Il!!lIqgNT 2 ATTRACTIVE 7fh I Pine, lurnlshtd, T U 4 452 PU" ONE or 2 bedroom fyrn ijhsd Hett ttr pa it). 92$ Grn), TU 2-4m. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near nw un jue, iwrmsheo, TV available, weekly retea. Pehcen Wotel, TU 2-ie. EWAUNA DOilUNTfSww Klemeth'j most modern, turnished. 219 au. i nn. u t-wti. 2 BEDROOM deluxe unfurniihed apart ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 2-i00. BACHELOR apartment, $47 so, heat, wa rn-, garoagfl lervice intluoed. Inquire 322 No. 6th, Apt. 102. COMPLETELY furnished Including util ities. 1411 Main. NICELY lurnished 4 room apartment. Wool rugs. Ask about utilities being paid. Baby accepted, TU 4-3762. FURNISHED 1 room apt., U0. utilities paid. 419 No. 10th. FURNISHED dean one bedroom apart, ment. hot water heat. Call TU 2-3151. ENJOYABLE, downtown furnished, heal Ire. Adufts, US, Alpha Apartments, TU 4-4522. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, ground floor, auto washer hookup, fenced, 150, TU 4-5l. SPARKLING, uptown, furnished. Large1 'bedroom, extra bath, heat free, adults, SS5, Alpha Apartments, TU 4-4532. FURNISHED front apt. Alt utilities paid except lights. Natural hot wafer heat, S52.50. Uncoin Apartments, Apt. S. 319 E. Main. Adults only. NICE clean furnished apartment, close In, TU 2-2531, TU' 4-6966. J BEDROOMS furnished acts., carport, TU 2-4935 anytime, TU 4-3269 after 7. H5 TO $20 weekly rates, kitchens avail able. Johnny's Motel, 2005 Biehn. ONE bedroom unfurnished duplex, $40, 2650 Bisbee. Ph. TU 2-409Q. THREE room completely furnished apart ment, 199 Walnut, TU 4-5472. NICELY furnished, three rooms and bath, garage, private entrance. TU 2-12U. FURNISHED large 3 rooms, clean, warm, rug, $45, inquire 1624 Division. REX ARMS 1 OR J BEDROOM APARTMENTS. CLOSE IN HEAT, WATER, GARBAGE PAID 114 BROAD TU 2-7217. Audley Apartments Nice, furnished 1 bedroom apt. 303 So. flth near Post Office. $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LtVlNG AT LOW COST! 1-2-3 DM room aotl., furnished or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS HI! WASHBURN WAY TU 4-B Office hours i m. Is S p.m. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS ond MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One and Two Bedroom optt. Furnished ond Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Doily, Weekly Motel Rates TU 2-5 577 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 3M4 Union 1 PlMtroom unturn!ihd 3 Bedroom unfurnished Soaoous Rooms Tastefully Decorated Wei! ts Waft C a reel trig Swimming Pool Rental includes all service) cot tiohone and electricity f)tvo'h(t Nriin TU ?-T6 HOUSES FOR RENT 26 TWO bedroom house, partly furnished. S6S. Hilltop Station, 3071 Greensprings. LARGE 1 bedroom unfurnished duple. stove, refrigerator, storm windows arid doors, garage, fenced yard. TU 4-334S ancr e p.m. TWO bedroom duplex, stove, refrigpra lor, washer, water furnished, garage. In ouire 3675 Homtda!e before 9 a.m., after A p.m. TU 4 8944. CLEAN J bedroom house in Suburban District, Call TU 2-6268. SUPERIOR, furnished one bedroom du ple, utility room, trash byner. watk in cloiets. 11 Upham, TU 2-3366. FOR rfnf, cflbin, labor Allowed on rent Mrs. Boh Adams, Bonanza, or phone Lor el la 4168, ONE bedroom house, furnished, 147 50; bachelor cabin, furnished. J?J 50; 2' j -bedroom, unfurnished. $7? 50, TU 4-6130 CLEAN one bedroom furnished cabin, $35. 123S Adams, TU 4-3SS4, TU 4-9754 SMALL 1 bedroom, qaraae, qas fur nace, range, S40. inquire 1502 California, TWO bedroom unfurnished house. 4-4379. TU TWO bedroom partly furnished house, quire 2427 Wantland. TWO bedroom furnished house in Mer rill, Ore. Charles R- Dyer, 791-5713. UNFURNISHED two bedroom houe. East Main, one child, TU 4-9)06. VERY roomy 1 bedroom home Quiet location. Close to town. TU 4-3669. FORrent 2 bedroom hou-e. watf to wall cirpettnq living room. Partly furnished. TU 3-3744. ONE bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, 140. tncuire 4107' j Homedale. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, no dogs, (45. TU 4-4281. Adults, ONE bedroom unfurnishe 1, electric range, bu'ltm oven, extra bedroom and storaq snare attached to garage. 