PAGE 12 Monday, January 14, ITERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falli, Ore. 1963 Vetoed Measures Considered First At Oregon Legislature Commxwihj. Calsmdax SALEM (UPI I The first four To date the legislature has been unable to override any measure vetoed by Hatfield since he took office. And interest in measures draft ed by the legislature two years ago has lost its impact. It would be a major upset for Hatfield if any of the measures survived his veto. Two of the bills could spring back to life. SB would change the defini tion of criminal insanity. Hatfield said the bill was "pre mature," and "lacks adequate safeguards." The bill reads, "A person is not guilty of criminal conduct if at the time of such conduct as a result of mental illness or mental partment to pay irrigation dis tain utility facilities located on the highway right of way. The fourth bill, SB 526, would authorizea 60-day injunction MONDAY EXT. UNIT, 10 a.m., Credit Buy ing 2, potluck, fairgrounds. bills to be received by the 1963 defect he lacks substantial capac ity either to appreciate the crimi tricts for removal of land from the districts for highway depart ment use. Hatfield said the bill "appears to be unconstitutional." Atty. Gen. Robert Y. Thornton and the chief counsel for he highway depart ment also said the proposal would be unconstitutional. The recent committee report CAR, 7 p.m., Meeting, Home legislature when it convenes Mon fo Charles Waters, 4436 Winter Freedom First Dates rehearsal day will be the measures vetoed by Gov. Mark Hatfield after the nality of his conduct or to con MERRY MIXERS, 8 p.m., new square dance class, Pelican City Hall. First lesson free. Everyone form his conduct to the require ments of law." Such persons would be detained in a state mental institution until cured. The 1963 Legislative Highway Interim Committee in its report last week did not call for reintro duction of House bill 1653, but urged "the Oregon Reclamation against actions taken by the Liq 1961 session adjourned. Three are Senate bills and one GREAT BOOKS DISCUSSION uor Control Commission in sus pending or canceling licenses. Hatfield said "a 60-day injunc tion against commission actions CLUB, 7;M p.m.. "King Lear," welcome. originated in the House. City Library. Marilyn Schenk, Leader. Jack Thompson of the secretary BONANZA FARM BUREAU of state's office said the bills CENTER, 8 p.m., meeting. Bo nanza High School. Speaker on proposed hospital. Public invited. would be returned to the presiding would in effect frustrate the ad EAGLES LODGE, 7:30 p.m., officer of the house of origin on the first day of the session. ministration of the law and would meeting to plan talent show, Ea said the proposal had "merit," but be a disservice to the people of gles Lodge. the state." By law," Thompson said, 'these have to be the first items because of its apparent unconsti tutionality "the committee should not lecommend its introduction as WOTM. Chapter 467, 7 p.m., Congress to appear before the leg CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF Mooso, Moose Home. Executive considered." islature and renew its request for passage of the measure." The bill, introduced at the re ENROLLMENTS irrrplrd it brtlnninr f month. Far an Inlerntinj, reward Inf career In Lometolo(y , . , Call TU S-WU Ktomoth Beauty Collcg AMERICA, Court Klamath No. meeting, 6 p.m. If they receive the two-thirds a committee bill. 1295, 8 p.m., Meeting, Sacred Heart Parish Hall. District Depu- I.ICENSED PRACTICAL Nurs vote necessary to override the veto they become law. Also termed unconstitutional by Hatfield was SB 510. The bill pro DEGREE OF HONOR, Carna tion Club, 7:30 p.m., Juanita Prospects (or the (our measures quest of the Owyhee Irrigation vided the highway commission Lundsten, 1818 Crest. seem dim, however. District, calls for the highway de would pay the cost of moving cor-1 es regular monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m. Community Lounge. 