PERSONALS 6 KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous. Tu, 4-3W1. TU 4-VU. Friendly nclo nyJime KLAMATH Alinon for cojntirtg and' meetings. TU 40591, TU 4-1704 tnytima. KLAMATH r''ivigMCBftndtdTli.l tented, invtttigerionj, lecuriiy, p o. Box 24 . VACANCY for lady or c"tleman need ng nurilng and -or convalescent cart fountain view Nurjing Home, 394 Park, AlMand. Ort. Ph. 412-1316. GRAHAM'S licensed home for Iht agtd. private rooms or warn care, specie rii, personal fnteresi ensured, TU 7-314S SERVICES 10 CHAMBERS HOUSE MOVING, founda tions, leveling, TU 3-0116 or TU MOM. WAT ERplpe "thawing celTu""4-3913 between 7 a.m. and It noon. PIPE THAWING Phone TU 4-7980 FILL that vacant rental with a fait act ing Want Ad. Slmoly dial TU 4-1111. THE PRIM POODLE, custom grooming, for appointment, TU 4-4239. TREE surgery, such as removal, prun ing, topping, grooming. TU 3-2961. RMODELI NG and"" repairs, a 1 1 kinds, reasonable, references, IU 3-5311. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant or leave at your place. Al Stoll. TU 4-6116. DOLLS repaired, modern and antique. Reasonable prices. Lorna'i Doll Hospi tal, TU 4-6992, 1434 Lake vie. Coin Op Laundry Toptoad Washers Also 20 lb. Washers TIC SHOPPING CENTER Behind U.S. Bank . Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring alterations for men, women, children. All work guaranteed. Reason able prices. Gene's Mens Wear 537 Main Jess' Tree Service Tree topping, removing, any kind o( ciean-uP work. Free estimates. TU 44411 Don't Guess Call Jessl TREE topping, pruning, insured tree Grooming. Lakeshore Nursery, TU 4-4M5. FuileTBrush TU 5972 DENTAL PLATES Repaired while you wait. New Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-3214 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed Insured professional service Trees fopned or removed. PHONE TU 4-e EDUCATIONAL 13 NEW 1943 World Book Encyclopedia, Ruth Icnaetfer, tu 4-4941 before f a.m. BRIGHT, cheerful atmosphere for your pre-schooler. Attractive, sunny, nicely quipped nursery school, experienced teacher. Hot Springs. Visitors welcome. TU 4 579? HELP WANTED, FEMALE U LADIES: Earn extremely high commit. ion plus new seasonal wardrobes. Bee Line Home Fashion shows No Investment Car & phone necessary. Call belore 10 .m. or evenings, 7-8 p.m. TU 4-5255. SPEEDY It the word advertisers use to describe Want Ad results. Diet TU 4-1111. PART-TIME work, interesting market re search Interviewing. Car desirable. High school grad. or more. Write Box 436C, care of Herald and News. NEEDED at once, ladies from Dprris. Malm, Klamath Falls, full or part-time, party plan, TU 2-4301. POSITION available approximately Jen, IS with Klamath Falls Creamery. Some ttenography, general of'ice work. Apoli- cent nvjst at apove average tvpist. i nis Is a good (ob tor the right person. Starting aiary commensurate o aoiiiiy or ei Denence. AddIv In person to Klamath Fans Creamery Office, 1:30 a n. to 10:30 a m. mornings. HELP WANTED, MALE .16 EXTRA CASH Men, no Investment work full or part time selling the famous Knapp Aerotred Shoes. Earn top commission? plus bonus, ptus free Insur ance. Previous shoe experience NOT nec essary write W. J. Theisson, Knapp Bros. Shoes, 6401 E. Flotilla St., E. Lot An geles 22, Calif. VOUNG man In good physical condition With farm or hardware background for Inside selling and stock wortc. Contact Ranch Wholesale Supply, Merrill Lake view Junction, TU 2-5541 f a m. to S p m. ' WANT EO brake and alignment man. Muit be experienced. Good v ear Store, 201 So. 11th. Call Don, TU 4-1141. EXPERIENCED Barber wen'ed. Good location. TU 4-7161, TU 3-3726. EXPERIENCED butcher to operate meat deoariment in new grxery tore In Dor rs. Cant. Must have own hand tools. EX 7-7751. SAW FILE who wants permanent position In (to fac tory located in Central California. Must ta tperitnced end have references Write Box 437C. care of He'a'd and New DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN? Age !S end ever Married ? years SUCCESSFUL Sales exper fence Financially stable ' Good appearance IF YOU DO NFPE IS WHAT CAPEFR WITH ALL STATE CAN MEAN TO HIM Parting SALARY ptul COMMISSION Mimmum Guarantee 15000 equally. (This is not a draw or Advance). lcomt Opportunities Unlimited. Multiple Lines ) weeks tra-ning course with salary plus 'l per diem. Seers' Famoul Prof'f Sharing Plan. I I weeks vacation annually WITH PAY Group Hospiteliiation and Life Insurance. Renewals. Ran'rt Advancement due to our rapid g-owth. plus other excellent advantages. HELP WANTED 17 PAROLE OFFICER Parr-ie and probation work at venu to- rations irt Oregon. Must be between f aid 59; cciieoe graduate end have "e vear-s epe'ence as a parole c'licer, r m related social wn-h O' team ing $rv