade PHONE TU 4 81 11 MEETING NOTICES SCOTTISH RITE BODIES The 15th Degree will be con- terred Saturday, Jan.i2 BEDROOM delue unfurnished apart 19 or 8 p m AM mn' ,mmedld,e occupancy. TU 2-6500. m.'mhen arm urned BACHELOR apartment, S47 50, heat, wa- memDers ore urgea 99rbagt ,ervice included, inquire to attend this meeting. 223 m0. 6ih, Apt. 102. Refreshments will be COMPLETELY ""furnished Including util" Hermon GvoM, S?C. j ftiei. UllMfliiy lmijiiL.j L ! hi.- emiqyabTe. downtown furnished, heat LOST & FOUND LOST Irish setter male, -icinily ol Yamsll" , Ranch. Call TU ?-B60 1 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, ground floor, -- ...J " "riauto. washer hookup- fenced, JSC, TU PERSONALS KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous. TU 4-3591, TU 4-8704. Friendly help anytime. KLAMATH Detective Agency. Bonded, li censed. Investigations, security, P.O. Box SERVICES 10 REMODELING, competent, reliable, es timates, terms. TU 2-620. CHAM BE R S HO U SE MOVING, fo iindT tions, leveling, TU 2-0816 or TU 3-1014. WATER pipe thawing, call TU 4-3913 between 7 a.m. and 1J noon. THE PRIM POODLE, CLStom grooming, lor appointment, TU 4-4239. TREE topping, pruning, insured tree grooming. Lakeshort Nursery, TU 4-6955 CU" ST OMW E AV 1 N G Handwoven ' r al rugs, S3 up; tote bags, $2 SO, Mrs. E. C. Murphy, TU 2-1357. HOUSE remodetlno. cabirets our specia ty, please check our references. TU 4-4079. TREE surgery, such as removal, prun my, rujjma, hiwbiimim, rriinritl iwr. anH ran j. ire. all kinrii reasonable, references, I U 2-538b rurrnil D I IT-UC BIUA plant or leave at your place. Al Stoll, TU DOLLS repaired, modern and antique. Reasonable prices. Lome's Doll Hospi tal, TU 4-6992, 1434 Lakeview. deTTtaiTplates Repaired while you waif. New Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-3284 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed Insured professional if Trees topped or removed. PHONE TU 4-988 Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring - alterations for men, won children. All work guaranteed. Reas able orices. Gene's Mens Wear 537 Main Jess' Tree Service Tree topping, removing, any kind Ot clean-up work. Free estimates. TU 4-6418 Don't Guess Call Jess! Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 Coin Op Laundry Top load Washers Also 20 lb. Washers T&C SHOPPING CENTER Behind U.S. Bank EDUCATIONAL 13 NEW 1963 World Book Encyclopedia, Ruth Schaeffer. TU 4-4941 before a m HELP WANTED. FEMALE NURSE to manage office and assist doc tor, write Herald and News Box 4I3C, EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wanted. Ap ply Mr. Carter, Carter's Fine Foods, 1420 Esplanade. HELP WANTED. MALE 16 JOURNEYMAN electrician, lumber busi ness In Medford, write Box 439C, Herald and News. TWO MEN NEEDED TWO men needed In the Klamath Falls area. Good year around work, no lay oils. Good opportunity tor advancement, also an excellent opportunity to earn high- wages than you ever earned before. Contact Wm. Hunt, Hart Hotel Lobby, v:jo a.m., t-rmey, jan. is. DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN? Age 75 and over Married i 3 years SUCCESSFUL Sales exper ience Financially stable Good appearance IF YOU DO . . . HERE IS WHAT A CAREER WITH ALL STATE CAN MEAN TO HIM Starting SALARY plus ' COMMISSION. Minimum Guarantee 15,000 annually. (This Is not a draw or advance), income Opportunities Unlimited. Multiple Lines 3 weeks training course with salary plus S13 per diem. Sears' Famous Profit Sharing Plan, 2 weeks vacation annually WITH PAY Group Hospitalization and Life Insurance. Renewals. Rapid Advancement due to our rapid growth. Plus other excellent advantages. CONTACT OR WRITE BOB HALLOCK ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO. 133 So. 8th TU 2-1 171 HELP WANTEO 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS help wanted ads published In the Herald & News are accepted In oood ta'th that the lobs offered are at stated n the advertising copy. We are not re iponsible for the integrity of our adver. tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and reject ail misleading advert.