3 Acres, 2330 Grape, TU 4-3309. IMMACULATE, unfurnished 2 bedroom home. Inquire 2232 Union. ONE bedroom furnished house, call TU 4-4379. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, like new. 185. 1H3 SiskryOU,JTU47S84 TWO"hdroom partly furnished, forced a.r nil heat. . waer, garbage paid. TU 2I38 or TU 4 9534. TWO bedroom unfurnshed suhurpan home, 175 month, call Strout Realty, TU J-5281. or owner, TU 2-415. TWO bedroom home, watt to wait car,, fenced yard, barbecue pit- TU M. ONE bedroom unfurnished house, 159, 3139 Vam, Phone TU 2-286 MILLS, thrre room. Stoves "d re'aer a'or. Washer, dryer hookup. TU 2-3852. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duo'e. oa raie, firepiac. 30't Ssardman. 7U 2-990 two-bed'oem "unfun.f'i. near Mills Schoot, 749 Martin, TU 4-9784. furnTshed'i bedroom Water, garbage wocus. no pets. TU TAO b'flroem un'um.shed house, BrQ T U 4 3193 t"hREE bedroom unturnnhed home. J4C. 4746 Alva, TU 4-3061 eves. MODERN fuff.shed 2 bom. close to school and sto'e. 425 Menm. f XTR-Ac1een"lbed'oem furnished house Reasonable Call TU 4JJ,tMfr J m VuRMISHEO ho bed'OOm, ho wffS, ga- raqe. fenced back yard, TU 4-775. ME ATn-j-clea-t 3 vear e'd 2 Wfl'M unfurn.s'-ert ampler New sie ''' e-or, Mills 3d 'f ton, II 1, TU 2 4664 fes TU -iS4 OUTSTANDING I J hdr-vN-n dwC'er o- e'ectrtc hu'. oa'eae. tireeiete, tu J-a?S? TWO beflrom yi'urtH',3 houif. Iiviio rtm. b'h PuM 6'e'' To ofaos Gas heel, oat cooto. mived. Re "ting for on'y tS mo. TU J J47t. 5 V ALL un'fcjrnished hojse. M--'H Addition lP. TU 4-?3n, S '.' A L L two h'l'-rom hfie. ei;-V'C q he. wnse'd'ye-- hcofcup. geree- 10. TU 2 53:2 or TU 4-46H l iEOROOV fli .-p'et Y.nff ef3e t'9 Stove 'e"oe'v. Q TJ i-rt'i .'COERN ""i.-iu- --fl 1 B-!"X" A ced gro F-r are o1) r t 1 m ,es ro-'h e tow l:l iu FVODELED J hel'oem dc'' ii i"ou.-e l'i P , fu' hti'Mn 'i-'' "ed fl.p'e wil MOT SPRINGS 5 hM"wm fPt'eil, un- u r -th dp'e. ga'aoe Adyiti only,, US. TU 4-li0 I Tw0un'ufr"shed two bctr-n houses. 3i,th luhyfCe. 11. TU i tai bedroom t,n'wri shed hose, TU 4-:;i HOUSES FOR RfNT . THREE bedroom homt with two bitri roomi on Wetion St. Unfurnished- HJO Mr month. Cell TU r-i'W or T U 2-39JO. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, MS, Children, pets, o. References required. TU 2-6590. MISC. PROPERTY TO LIT 27 FOR lease 140 acres level around tindt irrigation, Macdoel area. TO acres good spud ground. Or will sell or trade. TU REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 TWO or three bedroom In citv undei $17,500. Give deta il. So 42C Herald ano News. WE are BUYING imt.l EQUITIES IF you want to SELL, SEE PAUL McATEE 33 EAST MAIN STREET TU 3-4M6 tc jtn APPOINTMENT REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .. 29 WILL trade smalt home in Miifs tor equity In 2 or 3 bedroom Cash tor bal ance or will assume mortgages. Poor TU i-Ji days or TU 4-5934 eves. Vs ACRE ranch style 3 bedroom home. fireplace. 2' i baths, mcety landscaped yard, excellent -view, H7.500. Location Yreka, will trade for Klamath Falls prop- eny. iu tAU tit Alt f-OH SALE JO HOT SPRING. Family type home, hot wter heat, priced to sell. TU 4-7915. THREE bedroom brick. 4715 Onyx, I'j balhs. wall to wall carpet fireplace, built in oven and range, sprinkler system. win accet a or i bedroom trailer In trade. TU 2-5132. ONE bedroom partially furnished, low down payment. Mills Add'n, TU 4-4481. 2-BE DROOM brlck home, fireplace. Wastv er, dryer, stove Included. Fenced yard, covered patio. I6'x20' shop. I17,SOO. Call tu 2-0224 alter 5 p.m. THREE bedroom home for ie. 1749 Summers Lane, TU 4-4S39. NEAR Roosevelt School. 2 bedroom home sparkling clean and bright, fireplace, hardwood floors, full light basement, storm windows, furnace heat. Owner feav ing town. Assume equity, existing FHA loan 01 sa.oo. TU 2-5050. NO DOWN PAYMENT I will sell my SI ,250 equity in this $5,500 lumtshed 2 bedroom home for only 1500. This need not be cash. Pay It ever 36 months. Assume my loan of S4.283.90. pay able S5S per mo. 2014 Gary St. Credit must be good. Move in for NO DOWN PAYMENT. TU 2-512. THREE bedroom home, coid room, ga rage, shop, barn, pasture, TU 4-8328. LIKE new 3 bedroom home in lovely neighborhood near new OTI site. Taste fully landscaped to bring cut the finer features. Newiy redecorated throughout. Extra large bedrooms, third bedroom can be used as a den or sewing room, i-uii bain with separate shower plus extra half bath. Built tn range and oven, eating nook in kitchen, dtnmg "L ' OH living room, fireplace. Economical natural gas heat. Covered patio with beautiful back yard completely fenced. Large double garage paneled in mahogany. This home is im maculately clean. Cell TU 2-1422 tor ap pointment to see. ACRE. 3 bedroom south suburban. double garage, shop, chicken house, TU 2-H4B. 13 ACRES, unimproved, paved road, beau tiful building site, Henley School District, 54,500. TU 4-7814. 