A. Afc 4- Mrf V 1 I I I IV. ttf By BARBARA I just don't believe il! Last week, three teams were tied for first place in the archery league Wednesday night, two of those teams had to compete and be cause one had to win and one had to lose, that leaves two teams in the league without a loss so far. Those two teams are Kast Side Electric and VFW. How come I don't believe it? Well, because the East Side Electric team consists of Dick and myself and Doug Reeves. Now Doug is 11 years old and a real sharp shooter for his age but Dick and I are only average and sometimes a little below average. Guess we've just had a streak of good luck this year so far but I'm enjoying it this week because I know it s going to change and soon. The other team that has no losses so far this year is VFW and this is the team that t would bet on to come out tops this sea son. The team consists of Gordon l.und, Audrey Lund and Gerald Munjar. All shoot a real good scratch score and are archers well worth watching. I dread it when our team meets theirs; we'll get tromped! When two teams meet to shoot and neither has had a loss, there is so much tension that it often can affect (he shooting of the archers involved. This is not a selfish tension but a good-na lured feeling of wanting to win and trying to win but feeling kinda sorry for the team thai lost because you know they want ed lo win, loo. Sportsmanship in archery Js of a very high degree and you'll very often find the los ing team congratulating the win ners and hear archers say and mean it when they say, "The main reason we shoot Is for fun. Even when we lose, we have fun doing 'it." This is as it should be and makes me very proud of my fellow archers. A competition of a different na ture will take place next Wednes day night at Ferguson School at 7 p.m. and all members of Klam ath Archers are urged to be present. This is election night but1 there will not be a Kitluck din ner. A short business meeting will be held followed by election of officers and then league shoot ii'K. Running for the offices of pres ident and vice presidents are KLAMATH MOTORS . ( about that new pickup . . . ) match the Champ against the field and comnare ,Wi value!! Chime Chevrolet Ford Dwtge O.M.C. I.H.C. SwcMlrle FlMttlde StyMdl Iweolline rVlrte-Slrlt Ronui Lotd Boi tti 14J4 FIDO DI0O SI0OO CiOO Adnrttud Lis! Pik..$I917700 1 985 00 Tl9M,M 1l97?.?5 $2142. 00 KI61.M Chimp Price Advinlit. Chimp colli !!o"j2 t M 00 t 72.74 t 55. 25 S 225.00 J 2I4.M Ltn thin olhtu "TWmtClb t 56 02 I06.55 J9-20 "TT 5- Hntir-r-uih Air t 69 J t 6.3 I M.IO JL-M.10 $ H.li I 6.98 Sliding Bur Window.... t II M No No No No No jully VtnHUltd Cib Yii No No No No No Cion ViMcli Wiijhl..., 5000 5000 5000 5100 5M0 5000 Pflod 203 lbr 1500 Ibl. 1610 Ibl. 1595 Ibl. 165 lb. 150 Ibl. Chimp Piyloid trom Advintlil 424 lo 569 534 Ibl. 42 Ibl. 439 Ibl. 569 Ibl. 19 Ibl. Ibj. titn Huvy Duty Frimo with K Mimbtr Rein forcement Yei No No No No No. NOW! save your money at- KLAMATH MOTORS 120 Eoit Main jlt. ? BOWING WITH i BARBARA BAUMGARDNER .lack Gann. Irv Cater, Bill Nash Bob Dorsch, Bob Foster and Bob Reeves. Competing for the office of secretary treasurer will he Helen Beeves and Barbara Nash and for the public relations of fices, Don Stonehill and Audrey Lund. This is a real fine group of people and I know the choice will be a difficult one but again let me urge that all members be present to take part in this election. That is Wednesday night, Jan. 16, at 7 p.m. at Ferguson School. This week's archery league schedule looks like this: Monday, Jan. 14, Sherwoods vs. Western Auto, Farmers Lumber vs. Mob oris Hardware, Klamath Kam era vs. Dugan Mest, and Alia Sports Center vs. East Side Elec tric. Wednesday night, Jan. Hi, will find VFW vs. U.S. Nat'l. Bank, Oregon Food vs. Joes, and Signal vs. Kingslcy f ield. As I've mentioned the past few weeks, more people are coming out to watch the teams shoot, Those met this past week were Pat Pound, Harold Chcsnut, Dan ny Lyon,- Mrs. Lyon and Mrs Morslad and last week, Rex Morehouse and Tracy Lyon served as substitutes on teams with an absent member. I'm so happy to meet these nice new people and hope that many more of you will be coming out soon. The league standings look like this: w i; VFW 4 0 East Side Electric 4 oj Signal Oil Co. 