PAGE S-B HKRALD AVD NEWS, Klamath Falb. Orf. PnlT III Ll ,, t' :A1 JJ SKI BOOSTERS Brooke Ann Weber, left, end Andy Weber, center, both Modoc skiers, sell the first ticket to the Modoc Ski Club's fund raising ski film to Alturas Mayor Douglas Graham. It will be shown Jan. 17. Modoc Ski Club Plans Snow Movie ALTURAS No snow and balmy uealher have brought the skiers ' of Modoc County lo a slale of ' halt and along with it no money In order to remedy this finan cial problem, Ihe Modoc Ski Club is bringing skiing to Alturas via the cinema Thursday evening, Jan. 17. . The ski movie, filmed by Dr. Frank Howard, will feature an hour and a half of spectacular color skiing by Ihe world's best. The Court KLAMATH PALLS MUNICIPAL COURT Albert. Gulhrle, drunk, $25 or five or 10 day.. -Curl Jackson, drunk, MS lor ft) t. - , Tlyod Morgan, drunk, S?5 forfeit. Ltonard Moort, drunk, $25 forfeit. Coleen Crume, drunk and disorderly conduct, 1135 forfeit; tra'lle warrants, SI2 tcrle.t, SSS forfeit. Bill Johnson, vagrancy 1100 and 30 days. Raymond Panther boot, vagrancy, $100 and 30 days. James Andrew McNaughton, drunk, SIS or live or ID day William Flwm Ktlley, drunk, $?S or live nr 10 days. Jeltla Jean Helm, drunk. $2 forfeit. Raymond M Jackson, drunk, 17 forfeit. Fred S. Merrill, drunk. Mi forfeit. Gerald E. Tlchennr, drunk, 121 forfeit William Lincoln Nome, vagrancy, 1100 and 30 days Paul Rorjer Hawk, disorderly conduct warrant, 1100 forfeit -f larenre Procter Ward, disorderly con duct, MS forfeit. Marlon Nelson, drunk, $23 forfeit. Wilbur E gasman Jr., drunk, $2) forfeit. Fmmetf Ford Sr., disorderly conducl jinn rortfir. Madeton Fteober, drunk, $25 forfeit. Richard Lee Alien, drunk, $25 or live or 10 days. Michael L. Schoen, drunk, $25 or five or 10 dayi. Myra Dicks, drunk, 125 forfeit Marvin 1 upper, drunk, $25 or five or 10 ' day Fred S- Mc Bride, drunk, 12 J five 10 10 davt neatly John, drunk, 125 or five flav1 Oscar Booher. drunk driving, iJOO and X davt Michael Joseph Murphy, drunk, $25 or I five or 10 day. j E mail Svtvesler Pelaney, drunk, 125 i Of five nr 10 dayi. I George Dewey Prultt, drunk, 125 On five or 10 rtayv 1 Eugene Mack Jones, drunk, 17! or live Or 10 days Carl Hursel Rhodes, vaqranry, tllX) and TO days Nma Smith, disorderly conduct, $50 or 10 dayi, TRAFFIC COURT Wiiham Harold Anklln, defective tail lrjhis. 1' VI ntert frank Russell Charles, VRR 1 in 75. ttn fn'fvit Norman 4 Chase. Overtime parking warrant, no foMei -Vaiide Wae Claris, no operator II- rn, 17 so nrf(it, detective tail lights. I' so suspended Larry fins Cnno'1l, enesslve noise, e'aui. 1' SO trvlfit, exessive nmse. ti'rs. 17 W forfeit r he is Nelson Oalby, ran stop sign, lift fnrtnt Paul Fnoene Dayhntf, Overtima park l"0 warrant. 111 fotteit Clyde T England. Overtime parking warrant, 115 for tr if Ross Wayne f-rye, eress've none, lire, ) 0 suspended Helena kpnaqa Golden, no operator's Ke-i.f 17 ''0 torffit Rnrrt Garev Himelfight, Improper passing. 10 iprtei Harold Rune Houtk. d'soneved tratlic Sift lo'teil (-rank Jenkins, disobeyed trafle signal, -VIS tnHe.t Ke 'h le'Oy Kaler, following too dost' l. HO 1nrtf,i f 'eeman Kei'ey. disobeyed I'np ilgn, I'fl Ip-lf.l Norman Allred Linton, ovt'lime patk l"0 warrant IN fo'tfit Michael WIH'am Murray driving wrong ssay on one Gilbert Nietn. dnving without head l jt.ts, l 0 tOrlf,! tnn I ee Owen, only no hart light J so forte. I. Mike I Pat'on. eiceia noise t hanst. dumtised Franrli H Ramsey, overtime parking Warrant. l?ft lorlnl I uer I erov R-qg-ns rt'ivmg wrong I'rte ot st'fct. HO tortnt Jamai tdward Sharp. VfR T In W. ln't.t Charles Grant ,m $.' SO Raymond Joseph i' ifh. ligMi ran stin I'D tnrif.i J L-n-e Carol Van rVsen. d'tnbeyed 1-a' I f sigal. $'0 to'te.i Meve M''ew W'ker. etrestive no-s pia-jtf. It SO fnrtnt Ruhv 'Aa'd. Overtime parking warrant i i.'e A 1 Wiley. Overtime parking 4r'an! ei J V'v n Tupptr, drunk. Ifi rtnv Rvtenffc Raimel I: uof ne R , Jnne' d-iiik. JK torte.t duck. MS nr live Or tfl dav I erny tone, drunk t-red Rvan Hood, r ir 1H (fay IH Or live ft' If day Wdliam KefVy, rtrunh. W or liva nr 10 fit Joa Antomn Lnper, drunk, tr' frvli! Knrlton Verrif ,lr . drynh . MS fnr fif maid Ray MfOamel. drunk. Wt O' t " rli Pre Binrjie. rt'itnk. MS forfeit Bniand R Vi Oamei. d'U"k. f.. nr )fl d Lee Aden, drunk. $1S or five Ned OfH.qMy, drunk. ? five or 10 Oonu'd ( lryd SftOfictun. d'VO'derly (ftfi "trMitjin Mm1 l r f.0 tn'ie id, flun'derly ten 'fh't DaKat funimingt, drunk. MS i eld Lewi !LfMprnrn, d'unk, US for f 'audint Van R fe.t k. drunk, ; fnr neatly John, drunk, ?i or iV or ayi. Wfdnriday, January 18, 1963 ii On Thursday The movie will be shown at Ihe Alturas Elementary School and will slart at 8 p.m. Price for this will be 50 cents per person. A pre-licket sale began Monday by students of Ihe high school and elementary school. At present Ihe club has lo raise enough money to meet the 100 insurance bill required by law be fore Ihe hill can be opened, the gas bill, and Ihe $50 forest service permit. Records KLAMATH COUNTY DISTRICT COURT TRAFFIC Ouoe Waferi, violated basic rule, guilty plea, ISO lint paid. Letter Jefferson Tecumseh Jr., failed to drive right tide of highway, guilty plea, 110 tint paid. Elmer Det Hollibaugh, Improper tall Hght, guilty pita, 15 lint paid. D. Smith, no operator'! I 1 1 1 n 1 1, guilty plea, $5 lint paid Robert Casey Harrington, nn vehicle li cense (expired), guilty pita, 120 tine paid Clarence teii Mason, violated banc rule, guilty plea, 170 line paid George William Reagan, violated baste rule, guilty ptea, 115 fine paid. Franklin LeRoy Paulsen, disobeyed Hop sign, guilty plea, $10 fine paid. Gregory Leo Judd Sr., violated basic rule, guilty plea, $15 tine paid John Julius Borcher, disobeyed slop sign, guilty plea, $10 fine paid. Frank Lee Palmer, Improper pasting, guilty plea. $20 fine