ncome Tax Primer (5) Employes This ti the fifth of eight .rlieles In the Newspaper Enterprise Asm. Income Tax Primer, for readen who want more Informa tion than Is supplied In the of ficial Instructions. By RICHARD A. MULLENS and CHARLES W. SCHOENEMAN Written for - Newspaper Enterprise Assn. I Tax law and the Internal Reve nue Service recognize that the 'performance of services as an jtmploye constitutes , the carrying Jon of a trade or business. ; Deductions for expenditures for gravel, transportation, meals and lodging while away from home 'on business and for all rcim bursed expenses are available without affecting your right to claim standard deductions. Other business expenses (such as unre imbursed business entertainment) of employes (except certain "out side salesmen") are deductible, but only if the standard 10 per cent deduction is not claimed. One of such deductions, IRS recently has laid, is for a por tion of the expenses of maintc- nance and depreciation of a rest dence used under specific circum stances in the employe's business. First, it must be as a condi- lion of employment that the cm ploye is required to provide his own space and facilities tor the performance of his duties. Second, he must regularly use a portion of his residence for that purpose. It may be part-time use, but It must be regular. If you could remain at your em ployer office (or return to it after hours, but for your own Fees paid to a job agency for em ployment art deductible, if itenv Business Boom Awaited Under Proposed Tax Cut NEW YORK (UPD-The busi ness community looked forward today to higher stock prices and Increased business activity under the stimulus of President Kenne dy's tax cut proposals Wall Street analysts generally agreed that the proposed $10 bil lion tax reduction would lure trad ers into the market. Some, however, said the Presi dent's statement on taxes had been anticipated, thus blunting! any bullish tendencies. They said the market already has been ris-l ing in expectations of Kennedy's call for lower taxes. The National Association ol Manufacturers (NAM), while en dorsing the call for a tax cut was less enthusiastic about what' it described as Kennedy's over- orientation toward a quick pick up in economic activity. the two million jobs estimated by Kennedy. He said the President s message! contains much good news for the investment community," and is 'a welcome start on a much needed thorough revision of the tax law." Martin Gilbert of Van Alstyne Noel lc Co. disagreed with those who thought that anticipation o the President's proposals might have taken the edge off increased trading prospects. "I think the President's propos als will have a definitely bullish effect on the market, he said Weather Roundup The NAM said that any dis-J Temperatures during the 2-1 agreement in tax law details "should be resolved on the side of long-term strength of the economy, growth and jobs, and not on the side of quick stimu lation of economic activity." Henry Gellerman of Bache & Co. said the proposed cuts, if. legislated, probably would create hours ending at a.m. PST today Newport had .19 and Astoria .18 inch of rain convenience take work home, you are not entitled to a deduction. You must also have some math cmatical justification for the amount deducted based on space amount of its business use and "expenses" such as rent, heat, depreciation. Interest on a mortgage and real estate taxes are deductible by all taxpayers but only if the stand ard deduction is not used. Unless an employe is an "outside sales man" he acquires no tax benefit from these two items if his home is partly used for his business. Treasury ruling on this subject says that the employer must keep records to show amounts of the expenses on the residence which he attributes to business use. A part of repair costs to outside of the house and cost of all repairs to the office (or workshop) space are deductible. The employer must be able to show amount of the home used for business in terms of space; use extent in terms of time. Tax depreciation of a part of your residence for its use in your business is complicated. Take the cost (including major improve ments you have made) or the lair market value of the residence ' whichever is lower), then sub tract the assumed sale price real isable when the residence no longer Is used in your business. Then take a fraction of that amount based on residence space used in the business and divide it by the number of years you estimate you'll be required to use (he residence in trade or busi ness. Q Are any expenses of looking for a job deductible? A Yes, if you itemize. Fees paid a job agency for procuring employment are deductible. Q Can you deduct any educa tional expenses to improve your skills as an employe? A Yes. Tuition, laboratory fees and certain travel, meals and lodging expenses to get this train ing arc deductible, if you were maintaining or improving skills equircd in your (then) present employment or your employer (or the law governing your job) re quired the training to keep Ibut not to obtain) your salary, job. or position. Such education deduc- ions are