3 1 Alia Sport Center .1 I Farmers Lumber Co. .1 1 Dugan and Mest 2 2 Kingslcy Field 2 2 Joes Sporting Goods 2 2 Oregon Food Store 2 2 U.S. Nat'l. Bank 1 .1 Sherwoods 1 3 Roberts Hardware - 1 3 Western Auto 0 4 Klamath Kamera 0 4 High scratch team for last week was Farmers Lumber with a score of 642. High handicap team was Joes Sporting Goons with their score of 706. High man la.st week was Dale Baxter will) 242 and Audrey Bax ter was high woman with 165. For the fourlh week straight, Paul Thompson was high junior. See Wally for Giambra-Rodriguez Top Week's Boxing Schedule NEW YORK (UPD-Cuban Luisl Rodriguez, the world's top-ranking welterweight contender who seema unable to get a shot at the title, will lift his sights a big Saturday: night and meet middleweight con tender Joey Giambra in a na tionally televised fight at Miami Beach. Giambra of San Francisco is ranked No. 3 among junior-mid dlewcight contenders and No. 8 among middleweights. Rodriguez, 25, hoes that an im prcssive victory over veteran Gi ambra may force welterweight champion Emile Griffith to give him a shot at the 147-pour,d crown In Saturday's 10-rounder at the Miami Beach Convention Hall. Luis seeks his 11th straight vic tory. He won seven in a row in l'J62. He lost but two bouts in his 51 fights, during which he scored 21 knockouts. Giambra, 31, had four fights in 11H2. In his last one on Oct. 20, he lost to Denny Moyer of Port land. Ore., in their 15-round hat- tie (or the vacant junior middle weight (155-pound) crown. That gave him a 65-8-2 record that in eludes 31 kayoes. At Lima, Peru, on Friday, the two top contenders for Harold Johnson's light heavyweight (175- pound) crown, meet in a return light; Mauro Mina of Lima, No. 1, and Eddie Cotton of Seattle, No. 2. La.st Oct. 17 at Lima, Mina out pointed Cotton. And then Mauro came to New York and outpointed rugged Henry Hank of Detroit at Madison Square Garden. That win stretched his unbeaten string to :I2 bouts. Mina's 42-2-1 record in eludes 21 knockouts. The week's boxing schedule in eludes: MONDAY: I.ewiston. Me. - Bob Clcroux vs. Billy Tisdale. Los An gcles (Moulin Rouge) Danny Val dez vs. Danny Kid. TUESDAY: New York (Sunny- side) Joe Mangiapane vs. Young Joe Walcott. London, Eng. Dave Charnley vs. Jcthro Cason. WEDNESDAY: New Orleans- Ralph Dupas vs. Rocky Randall, Leicester, Eng. Wally Swift vs. Mick Leahy. THURSDAY: Philadelphia (Hor izon) Dick Young vs. Dave Res sell. Congratulations lo these sharp shooters. Once again, let me stress the importance of having 100 per cent membership present next Wed nesday night for election of of- liiers of The Klamath Archers Those elected will be your lead crs for the next 365 days so be sure to help elect the ones you want; don t leave it up to the oth er guy. See you there? a Real Deal FRIDAY: Rome, llaly-Franco Dipicoli vs, Howard King and San ti Amonti vs. Von Clay. Los An geles (Olympic) Jose Lopez vs. Skecter Davis. Lima. Peru Mauro Mina vs. Eddie Cotton. Tolowa, N.J. Joe Williams vs. Stefan Redl. SATURDAY: Miami Beach Au-! ditorium) Luis Rodriguez vs. Joey Giambra (TV). Bucks Boost League Edge Win. Standings By United Press International Southern Division W L T Pts GF GA Portland 26 13 1 53 155 104 Los Angeles 19 14 0 38 116 99 San Francisco 19 16 0 38 131 110 Spokane 18 16 1 37 104 112 Northern Division W L T Pts GF GA Vancouver 19 16 2 40 123 119 Seattle 17 21 1 35 125 147 Edmonton 16 25 0 32 134 167 Calgary 12 25 1 25 114 144 Sunday's Results Portland 5 San Francisco 2 Monday's Schedule No games scheduled Ry United Press International The Western Hockey League look a breather today with the heaviest breathing coming from the direction of Calgary. The rip-roaring Stampeders may still be last in the Northern Di vision, but they've won their last four in a row, and two of these wins came over division-leading Vancouver. They meet Seattle Tuesday at Calgary. The same two teams played Saturday with Calgary sparking the Totems 8-4. Sunday's only action, an after noon contest, found the Portland Buckaroos moving father in front of the Southern Division with a 5-2 win over San Francisco. Portland had a goal before the fans were settled in their seats at the Cow Palace. Arnie Schmaulz scored after only 17 seconds of play. The Bucks picked up another tally in the