Monarch ACROSS X British monarch, -Elizabeth II 6 She Is the ruler of BnUio 11 Unclothed 13 Baby's bed 14 Exp linger 15 Treat 16 Acquire knowledge tabs) 17 King of Judab (Bib.) 19 Compound suffix 20 Pillar 21 Sea lFr. 22 Chemical suttixi'ft 23 Her subject hold her 26 Flying swarms 29 Seine 31 Measure of S2 Sailor 33 Hebrew letter 34 is her husband 37 Paddles 40 Before 41 Dance step 43 Three-toed sloths 45 Dangle 47 Priority fprcfU) 48 Formerly 4 ft Oppugn 61 Cylindrical S.lTwked intently 54 One who awakens fiS Mistaken one 56 Cave DOWN 1 Suppress 2 Non-perused 3 Card game 4 Otherwise 6 Scoltlsh negative cloth 6 Sweetheart TTj 3 7 5 I 6 17 18 19 10 11 " !7" IkT h Tl 15 rip L!12 23 24- ,2& 11 26 27 1 28 lJ I 29 30 "" 31 32 33 J4 135 !Tbf iil W UJmn 42 '"m4J 44 45 451 4l 48 49 50 ""BIT 52 S3 54 " 55 56 I 15 Utility Companies Offer To Build Inferf ie Lines SAN KKANC1SCO (UPD-Cali fornia's four major electric utility companies have offered to con, struct exti a-hinh-voltaRe transmis sion lines between their systems and the Pacific Northwest for power interchange. Charles K. Luce, Bonneville Power Administration administra tor, had invited suggestions for the interchange which would as sure "the most feasible and eco nomical plan for construction and use of intrrlie facilities." The California firms Pacific Gas tc Klectric, Southern Califor nia Kdison, California Electric and S;in Diego (las & Klectric made their joint promsal in a let tor to Luce Sunday. Tainter Heads Lakeview Lodge LAKKV1KW New master of Lakeview Lodge No. 71, AF & AM, is Gregory II. Tainter, who I was installed at the annual cere monies held Friday night, Dec 21. at the Masonic Temple, lie succeeds V. A. Simpson in the position. The past masters taking part in the installation were Hen ry Bcrgstrom and James Units ton. Other officers installed were Jo seph Aynult, senior warden; Iiu is H. Linvillc, Junior warden; Diehard M. Johns, senior dea con; Marlin .1. Itrunrr, Junior deacon; James V. Mayes, senior steward: Corrie M. "Hud" Wil liams, junior steward; Clyde K Cnghum, marshal: l.yle Dean North, I'liaphun; Frank Hoswcll. tiler; Henry Tuxhorn. treasurer, and William L. Bach, secretary The kitchen sfimmillre serving refreshments was made up ot .hie Aynult, chairman. .lame: Maes, Bud Williams, and Jack Broiler. KM Coats-Suits-Dresses 13 i2 - Off During Our Storewide January Hugo Savings in Every Deportment Use Your Charge Account 512 Main Fret Parking 5th & Klamath Answer to Kevioui fu2zi lA'B 1 TORI V OfT'E U SIHA N,b w r NjirY.rTA( r. a SA'Dl (Anslolr.) H livrated 9 Apportion 1U Adolescent years 12 Small potation 1.'! js her son 1H Dry, an wine 24 Against 2.i Grmiine 27 HodRepodjje 28 Arm bone .14 Pisht .11 Assistant :iti tiolf term :in Most uncommon Princess Margaret U her 40 Hun away 42 llmlle 44 Cutnc meter 4i larninK 4K '"Kmerald Isle" ho Indian weight W A eh 30 Skipped The four companies said their offer would result in the reduction of federal expenditures by $1(0 million, the increase of tax reve nues by at least $110 million for a 20-year period and benefits for both regions through the exchange of energy. Additionally, they said the move would make available "virtually the entire California market (or surplus Bonneville enci'Ry." The initial line, a 500,0110-volt transmission facility, would run lr,n Oregon to Los Angeles and would cost about $100 million, ac cording to the four firms. PGfcF. Executive Vice President Holiert II. Gerdcs, in commenting on the oiler, said that "most im IMirtantly, the proposal will elim inate a major federal at a time when it is urgent (hat nonessential government sending he reduced In order to make lax reduction possible." Police Seek Check Artist California Slate Police mp look mn for. a man who passed m'v oral checks stolen from Ihe Farm ers Insurance (.roup about two yearn an. Klamath Falls (Mince retried one ol the checks was casheu lor $i:iH al the nine