renoe- to M 6'W Aooiy Immediately: O'00n Cvl Service Con fvinon, Pud lie Service Bunding. Se'em ' NOTtCETdJOBSFFKEPS Ail hem wanted arts eubinhed t te Kee'd News are accepted in good f e th that te lobs o'eed as I'a'ed in th adverting ccov we are net re snons.bie for the inteor.ty o our adver ties, but we mae every effort to tM eover and reject all misleading advertis ing. Anyce ens ering a help wented d end finding it to be misleading s atrl fn rfwt it fn the Ciass 'ied Ad vertising Department of the Herald SI UATIONS WANTED 1 FXBFRiENCEO reneh ha' I'eaay wO'h O' any kind TU CHILD C4'e. vour hon-e or TU ? I77, TU 3 J"I .18 wants LICFN5EO CHILD C ARB by hour, day, week (Vonday through Friday, lam. n 4 p rr '3:1 Ce'Hon O'ive. TU 3-'$4 UNuSuAt! eHe's get resoaie wa m "Personal Ce' TU mil ROOMS FOR RENT 22 O t. E a j ccn-'o'feo e moms 4. becH f-em Ve-n. $S up. TU e 435 n f- EsLE -aV c 1 room, 130 Per " "th- Crescent. i' ES. 154 N 3'5"cie in. "9- reasoebit, D' nej, TU 4-:i7. i-EAvhea'edr"gult, 1 terj;o foor"$- AFaRTmINTS for hint 24 PiB AP'tS, XT- UP. M - ria'urat rot a-e'. tu 4-i?i4, T'J-2!S4. - '!DEON3r'"s """l t'"- ,1 ""a wC' t'-ck court, eer?es. 33' S"'" 24 DUPLEX, 4 room lurilshed, excellent local. on, garage, laundry, 160. TU CLEAN, quiet, furnished, balri. steam heat, near courthouse, 4U Wainuf. ATTRACTIVE 7fh L Pinr lurnhhed, tree heat. Adults, 119. JO, Alpha Apts., TU 4 4522. CLEAN, convenient 2 r.j 3 room fur niihed apartments. Water, garbage paid.) vvesncr, dryer, rv ciole available! HO and 150. Vide Marquse. 1310 Oak. TU 4-7(51 7 to 9 p m. weeKdaySi Saturday afternoon and Sundays. STEAM heat, furnished acts, adults; also bachelor apt., 213 Cedar. TU 4-9553. FUPNISHED one bedroom act., gn equipped, adults only, 2033 Eoerleln. ONE bedroom furnished apartment, 333 Sg. nth FURNISHED apartments 14 Riverside IU 2-4736. ONE pr 2 bedroom furnished. Heat, waterpald. 625 Grant, TU 2-4719. CONSTRUCTToNworkers welcome! Near OTl site, furnished, TV available. weekly rates. Pelican Motel, TU 3-9256. NtCELY furnlshv 2 bedroom apartment,1 (2S Lincoln. TU 4-5692. APARTMENT near Weyerhaeuser fur- nisned. Utilities, steam heat, WO. 4-8313, EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 119 50. 11th. TU 2-1062. 2 BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart ment, immediate occupancy, tu 2-4500. COMFORTABLE furnished apt., close In, utilities paid, 126 N. 3rd. BACHELOR apartment, 547 50, heat, w ter, garbage service included. Inquire 223 NO. 6th, Apt. 102. COMPLETELY furnished Including util itles, 1411 Main. NICELY furnished 4 room apartment. Wool rugs. Ask about utilities being paid. Baby accepted, tu 4-362. FURNISHED 1 room apt., $40, utilities paid. 419 No. 10th. FURNISHED clean one bedroom apart ment, hot water heat. Call TU 2-3151 ENJOYABLE, downtown furnished, heat free. Adults, US, Alpha Apartments, TU 4-4522. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, ground floor,: auto, washer hookup, fenced, S50, TU 4-5686. SPARKLING, uptown, furnished. Large I bedroom, extra bath, heat free, adults, 105, Alpha Apartments, TU 4-4532. CLEAN newly decorated for couple or single, utilities, S60, Greer Apts. 140 AND 149.50, nely decorated, couple or single, on 9th St. Gun Store. FURNISHED front apt. AM utilities paid except lights. Natural hot water heat, 152.50. Lincoln Apartments, Apt. 5, 319 E. Main. Adults only. NICE clean furnished apartment, close In, TU 2-2531, TU 4-6966. 2 BEDROOMS furnished apts., carport. TU 2-4935 anytime, TU 4-3269 after 115 TO 120 weekly rates, kitchens avail able, Johnny's Motel, 2005 Biehn. NEW furnished apt. 142.50. See 1030 Up ham St., TU 4-9907. THREE room completely furnished apart ment, 199 Walnut, TU 4-5472. NICELY furnished, three rooms and bath, garage, private entrance, TU 2-1214. FURNISHED large 3 rooms. Clean, warm, rug. 145, inquire 1624 Division. REX ARMS 1 OR 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT!. CLOSE IN HEAT, WATER, GARBAGE PAID 224 BROAD - TU 2-9217. Audley Apartments $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COST1 1-3-1 ewfroom apts., turnisned or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance Included, Monday through Friday . SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS U17 WASHBURN WAY TU 4-M7J Office hours I a.m. to 5 p.m. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Woy On and Two Bedroom apfi. Furnished end Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Daily, Weekly Motel Ratei TU 2-5577 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 9944 Union 1 Bedroom unfurnished 1 Bedroom unfurnished Soecloue Rooms Tastefully Decorated Wall to Wall Carpeting Swimming Pool Rental Includes all service! eceot telephone and electricity no'0hea Nelen TU 7-oTM HOUSES FOR RENT 26 CLfAN 3 bedroom house In Suburban District, Call TU 1-6261. SUPE RlOR, furnished one bedroom du. ple. utility room, fraih burner, walk In doefs. It? Upham, TU ? 