U Pelicans Travel To Crater To Meet Hazing C omeis m 1 HERALD AND NEWS, Klanuth Henley, f, In Rogu A pair of old rivals get together rrway nignt and Lakeview will host rugged St. Mary's as the area's Rogue League teams swing DacK into action. The old rivalry pits the unde feated and league-leading Henley Hornets at Sacred Heart Acad emy against the Trojans who have lost both contests in league ac tion. This is an old rivalry and Henley, due to a six-game win ning streak which dales back to 1958, holds a slim 10-9 margin over the Trojans. Eagle Point is at Phoenix and Illinois Valley and Rogue River get together in the other outing. The Hornets and Trojaris have been playing ecacc htretaiwoh been playing each oilier twice a year since 1952 with Henley win ning 10 and losing nine. The six game winning streak began in 1958 with a 37-36 Hornet victory. The Hornets will be favored to exlcnd that streak Friday night. This will be the first meeting for the two clubs this season. It will also be the first game on Sa cred Heart's resurfaced gym floor. The Hornets will be heavy fav orites in the game with big 6-7 Kent Gooding supplying the fire SCORES SLOW POKB LEAGUE W L Screw Balls Wednesday Weepers 46V) 25Vi Pin Busters iO'i JIVj Lucky Belles 39V, 35W Trail Draggers 32Vj 39a Lonesome Four 32 4B Lucky Strikes 28 44 Unpredictable! . 38 44 Jan. 16 results: Wednesday Weepers 2, Lucky Belles 2; Unpredictable X Lucky Strikes 1; Pin Busters 3, Trail Draggers t; Lonesome Four 3 Scraw Balls 1. High team game. Pin Busters 725; hi Or team series. Pin Busters 2U3j high ind. game, Lucille Crawley 185 1 high ' Ind. series, Lucille Crawley 492. PANDORA'S HOLIDAY LEAGUE W L Holiday Bowl Coffee Shop 8'i 23Vi ; Morrison ft Knud&en ' 39'.i Spare Spotters 40' i 31" Economy Cash Grocery 38'j 33Vj Cox Grocery 37 3S Lovely Lady Beauty Salon 39 43 Sierra Gun Shop 27 45 Au'omatlc Transmission 35 47 Jan. 14 results: Lovely Lady Beauty Salon 4, Sierra Gun Shop 0; Spare Spot tars 3, Economy Cash Grocery 1; Holiday Bowl Coftee Shop 4, Automatic Trans mission 0; Morrison & Knudsen 4, Cox Grocery 0. Hi ah team aame. Holiday Bowl Cof fee Shop 738; high team series. Holiday Bowl cot (ee Shop ?ui; nign ma. game, Barbara Jonet 203; high Ind. series, Bar bar Jones 550. BASIN LEAGUE W L 59 21 53'-1 27Vj Kaler Auto Service ft Parts Pioneer Tobacco Co. Spud nut No. 3 Lauras Beauty Fair Pacific Supply Cooperative Park Cabinet Sunrise Safety Center CWA 45 35 39') 40Vj 47 Idellas Grocery 32 48 Soudnut 3' 51 HHP 29 51 Merits Service Supply 23 57 Results: Kaler Auto Service ft Parts 4, Lauras Beauty Fair 0; Sunrise Safety Center 3. Spudnut No. 2 1; Pacific Sup ply Cooperative 3, Park Cabinet 1; CWA 3. Spudnut 1; Pioneer Tobacco Co. 3. Ideiias Grocery 1; HRP 4, Merits 0. High team game, CWA 984; high team series, CWA 286; high Ind. game, Tom McGreevy-Boft Twch (tie) 324; high Ind. series Tom McGreevy 612. FR1 NITS MIXED FOURSOME LEAGUE W L Act TV 46 30 Weverhaeuser Credit Union 4 30 Mitchs Grocery 42 34 Cash ft save Tower Service Coca Cole Nervals Golden Rule Kerns Dry Cleaning Todd Building Bud ft Jems Midway MftM Market 40 34 40 30' s 45i Midland Market 21 55 Jan, l! results: Tower Service 4, Mltchs Grocery 0; Weyerhaeuser Credit Union 3. Norvals Golden Rule 1; Coca Cola 2. Todd Buildmg 2: MftM Market 4, Midland Mar ket 0; Bud ft Jerrii Midway 3. Cash ft Save 1; Ace TV 3, Kerns Dry Clean. 