Undefeated Henley Tops League; Has Top Scorer '. Henley's second ranked and un-j - defeated Hornets are presently ' leading the Rogue River League " and big 6-7 center Kent Gooding is the leading scorer in the league with a robust average of 30.7 points per game. The Hornets are the only un-l beaten team in the league with a 4-0 record while Lakeview' sur prisingly strong Honkers are tied for second with the defending champion Eagle Point quintet, each with a 3-1 record. St. Mary's of Mcdford Is fourth: with a 2-1 record while Illinois Battle Royal Tops Wrestling Matches The first professional wrestling He has lost his last two starts ' card of the new year will be held here to popular Nick Kozak. ' tonight at Klamath Auditorium Parenti, an Italian who has just and promoter Ellon Owen has.come from St. Louis where he brought in a rugged feature match in a six-man Battle Royal This big match kicks off the new season in style and will have six top grapplers going after the victory and an added $200 purse for the winner. The winner is the last one remaining In the ring on his feet. And the wrestlers them' selves don't particularly like this bout because it Is so rough and there Is so greater a percentage of injuries. The six going after the royal win will be wild Bill Savage, Rocky Columbo, Buck Davidson, Lorenzo Parenti, a newcomer. Haru Sasaki and Irish Pat O'Brien. This will be a wild match In which a man can be eliminated: by a pile-up or a submission hold. These royals are dangerous and great from the fan's advantage. point. There also will be three top pre liminary bouts to add to the at traction. The main preliminary bout will have Wild Bill Savage met and defeated some of the top wrestlers in the nation, will be one: of the favorites in the Battle Royal also. He is a fast-moving and scientific wrestler and is a big one at 220 pounds. Savage predicts he will have no trouble; with the Italian who speaks three languages. The second preliminary will have Rocky Columbo, who returns to the local ring after a long ab sence, taking on the sinister Haru Sasaki in the second preliminary bout. Columbo is well remembered here for some rugged matches in this ring last spring. Saskl has appeared here in the last two bouts, defeating Klamath's Buckl Davidson in the last outing. Co lumho is an ex-boxer and has the fastest hands in the ring and will have to use them to counter, the Judo chops and Karate shots of Sasaki. Davidson will take on 'Irish Pat O'Brien in the opening bout of the evening. Davidson lost his last bout after coming out of a four- going against the Italian Lorenzo year retirement and should be in Parenti. Savage is well known better shape now than the last here and will be alter a victory.lmeeting and ready to go. SCARES LEFTOVER! LEAOUI W L 21 M 24 34 76 3?' 21Vi Tw.n Girls Grocery Unique Market Tulelake Variety Medo-Bel Cinderella Studio Chllcot K Smith 3SV LIT1IB MarKftl Echo Hom Hanneys Scrvlf Glati Mt. Block Jan. 3 results: Unique Market 4, Tu lelake variety 0) Medo-Bel i. Echo Homes 0; Chi kola A Smith 4, Hanneyi Service vi I win uins broc. 3. Llllie Market I Cinderella Studio 2, Glut Mt. Block 2 High team game, Unique Market 739 hi on team series, Unlou Market 306, htqh Ind. game, Luana Walton 193; high inn. series, Luana wauon 44. Bly Bobcats Use Fouls For Victory BLY (Special i The Bly Bob cats had to rally in the fourth period here Tuesday night to do the Lakeview Freshmen, 32-31, in a lackluster non-conference game. : The two clubs changed one-point leads at the end of each period with the Bobcats finishing up the fourth period with a one-point margin and the victory. The Honker freshmen led at the end of Die first frame. B-8 but Bly countered and grabbed the half time lead. 15-14. in the low scoring contest. Lakeview fought back and look a 21-20 lead into the fourth period when tlic Bobcats