paid. Charles Henri StoH, Improper passing. guilty plea, $15 line paid James Lester Welsh, violated bt rule, $15 bad applied as fine. Maniey Marvin Mills, disobeyed stop sign, 110 ball applied as tine Madeline Anronit Jimener, no venicie license (expired), guilty plea, 110 fine paid. Santino Giuseppe Marllnl, failed to drive ighl side of highway, guilty plea. $10 line paid. Kenneth Eudaiiy. no signal device, guilty plra, $ SO fine) paid. Glenn Thomas Co, failure to yield rlghl of way, guilty plea, 110 fine paid Charles Sam Hope. Improper headlights. found guilty, $7 50 tin paid Lyle Watson Coppedqe. disobeyed stop sign, guilty plea. $10 fine paid. Henry O Snlte, railed to yield right of way (intersection), guilty plea, $10 me paid Harry Drew Savage, disobeyed traffic signal, guilty plea, $10 fine paid i Jackie Lee Clark, violated basic rule. plea of guilty, $15 tint paid Paul George Rruhn, failed to dim head ights. plea of guilty, $10 line paid. Raymond Isaac Brown, violated basic rule, plea of guilty, 175 line paid wiimer Fdwm McKune, no safety chain, plea ol guilty, V Vt (me paid LH(iy stick, taned to display reg wt . guilty plea. $5 tine paid Darrell Ray Schnnnnver, violated basic! l. guilty plea. $25 tine paid Don tdward Lampson disobeyed slop gn. guilty plea, $15 ttne paid John Harvey Norlhcralt. truck sped ing. guilty plea. $10 fma paid Donald Leverne Shaw, no Oregon op erator's license, guilty plea. $s tint paid Rev Chapman, excessive noise. guilty plea. $15 tme paid Robert tdward Miller truck speeding guilty plea, $10 fine paid Billy Don Hibnnn. no l ignis. gu'i'V plea. $' 50 Una paid f lisha Brulon 5leweM, failed to yield Ight ot way, guilty pica, HO tme paid William Fdwm Bradley, violated basic ule. guilty plea. HO fine paid Charles August Clements, disobeyed stop sign, guilty pica. 170 line paid Rarhel Valentino lupper. no operator s Kense (einired), dismissed pursuant In ORS 2 300 (71. Carol Jean Holladay. disobeyed tralin Signal, trial without ury, lound not guilty John Clifford Martin, driving while driv ing privileges suspended, dismissed on motion ot disfrirt altornty Error In all galmni ol where crime occurred MliOtMIANORl ay Gregory, assault ad battery, not guilty plea. u'v trial set lor Feb it FELONIES A'lin lee Rrh burglary in a rtAl'mq indicted by grand ury prior lo date let lor pieliminary hearing v ter Junifi Ruber, aka Jim ftufcpr tigive tnmpiainl Dumped tor want ot proe tijion lohn One vhne tme name t im "Own, larcfny. dumped nn nnt(n ot ttrtft a'ttvofy, tar ba hn rvrpverprl Rnval Jnrte aulf with a 0-roryj eitpori preliminary he ring Melrl lc Hfr to Q'n,1 ury A n(rer rtf n noo if. tio fi AMin I aa B.(h Nerj'v a dwelling r,gnert Prnrninry hearing ,i tn, in tt Htt let in tie emotmt m u w Robert l enn rtxxttorl. bmgi- y not a d-elii"g )twm irHinm, pieiimma'y hefirQ iet tpr Jn U Pavid lee Sloan exatiit w a dn gerrm weapon, preliminary hennnrj i t'cient evtrieme In toia in ene' charge Held tnr I. raid Jury 'eder(k Iryn F gger fi rjitue f'pm limine lon uppnrt. eilraditon hearing vet tnr Feb. I. Undertaking el ha. I ( op approved Hill Renamed Chief Of PUC SM.KM il l'l' - .lonrl C llill h.s roaimlr(l conimiwmnrr ol Ihe Orpeon fuliiir liiliiu-j ComniiMnn. Ihr ciprnor nflicp anrnim-rd tinlay Iliil s now ti'tm rpnr .l,m J'l 17. Also flnnmiiKvrl lii1.iv uji ilip .ippninlmrnl nl Ii,iy Mvmk .r . Salrm. to (hp hnsni,i lucnsp H viwiry rcmnsf!. Hp aurrpprN Dr. lamp H Mrart of hc ipmcnprl. BASIN MAI.IN MR. AND AIRS. ROBERT PITTS arc the parents of a Rirl born Jan. 7, named Karla Dru MR. AND MRS. BILL SAL'N I) ICRS have relumed alter spend inR some time in Los Angeles with her sister and family, Ihe Eli Tuckers. They also attended the Mose Parade in Pasadena and visited Saunders' sister, Dot De cious, Chico, en route home. RKV. AND MRS. WILLIAM IIODOK and family spent sever- I days last week in Oakland to attend the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Gussie Garner. MR. AND MRS. PRKSTON Mr- CURDY and family left this weeh for Shalter, Calif., where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs Kddie VrAulilfe and family are moving to Ihe home vacated by the MucCurdy family. SUMMER LAKE MRS. HKLEN ZAMARA of Al buquerque is visiting her daugh ler, Mis. Robert Penington, and family for an indefinite time. She arrived here Dec. 30, when the Peningtons dro've to Alturas to meet her. BOYD CLAGGET of the Game Commission headquarters report ed lfi.8 inches of precipitation for 19H2. RAY GIBSON has been hos pitalized at SI. Charles Memorial Hospital, Rend, since Jan. 3, when he and Mrs. Gibson were in an auto accident, north of Silver Lake, en route to Bend. After a day or two in the hospital, Mrs. Gibson returned home. Van With ers is helping with chores. GUY FOSTER returned home Wednesday from St. Charles Hos pital and is convalescing after be ing ill with pneumonia. EVA AS1ICRAFT and Teressa Foster were in Paisley Thursday evening In attend the monthly dinner and curriculum meeting of Lake County rural teachers. New textbooks were distributed among Ihe teachers In be examined be fore the next meeting. MR. AND MRS. S. D. HARRIS were away last weekend visiting their daughters, Mrs. John Loos ley, at Rosehurg, and Mrs. I.or rainc Howard, C'orvallis. TERRY ANN AND JANICE FOSTER and Dan Thompson stayed overnight Friday with Dan's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs John Paudois. in Medford, when they accompanied the Paisley High School baseketball squad to Untie Falls for two games. Scott LaFranchi, Paisley, also stayed with the Paudoises. BONANZA IM LANK, president of Bonan za Farm Bureau, announces thnl lite monthly meeting Jan. 16. R p.m., win he hold in the Bonanza Lihi ary instead of Bonanza School as previously announced. The main speaker will be from Ihe Inter - Community Hospital Board. Kvcryone is 'nvited to at- lend. MRS. I'AliltlK U)VKl.AI)Y re eived word of the death on .Ian. of her brother-in-law , Tom Iivelady. 