7 Insult By Parents Claimed By Youngster cm I v:i 1 1 fhfvtm By ANN LANDERS Dear Readers: Many people who write to me are not seeking' advice. They write to unburden themselves. The! letter below just arrived. It was i carefully writ ten in penman- ship typical of an 8 year-old. Dear Ann Landers: I was ' insulted by my parents. I wish they were more nicer to me. SIGNED ANNETTE So, good readers, if any of you happen to have a little Annette in the family you can start be ing more nicer. Dear Ann Landers: I've read you for years and 1 never dreamed I'd ever be writing for advice. But then, everybody says that. I'm 19 and going steady with a boy who is in the Army. George . asked me to marry him in his last letter. I don't know what to . ay. How can a person tell when he ' is in love? When George kisses me I feel no emotion. I can't ' truthfully say I miss him al though he has been gone since August. I enjoy his letters but they don't thrill me. Maybe I am not capable of deep emotion. Some of my girl friends tell me they get all rubber-kneed and goose-bumps when their boy friends are near. This has never happened to me A few fellows at work would like to date me but I feel this would rot be fair to George. I need some of your solid advice. UNDECIDED Dear In: Perhaps you'll never oe sole lo get rubber-kneed or goose-bumps over any man, but to decide this at 19 would be big irmtakr. Going steady with a fellow in the service Is also a big mistake You should date others, and George should, too. Vour luke warm attitude and indecision does not add up to the great love of the 20th century. ucar Ann Landers: !o vou don't approve of wife-spanking Well, if you knew all the facts in my case you'd sing a different tune. 1 married an 18-year-old spoiled brat. She never did a thing at home and didn't see why she had to change her ways simply be cause she got married. She never cooked a meal from the beginning. Everything was frozen, canned or prepared in the delicatessen. The house was al ways a mess. She read cheap mag azines all day and went to the movies four afternoons a week. I bought her a washer-dryer for the clothes but she couldn't learn how to operate it so I had to do the laundry on Sunday. When she look the dentist's money and got her hair dyed, I turned her over my knee and spanked her like the child she was. Since then, things have sure been different around our house. The little girl i all grown up now. Children should be spanked re gardless of age HUSBAND OF A TAMED SHREW Dear Husband: I have no good conduct medals for men who mar ry children and "grow them up" with spankings. You both have my sympathy. Eyes State Licensing OLYMPIA, Wash. (UPI- The State Reciprocity Commission will meet here Feb. 4 to consider new methods of preventing Washington residents from licensing their au tomobilcs in Oregon to escape higher Washington registration fees. A spokesman for Oregon told Washington officials last week that the commission's first ap proach to the question would be unacceptable to Oregon. Washington wanted a rule re quiring Oregon corporations lo buy Washington license plates for any company-owned cars which were permanently assigned to em ployes living in Washington. Oregon license plates cost a flat $10 each while a Washington plate can cost up to $100 or more, de pending on the value of the ve hicle. Dear Ann Landers: I was sad dened by the letter from the little girl whose mother threw "Pow der Puff," the dead cat, in the trash can and would not let the children have a funeral. My children had a sweet and wonderful funeral for their cocker paniel. The children lowered their heads and sang, "Where, Oh Where, Has My Little Dog Gone." t was very touching. I thought you might like to know how another mother handles the situation. Thank you. N.Y.C Dear N.Y.C: Thanks for heart-warming letter. I'm sure It meant a great deal to the chil dren and you were wise to give them your support. Arc vou uoina steady? Mak ing marriage plans? It so, send for Ann Landers booklet, Before Yoti Marry Is It Love Or Sex?", enclosing with your request 20 cents in coin and a long, self-ad dressed, stamped envelope. Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of this news paper enclosing a stamped, self addressed envelope. HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Wednesday, January 16, 1963 PAGE 5-A ........ , r, . . ,.i ,.,a .igiii mmnjw.ji-. ? y''V Tulelake Legion Reports Busy Month TULELAKE A busy Januarv meeting has been reported bv the auxiliary of Tulelake Post 1&4 American Legion which followed a potluck supper in the Tulelake Grange Hall. Reports included a visit to Bess Lowden. former auxiliary mem ber, a patient in the Modoc Medi cal Center at Alturas, by auxiliary and Homestead Community Club members. Mrs. Lowden who lived here (or several years was also iven a permanent by Betty's Beauty Shop. The auxiliary also voted to send rehabilitation materials to C. J. Proctor, Tulelake. in the Long Glass is a poor insulator against sound. Beach Veterans Hospital, and to make protective hospital bed pads for tlie Disabled American Vet erans Hospital in Fresno. Old sheets or w hite cotton blankets are needed. Those having some to. spare may call Mrs. A. E. Ryck man. The local auxiliary will double the 72 pads made last year. Pillow cases to be made (or dis tribution to veterans hospitals (or Christmas gifts were handed out. Mrs. Ryckman and Mrs. Pete Bergman are rehabilitation chair men. Kate Heiney reported on work in community service and child welfare with effort on food and clothing given to needy pota to harvest families. The auxiliary and the Winema Club assisted the Junior Key Club of Tulelake Joint Union High School in taking 17 Christmas baskets to families. Past presidents of the auxil iary voted to have the annual party for husbands at 4 p.m.. Jan. 20, at the A. E. Ryckman home. Visiting legionnaires to the post were Cliff Belts. Redding, area commander of the northern dis- INSIST ON GOLD BELL BRAND KLAMATH POTATOES at Your FavariU Grocer's triet; Bob Lidell, Redding, dis trict commander, and Carl John son. Yreka, past district com mander and secretary of the Sis kiyou County Planning Commis sion. Both post and auxiliary meet ings were well attended. Tha next meeting will be Feb. 12. Worry of FALSE TEETH Slipping or Irritating? Don't b embarrassed by loose false teeth slipping, dropping or wobbling when you eat, talk or laugh. Just sprinkle a little PASTEETH on your plates. This pleasant powder gives a remarkable sense of added comfort and security by holding plates more firmly. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. It's alkaline (non-acid ). Get FA6TEETH at any drug counter. CHILD SUPPORT SOUGHT Mario MacDonald is shown in the San Fernando court room Tuesday as she sought an increase in child support from $250 to $500. per month per child from her former husband, Harry Karl. Miss MacDonald is also ask ing for tuition and expenses to send the three children to private school. Karl testified that he believes the children should be in public school so 'they can have a home to come home to. He said that he thought nine months of boarding school and three months of camp kept the children away from home too long. UPI Telephoto Shorf Circuit Blamed For Deadly Air Crash WASHINGTON (UPI) The Civil Aeronautics Board today blamed the March 1, 1962, crash; in New York of an American Air lines Boeing 707 on a probable. short circuit in the rudder con trol system. All 95 aboard were killed in the crash. Tlie accident occurred two min utes after the giant jet took of f I from Idlewild bound for Los An ;eles. The plane climbed to 1,600' feet, then rolled over on its back and plunged into the waters of Ja maica Bay. The CBA said it deduced from a painstaking study of the plane's flight recorder and numerous (light tests on similar aircraft that "a rudder servo malfunction due to shorted wires is tlie most likely abnormality to have pro duced tlie accident." The servo unit is part of a de vice which automatically reduces any tendency of a jet to roll or sideslip in a cross-wind or turb ulencc. The CAB said the device was engaged normally shortly after takeoff of the plane. A short on the motor operating the device, the CAB said, could produce a vi olent hard-over maneuver either lo left or right. The CAB said flight tests showed that it is possible to cor rect the malfunction, but only if pilot instantly is aware of tlie cause. DELIGHT