scored 12 points to Lake view's 10 for the victory. The Bobcats won the game from the charily line where they hit 10 of 21 while Lakeview had its troubles there by hitting only five of 16. Duanc Foster led the winners with eight points. Merle .Clemens had seven. Jim Watts six and Johnny Godowa five Roush led Lakeview and grabbed hich honors with almost half of Lakeview's point with 15. Bly will host Gilchrist in a con fcrenre came Friday night. The Bobcats are 3 6 for the season Lakeview Froh 9 5 7 1031 Bly 8 7 5 1232 JUNIOR OIRLS LEAGUE W L Pin Poopars ?6 1, Bowlers Four 33 17 Lucky strikes 73 17 Tha Umber-UPS 23 17 Foulere ?0 3ft Rolling Pint 19 71 Pellcens 16 34 Gutter Bustere 17 31 Jan. 12 results: Pin Poppers 4, Lucky Slrlkea 0; Trtt Umber-up 4. Gutter Butl er 0; Rolling Pirn J. Bowlere Four I; Pelleem 4, 4 Fouleri 0. Hloh team name. Rollins pins T1A: high team series. Pin Poppers 20S6; hiqh Ind. game. Barbara Schwelqert 163; high series, carper scrtweiuert uj. Rain Forecast Device Tested WASHINGTON LT1 - The Weather Bureau announced today that it is testing a new rain de tection devu-e which could im prove river and flood forecasting The bureau said the new radar instrument can measure rainfall as far as loo miles away. "From a single, convenient lo cation, it will provide instantane ous measurements of precipitation at many points over a br.d area," the bureau said in a state ment. It said the new device converts the intensity of radar eilnies from liO points over a river basin into a pattern which can he displayed on a map at a river foreiast center. 1 The agency said the new devue would be tested at Its radar re search laboratory in Not man, Okia. 10 MONITER.S LEAGUE W. UnslrlkeablH 13 Alley-oopa 13 s Plnbustera 1? f Eagles 9 13 Gallant Man a 13 Red Devils 7 14 Jan. 13 results: Red Devils ?. Eagles 1 Unslrlksables 2. Gallent Men I, Plr buslerl 3, Alley-oops 1. High teem game, Plnbuaters 671; high ream series, pinousrere Tloe; high Ind. game, Russell Foster 137j high Ind. to net, Joe Dodson 360. BOOSTER LEAGUE W L Dutts Heellnq ,9 jj Dorrls Lumber 4A 26 Heelon Steel ,0 32 iball Glass 36 34 Waller Bros. .17 3S Jecks Color Chip 33 37 Swift & Co. 34 38 Klameth JC 32 40 Pelican Moblt 31 41 Amldons 31 41 Unique market 30 42 Nelson TV 29 43 Results: Nelson TV 3. Pellcen Vonil I. Jecks Color Chip 7. Kimball Glass 7: unique Market A Klamath JC 0; Heaion Steel 3, Amldons 1; Dulls Heating 3. sifl and Co. i Dorrls Lumbar J. Metier Bros. 1. High team game. Nelson TV lrtet; tiinh teem series. Nelson TV J03V; hiart Ind dame, wes VcKelg 236; high ind. to les, Wes McKotg 390. Valley, going into the league competition undefeated, is now 1-2. Phoenix sports a 1 - 3 rec ord while Sacred Heart and Rogue River are winless in two and four games respectively. The Hornets hurtled a big ob stacle last Friday night when they turned on a great fourth quar ter finish to spurt to an 87-70 vic tory over the previously unbeaten: Cougars of Illinois Valley. They also used a last period drive the following night to rout Phoenix 71-54, after leading by only four! points with three minutes to play. The Hornets downed hot-shoot-l ing Illinois Valley on a 29-point fourth period spurt. The Hornets; held only a four-point lead going into the fourth when they turned on the steam to set a new school scoring record with the 87 points. There was almost another rec ord. Gooding connected for 40 points in that game by dumping in 15 baskets and 10 of 13 from the line. It was one point shy of his 41-point record last season He has hit 123 points in four games for the 30.7 average. He leads the second place scorer by 42 points. Lakeview dumped Phoenix In rather easy style Friday night 50-36, and then turned tiger Sat urday night to hand the Cougars of IV then- second straight loss 54-50. The Honkers' only loss was to Eagle Point, 52 - 51, in the