Ox Itcstau rani, r'li Main .Slreet, on Dec. Ifi The suspect endorsed the check with the name, Stanton Williams, address unknown. The California police said sev rial .similar vhecks hae been (ashed fur larjir sums of money m California since the onpna (hell of ahout MX) checks Iron. the insurance company. IlK Ex'Father Children's By ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: Alter 23 years of marriage I had In admit mv wile was a bore. She was a me moth cr. excellent housekeeper and cook, but plain dull. I met a young cr woman who was exciting, attractive, in formed and made me feel alive. When 1 asked Cc I ommuniii (cilendt ar TUESDAY SHASTA VIEW COMMUNITY BLOC. ASSOC., 8 p.m.. potluck. election of officers, Community Hall, Shasta Way and Madison. CAMP FIBE, 6.S0 p.m., annual dinner meeting. Winema Motor Hotel. Reservations, call TU 4-41)04. WOT.M. Chapter 4fi7, 7:.10 p.m., Friendship meeting, Moose Home. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILI ARY. Klamath Unit No. 8, 8 p.m., meeting. Legion Hall. WEDNESDAY KLAMATH FALLS HOME OXT. UNIT, 10 a.m.. Credit Buy-! ing 2, potluck, fairgrounds. MERRY MIXERS, 8 p.m., new quare danre class, Pelican City Hall. First lesson free. Everyone elcome. BONANZA FARM BUREAU ENTER, 8 p.m., meeting, Bo nanza High School. Speaker on proposed hospital. Public invited. WOTM, Chapter 4(i7, 7 p.m., Mooso, Moose Home. Executive meeting, 6 p.m. DEGREE OF HONOR, Carna tion Club. 7:30 p.m., Juanita Lundstcn, 1818 Crest. EAGLES AUXILIARY, grocery shower for needy family. Leave food at Eagles Hall alter 4 p.m. A&NW CLUB, 1 p.m., meeting, Mrs. James Doyle, 1720 Mcnlo Way. GOLDEN AGE CLUB, 1 p.m installation of officers, Klamath Auditorium. CARPENTERS' AUXILIARY 30 p.m., meeting, Carpenters' Hall. THURSDAY HENLEY HOME EXTENSION NIT. 10 a.m.. potluck. fair grounds, credit Buying No. 2. PROSPERITY REBEKAH LODGE, No. 104, 8 p.m. meeting. IOOF Hall. BETHEL NO. 8. Job s Daugh crs, 7:30 p.m., -Masonic Temple ROYAL NEIGHBORS Ol AMERICA, 8 p.m.. installation, new KC Hall, Tenth and Main. nblic invited. KLAMATH ART ASSOCIATION, 43 p.m.. movie. "Mexican Pot terv and Archaeology." Members ind guests. Y-NE-MA TWItl.ERS. 8 p.m. .quate dance, YMCA. Bring sand w uhes. I.AKESHOIIE 111 PLICATE BRIDGE CLl R. 7 . 10 p.m., dupli cate bridge. City Library. OREGON TECH HOME EXT, UNIT, in a m , meeting. "Creative Cookery With Mixes," Student Umnue 'STAR -Pt clay r .5 J AAAK 37 (El K Tour Dotff Art'Trty Gv4 M Amrdifg to Sot.. To rVr lrr nrv.OtT-' rvkvcry, ot vtt tOlKX lurrh stgrx 1 M .Il O M MMfcv ? 1: tv A r, .!) -4W Hvf S,i l -,trw f irtr4) AM M - VN 4 Jl T44 :' 7 62 74 TkUtiiS J. 7. 8 is r ' M6P8I M r'r r 4? 41 Ss A 61 tlB31 .0 r." 40 ' - ins (A Al. . 1 IM3 14 1 (SO T Complete STEAM CLEAN MOTORS . . . $5.00 Sparkle Car Wash 40 2 i S. Ath Ph. TU 4-5543 Bemoans Fish-eye my wife for a divorce she took it like a lady and we parted friends. Now that I have remarried the real problem is my children. They are 17, 19 and 22 years of age- old enough to understand that man commits no crime when he terminates a sterile relationship in favor of a stimulating one At least my ex-wife is polite and civil to me in public but my children treat me as if I were a stranger. This is extremely hu miliatinc. Everyone in town is aware that my children flee from me as if I had some loathesome disease. I'd like your opinion.