first period and two more in the second on the way to avenging San Francisco's 3-2 win Saturday. Spokane knocked off Vancouver 5-3 in the only other game Satur day. On Tuesday's schedule, be- sides the Calgary-Sealtle tiff, is a meeting between Edmonton and Los Angeles. SIGN DRAFT CHOICE BOSTON, Mass. IU.PI) - The Boston Patriots of (lie American Football League have signed end Dick Williamson of Alabama, their seventh draft choice. The Studebaker Champ cost less to buy ... costs much less to run and keep running . . . car ries more payload than compar able pickups. Champ offers the best appointed cab and many worth-more features as standard equipment. Come in and see why there's nobody in Champ's class!' TU 2-S544 Lakeview Beats IV Lakeview turned a fourth quar ter rally from defeat to victory Saturday night as they defeated Illinois Valley 54 to 50. Trailing by eight points to be gin the fourth quarter, Lakeview poured in 20 points while Illinois Valley could get only eight and wound up on the long end of the score for their third league victory against a single loss. The defeat gave IV a record of one and two. Vern Plato opened the Lake- view surge in the final frame with a field goal. With the score tied at 50-all with only 15 sec onds left, Larry Samples dropped in a two-pointer to put Lakeview in front, and seconds later Dan Leahy added two free throws to end the scoring. Samples and Leahy both hit in double figures for Lakeview, with 19 and 16, respectively. Charles Verslecg had 17 and Darryl Gellert 10 for the losers. Score by quarters: lakeview 9-10- 6-2054 Illinois Valley 12-20-10- 850 SCORES ELKS MIXED DOUBLES LEAGUE W L East Side Pharmacy 1 1 U.S. National a i Balslger Motors 6 2 Slater Insurance 6 1 Wards Funeral Homi 5 3 Crater Lake 5 3 Superior Troy i Dees Beauty ' Griggs Long Ben Houston Insurance 3 s Holland Sheet Metal 3 5 Pioneer Tobacco 5'a Rickfalls 2'i 5V3 Lucky Lanes 1 7 California - Pacific Ut. 0 S Jan. 13 results: Dees Beauty snop j, Suoerlor Trov 2; U.S. National 4, Pioneer Tobacco 0; Wards Funeral Home j. Hoi- land Sheet Metal 1; Crater Lake Mach. 4, Calif. -Pacific Ut. 0; East Side Pharm. 3, Grioas-Merrlll 1; Long Bell Lumber 3. Rickfalts 1; Balslger Motors 4, lucky Lanes Oi S ater ns. 4, Houston ins. u. H ah team aams. Wards Funeral Home 714; high team series. Wards Funeral Home 2228; man ind. oamo imenj, m Brav 226; man Ind. series (men), h. Bray 585; high ind. game (women), v. Collman 234; high Ind. series (women), B. Snyder 587. BANTAM GIRLS LEAGUE W L Muslanas 23 7 Lucky Strikes tj'.i Loiters 15 15 Unstrlkabtes )3 17 Lucky 4s ' 10Mi 19Vi Odd Balls 10 20 Jan. 12 results: Mustangs 3, Lucky Strikes 0; Unslrlkables 3. Odd Balls 0; Loiters 2, Lucky 4s 1. Hlah teem aame, Mus'anqs sbj; man team series. Mustangs iwv; niqn ma. game. Robert Tesch 131; high ind. se ries, Roberta lescn-Linaa Konopase (tie) 23. Automation Pay Plan Outlined Southern Pacific railroad work ers displaced by automation should receive furlough benefits eoual to 70 per cent of their regu lar pay, a Presidential Emergen cy Board recommended. The three-man board, headed by Prof. J. Keith Mann of Stan ford University, suggested a stair step" plan where railroad unemployment insurance benefits would be augmented with pay ments by Southern Pacific. The combined benefits would provide furloughed employes 70 per cent of their earnings for up to one year, based on length of service, followed by a period of benefits at the 60 per cent level. l present, railroad unemploy ment insurance provides a maxi mum benelit of $51 a week for a period dependent on length of service. The board said furlough and re nted benefits should be paid only if Soul hern Pacific and the Broth erhood of Railway Clerks agreed lo chances in present scnioritv and work transfer arrangements to permit the carrier to organize ils work force as efficiently as possible. Appointed by President Kennedy in August, the hoard rejected the brotherhood's request for "con trolled attrition" of jobs lost through automation. It said limit- ng layolfs to a fixed percentage' of employes mighl jeopardise even more workers hy impairing the ompetitive position of the rail road. Olher'members of the board, be. sides Mann, were John F. Som- bower of Chicago and Abram II. Stockman of New York, both