1. High team game, M&M Market 83; high team series, MftM Market 2J6S; hifjh ind. game (menl, Stan Holt 2Uf hgh Ind. series (menl, Richard Hasktns 590; high tnd. game (women!, Jedy Kitch en 192; hloh Ind. series (women), Jody Kitchen 487. WEYERHAEUSER LEAOUE W "ells StMopi'19 Studs No Accounts Stand-up StiH Saw Wilt Hardboerd Plnlsnl9 Vardb.ras Nu-LX Nuts Office Overhead Kilowatts Vaintenanca Supervisors Spoilers Warehouse Lett Overs Gutter Snipes Releets Jan. 16 results: Spoilers 21 27'; 30' 1 37't 30 38 27 41 77 41 17 SI Lett Overs 2; Yard Birds 2. Shipplno Studs 2: Stand- ue Shed 3. Gutter Snipes l; Belts 4. Vaintenance Super. 0; Sawmill 4. Ware-r-ouse 0; Office Overhead 3. Releets 1. No Accounts 3. K.iowatts I; Herdboard Finishing 4. Nu-Loc Nuts 0 Hioh team pame, Belts '057; hloh team se- es.- Beits 2979: high ind game. Rusl Sheerer 214; high ind. series. Run Shearer 598. HOLIDAY MASTERS LEAGUE Petersen Points 'C 43 4)1 !7 43! 91 433 J7 474 7S 421 00 Hewievs Plastering The Trnphy House Lewis Chevron C-a'er Enterprises Sgui't Bennington Steel B'des results; Hewievs P'ettering 3. Oarer Enterprises i; Sou"t 7. Lewis Chev-on I: The Trophy House 3. Ben. nii-otsn S'eei 1 wgh teem game. Souirt 179; h-gh teem series Son-rt 2308. high ind game. En Ross I2. high ino. ser-es. En Ross 637. NIGHT CRAWLERS LEAOUI Hhprtvs Flyli-a A F'an'T Oi' F "ers Klamath Herflwrwls Cr-scv C'eme Donufi Hans S siei service C'mere teiaco Revs He-lev Davidson Sales Weve-tieeuser JC-nnvs Plying A Cah i save O-i Co Results, He-i Signal serve I S3 ) I 6C-, Kiim- r Falls, Ore. Thursday, Sacred e League Rival power. He is the league's leading scorer with a 30.7 average per game in the league contests and a 23.5 average through the 10 games the Hornets have captured. The other four probable start ers for Coach Jearold Johnson's team and averages will be Earl Allbritton (10.7), Mike Beymer U3.2), Steve Roiling (5.5) and Le-i Voy Young (6.4). Others who probably will see action are Char-i ley. Thompson (5.1). Tom Sand-1 ers (2.8", Steve Rand (1.3), El-j ton Schiro U.2, and Terry Biel by (1.0). The probable starters for Coach Marv Delplanche's five will be Elmo LeBeau, Dick Miller, Pete Krok, Jim Korsen and Chuck Milani. The others are Mike Mar-1 , A. r " -f 1 , X ' , Vs. f 1 " L. BIG FISH STORY George Chambers, 5034 Harlan Drive, at right, caught theie big salmon last weekend while on a fishing trip on the Sacramento River near Redding. They were the first he ever caught. Helping him display his proud catch is his ton, R. C, at left. The two big ones weighed 30 and 31 pounds. They were caught Sunday. ath Hardwoods 1; Shortvs Flying A 3, Weyerhaeuser 2; Johnnys Flying A 4. Cash 8. Save Oil Co. 1: F.ranll Oil Filters 3, Elmers Tevaco 2; Crispy Creme Donuts 4. Rays Harley Davidson Sales 1. High team game. Halls Signal Svc. 611; high team series. Hells Signal Svc. 2340; high Ind. geme, Roy Hampton 226; high Ind. series, Roy Hampton 771. LIONS LEAOUE W L Roarers 52 23 Dorris Lions Lens ' Jungle Kings Gems Lion Temers The Busters 43' s 31' I 35 40 33 42 32' 1 42' Toil Twisters 23 52 Results: Gems 3. Jungle Kings 7; The Busters 3, Roarers 2; Tall Twisters S. Dorris Lions 0; Lion Tamers 4. Leos I. High team qame, Roerert 683: hioh team series. Jungle Kings 7512.