.26 EXTRA Cltn 1 bdraom furnlihari hnnu' Roiormblt. Call TU 4-W7 antr 3 pm! FURNISHED two btdroom, hot well, ga-! TWO bedroom house for rent, tiO a month. NEAT and clean 3 veer old bedroom iiuni)im oupie. new novt ana retng rator. Mills Addition, Ui. TU 2-444 Evai. TU 4-5544. I bedroom duplex on Laverne, electric TWO bedroom house on Altamont Drive, can tu 4-7gn tor appointment to see TWO bedroom unfurnished house, living loom, mitnen, ana Devn hull Daiemenr Two oarages. Gas heat, oas cooking, in lulatefl. Renting tor only I4J mo. TU 2-J4I, SMALL unfurnished house. Mills Addition, UO. TU 4-9323. SMALL two bedroom house, automatic gas neat, washer-dryer hookup, garage. J 60, TU 2-5322 or TU 4-4419. 1 BEDROOM duplex. Water, garbage pam. arpve, reingeraior, SCO. 1 u 4-4?l5. MODERN, unfurnished 2 bedroom" aT t a cued garage. Fireplace. Water, garbage paid. 4 miies norm or lowrt. vs. t U REMODELED 2 bedroom duplex, fgrnish 9. inquire hi Fine. SMALL two bedroom unfurnished house, call TU 4-9161 or TU 4-4SB9. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, watei paid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-1456. ATTRACTIVE. FURNIShED I BED ROOM HOUSE, $50, TU 4-8261. HOT SPRINGS'2 bedroom upstairs, un. furnished duplex, garage. Adults only, $65, TU 4-4650. TWO bedroom unturntehed house, S65. Children, pets, o.tt. References required. TU 2-6590. THREE bedroom home with two bath rooms on Watson St. Unfurnished. Si 30 j per montn. call TU or TU 2-2930. TWO unfurnished two bedroom houses. south suburban, $65, TU 2-3923. TWO bedroom unfurnished house. TU 4-6023. ONE bedroom unfurnished house, J59, 2139 Main. Phone TU 2-2866. LARGE dean furnished two bedroom house, close to school and stores. Call TU 4-8337. RETIRED? Looking for an attractive lit tle house fully furnished? Economical oil heat. 4 rooms plus back porch. One extra large bedroom, washer, dryer, refrig erator, new bathroom, large yard, full size garage. 5610 Cottage. 155. Immedi ate occupancy. TU 2-5115 for further In formation. MILLS, three room. Stoves and refriger ator, washer, dryer hookup. TU 2-3852. FURNISHED 1 bedroom. Close In. Neat, vacant now! TU 4-7096. TWO bedroom furnished house with ga rage. Inquire 1832 Summers Lane. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, 2028 Vine, Phone TU 4-8093. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex, ga rage. fireplace, 3Q11 Boardman, TU 3-0990. TWO bedroom unfurnished, near Mills Schools 249 Martin, TU 4-9784. COMFORTABLE two bedroom duplex, range, refrigerator, draperies, water and garbage. California and Donald, TU 2-2759. MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 FOR lease U0 acres level ground under irrigation, Macdoel area. 70 acres good ipud ground. Or will sell or trade. TU 5-4H7. REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 TWO or three bedroom In city under $17,500. Glvi details, Bo 429C, Herald and News. WE are BUYING smiil EQUITIES IF you want to SELL, SEE PAUL McATEE 339 EAST MAIN STREET TU 7-! for fln APPOINTMENT PeAl ESTATE EXCHANGE 2 WILL trade small home In Mills for equity in 2 or 3 bedroom. Cash lor bal ance or will assume mortgages. Pbone TU 2-3461 days Or TU 4-59?4 eves. ACRE ranch style 3 bedroom home, fireplace, 2' i baths, nicely landscaped yard, excellent view, $17,500. Location Yreka. will trade