2 BEDROOM home. Mills, electric heat, garage, storage. $6,500. Can be financed. TU 4-8856 days, TU 4-5207 eves. FOUR apartments, excellent Investment, close In, TU 2-2531, TU 4-6966. 160 ACRES Serague River frontage. 2? acres Irrigat ed. 50 head grazing capacity. A good rec reational spot for fishing and hunting Only 122,000, 25 per cent down. Good terms. BRUCE OWENS REALTOR Woody Bowers TU 2-3379 MAKE AN OFFER LARGE 2 BEDROOM home in St. Fran- cis Park. Fireplace. Carpeted, Separate anting room. Large sunny kitchen. Abun dant storage space. Big garage. Beauti ful yard. Storm winnows Funy insutaied. FHA appraised 113,000. No reasonably of fer refused. Make your own lerms. Va cant tor immediate possession. DON SLOAN v Real Estate S. ?m TU 4-551 Anytime BRAND NEW 3 Bedrooms, all hardwood floors, 2 tire place), 2 balhs, complete built-in kitch en that's truly a dream, Full daylight basement with family room, separate laundry resm, doubie garage, covered pat io. There's even a sun deck. Terrific val ue (or only 419,700. Good Terms. LEONARD REALTY 13 Main TU 4-7321 or TU 4-9005 Joe Perry Audrey Keerins TU 4-5J17 tu 4-i:es Joe Leonard TU 2-0527 STROUT REALTY Ph. TU 4-S2H fl?b t S'tfi Dehfinger Hank Hotman TU 2-501 TU 2-501 Large, well built ranch type ) bedroom home In Mernll. Excellent condition. J2V OCO Will trade for Klmth Fans prop erty. 70 Acres irrigated Good loam soil In gram and pasture. 517,500. TEN 50 city lots. Good iect.en. Total puce J2.80C ACRE, grass and ait"a with three bedroom home. Trees, lawn shrubbery. 1101 Wr 5!. PriCt W 000. j7 HOVEDALE. Large two bedroom house, attached oaraoa wth etra room Net door 10 Ferguson School A buy a' HO GOO Owner wit sell on Gl er FHA aooraisat. Shown by appointment only. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 10W V,pn TU Jim O'Dotrii, tvli TU 5 ACRES plus L AOGE TWO GEO&OOM home GAS MEr Good out&u'id'nos Omy se?W wi'h l' W Down, or ewe' w-n 'm 'o ST'ic rpoo'ty. Cett new be-fo-e ' TOO LA t E THREE BEDROOM ONLY SI 0,500 ivvefl rn Cree"t S ba'fc 0 KU yvii9 d'S'rce tn c'v CULL (USE VfNT, FIREPLACE ORCEO AID heat. Sf?E Th'S IDE L HOVE TO-i DAY Good terms, j Deane Sach er REALTOR 1037 Main TU 4-4127 SALESVEN BO'.t'N UTP TIJ 4-1411 l,AV AROO TU44S-4 nnn SOL'FN ( TU I.W1 AVNE VASON . TU OB BAiLlUS Ui-l H rneiie ConCl THREE bedroom home far sale. N down payment. South suburbs. TU 4-301 eves. LARGE 4 bedroom home only 3 blocks from I C hoc and shopping center. Re duced to tl 3,000 lor gu'Ck sale. TU 4-UZt. COUNTRY ESTATE Aperoiimetely S acres. Three bedroo home, carpeted. Several Outbuildings, run ning stream, oniy si. o, Terms. "CALL. US TODAY" Schroeder Realty Co, REALTORS 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-Olil FOR SALE TO BE MOVED 35 units One 3-bedroom house. 15 2-3-4 room houses, 19 two and tour room apartments. Make sealed bids On one or all Furnuure, ptymbfng and wiring Included. Lo cated at 2514 So. 6th. and I on Weyerhaeuser Road. Bids will be due January 30th. Inquire Rte. 2, Box 500A TU 2-5423 MLS Multiple Listing Service INCOME 3 Apartments In a converted home close to Main St. Good view over Lake Ewauna and the valley. Apartments rent for 550, $40, 130, total $129, IndMdua; Mat. This Is not a status symbol type of prop erly. It Is lust a place tor YOU la make a high rate of Income on YOUR money. Sale price Terms, 16,500, Including furniture. PEYTON Member IntemjfJonel Trader! Club 135 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings Harold M. Rush TU 2-473 Pat" Palone TU 2-0836 STILWELL & CO. Presents: TRIPLE LEVEL SUBURBAN - If you itK a place that is mm different, you witt