HERALD A.VD NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Monday, January 14, 1963 PAGE-Ji SP Starts CTC System Construction Preliminary construction is un derway on a new electronic traf fic control system on 142 miles of Southern Pacific's main east side Sacramento Valley line, be tween Lincoln and Redding, the railroad announced today. Tram movements through the valley will be directed throush a $2.3 million Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) installation, to be completed in the fall of 1963, ac cording to William D. Lamprecht, vice president of system opera' tions for SP. Under a CTC system, wayside signals and track switches along the line are controlled by a train dispatcher at a panel of lights which locates all trains in the ter ritory and enables the dispatcher to regulate their movement. CTC increases capacity of a rail line and permits trains to move through the area in a shorter time. SP is so designing the install tion, Lamprecht points out that a number of sidings where trains meet and pass will be moved from built-up areas of communi ties to stretches where there is little or no highway cross-traffic. Lamprecht said SP crews have started preliminary grading for some of he new passing sidings in the valley. Installation of sig nal controls should begin in February. The new CTC section will tie Into an existing 80-mile stretch of CTC from Redding north through the Sacramento Valley Canyon to Black Butte. A similar system presently is being installed in the San Joaquin Valley. "When these are both com plete," Lamprecht declared, "the California Central Valley will have one of the most technologi cally advanced rail lines ever built, with either CTC or double track railroad all the way from Mojave, over the Tehachapis and through Bakersfield, Fresno and Sacramento to Black Butte. SP's Overland Route line from the San Francisco Bay Area through the Sacramento-Roseville crossroads to Ogden, Utah, also is entirely under CTC or double-tracked." The effect, he added, will be to improve further the over-the-road performance of today's fast er trains to and from both trans continental and Pacific Coast markets. Music in the Air ACROSS 39 Grnus of 1 Kind of concert leaping 4 Bag i amphibians 8 Stringed 0 Awry instrument 1 Pouch 12 Masculine. 42 sons nickname Fabric of a sort 13 Hebrew month 49 Disown 14 Tropical plant 81 Lubricant 15 Rocky peak '2 Son of Seth 16 Splashiest (Bib.) 18 Phoenicians for 53 Transaction instance M Feminine 20Tracta appellation 21 Compass point 65 Essential being 22 Covet &6 Muculine 24 Wolfhound appellation 26 Notion 67 Sorrowful IMA DlPi I g Pg.SiETA Istt sgg grerWE; a t E 'i rrEE?rlA peiAW A v'gR S F PlRlAlfiterO' 27 Western state (ab.) 30 Electors 32 Handled 34 Musical dramas 35 Knocked 36 Marry 37 Plant exudations temporarily 7 Bitter vetch 8 Hirsute 0 Nautical term 10 Julius La 1 1 Favorites 17 City in Illinois DOWN 1 Touches lightly 2 Wood wind 19 Obscure instrument 23 Approaches 3 Pervaded 24 Acknowledge 4 Sticky 25 Easy gait substance 26 Egress 5 Groundless 27 Roomy fl Ceased 28 Solar disk 29 Mother of Pollux (myth.) 31 Tattered 3.1 Small herring 38 Threaten 40 Entertain 41 Plller 42 Woody plant 43 Fowls 44 Epic poetry 46 Girl's name 47 Mis Foch 48 Pleased 60 John (Gaelic) 1 12 13 I 14 5 IS 17 I 13 19 110 111 l 13 14 fl T3 17 18 19 "" 51 ""pi 23 J I I 2425' F26 27 SfTzsT 30 31 ""32 33 . 36 "1 37 P"! 