for Klamath Falls prop erty. TU 2-5048. "TRADE" ond SAVE TAXES For Information on tax FREE Tradw, coll TEANE SACHER fee iter Member international Traders Club Licened-Or., Cel., Ida.. Wash. IMT Vain 'U 4-4'il fttL fSTATE FOR SALE 10 HOT SPRING. Family tvot home, wter heat, priced to sell. TU 4-7915. THREE bedroom brick, 4715 Onyx. V baths, wall to wall carpet fireplace, built In oven and range, sprink ler system. J 19.800. Will accet 2 or J bedroom trailer In trade. TU 2-5132. ONE bedroom partially furnished, low down payment. Mills Add'n, TU 4 4411. TWO bedroom home, garage. A real but for $6,950. 2212 Laurel. 3-BEDROOM brick home, fireplace. Wah. er, dryer, stove Included. Fenced yard, covered patio. U'xIV shop. $17,500. Call TU 2-0724 after 3 p.m. THREE bedroom home for sale. 1749 Summers Lane. TU 4-4539. NEAR Roosevelt School. 2 twdroom home sparkling clean and bright, fireplace. hardwood floors, full light basement, storm windows, furnace heat Owner leav ing town Assume equity, existing FHA Kan Of $8 700. TU 2-5050 NtCE 3 or 4 bedroom homo, built In ir (urnace, unfurnished, make offer. Or ivni option, iuu pi iiiw.i i wimt umi 545 Alva. no dTwn payment t will tell mv $1 250 eouity in IM 15.J furnnhed 2 bedroom home for ly $500 Thij need not be cash. Pay it over 3 month Assume mv loan of V JU 0. pay- Mt $55 pr mo 2014 Gary St. CrMit rnuit be good. Move In tor NO DOWN PAYMENT. THREE bedroom heme, co'd room, ga rage, shop, barn, pasture. TU 4-8321 LIKE new 3 bedroom home In lovely ne.Qhborhood near new OTl site Tate fuiiy lanqscaced to bring out the lirnjr features. Newly redecorated throughout Etra large bedrooms, third bedroom can be inM m a den or sewing room. Full bath w.th separate shower plus etra halt bath, "luilt in range B"d Oven, eating nook in kitchen, dminq "L ' 0" nving roo-n. fireplace. Economical natural oas heat. Covered pto with Wu''u' back ya-d compi?e,Y fenced. Large deuftie garage pane'ed in mahogany tm home i i" mecu'a'eiy clean Call TU 2-1422 for ao pontent to see. . ACRE, 3 bedroom south suburban, doub'e garage, shop, chicken house, TU 2-1141. 15 ACRES, unimproved, paved road, beau ti'ui building ,.', Heniey School Dstnct, 14.500. TU 4-7854. 2 BEDROOM home- ViMt, e'ee'r-c he at. ga'aoe. storage $6 500 Cn he financed Tu 4 114 davs. TU 4 5207 evet NEW, large vew home. Large lot, clou to rew OTl nd hosoi'a . day'-oni base ment Appointment only TU 2-0570. MAKE AN OFFER LARGE J BEDROOW home In St. o Park. F.reptace Cerpe'fd. Seoa rate amino room. i'0t sunny kitchen. Abundant storage soace Bg cage Beeufi'ul V"'d. So-m window. fliy insulated f ha anca'jed $'1,000. No rea onaftie e'e' re'used. Vakt vour ewn te-ms. Vacant tor Immediate, posses sion. DON SLOAN Real Estate TU IMit Ar-yt'me HOUSES FOR RENT NEAR HIGH SCHOOL T"t9 bed'Oof- I'vmo end fl -10 rtomt. .,'(' u1 ty wed tor d-ve- o-a?e a-d ttn-aue v ioo er or ie oe- t on at 1'S a mont DUPLEX V'" School Ct btj-wn V .'9 g-'od o1" &e'-"i Tw9 bea-ocm ort ye to VI vrj taten tn cade $'3.W. Dye Insurance Agency A t 0v- eaio-. V"9'"'a P'nwn, S'S T U 4-.'M 0 TU 4-4:57 3 FOUR apartments. eceilent Investmanf, close in. TU 2-253), TU 4-696. THREE bedroom home for sale. No down! pgymem, aomn suburbs. TU 4-3061 eves ACRE, grass and al'alfa with throe Dearoorn nome. Trees, lawn shrubbery, iui nm si. rrtte M.UUU. Duplex In Mills Addition Close to Mills icnooi. one and two bedroom aoartments Gas and oil appliances. Priced at $5,500. ivrmi avanaoia. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 100 Main TU 2-347t Jim O'Oontriu Evei. TU 4-1693 MLS Multipls Listing Service INCOME!!! 3 Apartments In a converted home dose to Main $t. Good view over Lake Ewaune and the valley. Apartments rent for $50, $40, $30, total $120. Individual heat. This is not a status symbol type of prop erly, it is ust a place tor you to make a high rata of income on YOUR money. Sale price $6,500, Including furniture. Terms. PEYTON . MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 635 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings Harold M. Rush TU 2-4173 Pat" Palone TU 2-0836 STROUT . REALTY 5429 S. 61h Ph. TU. 4-5281 Eves. Bob & Stella Dehlinger TU 2-5601 Hank Holman TU 2-5048 Three bedroom ranch type home. Henley District. Attached double garage sealed. SI 3. 750. Duplex In nice suburban area, always rented. $21,000. Low down. Half acre Homed ale. Three bedroom home full basement, $10,500. 160 ACRES Sprague River frontage. 22 acres Irrigat ed, 50 head grazing capacity. A good rec reational spot for -fishing and hunting. Only $22,000. 23 per cent down. Good terms. BRUCE OWENS Woody Bowers COUNTRY ESTATE Approximately 5 acres. Three bedroom home, carpeted. Several outbuildings, run ning stream. Only $16,500, Terms. "CALL US TODAY" Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-0161 Commercial Property With Home Located on South 6th St., on large lot. Good 3 bedroom home with fireplace and 2 baths. Large building at rear wilh ap pro. 4500 square feet suitable for ware house or shop with separata office space. $30,000. Terms. LEONARD REALTY I Main TU 4-7521 Or TU 4-9005 Jot Perry Audrey Keerlns Joe Leonard TU 4-5332 TU 4-42B5 TU 2-0527 TOP RANCH LISTINGS 3ft) acres deeded land 340 acres Tavlor Graiino. All unoe fence $330,000 400 acres $154,000 160 acres Improved - Lake on property $41,000 140 acres - all oastura - Fret I nation $25,000 M acre - home oartlallv con structed $000 Please come Into our office for details af these listings. -BRICK CONSTRUCTION Quality and comfort. 3 bedroom, partv t, 2 fireplaces. l.WO sg. floor space, it your home Is too small for you now, otter n in tcnange on mis on. Call anytime for appointment to sea. ULTRA-MODERN DREAMHOUSE Clerestory windows In living room Brie wall with circulating fireplace. 3 oeo- rooms, t''i baths, family room, built In appliances and lots of storage. A steal at $16,000. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 So tth St. PhOn TU J-4740 Pred Tucker Lois Macv Iris Mario If Hank He" en Homer Stiies TU -9742 TU 2-5M7 TU 4-5995 TU 2-3101 TU 4-9904 MLS Multiple Listing Servic DRIVE BY 3702 HOVFDAt E ROAD Two bedroom, ri oains. Price $7,500. 515 HfLLSiDE Two bedroom, covtrm pmo. Price $9,950. 41J ALA VE OA Five bearoom, i oemi. Price $13,950 THEN CALL US FOR THE EXCELLENT TERMS ON THESE. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE rVEVBF INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 3C4 S. 6h TU 1-377 viid'ed Hatt tu m;6 (Van) VanSichlt TU 2-6'33 CAPE COD STYLE IN HENLEY HI Tfc'H bJVj'OOt. ' -1 tM. " U'M Hviifl rocn, teri'll flmtng room. H't D: SouB't Cr (MttcHJ fl'A0 W ih S'0'g t To'al pre HO. TOO. NORTH SIDE iking 0 t'ufxf of AearnMnv Twfl b"!