74. at Kunme. Services were held there .Inn. 9. Me lived most of his life in Klamath Coun iv and is survived by his wife. Nevada, and several nieces and nephews. Mrs. Ted Carries, a niece from Klamath Kails, at tended the services. MltS. Al HKIIT (HITAi SCOTT Scouts Hold 3-Day Camp I.AKKVIKW - A throe - day i-amporpp on survival IrAimni: as held by W Roy Scouts and loaders at Rox Spring from lei 27 lo Iee 2fl It was held under the leadership ot Clyde Peacock, U-ike District campinp .ictivities chaiiman. and Dan Hitchcock, the new field execu tive (ur the district. Tie scouts were ori;anied into; patrols and a small tent city erected Aclmlics included mak mi; a coniluilalile bed. lire build- mi. ciikinc and orc.ui nation and m.onlen.inie ol a cood campsitr Troops and member who look part were Troop 9S, Ronald Har lan. David and Krnest Kosler. .lohn Simpson, .loo Hampton. liny l-aiiKSiilh. D.up Wallace and .ler iy Wetrl Troop 75, Kinie Kelsch. Richard and Kvprt McDonald. Richard lloodiiniich, Kenneth Gallmvay I'aul lluhl. Ronald Yonns and liohtue (iicse I n op I.V Kent Rini;ton. Ron me Raneit. Ire Tiacy. Robeit and R.nmond linecer. I.vlp Cory. Mike Hopkin and Holland Hop kins. Troop 12. John Cocar. Kddie IeWilt. Sterling Harris. Willie Decker, Frank Smith, Rilhp Hau ten. Casey H.mten. dim Haucrn and Warrpn Haucen, dim Rlair. Douulas Tatro, liouRlas Clause. Keith Castel. R'ikey Klliolt, S!e phen Klirwrr and lon Clause BRIEFS was a contestant on "Queen for a Day" in HollyVnod on Jan. 3 when she was visiting relatives in Southern California. MRS. CHARLES STEBER and daughter, Mary Anne, have re turned home from Klamath Val iey Hospital where Mary Anne was born Jan. 9. VIRGINIA KENT will entertain the Guild of St. Barnabas Episco pal Church at the Parish Hall at I p.m. Jan. 24. Anyone interested is invited to attend. MR. AND MRS. LAWRENCE HORTON of Poe Valley left Jan 8 for Arizona to spend a month. MRS. GEORGE WU entertained Mrs. Bill Burnett. Mrs. Lester lcavitt, and Mrs. Alfred Wu with a luncheon in Klamath Falls on Jan. 10. TOM KYKKELO of Vancouver, B.C., was a recent visitor at Ihe home of Agnar Jordangcr and his aunt, Mrs. Inga Duscnbcry. Tom and Agnar went to school together in Norway and Tom was on his way home from a trip lo Mexico City. MR. AND MRS. W. P. LAN DON and family have moved from Langell Valley to Klamath Falls to make their home. MRS. LLOYD GIFT and Mr and Mrs. Martin Gift left Jan. 13 tor a few days in San Francisco. MRS. CHARLOTTE FITZHUGH has returned from a two-month visit in Logan, Kan., with her 90- year-old mother and other rela tives. Her sister, Mrs. Nettie Da vis, will stay for a few months longer. MR. AND MILS. MAURICE WKSTCOTT spent a few days in San Francisco and Sacramento with relatives and friends. Their daughter, Miki, accompanied them as far as Sacramento. SUSAN WILLIAMS and Marcee Thomas, both students at South rn Orcfion College, were home for the weekend. MRS. BILL IIOL'SF; and chil dren are home after a few days in Sacramento with relatives and friends. MR. AND MRS. DF.K CIIAND- LKR of Lakeview visited on Mon day with Mr. and Mrs. Les l.ea- vitt. They were taking their daughter, Gloria, lo Klamath Falls to lake the bus to school a t Sa lem . They a re former Langell Valley residents. MR. AND MRS. JOHN BRYN- GLKSOV and children and Mr. and Mrs. Boh Adams and chil dren of Rupert, Idaho, were re cent visitors at the home of their mother, Mrs. Kvea Adams. Fire Fought Three Hours Two fires which hioke out with in a period of 30 minutes in dif ferent parts of the suburban area kept firemen from five local fire stations at their equipment from two to three hours lat ninht, the County Kire Department reptirted Tuesday. Al fi ."tl p m . flames in a main- lenance buildinp at Richardson's Mill on Spring Lake Hoad brought crews from the Klamath Countv and Kmysley Field ire depart menls. Firemen battled the blae for three hotirs which destroyed the structure containing tools. pare parts, and emiipmrnt. There were no injuries and the ause of the fire has yet to be determined. While firemen were fighting the blae. another fire started about IS p m. in a one-stoi v dwelling occupied hy Kugene Linkenhach nn .loe Wright Hoad. Crews from Ihe Suburban. Stewart-Lenox and OTI fire departments arrived mo ments later and battled Ihe I lames for almost two hours be fore extinguishing them about P m Meanwhile, firemen were con ducting mopping up operations at Richardson's Mill and finally put out the fire at appi oximalely 10 p m. Firemen were unable lo evli mate the amount of damage caused by the flies The (ue at the bouse on Joe Wright Road was believed to hae started m the vicinity of the chimney Own er of the dwelling was William (irav. Paper Orders Cut In Wages NKW VOHK PI -The V York IMiIy t h.u onfrird 2ft per 4-fiU nit in thr Ml.inr ol its cmpUncs who bit Mill wnrk:nc dunnc llx print rr-i" Mukr In a tntrr. Puhlnhrr K. M Klnn told thr rmpWnn the ml vsas "lo rofimf n nn btMraHf nrrhf 1 pvn to cort rrr . iTMHircc lot irMimption of publication." LEGAL NOTICE EQU TV NO. M7 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY MILIA BELLE MATTINEN. Plaintiff, i. HENRY O. MATTINEN. Defendant, 3: HENRY O MATTINEN, Defendant IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby reoulred to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above-entitled suit for atvorca on or before the 11th day February, 1fl63. and II you tail lo so Dovrir mna answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court lor the relief prayed lor In her complaint tiled herein, to-wit: for a decree of absolute divorce ol and Irom you on the around s cruel and inhuman treatment, t o custody of Janice Marlen Matlinen and Teresa Ann Mattlnen, lor child support n tne amount of $100 00 per month during the minority of said children and for at torney fees in the amount of 17 SO .00. This summons Is served uoon you by puoiicanon pursuant to an order of the Honorapie uonaio a. W. Piper, Judge fit me aDove-emmed court, said order be ma dated tne Htn day ol January, 196, and by publication hereof for a period ot tour consecutive and successive weeks. The date of the first publication is Janu ary la, 1963. and the date of the last publication is February 13, 1963. SMITH AND CARD Attorneys lor Plaintiff S38 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oreoon No. 191, Jan. 16, 23. 