3366. POR rent, cabin, labnr allowed on rnt Mrs. Bob Adams. Bonenie, or phone Loreiia 4itl. ONE bedroom houie, furnished. $47.50; bachelor cab n. furnished. $77 50; T 1 bedroom, unfurnished. $77 50, TU 46'30 CLEAN ont bedroom furnished cabin. $33, 133S Adams, TU 4-3154. TU SMALL t bedroom, garage, gas fur nace, range, S'0. inquire ISP? Caiifc TWO bedroom unfurnished bouse. 4-4379. TWO bedroom partly furnished house. du;re ?437 Wanttand. TWO bedroom furnished houe In Mer rill, Ore. Charles R. Dyer, 791-5713. UNFURNISHED two bedronm house. East Vain, one child, TU 4-?io. VFRY ronrrv 1 bedroom home Qui location. Cioie to town. TU 4-3669. FOR rent 3 bedroom hou'e. welt fo wan carpeting living room, perny rurmsnea. TU 2-3744. nished or unfurnished, Homedaie. I'07' ONE bedroom furnished ouole: Adults, no dogs. $45. TU 4-47H. ONE beSrocm ynfurnijhe I. elect' range, buil'm Oven. etra bedroom an-t Storage tpace a"ched to garage. 3 acres. 3330 Grape. TU 4-33C. I V'.'ACULATE, unfumshed 3 bedroom home. Inqu 'O 2333 Un on ONE bedroom furr-ithed house, cat, TU 4-4J79. LARGE two bed'OOm un'urnijhed duple htf new. $45. H'3 S tktyOu, TU 4-7514 T AO bed'oci a:' n.l heat, :), 3-?t? c T J liin!-ed. c , garbage ped. TU 934 two hrortrrt unfurnished Suburhai hce. $5 mo"th, call Strout Realty. TU 4-SJIL Or owner. ' U 7-41i I TWO b4rOOTi home, wail to wa'l pe' ng. fenced vro, oaoecue p", 7-1 m iriMP hert'oom unfu'nilet house. !59, 313 Va-n. Phone TU 3J LARGE t ei fu'nhed tn bed'onm house e'ese to school and stores. Can TU 4-13)7. o F t 1 o ED'' Looing fc an a"ect tie Ouit fully furmshed Ef.onomic.el 'i hat 4 rooms o!uS ft' PJCh One er'ra laoe bd-oom Aahfr. dryer, refrig. e'a'or. nejv pthrnom large yard, fu'l s re ge'aoe 5'0 Cnttage tss immed a 'Cipency. TU 3-l'$ for farther in. 'O'me'iOn. V'LLS "ee -om S'es a-1 'e' jef. a'cr Wai', ri'er hocyp TU 3 "853 furs'SmED i bed'oom Ciese in. heat, vac ant now' TU 4-??6 Tvvo he-oon. fbrmthed h-xse w'h ga 'age mgu -e 'P37 Sve-s Li-e t wo bed'oem t,n- sed house. jrj V Phg-e TU 4 (0i. USUNtSMED wo bd'rjnm d-C e. -age. 'recace. xn B?Q'd"-aw. tu ryo T0 bed-onm t ScVrt'. 29 V-'-Crvcco5LF o-r5e. Cefo-' fu-n -ei. rear fo be-1'oom WH'S 0a?e' e wa'er prHi e ed Ov d, Tu A PA RTM EN TWO R RENT .... WAR 'A. CLEAN. COMFORTABLE, lei Units Mitrt kitchens, lo w weekly rate. TU 4-JiJ HOUSES FOR RENT 26 EXTRA clean 1 had room furnished house. Reasonable. Call TU urS FURNISHED two bedroomhot well, ga rage, fenced back yard, TU 4-77S. NEAT and clean 3 veer old 3 bedroom unfurnished duplex. New stove and refrig erator. Mills Addition, US. TU 2-4664. Eves. TU 4-5544. OUTSTANDING bedroom dcpie en Laverne. electric heat, garage, fireplace, TU 3-4753. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, living room, kitchen, ad bath Pull basement. Two oarages. Gas heal. Sas cooking. In sulated. Renting lor only $45 mo. TU 347). SMALL unfurnished house. Mills Addition, $40. TU 4-9333. SMALL two bedroom house, automatic gas beat, washer-dryer hookup, garage, S60, TU 3-5332 or TU 4-4619. BEDROOM duplex. Water, garbage paid. Stove, refrigerator, $60. TU 4-4915. MODERN, unfurnished 7 bedroom. At. lathed garaqe. Fireplace. Water, garbage paid. 3 miles north of town. $75. TU 4-5647. REMODELED 3 bedroom duplex, furnish $65. Inquire Hi Pine. SMALL two bedroom unfurnished houte. TU 4-9161 or TU 4-659. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, water paid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-145. ATTRACTIVE, FURNISHED 1 BED ROOM HOUSE. $50, TU 4-8241. HOT SPRINGS 2 bedroom upstairs, un furnished duplex, garage. Adults oniy, $65. T U 4-4850. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, $65. Children, pets, ok. References required TU 3-4590. THREE bedroom home with two bar rooms on Watson St. Unfurnished. $)30 per month. Call TU 3-390? or TU 2-3930. TWO unfurnished two bedroom houses. south suburban, $65, TU 2-3933. TWO bedroom unfurnished house. TU 4-6033. NICE 3 bedroom furnished house. $75. TU 7-3852. MISC. PROPERTY TO LIT 27 FOR lease 140 acres level ground under aalion, Macdoe area. 70 acres good spud ground. Or will sell or trade. TU REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 TWO or three bedroom in city under $17,500. Give details. Box 429C, Herald and News. WE are BUYING smt EQUITIES IF you want to SELL, SEE PAUL McATEE 339 EAST MAIN STREET TU 3-4646 for an APPOINTMENT REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .. 