be pleased with this attrac tive 3 bedroom home Large carpet ed living room with fireplace, dinlnq room, exceptionally attractive kitchen with tomplete built-in equipment, 21 1 baths, tsmiiy room, convenient util ity room, attached garage with e- fra storage room. City water Sewer. HENLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT. Owner transferred - wilt deal en his. Witl consider smaller house or paw tn trade. STILWELL & CO. Realtors 519 Mairi Street TU 4-3)36 After 5:00 call Bruc Blnklay TU 4-3478 Ron Van Ormen TU 1-392 If no answer call TU 4-700 or TU 2-0444 MLS Multiple Listing iervie VA WISE CHOICE THIS ARTtSTtC HOT SPRINGS 4 EO- ROOM ENGLISH STYLE HOME will please the most discriminating family Tastefully apnpolnted throughout, luxur iously carpeted with matching draperies. Full basement with hug recreation room. 2' i baths, secluded, high-fenced rear yard area, 2-car garage. GOING FOR $25,500; 10 per cent down conven tional loan or convenient FHA or Gl loan terms. .'SHASTA WAY HERE'S l'i ACRES. w;th welt-built 2 bed' oom home. Private we't for Irrigation. Has U x 18 ft. partial concrete basement. storage building. Asking 59,500. WITH REASONABLE CONTRACT TERMS. DRIVE BY 5523 SHASTA WAYj then give us a can. iVYOUROWN HOME PUIS 5 APARTMENTS INVEST WISELY IN ASSURED IN COME. Close-in furnished rtntafs, lust 3 level blocks from Main Street. &ta and well-maintained, ALWAYS RENTED, turns 1148 monthly PLUS YOUR OWN HOME. A QUICK SALE PRICE OF HI,' 000. Convenient terms. Chilcote ond SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 711 N. 9th St. Phone TU 4-7771 Sa'es Personnel: R.n Ch-icote Ph TU 4.3781 Eves. Tom Rebb'ft Pn TU 2-412 Eet Ed Ch'tcote. Aott Broker Bob Cniicote. Broker ONLY $7,500 ftuvs ths S bedroom modern home en i acre irnqated. Excellent suburban loca- on. Name your own terms. Will consid er car or pickup or what have you In trade. FOR COrmorf, Convenience and more fflr you' doner, call now to see this newly pui't 7 bedroom modem home. Famsty room, uittiiy, double ca'pe-M Totaf price onfv SV.500. Low down payment en F H A. Or G.I. SUBURBAN custom butlt J bedroom tor the most dS' Criminating La-qe rooms throughout. At. tractive full wail tVeo'ece Economical oil furnace heat. A reel value at lij.500 Terms. STILES REALTY VEVBFR INTERNATIONAL TRAOERS CLUS 133 South fth itreti Pnone TU Fred Tucker TU 4-971) Hank Hansen TU J-3'01 "omer Stilts TU 4-904 Lets Vacy 4.54 7 Wont Comfort & Livobility? Then vOU W'tl find H B'tN E SS l this LAGE THREE BEDROOM Mmlly hw 11 ft 73 ft. VASTER 8FD- ROOV. PLUS ') " by )4 M recreet on 'OOm w th BAR , F (REPLACE, Oil O'ced air heat La'se lot, Beauf'ui view AH th.s far vif fermj. $Ef th.j HappnfSS Home NOW, $750 Down and Vi oer month IMWEDtATf POSSES SION on th't Tw Betf'oom heme 'neat d c! In Nef FAiPVfEW SCwOOL-kuhj-stores and lot i of fruit frees Only UM0. D eane Sach er REALTOR ,1037 Main TU 4-4127 SAiFVr;M BOB RAiLIU 54J1i Boni;e C1' POLL' TOTFR TU i-SJtl ROB SOLiFN TU a-TW ANNF WASON TtJ JTM LARRY 6ARA60O 1U 4-4 1 4 H'ttAL ESTATf FOR SALE ..30 OLDE R 3 bedroom Hot Springs home. Dishwasher, basement. 1'i baths, double garage. 111,750. TU 4-3791. NEW, lfae view home. Lcroc 1st, dost to new OTI and howl , SayHghl tt-i ment. Appointment only, TU i-Oia. MLS Multiple Listing Servico TRIPLEX with e'cellent Income record Owner will consioer TRADE for E X PANDO TRAiLER HOWE or SUBUR BAN HOM. Full price l,530. 4S4J SHASTA WAY a neat clean two bed room home on 79x200 ft. lot. New KOOL TOP Moor furnace plus electric wall heat ers. This heme has been ftdetorstnj in side and ts reaoy tor you Owner will carry paper or sell for no down pay ment to qualified Gl. Full price ST0.OCC. ONE ACRE In HENLEY district and a thre bedroom I'j bath rmb?er. Ftre place. lots of storage space and large two car garage. Only H 7,000. SPACIOUS two bedroom home with lire place, full basement with party room and excellent hot water welt. Lars on quiet street with nice view. Here s your chance to beat the heal bills. Full price Si 1.000. SALES STAFF ri. 8yt Jones TU 4-Sj Tina Reader TU 4-7J4! Clyde Williams TU 4-8734 DURANT REALTOR :o so. 4 tu 4-nn or tu josi; Ne to Heh!J BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 SMALL restaurant, good location. $1,000. will rtandi. TU evenffigs. TEXACO Service Station tor lease. So. 4th and Altamont. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Please Investigate thoroughly any Invest ment ei moneys in merchants-, various enterprises or Dusiness opportunities o tore Investing your capital. The Herald ana News manes every ettort to reiect all fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, wc are not responsbi for the imeoffty ot mt mm or inasvay wno piece aovertising in our puDiicaiion, Any advertising of business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading should be reported to trie Classified a verfslng Department at the Htrtid and Newt. We're Not SELLING OUT! But If you want to rent something . anything from plumber's tools to portable heaters . . . let's talk business. VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E Mam TU 4-6812 FINANCIAL . LOANS 34 NEED MONEY for. PAYING BILLS? If naaainej bills become a nul wince, set rid of them! Check our! courteous, confidential, cash loon plan. You'll be glad you did. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER Vv Finance New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed LocoMy Owned for 33 Year Motor Investment Co. 513 So, 6th TU 4-7783 HOUSEHOLD GOODS GE. rtfrigenter, Ktnmor Autom'ic woiher, gai rrtgt. Retonabel TU SAVE Sver 135 Oti n colored b1h- t CU. FT. Wtttinghoust uorigM frtlr. yrt. oiq, i u 4-vuji, GUARANTEED USEO GANGES REfBJGERATORS WASHERS : DRYERS WATER HEAT b R5 Cascade Home Furn. 41 VBin TU i-mi WESTINGHOUSE Automatic $ s39' 95 WASHER Guaranteed KIRKPATRICK'S Eat Side Appliances 132 So. 7fh TU 4-8886 ir LIKE NEW ft AUTOMATIC PORTABLE SEWING MACHINE When New $249.50 Now $69.95 $5 67 A Month After Smaii Down Payment SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Mom TU 2-2513 $$ SAVE $$ ON USED FURNITURE NOW!!! 7 Piece Chrome Dinette Set. Toble i 6 i choirs. Good! 19" 24" 5 Piece Dirwtte Set. i excellent Shorje! Piece Twin Bedroom Set includes mottreses $ t fr and sonnas I UU Piece Drexel Dining Room Set Includes bultei. $ t fv00 Ton shone' UU MANY OTHERS TO' CHOOSE FROM Bush Furniture Co. 221 Moin TU 2-4688 1 FUEL - HEATING .. . 38 WMt' C( Burntf, Ty 4-Jtrj PINE body wood, 16 to it inchei langlh, US cord, dtiivertd, TU 4 St02. GOOO rd fir hnCf wood i:j o. CLL CUFF VDF.N For P'to Livjs ft Heat rxi Q i Ve't'fd P'ocara sa'es $ I H $T5&i (Wi ? tw-f' iryfc Suth TU 4 -Mil and Tu 3 70 PR EPA R Cf O RWIN T E R STANDARD HEAT-NG CJLS WOOD COAL r"nesf Oil & Wood Stovei "FOR ALL VOUR FutL NEEDS" Fonkford Fuel Co. N R efn V Tu -44 W Give SOLD BOND STAVF-ft . Jl DRY lodseeolt pin ind Cini body wood. any Itngms, TU 23705 STOVES STOVES STOVES & PARTS MERCHANDISE MART 2964 So. 6th TU 4-6660 WOOD HEATERS Excellent Condition Lorge Supply - Low Prices The RESALE HOUSE 3899 S 6th GOOD THINGS TO EAT 39 BEEF, PORK, wholesale, custom butch- irrinB, tuning, curing, shamrock Meals. U??l Shasta Way. TU tej Boots Pen - Sports . Hobbies 40 MINIATURE poodle, 6 weeks old, male. 711 Roaeway Drive. TU 4-68S0, -LDLLiE mppiti. AKC, 2' I JTJSS., Kay- mat enneis, uia rori kq. S100 AKC registerd Chesapeake Bay n trlever pups. Field trial breeding, ph, 773-2951, Bob Napolllana jow E. Mc Andrews Mesfford, Ore. BLACK mln. poodle puDOies. excellent piood lines. StOO-SiJS. Terms. TU 2-4052. PUPPIES. PoodleT Pekinoese. Pomv Stud servic, poodle ciippmg. TU t-fay A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" . for your pels. Dog & cat boarding. best professional care. Heated sanitary kennels with outside runs, 24 nr. service. pickup & delivery. Scecist rsis for see- ay or msntniy Boarders. Sceos? Men tion to females In season. Visitors wel come. Shasta Cascade Kennels, just past n-ierrm-LaKeview junction, on Merrill Highway on Booth Road. Rte, i Bo TU 4-SS7. ICE SKATES LARGE SUPPLY NONE OVER i4 All Shapes ond Sizes LOW PRICES AND TRADES The RESALE HOUSE I 3899 So. Sixth 1 RADIO - TV - MUSIC 41 I3i. See s 4553 Crosby, RENT a new Baldwin piano, S10 a month. No delivery cheroe. Bowden M'nie Co 130 Mein, TU 2-4883. FULL SPt of drums, 15S TU 2-298 EXPERIENCED piano teacher, betnnn- ers, advanced, Blanche Mapes, TU 4-:Mf WE say cash for ysed c?es. Derby Music tu 4-5i11 Television Service HOUSE CALLS $4.75 DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Yeors on 7th Si." 126 No. 7th TU 4-5121 MUSIC if Lessons & Sales Guild & Epiphone Guitars Sonola Ac. cordions and Lowrey Organs. "Rent Ap. plies to Purchase." Klamath Music Center 515 E. Main TU 4-3360 USED ORGAN TRADE-INS BALDWIN - TMOVAS LOWREY - HAWMONO - EASY TERMS SAVE UP TO $450 ( BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Moin TU 2-4883 LIVESTOCK & POULTRT 34 vi h ilef ace heiieri to talvs Call Jack Siement 7IJ-2J1 !BABy calvei (or salt 4-1607. J312 Autumn. or trade. TU FOR sale ?