30, Feb. 1, 13. 1963. NO. MM PPOBATF NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY i the Matter of the Estate of HERBERT E. HAUGER, who was also known as H. E. HAUGER, Deceased: Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed Executor ot the Estate of Herbert E. Hauger, who was also known H. E. Hauger, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are urea to present them to me. witn proper vouchers, at the office of Ga nong & Ganong, First Federal Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within si months from December 26. 1962, which Is the date of first publication ot thii notice. wm. Ganong, Executor 'Ganong & Ganong Attorneys for Executor i NO. S67, Dec. 26, Jan. 2, f. 16, 1963. . NOTICE TO MINING CLAIMANTS Published pursuant to section 5 ot the Act Ol JUIV 73. IT5S (69 Stat. 3671. t o whomever it may concern : PRO CEEDING NO. FS 6J-70 (Oreoon 011331 1, Notice Is hereby given in pursuance of a proper request for publication here tofore filed In accordance with section S of the Act of July 13, 1?5S (69 Stat. 367, and the regulation thereunder (43 CFR 185,123-185.127). 1. That on February i?, 1962, the Chief. forest service. Department of Agricul ture, whose address Is Washington 25. . c, filed tn the Land Office of the ureau of Land Management, Depart-, ment of the Interior, at 710 N. E. Holla- day, Portland 12, Oregon, a request for publication of notice to all mineral loca tors or any person claiming under them involving a mining claim or cia caled on lands owned by the United States and under the jurisdiction of the forest Service In the County of Klemalh. Stale of Oregon, described as follows, to wit : Oregon 012331 (FS 62-20), the Sugar Pine Area, 6-5W-70-1. Winema and Fre mont National Forests, Klamalh County, uregon. Willamette Meridian. Oregon T. 34 S., R. 11 Er Sec. 31; SE'4 Sec. 33, SW" Sec. 34; SE' Sec. 35; Sec. 36 T. 25 S., R. f E: Sees. 24 to 27 Incl.; Sees. 33 to 36 Incl. T. 35 S., R. 10 E: Sees. 13 to 36 Incl. T. 25 S., R. 11 E: Sees. 1, 2; W' j, SE' j Sec. 3; Sees. ' to IS incl.; Sees. 18 to 35 incl. T. 71 S., R. 9 E: Sees. 1 to 5 Incl ;. Sees. 7 to 36 incl. T. 26 S, R. 10 E: Sees. 1 to 15 incl.; Sees. 17 to 36 Incl. T. 36 S . R. 11 E: Sees. 1 to 15 Incl.; Sees. 17 to 33 incl.; Sees. 35, 36. T. 37 , R. 9 E: Sees. 1 to 15 Incl.; Sees. 17 to 36 Incl. 37 S, R. )0 E: Sees. 1 to 36 incl. T. 37 $., R. 11 E: Sec. 1; Sees. 4 to 14 incl.; Sees. 17 to 23 Incl ; Sees to 35 Incl. T. 38 S - R. 9 E: Sees. 1 to 36 incl. T. 21 S, R. 10 E" Sees. I to 36 incl. T. 28 5 . R. II E: Sees. 3 to 6 incl.; Sees. 8. 9, 10, 14. 15. 17, 18; Sees. 70 to 31 Incl.; Sees. 34, 35. T. 39 S , R. 9 E Sees. 1 to 6 Incl. T. 39 $.. R. 10 E : Sees. 1 to 4 incl. T. 29 S, R. 11 E: Sees. 2 to 5 Incl. 2. That if any person claiming or as serting under, or by virtue of any u"' patented mining claim located prior to July 33, 1955, any right, title, er Inter est In the vegetative surface resources and other surface resources, under such mining claim, contrary lo or in confiic wilh the limitations or restrictions sped tied In section 4 of said act, as to the above-described lands or any part there- shall tail to file in the Land Office the Bureau of Land Manaaement at 710 N. E. Holladay, Portland 12. Oreoon, and within 150 days from the below- stated date of first publication of this Notice, verified statement which shall set forth as lo such mining claims: (H in date of location; (I) The book and page of recordation of the notice or certilieate of location; (3) The section or sections of the pub lic land surveys which embrace such mining claim; or If such lands are ur. surveyed either the section or sections which would probably embrace such min ing claim when the public land surveys are extended to such lands or a tie by coupes and distances lo an approved United States mineral monument; (41 Whether such claimant Is a loca tor or purchaser under such location ; and (!) The name and address of such rlaimanl and names and addresses so, far as known to the claimant of any olher person or persons claiming any Interest or Interests fn or under such un-i patented mining claim: such failure shall be conclusively deemed d) to constitute a waiver and relinquishment by sun mining claimant of any right, title, or mlerest under sweh mining claim con trary to or in conflict with the limitation nr restrictions pecitd tn section 4 of the Act of July 3J. 19)J (6 Stat. 3671, to unpatented claims located alter date, and (10 to constitute a consent hy Mich mining claimant thai such unpatent ed mining claim shall be subieet lo aia limitations and restrictions, and fid) to preclude thereafter, prior to is suance ol patent, any assertinn by such mining claimant of any right or litle to or interest in or under such mininq claim contrary to nr in conflict with said limitations or restrictions Section 4 pro vides, generally, that unpatented mining locatwl aftr July ?j, mi sha not be used tor purposes other than propec ling, mining. or or etc operations, or uses reasonably Incident thereto; that vcn claims will be suhtect to the right of the Unrtej states to man aqe and dispose o tt vrqetatlve sur