available as a rule only ( you itemize your deductions unless your employer reimburses you (or expense. Expenses to train for a new or better job arc not deductible. (Certain other exemptions in onneclion with training may be allowable. Consult your IKS of- lire.) Q Arc union dues (icductihle? A Yes, if you Itemize deduc tions. Next: Deductions. PACE I HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls. Ore. Tuesday, January IS, tAtt' AS r - TRAIN TROUBLES Railroad workers fumed out in zero weather early Friday morn ing to re-rail a cattle car which de-railed at 6 a.m. from a 1 20 car freight just south of Alturas. Guy Brunn, Southern Pacific roadmaster, said the train de-railed when it was being slowly backed at a switching station, but the slow speed prevented any overturning of freight cars. The crew had the two cattle cars back on the track by 10 a.m. RTamath County Leads State In Fallout Shelter Program Klamath County has become the first county in Oregon in which all approved pubiic fallout shelters have been designated and marked, according to a re port received by local Civil De fense Director Joe Searles from the Stale Civil Defense Agency. Five shelters accommodating more than 100 people have been marked in the Klamath Falls1 area, with the exception of one sign in front of the Medical-Dental Building and another at t h e Williams Building. These signs are being placed on special posts in the sidewalk, near Lighting Award Given Kingsley Field Chaplain (Capt.) Jefferson E. Davis has been pre sented a plaque and a $23 check in recognition of his recent blue ribbon entry in the church divi sion of the Klamath Falls Jay- cces' Christmas lighting contest. The plaque was presented bv Col. Edwin J. Witzenburger. com manding officer of Kingsley Field. in a brief ceremony before the key officer personnel of the base. The winning display featured a lighted and animated Nativity scene. All community churches were invited to participate in the Jaycee-sponsored program. At the time of the I960 U.S. census, about 28 per cent of the population of St. Petersburg. Fla., was ti5 or older. Wm Coatf-to-Cmt,A iMNEWSPAPERSil Lop Imports Said Danger WASHINGTON (ITU - The National Lumber Manufacturers Association (NL.MAI today wel comed a U.S. Commerce Depart ment report that softwood lumber imports from Canada were "a major factor" in the difficulties of the U.S. lumber industry. NLMA President Mortimer B Doyle said in a letter to Com merce Secretary Lulher H Hodges that the report was "an extremely well prepared sum mary of many of the problems confronting our industry. " The Idler, dated Dec. 31, was made pubiic today. Tho U.S. industry has asked the tariff commission to authorize nharp controls on imports of soft wood lumber from Canada'which totaled CSO million in 1961. No commission decision was jet in Sight. The Commerce Department re port said the 1' S. lumber industry was suffering from "a complex of factois" including U.S. laws, in dustry operations, technological changes and international econom ic developments. Astoria Baker Brookings Medford Newport North Bend Pendleton Portland Salem The Dalles Chicago Los Angeles New York San Francisco Washington High 40 24 62 44 4!) 52 44 35 4.1 51 10 fit 29 54 33 Low 37 9 35 18 .12 31 40 34 36 33 7 46 24 41 22 Teachers Plan January Meet Klamath County Retired Teach ers w ill meet in the YMCA build ing at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 19. The program will include a girls' musical ensemble of 13 members from Mills Elementary School directed by Mrs. Robert Craig. Refreshment hostesses will be Mrs. Ella Dickinson and Sarah llaraldson. Members are invited and Iriends are welcome. Building Up In Dunsmuir DUNS.MU1R Building con struction in 1962 doubled that of 1961. according to a building in spector report submitted to the Dunsmuir lily Council. The 370 building permits for construction estimated at $265, 894 35 in 1962 reflected construc tion ol eight new homes, one re modeled restaurant, acd a motel addition as well as minor build ing. In 1961, 151 permits were is sued for $1(0. S35 71 in estimated construction costs. Sales I. ix collections also! snowed a gain over a similar pe riod last year, according to Eliz- aholh Cavin. cily clerk. Duns muir's gross collection of sales lax from July 1. 1962. to Sept 30. 1962, was M.510 08. This netted the city $7.5.!8.(B alter state and county apportionments were deducted, and compares favor ably with the city's third quar ter sales tax income in 1961 ol S7.20t 41. 