1 s4 PAGE S-A HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Wednesday, January 16, 1963 Self-Help Stressed By Revenue Service The Internal Revenue Service during the 1963 income lax filinR season will again stress self-help as its basic theme of taxpayers assistance, A. G. Erickson. direc tor of Internal Revenue for Ore gon, announced today. ; ."The self-help program has .been in effect for a number of years." Erickson said, "and v.c believe that more and more tax payers are becoming familiar Jvilh the requirements for the proper preparation of their led eral income ax returns. Essenti ally, self-help means that taxpay-: ers complete as much of their re turns as possible before asking help from us. Most taxpayers can do the whole job if they will care-i ' fully read the form itself and its accompanying instruction booklet. "We shall again stress our tele- tnhone assistance program, which will enable taxpayers with a prob lem or two to call us for a quick answer designed to enable them to complete the preparation o( their returns. Office assistance u.-ill he available where required but will naturally entail consider ably more of the taxpayer's lime. ' The most imoortant thing (or the taxpayer in preparing a re turn or in seeking telephone or office assistance is to have all of his l(tfi2 financial records at hand "Acain. let me remind taxpay ers that it will be much easier tn nrpnare a return or to obtain any help needed now than during the late stages ot the season wnen telephone lines are jammed and offices arc crowded. DO YOU LIKE BROILED LOBSTER AND DELICIOUS PRIME RIB ...? if you do, treat yourself to the very finest . . . do it tonight. Brrng the entire family in for dinner. Besides the Ioniser ond prime nb, there is a com plete menu with something on it to satisfy every one. MOLATORE'S Restaurant and Lounge 100 Main St. Ph. TU 4-6298 "DENNIS THE MENACE" I DON'T HAVE T00AVWTC7S.J JUST NEED A BkSSERfJOX.'1 Dunsmuir School V of e Scheduled For April DUNSMUIR - Schools in Duns muir have been notified by coun ty authorities of a forthcoming school election set for April IB. Trustees whose terms of office expire are Sidney Hschcr and Arthur Crowe, high school board members, and Gerald Spencer. Jack Samuclson, Neal Kluckman. and Elmo Loney, elementary school board members. Nominees must file intentions I to run for these offices with the county clerk's office by 5 p.m. March I. Except for Sidney Fischer, who resigned his post last week due to the demands of his employ, mcnt, no one had slated wheth er or not they will seek reelection. There are no bond issues or other school questions slated for the ballot nor are there any an nounced new candidates. NATIONALLY ADVERTISED IN LAST WEEK'S Sensationally improved new 1963 SERTA-POSTURE" MATTRESSES still at last year's low price! Sit V f II ' J f FlitUHo& &ntrfi Top SERTA-POSTURE MATTRESS now with V-Coil reinforced edge ! Authentic smooth-top... no hlddsn tuft or buttons. Eitrs-haavy Innsrsprlng construction provides firm support. Sturdy wovsn licking . pr. built border, Matching boi spring lor aitra comfort and support. SERTA-POSTURE DELUXE MATTRESS $ 49 75 EACH m tax tM M,t,k i Its itia, ttm Extra length at no extra cost! High-fMhien dama covsr previously ud only on tht $79 SO "Parlaet SlMpar" Mattress. K'i mors coils, and V-Coil rlnlorcad dg lor itra Support, sitra comfort. Sm6oth-top slasplng surface cushioned with Mirithana-Foam . . , Ssrta's fidusiv polyur. thant loam. Mad by a maVer of the $79.50 "Perfect Sleeper" Mattress PAY ONLY $5 DOWN $5 A Month each piece! Remember - extra Length of NO extra Cost. a i - i gcmzav lOO HAST MAIN Btwf. Main Slroot UrxWpou and Mills School Boardman Space Park Supported WASHINGTON' (LTD - The Oregon congressional delegation promised today to do all it could to assure creation of Oregon's pace-age mdutrial complex at the Navy's Boardman bombing range. The pledge was made in a letter sent to Oregon Gov. Mark Hat- Held lollowing a closed meetine at which Samuel V. Mallicoat. director of the Oregon Depart ment ol Planning and Develop ment, outlined problems encoun tered with the Naw and Armv Engineers. The state plans tn set up a 480.000 - acre industrial area to which it hones to attract a maior Boeing Company research and lest facility. Sen. Wavne Morse told the group that he had been assured by both Sens. Warren G. Magnu son and Henry M. Jackson that the Washington Democrats were not seeking to block the project. The chief roadblock so far en countered by the state, Mallicoat said, was a wide gap between what the Navy says the land is worth and what the state is will ing to pay. Price High Navy officials have told the stale that Bureau of Land Man agement IBLM) appraisers have put a $.)80.000 price tag on the and on the basis of its value as grazing land. But state officials say the site has been valued at only $122,000 by two former BLM appraisers. They agreed, however, that im provements made hy the Navy were worth about $83,000. Also involved in the controversy is the Corps of Engineers, which objects to demands by the state and Boeing for control of 11 miles of waterfront along the Columbia fliver. Boeing officials say they WAX & POLISH JOBS from . . $12.00 Sparkle Car Wash 4023 S. 6th Ph. TU 4-5543 cannot yet determine how much of the riverfront might be needed for port facilities. Army Engineers say the land is needed for public use under the multiple-use concept being applied to construction of the John Day Dam and have asked the state and Boeing to be more specific in their plans. Hemorrhoids Cured Painlessly By Non-Surgical Method The non-surgical, electronic method for treatment of Hem orrhoids (Pile) developed by doctors of the Beal-Oliver Sandy Blvd. Clinic has been to successful and permanent in nature that the followme pol icy is offered their patients: "After all symptoms of Hem orrhoids . . . have subsided and the patient has been dis charged, if he fthould ever have a recurrence, all further treat ments will b given without additional fee." Patients experience little, if any pain. Their treatment re quires no hospitalization and does not employ drugs or in jections. Write today for a free, de scriptive booklet, yours without obligation: The Beal-Oliver Sandy Blvd. Clinic. Chiroprac tic Physicians, 2026 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland 12, Ore. AdvtrtlMfncnt 1 M"MMMBWBWmasMBWiBMBMMWMMH . . C .... -'"j . . sei Cm Lot Corner SEVENTH and COMMERCIAL Sts. THURS., FRIDAY and SATURDAY fssssy III Used Car Stock! VJ Visif Us M 0ur New Lot ond Win A Prize III Hi GRAND PRIZE III tle 'of' ncw' an ,eccnt ,a'c, ' ncw 111 4 . I I I I iwuiLirja III 1950 Chryser 4-Door Sedan Win a priic! Remember the location IjM ' f I r , Zfj PRIZES EACH DAY v Comer 7th 5f. Entertainment and Dinner for Two yOj 1 a Winema's Round Table Room TH Any tar owner, 21 year, of o9e or older, i, eligible to, o prite. Fill out the coupon below (or a facsimile) bring it to our Ncw Lot and hove it signed by one of our authorised salesmen. One coupon per car owner please Drawing will be mode ot the close of eoch day. You do not hav. to be present to win. There is no obligation. Please visit us. DODGE Sales & Service i 424 So. 6th TU 4-7716 Used Cor Lot, 7th & Commercial, TU 4-4627 Nome , I I I Address ' Telephone Moke of Present Cor I Authorised Thomas Dodge Salesman