1 '8 ' BLINDED TOT Mrs. Matthew McKeown of Addinqton, SeoHand, holds her 20-month-old daughter, Margaret, whose cancer-inflicted eyes were removed to save her life, flew to the Mayo Clinic Friday. She was united at the Rochester airport with her benefactress, Mrs. Gail Ramsey, Reno, Nev. UPI Telephoto Stricken Child Joins Benefactress At Clinic ROCHESTER. Minn. (UPI) - A blind, cancer-stricken tot from Scotland was united at a cold- wind-swept airport early Saturday with her benefactress. Then, held tenderly in the arms of her mother, Mrs. Mary Mc Keown, the chubby 20-month-old child, Margaret, went off to a Rochester hotel with Mrs. Gail Ramsey, Reno, Nev., who has paid for Margaret's trips to the United States. Later, Mrs. McKeown has to take Margaret to St. Mary's Hospital examination center in this famous medical center for start of treatment she hopes will save the child's life. The infant lost both eyes last year because of cancer. "It's very heart-breaking to hear Margaret scream and cry," Mrs. McKeown told newsmen during a brief stopover in Chicago. "She bumps her head against the ta ble to stop the pain." Doctors told the McKeowns last fall that Margaret, who already had lost one eye, had to have the other removed because It had a malignant tumor. The operation was performed in New York last month, but physi cians said it would take three months to determine whether it was successful. All of Margaret's three long iourneys overseas to the United States, have been financed by Mrs. Ramsey, who like the child, has come to this southern Minne sota community for treatment at Mayo Clinic. Mrs. Ramsey, whose husband Is statistician-financier, said she heard of the child's plight through the newspapers. She has talked with Mrs. McKeown three times week recently. "Sunday she called and said she had hooked a seat lor me on a plane," Mrs. McKeown said. EWAUNA Toaslmistress, 7:) p.m., meeting, Winema Hotel. KLAMATH SPORTSMEN, reg ular meeting. 7:30 p.m. Clubhouse. TU 2-0369, TU 2-5007. TUESDAY SHASTA VIEW COMMUNITY HI.DG. ASSOC., 8 p.m., potluck, election of officers. Community Hall, Shasta Way and Madison. CAMP FIRE, 6:30 p.m., annual dinner meeting, Winema Motor Hotel. Reservations, call TU 4-4884. FARM BUREAU WOMEN, Klamath County, ,12:30 p.m., luncheon, Winema Motor Hotel Mrs. Irene Tice on Taxpayers League. LAKESIIORR DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB, 11 a.m., dupli cate bridge, City Library. WOTM, Chapter 467, 7:30 p.m., Friendship meeting, Moose Home. AMERICAN LEGION AUXD.I- ARY, Klamath Unit No. 8, 8 p.m., meeting. Legion Hall. LAKESIIORE DUPLICATE Bridge Club, 11 a.m., duplicate bridge, City Library. ALTA.MONT PTA, 9:30 a.m., study group. 4512 Clinton Ave. Topic, Grow Up and be a Woman. ROOSEVELT PTA, 2:30 p.m., meeting, tea to follow, school. Child care provided. WEDNESDAY KLAMATH FALLS HOME ENJOY A CLEAN CAR ALL WINTER Call Sparkle Car Wash 4023 i. 6th Ph. TU 4.JJ41 GUARANTEED REPAIR SERVICE AT WARDS Hl-fl phona. latlii. TV. applianca . . . a Ward technician It lull priona call awavt You'll H! Ih servlct . , , fnd Iht prictl Call today! MONTOOMKRY WAUD UHVICI OlPARTMiNT TU 4-1111 tin A Pint CUBSC 3-lb. can All vegetable shortening for cooking, baking, or frying. Neutral flavor. ROTO Pillsbury The prize-winning flour. Extra fresh, white smooth blending. 25 lb. sack $ 69 PEANUT BUTTER Real Roast. Tastes like real peanuts 3-lb. jar your BEST place io save because . . . Your total food bill is lower here shopping trip after shopping trip. quality merchandise gives meaning to ow prices you find here the brands you know and depend upon. weekly specials mean "bonus" savings for you. our unconditional guarantee protects your every purchase. Safeway's own brands mean quality foods at extra savings. Pinto Beans Town Housa Elbow Macaroni Grapefruit Town HouM Chili Con Carne Roast Beef w ,h flravy Cat Food Ko Nip Instant Milk Wax Paper Cu Rl" Mb. pkg. & long Spaghetti SunriM 2-lb. Motions 303 can Hormel'j ISVi os. Libby's. 12 or 29c 3s$1 2M5c .' 39c 49c 15 oi. can 329c 99c 12 qt. tin 1 25 ft. roll 29c WALDORF TISSUE Soft, strong, pure. Nicest of Its kind. rolls Safeway Sells Only the FINEST Meat! Fine V'Wj deserve $4 our expert Semitone rTVew i h'j care! j u' l j ' .2 : . 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Excellent quality; large heads. ib. 2 far chlds bath Fab Detergent Save52?b.,J.o,pk9. 1" Ad Detergent Sove ,5c 4o.Pk,. 74c Ajax Cleanser Sove 2c M o, c.n 2?31c Liquid Ajax Florient "oom eo'n More "Garden Room" Specials Potato Chips 39c with Ammonia. Sove 10c C 28 ox. OjL Large size 8?C Steero Cubes Blue Bell 6' j ei. pkg Beef & Chicken t fi And Villoqe Cleaners at the Town & Country Shopping Center Tomatoes Rcd r re ' cei ,b. 35c SAVE as Emperor Grapes 2 29c T,TZ?Z Rananac Co,dcn bcautl" 0 OOr ""d"' J"' " " I Dalla(ld) llbl. Ill -r in Kl.rn.rh f.Mi H Wi rtitrvc rh rifjht to Cucumbers No ' """ .... 15c SAVE as you spend . . . with GOLD BOND Stamps i J a