24 WILL trade small home In Mills for equity in 2 or 3 bedroom Cash for bal ance or will assume mortgages. Pbone TU 3-3461 days or TU 4-5934 eves. t't ACRE ranch style 3 bedroom home, fireplace, 2' j baths, nicely landscaoed yard, excellent view, $37,500. Location Yreka, will trade for Klamath Fails prop erly. TU 3-5048. I am o "TRADER" ARE YOU? why sell when you can trade. Cai DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders Ctutj Licensed Ore. Cel. (da. Wash. 1037 Vain St. TU 4-41J3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 31 HrtT tDDIUr. Cimlti (una hnm hnt wter heat, priced to sell. TU 4-7915. THREE bedroom brick, 4715 Onyx, Vi baths, wall to wall carpet, fireplace, built oven and range, sprinkler system, $19,800. Will accet J or i bedroom trailer trade. TU 3-5133. ONE bedroom partially furnished, low down payment, Mills Adn'n, TU 4-4411 TWO bedroom home, garage. A real buy tor $6,950. 3213 Laurel. 3-BEDROOM brick home, fireplace. Wash er, drver, stove Included. Fenced yard, covered patio. 16'x30' shop. $17,500. Call TU 3-0334 alter 5 p.m. THREE bedroom home for sale. 1749 Summers Lane, TU 4-4539. NEAR Roosevelt School. 3 bedroom home sparkling clean and bright, fireplace, hardwood floors, full light basement, storm windows, furnace heat. Owner leav ing town. Assume equity, existing r ha loan Of $8,700. TU 2-5050. NO DOWN PAYMENT I will sell my $1,350 eauity in this $5,500 furnished 2 bedroom home for only 5w This need not be cash. Pay it over 3 months. Assume my loan nf $4,283.90. pay able $55 per mo 3014 Gary St. Credit iust be good. Move In for NO DOWN PAYMENT. THREE bedroom home, cold room, ga rage, shop, barn, pasture. TU 4-8338. CiKE new 3 bedroom home in lovely ne'ohborhood near new OTl site. Taste fully landscaped IO print, out m nner features. Newiy redecoretea mrougnour. Etre large bedrooms, third bedroom can ha uied as a den or sewing room. Full bath with separate shower plus etra nan bath. Built In range and oven, eating nooK kitchen, dining "L off living room. fireplace. Economical natural gas heat. Covered patio with beautiful back yard completely fenced. Large double garaqe paneled in mahogany, inn nome is im maculately clean Call TU 2-1423 tor ap pointment to see. AfRE. 3 bedroom south suburban, double garage, shop, chicken house, TU 3-H4B. 15 ACRES, unimproved, paved road, beau tiful building site, Henley school District, $4,500. TU 4-7114. 3 BEDROOM home, Mills, electric het, garage, storage. M 500. Can be financed. 4-8856 days, TU 4-53Q7eves. FOUR apertme-its, excellent Inveitmenf, dose In, TU 3-7531. TU 4-6966. LARGE 4 bedroom heme only I blocks from, trhool and Sheooino center. duced to Si 3.009 for qu-ck ae. T U 4-8226. 160 ACRES Sprague River frontaoe 23 ecres Irrigat ed. 50 head graring capacity. A good rec reational spot for fishing and hunt ng Only $32,000, 3$ per cent down. Good terms. BRUCE OWENS Woody Bowers COUNTRY ESTATE Approximately i ecres. Three bedroom home, carpeted. Several outbuildings, run ning stream. Only H6 500, Terms. "CALL US TODAY" Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS 434 MAIN TU 4 93 54 Anytime TU 3-r4 MILLS ADDITION. Lrge J berfroom home Fcroijicv. B o triehr. Ect tnl ItVAtiCn nr KhOOl. AoDft1nd Ht t S0 Mutt an A'ftr. he rtaion ibl deal turned down. FAIPVIE.V SCHOOL dut'ic Cwftbl ) froO"! rt(jm. With tirfol jtfJH, U1 (W'fh, lull tHHmM with litre bea room MIS0. fintnctd. DON SLOAN Realtor 3C4 So. 7h SI. TU 4-MSI Aytlm CfNP hv". bijii'ipt vitw SIct fo ttruct oo ' tg. tt. ot living ipae Lara well rH'n''J ttvihfl room wfh tree Thrt bcd'oemi, wan 0 W1l cS'Ot' m t-virtfl room, ) MorDOmi rwf haM AMathed Q'3 With carport !. w'Tid frut rocm. SaifrwarrJ rJifMl nil -orcfd at h?at. Earl Amfr.can 1' lu. t,jrv AM fn.i 0" large "W 1 S W. I wn'rt lo-j'erly yitw Fully lanlitaOW) with ui3f)'rxnd iprmntr v"rn. Bitilt in )61 Pricul at cot. Shown by a ope"1 'man! only. SruH S..nufha ht OM'onm homt y i erM o vry nod 0'atJ pai tu' KID irr.oa'inn La-gf living 'ryi w tn wail to will carpet and ffeoic O i hav dowD tarpo't. wn'o ad i'vaoe iJ V'v comfn-'-le hnm wh icMfi fo it.anot" P' red I'J. SCO. Sr-n By iPO.ntrrtnt tn'-t. Midland Empire REALTY CIV lEJUEL'R, t'eVtr Jiti 0 D-yi-j TU 4-M51 RIAL KTATE FOR SALI 30 NEW, large view heme. Large lot. cloie to new OTl and hosoita , dayl'Oht base ment. Appointment only. TU 2-O570. THREE bedroom home for sale. No down payment. South suburbs. TU 4-306) eves. RIVERSIDE AREA $6,950 is the full price for this very neat and wen constructed 2 bedroom home Oil heet, separate utility toom. Interior spotless. Concrete foundation, garage, fenced yard. Terms. LEONARD REALTY 111! M,ln TU 4-7511 w TU i-Wi TU ,-!!! Audrtv Keerfns Jot Ptrry TU , 533! TU J 052? Jm Ltonard MLS Multiple Listing Service INCOME! ! 