face resources thereof and to man age other surface resources thereof, and1 that, etceof to the extent required tor mining operations and ue reasonahlv incident thereto or to provide clearance tor unh operations or uses, claimants ol such claims shall not use Or dispose ot vegetative or other virice reour thereof; and that, eicept tr-r clearance tor sucn purpme. any permitted severance or removal of timhtr must be tnrdance w th sound pnr((piej of fo'esf management said sec lion a also pro vides that any use of ihe suriare el "V such mminq claim hy the United State, it permittee pr licensee, shan he ih a not to erdnqer or materially interfere witn the prnpectmg, mmmg r-fxeino or raOnably incident use Pv mmmg claimant lh da'e ( puhi.ri,on of thi SM.ce hn tve Jan t. 19). Dated Pec S. Hf.? l" ts i eiqhtner, Viner, .ect.nn tV-reaii of L"d s,noerer't Pep'tmenf ot Interior Oreor" 1 oyh rV 9 Ik! M. Fen a. 1J 1" TO. ". Arch a IBM Airport Truck Catches Fire Tht iv Kmslrv ruH aimen it inrH minor injuries on tlv r.imp "t ihe niunciip.i! ir field at 9 m Turvij.iy wncn a de-icer tru. k vriuhi tiro, (he Intornwliotl Of iuv m! ihe a;r tied has repoMeH S Kt IM .1.,, ami A 2 C 1 -aiT M.mnlton. hrehi;hters. were kjT.noi with bromide r(inpuh er and A 2 C (lene Seller, bell ivcr mechanic, suffered firn deciee btirn.t on the banc Hie fue a brought under con trol and the mrmen were treated tor bunts ;it tN air bae di-jvn-ar LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter ol the Estate ol BEA Trice house Gutierrez, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned has been appointed Adminis trator ot the Estate ot Beatrice House Gutierrez, Deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Klamath, All persons having claims against ihe Estate are hereby required to present them to The United Slates National Bank of Portland (Oregon) Trust Department, K t am a t h Fans arncn, Kiematn t-ans, Oregon. with proper vouchers within six (6 months from the date of this notice. DATED this 15 in day ol January, 1963. The UNITED STATES NA TIONAL BANK OF PORT LAND (OREGON) ADMINIS TRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF BEATRICE HOUSE GU TIERREZ, DECEASED W. R. BRAOSHAW 671 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon. No. Jan. 16, 23 and 30, Feb. A, 1961 To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekday! a.m. to noon Saturday Count five words par line. 'Ads under 3 lines count same as i lines. 3 6 10 1 Times Times Times Wanth S3 50 S4.00 $5 00 $ 9.00 3.25 5.00 6.50 11.50 4 00 6 00 1 00 1 4.00 4.75 7.00 9.50 16.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement, If paid In advance. Abovi rates are for consecutive Inser tions, without change of c,py, for pri vate Individuals. Advertising must be clear and understandable to be produc tive. All words mutt be spelled our. Autos ottered for sale by private 1nd( vidua Is cash with copy. DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and Monday. CANCELLATIONS & CORRECTION On same schedule, except on Monday ;.iese are taken 'tn ?:w a.m. Please read first Insertion of your ad. The Herald & News will give one extra run tor typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS t column Inch, $35 per month with $2. SO discount for payment on or before the lOlh. W Inch, $19 with $1.50 discount for payment on or before the 10th. Based on one copy cnange per monrn. BOX SERVICE 50 cents per ad. C.RD OF THANKS, and IN Mt MORI AM $2.50 PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Kl.mMh Funeral Ham.. Hifh Slrgrt Phnn, TU ?-4.r, LOST FOUND FOUND Femnl. Sl.m.s. kitten, noul I year old. Found In vicinity ot IAS Hill Ida. Call TU 2-m. LOST Irish setter male, vicinity ot Yamsl Ranch, Call TU ?-IS0. GENERAL NOTICES BOYS! SCHOOL AGE EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 PERSONALS KLAMATH A Icohol -C s Anonymous. T U 4 3591, TU 4-8704. Friendly help anytime. KLAMATH A lanon for counsel i nq and meet.ngs, TU 4 3591, TU 4-8704 anytime. KLAMATH Detective Aoencv Bonded"-! l' censed. Investigations, security, p O. Box GRAHAM S ilceised home for the aaed, private rooms or warn care, special d'et. pr-r-,-"1! 1ntr-re-,t airrpr! T( j lift-, SERVICES 10 C HAM BE RS HOUSE MOVING, founda tions, leveling. TU 2-0816 or TU 3 101 WATER pipe thawing, call TU 4 313 between 7 am. and IT noon. THE PRIM POODLE. CLMom grooming, for appointment, TU 4-4JJ9 TREE toppmo. pri, OroominQ LakeshO'l CUSTOM WFAVING Hantlwoven rugs. 13 uti; lo'e baos, 12 50, Mrs. Murphy, TU J-1JS7 HOUSE remodeling, cabir-ets our tpeoat ty, fia-.e chetk our references. T U J-40'9 TREE surgery, smh AS removal, prun ing, topping, grooming TU 2 28 RFMOPFLING and repairs. M k-nds, rtMsonaoie. references. I U 2-5388 CUSTOM BUTCHERING" A your place, rtei've to proce-,sing plant or leave at your place. Al Stoil. TU 4 : POLLS repaired, mode'n a"d antqte Reasonable once loma s Doll Hospi tal. TU 49;. 1434 Lakeview DENTAL "PLATES " Repaired wu you wait. New Pt. rne From Vo-r CM PF R SON AL DkNTURG SERVICF tpil Wn TU T7H4 TREE SERVICE ! I ice" sen i prnressical remove TU 4hH Gma's Tailor Shop Hr'--t 'O rr.n, wr.i-r id -en An worn gjar.r-.fed Pea e pruei t V-- vea' P V Jess' Tree Service T'ee ncP'0 c 'ear hp -fYl. TU IU I f-"c-.ig a"v h d (Wi t ( a'l .ii Com Op Laundry Tpr'oad Wm"S Also K 't Washers T 4 C SMOrpiMC. CFNTER -1 (t S EDUCATIONAL 11 i ttr fKtiV wwy. -i,,-iv teach' ot Spr rtgs V i(VM wt Kfl"e I U 4 ? 