- TEXAS DAD Dear Dad: I guess every. thing comes bigger In Texas even the heels. Some letters require reading between the lines but your sordid storv comes through loud and clear. Your children resent bitterly what vou did In their mother and they are letting you know it. Go cry on somebody else's shoul der, Tex. I'm too busy lor the likes of you. Dear Ann Landers: Last eve ning I became involved in a dis cussion with a man I've been dating for several months. I told him something about a mutual friend in the strictest of confidence. He was astonished and exclaimed. "1 can't believe it." I repeated the story and again he insisted it could not be true. Finally he said, "Go get the fam ily Bible and swear on it." I con sidered this insulting and refused. He snorted, "Well, that proves1 your story is a lie." I was furious and asked him to leave. This morning he tele phoned but refused to apologize He contends that a person who tells the truth would have no hesitancy about taking an oath the Bible. How do you feel? CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR Dear Objector: I leel line thank you. and I hope you do. too This kind ol an oath-taking de mand is a naked attack on your integrity. The world's biggest liars are lorever swearing on their moth- ers' graves, their children's lives and whatever they feel will be convincing. A person ol good character doesn't swear on any. thing. Dear Ann Landers: Our firsti child, a little girl, was horn two weeks ago. She has a dark red birthmark on her bark about the si.e of a half dollar. An aunt told my wife the baby was marked in this way because my wife stole apples from the neighbor's tree when she was a little girl. My wife is not an ignorant per son, Ann, she is intelligent, but she actually believes this wild, story. She savs she remembers the incident yividly and that il was probably the most shameful thing she ever did in her life. Will you please print this in the column with a comment LWtCHMONT Dear Larehmnnt: Does that witch doctor aunt have a license to practice? Please tell your wife that hlrthmarks appear for reason that medical science has been able to figure out. Confidential to Needing Advice I can't help anyone who says, "Please don'l advise me to do thus and so because I can't." and then lists the three most sensible courses of action. If alcohol is robbing you or someone you love of health and dignity, send for Ann lenders' booklet, "Help For The Alcohol ic," enclosing with your request 20 cents in coin and a long, self- addressed, slamied envelope Ann Landers will be glad lo help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of this newspa)er enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope. GA2ER0 pollan- r. IS vt r-' 9J7 flT89,l pi VS1 ? s n 3sA 52 66 "4 Vt U.V V4 As? ouMn 4-lM2f4 4 Wu.rJ 17 JS.JO , GUARANTEID REPAIR SERVICE AT WARDS H' fi pn"v ricl'f TV. ""ce a Mai fl taKhn't i lut a pisnne ca'l aiwav 1 m.i il t) kivki . . . 'nt te pnee' Call ttxiav MONTOOMt WRP MVICI Pt'AftTwtNT TU JIM "t P.M HERALD AND Jacob On Bridge NORTH 15 A 2 K 10654 8 85 8764 WEST EAST AQJ91 A 7 5 V 8 V 72 A974 J10S3 2 KQJ3 A1085 SOUTH (D) A AK 10 8 04 VAQJ9 4 KQ 2 Both vulnerable South West North East 2 A Pass 2 N.T. Pass 3 Pass 4 V Pass Pass Pass Opening lead K Careful Bids Show Hearts By OSWALD JACOBY Written for Newspaper Enterprise Assn. Die bidding in the box is ex actly what would lake place in the ordinary American bridge game. South would open with a game forcing two spade bid and eventu ally wind up at four hearts. If the opponents cashed their aces right away they would get them, but if West continued clubs after the first trick South could set up his spades, discard both of dum my's diamonds and make a slam This also is what took place when Bobby Nail and my son Jim, held the hand. Bobby opened with an ACOL two spade bid which is merely a one round force. Jim responded two no trump to show a bust. After Bob by rebid to three hearts Jim was able to raise to four with full confidence that game would be made. The hand is shown in the col umn because while the average American player would open the South hand with a game forcing two spade bid the average Amer ican expert would open with one spade only and wind up playing one spade and making three odd You see, the South hand is an ACOL two bid. It is not a stan dard American two bid and the American experts lean backwards not to open doubtful two bids. In fact they lean backwards