-1 Anyone ans ertng a help wanted aa and tinging it to m misleading is asked to report It to the Oesnfed Ad vertising Department of the Herald tvews 1g SITUATIONS WANTED WANTEO jm.H (et of busineji .ccounts ' VOOE U"'urnfed 7 bedroom. At. to keep my home. TU 1-5217, t.ched gar.qe. Fireplace Water, oarbag. r.r- 7- i.-: Pa'd 3 m-ies north ot ton. IS. TU IRONING. Waihmg, P.ckuD. Deliver, Ei.;4-3.r unimra. Ktasoneoiei lu a-v,ja EXPERIENCED ranch hand want Iteadv work of any hind TU J-13S2. TuTiVnTu'j-Tmi" ""n iny'i0"d- ""0'"x"-hPd TU M5t LICENSED CHILD CARC by hour, day. week Monday through Friday. I a m. to i p n?j Can.jn O'ive TU ? ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM and lutcfl Drivilig?l ft)' working fruofisbie, biots lady, aito grftQ, I'om Vcji TU I cIen comfortable rooms. blocks n. M & up. TU 4-J?5. GENTLE VAN- dean room, mon'h. 1530 Crescent. 4PARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 PARK APTS. $J0 up, bacheinr, natural bath, adults. 13S 620 Division hot water. TU ?,, T'J I rr,;-.-. - , - LARGE 1 bedroom, 0vS9. oas furnace. VODERN 3 rooms end bath, WO and uo.'ranoe, W. .nnu.r iv? r.i.inm, br'Ch court, garaoes. 22) Spnno, I MODE RN 2 bedroom furnished acts. USitu J 3M Tu i tk u m wrr wvniieoie ov mnnin.' Washer, drVer, under new management j V.ii Marquise, 1JJ0 Oak Tu 4-sS be- Tore ii am tu 4-7KU alter 7 pa i APARTMENT n( ir Wev'haeusfr steam heal. 140. ( u I runed. utilities. 4U UPSTAIRS apa-tment. tH fyrnljhed. dose m, 3S Tu 4-jjC2. WAR V. CLE A NC OVC CRT A H UtT MV et Units wtth kitchens, low wmter weekly rates. TU -JlH DUPLEX, 4 room fu' hed. Itvndry, S0. CLEAN, Qtjet. turnhert. steam heat, near courthouse. 41J Wamyt ONE bedroom fum.ihett apartment. Ja.JSo,,,,, 5 T E A M het. furnished aps , adi'M. i'isTaT". Mche-orap'J'j Cedar. TU 4.'SJ PURN'SMEO aPaTtmeMl4jR;vers".d7 1 'U - FURNISHED PuRNiJ So i T O act. No pe's. 3it en1 ATTRACTIVE 1 P t. .-d, 'f Adv'H liS0. A0 Ap- TO :5 weekly ra. t reoj !) .-t. John-,, vote'. 2C0J Be "a. ..1 1 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 I EWAUNA DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furmshtd. Hf So. Iltfi. TU 2-1C62. 2 free. Adults. US, Alpha Apartments, TU ,4-56B4 SPARKLING, uptown, furnished. Large bedroom, extra bath, heat free, adults, 185, Alpha Apartments, TU 4-4522. ONE and 2 bedroom furnished aplsl, nice, clean and comfortable, plenty heat, utili ties furnished except electricity, TU 4-6471. FURNISHED 1 room apt., S40, utilities paid. 419 No. 10th. ONE or 2 bedroom furnished. Heat, water paid. 825 Grant, TU 2-4719. NICE clean furnished apartment, close in, TU 2-2531, TU 4-6966. 2 BEDROOMS furnished apt., carport, TU 2-4935 anytime, TU 4-3269 after 7. CONSTRUCTION workers welcomel Near new OTI site, furnished, TV available, weekly rates. Pelican Molel, TU 2-9256. ONE bedroom unfurnhhed duplex, S40, 2650 Bisbee. Ph. TU 2-4090. THREE room completely furnished apart ment. 199 Walnut, TU 4-5472. NICELY furnished, three rooms and bath, garage, private entrance, TU 2-1214. FURNISHED large 3 rooms, clean, warm, rug, 145, Inquire 1624 Division. rex'arms 1 OR 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. CLOSE IN HEAT, WATER, GARBAGE PAIO 224 BROaD TJ 2-9217. $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COST! 1-2-3 txdroom apft., furnished or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance Included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 1.17 WASHBURN WAY TU t-BTl Ollica hours I a.m. to 5 p.m. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One arid Two Bedroom opts. Furnished ond Unfurnished $69 50 to $89.50 Doily, Weekly Motel Rotes TU 2-5577 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 7S44 Union 1 Bedroom unturnMhetf 7 Bedroom unfurnished Spacious Rooms Tastefully Decorated Wall to Wall Caroeting Swimming Pool Rental includes ell service! except telephone end electricity OO'Othen Nplan TU 2-WB6 HOUSES FOR RENT 26 ONE bedroom house, large living room. nely painted Inside and out, garage. 150, call alter fl p.m. TU 2-64BI. TWO bedroom house, partly furnished, 165. Hilltop Station, 3021 Greensprings. TWO bedroom duplex, slove, refrigera tor, washer, water furnished, garage. In quire 3675 Homedale before 9 a.m., after 6 p.m. TU 4-8944. CLEAN 3 bedroom home in Suburban District, Call TU 2-6268. FOR rent, cabin, labor allowed on rent. Mrs. Bob Adams, Bonanza, or phont Lorella 4169. CLEAN one bedroom furnished cabin. J35, 123S Adams, TU 4-3854, TU 4-9754. UNFURNISHED two brdronm house. East Main, one Child, S55. TU 4-9106. FOR rent 2 bedroom houe, wall fo wall carpeting living room. Partly furnished. TU 2-3744. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, Adults, no dogs, 145. TU 4-4281. ONE bedroom unfurnfshe 1, electric range, bulitin oven, extra bedroom and storage space attached to garage, 3 acres, 2330 Grape, TU 4-3309. IMMACULATE, unfurnished 2 bedroom home. Inquire 2232 Union. ONE bedroom furnished house, call TU 4-4379. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, like new, 185. 1813 Siskiyou, TU 4-7584. ONE bedroom unfurnished house, 159, 2139 Main. Phone TU 2-2B66. MILLS, three room. Stoves and refriger ator. Washer, dryer hookup. TU 2-3852. UNFURNISHED two bedroom difp'ex, qa rage, fireplace, 3011 Boarrtman, TU 2-0990. TWO bedroom " unfurnished, near MNIt School, ?49 Martin, TU 4-97B4. Fu"BSH6bbermWater, garbage. Wocus. no pets. TU 4-9497. two bedroom unfurnished house, garage. TU 4-J8V3. MODERN furnished 2 bedroom, c'ose to school and store. 475 Martin. FURNISHED two bedroomThot well, ga raqe, fenced beck yard. TU 4-7875. NEAT and clean 3 year old 2 bedroom unfurnished duple. New stove and refrig erator. Mills Addition, 185. TU 2-46M. Eves. TU 4-554. OUTSTANDING 7 bedroom duplet on Laverre, electric heat, garage, fireplace, TU 2-4757. SMALL unfu-nished house. Mills Addition, UQ. TU 4-9323 SMALL two bedroom heue. automatic gas heat, washer-dryer hookup, garage, 10, TU 2-5327 or TU 4-419. I BEDPOOU duple. Water, grh.qt paid Stove, refnoeratof. 10. TU 4-ts REMODELED 3 bed'oom duplex, furnish MS. Inquire til Pine. ONE bedroom furnished duplei. water MOT SPRINGS ? bedroom upstairj, un furnished duple. , garage. Adult! only. TU a-.eso. TWO unfurnished 10 b-Mroorn houses. r' soor, suburban, Ui. TU 2 Z923. iTWO bedroom unfurnished hou. TU 4-6C73 two bedr house, tS. Crnldi-en, pels, o k TU 2-6590. References required. NICE 3 bedroom fun TU 2-M isHed house. US, LAo&E to bed'oom un'i NorlhSide. J7S. TU 4 i20. -rushed home. ' acre, 77 50, JSifl Df ! R A fit F. tirniihrrl hiM t m. - . Tccir.rtr phone Tu l-A'PI evenings. - - - - . H CE w0 "flr00f" tra-ier tor rent, phont Tu 2-,JW- N'CE untumiihed 1vo br-drreiTi houie w-th fireciace. vard, orjqe. Mi. Acrosi f'om He"ify Mian, Tij 2 jrjci CLEAN thrM bedroom unfurnnherf, m-ies n0"h of Kiamih Fat's. Cild'en, MI1VC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 POR leae u; ac-es level around uniff j IrnQatton. Vacfioei area 70 crt $ya ' spud fl'Ourwl Or wxi s I or trade. T U REAL ESTATE WANTEO AANTED to 'e-t 3 be-'f I f'AO'Y S'e'"S Srh,l s m "v.,ie. e-e'-'tt, needed ae- J T U 2-IS36 liT.ipn Vr Bo 4?K. Me''d vl RFALISTATE JCMAN -,enuty tn 2 iv j f,-.. f(t,h 2 "S tlj- ' i "ce or w n at -r 'oa"s Ptwn tu . ; J4i na1 ACRE ra-. 3 td'w-w !f.-ence. 2- &-s. nee .i-3r.? et "nf s e ;t l'-, 1 v-e. w n - or ia,", f. , Br(. f. TU 2 S' I