-yer-old dark colored jinny TU 4 92S2 r W t Hit Hopt, KLAWATH PROVE SIRE SERVICE TU 4-44G0. TU 2-1181, TU 4-4331, TU 2-6)03 KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! Coll "Woody" Gueck, Owner-Mgr.! TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY at 1 p.m. iharp Rte. 3, Box 44 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Rood Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m The BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Moke Your Plant Now to Consign to the Stockmens Market. Tuesday t& sole day in the Klamath Boiin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Ofdre 4.967 Howe 4-9434 MACHINERY DOZER BLADES for TD6's - TD9'S - D4' HD5's - D6's TD6 Angle Dozer - $2,500 J. C. Equipment Co. th r Htlvir.T TU 2-20S1 fOlt MATING WANTED in Varch 00jMISC. FOR RENT .45 FOP PFNT straw ac and ydrallic lad's. Klamath Vailfly Lumbtr Co. 1)40 5 JU -'4 frsR fttWT, mf can Hour t(3r and: fl-jpr, iifi and sy to one'ate, sartd pr,t' and Brtj' floor ' m. sty Klam ath Valley Lumber Co. 140 So. TU MISC. WANTED WANTED rar If log (r.lfr a'a for irycir a"d dual bo") lo ian -ho't Sudd MISC. FOR SALE SI FOP iala 'er oou, o'ri rdwood, i ttnti each, P SPECIAL OFFER FREE FLOWER SEEDS TKE VOUP PKK Yen Fo' Te fcng iTGP IN T0OYI GOODYEAR STORE )n r, Tt TU 4-l'4l SPECIAL ICE SALE OUT O PAWN DIAMONDS f.UAPANTFEO 0ia"' Phi prfrt m COFER'S EXCHANGE MtSC. MR SAtf LADIES IU crt dUmond wtddlng uT Platinum mounting. TU 2-OtOi. INK BARRELS, 50 Press Room, Herald and News. DRAIN rock, gravel, ano roadway me ter.!, TU 4 3S. GgO- STACV CO. TOPSOIL, concrete aggregate driveway maienai. Oram rocK. j. w. Barnes, iu 4-74S9. IVASON MRd, m (Jlr(. tartdy TU 4-43?, ders. Sand. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS DURALON WAX NO MOR For Wood Linoleum Concrete Masonite Metal Asphalt or Tut DRIES m 30 MfNUTESi Cork Rubber NO SUP ... NO SKID . . . SAFE t r-KAN K b I UKLE & ORINOINCy 56 RV1C6 TRAILERS 33 WANTED small trailer house, able sooa condlllon. Writ ri. i3, TaieJsi; or tail t-un. Reasoi 3 Box HOUSE TRAILER REPAIR, 4423 Winter Ave. TU 2-1163. FACTORY trained Coleman & Internat'l mcbiit semtu service, oarfs, tu 4-S43. FOR SALE Equity In I960 Great Lakes trailer, 55 x 10, 2 tenroom, furnished, washer-dryer, air conditioner. Consider trade. TU 4-740! after p.m. FOR sS two-wheel traiitr, titti, TU ?-?047. AUTO MISCELLANEOUS Cecil Cox Go rage Motor Overhaul or Valve Grind Tune Up Is a Specialty 2151 Altamont Call TU 4-f033 OVER 35 YEARS EXPERttNCE "TORCYCLES NEW ft USED LARGE SELECTION Ray' Hrltv Dayldseo 4!s ? NsHft TU BATTERIES CAR TRUCK BATTERY JUVPFft CASLES STARTING FLUSO ICE OFF REASONABLY PRICED AT PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM S, GARDEN STORE 4621 So. 6th TU 2-4555 NIW CARS TRUCKS BUICK LeSabre VALUE CARNIVAL! 1963 BUICK LeSabre 4-DOOR SEDAN Sinking Twilight Aaa finish ondi luxurious interior including nylon corpet and padded dash. Radio, heater, power steering, power bfokes( , soft roy tinted gfass.i in Klamath Falls, including Oregon white sidcwoil tires. Buy it now license ond title for just . . . $3622.87 Wilson Wiley Buick 1330 Main TU 4-3141 429 So. 7th TU 4-9203 USED CAM AND TRUCKS S I960 CHEVROLET pickuo. ' ipeed. 6 cylinder. S20O equity, iVi bslencl. TU 2 1004. m OtKSWAO t Pisses? pftfcup, good condition, t,050. TU J-08J9. iuo FORD coupe engine. See it I Full loed Oldsmobile S Main or cell TU 161 FORD Caiaie tonvtrlSftie, an own er, 11,650, 770 California. GOOD '41 GMC .i ton pickup, S2S0, phont TU i -mo. ion. Good condition, TU 2-08M. Ml VOLKS. 