Boston's Young St rangier Uses Business-Like Approach On Potential Woman Victims BOSTON UPI - He has honey colored hair. He is tall, well- spoken and business-like. He knocks on an apartment door and tells the woman who answers he's here to do the painting. If she says no, he starts "talking tunny. ' That is the profile of a young man who homicide detectives be lieve may have stain seven pos sibly nine women in Boston and its sprawling suburbs since last June 14. His image haunts thousands of other women living alone behind double-bolted dcors. He's known, for lack of better identification. as "the strangler." The description of the would be housepainter was given to po lice by Mrs. Marcella VYawrzinak Lulka. a 30-year-old housewife and a neighbor of victim No. 7. It is one of few tangible clues in the search for a man. possibly men. whose series of stranglings and rapes have turned Boston into a city of fear. There's been a run on door locks, bedside telephones and small pistols. Meier' readers, bill collectors and door-to-door salesmen have been turned awav from hundreds of bolted, unopened doors. But the garrotings continued and police search without a serious suspect for a killer reminiscent of Brit ain's Jack the Ripper or, more recently, John Christie who stran gled his victims and plastered them into the walls of his flat. Marcella Wawrzinak - Lulka lives next door to the Back Bay area apartment where Sophie I'lark. 21, was raped and strangled with her stocking and pc&cuat Dec. 5. That day. Marcella said she heard a knock on the door of her own second-floor suite. She opened it and a man pushed past her. "I'm Thompson." he said. "I'm here to do the painting." Mrs. Wawrzinak-Lulka insisted she didn't want any painting done. She said the man "started talk ing funny and said how tall I am and what a good model I'd make." She told the man she'd have to talk to her husband in the next room and left him standing alone by the door. When she returned, lie had gone. Mrs. Wawrzinak-Lulka said the self-styled housepainter who called himself Thompson looked like a student. "He was very polite and business-like at first." she said. "If I ever see him again. I will cer tainly recognize him." The first seven cases showed remarkable similarities. In each, the killer was admitted to the apartment or walked in through, open or unlocked doors. There was no serious struggle, some times apparently none at all. The killer used a stocking or another article of clothing to strangle five of the women. Once se used his bare hands; once a pillow case. At least four of the victims had been raped. Except for Miss Clark, the first seven vic tims were older women be tween 55 and 75 suggesting per haps the killed had a "mother hatred" complex. Miss Clark's death weakened mat theory, but it fit a pattern! in another way. Kour of the first seven victims were hospital work- HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Wednesday, January 16, 19ti3 PAGE 9 A GUARANTEED REPAIR SERVICE AT WARDS Hi-fi pnono. radio. TV, appllanca . . . a Wards technician la lust a phona call away! You'll Ilka tha servlca ... and tha prlcal Call todayl MONTOOMERV WARD SERVICE DEPARTMENT TU 4-1IU tin Plna ers and a filth frequently visited relatives at a hospital near her home. Miss Clark attended a school for medical assistants and worked in a hospital. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 10:00 J. W. Kami NORGE LAUNDRY & CLEANING VILLAGE 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 Jacoby On Bridge . . , NORTH . 