3 Apartments In a converted home close ts Main it. Good view over Lake Ewauna and the v"ey. Apartments rent for $50, $40, $30, total H20. Individual heat. This is not a status symbol type of prop erty. It is lust place for YOU to make 1 high rate of income on YOUR money. Including furniture. PEYTON MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 835 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings Harold M. Rush TU 2-4I7J "Pat" Paloni TU 3-0836 TOP RANCH LISTINGS 3800 acres deeded land 340 acres Taylor Grazing. All under fence $330,000 4M arret 1144.000 IU acres Improved Lake on property wi.nno 160 acres - all pasture Free Irri gation $35,000 30 acres home partially con structed $9,000, Please come Into our office for details of these listings. BRICK 0)1 CONSTRUCTION Quality and comfort. 3 bedroom, parly room, 3 fireplaces. 1,500 sg. ft. floor space. If your home Is too small for you now, offer It In exchange on this one. Call anytime for appointment to see. ULTRA-MODERN DREAMHOUSE Clerestory windows In living room. BrleV wall with circulating fireplace. 3 bed rooms, Vi baths, family room, built In appliances and lots or storage. A steal at $16,000. STILES REALTY MEMBF R INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 So. tth St. Phone TU 2-4740 Fred Tucker Lois Macy Iris Madde Hank Hensen Homer Stiles TU 4-9743 TU 3-SAA7 TU 4 5WS TU 3-3int TU 4-9904 STILWELL & CO. Presents: TRIPLE LEVEL SUBURBAN - H you like a place that Is a little different, you will be pleased with this attrac five 3 bedroom home. Large carpet ed living room with fireplace, dining room, exceptionally attractive kitchen with comotete built-in enuipment, 3' baths, family room, convenient util ily room, attached garaqe with e tre storage room. City water & Sewer HFNLEV SCHOOL DISTRICT. Owner transferred will deal on this. Will consider smaller house or paper in trade. STILWELL & CO. Realtors 5lt Main Street TU 4-3138 After S 00 call Bruce Bmklev TU 4-3471 Ron Van Orman TU 3-393 If no answer call TU 4-700 or TU 2-0444 Multiple Listing bervice MLS Suburban Charmer Lovely thre bedroom home close to school. Nice sired living room, dining area, kitchen with bunt in ranqe ana even, two baths. Large lot. Price $13,300. Terms. i Northside I mmeeuiate three bedroom home. Large iving room with fireplace, kitchen with abundance of built Ins, dming area, hard wood floors throughout, family room with fireplace in daylight baement, two baths. Price only $ 15.950, terms. 2.5 Acre Ranchette Lovely three bedroom home located five miles from the heart of town. Nice liv ing room with raised hearth fireplace, dming room, kitchen with lots Of built ins and breakfast area, hardwood floors, bath end half. Price $17,500. terms. ANDY SILANI REALTOR TU 7-4V TU J l M TU I 554 Ed rV-trr.Hl Andy Silnnl Multiple Listing bervic MLS i'i'A WISE CHOICE THIS ARTISTIC HOT SPRINGS 4 BfTO' POOM ENGLISH STYLE HOWE wH pleee th most discriminating family Tastefully appoointed throughout. hjur. iomiy carpeted with matching drapenes Full basement with huge retra'0" room, J' t oaths. Sefiuded. high-f"f M rear vai area, ?-car oaraoe. GOING FOR lit. 50. 10 P' cent din conven. I onal loan or convenient FHA Of 01 loan terms. iV SHASTA WAY HEE S l'i ATRES. w th well ilt J Y. room home. Private we't 0' trrigat.nn Has 14 w l ft partial conree haseme-t. storage building Asmg S YA. A iT H REASONABLE CONTRACT TERVS DRIVE BY IS!) SHASTA WAY; then give ul t ten. iVYOUR OWN HOME PLUS S APARTMENTS INVEST WISELY IN ASSURED IN- COVE Ciosem furnished rental, just level blncn 'rrm Main S'ree' Neat nd wetl-malntained, ALvVAYi ftENTED Re turns till monthly PLUS YOUP OWN MOVE A OUtCK SALE PRICE OP IU. 000. Conven.ent terms. OUICK ACTION ON LISTINGS'! Chilcote ond SMITH PEALTOS S'NCE 1909 SEE LS FCR INSURANCE, TOO 711 N th St Pn- TU i-Tt) S SI Pe'innngl. fV'i Chr"e Ph tij r)t Eves Tem tahhtt Ph. Tu -4U tes Fl fh.trn. Atnr 0rfer I Bob Cjrto'i. tf' REAL ESTATE FOR SAL! . . 38 NICE 3 or 4 beoroom home, bui't inl Oven, range. d'Shwaer 3 paths, forced!. air furnace, uitfi'rnhed. make nffer fir I lease option, $100 per mo., references, 5945 Aiv. MOVING? We will "TRADE" vour property any where welt of tne Rxkieal Cell DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member Infernal onal Traders Club Licensed-Ore. Cel Ida Wash STROUT REALTY Bob Stella Dehlmger Hank Holman TU 2-.W1 TU 3-S04B Three bedroom ranch type home, Henley District. Attached double garage sealed. $13,750. Duple in nice suburban area, always ented. 131.PW. low aown, Half acre Homedaie. Three bedroom home full basement, llCSCO. MLS Multiple Listing Service DRIVE BY 3702 HOMEDALE ROAD Two bedroom, r 1 baths. Price $7,500. 515 HILLSIDE Two bedroom, covered patio. Price $9,950. 413 ALAMEDA Five bedroom, 1 oa'ni. Price $13,950. THEN CALL US FOR THF EXCELLENT TERMS ON THESE. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE MEMBE INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 30 S. eth TU 3-3776 Mildred Hall TU 4 8576 (Van) VanSickle TU 2-6133 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Please Investigate thoroughly any Invest. menl of moneys In merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities be fore Investing your capital. The Herald and News makes every effort lo relect fraudulent or misleading advertising. however, we are not responsible for the Integrity of the firms or Individuals who place advertising In our publication. Any advertising of business opportunities ap pearing lo be fraudulent or misleading should be reported to the Classified Ad vertising Department of the Herald and News. We're Not SELLING OUT! But If vou want to rent something . . . anything from plumber's tools to portable neaiers . . . iei s iam Bumc, VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E. Mam TU 4-6812 FINANCIAL - LOANS 34 NEED MONEY for PAYING BILLS? If noaqlnq bills becomft a nut' iance, aet rid of them! Cherk courteous, confidential, cosh loan plan. You'll be glad you did. FOR READY CA5H See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance. New & Used Cor Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Privote Auto Sales Financed Locolly Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. 511 So 6th TU 4.7783 H OUSEHOLP GOODS 37 t cu. FT. Wetingfiouie LDrighl (recur, old, S100. TU 450JI. 2 VS. HOUSEHOLD furnishing for sale, AH In e'ceMent condition and reasonably priced. 302 E. Wain. GUARANTEED USED RANGFS RFFRIOEBATORS WASHFPJ DRYERS WATER HtAlfcHS Cascade Home Furn. 41 Vain TU -45 WESTINGHOUSE Automatic SOO"5 ASHER 1 Guarontrerl KIRKPATRICK'S East S-de Appdonces 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 REPOSSESSED ALMOST NEW SINGER SLANT-O-MATIC When New $284.50 YOU PAY ONLY s9.90 MONTHLY After Small Down Payment SINGER SEWING CENTER Moin TU 2-2H FUEL - HEATING 38 FUEL 0 1. Furnaces, Hia-e-s Wei t('n O'l i Burner, TU 4 11 PiNC'body-wood. 1 to II incti length, ys cord, delivered. TU 4-S9C?. GOOD re4 fir bod wonrt jij eorij, de livered. TU 4-7671, TU I-MU. CALL CLIFP YADEN For P-etio Logs l Heating 0'1$ Ve'ered Preoene Saiei S A H Grten S'emps Ooen 74 hi'frs 350 South Sixth TU HV and TU DRY In-jeooie pme and pmg body wood. any ln?!ht. TU 1-3701. PRFPAPE FORWINTER STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest O'l & WooH Strwet TOR ALL YOU FUEL NEFDS" Frankford Fuel Co. No fWhn St. TU J 444 GOOD THINGS TO lAT 39 BF E F, PGR", whniese'e. emtoot bvtth. e' -g, Cw't'n'j. curing. Samroctr V't teeti - Pen Sperht . Hohkiei 40' t' puP b'1i'9. P COLL'F DuertM. TU J JtJI, iVJ WinltP Vi rTifjnlhi, HLACK min pWt pnr-. erHnl 6iOJ !.?, rOM'HTrm,. TU JVM HUPP (f S. Pw1'M, PHrtjn. Pi". Mf)ct. pooO't Cl'Opirt?. ,TU 4-525. . Fe Sorte . H.bblee 40 "A HOME AWAY F POM HOME" . . for your pets. Dog & cat boarding nm 1 par uatrf umiiru kernels wnn eutstde runs. 74 hr. servce. pickup I. delivery. Special rates tor stea dv or monthly boarders, special enen t on tg females In season. Visitors we come Shasta Cascade Kennels. usf past ruemii-Lakeview J u net ten. Highway en Booth Road. Rte. I Box 5C4E, TU 4-S07I. ICE SKATES LARGE SUPPLY NONE OVER S4 All Shapes and Sues LOW PRICES AND TRADES The RESALE HOUSE 3899 So. Sixth RADIO . TV . MUSIC 41 l RENT a new Baldwin piano, $10 a month, No delivery charge Bowden MuilC CO. 130 Main, TU 3 4BI3. PULL set of drums, $IS0 TU 3-34911 EXPERIENCED piano teacher, beginn ers, advanced. Blanche Mapes. TU 4-3M9. WE pay cash tor used pianos. Derby's Music TU 4-5131 USED ORGAN TRADE-INS BALDWIN THOMAS LOAREY . HAMMOND EASY TERMS SAVE UP TO $450 BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Mom TU 2-4883 THE "ISLE OF CAPRI" is luit mlnulas awfty en a LOWREY ORGAN $595 $3295 (As Advertised In Life) KLAMATH MUSIC CENTER 515 E. Main TU 4-33M Used Hammond CHORD AQC ORGAN ' '3 New Hammond "Extrovolce" $AQC Organ OlD DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "31 Years on 7th S4-' No Tth TU 4-iHI UVISTOCK ft POULTHY BABY calves for salt 4-3607, 3313 Autumn. or trade. TU FOR sale 3-year-old dark colored enny. TU 4 9383 or see at 1417 Hope. FOR sale long yearling Angus bulls. TU 2-4760, KLAMATH PROVE SIRE SERVICE TU 4-4400, TU Ml 15, TU 4-4551, TU 3-4103 BABY calves for sale, 1845 Gary, phone TU 3-5889. KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! !all "Woodv" Gueck, Owner-Mgr, TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY ot 1 p.m. sharp Rte. 3. Box 44 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Road Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. The BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Make Your Plans Now to Consign to the Stock mem Market. Tuesday is sale day in the Klamath Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Office 4-9667 Home 4-9436 MACHINERY .... 