so far that they arc likely to topple over as they would with this hand IS Q The bidding has been: South West North East 1 t Pass 1 5 'ass 1 Pass 2 N.T. Pass ? Yon. South, hold: AAQ76 VAQ7S 42 AKJ5Z What do you do? A Bid three no-trump. Tour partner has s rood hand, bat there should not be any play lor a slam. TODAY'S QCESTIO.V Instead of bidding two no trump your partner bids three clubs over your one heart. What do you do now? Answer Tomorrow Civic Group Elects Smith IH NSMUIIi-A. A. Smith was reelected president of the Duns muir Key Club, a civic promo lion group, at the first meeting of HKvl at the Dunsmuir City Hall last week. Others elected included N. V Carhle. first vice president; Col lier Lockhart. second vice presi dent: F. A. Murphy, thud vice president; Edward Ben.-un. treas urer; Dnrnlny kelson, secretary. and II. D. Johnson, member of the board. Charles Taylor was appointed to Audit the books and N. W. Carhle was asked to draft a civic tvautifii-aticn protect for consul eralinn of the club The bylaws were amended to provide meet ings as necessary rather than bi monthly. D.ila recently sent to the Kcv Club membership show the tele vision translator proiect spon sored by the club cost $lo.?K2 17 (or installation, equipment, and e during the lu st year of operation M.iior expenditures ..... ..,0., 'LI.,lll. Ml and rut wet Club income, inciuiltiK 'he pav mcnt of pledces lor translator service, amounted lo $ir,.7i'iM. I nxaid pledges total K.lim anil cf forts to ixillrct tins remainder of the pledte notes will be made hv the clnh durini; I h e next three months, it was announced at Ihe mcotuii: Class Offered T!ir rii'nt1 of four cfk! tux l ilrfcn-r hi ion ci,i.r. oilcrtNi in h!.tniith In the St.itp lVp,!tmrnt of Kdiicatinn. will be hoM rpninc M.iMinc ,n 7 oVItvk M Mani..ih t'nion U'h S-hnol. tn bt Kitllc Tlwatft Then? will ir no rfis lialion Ire, PAGE I NEWS. Klamath Falls, Ore. RECEIVES COMMENDATION MEDAL Col. Edwin J. Witienburger, commanding officer of Kingiley Field, pins the U.S. Air Force Commendation Medal on the lapel of Lt. Col. Lucius Theus during a brief ceremony at the air field. Colonel Theus was cited for hit service as Chief of the Management Analysis Office during his last tour of duty at the Spokane Air Defense Sector, Lar son Air Force Base, Wash. The medal winner was recently assigned to Kingiley Field as comptroller. Lakeview Couple Tells Of Afghanistan Life LAKEVIEW - Tom Crawford,; former manager of the Lakeview Water Users, and his wife, Bcu- lah, are now located in Afghanis tan where he is an adviser to the people on irrigation techniques and methods, under a U.S. Gov ernment program. A recent let ter to friends, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hill of the Westside, is full of in teresting anecdotes on the new life of the Crawfords. He states: "We arc getting settled in the land of the Afghans, this place of vast deserts, barren moun tains and camels. Although the land is inhospitable, the people are not. They are friendly, courte ous, and will drink hot water so that you may have lea. They are as proud and stubborn as Wcstsiders, and we American technicians are here to help them, through the auspices of the Roy al Government, to try to lift them selves into the 20th Century. "Their camels carry their freight, they live in mud huts, and they farm with wooden plows and have oxen for po'ver; many animals and people die in late winter when forage and fuel are short. New schools, new hous ing, new buildings, new roads. and trees are signs of the at tempt to improve their lot. Al-i though the Job seems insurmount-j able, I have seen the impossible accomplished by just working at it. I am sure that our presence here, not only in self interest, but as representatives of the compas sionate and helpful America, will eventually hear some fruit in their standard of living. "The house assigned to us is made of mud