39 ' ' ' 140 p 41 " ' """fJ LoM 42 43 44 r 45 46 47 48 49 ' 50 5T 52 " 53 54 55" 57 I I I j I I I I I I f 1 T4 Income Tax Primer (4) Dependents Shasta Chamber Talks Resolution On Wildlife MOUNT SHASTA - Chamber President James P. Hennessy Jr. at the Mount Shasta Chamber of Commerce luncheon meeting Jan. 10 appointed David E. Otis, Orr Apperson Jr. and Frank Melo to investigate and give a report on the resolution regarding Fish and Game management of game re sources. It was explained In lively dis cussion by the memoers that Fish and Game has been placed in the hands of politicians rather than those more qualified for the job. The destruction of game re sources, failure to build resources were discussed. It was reported that the cham ber has 87 members. New mem- ft: r&3 MML22 3cJ 45-52-69 ,.f TAUtlff AM. 21 MAY 7! 4- 7-20-01 '6544-74 OtMM HAY 2 JUNES W 3-8-W-JS CANcae JUNE 23 JULY 23 -34-3o-51-53 uo ) JULYS. L,AuL 23 pj13-l.3t3a VSMO AUS. X SBT. 23 .f) 5- 6- y-22 24-77-7? By CLAY J. POL LAN At Dlseusaoil 62DoM Year Daly Activity Guide H Acc&rdma to abe 5tora. To develop messoge for Tuesdoy; read woeds corresponding to rumbers of your Zodiac birch sign. 1 Surprise 31 Try 2 InvilOttOI 32 Clrf J Ploy JJ KM Hi You 35 You're 36 Name 37 Ot 38 Ynu'fW 41 Toex 42 And 43 Your 44 6X 7 4b Yor 4AO SETT. 21 OCT. 21 pl--32-3Bn a-61 MA 4 Ewra 5Reol e ttot 7 AH SGoori 9 Business )0 11 Or UCWr Ktuck-e 1 S AJI 16 17 C. I SB. low. 21 Biw 47 ifn 49 Or 50 A SI ?2 TromocNoas 52 PcrMtraok ?3 Sum 2 Botonle 25 You ?6You 27 Buv 20L'lal 30 A 53AivJ 54 To .5 Ri 56 Well 57 58 Nn SOKero ftOLove 64 On e5Hnm 66 A Hows 70 68 Arnvee 7 1 Wwiooe 72FoWfed 73 It's 74 Nov 75 To 7tnm 77 You 78 Tortor 7Kp HOOr 81 Trip 82 And 8e Life tinw 84 Elu 1 86 Busy 87 FolLour 88 Celebrohom 89 Fulfill 90 Pmmne 115, scoario !ocr. 24 NOV. 1 C 17 X t7" J ko-'i-aJ-gsVgl 7075.796 1 0Ccoi Aitt )Newnl saoitt arius nov A. dec a 43-44-55-5B.fi -VI cvetcoeN JAK 20 VtV? 37-47-68 VS' AOUABUt r4i76-ao.8ivsJ OAS 71 f l35-39-54-?i 27-80-90 bers are Plemont Hotel, Mt. Shas ta Ski Bowl, and Phil's Flying A Fuel Oils. A map, to be printed on ice bags, was shown to the croup, The chamber will foot the bill for the printing and Shasta Dairy Lockers of Dunsmuir will pay for the bags, advertising recreational facilities of southern Siskiyou tounty. The nominating committee will report the second meeting in Feb ruary, and there will be nomina tiqns from the floor for new cham- ber officers. Tentative plans for an installation dinner in March were made. Dr. .Philip Smith is ninner chairman. Hennessy introduced Mrs. Jean- nette Dahlquist who is in charge of the chamber's information booth. She gave a report that over 200 people have called at the booth for, information since it opened the middle of December and that she receives many phone and letter inquiries. It was an nounced that Dunsmuir business es were anxious, to participate in the booth's tourist and ski infor mation services. It was stressed that persons wishing information should call Mrs. Dahlquist at WA1 nut 6-4865 during office hours. The $202 request from Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association was voted down at the recom mendation of the budget commit tee, and discussion followed as to fhe misrepresentation of this area in more southerly commu nities. A letter was read from the chairman of the Accommodations Committee regarding the Skiesta to be held in Mount Shasta March 1-2. The convention of airport man agers and commissioners will be held in this area June 13-15, with about 200 people expected. Women Rescue Champ Horses AURORA (L'PD Two women braved raging flames Friday to rescue several champion horses from a burning barn on the G. D. Rannolls farm near here. Mrs. Rannclls and Mrs. Bill Hayes, wife of the horse trainer, went into the barn and led more than half of the animals to safety. ATTORNEY DIES SYRACUSE, N Y. IUPD-Har-ey J. Crane, an attorney and date assemblyman in 1917 and 1918, died Thursday at the home of a niece. He was 87. Lost in the fire were six horses valued at about $40,000, including a Welch stallion and a quarter horse mare, Cindy-Barr, grand champion of the Pacific Interna tional Livestock