11 NEW 1963 World Book Encyclopedia, Ruth Schaeffer, TU 4 ifi before t a m HELP WANTED. FEMALE U NURSE to manage office and assist doc tor write Herald and News Box 483C. TELE P rH07TES0lXciT0"R S, work" from Home. Short hours, good pay. Experience prelcrrcd, but not necessary. TU 3-1792. PART-TIME work, interesting market re search Interviewing. Car desirable. High school grad. or more. Write Box 436C, care of Herald and News. NEEDED at once, ladies from Dorrii, Malm, Klamath Falls, full or part -time. Iparty plan, TU 2-4?01 HELP WANTED. MALE SAW FILEfc who wants permanent position In box fac tory located In Central California. Must be experienced and have references. Wrile Box 437C, care of Herald and News. DO YOU KNOW . THIS MAN? Aqe 35 and over 'Married 2 years SUCCESSFUL Sales exper Financially stable " Good appearance IF YOU DO . . . HERE IS WHAT A CAREER WITH ALL STATE CAN MEAN TO HIM Starting SALARY plus COMMISSION Minimum Guarantee' $5,000 annually. 1 1 nis is not a oraw or aovancei ncome Opportunities Unlimited. Multiple Lines 3 weeks training course wtlh salary plus u per aiem. Sears' Famous Proht Sharing Plan. 2 weeks vacation annually WITH PAY uroup Hospitalization ana Lite insurance Renewals. Rapid Advancement due to our rapid growin. Plus other excellent advantages. CONTACT OR WRITE BOB HALLOCK ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO. 133 So. 8th TU 2-1171 HELP WANTED . 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted ads published In Herald & News are accepted In good tann mat ?ne loos ottered are as stated n the advertising copy. We are not re- sponsioie tor the integrity ol our adver sers, out we make every effort to dis cover and reiect all misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding it to be misleading is asked to report If to the Classified Ad vertising Department of the Herald News. SITUATIONS WANTED 18 IRONING, Washing, Pickup, Deliver, E perlenced, Redsonable! TU 4-9434. EXPERIENCED ranch hand wants sieaay work of any kind TU 2-1352 CHILD care, your homo or mint any- umi. iu i-lra, IU 2211. LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday, a a.m. to 4 p.r ' 1328 Carlson Drive. TU 2-1844 ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM and kitchen privileges for working lady, also garage, reasonable, I'i blocks from Main, TU 2-4381. CLEAN, comfortable rooms. 3 Irom Main, SS & up. TU 4-4259. GENTLEMAN, clean room, $30 per montn, isjo (.rescenr. STEAM heated, quiet, sleeping rooms. 310 So. 5th TU 2-0214. A.PARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 PARK APTS.. 130 up, bachelor, natural hot water, TU 4-9754, TU 4-3854. MODERN 3 rooms and bath, S40 and up. brick court, garages. 221 Spring. MODERN 2 bedroom furnished apts. $45 per monin, t u 4-5W. COMPLETELY furnished, all utilities, 117.50 & S20 a week. Available by month. Washer, dryer. Under new management. Villa Marauise. 1330 Oak. TU 4-5995 be fore 11 a.m. TU 4-7858 alter 7 p.m. APARTMENT near Weyerhaeuser t nished. Utilities, steam heat, W0, TU 4 83U. 2 BEDROOM furnished apt., nice, cleai and comfortable, plenty heal, utilities furnished except electricity, S75 per monin, pn. iu 4-641, uiympic Apts. UPSTAIRS apartment, well furnished. close In, 835. TU 4-3502. WARM, CLEAN, COMFORTABLE. Mo tel Units with kitchens, low winter weekly rates, TU 4-3234 DUPLEX, 4 room furnished, excellent location, garage, laundry, 860, TU 4-3659. CLEAN, quiet, furnished, hath, steam heat, near courthouse, 415 Walnut. CLEAN, convenient 2 and 3 room fur nished apartments. Water, oarbaqe paid Washer, dryer, TV cable available! (40 na 150. Villa Marouise, 1330 Oak. TU 4-7B58 7 to 9 pm weekdays, Saturday afternoon and Sundays. FURNISHED one bedroom aot., gas ipped, aduils only, 2033 Eberleln. ONE bedroom furnished apartment, 333 So. 11th STEAM heat, furnished apts, adults; also bachelor apt, 213 Cedar. TU 4 9552. FURNISHED apartments. U3 Riverside 2-J. FURNISHED apartment. 2113 Gary, $45, washing facilities. TU 3-4034 FURNISHED apt. No pets, adults only. 4731 SO. 61 h. ATTRACTIVE 7h & Pine, furnished, 159 50. Alpha Apis , tree heat. Adults, TU 4 4522. jCONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near 4j new OTI site, furnished, TV available, nccnir initi. reman rrorri, ' J EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 219 SO. 11th. TU 2-I04J. 3 BEDROOM delude unfurnished apart-, ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 2-6500.; BACHELOR apartment, $47 SO. heat, ter, garbaqt service included, inq 223 No. 6th, Apt. 102. COMPLETELY fUn I shed including util- ities, 1411 Main. EDUCATIONAL NICELY furnished 4 room apartment equity in 2 or 3 bed'Oom Cash for bal Wool ruqs. Ash about utilises being Knct or Wl -,,um( mortgages. Pbone TU paid. Baby accepted. TU 4-362. (2 3461 days or TU 4-5924 eves. FURNISHED e'ean one bedroom apart ment. hot water heat. Call TU 2-3151 ENJOYABLE, downtown furnished, beat tree Adults. 15, Alpha Apartments. TU 4 4573 BEDROOM unfinished, ground floor, auto washer hookup, fenced, $50. TU 4 5S4 SPARKLING, uolown, furnished. Large bedroom, etra bath, heat free, adults, $45. Alpha Aoartments, TU 4-4522. FURNISHED front aotA I Tut i I it ies"pVid enreot lights. Natural hot water heat. S52 50. Lincoln Apartments, Apt. 5- 319 F Main Adults only. REX ARMS 1 PR 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. CLOSF IN HEAT. WATER. GARBAGF PAID 714 BROD TJ 2-9JI7. Audley Apartments furmsheo i neo-oom apt. tr Pest Office $36to $58.50 COM'ORTABLf LIVING AT lO CPT l i fi4rQm aoH., fvraished or unr-jr-shed. Permanent me'-'e',t"te mclueed Medey hrn.fln F-nay SHASTA VIEW APARTMFNTI U77 Ar.HftLIN WAY TU 87J 0-ce hours 8 a m. te 5 p m RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and VOUL 2660 Shasta Way Ot ond Two Sevirooen opM. f j"MsHfl end L'n furnished $69 50 to $89 50 PO'lv, W.ilv Mc.l RfltM TU 2-5577 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST )444 Uin 1 Bt1'0m ynrwr ' I Bfl'0W tjfvrft h4j 5pac(M, " ''" Dtc'e'e4 ve't Ca'Petiaf if fMI 'evs an rvrtM "feet te a4l tfc'--v tVeee eie's TU J-'S4 34 FURNISHED 1 room apt., paid. 419 No. 10th. ONE or 2 bedroom furnished. Heat, water paid. 825 Grant, TU 2-4719. NICE clean furnished apartment, close in, TU 2-3J31, TU 4-4964. 