1 Serais an& Choose tour Pharmacist mil naniitfl P3W.FS&-JL a 3 juu nuuiti choose a doctor . a. the curb, because there is no; room on the face of the build ings to attach them. There are other buildings in Klamath Falls which have a protection factor not as high as in the five build ings mentioned. Those buildings will not bei stocked with supplies and equip ment at the expense ol the fed eral government unless the pro tection factor is raised to 100 and there is space lor at least 50 people, Searles said. An Army Engineer survey des ignated the live buildings as sale shelter sites; licenses were signed with the owners before the build ings were marked. Stocks of supplies have arrived at a government warehouse ill Trouldale and shelter survival kits including food, water conlainers. medical and radiological supplies will soon be delivered here. For Professional TREE SERVICE Baker's Nursery C.ll TU 2-5553 Check His Reputation Count on us, as your neigh bors do, for fine pharma ceutical service. Here your prescriptions are precisely filled as your doctor pre scribes. BRODERICK'S PHARMACY 2212 So. 6th Ph. 2-4683 r j r WHERE CAN I BUY I HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE I AT A SAVING? See friendly Bill McKibbin For full informotion obout thi low coir Homeownei-i Policy, ovoiloblo on o poy oi-you-go bolii, get in touch with Bill. MIDLAND EMPIRE INSURANCE AGENCY 1006 Main. St. Phono TU 4-6417 till McKibbin end Clm Loiuour i iiuv Ai" BIG JANUARY Prices subject to stock on hand or Prior Sale. ' ' IrMM ram n xJHxyi mi L tb It U JWyHfjHATNOWIN PROGRESS! SAVE NOW! Qualify Floor Coverings at Big Reductions! ' ' TILE CLOSEOUTS INLAID LINOLEUM G Quolify gouge each Jf i 12 16' v ny AKriii ne One lot, stondord gouge each . VINYL ASBESTOS OneJostondard gouge each VINYL ASBESTOS OneJoJieavy gouge each Best Value! Luxurious loop pile Wilton fabric woven of heavy wool homespun yarns. Rich handcraft ed texture and rodiant 4flKk. f mW clear colors. You save ml 11 pf t over $5 a yard! TMT ' sq. yd. FREE FOAM PAD AND INSTALLATION INCLD. Quality Leader 100 wool pile, luxuriously deep loop pile cut pile beauty . . . very rich in appearance. Moth-proofed for life; maximum resiliency. Choice of worm beige or turquoise. While it lasts FREE FOAM PAD AND INSTALLATION INCLD. 111 97 sq. yd. ALL WOOL WILTON Close pile Wilton construction; three di mentional pattern with sparkling highlights ot accent colors on pleasing neutral back ground of light beige. FREE FOAM PAD AND INSTALLATION INCLD. 97 sq. yd. PLUSH All wool pile plain color but with random shearing for highlighted beauty. Only one roll left in a beau tiful, soft green. FREE FOAM PAD AND INSTALLATION INCLD. 1 97 sq. yd. POLYMERITE TILE All colors each 11 DISCONTINUED SAMPLES NOW One performance nightly at 7:30 Doors Open 7:00 "Boccaclo 70" in 3 parts starring Sophia Loren and Anita Eckberg Adm. $1.25 (incl. tax) Tailor Class Has Openings There Is still room for addi tional student in the adult edit cation tailoring course which will meet Tbursday. .Ian. 17. Irom 9 nm in Iloom 117 of I'nion llijli VIk-oI. Mrs. Rich ard limb ill be the instructor. The course i desicned for wom en ho wish to tailor a 5iut or coat using wool or weol blend Tuition for the rourso is SI0 pay able on recistration Klamtth Pit. Opmm tvtlilhi fleily ((( Sit ) 14 lw4tf lirvlnf iMitnifH OrM n4 Northern Cilifvrma Klimath Pvfeliiftlnf Cvmimv Pia TUtMt M1 W twtlflinal. pyftMHir IntaiM it cftcliit matltr if ! ptf t ft I met FHf, OnttA, M Avtwit II, Iff. nlr Hi 1 C March X il t-cli fxitt t M' at Kiamith fiiu. OratM, t4 It iMttiai maii(t !(. tUMCRlPTION ftATIS Cirr-tr I Mftth I 1 T I Mont i t ar 111 M Mail it I Mth f 1 fl A Mfifht Ill N 1 Viip ... i M) Carrtir antf Daaftr WMtdar twMtv. tfr itr UNlTIO Pftllt INT t NATION AL AUDIT IURIAU Of ClftCUlATlON lwtcrtrt Mt WttvlM ttivtrr ft tKtif NtraNI m4 Htwt, ! pim Veterinarian Opens Office UKEVIKW-Killiam D. Bar y. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. lis announced the opening of a clinic in 1-akeview lor the prac tice of veterinary medicine It il be located at K9 North K. Street Barry u a native of likeview and son of the late M. P. J and Kileen Barrv. He is a graduate ol Oregon Mate and Washington Mate universities. He has been practicing in Klamath Kails dur- ng Hie past year, and was pro iiously hunted al Ml. Vernon. Wash. He and his wife and tnionth-old son, John, are mak ing their home at :U7 North K Street, near the clinic location Wide Choice of Colors No 2 Alike! 27"x18" 2 for $1.50 27"x36" 2 for $5.00 27"x54" 2 for $8.00 Uw in doorways, hallwoyi, undtr chain to pronct your floors. NYLON This long wearing, luxurious carpeting of DuPont 501 Nylon normally retoils for much more than we are of fering it during this ".-. mm 1797 FREE FOAM PAD AND INSTALLATION INCLD. sq. yd. Reversible Rugs Early American, heavy rag rugs. Rich col ors, predominately brown, with other ac cents. Revers ible for longer wear. No pad required. 12x15' Reg. $199.95 TO97 LINOLEUM RUGS ',V' ' S'r'r1 ;.lv': C-.'TV ' '.M;sv, Modern colors and pat terns. Vinyl fortified for long wear. Smooth, easy-clean surfaces. Reg. $6.95. 9 x12. "Futurcsque" and "Cosmo politan" by Armstrong ond Conqoleum Nairn. Reg. Vinyl Inlaid Linoleum i188 "1; -i j fit -m ; -tf' wl iSSSis m0 M IIISri if TBp wig tu( mm bunds "one YINYL VlN OLEUM rmsrrung nccaion vm m f $1.69. Now 9 sq. yd. Grange To Meet Midland lirante Mil meet Wed- nesd.iy. .lun I ft. in the glance hall .it fill sharp l.r a business session r i, Mowing Ihe movling. .lames flowers, lectin er. will lea- lure a siwial pingram of pic lures of wildlife, shown and nar- ted by J in O Donahue. wild- lite rH-it. A ivtluck supper will lie served. INCOME TAXES Comt in ond u CHAS. HATHAWAY