first league game at Eagle Point. The Honkers have a good scoring combination in Larry Samples and Dan Leahy. They rank third and fourth respectively in league scor ing with 101 points between them for 17.5 and 15.3 averages. Sacred Heart played only one game during the week and, dropped it to tough Eagle Point, fil-40. Pete Krok was the only dou ble figure scorer for the Troiansj with 10 points. Elmo LeBeau was held to nine but still has a 15.01 average. The Eagles had four in double figures, but Charles Pome- roy, the second leading scorer, was held to only 11. Richard Short popped 16, John Lindcr 12 and Wilbur Boatwright 10. Eagle Point also thumped Rogue River Saturday night with Short and Pomeroy again doing the damage. Short had 25 and Pome roy 23 points and they also had 50 rebounds between them. Tom Da vidson topped RR with 18 markers. Henley leads the scoring with 2!)6 points in four games for a 74 0 average per game. They have allowed 232 points for an average of 57.5. Eagle Point Is the second leading scoring team with 246 points and Lakeview the best de fensive team with l'J3 points al lowed in four contests for an av erage of 48.3 per game. They have hit for 224 points and a 56.0 aver age. Gooding tops the scorers and iiis 40 points is the high single game for the season. Pomeroy of Eagle Point is second with 81 points tor an average of 20.3. Then comes Samples and Ixahy of Lakeview with Short of EP with 60 points and a 15.0 mean. Davidson of RR is next with 53 points and a 13 3 mean. Henley's Mike Beymcr and Phoenix' John Granbv tied with 52 points and a 130 average. Darryl Gellert of IV is ninth with ."! points and a 17.0 average while Henley's Earl Allbritton rounds out the lop 10 uith 49 points and a 12 3 mean. I mr ItaaWilW ' Jr kF Ctmummi'"-'Sii' tiiniiiiiiifiilW-l HENLEY IN ACTION This is a picture of the Henley Illinois Valley game last Friday night at Henley when the Hornets dropped the previously unbeaten Cougars, 87 70. Earl Allbritton 150) is about to grab a rebound from an unidentified Cougar while Kent Gooding, the league's leading scorer, watches. He is Number 52. He scored 40 points in the game. Wilson, Karras In For Questions Vandals Defeat Cougars By I tilled Press International Rugged Idaho got a surprising ly stiff fight from Washington State but still emerged ' ith its 11th basketball win in 13 starts Tuesday night. The Vandals took a 72-65 deci sion as the Vandals one-two punch of Chuck White and Gus Johnson each tossed in 18 points. Idaho is cursed this year by the fact that Johnson is ineligible for tournament play because of the NCAA junior college transfer rule. With Johnson In there the1 Vandals are 10-0 this year. Another tough break for the Vandals Is that they don't get to test Oregon State in regular sea son play this year. The Vandals do play a home and home series with Seattle, however, that should give fans some perspective on just how good Idaho is. ' In other action Tuesday night, Whittier moved out in front of the Southern California Intereollegi ate Athletic Conference with an 84-63 win over Claremont. Tom Freese hit 16 to lead the Poets to their fourth straight league win. Redlands, which had won the SCIAC title three years running, evened its mark at 2-2 with 69-48 victory over Pomona, now 1-3. Bob Engberg had 23 for the winners. Other 6cores: Cal Poly of San Luis Obispo 63 Westmont 54, Cal Tech 55 Upland 52, Lewis & Clark 89 Willamette 48, Oregon College 82 Portland State 81. PAGE 2 B HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Wednesday, January 1$, 1961 Tulsa Upsets Wichita Shockers In MV Play ROOUI STANDINGS I Teem W L PCT. PR PA Henley 4 0 I 000 J'6 237 NITE OWL LEAGUE lakeyify. 3 I .7(0 2)4 H3 W I Eagle Point 3 t 7M1 746 301 J D "' t !S'ist Mary s 2 I .667 1! IS3 H-Zurm Jl's 26' 1 1 II Ino.s Valley 1 2 .3J3 l7 us Panhandlers 33 31 Phoenls 1 3 .20 I6J 2J6 'r",l"n, Jl'l Sacred Heart 0 7 000 M 113 Cottonoickeri 32 3J Rogue River 0 4 . 