at torneys. Their recommendations were submitted lo the presidenl over the New Year's holidavs and released In the White House in P.ilm Beach. Between 1M7 and l!Hil. Southern ramie laid off more than 4.5HO workers. While craft jobs were cut 40 per cent, revenue ton-miles of freight increased nearly 12 per cent. Kurlher job reductions are are planned hy t!ie company in I he futiii-c. although at a reduced rate, the board indicated. Southern Pacific and the broth ciIkwI will now necoliate directly on the board's recommendations RESIGNS I.KAGl K jon TWII'A. K!a l PI - Pill Mc Kedime Jr.. head of the Florida Male Baseball Uagiie. resigned Sunday. A comm.ltee will meet Jan. 20 to recommend new Ifa.-.if pre-Klent. PAGE-10 HERALD AND NEWS, College Saturday's Basketball Results By I'nited Press International WEST Washington 62 So. California 61 Colorado St. 75 Wyoming 69 Colorado 92 Missouri 69 Idaho 91 Oregon 58 Washington St. 80 Montana St. 65 Stanford 96 Oregon St. 67 UCLA 63 California 58 San Jose St. 62 Loyola 52 San Francisco 64 Pacific 41 Pepperdine 93 Hawaii 61 San Diego St. 65 Calif. Poly tSan Luis Obispo) 58 San Bernardino 79 Grossmont 71 Calif. Western 65 Pasadena 62 Humboldt SC 58 Sacramento SC 49 Seattle Pacific Coll 71 Northwest Nazarcne (Ida.) 53 Willamette U. 67 Coll of Idaho 57 PaciiictOre) U 72 Lewis&Clark 63 Nevada 81 Chico St. 71 W. Washington 66 Whitworth 57 Oregon Coll 80 Ore. Coll of Edu. 57 Fresno St. 76 Long Beach St. 59 Nev. S'thern 89 S.Diego Naval 82 Occidental 63 Claremont-Mudd 43 Whitman 79 Linfield 74 Wcstmont 79 Chapman Coll 69 Los Angeles St. 71 California (Santa Barbara Br.) 68 Biola 90 California Tech 81 Whittier 64 Redlands 54 Los Angeles Pacific 68 Upland 56 Orange St. 82 CalPoly(Pomona) 73 New Mexico 52 Denver 51 Oregon Frosh 91 Priestly Oil AAU 81 Claudi's AAU 72 Oregon State Rooks 68 EAST Holy Cross 50 Assumption 46 Trinity (Conn.) 83 Worcester T. 69 Massachusetts 92 Vermont 57 Stonehill 79 Adelphi 60 Marist (NY) 103 Br'klyn Poly 70 Penn Military 82 Dickinson 80 Wayne St. 64 Allegheny 55 Fairfield 86 Bridgeport 71 Brandcis 69 Bates 58 Connecticut 92 Maine 64 Pennsylvania 60 Yale 50 Princeton 81 Brown 67 Scton Hall 81 F'rleigh Dickinson 63 Duquesne 76 Carnegie Tech 53 Drexel Tech 77 Wagner 766 Hamilton 69 Rensselaer Poly 56 Frank. & Marshall 53 Lehigh 48 Buffalo St. 52 Oswego St. 50 New York U. 67 Boston U. 58 Villanova 63 St. Joseph's (Pa.) 61 St. Peter's 66 Le Moyne(NY) 57 Delaware 84 Rutgers 69 Millersville 94 E. Stroudsburg 70 Gorham St. 83 Suffolk 81 Pittsburgh 80 Geneva 60 Niagara 80 St. Bonavcnture 63 Canisius 80 Providence 75 Fredonia 61 Brockport 53 Amherst 38 Rochester 35 Williams 81 Wesleyan 55 Cortland 91 Alfred 64 Lafayette 74 American U. 63 Buffalo 81 Ithaca 68 Clark (Mass.) 91 Amor. Int'I 66 Alliance 65 Gannon 64 St. Francis(Pa.) 84 W'minster 76 Clarion St. 105 Lock Haven St. 81 Wash. Jeff. 69 Case Tech 61 Columbia 55 Dartmouth 51 Army 75 Coast Guard 60 Penn St. 59 Syracuse 49 Detroit Tech 58 Rochester Tech 44 Harvard 59 Cornell 42 Temple 71 Muhlenberg 55 Springfield 74 Tufts 69 Union (NY) 76 Harpur 75 Phila. Text. 79 King (Pa.) 68 Rider 68 Yeshiva 45 Ship'burg St. 71 W'chester St. 63 Siena 52 Albany (NY) St. 44 Swarthmore 70 Ursinus 61 St. Michael's (Vt.l 87 M'dlebury 50 Scranton 103 Upsala 65 Albright 55 Hartwirk 52 SOUTH .I.C. Smith 58 Livingston Coll 48 G rgetown (DC) 71 Boston Coll 58 No. Carolina St. 71 So. Carolina 63 Maryland 67 Navy 61 Florida A&M 88 Ft. Valley St. 66 Auburn 81 Florida 56 Wake Forest 78 Virginia Tech 63 E. Tennessee 83 E. Kentucky 81 Georgia Tech 73 Miss. 71 (OTi Loyola (Mdi 85 Ml. St. Mary s 75 Florida Southern 75 Tampa 74 Tennessee St. 72 Kentucky St. 68 W. Virginia 10O Geo. Wash. 97 1-enoir Rhyne 76 E. Carolina 69 Catawba 67 Elon 65 Citadel 83 Furman 78 Centenary 68 Oglethorpe 57 Alabama 67 Georgia 61 Oilman Buys Huge Ranch WICHITA. Kan. it'PP Million aire rancher-oilman Williard W. tJarvcy confirmed Saturday that he had purchased a two-million acre ranch in northwestern Ne vada. C'ot of the Paradise Valley Hiinch was estimated at $4 mil lion, including 2O.000 head of Here lord cattle. Frank McCloary. former owner operator of the empire, will re tire The sale included nchts for McCleary to remain for the rest of hi! life at the Stone House Hunch in Paradise