HIKALD AND NIWS, Kltnutk FtlK. Of. Tuesday, January 15, 1963 PAGE-J Q M 3 1 (AdwitiQA By Helen Bechert New stretch rubber boots with INSIST ON heel opening eliminate the danger ... . ... . DB1U. of puncture by spike heels. They! bULD BELL BRAND come in two styles - low-cut san- j KLAMATH POTATOES dais and smart ankle boots each witht its own small carrying ' , case to fit neatly into a purse. 11 W Fevetlte Grocer t ftv ' ' '' Vh r uU't 4 i I INITIATES Five Klamath FalU women became new members of Business and Pro fessional Women's Club in impressive candlelighting ceremonies conducted by Mrs. Vern Schortgen, right, membership chairman, at the Monday evening banquet at the Willard Hotel. Left to right are Mrs. Ed Slcoe, Mrs. Frances Little, Mrs. Paul Whit man, Mrs. E. J. Linville and Mrs. Lloyd Ford. Photo by Guderian Men's Spring Styles Have 'Texan' Look ,' I'niled Press International ' NEW YORK (LPH-The men's elolhing industry is about as mixed up at the moment as an industry can get. with suit styles ranging from pleated and un ploatcd trousers through three-. button, two-button and one-button coals. But emerging from the confu sion is a definite pattern for .spring a trend away from the black mohair (which replaced the old blue serge standby) toward lighter shades and irridescent fab rics made by combining 20 per cent silk with 80 per cent worsted The biggest single seller is a silver-grey sharkskin in either a two-button or three-button model More Ml ) i time pop! kuy 1 J with trim lines to make a man look slimmer and shoulders with a minimum of padding to flatter him. The trend is toward a long leap "Texan" look, and pleats are slowly going by the board. The authority for the above is! Stanley Goldman, president of I Eagle Clothes, Inc., one of the big five of the brand names the medium price ($85-$110 range. Its business has climbed: from zero in 1919 when it was, started to $15.1 million last year while some other firms were go ing downhill. Goldman savs the output of the clothing industry 25 years ago. when the male population of the United States was around 61 mil One clothing store executive says that vicuna is passe. Walter Burke, merchandise manager for a group of haberdasheries (A. Sul- ka Co. , said the demand for vicuna garments robes, sweat ers, scarves had slipped to no thing. "Interest in vicuna has van ished this year as suddenly as it appeared some years ago in Wash ington, said Burke. lion, was 20 million suits a year Last year, with the male popu lation around 88 million, the out put was still 20 million suits a year. uoiaman attributes his own firm's success to recognizing the fact that men are becoming more and more fashion conscious and then providing them with what they want. It must be basic and simple and if there is too much fashion a man will rebel. At the moment, Goldman savs. the industry is going from the three - button suit with pleated trousers to three-button with no pleats to two-button with pleats to two-button with no pleats and to one-button w ith no pleats. This, he says, calls for more coopera ion in the industry. But what it has boiled down to in spring sales is this: Sales this spring show two-button suits mak ing up 35 per cent of the volume and three-button 65 per cent. Last year it was 10 per cent and 90. This year 65 per cent have no pleats and 35 do. A year ago the figures were the reverse. NOW OPEN! Shirley's Coinomatic Laundromat Hilyord & Altamont Dr. Nfw Mamifr or CRATER DRIVE IN Help Ui Help Other Shop ... The SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORE 4th 1 Klamcth NAMED Jay Jeffcoat, who at one time resided in Klamath Falls, is named as semifinalist in contest sponsored by Scholastic Sports Association in El Centro, Calif. Ex-KF Boy Is Honored Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fairclo of the Merrill Highway have recent ly received word of honors re ceived by their grandson. Jav Jeffcoat, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Jeffcoat. are former residents of Klamath Falls now residing in El Centro, Calif. Mrs. Jeffcoat is the former Shirley Fairclo. Jay Jeffcoat was recently se lected one of 10 semifinalists in the annual contest sponsored by the Scholastic Sports Association (SSAi. In order to be a semi- finalist, a student must have been a member of SSA for at least a semester, be a senior in high school and have maintained a B or better average in school. Winner and runnerup may re ceive scholarships and trips to Washington, D.C. Purpose of SSA's contest is to promote in terest and abilities ol young high school journalists in the line of sports, mainly. Jay won his semi finalist spot on a written story on how student government at his high school operates" and on his game reporting. Honors are not new to this young man, who last spring won the first place trophy in the ora torical contest sponsored by the El Centro Optimist Club. He also received the American Legion award for outstanding citizenship and was a delegate to Boys State in Sacramento. J. A. Fairclo visited in El Cen tro recently and presented the gavel to his grandson on the oc casion of Jay's installation as master