44 DOZER BLADES for TD6's - TD9'S - D4'$ HD5's - D6's TD6 Angle Dozer - $2,500 J. C. Equipment Co. A.h f. Hilvorrl TU 2-2051 MISC. FOR RENT .43 FOR RENT screw lack and hvdriullc lacks, Klamaih Valley Lumber Co., 1940 6lh. TU 4-4(1. FOR RENT, American lloor sander and edger, wift and eav to operate, and paoers and Bruce floor finishes Klam ath Valley Lumber Co. 140 So. 4th. TU 4-4H. RENTALS ON MMBltiil Bdt. WMl rh,lr. W,llrr, rn'tchts. CommodM nd doll A Way BHl. MERCHANDISE MART ?6i So rfth TU 4-6f,f,n MfSC. WANT ID 46 WANTED rear aile w truch and dual aie log trailer, both to take A-hoie Budd sheets Ph FYnre! R 7V Warrioel MISC. FOR SALI ... SI FOR tale fence posts, old growth heart redwood, 4$ centi each. Ph. Newell 44- Q441. LADIES V cerat diamond wedding set Platinum mounting. TU J-M0S. INK BARRELS. i: so Press Room, Herald end Newt. drain roctt. oravei. eng roadwey ma' terlal, TU 4 e. GEO. . STACY CO. TOPSOiu-concrete eggregate driveway maerii, dram rock. J. W. Barnei, TU a-75 PEST KIL Livfilock Sp'r Ctttt OIIr. Carroll Lie Tlckl, rnQt, 'CI. $1 50 GAL In CHIC LOt I "Othff Aiim,l M,iih Preduet" PACIf IC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE 4621 So. 6th TU 2-4555 SPECIAL OFFER FREE FLOWER SEEDS TAKE YOUP PICK Youri For Tri StOP IN TOOAYI GOODYEAR STORE I I I I a IP1CAL ICF SAlf OUT QP PAWN DIAMONDS GHARANTFf O Qitahfy Lcveit pricf s in tom it CODER'S EXCHANGE its trm'w.ih TU t l'tt DURALON WAX NO MORE ffl. W-vid - U-viLut! - Conertl C8rtr V.Witt . Wtll Attilt er But T iw DRIES IN 30 MINUTES! NO SLIP ... NO SKID . . . SAFt - FRANK'S tV 4M I. WA'N TU 1-4JU HERALD AM NEWS. Klamath MISC. FOR SALE MASON sand, till drl, sandy (HI. Cin ders. Pelican Sand. TU 4-4387. USFD CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS FOUNDATION gem seed Crov.n In ated area, l'i in mm. . 10 ounce, bulk Or Sack. Merrill 798-S;99 FROZE UP? . REPAIR THAT BROKEN PLUMBING WITH UNITS FROM The RESALE HOUSE Iftoc) v. S.wh .52 HOUSE TRAILER REPAIR, 4433 Winter Ave. TU 3-1163. FACTORY trained Coleman & Internat'l mobile furnece service, parts, TU 4-836. 1 FOR SALE-Equity In I960 Great Lakes trailer, 55 X 10. 2 belroom, furnished. washer-dryer, air conditioner. Considei trade. TU 4-7401 alter 6 p.m. FOR talt two-writfll trail,, all steal. TU AUTO MISCELLANEOUS 53 Cecil Cox Garage Motor Overhaul or Valve Grind Tune Ud is a Specialty JIJl Altamont Call TU 4-OM3 "OVER JO YEARS EXPERIENCE MOTORCYCLES NFW & USED LARGE SELECTION Rav'i Harlev Davidson Salt 7 Norm TU J-MtO COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE lr CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. MAIN & ESPLANADE NEW CARS I TRUCKK 54 BUICK LeSabre VALUE CARNIVAL! 1963 BUICK LeSabre 4-DOOR SEDAN Striking TwiliaM Aaua finish ond luxurious interior including nylon Dale TU 2-5720 corpet and padded dash. Radto.iRoy Rinehort TU 4-9541 heater, power stcerinq, power brakes, soft ray tinted gloss, in Klamath Falls, including Oregon white sidewall tires. Buy it nowiElnothan Dovi TU 2-3957 license and title for just .. . $3622.87 Wilson Wiley Buick 1330 Moin TU 4-3141 429 So 7th TU 4-9203 USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 7s, FOR safe KAO Renault Dauphlne, tee at 131 Dahlia St. GOOD '41 CVC t ton pickup, l?i0, phone TU 4 8170. 1951 LLOYD 60. lots of milei on little gai, KM, TU 2-1545. S OLDSMOBILE, automatic Iranjmil on. Good conditton,SW. TU 7-Wji. '60 VOLKS. J Dr. Srdfn, motor Over. hauled, new clutch, ballery 4 lire. Good paiot & Interior. Sacrifice tll5. trades, private parry, iu -m. WANTED '57 & older cars. Central Auto Sales, TU MU0, TU 3-J704. ie4fFORD oickuo, 4-soeed, needi work, 175. phone Don Kettler, TU 4-11)1. LOOK HERE!!! '63 Chev. V I Impale Dr. HdfD . HI'S el Ford Galan.e 1 Dr. Hdtp. RH M5 '61 Falcon I Door sedan, Uendord S'495 '61 Chevrolet 'i Ton 3 speed pickup SIS '60 Ford VI .t Ton i tpeed pickup lUti DEAL RITE MOTORS 1111 s llh tU br Doa tu ' ft SPECIAL 1956 BUICK HARDTOP Excellent condition. Full Power $695 JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. II th & Klomath TU 2-2581 TOOK THESE BARGAINS! They've simply been here too long ond ore OLD IN STOCK '60 Ford V S Golom Hordtop Wo$1793. J I Now 61 Mercury Comet 4-Door i wjj Wo $1793. Now I 583 62 Olds '88' 2-Dr. Hardtop ::"m: 2?93 '60 Olds '88' 4-Door Hordtop um: Ji983 60 Pontioc Starchief 2-Door ""3- M933 62 Olds Ciiilrm F-85 Coupe Was J2793. iOLAI Now 114 '56 iVercury 2-Door '57 Chev. Station Wogon '55 Fnrd Stntton Wo-jon Jr93 J393 $ 143 JI33 $513 j;53 JI83 '54 OMi '88' 4-Door ... 