ULRALO AND NtttS, KUnulh KalU. Ore. WtdoeMlay, January 16, 1963 PAGE 1 NATO Nuclear Problems Studied WASHINGTON (UPII A gov- ernment official rnnrprlpH InHav -ihere are problems to be worked oui in developing a multination nuclear force but thi.. Hn "nnti necessarily mean" the proposal will be allered to meet French President Charles de Gaulle's ob-j jections. Stale Dpoartmpnl nrps nffirr Lincoln White said the general, question of NATO' nuclear force: had been going on (or "nearly a year" in the council .of the al-i liance and much remained to be! discussed. He said this included the pact reached by President Kennedy and British Prime Minister Har-j lold Macmillan at their conlerence! at Nassau late last month. He said "many questions re-j main to be worked out in con nection'" with the proposal for a multination nuclear force which was worked out at the Nassau conference. Asked whether this meant the' United States might be willing to amend the Nassau agreement, White said "I do not necessarily mean that." Other officials said Kennedy is more determined than ever to push plans for a multination force instead of independent national nuclear deterrents in Europe, de spite De Gaulle's attitude. The French president Monday; said he would not accept Polaris; missiles under the same terms: the British are taking them that the forces thus created eventually be assigned to NATO. Earlier, administration officials said it was hoped the weight of opinion among other NATO, mem bers eventually would persuade De Gaulle to abandon his go-it alone policy and agree on some form of multilateral control. Carp and goldfish beong to the minnow family. I ft''Im f fL seamless stockings! I fWM UYV Cn 6Very Of 1 m Ji your favorite l vT seamless.stockings! British Find No Sense Of Humor in Red Chinas thou By TOM A, CITLEN Newspaper Enterprise Assn LONDON NEA) An obscure left-wing newspaper which most Britons had never heard ol nas suddenly become something ol a public hero since Ked -luna s leaders started throwing tantrums! about it. The affair has shown the Chi nese to be not only humorless; and wooden, but bullies as well in British eyes. Thin-skinned Chou En-lai, Red China's prime minister, not only objected to an article which Tri bune (40,000 circulation) had pub lished as a joke, but began pull ing wires in Peking and London to force the paper to publish a re traction. "It was like using a steam roller to crush a butterfly," as one of the paper's reporters put it. In its New Year's issue Tri bune published a number of sa tires, including what purported to be an open letter from Chou to British Communists, in which he urges them to make i3 "a year of liberation." The letter spoke of setbacks suf fered in 1962 "due to the machin ations of Anglo-American imperi alists and their lackeys Khrusn chev, Tito and Nehru," and gives a "top secret" plan lor liberating Europe. Our British comrades will be glad to know that Calais is at last going to be restored io them! and taken away from the deca-j dent de Gaulle and Tliorei," tlie French Red leaders) the letter aid. U spoke of liberating Goa from the "warmonger Nehru" and re turning it to the "great Portu-; guese people and their wonderful leader Salazar," it also makes t EES' RED CHINA'S CHOU Behind this inscrutable, smile there it no sense ef humor. & war. n- V. . ' -.1 TS 33-343 STAR GAZERV Br CLAY R. ,f TAUfUS iAMY 21 h 4-14-16-WJ OfMMI CP? 72 yl-)-72 m UNCI! JUNE 23 37-39- 53 uo l, AUG J3 I 2- 9-M 28-29 85-53 M your Doily Activity Goirf. M According fo tht Stan. "I To develop messooe for Thursdoy, reod words corresoondtng to rmnbers of your Zodioc birth stgru SCFT. OCT. 1 T 3Nw . '5 Pramuel 6 Art 7Smoli 'SOniV 9 lyiyvi lOPiobltm 11 Km J2Cor 13 All 14 No J5Ur ISCAornfc 19 AM 