brick; the outside; walls are one meter thick, the inside about half that. The roofi is made of a single layer of mud brick 1 laid in place on a flat uch without support' and cov ered with six to eight inches of mud. It is periodically replaced as the rain washes it off. The five inches of rain comes in two annual increments so the job of replacing the mud is not done very often. Hie interior of the house is paintrd with ade quate coats of a good hard paint; Ihe floor is painted concrete, and the furniture supplied is adequate and tasteful. Electricity is not too dependable, but the kerosene heating stoves as well as the cooking stoves are very dependa ble and Beulah makes good bread from native flour. "When our freight arrives we will have the freezer, radio, wash ing machine, etc. that will let us he very comfortable so far as physical needs are concerned 1 have rarely seen a building, made of the land on which it! stands, so completely oriented in appearance and clficicncy. It will hist forever so long as the roof is taken care of and the interior painted Our water is portable and electrically healed. The sewace vysiem works. "The mud huts of llie farmers isome of Ihenv are dirt floored, with no windows and no water. "The nomads, proud, tall, good lookinc people, live with what their camels and small donkeys can carry. TIh-v aie now mostly camjHxl on tlie flood plain of the river on the uncultivated land be low the canal Their herds nt I . CQQlCS wDOnSOl Needy Shower Mrmtvrs of Iho K.tfilrs Iode vull sponsor a croeerv shower tor a needy mother and soeial ihildrrn Food eonlrihutions ma he !e!t a l t!e Kaclet Hall any fme ;i!!rr 4 pm. Wednesday, ,lan It; fie mother hiain surcery. Sihediiled (or HKI (.Ol OMM1TTH S w siuv;to pi SenatCi KepuhlhMTi t hor .Sen Thrtiston B Motion. K Ky , Monday to head tie Senate (.OP Campaign Commit tee lor the next two eai Thev aio reeieeted Sen itourke P I hi keivi toper a vlwir man ot the C.OP Poky Commit tee. Tuesday, January IS, 1S63 J'- broad-tailed sheep graze around their camps I don t know w hat the sheep goats, and donkeys eat, but they are in pretty good shape. The camels there are thousands of them scattered along the 150 miles of the irrigation project live on camel thorn, which is a plant that looks like tumblcweed from a dis tance, yet is much less dense; and has longer, sharper stickers. It is the exclusive feed of the camels and they stay in good shape on it. "It is also the only source of fuel for the nomads and most of the farmers. It is used to kiln the brick for these houses. The firinc of the mud brick is a vcry,iioni, without chans. oi copy, (or pn- poor job; because of this lack of fuel the kilns are only fired for about 24 hotu's. "The desert above the canal isj barren and covered by a layer of smooth gravel on which you can drive 50 miles an hour in any direction. We killed a couple of gazelles already by shooting them " ..... . at 40 miles per hour, leaning out nl !h nirknn uinHnw Thev areirun lor lypogropn.c.. .r.v,. such beautiful little things it w become harder for me to eat them as time goes on. but they are much belter than deer. "Four of us slopped at a neigh boring native village the other day and watched a baker prepare the staple of the native diet; an unleavened, coarse ground, dark brown bread. The dough is pat ted into an oblong sheet one-half inch thick and about 10 by 24 inches. This is slapped onto the sides of a milk-bottle shaped hole in the ground with a charcoal fire in the bottom. In about live minutes it is pulled out with a long metal hook. I have never seen food prepared in as unsanita ry a manner nor ealen one so outstandingly good. The loaf was! enough lunch for four big Amer ican males and cost two afs, or four cents. "The first frost came last night. It stopped the tomatoes and let tuce, but we still get radishes. Iteels, carrots, broccoli, etc. from the garden we inherited. We also got a gardener i$r a month' with the deal." Check Passer's Sentencing Set Owen McKinlcy Hodge. 