2 BEDROOMS furnished apfs., carport, TU 3-4935 anytime, TU 4-3269 after 7. S15 TO $20 weekly rates, kitchens Avail able, Johnny's Motel, 2005 Biehn. ONE bedroom unfurnished duplex, S40, 3450 Biibee. Ph. TU Z-4090. THREE room completely furnished apart ment, 199 Walnut, TU 4-5472. NICELY furnished, three rooms and bath. garage, private entrance. TU 2-1214. FURNISHED large 3 rooms, clean, warm, rug, so, inquire 1674 D' vision HOUSES FOR RENT ...26 TWO bedroom house, partly furnished. U5. Hilltop station, 3021 Greensprlngs. LARGE I bedroom unfurnished duplex, itove, relrigerator, storm windows and doors, garage, fenced yard. TU 4-3345 alter 6 p.m. TWO bedroom duplex, stove, refrigera tor, washer, water tu mis red, garage. In quire 3675 Homedale before a.m., after 6 p.m. TU 4-8944. CLEAN 2 bedroom house in Suburban District, Call TU 3-6268. SUPERIOR, furnished one bedroom du plex, utility room, trash burner, walk In closets, 812 Upham, tu 2-3366. FOR rent, cabin, labor allowed on rent Mrs. Bob Adams, Bonanza, or phone Lorelta 4168. CLEAN one bedroom furnished cabin, S35, 1235 Adams, TU 4-3854, TU 4-9754. UNFURNISHED two bedroom house. East Main, one child, 155. TU 4-9104. FOR rent 3 bedroom houte, wall lo wall carpeting living room. Partly furnished. TU 2-3744. ONE 'bedroom furnished duplex. Adults, no dogs, 145. TU 4-4281. ONE bedroom unfurnished, electric range, builtin oven, extra bedroom and storaqe space attached to garaoe, 3 acres. 2330 Grape, TU 4-3309. . IMMACULATE, unfurnished 2 bedroom home. Inquire 2333 Union. ONE bedroom furnished house, call TU 4-4379. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, like new, $65. 1813 Siskiyou, TU 4-7584. TWO bedroom partly furnished, forced oil heat, $60, water, oarbaqe paid. TO 2-2928 or TU 4-9534. TWO bedroom unfurnished suburban home, $75 month, call Strout Realty, TU 4-J2BI, or owner, TU 2-4195. ONE bedroom unfurnished house. 2139 Main. Phone TU 2-2864. MILLS, three room. Stoves and refrlqer ator. Washer, dryer hookup. TU 2-3852. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex, oa rage, fireplace, 30)1 Board man, TU 3-0990. TWO bedroom unfurnished, near Mills School, 249 Martin, TU 4-9784. FURNISHED I bedroom. Water, garbage. Wocus, no pels, TU 49497. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, garage, TU 4-3893. THREE bedroom unfurnished home. 140. 4744 Alva, TU 4-3061 eves. MODERN furnished 3 bedroom, close to school and store, 425 Martin. EXTRA clean 1 bedroom furnished house. Reasonable. Call TU 4-BP 79 alter 5 p.m. FURNISHED two bedroom, hot well, ga rage, fenced back, yard, TU 4-7675. NEAT and clean 3 year old 2 bedroom unfurnished duplex. New stove and relria erator. Mills Addition, 185. TU 2-4464. Eves. TU 4-5544. OUTSTANDING bedroom duolex on Laverne, electric heat, garage, fireplace, TU 2-4752. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, living room, kitchen, and bath Full basement. Two oaraoes. Gas heat, oas cooking. In sulated. Renting for only 145 mo. TU 2-3471. SMALL unfurnished house. Mills Addition, TU 4-9323. SMALL two bedroom house, automatic gas heat, washer-dryer hookup, garage. $60, TU 2-5322 Or TU 4-4619. BEDROOM duolex. Water, garbage paid. Stove, refrigerator, 160. TU 4-4915 MODERN, unfurnished 2 bedroom. lathed garaqe. Fireplace Water, garbage paid. 3 miles north of town. 875. TU 4-5647. REMODELED 2 bedroom duplex, furnish Inquire 111 Pine. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, water; paid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-1454. HOT SPRINGS ? bedroom upstairs, un furnished duplex, garage. Adults only, $45. TU 4-4850. TWO unfurnished two bedroom houses, south suburban, 165, TU 2-3923. TWO bedroom unfurnished house. TU 4-4023. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, 165. Children, pets, e.k. References required. TU 2-6590. NICE 2 bedroom furnished house. TU 2-3852. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished home, Northside, 175, TU 4-5293. LARGE 2 bedroom, M acre, 177.50, 5510 Miller, TU 2-1245. DESIRABLE furnished house. 2 rooms, bath, adults, $35. 620 Division LARGE 1 bedroom, garage. Qat furnace. -a-qe. W inrjijire lj-rj Calor-ii MISC. PROPERTY 10 LET 27 FOR leae 10 acres level ground under Irrigation. Mat doe I area 70 acres good spud ground. Or will sell or trade. TU REAL ESTATE WANTED . 28 TWO or three bedroom in city under $17,500 Give details, Bo 429C, Herald and News. WE are BUYING smail EQUITIES IF you want lo SELL. SFE PAUL McATEE 139 EAST MAIN STREET Tn :-4ift If an APPOINT V F NT" REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE . 2 WILL trade small home in Mills fnr t ACRE ranch style 3 bedroom home, fireplace. 2' baths, nicety landscaped va'd. excellent view, s?7.soP Locat.on Yreka. will trade for Klamath Fans prop- APARTMENTS WE RENT J house with futl oath Thu prnrierty s ii RIAL (ST ATt FOR SALI 3eili0 ,0 condition with new roof, new e- . erior paint I i? acres of lrr,gatj pas- NEvV. large view home La' je lot. dose.ture. Full price 114.500 to new OTI and hospita , dav'ight base- ment Appointment poly. TU 2-0570. ST FRANCIS PARK excellent three MOT SPRING. Family tvoe home, hot bedroom home with storm doors, storm wter heat, priced to sell TU 4-7985 (windows and an economical heating sys- r..r ,.-r- -- fern. FHA or Gl terms. Only n,00. THREE hed'OOm brick. 4715 Onyt, H7 baths, wall tn wall carpet fireplace, built I HOME K BUSINESS on .nuth si 1H 80O Will accet 2 or 3 bedroom trailer tn trade TU 3-5112 2 BEDROOM brick home fireplace Wth- covered patio. 