"7 i vi i-j . n E3ESI Tender Aged Beef Sirloin Round or Rib a Q o 0 BONELESS ROLLED PORK ROAST m s j nrrrrxirr b x u s m sh-ioin 9 " ( CAiyVUJU yiiiiftilJ Round or Rib OJ b. 3 PORK nHAnn wi, STEAEC IHiMi ill. - n Lean and Loaded with Meat 3) f$ s.rioin OflM e i K : HI LI M m 4 to 6 lb. Average 0n Mm Cut Up and Pan-Ready ' Maxwell House cO L 7 , 'sdilpQI .-'lf MMU.UK Right Reserved To Limit Prices Good Through Sunday 3710 So. 6th St TIDE EGGS Giant Package Grade "AA" Large ; 9 ' Local Ranch O O O or '! Van Camp's PORK H SEAN Big No. 2 Tins (p) $ for 00 rnn trawberry Jam Tomato Juice Medo-Bel Top Quality Vi Gallon Assorted Flavors Kopper Kettle 43-oi. Boss Brand GLOVES , Soft Cotton and Nylon 39c Standby 46-oz. or Pineapple-Grapefruit .$100 A Campbeirs Soups Cream of Mushroom Chicken Noodle Vegetable Beef 7 00 Woodbury Beauty Bar SOAP MJB Quick Brown RICE 24-oz. i . Sunsweet Large PRUNES Reg. 77c & 2.-!b. U Bg (Q Reg. 1.77 Value BUBBLE BATH c 3 Pkgs. 91 Special Morning Brand CANNED MILK TALL TINS (P)c y J Each Derby Chili Derby Corned Beef Hash Derby's Pure Pork Without Beans 15-oz. tin 1 00 15Vi-oz. Tin si00 Luncheon Meats 2 " 3 1 1 Derby's Corned Beef 12-oi. 22-oi. Kraft Miracle Margarine Kraft SAFFLOWER OIL 24-oz. MM1 Liquid Chiffon 45' Dcnnison's 40-oz. Chili Con Carne Dcnnison's SPAGHETTI and Meat Bolls 40-ot. Society Brand BULK CANDY L B S 00 Chef's Choice MIXED NUTS 13-01. Tin Wizard Household DEODORANT Reg. 69e 7-oi. Assorted 49 Fancy, Medium Size Avocados Fancy, Large Stuffing Size Bell Peppers Large Slicing Cucumbers Indian River Pink, Med. Size Grapefruit Snoboy Carrots F 0 R F 0 R F 0 R F 0 R lb. bog rm ipEi -v t if j MMMM M:ViM:lUWmnj TllliJiiiiiii mil. ... El n lb .Z m