7 Or. Sdn, motor ovtr- hauled, new elukrt, baittry & ttre. Good Cmt 4 if!!rW. $crtuc iltV, trades, pf ftt pny, i u t-tnt. WANTED V & older cars Cenlral Auto Slitt, TU M13Q, TU 2-J3Q4. IfJiToRO Pickup. Mpted, needi work, in. ehsm Osn Kutf, TU DRIVE MORE WOTORS Wl" P t"r crt- TU ' I WANTED antlquci, anything old. till TU or TU t-v.m av. FOR site 155 3tP icup cston- jiI fftnd on. Winch, OUl Ot nn. powwr brakti, nw dtar vnw Gtm canopy, low. mlltagt, 21 Chev. angln. naw 101m ita. CUihssra, jf U1 0riMSt, LOOK THESE BARGAINS! They've simply been here too long ond ore OLD IN STOCK 60 Ford V-8 Goloxit Hardtop Now fUJJ 61 Mercury Comtt 4-Door Wos JI793. Now 1 CQi 62 Oldi '88' 2-Dr. Hordiorj Z::y,,9i; $2993 60 P?nfsoc Starchttf 2-Door i2"3; I983 '62 Oldj Cmto'.s F-85 Coum un! $2643 60 OW Sr 4-Dt $2223 fAtr conditioning) 'AO Olds '88' Sin. Wgn. ....$21 6.1 '5 Olds S 88 4 Dr $1673 57 Olds '98' 4-Dr 793 '57 Chtv. V 8 4-Dr. $ '57 Chev. Sm. Wooon $ 763 793 513 57 Plymouth 4-Dr $ '56 Packard 4-Dr 481 343 56 Mercury 2 Dr ... $ '55 DtSoto 4-Dr $ '55 fofd V-8 Hdtp Cp. . $ 323 533 393, I VI 55 Ford Stn Wagon $ 55 DeSoto 4.Dr $ 54 Olds '88' 4-Dr $ 54 8uSt Rdmstef 4-Dr. . 54 Chev. 4-Dr $ 53 Chev. 2 Dr $ 323 n7" S3 OWs '83' 2-Dr lgy,"" 51 VMlys Jeep Stn. Won. t 43 fu Thompson 51 Ford Pickup $ 293 50 Buick 4-Dr $ 193 4 Pontiac 2-Dr $ 1 13 DiCK B. MILLER CO. 7th & Klomoth TU 4-4154 St!HRAL0 AStt .NEWS, Kima USED CARS AND TRUCKS LOOK HERE!!! ' Cnev. V I Impele 2 Dr. Hflip '61 Ford Glxe 2 Dr. Hdlp, R&H 12095 'el Feicon 2 Door seden, stenaard '41 Cftv?eJi 'j Ton ) iped pickup jis tH FfifiS V i !,i ton 3 paAvP DEAL RITE MOTORS !!M So. ltl TU Ecv DGil TU '-'J0 LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! HALF PRICE SALE at JOE FISHER'S Holf Price 54 Ford 2-Dr. Stn. Wgn. $ 150 Regular price $300 '54 Fo?d Stn. Wfln, R.ou1nr nnte S50Q 54 Ford 4-Dr. Sedan Regular price $300 .. 150! 150 54 Fmd Sn. Wogcsn Regular price $300 ., '55 Mercury 2-Dr. $225 Regular pries $225 '55 Mefcyry 2-Dr, Hdtp, $225 Regular price $450 . '52 Mercury 2-Dr. Hdtp. M00 250 Reguiar price $200 55 Mercury 2-Dr. Sedan Regular price $500 .. '54 Chev. 4-Dr. Sedan $I00 Hen1 Reguter prtce $200 53 Chrysler 4-Dr. Regular price $300 '55 Nash 4-Dr. Sedan s250 Resubr price $500 '54 Buick 4-Dr. .'150 Regular price $300 . '52 Chevrolet 4-Dr. I50I $300 $325 Rcgufor price $300 55 Buick 2-Dr. Hardtop Regulor price $600 . '55 CMds 2-Dr, Hardtop Regular price $650 SALESMEN ' Dai Sedwist TU 2-5720 Roy Rinehort TU 4-9541 Joe Podgett TU 2-0637 Jim Ehreth TU 2-0149! Martin Arnold TU 4-57 1 1 Elnolhon Dovij TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 So. 7th TU 4-8104 ECCLES MOTOR CO. We're Having a Real JANUARY Sfock Reducing JAMBOREE or 606 So. 6th St. 62 Pontiac Grand Prix Coups Radio, heater, floorshift Hy dro. Finned wheels, power, byssst seats, Mc-rrokide in terior, Q? block JDJf 61 Ford Falcon Furura Cpe. Rads, heafef, Ihs: ieots, itondard trons., $ LQJ nn nwnur I J 7 , 58 Cadillac '62' Sedan DeViNe Sado, heater, Hydra. Powmr steering, brakes, $ QQ"7 windows, seat 17 '60 Ponlscc Caialifts 4-Or. Stn. Wogon. Rodto, heoter, Hydra. Power and 6-way power at. Full Morrokide in- $0 I Q-J i&ksrr eent Z J 7 '61 Rambier 6 Cuitom 4-Door Radio, heoter, overdrive, pow er steering. One local owner. interior ISJl I '57 Metropolitan Hdtp. Cpe. Radio, healer, $sml?3fd t?am. 597 '56 Oldi B8' 2-Dr. Sedan Hydromotic, ) 507 heoter J 7 62 Mercury Monterey Custom 4 Dr. Rod io, heoter, Multi-drive, power steering, power brakes, one local $0AQ7 owner CO 7 r '59 Mercury Monterey 4-Dr. Radio, heoter, Mercomatic, power iteenrtg, I Q? extra sharp ' J ' 60 Plymouth Fury Convertible Radio, heater, oufo, trans., pser tfenng i brake. swivel seats, ) 597 one owner '59 Vnlvo 544 J.flr L.H mileage, one owner, Fire engine J 1I097 red 158 VoHiwoien 2-Doof Radio, heater, 4-spfd. Block with white $ I AQ7 dwaH 'UY 58 Rombler American DU. 2-Dr. Sedan. A rvlmdr enome. ston, transmission. $ A F?al gas mif ... 797, ,'55 Pontiac Storch.ef Hdfp. Cpe Kadio, heoter, Hydromotic, cenuine leother intprjor. 397 d from Reduced to 60 Ford Foirlane 2-Door PaHo, heafer, ttsmintd from V-8 engine I497 CM one of our Salesmen You'll be GLAD you did! 143 Dick Floyd TU 2-S859 joiIdmb Hifl TO 2-3596 Bill Cunningham .... TU 4-7177 i'er tnat iu -uyi TU 2-14031 TU 4-6618 B.ll Hotchkin TU 4-4551 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th St. TU 4-8124 Tuesday, 5S'USEO CARS AND TRUCKS 55 SHOP DALE'S COMMERCIAL VALUES! falh, On, '57 Ford Vi Ten Pickup (4-specd) $995 ;S5 Chcv. !2 Ton Pickup ....