59. en tered a plea of guilty lo obtaining money by false pretense in cir cuit court hefore noon Monday and was remanded to the sheriff until the time for the passing of sentence. Judge Vandenberg set 10 a m Friday. .Ian. IB. as the time he would pronounce sentence. Hodge1 has admitted to publishing a fraudulent chock in the amount of $20 to the Payless Prug Store, Nov. 23, LEGAL NOTICE NO M-J VOTICF PF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE ClBCUIT COUPT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP OAR R ELL F FRANCIS GALLA OHER Deceased in the C"tuif Oft of the se H O'egpn ftV tr. County of K'emetn. Pro bate Department In tne metier of te fttfltf of Darreile Frrtcn GaUnor, Deceased Notice l hereby gven that the un1' .iaed m'jttri of the eOtVe p' OARRfLLE FRANCIS GALLAGHER iKe)',ea. h infd rr firm nccoxint c tha Crcuit Court of the Sta'e of Oreoo" tpr Klamath Coimty. Probate Depart und 'rut on the Ith dny ff Ftv rue'v- l3. at the hour o' o 00 AM ft s'd dy rd the Crni't room of .tv1 court hve been appointed hy .'d cru'' . the hmt ad Place lor the hearing pt fbifct'ons the'e'o and the ettiement the ruM OATF n -d firtt pi.bltt.hM Jen- ua- Oaie ot mil Puhi'Cat'ftn, Fphr ja'y LOLA WARR'NC.TON, Aamir it'atn Coe A"pfevt ai taw 1 Urs3erV(1 ,i "g K !rrt'h F am 0'9' SO'tCE 0B P i N L ACCOUNT Nn'Ke ts 'erehv qve it I have ' "v "i accix' eefv'" f t (" s.r?eienr. oecrea h CfCn t CJur f Stjt'e o' 0-i (.. k Ccvv, a-a t-e V't hi r' fehnja-y '. ie.i. i h-'"fl f nf.eC On tr9 " fr 'eftt C't?1 th. U'h fj, -I Jry, IN A M L AM, ! Nt. Fee 5. t3 LEGAL NOTICE NOTItte TO CREDtTOBS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAVATH IM THIT AAATTER OF THE ESTATE OF AUGUSTS EUGENE NORTHUP. -(-Atawi-. rwitlfA I htrtbv atven trist 1h undriigrwd, LEONE v. NURi muk, ni betn iDPOtnted Executrix of IM cstitt of AUGUST E EUGENE NORTHUP. citd, by trt Circuit Court of trtt Stats ot Orttjon lor Klsmslh County, snd rial nuAiifiMi All DcrMms havina claim or claims againit laid decaased art hartby not. Mad to prtstnt tha iam. auiy v" tittd ai raquirtd by law, to tha vndtr innsd Fcartilrii. at tha OftiCt Of PK Pucktetf, Attornty at Law, Ftrjt Fedtrai Savlnai a. Loan Building, Kiamain r-ans, Oregon, wllhln il months from tht dait th firil publication or inn noui. which data U tha ith day of January, 1963. LEONE V. NUKinur, Executrix PK. PUCKETT Attornty for Exacutrl Flnt Ftderal Savings ft Loan mog. Klamath Falli, Ortgon No. 17 Jan 1, 15, u. if. No. -iOT NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY Ihe Mailer of the Estate ue Oman iOiT AK. Deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given mat n dersianed has filed his final account and report as executor of the above entitled etlale. and that the court has nxea Thurtrijiv. February li, 16 J, at iu A.m.. tn Circuit Courtroom No. 01 me .oun House, Klamath Falls, Oregon, as me tlm nd Dlace for hearing ot ob lections. if any, to the same ana for me wnwnw" said estate. Rudolph Sostax Executor . 190, Jan. IS, 2?, 79, Feb. $, 13. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD i NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 t a.m. la 4:98 p.m. WMVdsyt a a. fn nnnn Saturday Count liv. words per line. Adi under 3 lines count same as 3 lines. 3 6 10 1 Tlm Times Times Wanth $? 