000 III 2S Sweepers 31 33 4-Damallcs J 3V Blind Four 2;, 36i INDIVIDUAL ICORINO LEADERS Jan. 13 results Cotton Pickers 4. Mm- Player o TP AVO. tangs 0; Svyeeprs 3. Hi Zums 1 ; A a, Ds Kff,,t Goodlno. H 4 l:j 30 7 4, The Blind Four 0; Panhandlers 3, 4- ? Charles Pomeroy. EP 4 ll 70 3 Damatlcs 1. J Larry Samples. L 4 70 IM High team game. A A Ds 63: hiah 4. Dan Leahy. L 4 6i l.s 3 teem series. A a, Ds 2427i hloh Ind v R'chard Short. r-P 4 60 ISO game (men!, Sonny Helm 271) high Ind. 6. torn Davidson, RR 4 33 1 3 3 1 series (men). Sonny Helm 546; high Ind, w,ha Bevmer, H 4 57 1.3 0 game (womenl, Beuleh Albers 111; high.' John Oranhv, P 4 32 1J 0 Ind. series (women). Helen Dlson 477. Darrvl Gene't. IV 3 SI 17 0 , 10. tarl Allbritton, H 4 4 17 3 111. Jim Calhoun SM ' 3 41 1,17 COFFEE CUP LEAOUE ij R,c Botl. P 4 40 10 0 W L U V'ke O Brlen. RR 4 3 a I Overhead Door CO. 3' 17 '4. Dennis Warren, L 4 .16 a s Pufnems Logging 4it-1 7l'i 14. W, Boatwright, EP 4 J' '3 Tower Furniture 41" i It's 16. John Coder, fa 4 37 63 Bmgs Satellite 36 .to Dave Youno. S V. 3 .16 17 e Jones Otlnre 37 31 16 Levov Vound H 6 33 I - Clvdes Towing 37 ji is. Joe Seller. RR I 3.1 6 3 Big V Merset 36 1 IPS. 20. Elmo Leneeu. SHA 3 . ISO kiamalh Auto Wreckers 3S 33 71. Chailes venteeg. IV 3 76 at Verier B'Os 33 3s 72 R Va't'n IV 3 ,a at Fashion Cleaners 31 37 31 Ron Thornhnl IV 3 7a 7 Bowden Music )t 3' .'4 Pf'e Krok. SHA 7 77 13 i DETROIT (UPI (-Detroit Lions coach George Wilson and All-Pro tackle Alex Karras have been called to New York for question ing by National Football League Commissioner Pete Rozclle con cerning Lions players associating with known gamblers. The Detroit Free Press said to day Wilson will cut short his va cation in Delray Beach, Fla., to meet with Rozelle at the league's New York offices. Rozclle was to huddle with Wilson today and Karras was scheduled for a meet ing Thursday. Karras was the first of four Lions players to become involved in the league-wide probe by the commissioner's office. He was plunged into the picture when it was reported the team manage ment was unhappy with his part ownership in a Detroit bar. Detroit Police Commissioner George Edwards added to the fire when he submitted a report. concerning associations of Lions players with known gamblers, to the Lions' management and NFL headquarters. The report, which named John Gordy, Wayne Walker and Kar ras as being seen in the company of known gamblers, specified that nothing had been unearthed to in dicate criminal activity. Darris McCord also became in volved in the investigation hut was not named in Edwards' re port. All four have volunteered to take lie detector tests to prove knowing alleged gamblers did not affect their play. The Free Prc.-s said Walker had been interviewed by Rozclle by telephone several times and would not be called to New York. In New York. NKL public rela tions director Jim Krnsil said concerning the meeting. "1 m not s.iying yes or no. We have de cided that we will not disclose any details of the investigation until it is completed. When it is completed we will have a state ment." By MARTIN LADER L'PI Sports Writer Tulsa University has applied an age-old formula for turning fail ure into success, and the results are proving better than any one could have expected. The Oklahoma school has suf fered a number of lean years on the basketball court in the last decade, including a disappointing 7-19 mark last season. But hold ing on to the best of the old, and mixing in a liberal dose of the new, Tulsa is ott to what prod- ably will be its best campaign since the mid-50's. The Hurricanes demonstrated their "new look" for an appreci alive audience at Tulsa Tuesday night by battling into two over time periods with seventh-ranked Wichita and holding on