Valley, north of mnervtucca, Nev. (liincy. who holds diversified interests, owns ranches in Okla noma, Texas. Virginia. Kansas and Colorado. He run? cattle and raie wheat. tie owns a cram elevator here lhat is one of the larcest in the world. He also owns Ganey Dr inp Co., and Builders. Inc.. Wichi ta, whith owns and operates of- tue hmMinis here and low cost housing in arras of South America. Monday, January 14, l3 Klamath Falls, Ore. Scores Presbyterian 64 Wofford 60 Atlantic Christian 108 Guilford 83 High Point 61 Appalachian 48 Mississippi St. 58 Vanderbilt 55 Erskine 60 Campbell 51 Union (Ky.) 87 G'rgetwoniKy) 85 Uuke 78 Clemson 67 Chattanooga 73 Mercer 53 Savannah St. 73 Allen U. 57 Davidson 112 Jacksonville 76 Lambulh 99 SW Tenn. U. 58 No. Carolina Coll. 84 Va. Union 72 Bethany (W.Va.) 89 John Car'l 79 Howard (Ala) 68 Wm. Carey 60 Kentucky 81 Tulane 72 Rand. Macon 81 Hamp'n-Sydney 78 W. Virginia Tech 90 Glenville 80 Murray St. 73 W. Kentucky St. 70 Bcthune-Cookman 98 Lane 86 Florida St. 77 Miami (Fla.) 74 MIDWEST St. Louis 72 Drake 68 Butler 75 Wabash 54 Iowa St. 55 Kansas 51 Minnesota 83 Iowa 58 Notre Dame 105 Detroit 70 Michigan St. 75 Wisconsin 68 Illinois 106 Purdue 82 Augsburg 65 St. John's(Minn) 59 Neb. Wesleyan 84 St. Mary's 77 Huntington 102 Livingston 79 Marquette 80 Xavier (Ohio) 57 SW Missouri 102 Mo. Mines 88 Wichita 79 Bradley 60 Concordia (Minn.) 80 M'Alester 64 Minn. (Duluth) 61 Hamline 53 Phillips Oilers 81 DePaul 70 Western Reserve 64 Fenn 54 Cincinnati 67 Tulsa 57 No. Dakota St. 104 Morningside 68 Ohio State 68 Michigan 66 Kansas St. 66 Nebraska 53 Dayton 70 Louisville 65 Omaha 50 Washburn 41 Evansville 67 Indiana St. 56 Capital 74 Marietta 50 Ft. Hays St. (Kan I 83 Emporia 79 Baldwin Wallace 78 Ml. Union 71 E. Illinois 88 Cent. Michigan 71 Akron 90 Muskingum 622 Ohio U. 48 Toledo 47 Miami (O.) 62 Bowling Green 57 SOUTHWEST Wiley Coll 56 Arkansas A&M 55 No. Texas St. 37 Air Force 36 Hard. S'mons 83 E. New Mex. 71 So. Methodist 71 Texas A&M 68 Tex.W'leyan 83 St.Mary's(Tex) 74 Texas Coll 114 Paul Quinn 81 Brigham Young 80 Arozona 75 W. Texas St. 75 New Mex. St. 64 Texas 78 Texas Tech 58 SW Texas 81 Tex. Lutheran 73 Baylor 61 Texas Christian 60 Midwestern (Tex.) 76 McMurry 6." SE Okla. 76 Okla. Baptist U. 58 Houston 66 Loyola (La.) 59 Rice 85. Arkansas 70 Ariz. (Tempo) St. 80 Utah 65 Glendale Coll 72 Phoenix Coll 63 High School Scores Saturday's Prep Basketball Scrra 63 Jesuit 44 Wy'east 54 Estacada 36 South Eugene 86 Marshfield 59 Willamette 48 Cottage Grove 4.1 North Eugene 66 Springfield 43 Roseburg 55 North Bend 45 Crater 68 Mcdford 63 Grants Pass 67 Ashland 39 Pendleton 75 Redmond 52 Bend 70 Milton-Freewater 44 Hermiston 62 Baker 51 La Grande 60 The Dalles 41 Ontario 49 Weiser ( Idaho) 41 Meridian (Idaho! 46 Vale 45 Xyssa 58 Parma i Idaho! 52 Star of the Sea 57 Neah Kah-Nie 51 Clatskanie 74 Vernonia 57 Seaside 58 Newport 47 Concordia 58 Corbet! 47 Santiam 42 Stayton 40 St. Francis 63 Harrishurg 58 Elmira 59 Oakridge 42 Pleasant Hill 37 Junction City 36 Creswell 58 Drain 39 McKenzie 65 Central Linn 53 Eagle Point 69 Rogue River 45 Lakeview 54 Illinois Valley 50 Ilenlev 71 Phoenix 54 Coquille 55 Siuslaw 48 Myrtle Point 47 Glide 45 Southern Oregon Frosh 58 Brook ings 40 Douglas 78 Bandon 65 Burns 76 Melba i Idaho' 27 Pilot Rock 58 Stanfield 44 Enferprb 48 Wallowa 42 Tillamook Catholic 43 Knappa 39 Cascade Locks 48 Wheeler 37 Usea 61 Cohurg 4" Crow 52 Mohawk 40 Iiwell 60 Monroe 41 Westfir 65 Triangle Lake 60 Elkton 45 Camas Valley 32 Oakland 46 Canvonvillc 27 Canvonville Bible 43 Days Creek 33 Culver 39 Dufur 29 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the ur5r Ogrwd has been aooomted administratrix ot tne Estate of Dice Crane, alio known a Otce Craln. dcese1, by tr Circuit Court of Kiameth County, Oregon, and tnut all persons having claims aqaintt 'rt estate art hereby notified to pre sent same to sad tdministrstn a' Room 4, 375 Wain Street. Klamath Falls, O'eoon. together with precer vouchers, witnm ii month of ma date of t first publication of this notice, which ts January mn. 19J ALPHA CRANE Administratrix O NE ILL A MCLAREN AMorn'VS 'or administratrix No. 8', Jan. 14, II, 31. Feb 4, 1H3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hrbv given tnet tnt under, signed Ms een arnomted adminntrte o( ffa E"at of Rotert Hone, deceased, dv tt C"cuit Court of Kiemaw Counfv CVeooo, and tnt an oar sons havnq claims agint d eta'e a-a he'' not'' ed o p'fiw i tie same, tpqe'a w'n O'Opar veuCMn 'O S'd artmir'!' tor ut te o" 0 unfla's-gned. Rm i, Vfi-see Bui'di-'O van street, Klama'n Pa". 