20 Slip 21 22 23 Tov' 2Culd 25 Ol 2SFwaot 2?YW 2Suvta 2JGoi 31 1 32V 33 l 3Th 36 Stoy 37Wth 38 Aittmoom 43 OM 51 Your 51 ftatnonma 54 V J Ar Romance 63 Or 6 ta 65 its 6 8 . oS Con 70Rcalt 71 You 72Todo 73MdMl 7 Sory 75fu4l 74A1 7Your 7Wr,a DO MOW 81 To S3Woy 84 OCT. 24 MOV. lM8-lJVfl i4246-37 VSI Sif MThn ism SAorrTAims tov.n A, 3 OEC B I- 5- 8-3ii 3U C7-68.7M8S CAWCQCN OEC 4 ;)AM 21 74 i HERE ARE MORE EXAMPLES OF OUR TERRIFIC VALUES! LOOK ,uHriE v!u-packd special. Here is foem cushioned luxury at a Real 8rgio. A emplet 8-pc. corre l.ltd living room group for only ICO Art B IllllVV rriTirrrOfiTfmra I 111 It1! if Don't Wjit-Shsp Early for Best Color Selections end Cover Selections in 100". Nylon Face Fabrics ,vW '-I' 5ffiBSMS8Si fBH2S0 lg" PIECES 1 " iriifcji 0 MMiO- for onfv I SciUDED i 1 1 i , 1 1 . fcffi:'J"llirrAK rlk 1 61 ffll ' " ' ' r (7 5i.A4f tT. TraH irm, see, r tuiwiowty ' W .0.. """' ff 1 2 Ullt UHK I 1 SHOP FOR FURNITURE 7 DAYS A WEEK! Open Monday Thru Friday 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 10:00 a.m. to :00 p.m. O CONVENIENT CREDIT O M . o u 0 f MMMMH IIUmJ MHMMMri MMMMM IHUtHIHIIMftWl 241$ iovrli 4 rh ff tf JUSf. mention of Leon Trotskv (whom all qood Communists hate) as "our great comrade." mous lirst trastake vas w taking the letter seriously, H ap peared in a double-page of satiri cal articles indudinc an account of how the British Army had captured the House ol Commons The parody was not very funny, but every nation likes to think! that its humor is best. If Choui: did not appreciate the joke, he would have done better to ignore it. Instead, lie committed XJistake No. 2. He set the diplomatic mills grinding, in Peking a spe cial press conference was called to condemn the letter as "a crim inal act of forgery and calumny," while in London the Chinese Charge d-'Affaires called at the Foreign Office. j The Chinese diplomat actually i requested the Foreign Office toi pressure Tribune into publishing j retraction. This was Mistake ; No. 3. i In vain. Sir Harold Caccia, the Permanent L'nder-Secretary at the Foreign Office, tried to explain that the press in Britain is not government controlled. The Chi nese looked unconvinced. In the end, ir order to save a much Chinese f3 as possible. the Foreign Office agreed to have the statement "conveyed" to Tri-; bune. which promptly published it on tlie front page. It read in part; The Charge d Affaires of the! People's Republic of China so?-: emniy states that She above-said; letter published in Tribune weekly: is an out-and-out forgery aimed at smearing the policies of lhe Peo ple's Republic . , , and defaming tiie leaders of the Chinese na tion. . , . Resorting to ... a! slanderous Idler serves only to show how despicable and shame less these elements hostile to the People's Republic . have de graded fhemselves." Having siaaeered from Blunder to blunder, Chou has apparently come to rest. January DISCOUNT Shoe Sale! NATURALIZER JOHANSEN v ' ,!" IP FLATS, CASUAtS DRESS SHOES Voli. a 14.49 C00 FLATS Glamour Ptfc, Vli, to Ifl.W 90 (n-T Veluej to 18.99 12,90 y1 SHOES 617 Mom mtmit Will? MQOO 1 U M YEAIl-EBTD Warelionse Frle llIiictioii 1 1 ii hi PRICES SLASH Hurry! Hurry! On AH 1962 Models 3 days enIyThurs.-Fri.-Sot. (Mft4ar too, if iMistffiM tast) Ideal "Extra" Set ... SEARS 19-in. 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Modern mahogany finish metot cabinet look mart in any room. NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Plan "Yei! Scare Hae It." Over 200,000 item svoiloble through our cotolog department, located en main floor edjscent to hoc department. Shop at Sears and Save Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back SEARS Shop 9:30 till S;30 fiWayt Tifl 133 $, Bh TU 2-4481 OPEN) DAYS A WEEK