-f-rytf . C'l furt, prt-tMv ''"HftJ Th,t lys-- 1 DCll'D'-i'! 0-1O'! TO 'tl P' rt V Vfi SOUTH SUBURBS Hu u( J Wwn WH to wM cn'W 'HrwjOOUf. CrCUllng ti'l'K f - 1 p'i"ifr hft. flouftit Srg. '.J.- fOO F H A Tiffin. PAUL McATEE I VT ASSOCIATES. REALTORS lit t Ml n TU 1 4444 4-ei S lM. PyW Mrlt TU 7 T fc'K' Mr.n TU i-SJSS filAL ESTATE FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 LARGE 4 bedroom home only 2 blocks from school and Shopping center. Re duced to $13,000 tor quick sal. TU 4-R26. k i I Multiple MLb sLs TRADE MINDED?? Owners of this beautiful Northside 3 bed room home WILL TRADE FOR STRUC TURALLY SOUND 1 OP 2 BEDROOM HOME, CITY OR SUBURBAN, GOOD AREA. Here's your cnanca to acquire an immaculate better than new" custom built home In superior ail-new home area, near Conger School. Going for $11,750; GIVE US A CALL 4 LET'S DEAL HtRE. DRIVE BY . . . 2233 WHITE AVE. ONLY $600 DOWN ON EASY CONTRACT for this neat 2 bedroom home, going at the low price of iix. Movt in nuwi 1402 DAYTON ST. Solid 3 story, 4 bed room home on close-in Irrigated tract. LOW DOWN PAYMENT CON TRACT TERMS. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. 1936 FREMONT ST. Modes 3 bed room home near Roosevelt School. Fireolece, hardwood floors, full base ment. Just $9500. with $750 down. 5457 INDEPENDENCE AVE. A terrific buy at $7750. well-built 2 bedroom home, near Ferguson School. Huge garage - workshop. REASONABLE CONTRACT DOWN PAYMENT MOVES YOU IN TODAYI Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 711 N. 9th St. Phont TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel: Tom Rabbitt Ph. TU 2-6412 Eves. Bill Chilcote Ph. TU 4-3281 Eves. Ed Chilcote. Associate Broker Bob Chilcote, Broker STILWELL & CO. Presents: $4,300 FULL PRICE - $500 down, 350 a month on contract. 1 bedroom home. Excellent condition. OWNER TRANSFERRED must sell this AAA constructed newer home with fireplace, modern kitchen, utili ty', bath. Everything Immaculate. Large, level, landscaped lot In pleas ant quiet location. Priced at $16,950. ONE OF THE FINEST IN MOYINA over 1500 square feet of extremely well planned comfortable living area. This one must be see.i to ba appreci ated. $23,500. Shown by appointment to qualified buyers. TOP CONDITION S. CONSTRUCTION 2 bedrooms, living, dining, dinette, . utility room and bath. Fireplace. I Large level lot. Excellent, pleasant newer neighborhood. NOW REDUCEOi TO $13,900. j STILWELL & CO. Realtor! 519 Main Street TU 4-3136 After 5:00 call Ron Van Orman TU 2-33 Bruce Binkley TU 4-347$ if no answer call TU 4-7006 er TU 2-0444 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 33 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Please Investigate thoroughly any Invest ment of moneys In merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities be fore investing your capital. The Herald and News make every effort to relect all fraudulent er misleading advertising, however, we are not responsible for the Integrity of the firms or individuals who piece advertising in our puDiicaiion. Any advertising of business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading should be reported to me ciassmca a- verNsIng Department of tha Herald and News. We're Not SELLING OUT! But If vou want to rent something . anything from plumber's tools to portable neaiers . . . lers. tain nuaincM. VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E Mom TU 4-6812 FINANCIAL LOANS HEDGE YOURSELF H.lnit inflation! S about REAL C TATE INVESTMENTS anywtwo wtat . mo KOC. IN, Ol DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders ChA I lranASirm . tal 14a.. Waftfl. 