55 DeSoto 4-Door 57 Plymouth 4-Door 59 Volvo Station Wogon 53 Old '88' 2-Door ..... DICK B. MILLER CO. 7th & Klomoth TU 4-4154 Falls Ore Monday, USED CARS AND TRUCKS SS DRIVE MORE MOTORS Will pay COih for cars. TU 40S7. WAN T F D antiques, anything old! Cat IU 2-4S4 oats or TU 4 8C80 eves. FOR sale HIS Jeeo PicVuo 44, exception. al condition. Wmcn. dual gas tanks, power brakes, new clear view Gem canopy, low mileage. 361 Cnev. engine new foam seat cushion, air lilt overloads. 11395, call Newell 6441141 eves. TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your car or equity for cash Come In Today! 7th & Plum TU 2-4784 LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! HALF PRICE SALE at JOE FISHER'S Half Price '54 Ford 2-Dr. Stn. Wgn. 150 Reoulor oric. S300 '54 Ford 4-Dr. Stn. Wgn. Regular price $500 ., '54 Ford 4-Dr. Sedan 'IDU $I50 Regular price S300 54 Ford Stn. Wogon Regular price S300 .. '55 Mercury 2-Dr. Regular price $225 .. 55 Mercury 2-Dr. Hdtp. Regulor price $450 .. tti .LO '52 Mercury 2-Dr. Hdtp. I00 250 Regular price $200 .. 55 Mercury 2-Dr. Sedan Regulor price $500 .. 54 Chev. 4-Dr. Sedan Regular price $200 ,. $ I "Vl IUU M50 '53 Chrysler 4-Dr. Regulor price $300 ., '55 Nash 4-Dr. Sedan Regular price $500 .. 54 Buick 4-Dr. Regulor price $300 .. 52 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Regular price $300 I50 I50 '55 Buick 2-Dr. Hardtop 300' Regular price $600 .. '56 Olds 2-Dr. Hardtop $325 Regular price $650 .. r SALESMEN Joe Padgett TU 2-0637 'Jim Ehreth TU 2-0149 Martin Arnold TU 4-57 U ! is-r riri 11 JUt l-ISI-ltK. LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 So. 7th TU 4-8104 SAVE S OY GUARANTEED . I. USED CARS! Gigantic Stock Reduction SALE ENDS Monday, January 21 '62 CHEVROLET IMPALA Sport Sedan. Lik new. Loaded. WAS $ 7598 $2798 62 CHEVROLET IMPALA Sport Coupe. Blue ond white. Pow. r Iteerlng. WAS $2798 $2598 '61 CHEVROLET IMPALA Sport Sedan. Loaded with cxtrai. WAS $ '2198 $2498 60 RAMBLER SUPER 4-Dr. Sedan. 6 cylinder with over drive. WAS $ $1498 298 '60 CHEVROLET CORVAIR 4-Dr. Sedan. 3-tpeed. Sharp. WAS $ $1498 398 59 CHEVROLET IMPALA Scort Coupe. Really nice through out. WAS $ 1498 $1798 r;a fHFU RROOKWOOD -'0,'n Wogon V-8 with Power- Llld WAS $ 098 $1198 '56 VOLKSWAGEN Coupe Has radio, ond heater, WAS $ 798 $998 YOUR COURTEOUS SALESMEN Tom Bender TU 4-f5770 TU 4-9881 TU 2-4219 Dole Rowlond VFenton Mahrf .... "Churk" Ramp TU 2-4958 Drop In Today Prove To Yourself That DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 'Chevy Center 6th to 7th en Plum Mom Goraoe 410 So. 6th St. January U, 1963 PAGE-I1 USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 NINE paimgr country aarlan. 1954 Ford, mechanically ftovnd. Ont owner. $625. TU 4-9315 evenlngi. CARS WANTED W ntfxj your csr . . . . cih wilt ing! Psymtrttt too high? Tract Mo cheaper car or stll your equity. SELL YOUR CAR-DON'T GIVE IT AWAY St Dale or "Shin" DALE'S USED CAR LOT 33 So. am St. TU 149 ECCLES MOTOR CO. JANUARY STOCK REDUCTION JAMBOREE at 606 So. 6th St.! '62 Pont. Grond Pri Cpe. $3597 58 Cadillac '6' Sdn. DeV. $1997 '60 Pontioc Catalina 4-Dr. Statisn Wogon $2197 '61 Rambler '6' Custom 4-Dr $2097 62 Mercury Monterey Custom 4-Dr $2697 '59 Mercury Monterey 4-Dr. Sedan $1397 '60 Plymouth Fury Convertible Coupe $1597 '59 Volvo 544 2-Dr. Sdn. $1097 '58 Volkswogen 2-Dr. Sedon $1097 '58 Rombler American Deluxe 2-Dr. Sedon $ 797 '55 Pontiac Starchief Hardtop Coe $ 397 '54 Ford V-8 Customline 2-Dr. Sedan $ 297 '60 Ford Fairlane VbU -54 ld '88' 2-Dr. Sedan $ 397 . . -.'47 Chev. Sedon Deluxe ..$ 37. ECCLES MOTOR CO 606 So. 6th TU 4-8124 Top Value LATE MODEL Used Cars! Bonneville 2-Dr, Rodio, heater power nararop, steering, power brakes, only 33,000 miles. One local owner. New white " '2395 sidewall tires 62 Stude. Lark V-8 Sedan. Over. drive, radio, heater, very low mileage. $ I 1845 Excellent '59 Pontioc Soforl 4-Dr. Station Wogon. Rodio, heater, tuton with matching vinyl $ I LQC Interior I O70 JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot . 7th & Commercial TU 2-5646 $400.' UP TO ALE '62 CHEVROLET CORVAIR Memo Coud. 4-sDd. radio, htoter. WAS $' '2198 $2398 '62 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-Door Sedan. V-8 engine, Power- Glide. WAS $2598 $2398 '61 CHEVROLET IMPALA Sport Coupe. A real thorp one. WAS $' 52398 $2598 '60 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-Dr. Sedan. Fully equipped. WAS $1798 $ 598 '60 CHEVROLET CORVAIR 4-Dr. Sedon. Radio, heater, Power- Glide. WAS $ 1398 $1498 '58 VOLKSWAGEN 2-Door Coupe. Like new. Real ec Inomv. WAS $1198 '998 '58 CHEV. BISCAYNE 2-Dr. Sedon. Rodio, heater, V-8. WAS $( 998 $1198 '60 PONTIAC Venturo Mdlp. Like new. Loaded. WAS $ $2198 998 Boh Nicodemuj TU 4-4498 Ray Oehlerich Tuleloke 667-2789 Cave Shirk . TU 4-8051 TU 4-? 101