$595 S5 Bakjt ! j Ten Pskup ..,.$495 '53 Willys Jeep Pickup $495 '48 Willys 4x4 Jeep $495 '46 Codge I Ton with Gasper. CompMe - $?95 '49 Dodge '. j Ton Pickup ... $145 '50 Ford Pickup $295 '45 Stude, 1 Ton Jrxk W.1h stoock rocksS $493 AND . . . plenty cf good used cors, too! We'H reoliy trade: uive us a try: DALE'S USED CAR LOT 333 So. 6ih TU 2-4980, Top Value LATE MODEL Used Cars! '60 PtmiiSK Bonrseve 2-Dr Hardtop. Rodio, heater, power steering, power brokes, onlyl 33,000 miles. One local. sr?er. Ne wNfs OQCj iidewoll tire ZOD '62 Siudc, Lark V-8 Sedan. Over drive, rcda, heofer, very tew mileage. $ 1 OAC Excellent Od 59 Pntrac SafaH 4-Df. SMorV Wagon. Radio, heater, tutone, with matching vinyl $ LQC' im&ioT. DID JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot 7th & Commerciol TU 2-56461 BALSIGER MOTOR CO. You Can DRIVE a BARGAIN By Shopping Balsiger's SUPERMARKET SALE! See how easy it is to own one of these out standing A-J ONE-OWNER CARS '61 MODELS 196) FORD. FALCON SEDAN Rodio, fieotiir, economy 1961 PLYMOUTH '6' BELVEDERE SEDAN Radio, heoter, very sharp 194S KSRD FALCON 4-OR. STATiON WAWJN Radio, htoter, 101 h p. molor 585 961 PLYMOUTH '6' VALIANT HARDTOP Radio, healer, outomalic trons $500 !94i FORD FALCON MOAN Rodio, heater, Fordomalic, 101 h p. motor 1465 1961 CHEV. CORVAIR 2-DR. SEDAN Heiter, Power-Glide, 3J,000 miles $500 1961 W3RD f ALCON 2 0R. Rodio, heoter $465 1961 CHEV. V-8 IMPALA HARDTOP SEDAN Rodo, heoter, power sieerina, sssr Glide, power seat, 13,000 miles $765 1961 FORD FALCON 2-DR. STN. WAGON Heoter, economy motor $535 1961 MtRCURY COMET SEDAN Rodio, heater, Fordomalic, 60 MODELS I960 FORD FALCON SEDAN Heoter, economy motor $450 I960 VOLKSWAGEN 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, heoter, very sliorp $465 I960 FORD GALAXIE SEDAN Radio, heater, Fordomotic . $500 I960 PLYMOUTH 'A' VALIANT Heoter, very sharp $400 I960 FORD V-8 COUNTRY SEDAN Radio, heoter, Cruis-o-motic $485 1960 CHEVROLET V-8 81SCAYNE SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive $460 I960 FORD V-8 4-DR. RANCH WAGON Heoter, overdrive , -m.$485 1960 FORD V-8 COUNTRY SEDAN 9-Possenger Wagon. Radio, heoter, Cruise-o-matic, power steering .... '59 MODELS 1959 FORD V-8 CUSTOM 300 fHot heote?, S?N ... 1959 FORD V-8 CUSTOM 300 Radio, heoter, Fnrdomat-c 1959 FORD V 8 FAiRLANE 500 Rd1", heater, fsrdvngte 1959 FORD V-8 FAIRLANE 500 Rodio, heoter, Fordomotic LOT NO. 1 TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER TU 2-3866 BALSIGER'S REPRESENTATIVES . TU I MM TU TU 1-MT1 . TU 4-9J l A I a rich BALSIGER MOTOR COMPANY Aiwoys th Foirt Deal , Th Finest Product Main & Esplanade TU 4-3121 January 15, l$ USED CARS AND TRUCKS IS TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your car or eqyity for cadi Come In Today! th & Plum TU 2-4784 GOOD TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS! '55 PLYMOUTH $250 $195 $295 51 BUICK 2-Dr. iedon '54 BUICK 2 -Or. Bwdtop JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC 1 1th & Klomath TU 2-2581 "As-ls" SPECIALS at vhe CHEVY CENTER '58 Plymouth Sport Coupe A real Hot Rod. Wss 998 55 Dodge 4-Dr. Loli ol miles left. Ws $598 ......,... $598 $298 $ 48 $I98 $ 48 78 $248 53 ford 2-Dt. It runs . . . soma times! Was $298 ... '53 Buitfc 4-Dr. Big car . . . smoll price. Wos $398 51 Ford 4-Dr. 5md3fd trons. Wos $198 '40 Chev. Panel Delivery 4 -speed. w m '50 Ford Vi Ton Pickup 4-speed. W $298 ..,..., 46 Chev. Ponei Has winch worth $200. Was $398 ... 52 CMC M Too Pickup A sharp one. Was $498 $298 DUSAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 6th to 7th Plum TU 4-3101 Down Pymt. Full Price J435 motor 480 $i 595 765 495 395 b33 M495 1395 J2295 $I595 I765 Full 21,000 miles ..$585 Down Pymt, Pric 1345 1395' 149$ 1195 1445 1375 SOAN $I445 '1595; Fuji Prica $I035 I065 '1375 '1195 ...$535 Down Pymt. ....$350 SEDAN SEDAN $360 SEDAN 2-DR. , ..$460 ...$400 X LOT NO. 2 2152 SOUTH SIXTH TU 4-4354 Vrtffrv1l t-loyd CrtiftMttr IHchnfd Oict .. TU 4-4MJ TU ,.. TU .Wrfi Win TU 4-7fll 2