0'Mn, Wth,n mntM tfOm tn fla't O Int fi' Oubl'C'Ort 0' f.s ne' ce. January Ut. iHl F Vcl 'n a,ar".''-tn-O II L VcL AOEN M(lry ;lminnlff St III. Je. . 1'. 2- Fee i LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS In lh Matitr of the Eilatt of CHRIS- T inf VELDA HAINES, also known at CHRISTINE V. CHRIST, Deceased. I hav been ppomiea Aominitirnor oi the Eilflte of CHRISTINE VELDA HAINES, tlso known as CHRISTINE V. CHRIST, deceased. AH persons having claims againsl said estate art required to present them with proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof lo me at the office of my attorney ar 32 Main Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon. Dated and first published inn in day of January, 1963. GLENN D. R AM IRc Administrator. LLOYD A. DOMASCHOF5KY Attorney at Law 431 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon No. SB0, Jan. 7, U, 21, . NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has 'filed her Final Account In the matter of tha estate of James L. Rice, deceased. In tha Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for tha County of Klamath, and that said Court has set the 15th dav of February, 1963, at me hour of 10:00 A.M. in the Circuit Court room No. i In the Klamath County Courthouse. Klamath Fails, Oregon, as the time and place of hearing thereon. All persons having objections thereto must appear at said time or file written oblections thereto on or before said time and date. -s Phyllis A. Glass Administratrix of the estate of James L. Rice, Deceased. No. IK, Jan. 1, 14, 21, 28, 1963. PUBLIC NOTICE In the matter of a zoning pattern for portion of Klamath county. Nonce is hereby given that at tne nour or 7:30 P.M. on tht 23rd day ot January, 1963, in the Public Meeting Room of the Kiamatn county court House in Klam ath Falls, Oregon, Ihe Planning Commls sion of said County will hold a public hearing on the adoption ot a zoning pat' tern, as provided in OR5 215.104, for the area within Klamath County, Oregon, designated and described as follows: Beginning at tht section corner com mon to sections 15, 16, 21, and 22, T, 39 5., R. 9 E.i W.M., thence easterly along the northerly section tint of sec tions 22, 23. and 24, T. 39 5.. R. I E., W.M.. and sections 19. 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, T. 39 s., R. 9 E., W.M., and sections 19 and 20, T. 39 S., R. 10 E-, W.M., to the section corner common to sections; 16, 17, 20. and 21, T. 39 S.. R. E-, W.M., thence southerly along the easterly section line of said section 20 to the intersection of said section line and tht thread of Lost River, thenca In' a southwesterly direction along the thread ot said stream to the Intersection of saidl thread with the northerly section line of section 7, T. 40 S-, R. 10 E., W.M., thence southerly, parallel to the westerly section Una of said section to the inter section with the east-west center V sec tion line of section 7, T. 40 S., R. 10 E-, W.M., thence westerly on tht center V section tine of section 7, T. 40 S., R. id b., W.M., and sections 12, 11, id, 9, 8, and 7, T. 40 S.. R. 9 E., W.M., and sections 12, 11, and 10, T. 40 S.J R. 8 E-, W.M., to the V section corner common to sections 10 and 9, T. 40 S., R. I E., W.M., thence northerly along the westerly section line of sections 10 and 3, T. 40 S . R. 8 E., W.M., and sections 34. 27, and 22, T. 39 S., R. S, E., W.M., to the point of beginning. I All persons desiring to be heard In regard to tha adoption of said zoning pattern art invited to attend said hear; Ing. Dona at the direction of the Klamath County Planning Commission; dated this I5th day of December, 1962. Robert Norrls, Chairman, Klam ath Conty Planning Commission Jim Kerns, Jr., Vice-Chairman Murdo Morrison, Member Roy Gooding, Member Robert H, Beach, Member W. B. Bingham, Member Clyde Williams, Member No. 853, Dec. 31, Jan. 7, 14, 21. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given, that the under signed Charles E. Riley has been ap pointed administrator with the will an nexed at tht estate ot Charles r. RHey, deceased, by the Circuit court of the state of Oregon for Klamath County, Oreqon and has qualified. Any and all persons having a Claim or claims against said esate art hereby notified to present the same duly veri fied as required by law to the under signed administrator with tha will an nexed at Ihe office of A. W. Scheupp, 105 WHiits Bldg., Klamath Falls, within six months from the data of the first publication of this nolle which datt is Jan. 7, 1963. Charles B. RHey Administrator with tht will an nexed A. W. Schaupp Attorney for administrator. No. 881, Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28, 1962. NO. 62-167 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of tha Estate of ROSA HOEFLER, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed Executor ot tht Estate ot Rosa Hoe tier, deceased, aii persons are required to present them to me. with proper vouchers, at the office ot Ganona & Ganong, First Federal Build ing, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from December 31, 1967, which is the datt of first publication of this notice. Richard Hoefler, Executor Ganortg & Ganong Attorneys for Executor Legal No. 169, Dec. 31, Jan. 7, 14, 21 NO. 62-16 PROBATF NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY tn tha Matter of tht Estate of STAN LEY O. MITCHELL. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have been appointed administrator of tnt Es tate of Stanley O. Mitchell, Deceased ah persons having claims against said estate are required to present them to me, with proper vouchers, at the oftice of Ganong & Ganong, First Federal Buitdinq, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from December 31 , 1967. which Is the datt of first publication of this nodct. Wm. Ganong, Administrator Ganong & Ganong Attorneys for Administrator Legal No. 870, Dec. 31, Jan. 7, 14, 21, NOTICE OF SALE In tht Circuit Court of tht State of Oregon for Klamath County. Georqe Morasch and Adeline Morach, husband and wife. Plaintiffs, vs. Anthony John Schukis and Ruth N. Schukis, husband and wife, their heirs, successors and as signs; and any persons In possession of the property described n the Complaint herein under the named Defendants, It any, Defendants. Case No. 62-313-Eg By virtue of an Execution, Amended Judgment Order, Decree and Order of aie Issued out of the above entitled Court in tht above entitled cause, to me directed and dated tnt 2 day of Janu ary. 1963, nunc p'0 tunc December 3, 1967. upon an Amended Judgment and Decree rendered and entered In sard Court en the 7 dav ot January, 1963. nunc pro tunc December 3, 192, in tavor ot the Plaintiffs Georqt Morasch and Adeline Morasch, husband and wife, and aqainst Defendants Anthony John Schu kti and Ruth N. Schukis, husband and wife, and their heirs, successors and as signs, for tht Sum Of I'.Hl 54 together n interest on said sum at the rntt 5 per cent per annum trom the ISth dav of August, 197, plus IA4J 00 attorney's tees, plus ptamtiffs costs herein of isi as. and the costs of and uoon this Writ of Eecution, commanding me to make sate o the following described real property and to foreclose the fo'eqoing liens S'tu- nted in the County of Klamath, State of Oregon, to-wit: Lots 17, 13, 14. 15. Block id SUE NA VISTA ADDITION to the City at Klamath FaJl. Klamath County. Oreqon. Now, thfrP(0re, by virtue of said Ee CUtion. Amenrtffl Judqmtnt Order, De ere and Order of Sale, and in compli ant with th commands of said Writ, I will, on Monday, th 11 day of Feb ruary. 163, at 10 O'clock, am, at the front door of tht Klamath County Court hpv. K lamafn County, Oreqon. sen at Pubi'C auc'on fsubiec t to rjmoto 'o t" hiqet b'fkier for cah m hand, all the right, t-'lt and In-erent Which tht within named or mentioned defend ants and each and an ot them in te afovt entitled su'f ad n and to ta above 0er'bd p-ocry or any 'hereof, to satisfy ta d E ecul-on. Amend ed Judgment 0'dr ani Dcee. iri. est. end accruiq cc's. acco-d'a to sad Amnqed Judgment Ordr t-a Deere Pad d day 0 January Fiff Dub'Cf'On. January 7, IHJ Last PuDca'on January , IV) J V B8MTTCN. SMtRlp Mmh CfVty, O'eqfn y f. Bhn, Oert-'y No. 8. Jt". 