I dl se 8! ai to .g! b.. J P Gag Rule Success Seen By Democratic Leader WASHNGTOM UPH- Senate Democratic Whip Hubert H. Hum phrey predicted today that Senate liberals, without direct help from President Kennedy, would succeed in their campaign to tighten the antifilibuster rule. Humphrey and Democratic leader Mike Mansfield indicated they expected no voting on the is ' sue before next week. Humphrey told newsmen the first major test probably would come on a motion to table his proposal to allow fili busters be halted by a majority vote of the Senate. The Minnesota Democrat, co leader of the liberal bloc, said there was only an "outside chance" that his proposal would survive a tabling motion. But he said he felt a later effort to kill a more moderate three-fifths vot ing plan would fail. "I do not think the opposition can beat us on three-fifths," Hum phrey said. The present gag rule requires a two-thirds vote of those present and voting to impose cloture. Humphrey's comments to news men came as southern senators launched what they previously said would he an an uncompro mising battle against a change in the rule. ' 2?V PAGE 10-A HERALD AND NEWS, Klanuth Filb, Or. Wednesday, January It, 1963 r ( " s : i.r z ' v. amp m ' i . J i I V ' ' I $ ' : i Mi ; FATHER-SON ELKS Three fathers sponsored sons for membership in Klamath Falls Lodge No. 1247 BPOE in December. New Elks, left to right, front row, William Rajnus Jr., Ronald Kalina, Farrell Wilson. Also inducted with the December class was Rob ert F. Starbuck, sponsored by John Kerlin. Lower right hand corner is Exalted Ruler Mike Holland. Back row, left to right, Mervyn Wilde, Malin, friend of the family, sub stituted for William Rajnus Sr., Malin, Vaclav Kalina, Malin, and Earl Wilson, Malin. Radio-active Rays Now Preserve Foods NATICK, Mass. (UPIl Radio active rays now can process fish. meats and other foods so that they remain fresh forever without re frigeration. The process was disclosed Mon day to 300 scientists at the opening of a three-day international con ference on radiation research at laboratories of the U.S. Army Ma teriel Command. "This is the first truly new process for preserving food that the world has received in 150 years," Dr. Edward S. Josephson, laboratory director, said. The $2.5 million laboratory ir-j radiates food through the world's largest source of cobalt-60, a source of 1.2SO.O0O curies, officials said. It injects rays into foods that pass on a conveyor belt. All food, officials explained, con tains bacteria which causes the: food to spoil. Radiation kills the bacteria. Therefore, if the food is irradi ated and then packaged it can be preserved indefinitely without re frigeration. Refrigeration is a means of de laying the action of the bacteria. If the bacteria is killed, you do not need to refrigerate, they said. A piece of irradiated meat could lie around a pantry for a few months or forever, officials said, and would remain usable as long STRIKE PROMPTS BILL WASHINGTON UPU - Senate Republican Leader Everett M. Dirksen. 111., Monday introduced a bill that would make arbitra tion of maritime strikes compul sory. The legislation was prompted by the current longshoremen's strike '.hat has tied up shipping in Gulf and East Coast ports since Dec. 23. as it was kept clean and moist. Its taste also would not change. They said the process, now awaiting U.S. Food and Drug Ad ministration approval, may not have a large impact in the Unit ed States but could revolutionize eating habits of underdeveloped nations which lack refrigeration. LIQUORS Oprn Ktuittaj' A:IM I ft:08 H'ttltfUM K:UO to 1:00 Jock's Super Market Tulelakt, Calif. NOW! K- w i bo Kit., 1: Parker Given Five Year Probation Phillip Eugene Parker, 19, Chil oquin, was placed on five years probation by Judge David R. Van denberg in circuit court Tuesda after the youth entered a plea ol uilty to a charge of burglan earlier last week. Parker was aricsled by Chilo- uin police last month for the urglary of eight cases of beer md money from a cerebral palsy lonation container at the City Jtore, Chiloquin. Soon after the theft, police were wmmonod to break up a .teen-j ige drinking parly where they un-l covered evidence connecting Par ker with the theft. Parker was indicted by the grand jury Wednesday, Jan. 9, and entered a plea of guilty to the, charge in circuit court the fol lowing Friday.. . . . ripe, red r Imagine crunchy cherries in every bite of rich, wholesome va nilla ice cream. And remem ber .... Crater Lake ice cream is made of pure, sweet whipping cream, ranch -fresh eggs -'in foct, the BEST OF EVERYTHING! Get some . . . RIGHT NOW . . . TODAY . . . from your Crater Lake DEALER or ROUTE MAN. KLAMATH FALL CREAMERY 1320 MAIN STRUT TUi.de 4-5101 s ANUARY LADIES' COATS Warm and Wonderful Coat Fashions, big and beautiful savings are yaurs, in our exciting Jan uary Sale! . VALUES FROM $27.95 to $59.95 $ CAR COATS Fantastic Values From Our Regular Stock of Famous Name Car Coats VALUES TO $27.95 14-15-18 fit Wk It f $011 6th One Rack SALE DRESSES mm 1 Beautiful Selection To Choose From VALUES TO in$3-$5-sio-$i5 One Rack LADIES' BLOUSES J? ViOFF! ' SKIRTS Vz OFF! Ladies' Dressy and Casual, WOOL DRESSES and SUITS While They Last Vi OFF! HATS -14 OFF! Low, Low Prices Plus Green Stamps H tfl P aii j oil oil I 4480 South Next to Oregon Food Stock Up! It's Malin C&E Market's HIL ME31T m a Del Monte No. 211 Crushed, Chunks, or Tidbits or No. VA sliced ineapple r CATSUP Your hoice 4 89 Del Monte Big 20-oz. Family Size 4:$ fllim I m ms.m mm Your Choice - Mix or Match Cut Green Beans Green Peas Stewed Tomatoes P... or Whole ucdiii cum Kernel Del Monte 303 Tins 5 It" Del Monte Red TT)C No. 1 Toll Tin ffjlj B Del Mont. 303 tin, Ftfl eefs O- l DEL MONTE' Mm m00 Chunk Style Flot Tins aimoBi Sice' pinach - 6 STEWING HENS 4 0 Del Monte JUICES Pineapple or Pineapple - Grapefruit 46-oz. Tins Nabisco Crackers 2 49c Betty Crocker CAKE MIXES White, Yellow, Devili Food 3 " 89c Betty Crocker Frosting MIXES All Flavors 3 pk9s 89c Swift Premium Fresh Cut-Up PI Sirloin Tip Steaks . 98c Skinless Wieners ,s""39c Frying Oysters 59c Ground Beef .'. 3 V n 4fm C0FFEE I a - Oranges '"'L 1.59 Onions r. 3 lb, 19c Apples cS.'.'Sr." 6, tl. 89c Dates Fresh, Unoitted t ' i-lb. pk9 49c MARGARINE Dclrich l ib. pk9s. 589' Crorci Lake Pint Cottage Cheese 25c -49' FRUIT DRINK 00 Holcy's Orange or Grape 46-ox. tins Downtown Malin, Oregon mm Prices Effective Thurs. thru Sat. KIT Right Reserved to Limit