50 U 00 S5.00 3 J5 5.00 11.50 4 00 6 00 IM MM 4.75 7.00 T.50 14.30 Lines I Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement. It paid In advance. Ubova rates are tor consecunv. msec .finn.. wllhnut chano. of copy, tor pri ..... -!. AHuart alnn miltl ce clear and understandable lo be produc tive Ail words must be spelled out. Autos offered for sole by private Indi vidualscash with copy. DEADLINE 4:30 P m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and Wjnday. CANCELLATIONS It CORRECTIONS On same schedule, except on Monday i.iese are taken 'til am Please read first Insertion of your ad. Tnt Herald 1 News will give one extra "Business Builder" WANT ADS t column Inch, 135 per month with 33 Sft discount lor payment on or before the 10th. V, Inch, $1 with 11.50 discount tor payment on or before the 10th. Based on one copy cnange per nui.. BOX SERVICE 50 centi per ad. - on nc THANKS, and IN MEMORIAM 33.331 PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES CARD OF THANKS A WE wish to thank all our kind friends And neighbors, the Masonic Loage. me First Baptist Church, and the Free Meth nriitt Church tor their many acts of kind ness and expressions of sympathy to us in the loss of our beloved husband and father, and for tht beautiful tiorei oner ings. rV' Lester t Qqden and Family fUNERAL HOMIS WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. Htqh Street Phone TU 1-UQi. MffTING NOTICES 1 SCOTTISH RITE BODIES Stated Meeting Chopter of ROSE CROIX, Tues., Jon. 15, 8 p m. The 15th Degree wdl h1 confrrred Sot., Jon. 19, 8 p.m, Hcrmon Gisvoid, Secy FRIENDSHIP COURT No. 1 1 Order of Amoronth, holds a stated meet ino the third Wed netday of each month ot 8 p.m. ot the Scottish Rite HoH. Geneva Swift, R.M., Robert Dovi inn. R P LOST & FOUND FOUND Female Siamese kitten, about A year old. Found in vicmny oi ids rt in side. Call TU 3-29M. LOST Jan. 11 near Timber Mt. sorrel police dog named "Speck," sort on front knee 175 reward for return. Call TU J-..975 or 103 Winter Ave, LOST IrKh seller male, vicinity of Yamsl Ranch, Call TU 3-60. FOUND' eouloment lor hay hauling true. Sr-raque R'vf R"ad TU ?" GENERA L NOT I CES -. -4 BOYS! SCHOOL AGE EARN Vacation Money by selling the He: aid & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Hrold & News, Circulotion Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-811! PERSONALS KLAMATH Aicohp'-cs Anonymous TU i TU -r4l Fr.ffvaiy rtelp anytime KLAMATH A lA-vn tpr (CH"-'flm3 and mee' ngs. TU 4 ji1. TU 4 i54 ai-yt'me KLAMATH fiec-wf A3eC B-s-vted li- CLEAN. conn,enl thd J roo-r, re-ted. inve-.t.gtionv security. PO Sot-n,, ara-tmtrv w'e. oa-bAQ t t: Wathfr. flr.. TV ch1 H GRAMAM S I'C trued ht?" P"ve roomj P- "rarn SERVICES OMiVPEB'. HOUSE VOW 'SC. r-. t'On. 'es,e,'"g tu j-4' or tj j.ip; V E pif th-,g. u,, rin T en nrj 1J " ?91J Tme9v r-tCOlt. tv'"tsm tor eCDO'nTent, TU 4-4J3S. It HOUSE remodeling, cabirets tur Pc lai ty, pitas cneck our referaneea. TU TREE lurgery, uch as removal, prun ing, topping, grooming. iu t-tm. REMODELING and repairs, alt kinds. reasonable, references. 'U 2-S3II. CUSTOM BUTCHERING your place, deliver to processing plant or leave at your place, ai .oii, iu 4-l2. DOLLS repaired, modern nd antique. Reasonable prices. Lornt's Doll Hospl- TU 4-4TO, ttynw. TREE topping, pruning, insured Tree grooming. Hkeshort Nursery, TU 4-69SS. FulleTBrush TU 2-5972 DENTAL PLATES Repaired wnile you wait. New Plates Wade From Your Ola PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Wain TU 4-3.14 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed insured professional service. Trees topped removed. TU -.."IS Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring - alterations for men, women. children. All work guarameea. Keeson Able prices. Gene's Mens Wear S37 Mali Jess' Tree Service Trta toDDino, removing, any kind clean-up work. Free estimates. TU 4-64,1 Don't Guess Call Jess. Coin Op Laundry Topload Washers Also 20 lb. Washers TIC SHOPPING CENTER Behind U.S. Bank EDUCATIONAL 11 NEW 1963 World Book Encyclopedia, Ruth Scheetfer, TU 4-4941 belort 9 a.m. BRIGHT, cheerful atmosphere for your pre-schooler. Attractive, sunny, nicely equipped nursery school, experienced teacher. Hot Springs- Visitors welcome. TU 4 5792. HILP WANTf D, FEMALE TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, work from home. Short hours, good pay. Experience preferred, but not necessary. TU 2-1792. PART-TIME work, interesting market