7. U. Jl. :i LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS " ' i. th. Matter af the Eititl Of lervl ' Butler David, Deceased. I have been appointed Administrator of tha Estate of Beryl Butler David, Deceased. All persons having claims against said estate art required to pre sent mem wnn proper vuuinv'i six months Irom the data hereof to me at the oftice of my attorney al 43 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon. OAlma and first published this h day of January, 1963. OLE Nn U. KHW InCL ArtminUtratnr I I ftvn A DOMASCHOFSKY Attorney at Law 432 Main 5ireei Klamath Falls. Oregon No. V9, Jan. 7, 14. 21. 21- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby fllven that the under signed has been appointed administratrix of the Estate of Wallace Beal, deceased, by the Circuit Court of Klamath County. Oregon, and that all persons having claims against said estate art hereby notified to present the same to said ad ministratrix at Ihe offfce of the under, signed. Room 4, 325 Main Street, Klam ath Falls. Oregon, together with proper' vouchers, within six months of the data' of tha first publication of this notice,, which Is December 24, 1962. VERA L. CHASE Administratrix O'NEILL McLAREN Attorneys for administratrix No. 864 Dec. 34, 31, Jan. 7, 14. PUBLIC NOTICE In tha matter of a zoning pattern tor portion of Klamath County. . Notlca Is hereby given that at tht hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. on the 16th day of January, 1963, In tha Public Matting Room of the Klamath County Court House In Klamath Falls, Oregon, the Planning Commission of said County will hold a public hearing on tht adoption of a zon ing pattern, as provided in ORS 215.104, for the area within Klamath County, Ore gon, designated and described as follows: Beginning at the point of Intersection of tha westerly section Una of section 3, T. 39 S., R. 9 E-, Willamette Meridian, and tht centerllne of State Highway, Ore gon 66 (South Sixth Street), thenct fol lowing the centerllne of Oregon 66 in a southeasterly direction to tht intersec tion of said centerllne and the north south center V section lint of section 16, T. 39 S., R. 10 E-, W.M., thence south erly along the center V section Una of said section to the section corner com mon to sections 16 and 21, T. 39 S., R- 10 E., W.M., thence westerly along tht south erly section Una of sections 16, 17, and 18, T. 39 S., R. 10 E., W.M., and sections 13, 14, and 15, T. 39 S-. R. 9 E., W.M., to the section corner common to sections 15. 16. 21, and 22, T. 39 S , R. 9 E., W.M., thence, In T. 39 S., R. 9 E., W.M., northerly along the westerly sec tion line of sections 15, io, ana j to me point of beginning. All persons desiring to db neara in regard to the adoption of said zoning pal tern are invited to attend said hearing. Done at the direction of the Klamath County Planning Commission; dated this 18th day of December, 1962. Robert Norris, Chairman, Klam ath County Planning Commission Jim Kerns. Jr., Vice-Chairman Murdo Morrison, Member Roy Gooding, Member Robert H. Beach, Member W. B, Bingham, Member Clvdt Williams, Mtmber No. 152, Dec. 24, 31, Jan. 7, 14. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8 111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-81 ll 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekday! t a.m. to noon Saturday Count five words per line. 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SOX SERVICE-50 cents par ad, CARD OF THANKS, and IN MEMORIAM U j, PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES fUNiBAL HOMES Q WARD'S Klamath Funeral Hwni. tis High S'',ft Phon, TU MEETING NOTICES 1 SCOTTISH RITE BODIES Stoted Meeting Chapter ot ROSE CROIX, Tue5 , Jan. 15, 8 p m. The. 1 5th Degree will b conferred Sot., Jon. 19, 8 pm. Herman Gisvold, Secy. Klamath Lodae No. 77 AF 4 AM STATED COMMUNICATION Monday, J a n u o r y I i.l a ... rf. o pm. ii Xjv Master Masonj wel come. Refreshments. Gene R Bryn.v W M LOST I FOUND LOST Jan 11 near Timber AM. sorrel polict dng named "Soeck," sort on front knee J?5 reward tor return. Call TU 4-3'J or 403 Win'ir rf.yt. LOST Insh setter male, vicinity of Yams! Ranch, Call TU 2-4860, FOUND: equipment (or hay hauling f'i'fk Sraquf Rivr Rnnrj TU ?;: GENERAL NOTICES 4 BOYS! SCHOOL AGE EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & Newt, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4 8111 J