16 i' A.K8 3 ; VAK2 ! KJ75 AJ4 WEST EAST W95J 4.7 4 98 6 743 84 10 9 63 ' 8.7 3 2 Q 9 6 5 ; SOUTH (D) AAQ10 6 ! VQJ10S ; AQ2 K10 i Both vulnerable South West North Eut 1 N.T. Pass 4 Pass 6N.T. Pass 7 N.T. Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 9 Convention Shows Count By OSWALD JACOBY Written for Newspaper Enterprise Assn. .In international competition it is proper to use as many artificial conventions as desired. The only provision is that they must be listed in advance of play and made available to your opponents so that they will know the meaning of your conventions. Bobby Jordan and Arthur Rob inson have a very special bid aft er an opening no-trump. Their no trump is usually in the 15 to 17 range but occasionally they bid with 18 so they use the immediate four diamond response to ask for point count. The opener rebids four hearts with a minimum Ho or a bad looking 16', four spades with 16 or a sorry 17, four no trump with 17 or a weak 18; they . jump to six no-trump with a good 18. North holds 19 points opposite his partner's no-trump. He in tends to bid at least six, but the Jordan-Robinson bid lets him get to seven when his four diamond response sends South to six no trump to show a maximum open er. South's 18 plus 19 equals 37 and should be enough for a grand slam. The grand slam is also a lay down. South has 13 tricks in top cards and does not have to wor ry about the jack of spades and queen of clubs held against him. It is also likely that most read ers also could reach that nice contract, but the Jordan-Robinson method is certainly an easy one. M Q The bidding has been: Ronth Wat North East 1 Pus 1 Pass 1 Pan 3 P T You, South, hold: aAQ71 VA4TI )Z KJ51 What do you do? A Bid three ipatfea. This fiantf looks tlajntniah. bat there i no hurry about setting- there. TODAY'S QUESTION You bid three spades and your partner bids four clubs. What do you do now? Answer Tomorrow I i Amanurinp i (Rswlon Aquamarine Or tntimara LOTION SPECIAL rVmanurinp I I FOR HANDS & BODY l tone, t I i A 14-o3x 'UbU Keg. 2.5U H plus 1 4J2fcfjQf. Siia Keoptit v$p THERMOS VACUUM Ik I BOTTLES 1 fe, ,. 27 r rXiV 100 Qui,t Ny,on I ef bristle III unw I JUST . . IT'S HERE! Another Exciting 9c Sale Only at Pay Lest Can You Get Such Values for So Little Come in and See. Sale Dates Jan. 16 Thru Jan. 20th while Stocks Lost. NO SALES TO DEAL ERS. OPEN SUNDAY 11 til 6. Open Nites Till 9. DOUBLE FACED MIRRORS One Sde Magnifies 19c VAL. EVERLASTING PLASTIC FLOWERS Wide Variety Your Choice FOR I x lii 1088 3k 3m 3, 100 Quilt Nylon , INSULATED . "S.UNDERSUITS YOUR CHOICE 2 Pc. Suits With 7-oi. Celacloud Fill or 3-oz. Dacron Fill! 888 WIKDBREAKER CETS J 87 ADULT SIZE TOOTH PUSHES Ft STOCK UP HOW! Color Tone Metal Thumb Tacks Reg. 10c Per Card 2 & CARDS FOR VIEWMASTER COLOR PICTURE REELS ONE BIG GROUP REG. C PLASTIC HOUSEWARES! TERRIFIC SELECTION .... Cups - Butter Dishes - Bread Baskets - Juicers - YAL. I 1 Salad Server Forks & Spoons'- Left Over Dishes, TA III YOUR & VJ, FEEL BETTER IN 10 DAYS YOUR MONEY BACK! The Jewel of Multi-Vitamins lMlnime r MULII-YIIAMIN r-.ti;. :.- fAPflllFS f 250 DAY SUPPLY! Regular 15.9S i laia iai naa aiii.i iml Ttr Y if11 UAIHfEL. -jzjm I " II ffaFEFWx 1 A DECORATED CERAMIC SCOTCH TAPE DISPENSER 39c YAL. Now Just-. . LADIES . MISSES Pill IV LINED EXPANDED VINYL PASTEL JACKETS Wind & Water Proof! V A 01 Villus Unbreakable Poly TUMBLERS TWO FOR COLOR GALORE! 1 SALE! QH Assorted jijf Scissors I , 3S I Vols, to 35c Your C Choice 1 ft I a ram. mm ti a " .x . rr v jr ii - ji i mm S v-ll PAY LESS h- .P-asiiwi "t -ST HOUSEHOLD r I A Ui I NEEDLES i w uj daviecc J I I H I A SPACE SAVING! 5 Tier All Metal HANGERS For Skirts and Slacks! 