- high ind. geme. Dice Green 206; high Ind. serles- H. B. Dexter 761. LIONS AUXILIARY LEAGUE W L Tail Twisters 31 26 Merrill 35' 18' i Jolly Jills 34 30 Twisters 20's 43' Results: Jolly Jills 2. Merrill I; Tall Twisters 4. Twisters 0. High teem game, Merrill 608: high teem series. Jouy Jills 1674; high Ind game. Marian Ewing 175; high Ind. se ries, Merlene Ewing 411. WOMEN'S CLASSIC LEAOUI W L Suburban Finance 44 27 Crater Lake Creamery 41 37 Beachs Jewelers eo's 37's Halter Furniture 36 32 Troohy House 33' I 34' t Holiday Bowl X 38 One Hour Varllnirmg 76 42 B-owns Plumbing 1 4 Results: Suburban Finance 3. Creter Latie Creamery 1: Holidey Bowl 4, Browns Plumbing 0: Helters Furniture 3, Beachs Jewelers lj One Hour Merlin Iztng 2, Trophy House 2. High team game. Suburban Finance 66. high team series, Halter Fu-niture 1966; h-gh Ind. game, Mergo McGreevv ?na: high Ind. series. Mergo McGreevy 580. MOOSE PA'S LEAOUI W L Lucsy Lenes 40'1 27'1 O Heir's vemoriel Chaeel 40' i 37' i CP ft W W. we-d 36 33 Vusorove Plumbing 34 37 A'temonl Grocery He-'v Lanpnear Insurance Pastegas Market "40" Ctuh Bings Sete'l'te Room 34' 21 S 39' J Merrill Moose 2 42 Jen. 14 results- Musgrov Plumbing 3. -40" Club 1: Bmgs Setel'.ite Room 3. Alternant Grocery 1; Merry LenPhesr ins 2. Lucky Lanes 7: O'Halra Memorial Chapel A Verri'l Moose 0; C P. 1 W.vv ward 3, Pas'eges Verket 3 H.gh teem game. Lucky Lanas 80: high team series, Bmgs satellite Room 2423, h.Qh Ino game. Merle Manscam 334. h.gn ing series. B-ll Hewiev 63? MOOSE CRAB FEED SAT., JAN. 19th Serving Starts at 7 P.M. $1.50 Ptr Perwei DANCC TO FOLLOW January 17, 1M3 Heart To Battle tinez. Marv Davis, Joe Durrell, and Dick Van Camp. LeBeau has been the big gun for the Trojans most of tiie sea son but now is getting some help from Pete Krok. LeEeau is aver aging 15.0 per game in the two loop tilts and Krok 13.5. Miller is the leading rebounder. The Lakcview Honkers will take on dangerous St. Mary's in what could be one of the best league games. The Honkers are tied in second place with defending cham pion Eagle Point and St. Mary's is fourth with a 2-1 record. The Honkers are 3-1. The game, will be on the Honk ers home court and they will be a slight favorite in the contest. The Honkers are a well-balanced h Collier Replaces Paul Brown CLEVELAND iUPI) - Wanton Collier, a man well-versed in the Paul Brown football system, will guide the fortunes of the Cleve land Browns in 1963. The former University of Ken tucky coach was named to the post Wednesday by Art Modell Browns president, who said "Blanton was my first choice and the only man talked to." Collier, who steps up as head man succeeding his longtime friend, Brown, fired last week signed a three-year contract call ing for an estimated $.15,000. The 56-year-old Collier, after being announced as the new Coach, told newsmen he would re tain all of the team's assistant coaches and one and possibly two others would be added. The pres ent assistants arc Howard Busier, who was also named personnel director; Howard Brinkcr. Dick Evans, Fritz Hcisler and Ed L'linski. Modell also announced that Harold Sauerbrei, the team's business manager and a former sportswriter, will take over as the new general manager. Collier, the second head coach in the 17-year history of thej learn, said he agreed lo succeed Brown, "the man who gave me my start in professional foot- j ball," only after careful thought: and "w ith emotions so conflicting j hat 1 find them most difficult to explain " i "I was offered Ihe job last Stin-i day." Collier said, "and I imme-i dialcly contacted Paul. He told j mr. 