THE BETTER HALF By Bob Barnes VALUES IN EVERY STORE 'ASKING IN FRONT OF EVERY STORE! "tights will bum lot oa Capitol Hiii next week Munlfe ii writifij sis eongretsmors. Reg. 3.95 ELECTRIC HEAT PADS 1 79 Reg. 39.85 RAM Sabre Saw 29 RAM Va" Elec. Drill Reg. 23.50 J88 BATTERY Lcnk fr'fw,'l jumper Instant Torch MM cables WithX mm Only J C Extra Fuel 88c ftljjjf 1 'essvar CREST 59c 69c Economy Size Thermal Knit Underwear Top or Bottom... 1.88 Thermal Knit Sox Boxed Stationery " 88 Basketball& Goal Set 5! Here For The Dogs Dog Collors 29e to 69e Dog Leashes 69c Dog Chains, 20 foot 98e Dog Hornesses from 29c Men's Plaid SHIRTS Wool, nylon, acrylic. Mochint washable 498 a i? . .. n i uuTHia r annei 59c yd. . pastel prints Aer W Cotton Plisse pr,.ii3h,P,i, 2 qq 9x12 Foam Backed Rugs$;"24 7 1 Sesame Electric Can Openers 9 .as Infraray Heating Lamp by Bubble Bath 1 J DOX pOCK 83 88 10 Penctroy 98c Sudco Vaporizing Chest Rub 72 Storm Yindow Kit a..- 2 eg. 49 windows Tr and THRIFTY VARIETY FOOTWEAR CLEARANCE 1 Group Porigi FLATS rS 388 Ro. to 11.95 FLATS Torreador 1QQ Goto 0O Mr. Gui 1 Group Hi end Mid Hnl PUMPS C88 11.95 j 1 Group Walking & Mid Heel AIR STEPS ,,,.. jgg 15.95 f House Slippers 1 Group to 4.50 1 99 Hand Bags NOW ONIY I to Men's Shoes IdTwa5!f 7 81 Men's Shoes 1 Group Pedwin'i 8 88 Children's ' and Boy's Shoes to 9.95 O 88 White Buck Saddles SiT 2 88 Shop Till 9 Closed Sundays 1 ' T ' ' peek-a-boo l;j9xv l"LA,D U-J- 4.00 'i t Propof tionstte Heights and Slits I RS. 3240 V Many Styles l H I Ta Choes Prom! The ppuiar Mystleafar witti jingharn pijld Up!i is the im portant feature on this pretty pastel tettftn pajarna. Made with comfort in mind, you'll enjoy every sleepy moment in them. EXTRA SAVINGS WITH "S&H" GREEN STAMPS In The Town & Country Shopping Center SPECIAL GIFT OFFER REVLON'S "MOON DROPS" r--rON ntti tot. 'Mm St I Momuriitng Citener with pur JS, J ctrcse of 2-ox. 'Moan Drops' I Moisturo Balm. WOV I . . . wrs'l 54.50 Voiue for 300 p(u 4j tax 6 SPECIAL COUPON SIMILAC Liquid Baby Milk S00 cans i i Wifh Hh coupon. J Limit 6 c a s, one v I coupon pr family, ! Coupon axptrot Sun. i dor, Jon. 2Sth. McKesson 100 Count ASPIRIN Reg. 59e 21 00 McKesson Vitamin 'C Sale (ascorbic acid! Reg. 1.29 ICOrog 100 count Now 200 for 1,29 Reg. 2.49 250mg 100 count Now 200 for 2.49 Reg. 2.49 500 mg SO count Now 100 for 2.49 mmmm Opon 35 doyi roar , . . 34 on loop yoon. Opon f till 10 ... on Sundoyt t Holiday!. Drusjiit on Durir f AH Tinot. Current hato tiiitomtn moy thorjo onyiht J Wi Suburbtn Dru Slo. pt Comoro Oopt.l at tho proKription (ounMr. Cooiitry With Mixes," Student WEONtSDAY MESBY M1XEHS, J p.m., new Mjuare ance class, Peikan City Hall, first lessen int. Everyone welcome. BONANZA FARM BCREAU CENTER, 8 p.m., mcttint. Bo nanza High School. Speaker cn: proposed hospital. Public invites. WOT51, Chapter 457, 7 p.nw Stooso. Moose Home. Executive meeting, p.m. DEGREE OF HONOR, Cars. lion Clab, 7:30 p.m., Juanrta Lundsttfi, 16iS Crest. EAGLES grocery shouer tor needy (amity. Leave (ood at Eagles Hall after p.m. CABPENTEBS AUX1LIABY, 7-30 p.m., meeting. Carpenters Hall. YNEMA TWiKLERS, 7:30' pm., rouno nance nass, iotva THURSDAY HENLEY HOME EXTENSION UNIT, W a.m.. pottutk, lait' grounds. Credit Buying No. 2. PROSPERITY KEBEKW LODGE, No. 1M, it p.m. meeting. tOOFHali. BF.THKL NO. t. Job's Daugh tei-s. 7:30 p.m.. Masonic Tempie. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF jnew KC Hali, Tenth and iPublic invited. KI.AMATH ART ASSOC1ATTOS It nm movie. "Mexkin Pot- Iters and Archaeology. Memoers and guests. Isqiiar dance, 1SICA. firing sana-lpm matiai program, 1CA. ...;! tr.! . J i LAKESHOBE DLPLICATE BRIDGE CW9, 7:30 p.m., dupli cat bridge, City Library. TWYLA FERGUSON PAR ENTS AND PATRONS, 7:30 pm. meeting, school gym. KLAMATH COUNTY POMONA GRANGE, officers and subordi nate grange masters, 8:30 pa, potludt. meeting, Lost Biver rane Hail. FRIDAY SCHOOL MATES, i B.m.. rJ- Isert, Sirs. R. H. Anderson, 3 . 10th St. EAGLES AUXILIARY, 7:30 p.m., officers and drill tun practice. Eagles Hail, SHASTA VIEW GRANGE, g pm, meeting, Grange Hali. SATURDAY SHASTA VJEW COSiMUvrrv BLDG, ASSOC., 8 p.m., card party, Community Hall. Shasia jWay and Madison. KLAMATH LANK LODGE, Ko. 1M, V.O.A., 8 p.m., meeting, ,lOQY Hall. Norway slides, Hans jNoriand. Public invited. AAUW. 12-20 nm IhbWm Winema Hotel, KLAMATH - t.AKF. Ttrira. ERS Federal Credit Union, 8:30, annual meeting. Pine Grove uoom, wiuaro Hotel. MIDLAND JUVENILK iGBANGE, 2 p.m., meetins, 1 Ip.m. degree practice, Midland iuranje nau. KLAMATH SRinnir rum a IPJ33,. du!Ica!e bridio rii h. brary. OREGON TECH HOME EXT UNIT, JO a m., meeting, "Creative Sove On Everything In Men'f Wear DURING OUR JANUARY SUITS Regular $55,00 to $79.50 Curlee suits in hard finished worsteds, dacron and wool blends in our very latest models end colors. Now . . . $39 to $64 SUITS Our very finest $85.00 to $125.00 Hort 5hoffner & Marx suits. Choose from o complete stock of the most wanted business end dressy styles. $69 to 99 This is only o sample of the many e!us being offered during our biggest sale of the year. Coma in end check on boys' wear, western weaf, sheee end boots. Charge ev erything you need en one of our convenient charge plans regular 30-dey, er revolving with up to 4 months to pay. Sport Coats Jackets Slacks Wool Shirts Shoes 26&$34 99 Now New if '7"S$18" Now No 9 $Q99 w Q 'Jobless Up In December SALEM The number of em ployed persons In Orejon held even from November to December i although unemployment increased by 5.500. A little over work ers had jobs in both months. Da- id H. Cameron, crflnmissioner of the State Department of Employ, ment, announced. Employment ws$ up 17.500 from the level of December last year. The increased unemplsyment re sulted from the layoffs usual at ;ihia lime of year in lumber end wood products, food products, con tract construction, and other mi nor industries. Offsetting these job losses were the lerge numbers of workers needed for the holiday season in retail trade, service, end the pest office department. Compared to last December el- most all industries shov ed em ploye gains. Contract construction, with unusually favorable working conditions so far. required 6.700 more workers this December. Stat and local government, the services, finance, retail trade. food products, and plywood end veneer recistered ctfher year employment increases el over LOW. L'nemoiovment. t !Uj iti). mi jdoua by e.ono from the level oi lest wecemfier. Advertising Man Appointed am YORK tUPl i-Lew L. Cl- lowey Jr., former advertUinj di rector of Sports Illustrated, has been appointed publisher of News week magaune. Neek president Gibson Mc- Cabe, who has been also tervinj as the pubikJtiofl's publisher. m4e the anneancement Miwday. McCahe -will retain the pott of president and elso will essume the chairmanship of the executive committee. taiiaway, 35, previously i advertising director of Fortune wagoiine and Time International.