councilor of El Centro De-Molay. S HM--"" V.' JL 1 , J IS - ' , "4 FAREWELL PARTY Mrs. Dorothy Bowers, second from riqht. wife of Kingsley Field's retiring Lt. Col. Waldo Bowers, was honored at a farewell coffee and present, ed with a going. away gift. Hostesses pictured with Mrs. Bowers, left to right, are Mrs. Jeanne Niclcerl, Mrs. Betty Green and Mrs. Vi Harless. POLLY'S POINTERS Oil Is Good Cleanser POLLY CRAMER Newspaper Enterprise Assn. DEAR POLLY-Hcre is one T am sure vou don't know. For leaning stainless steel refriger ators, oven doors, hoods, etc.. ake any light oil I prefer a ight machine oil but mineral oil person, rather than from above. MRS. J. M. K. DEAR POLLY - A tin muffin pin can be painted with bright enamel and used for serving bev erages. Glasses won t tip over and serving is made much ojis icr. MRS. G.B. Newsworthy for little girls: Nautical inspired shirts such as the square necked striped French sailor and the solid color middy. Florals take over in the new resort prints, reports the National Cotton Council. Many copy the real flowers; others are abstract versions. Flowers include the gi ant tropical, as well as the or dinary garden variety. if i i Pi t ' t I I . ' ' Mi At lW mr- 4m. imi wtjfHi tt ipN mm LAST FTW DAYS FOR BIG SUCCESS SAVINGS! YOUR CAR WILL NEVER BE WORTH MORE W TRADE THAN IT IS NOW. D0NT DELAY I TRADE NOW I Think Twice You're 'probably paying the price of a Lr Sabre 6j Buifk vhy not own one? ftn T Mt t 10 J an wM. Savings ffiill 13c fun strctcrt It' k't FnJ Kurw tmm Iront brilitn 4mnn tirlMnrl CUt tvP CMt Long kl hinnud mwrnr. Buick resale value flying high hardtop rtiin m wift of S2b6 more at its on cent tn cjay mtxt did comtMVM lM fnodal ao(d an 1900'. Tody Quofaty Buck Mcyt mv tonftvl ADD DP HIE VAIIIIS Luninoui mtarewt 307 4onn ejf fnmt, tfurab' vfif1 or Uboc trcluww Adtrnc4 Thrvtt ni fifrx V'r tr-thl Uf u' .Wc t 40 1 V-8 Acton Su pn (vl r mm tirw riat lton "maun tn ' pn Bc roomy trunk. t-'ia.inil.JMi.ij.J LeSabrsBUICK is good, too. Using a paper towel. napkin or old cloth, apply the oil lightly to the surface. It not only shines the surface but helps prevent future finger marks. C. L. DEAR POLLY To brighten up black wrought iron such as tele vision table legs and telephone stands, apply black liquid shoe polish. No sanding, not even a paint brush is necessary. Does not rub or wash off. No muss, no fuss and the iron's always bright shiny and easy to dust. MRS. L. McD This Ij slick and simple the shoe polish gave the legs of my folding (ray tables the name dull black look they originally had not a repainted effect, POLLY DEAR POLLY-If any of the school pupils have trouble with dirty pencil erasers, they should tape a piece of sandpaper inside their notebooks. Then whenever the eraser needs cleaning, rub it over the sandpaper. S. S Even the big boys and girls will doubtless appreciate this sugges tion from a 10-year-old girl. POLLY DEAR POLLY If you are ever caught without a ruler, you will find a passable substitute in your wallet. A dollar bill Ls just a fraction over six inches long and can be used as a tape for rough measurements. MRS. C. F. M. DEAR POLLY For eight hours of sound sleeping comfort, place a wool blanket on the mat tress under the sheet that you ileen on. This way less covering s needed over the body. Coldness comes from beneath, arousing a New Arrival Congratulations are being ex tended to Sp.5 Douglas and Mrs. Kirkpatrick. stationed at Fort Ba ker in Calilornia, on the birth of a daughter, their first child. The baby girl, named LcDori, weighed eight pounds at birth. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Kirkpatrick of hlamalh Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Ardcll Ames of Ocden, l.'tah. WILSON WILEY BUICK CO. 01 330 Main Street FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ON ANY ITEM IN THE STORE Phone Ut Your Needs Deliveries Each Day at 11:00-2:00-4:00 IN THI VILLAS! CuUaf ttk Mela TU 1-1471 ENROLLMENTS refilled at hrdnnlntr of iny month. For an Iriurntlnc reward ing career In Cometolof y Call TU t-1411 Klamath Baauty Collega Edmund E. Hass r Vice-Presidenr PACIFIC NORTHWEST CO Investment Securities Since 1913 Will be at the Yinema Motor Hotel Thursday and Friday TtUphon TU 4-418! to consult with Mr. Hau n In vtitmint and retirement prog ram t using the securities ef utilities, benks, insurance, industrial, and Mutual Fund shares. 302-3 Fluhrer Bldg., 5 So. Central, Medford SPring 3 7319. Other offices in Portland, Salem, Eugene, Seattle, Saokone, Tacomo, Aberdeen, Bellingham, Yakima, We nstchee. Walla Walla and Boise. Rcific Northwest Company Wire Connections With All Major Financial Centers o new spring dres s es Wonderful time to get a head start on youf spring dress needs or brighten up a winter-weary wardrobe; you'll find oil-silk, silk-blends, jerseys, rayons, solids, .prints and novelty weaves ... in a tremendous selec tion of styles ond colors. All fresh, crisp, new stock In deep-tones, pastels, jewel colors os well as black ond novy. PRIVATE PARKING et rear ef store while shopping LaPointe's. PUBLIC PARKING in rear of Star Drug. Se for 2 Hours A MM Mrvtt. kv Imtfrv kv