for ah 85-83 victory over the powerful Wheatshockers. It was the seventh triumph against four losses for Tulsa, and by far its most impressive outing of the season. Wichita had gone into the game with an 11-3 rec- ord and was considered the most likely candidate (if such a possi bility existed) to stop Cincinna ti's drive for another Missouri Valley Conference championship. Aiding the Tulsa cause were a pair of junior college transfer students Bill Kusleika and Lar ry Berke. The old stalwarts were Jim King and Gary Hevelone. Kusleika led all scorers with 27 points, including a key foul shot in the closing moments of the second overtime period. King con tributed two field goals in this crucial session and finished his night's work with 18 points. Berke Charnley Beats Cason LONDON (UPI) - European lightweight champion Dave Cham ley of London was so pleased to day with his victory over Phila delphia's Jethro Cason that he announced: "I'll not only continue fighting but 1 11 try to win back the Brit ish Empire title from Bunny Grant as soon as possible. Southpaw Charnley, formerly! twice challenger for the world title but still champion of the British Isles and Europe, had considered retiring to his chain of ladies' hair-dressing salons if he lost Tuesday night to American Cason. But 27-year-old Charnley won impressively over 25-year-old Ca son before a sellout crowd of 000 at Royal Albert Hall in an. excellent 10-round fight-. Referee Jack Hart, the only ring official, had no hesitation in lifting Dave's right hand in vic tory, to the delight of the cheer ing fans. Charnley, weighing 137 to Ca-i son's 138, forced the pace in ev ery round except the seventh. had 16 and Hevelone threw In nine. Dave Stallworth topped the Wichita marksmen with 25 points, and four of his teammates also hit for double figures. Iowa State avenged an earlier loss to Drake by beating the Bull dogs, 69-65, in a non-conference contest Tuesday night. In other games on the light schedule, St. Joseph's of Philadel phia defeated Delaware, 84-57; Buffalo edged Syracuse, 63-61; Cornell toppled Colgate, 84-65; George Washington beat Rich mond, 81-71; Bowling Green stopped Kent State, 88-71-. Wil. liam & Mary defeated Virginia Military Institute, 80-71; Idaho turned back Washington Slate, 72-65, and Duquesne beat Toledo, 67-53. MODESTY NOT LARCENY MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UPI)-Mffd- esty not larceny made her put a can of hairspray under her coat in a store, shapely Mrs. Barbara Kann told city Judge Beverly Boushe Thursday. Mrs. Kann, 23, said she noticed the store owner's stare and looked down and saw my blouse was open, bne saia sne put ine hairspray under her coat in a hasty attempt to button up, "but I certainly meant to pay for it." The shoplifting charge was dis missed. IIO.U) BEATS LAYER 110HART. Tasmania I'PIi -Veteran Lew Head powered his way to victory Tuesday over last year's "grand slam" amateur. Hod Laver. 6-1, 1-6. 6-1. m an exhibition tennis match. D-iscoil & Pertap't Johnnys Flying A" So Ore Av.etien Lams Store SutHirben Finance Jen IS results K'ome"t Ai ers-4. Drisceil A Pedgett 0. Looo.ng A So 0'6 Aver. on 0, 6 3. Tower Fum tu'e 1 71' I 2l'l : i 7V 70 to W'etk. Putnams Si-PU'han Ce'heal Door j. Bmgs SateH 'e I; Jones OM Clvdes Tow.ng 1. p.g V Vfct 3 Faction Cleaners 1; Metier Bros. 3 Johnnys F'v mg A ' 1. Le.ns StO'6 J. Bowoen stsstc I Mlah teem game. Rnwoen Mi'C 'Ss, tvgn teem series. Klamath Auto Arecseii 71 70. h.gh Ind oa-"e (women), Cone Csnrwe'l 706 h.gh ind, series (women), Me'go Mco'eevy 353, iVv -.s v faut-to-CxuA. HCWCDl'DCBt' 1 SfuTHf MOST! Mi flSELl JEEP OWNERS! Wt rt now yaur hdqurtr for all yur 4-whl iriv ndi( eWi Catvll Authorised Ports, SALES ond SERVICE far all WILLYS "Jeep" Vehicles Joe Fisher i77 Set. 7th Pp.. 4-114 ALL STAR WRESTLING!! KLAMATH AUDITORIUM WIO. NIGHT, JAN. 16th 8 15 P.M. SIX MAN BATTLE ROYAL!! $200 ADDED PURSE WILD BILL SAVAGE, BUCK DAVIDSON, HARU SASAKI, ROCKY COLUMBO, LORENZO PARENTI AND PAT O'BRIEN THREE BIG PRELIMS!!! SAVAGE vs. PARENTI SASAKI vi. COLUMBO O'BRIEN vs. DAVIDSON Tictttri era en aal at REEDER'S 1 THE WALDORF FANS, DON'T MISS THIS FIRST BIG CARD OF THE NEW YEAR BE THERE EARLY!! whatE mm ver Tire You MS m Nylon, Tyrex Whitehall, Blackwall, Tube Type, Tubeless Want SIT 6.70x15 Tube-Type Blackwall ffpl 9 18-Month Nylon Cord . . . 