1.00 Vol. m m ..IP".!? DELICIOUS SPANISH PEANUTS lift In. - Lakeview Girl Is Commended LAKEVIEW Nancy Hansen. Lakeview Hifih School senior and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hansen of Lakeview, has received a letter of commendation from the National Merit Scholarship for outstanding performance in the qualifying test which she look last year. As a result of her name being circulated, as a student with un usual promie. in colleges for con sideration fcr available scholar ships outside the NMS. on col lege has aiready asked for de tailed scholastic information about the Lakeview girl. Another LHS student marked for recognition is Marie Deming. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Deming. who has been selected as Oregon's alternate delegate to the sixth annual Williamsburg Stu dent Burccsses to be held at Col onial Williamsburg. Va.. Feb. Ifi J0. The state delegate is Stan Heisler of The Dalles. The contest for representaiKm was held Dec at Bend, and Marie, who is a junior, placed second. n virtu 9 W Sateen Cover ACCENT PILLOWS COMPARE AND SEE HOW YOU SAVE Now Just 1 00 5c Hunter CIGARS THE LATEST THE GREATEST LONG PLAY - HI-FI RECORD ALBUMS ALL ARTISTS ALL LABELS! life 3 ( ENVELOPES jlrTJu DISbox!SER Y y ii At P. last afcJB R Ii ELASTIC BAND-VINYL SHOWER CAPS JEWELED NYLON HAIR NETS 29c VAL iKZ' i) DURING VI lfi THIS SALE! mr ,hch SHOELACES 2p.t'9c 29c BUN BASKETS 9C 25 c PARING KNIVES T 19 FELT TIP MARKERS T 19 CEREAL BOWLS m 9C 25c CIGARETTE CASES 9C 25 c MEASURING CUP 2 c"p Si" 9C 19c FRICTION TAPE4""1' T 25 C1 PET BALLS 9J; 25 PING PONG BALLS7 "pk9 9C 19c BABY RATTLES"35"""" 9C 19c DISH CLOTHS s'"' Up Now' V 1 9 c KITCHEN TOWELS """ A "" "y! 9 c 15c WASH CLOTHS Wo"! 2s9c HANDY PLASTIC MUGS 2 0 FOR LEVERAGE TYPI HANDLE! Its Bound TO COMEf STRAIGHT PINS Big Bisoks 2 FOR CHILDREN'S FUN WATERCOLOR Point Box 12 Colors Metal Box Reg. 19c a 5 1 Pmfon 1 Windihltld I DE-ICER 1 Ml I III. J I 11 II I II I I I LARGE SCOOP SIZE SNO SHOVELS GE TYPI DLE! 2" WIZARD PUSH BUTTON A. i . 'I nwwui nconriDiTro wiiwvwniiaiin 0 Mountain AMistA ptOKWM YOUR CHOICE OP MANY- IN t BATHROOM SCINTS!"i OIANT SIZI AO( Pay !7' Less MSP " SALE! METRECAL SOUP I r LANOLIN PLUS LIPSTICKS FLASHLITE BATTERIES Reg. ISe ) 2 FOR 1 1 VALUES TO 25c ASSORTED GIANT 20-ox. HEAVY TUMBLERS WITH SPOON! Idaal For lc CrMm Flaatt 25c YaL THI "HOT MIAL" D 1 1 T A R Y FOR WEIGHT CONTROL! YOUR CHOICI OF 1 FLAVORS! 3 Pk. - mmC Now Just K 99 1 CERAMICS 9 WOODEN HANDLE VEGETABLE BRUSHES 19c Vol. Now Just 9 NOVELTY PLASTIC BACK SCRATCHER Dad's m C Delight 19e Vol. I Villi 9 ll-INCH SQUARE RAYON SCARYES Colors Gal or! Your Choice 9 POLISHED . WOODEN CLOTHES PINS Big 18-cf. pkg. 1 METRECAL LIQUID 15- i39 Vol. EASY TO APPLY! PAY LESS GUARANTEED LATEX PAINT jMetrecal tits. if rnr tiiitino aV NEAR ODORLESS S it CLBAN TOnLft HITH HATER! NO MI.K8! COMP. AT S.9S sr ajt 70 a.- Procter - Easy Roll - Eosy Stor IRON TABLES ;.-Csw IT ADJUSTS as i u an T DESIRED height: 1S.95 Valua ROLLO COMB CLEANER YOUR CHOICE QUIK-LITE LITER FLUID OR RONSON minim Tiprrn HAIR PINS 60 Count 1-PC. POLY ClCUlUr MINIATURE TWILIGHT HAIR S BRONZED LEAD BRUSH i; HORSES PENCILS ."'Vim. STATUETTES E0. Sc IA. flllnalal.a flrala is H.SM.i.s.n piw IH HIIOKK mrrkm A atVat m -9C a? &9 '"9 MINIATURE FLOWER CANDLES DallcaM Dacorttiani yiwju com -r mw WELCOME MATS 129 Giant I 18 x 30 I HtAvr iikiiir TO I AT LAHT DEEP OROOVtS t.ATrn S MOLDS THE DIRT! NEW IDEA HEAVY VINYL BOOT FLINTS 39c Vol. 9 People Read SPOT ADS yen r o. PAY Rtg. 2Sc 9C 87 S iAVE O S OVER U S.00 NOW! Vol. to ft C 9' CADDY 20c Reg. 1.59 1.19