'You must accept the job.i CASH BONUS ON GAS PURCHASES Inquire, at: Lewis Richfield Station Oregon Avt. 4 Bittsn PAGE 1 A Contest club which is being led by Dan Leahy and Larry Samples. Sam pies is third and Leahy fourth in the league scoring department. Samples is hitting at a 17.5 clip and Leahy at a 15.3 average for the four games. Dennis Warren is 14th among the scorers with 9.5 average. Other probable start ers are Fred Williams and Vern Plato. Leading the Crusaders are Jim Calhoun and Dave Young. Cai houn is the only Crusader among the top 15 scorers with a 13.7 average for three games. Young has hit for 33 points and. a 12.0 average putting him in 17th spot Other likely starters for the Cru saders are Roberts, Tim Darland and Batzer or St ins on. . - Vtf-t i ! s h i trjiTrara J f V ( ' FULL PRICE For this beautiful 1963 Lark 2 dr. Sdn. Fully Equlpptd Includes Standard trans Hearer & dtfrotttr Directional signals Undercoating 10,000 MILE SERVICE 24,000 MILE 2 C O 68 00 4rS8v KLAMATH MOTORS 120 Eoit Main Huskies-Antlers Game Tops Slate Merrill's fast-rising Huskies will be al Bonanza Friday night in the top same this week in the Klam ath County League while Bly en tertains Gilchrist and league-lead ing Chiloquin journeys to Malin. Merrill, holding down second place behind undefeated Chiloquin, will be hard pressed with t h e hustling Antlers of Bonanza. This game is rated a tossup. Gilchrist, also a rapidly improving club. will be the pick over Bly and Chiloquin is a heavy choice over inexperienced Malin. The Huskies and Antlers have split games thus far this season and this game could develop into a real donnybrook. The Antlers will have the home court advan tage and it may depend on which team has the best night. Merrill probably will own with Ken Smith, Bob Moore, Dave Hill, Dale Kurtz and Jim Thompson. Others who will see action will be Larry Connor, Jim Merrilees and Jim Reed. Smith is the lead ing scorer for the Huskies and is aided by balanced scoring from the rest. Bonanza is paced by Eddie Sim- Big Six Cage On Line This The Big Six basketball lead goes on the line this weekend when Washington (3-1) invades Stanford (l-O) for a pair of games. The Huskies were picked the College Scores By United Press International EAST Adelphi SA King's Point S3 St. Fran (NY) 83 Loyola Md) 65 Northeastern 71 Springfield 62 Seton Hall 93 Fairfield 91 Holy Cross 78 Amherst 59 Harvard 59 Dartmouth 55 SOUTH Furman 66 Virginia Tech 61 Davidson 66 Wofford 56 Marshall 109 Morris-Harvey 85 Morehead 87 Western Ky. 61 Va. St. (Norfolk) 91 St. Paul's 58 West Virginia 89 Penn St. 73 W. Virginia Tech 84 Bluefield 60 MIDWEST Louisville 75 Xavier (Ohio) 66 Butler 77 Ball St. 60 Wittenberg 48 Dayton 45 De Paul 83 Notre Dame 69 S.E. Missouri St 72-Sou. Illinois 70 Drury Coll 87 Missouri Valley 76 SOUTHWEST Okla. City 75 Hardin-Simmons 59 WEST Oregon Tech 96 Southern Ore. 92 Pcpperdine 73 Mutual Express 56 Hawaii 72 Japan Steel & Tube 50 Portland Frosh 98 Shamrock AAU 88 Clark JC 76 Lower Columbia 64 MUCH FOR the following equipment Padded dash Dual headlights 2 ipeed tlee wipers Extra Sun Visor . I ALL w 1 Me.., Vi D. ACCEPTED Set Welly for Rial Deal mons, Fred Dearborn, Ernest chols, Bill Ncwlun and Ricky Ste- ber. Monte Burnett, Wayne La lloda, Neil Tofell, Rod Pheiffcr and Jim Seater probably will see some action. Gilchrist came on strong last week and lost to the Merrill Hus kies in an overtime, 52-46. The Grizzlies are improving and should be too much for the Bobcats. The probable starters will be Dan Hoff, Dave Sporrer, Denny Jcs sup, Bob Mayfield and the other opening assignment is yet to be filled. Bly probably will go with Jim Watts, Johnny Godowa, Merle Clemens, Greg Davis and Duane Foster with Jack Patzke, Mike Crawford and John Kirk to see action. Chiloquin is unbeaten in five league games and should win over1 winlcss Malin. The Panthers will open with Tony