Exhibition last year. Rannclls estimated his loss at $65,000. COMING Thomas Dodge This is the fourth of right ar ticles in the Newspaper Enter prise Assn. Income Tux Primer for readers who want more in formation than Is supplied In the official instructions. By RICHARD A. MULLENS and CHARLES W. SCIIOENEMAN Written for Newspaper Enterprise Assn. When you file your 1962 tax re turn, you can claim a $600 exemp tion for a person, though not re lated to you, (U if you furnish over half the person's support for the year (2 if the person has less than $600 income for the year, and (3 if the person makes his (or her) abode in your home the entire year as a household member. You, of course, receive an ex emption for members of your fam ily, ijcluding grandchildren, step- relatives, nieces, nephews and in laws, if you furnish over one-half support. An exemption is likewise avail able for any descendant of your uncle or aunt (first cousin) who received institutional care be cause of physical or mental dis ability and who was a member of your household before receiv ing such care. To measure "support," com pare amount of support received from you with amount the in dividual receives from all other sources including what the per son furnishes himself. Food, shel ter, clothing and medical care are included. Fair market value is taken into account if furnished 'in kind.". The amount the person furnish es himself includes Social Securi ty benefits plus, of course, any in come which would ordinarily be taxable. There is a specia.1 provision for multiple support agreements. Scholarship grants to your child do not have to be taken into ac count in determining total sup port. The Internal Revenue Serv ice has recently ruled that amounts spent by a state institu tion for the mentally retarded for room, board, tuition of a child will be treated as a scholarship grant. On the other hand, certain ex penses you do incur lor your child may not be for support, such as premiums for life insur ance policies with the children as beneficiaries, and the cost of a car. Taxpayer gets $600 exemptions, without regard to "support" (1) for himself, (2) for being over 65, and (3) by reason ot blind ness There is another exemp tion allowed for your spouse -for her being over 63, or by reason of her blindness. Spouse's exemp tions are avauaDie to Her (or himi on your joint return or on your return n you lile a separate re turn, if she (or he) luis no gross income, and if she (or hei is not another taxpayer's dependent. Q vt no may claim the status of "Head of Household" or "Sur viving Spouse?" What arc the ad vantages? A First, io be "Head of House hold" you must be unmarried Other relatives must live with you and must be your dependents If you qualify, you can use s special tax rale schedule 111 which gives you half tlie benefits of a married person filing a joint return. Second, to be a "Surviving Spouse" your husband or wife must have- died within the pre ceding two years, you must not have remarried, and you must have been eligible to file a joint return with 'him (or her', even fULl $600 EXEMPTION CAN BE CLAIMED FOR PERSON NOT RELATED TO YOU, IF . . . You furnish the per son over half his sup port for the year. He (or she) has less than $600 gross an nual income. (including divorced or legally sep arated), and you must, furnish over one-half of the cost of main taining a household for the en tire year for at least one of your relatives. If the relative is your father or mother, he or she must be your dependent, but can live in a domicile separate from yours. II the relative is your child, grand child, or stepchild, he (or slid must be unmarried and must live with you but need not be your dependent. If the person makes his home with you the cntite year. though you may not have, in year of