4-Ply Allstate Tire 45 Each Plui Ta And Old Tin Off Cor Rcjordlcti of Condition Not on economy 2-ply or "4-ply roted" tire . . . but on Allstote with fcur full pties for the sofety ond strength you wont ond need! Deep zig-zag tread has quick-stopping trac tion. Other sixes at similar low prices! Install Them Now at Thrsa Low Prices! Tube-Type Blackwoll Tubeless Blackwall 6 70x15 9.45 7.50x14 12.45 8 00x14 14.45 AM Prices Eoch Plus Tai and Old Tira Ott Cor 21-Month Guarantee Nylon Safety Highway 24-Month Guarantee Allstate Guardsman Tire 7.50x14 or 6.70x15 Tubelcsf Blackwall 1 94.! tr.45 19.45 21.45 6.70x15 Tube-Type Blackwoll lech Plus Tax And Old Tire Off Car Regardless of Condition Even at this low price you get the strength, cool running, ond shock resistance of nylon cord . . . the skid resisting of hundreds of traction edges ond rubber buttons between trcod ribs. Tube-Type Blackwall 6 70x15 U 9S 7 10x15 14.95 7 60x15' 14.95 Tubeless Blackwalls 6 70x15 or 7 50x14 14.95 7 10x15 or 8 00x14 16.95 7 60.15 or 8 50x14 18.95 All Prices Each Plus Tax and Old Tira Off Car Plus Tax And Old Tire Off Car Regardless of Condition This fine highway tire features tough Tyrex rayon cord, long-wearing POLY-BD tread rub ber with P-95 Additive for better troction and longer mileoge. Hundreds of zig-zag edges, rubber buttons between tread ribs! Tube-Type Blackwall 6 70x15 7 10x15 7 60x15 Tubeless Blackwefls 7 50x14 or 6 70x15 19.45 8 00x14 or 7.10x15 21.45 8 50x14 or 7.60x15 v 23.45 AM Prices Each Plus Tax and Old Tire Off Car Nylon Truck Tire Allstate Express Light Delivery 6.50x16 0 Dependable 6-ply roted. service for Vi on or off the highway, ond 34-lon trucks. Other sizes of similar low prices. i;imir TIMK SERVICE GUARANTEE 5 If lirr fail. dnrin(t the monthly Ritarantfe period, we will, our option, eiiher re pair it without eol or in exchange (or the j j nld tire, tive you a new tire or retund, chrinR only for the period of ownership. ' All arllunttnf nU miW l tel"!! Onrci re f " ",. prnraiud ai tht rrfular reUII pricf pln rr , ; Ifririil l..Ut T, If. Iit1-iii l Ihr .- . tlmr af return- Snow Urn IH hf rftirii'd TZZ' , ; ai Ihr rftular rt-.all prut plu trrfrral l.x- t ic las ai timr vt rMurn. , inauuiumumiim'umEii'tmim' Buy 1 or a Set of 5 . . . NO MONEY DOWN on Scors Easy Poymont Plan Wheal balance, weights and lobor 140 per wheel FREE ALLSTATE TIRE MOUNTING Go Power 15 Month Fully Retreaded Snow Tire 0)95 6.7015 Tube Type Blackwoll 7 50-14 Tubeless Blackwall Eoch In Pairs dIui tox b Fully retreaded sideaM to sidewoll! Modem troc'ion tread r has same devgn end deoth os tread on new Allstate teres! Cniv sc'tct tire casings are used Buy now, he ready tor win try strec's No trade-m tires needd! P-95 ADDITIVE . . . Every Allirata tire is new made with this new, esclusive blend rubber to five you even better trcefion and longer mileage than berore! It payf to buy AHaj'ftre' iwiaiaia nn Allstate Batteries 97 6 Volt as low os f .H: 40 54 Criroll 1929. 55 Plymouth 1 934-5 J Dodat and others 12 Volt os low as Fits- 1955-62 Chtvraltr 19S6 42 Plymouth 1955-61 Pontiac ond athtrt With eld lorrorr 97 Botfery Permanent-type Anti-Freeze Sears g 79 Price 1 Gei. 1 gallon Has low freezing point, high boiling point. Losts all sea'. Fights rust Shop at Scars and Save ?atifaction Guaranlrrd or Your Monev Back SEARS 133 So. 8th TU 2-4481 Shop 9:30-5:30 Friday 'lil 9 p.m.