Wilder, Tony Di Ulio, Al DeBortoli, Greg Harris and Don Taylor. Leonard Wilder, Joe Kirk and Tom Van Pelt will also get into the game. Malin will start Tom Brown, Tom Tofell, Randy LeQuieu, Sherm Kalina and Dan Duncan. Lead Week team least likely to succeed after! so-so showings in early games and at the Los Angeles Basket ball Tournament. But then Washington swept UOLA at home and earned a split at USC in a quartet of games, each settled by four points or less. The Huskies have been getting a lot of mileage from the tall front line combination of Dale Easlcy and Ed Correll. The latter leads the Big Six in rebounds. Stanford is rated number 16 na tionally after splitting with 10th ranked Oregon State last week end. Center Tom Dose lately has been getting outside shooting help tram Don Clemctson. Semester finals cut down week end basketball action along the Coast but a few other games Fri- day will find Portland at Nevada Gonzaga at Seattle, Pepperdine at Hawaii, Oregon at Washington state, and a tournament hosted by Cal Poly of Pomona. Arizona Stale is at New Mexico tonight in a key Western Athletic Conference game. Wednesday night's light slate was headed by Pepperdine's 73-56 defeat of the Mutual Express team of the Hawaii Armed Serv ices league at Honolulu. Pepperdine led by 27 points In the second half and was never in trouble. Lee Tinslcy led Pep perdine with 18. Other scores: Oregon Tech 96 Southern Oregon 92, Hawaii 72 Japan Steel and Tube 50. MORE LESS YR. WARRANTY TKABE3 TU 2-5344 7 I if ; 1 DON PIPER Back In Action NOE NAMED SECRETARY HLVLEAH, Fla. (UPI)-Kenny Noe Jr., a former supervisor ol1 racing lor the Florida State Rac ing Commission, has been named1 to succeed the late M. C. (Ty) Shea as racing secretary al Ilia leah Park. Worlds largest natural game preserve is Krugcr National Park m the Republic of South Africa. GUN STORE'S STOCK REDUCTION SALE! ' 1 Group AFTER SKI BOOTS Reg. to 10.95 6 95 Fishing Equipment ENTIRE STOCK ON SALE! HUGE SWEAT HEAVY WEIGHT AND FANCY Rg. Reg. Reg. Entire Stock BAROMETERS THERMOMETERS 20 OFF Dacron Arctic INSULATED Underwear Men's Reg. 12.95 977 Ladies' Reg. 14.95 opes Back On Win Road SOUTHERN OREGON CONFERENCE STATISTICS SEASON Turn W t. Pel. PI Pi Crater S I .889 6K 457 Klamath Palli I 1 ! Ul 3" Grant, Pan 7 3 .700 SIS a Medlord A 3 .667 531 469 Ashland 6 3 .667 4S6 37S CONFERENCE Team W L Pel. PI Pa Grant! Past 3 I .750 212 1(7 Craler 1 1 .667 178 169 Klamattl Fall! 2 I .667 130 132 Medlord 1 2 .333 167 165 Ashland 0 3 .000 140 184 CRATER The Klamath Union Pelicans, knocked from their lofty undefeated perch last week by the Medford Black Tornado, will at tempt to get back onto the win trail here Friday night when the Crater Comets host the Whitebirds in a game which will break a two way tie for second place. This will be no easy task for the Pelicans. They are taking on the highest scoring team In the Southern Oregon Conference and the fastest team and on their home court. It will take a solid 32 minutes of very good basket ball to top the Comets who are aptly nicknamed for the basket ball season, especially. The Pelicans and Comets both suffered their first setbacks last week. The Pelicans went ice cold after the first period and dropped; 44-35 decision to Medford while defending state champion Grants Pass was downing the Comets. The Pelicans have beaten Grants Pass Grants Pass beat Medford, Med ford beat KU and Crater was stopped by Grants Pass in this 'ring - around - the rosy" league which is one of the toughest and closest In years. One