death. You must i have a dependent child (or stepchild) who lives with you. and you must furnish over half the cost of maintaining your home. If you qualify, you get all the benefits of a joint return and can use tax rate schedule III. Note: You cannot claim you arc "head of household" if you claim as "surviving spouse." Next: Employe deductions. V- ( P ; A' RIVER RESTORATION Dreg lines and trucks are being used to clear away debris in the Pit River which was caused by the October flood end also to build up the levee where breaks had washed it completely eway in spots, The city of Alturai is heading the restoration project. Pit River Banks Repaired ALTURAS The city of Alturas has embarked on an emergency restoration project of the banks along the Pit River that washed away during the October flood. 'The unusu.-illy mild weather for this time of year has made it pos sible for us to get in to the river banks and repair the flood dam age now," Mayor Douglas Graham INSIST ON GOLD BELL BRAND KLAMATH POTATOES ot Your Favorite Grocer's reported. "There are many breaks in the levee that had to be built back as well as spots along the river where we are raising the levee." The extensive repair being done by the city runs up to a mile along the river bank, covering an area east of Estes Street to the bridge on Main Street. NOW OPEN! Shirley's CoinomaHc Laundromat Hllyard & Alramont Dr. Ntw Manscrr of CRATER IIBIVE IS Along with raising the leveei. the" drag line Is being used to catch the trash in the river which accumulated during the recent flood, as well as sloping the banks' of the river. The repairs should take over six weeks to complete. Do FALSE TEET2I Rock, Slide or Slip? FASTEETH, n Improved powder " to ba sprinkled on upper or lower plutei, holds faU teeth more firmly' in plnce. Do not slide, slip or rock; No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. FASTEETH Isalknllne ( non- . old). Does not sour. Checks "plate, odor breath" Oet FASTEETH at rime counters everywhere. WSm br,ng Wm FAMILY Broasted Chicken Spaghetti Pizza Pie Try Our New French Fried Ravioli Eat 'Em Here or Orders To Go. LUCCA CAFE Ph. TU 4-3276 2354 S. 6th ' - ' - 1 i V first rTSaft OF THE f Chiffon or WEEK 1 "" ""aA t.r Powder Room' 4, j 4rACIAtTISSUES ROYAL ' f) I ' Pirn a'hmimi ... fl ?v : m NAPKIN 1 a nil fan nit 11 ii dl. ii si iit -''- j. uw Pi Kleenex (Trie if i ii yc ii ff fHlD!H AIM 0f. M c fl J1 iWbmiM oil it l- Si l?. i ... k Jr lji"tkiicy rvtreaA mu ikiM, um. 4lh i JlW 512 Main V AN AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER COSTS LESS TO BUY LESS TO USE TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD WATER HEATER ON A NEW "DAY & NIGHT" GLASS LINED WATER HEATER 30-GALLON $30 Regular Price . . , Leu Trade-in $O"0O You Pay Only . . . $ 57 .50 m 10 YEAR GUARANTEE Thii Offer is Aviilible Also Thru Your Plumber CALIFORNIA-PACIFIC UTILITIES COMPANY 1011 Main Your Gas Company TU 4-5175 w BEEF ROASTS NAVEL ORANGES Good Quality Beef! Cut ! Sweet and Ju'lCv! """"N. Right, Trimmed Right! g f f m . . ' f S L Surplus Fat & Bon. Re- J ) NO SEEDS! ( O ) A" Cuts Ib-L-jV lb; jj PORK PORK ONIONS GRAPEFRUIT STEAK SAUSAGE Y,"" Well Trimmed Blade Cuts. L (ffilm r gg. jg&i Porkers. lb. Hi Just Right, lb. J M LM B Zi3 R Ml if NALLEY'S KLEENEX LIBBY'S MCP M-D .,,h TISSUES HAM 'K CHEESE .PECTIN TOILET TISSUE CHILI 3JttS85c lii? 69c 2 33c IS 43c 3. NYLONGE NALLEY'S TREND ELASTIC is-o. $"3 SP0NGES LUMBERJACK SYRUP Dr,D.t.,s.Bf LIQUID STARCH . Ti"' 29c h;x 85c ST 49c v.,.,.'. 53c jax ry CLEANSER WITH AMMONIA If You're Not Shopping Here You're Spending Too Much! We Reserve The Right To Limit 4480 South 6th 1315 Oregon Ave. Avalen and Shaito Way , V M II trm jrv SWSltSJ Pricct Etfectire Thru WcrJneiday Night Whilt Quantities Last - Store Hours 9:00 A.M. . 9:00 P.M.