re search interviewing. Car desirable. High school grad. or more. Write Box 436C. care of Herald and News. NEEDED at once, ladies from Dorris, Malin, Klamath Falls, full or part-time, party plan, TU 2-430K POSITION available approximately Jan. IS with Klamath Falls Creamery. Some stenography, general office work. Apoli cant must be above average typist. This is a good ob for the right person. Starting salary commensurate to ability tr ex perience. Apply In person to Klamath Falls Creamery Office, 1:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. mornings. HELP WANTED, MALE U YOUNG man in good physical condition with farm or hardware background for Inside selling and stoCKworK. Loniaci Ranch Wholesale Supply. Merrill Lake- view Junction. TU 2-5543 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. WANTED brake and alignment man. Must be experienced. Goodyear Store, 201 So. ltth. Call Don, TU 4-SI4K EXPERIENCED barber wanted. Good location. TU 4-71SI, TU 2-3726. EXPERIENCED butcher to operate meat department In new grocery store In Dor- Calif. Must nave own nana toois. EX 7-2751. SAW FILER who wants permanent position In box fac tory located In Central California, Must be experienced and have references. Writ 8ok 4U7C. care of Herald and News. DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN? Age ?5 and over Married 7 years SUCCESSFUL Sate taper lence Financially tlbl Good appearance IF YOU DO . HERE IS WHAT A CAREER WITH ALL STATE CAN MEAN TO HIM Starting SALARY plus COMMISSION. Minimum Guarantee 15.000 annually. (This Is not a draw or advance). Incomt Opportunities Unlimited. Multiple Lines 3 weeks training course with salary plus $13 per diem. Sears' Famous Profit Sharing Plan. I J weeks vacation annually WITH PAY Group Hospital I rat ion and Lit Insurance. Renewals. Rapid Advancement due to our Mold growth. Plus other excellent advantages. HELP WANTED 17 PAROLE OFFICER Parole nd probation work at various tn cations in Oreqon. Must b between ?S and 59; college graduate and have one year's experience as a parole officer, or in related social service work or teach ing. Salary ranqe: S5,?80 to s.0, Aooly Immediately: Oregon Civil Service Com mission. Public Service Building, Salem. n ot i c eT 3jo bTsee K e r"s AH help wanted ads published In the Herald & News are accepted In gnod faith that the lobs ottered art at stated in the advertising copy. We Are not re sponsible for the Integrity o our adver titers, but we make every effort to dis cover and reject tsll misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding It to be misleading is asked to report It to the Classified Ad vertising Department of tha Herald SITUATIONS WANTED 18 IRONING, WASHING, PICKUP, DELIVER E perienced. Reasonable! TU 4 f IM EXPERIENCED ranch steady work of any kind hand wanti TU 20352. CHILD Cflre. vour home or mlr time, TU 3-WS. TU Mill, LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday. I a.m. tn 4 p.n 13?( Csrlsnn Drive, TU ROOMS FOI RENT 22 CLEAN, comfortable rooms. J blocks Irom Main, 15 l up. TU 4-4W. APARTMENTS FOR RIHT 24 park APTS. 130 up, bacheinr, natural hot water, TU 9754. TU 4-3I54. MODERN 3 rooms and bath, MO and uo, brick court, garages. ?J1 Soring MODERN 2 bed'oom fyrr Dtr month, T U 4-5f) ished tots. I4 COMPLETELY lurmshed. 11 HMO a, ?o a wee. Available hv month. Washer, dryer. Under new meneriumenl V iia Marquise. 1330 Oair TU v be 0'e It am. TU -7SI a"er 7 p m. APARTMENT nnhed. Utilitu 4-e.T3 nejir Weyerhaieuser s, sieam heat. t0. Iu r 7 BEDROOM furr and comlortahif, furnished ceot month, ph TU 4 ft shd apt , nice, plenty neat, ul eiecuicity, t7t CLEAN, COMFORTARlE. 'tt With hlthtnt, 0W rtes, TU 4-j;j DUPLf X, location. ..llt furnished, encel'ht la-jngry, 10. TJ g'ge, i and SW V" Ma'ai'te ra T.i 7 to p m W.3VI, Se'urfjay i later-von ed Si"aas ' STf AM heat, 1 0 batche-or ac Ebe-ie.- ONE btdronm I,, "S"M ast'fment M SO furnished UtVrCIS