thing is for sure. The Peli cans are going to have to halt the blinding speed of the Comets or at least slow it down consid erably. Coach AL Keck and his charges did this last year and toppled the Comets. The same strategy is In for a workout thisl week. Keck hopes to slow down the I Comets and use the Pelicans' height advantage, to the best. Cra ler has only two men over six feet in Howard Tomlinson and Paul Bransom. "But they lump like INDIVIDUAL O) FO-FOA Player Fred Kelley lex icon wavna Chamberland 3 - 71 IS - 46 Hal Holmon Orover Dattn 14 -40 II 11 -39 J t J Terry Ash Lanny Guyer Bob Moort Bob Holman Steve Baker Don Piper Roger Rodgera Jack Bauer Totals M Winter MReg. 29.95 neg. if.va Reg. 11.95 STOCK SHIRTS 1.77 2.17 2.77 2.25 . 2.95 . 3.95 . INSULATED PACS Steel Shank SPECIAL 695 714 To Get they are 6-3," Keck stated. The Comets have rattled the nets for 60S points in nine games for a 67.3 average mis season and have allowed 50.2 points per game. They have hit for 178 points in the three league games for an average of 59.3 while allowing 169 for an average 56.3. So that might indicate the toughness of league play. Tiie Pelicans are averaging 49 points per game through the nine contests with 441 points. They Too 20 Individual Scorers Plavsr FO FT-A PF TP Avo. Mike Gllnes, C 62 16-26 14 140 15 5 Jim Pippin, GP 42 47-78 24 131 13.1 H. Tomlinson, C 32 65-84 27 129 14.3 LOU Alvarei, C 52 19.29 31 123 13.7 Jack Forde, M 48 22-44 26 118 13.1 Fred Kelley, Kr 40 19-27 25 99 11.0 J. Hill. M (8 games) 42 14-33 24 98 12.2 Pal Pepper, C 39 16-24 14 94 10.4 DICK SCOtt, KF 33 27-40 30 93 10.3 Jim Lamb. A 29 34 55 21 92 10.2 Danny Miles, M 41 9-23 18 91 10.1 Tom Sparlin, GP 31 15-22 31 77 7.7 Tod Hess, A 24 29-39 20 77 8 5 Chamberland, KF 25 25-37 24 75 8.3 Hal Holman, KF 24 20-37 11 74 8.2 Greg Llndley, A 23 16-2 30 71 7.9 Neatnamor, m zv to-21 14 ae i.i Bob Sheptld, GP 23 18-26 II 64 7.1 Dale Tapper, A 19 24 39 26 62 6 9 Marty Bauer, GP 21 18-29 24 60 6.6 . have allowed 397 against them for an average of 44.3. They have tallied 130 points in league play for 43.3 per game but have al lowed 132 points for a 44.0 aver age. The Pelicans will be going against three of the top four scorers in the league. Mike Glines tops the league with a 15.5 aver age and Tomlinson is third with a 14,3 mean and Lou Alvarez fourth with a 13.7 average. Pat Pepper is eighth with a 10.4 aver age. So the Comets have four players averaging in double fig ures. , . Klamath will counter with four players who are among the top 20 scorers. Fred Kelley is sixth with an 11.0 average while Dick Scott is picking up each week and now has ninth place and a 10.3 average. Wayne Chamberland Is 15th with an 8.3 mean and Hal Holman has an 8.2 average. The fifth starter for the Peli cans probably will be Lanny Guy er. Keck plans to use him to help hold down the Crater speed. I STATISTICS FT-FTA PP Red. TP POA PT SI 99 38.1 66.T 11 91 45 1 64.1 tl 7S 52 1 474 44 74 40.0 6S.0 11 34 11.1 S7.1 34 13 37 9 53 0 11 11 37.S 44.7 20 7 64.7 50.0 1 S 10.0 30.0 t 4 64.7 00.0 I 0 00.0 M.O 1 0 00 0 oo o 0 B 00.0 00. 0 141 441 19.7 41.0 IS - 17 16 - 40 16 - IS II 30 7 - IS 1-4 0-1 0-0 0-4 0 114173 Men's and Ladies' & Ski Jackets Down Filled 23.77 jaweis 11.11 Jackets 9.77 Men's and Ladies' SWEATERS R9- A A 77 14.95 II" Reg. 16.95 Reg. 29.95 1277 2377 Starlight OUTDOOR FOODS For campers and out- doorsmen. Needs no re- frigeration. stock. Complete; 20 OFF Precision Machine ICE SKATE SHARPENING 1.00 Main pr. I fiifito 1 Av. u. . 10 1 13 82 4.1 3.7 1.4 I