Flavor's Right! Syrian Army In Rebellion CAIRO. U.A.R. I UPI i Cairol Radio reported today thai a large number of Syrian army units have "revolted against the present re gime." i Unconfirmed reports reaching Beirut. Lebanon, earlier in the day said the Syrian government had foiled an army-backed attempt to overthrow the government. INCOME TAXES Come in and ice us CHAS. HATHAWAY Trl. TL l-.M;i 1 .' N mill 81 1963 RAMBLER WINS CAR OF THE YEAR' AWARD from Motor Trend Magazine Each year the automobile industry eagerly awaits the selection of one ear as 'Car of the Year' by Motor Trends impartial experts. For 1963, this most-wanted, hardest-to-get honor goes to Rambler, ..'for outstanding design ichievement ind engineering eadership'Rtai why Rambler won this prized award over all other cars. Here are some of the experts' reasons: "New styling is basrd on lean, clean lines that arcappar. ent from almost any angle." "Motor Trend's Cars of the Year prove their mettle in ac tual testing, confirm thpir engi neering excellence, reliability, sturdiness and performance." "Quality has always been one of Amer ican Motors' largest selling points." "In unitized bodies, which American Mo tors pioneered, this latest design represents a real advancement . . . biggest single rea son wc chose Rambler Car of the Year." "This new construction method resulls in a unit so strong it'll take punishment longer and naturally hold its resale value." "The interiors of both the Classic and Ambassador are roomy and comfortable... offer plenty of legroom." i WW'! "A good safety device. Self adjust ingbrakesand dual master cylinders ... if one system fails, the other brings the car to a safe stop." "Trunk is large. Low load ing lip makes it simple to load." "Our Classic . . . with the rugged, ohv in-line Six . . . gave a high of 26.7 mpg highway cruis ing .. . mixed city and freeway gave 23.4." "A sportier, more performanrc-oriented vehicle, the Ambassador V-8 should sat isfy the wants of the Rambler buyer who favors performance." "There isn't any pitch or choppincss no ticeable even on rough roads." "Summing up ... it looks like (he new Rambler will be an even better buy than it has been in previous years." Why don't you look at the lfl6;l Rambler? Best-selling Rambler ever built! Kimfilt AMERICAN MOTORS no Tao-rm, SMM ECCLES MOTOR CO., 606 So. 6th St., Klamath Falls, Or. Floors Too Cold? THEN YOU NEED A NEW Monogram or Seigler WOOD, OIL or GAS AUTOMATIC HEATER! SAVE UP TO 40 ON FUEL BILLS! l L. . a If W'. L 111 J 1 1 m here's a liiendX I model to meet your I heating needslr What You Save Will Make Your Heater Payments! Ho Soot, No Smoke, No Odor Keeps Heat On The Floor In Every Room! Choice of Blonde or P Walnut Finishes. PRICES START AT - 9995 For Still Warmer Floors Get New ... CARPET 299 sq. yd. As Low 99 AS Easy Terms O Free Delivery SI 833 Klamath Ave. TU 4-4878 Penneys 60th ANNIVERSARY Jr. and Big Boys' Deep Pile Lined Jacket Specials! OPEN DAILY 9:30 to 5:30 SUPPLON PARKAS 'n LONG JACKETS of Support ed, Expanded Vinyl. Rugged, built to take all your boy con give and still look great! Handsome jack ets have warm Acrilan acrylic pile body liner, quilt lined sleeves and kicker. All three styles with cotton knit cuffs and collar all wash able! Supplon junior boys' parkas have quilt lined, zip-off hood. Supplon jack ets in bamboo, coal blue, block and loden. SIZES 6 to 18 8 Mil COMPLETE STOCK REDUCED OYS' JACEC1T: BROKEN SIZES, ASSORTED STYLES VISIBLE QUILTED NYLON JACKETS HOODED 788 REEVAIR WATERPROOF POPLIN JACKETS 88 COTTON POPLINS 6.88-8.88 ... ,.'! JpN FULL CUT HOODED SWEAT SHIRTS S-M-L-XL 1 88 Cut for oction and warmth too! Cotton, fleece-lined. S e t I n sleeves, colors galore! Machine washable too! FLANNEL LINED CORDUROY SLACKS 2-4 I 44 3-6 j 66 714 r All cotton, all worm, all skin soft! Smooth front, elastic-snug back waist band. Snap up several colors ot this price! j MX If 1 K,C II uu BOYS DENIM JEAN VALUE! Stock up! Get several pairs at this low price! Rugged 3V cotton den ims are sturdy for extra long wear! BOX QUILT SKI PARKA! 9 88 100?t nylon taffeta quilted to acetate fiber fill. Roll up hood forms collar. S-M-L-XL CHARGE IT... it's easier to Pick, easier to Plan; easier to Pay! I to