1420' shoo. 117,500. CeMl TU 2-0224 ater 5 pm. three bedroom hO" Summers La"e, TU 4- ie for sa'e. 1749 I NF A R Roosevelt School I hedrprtm home 1 srarfcirtg (ien ry) b'tOt. f-epiace, 't ha-dwood floors, full I'ght hasemeit torm w.rtrjgwrs, fyfoate hat Owner leai eamtif. i" FHA 1 rtf it 70P TU 2-5CW NO DOWN PA V V E NT I will se:i my 1) ? eouity in th's son 'umished 2 bed'oom horre or on'v 850C Th!S nffd not be Cash. Py It over M mrntm Assume my loan of 4.il1 Ki. pav- Me SS per mo ?0H Gary St T'edit mmt he good Move m tor NO DOWN PAWEST TU 2-512 L "f F new 3 bedrorm hivne in loveiy ne ohflrriood nar new PTI site Taste i i v an(japo: to tj-mg pt ini f.oer 'eurs Newv redecoratffl throughout Eitra laroe hedrooms. fhiro tedrnom can h 'sed at a rtn or sewg rppm Fn ha'! w th seprt show- plus itr, hath u,n ,p r-Hje arxf Ove. ea,og rryw 1 k.chfl. ' L" Off l-viog room 'replace Economical natural g hat Covered pa' s w tn peautul hack vari rrr"re'e!v feared La'ge dfvh-e grag pane-el m mahoga"v Th.j twmi ,m mtuiiiy tit.n call TU 2 '4,J for ep- po- to ' ACRE 3 bed'fww south siitiur; ftoi-bie erage, ihgo, Ch cken hovse. ' AC RF jf fT-pr-tved. raei rMl peay v s e. Hentev ic-wi Oist'K' '-K"0 Tu 4-ri4 v ( .V Pe.rf e'v trg .4F. t i- prm-m.tfiy oe ft. ov jog l(lt)UPN REAL ESTATE; FOR SALI ..3 FORsele by owner 2 bedroom home with 2 bedroom rental In suburban area. Will accept cattle In trade. TU 4-4031. SELL or trade for Klamalh Falls proo erly, 1 year old Central Point beauty. Three bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, all drapes Included. Lovely dining room and kitchen. Double car port, lawn and shrubbery In. Availebi March 1st. Art Moorman TU 2-1238. OLDER 3 bedroom Hot Springs home. Dishwasher, basement, i'i baths, double lit. 750. TU 4-379f. FIVE BEDROOMS It's Big Family home, only two years old. Large dining room. Big family room. 3 full baths. I fireplaces. Excellent hot air furnace piped to all rooms. Double garaqe. Unsurpassed view. 140 x 285 tt. lot. 123.500. Easily financed. DON SLOAN Realtor 304 So. ;m SI. TU l-USt Anyllmt FUTURISTIC HOME IN HENLEY HI I Spacious 3 bedroom home with an un excelled view of Klamath Basin. Rustic exterior & Interior, triple fireplace, sun deck, lovely carpets. Two car garage, beautifully landscaped. A dream come true in this home with many many ex tras. Total price 138,000. Terms to be ar ranged. CUTIE ON HOMEDALE Owner anxious to sell. Leaving for Cali fornia. Nice lire 3 bedroom home, large living room, wan lo wall carpet, beauti ful fireplace, cheerful kitchen. Carport. acre. Must see to appreciate. Only 18.500. PAUL McATEE and ASSOCIATES, REALTORS 339 E. Main TU 2-4A44 Sales Staff Eves. Eleanor Mahan TU 3-5255 Evelyn McAfee TU 2-5935 Suburban Bungalow New 2 bedroom home. Spacious living room, separate dining room, hardwood floors. Circulating fireplace, well Insu lated. On fenced 100 x 174 tt, lot. Rea sonably priced at 1)5,500. Any type fi nancing. "CALL US TODAY" Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS - 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-0161 HUNTER'S DELIGHT 140 Acres. Good cut over timber land. Small, clear permanent creek runs throuqh center. Good access. Near Beatly. 150 per acre, Cashl BRUCE OWENS REALTOR Woody Bowers TU t-3jn i ' i I " Multiple MLS sLs Yalta Gardens Is Ihe location of this beautiful home with a large living room, separate dining room, three and possible four bedrooms, family room, wall to wa'r capeting, two baths, fireplace, hardwood floors, fully insulated, fenced back yard, double ga raqe, lawn and shrubs. Owner has been transferred and is very anxious to sell. A real buy at $25,550. terms. 2 Bedroom Home, separate dining room, hardwoM floors, fully insulated, storm windows and screens, lawn, shrubs, fenclnq, tool shed, dog kennel, five fruit trees. In good location on paved street. Only 111,750. Immediate Possession Three bedroom home fully insulated, in qood south suburban location, on 115 x 140 ft. lot, paved street, south suburban sew er connected. Total price 19.000, terms of course. If You Are Looking For a really good older home with four or five bedrooms, In excellent condition. qood location, with plenty of yard room for the youngsters to play, and redwood fencing tor privacy, and all the other details that change a house to a home. call us for an appointment to see this one. For only 114,000, terms. "WILL" CEDARLEAF REALTOR 3937 S. 6tfl TU 4-5151 Anytime Peggy Peeler TU 2 0729 TU 4 -A Si Ken Allison SOUTH SUBURBAN ESTATE. Fine twn jbedroom home with tireolace. On r acr. (.pncrrifl wais, garage, lirgo shop. Insulated storage house, two room guest house, very handy small ham, neat ly painted fences, very good pasture. Weil equioped to keep horse r cow. Ideal home for persons with a hobby. All this for $14,500 Owner will sell furni ture, horse and horse trailer with proper ty. Call us for appointment to see. MILLS Atdition Duplex, completely reno vated and rede or a ted Inside and out side. T wo 1 bedroom apartments with range and refrigerator. Electric heat Price 815.M0. s3.(l0f) down and IM per month Will consider trade for smaller property. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1004 Main TU 2-141 Jim O'Donahife Eves Tu 4-91 l i p Multiple Listing Service LARGE two bedroom home and ouet Excellent neat two bedroom home Office t, waiting room. Large shop wth vaults, storage shelves anrj work bench es 70 fl. frontage. Only 815 000 - W('e d'0'"T, ""ff w-th hm't nge and oven, cofprea hath fi.tur. The handy man can do tometrtlng with th s one. Only J7.000 Terms. SALES STAFF C'vde W'H'ams M's Buff Jones Tm Reeder TU 4-i'-.4 TU 4J TU 4 -T-.j DURANT 't Holiday $3,250 Neateri wth gas, oas r"ie, r. fngerator Very clean, neiv der (Vated Furn-shM Canyf nt Mr Cr-rpi Or- one person 0" he room Nvnf L'vrng room 1J T fclchn nook Level k' pauef rt, walk ng fa.ara sy terms, contract or cash. $5,250 rrwf app'-aoce ga 'e, hater. eiectf'C water h,.,, Fum.ihe4S oiwiy tsecnrfttei s relv tp i ve . 25 ryj room. i. 'ren with fl"vng s-; Easy terms, o scovnt Dye Insurance Agency A fr Ove. tea'tnr. V"3'"' B-i TU i 'S or TU 4-4;7