1W Main St. TU IW NEED MONEY for PAYING BILLS? If naaaing bill become a nul wsnce, act rid of them! Check our courteous, confidential, cash loan plan. You'll be glod you did. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Fmonce New & Used Cart Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrov Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. 5H So fSth TU 4-7783 HOUSEHOLD GOODS CU. FT. WfifinghouM uonght trMltr, 7 VrS. 010. 1100. TU 4-'03! HOUSEHOLD furnlthlngi tor l.le. All In evcelltnt condition ond rtosOn.Dly priced. 1303 E Wo.n. FOR Ml. 5 wmdOttl. 40 X 44. 120. TU 4-4r? tvon.noi. GUADANTFFO USED RANGES REPPIGFRATOPS WASHERS DRYERS WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Fum. 41? Vo.n TU 44185 WESTINGHOUSE Automat $0O?5 WASHER J ' Guaranteed KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 132 So 7th TU 4.8886 REPOSSESSED ALMOST NEW SINGER SLANT-O-MATIC When New $284.50 YOU PAY ONLY s9.90 MONTHLY A'fer Smo'l Down Payment SINGER SEWING CENTER m Mom tu ?.?sn FUEL - HEATING 38 UFL C I. tM.'f'KM. M(Vm IrVMtt-n O't t Bu'"'. TU .TJ "tTboay wool. i to i ircNtT Ungrtv GOOD rM fir (V4 wryvl t'J cyfl, Oi livirrl. T J i 771, TU 1-41 U. FUEL HEATING 38 CALL CLIFF YADEN For Presto Logs & Heating Oil! Metered Propane Sales S k H Green Stamps Open 24 hours 2560 South Sixth TU 4-3611 and (U 2-9260 DRY lodgapoie pine and pln body wood. any lengths, TU 2-3705. PREPARE FOR WINTER STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil 4 Wood Stoves "FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS" Frankford Fuel Co. GOOD THINGS TO EAT 39 BEEF, PORK, wholtjflle. cujtom butch. inng, cutting, curing, Shamrock Mtats. 4jjv snasra way. iu 2.431a. iu 2ura. Boots . Pets Sports - Hobbies 40 $100 AKC reglsterd Chesapeake Bay re triever pups. Field trial breeding. Ph, 773-2951, Bob Napolitang, 3099 E. MC- Andrews, Medtord, Ore. FREE, darling 1 week old kittens. House- broken, TU 3-2480. COCKER Soaniel puppies for sale, male, $5, TU 2-6030. COLLIE puppies, AKC rag.. S'a months, iu z-ji2i, 451 winter. BLACK mln. poodle puppies, excellent blood tines, $100-$ 125. Terms. TU 2-4052, PUPPIES. Poodles. Pekingese, Poms. Stud service, poodle clipping. TU 4-7525. "A HOME AWAV FROM HOME" . for your pets. Dog & cat boarding. best professional cart. Heated sanitary kennels with outside runs, 24 hr. service. pickup & delivery. Special rates for stea dy or monthly boarders. Special atten tion to females in season, visitors wel come. Shasta Cascade Kennels, lust past Merrill-Lakevlew Junction, ott Merrm Highway on Booth Road. Rte. 2. Box 504E, TU 4-507S. ICE SKATES LARGE SUPPLY NONE OVER $4 All Shapes ond Sires LOW PRICES AND TRADES The RESALE HOUSE 3899 So. Sixth RADIO - TV - MUSIC 41 RENT a new Baldwin piano, J10 a month. No delivery charge. Bowden Music Co. 830 Main. TU 2-493. EXPERIENCED piano teacher, beginn ers, advanced. Blanche Mapes, TU 4-3069. WE pay cash for used pianos. ft MUSIC Lessons & Sales Guild & E pi phone Guitars Sonola Ac cordions and Lowrey organs. "Rnt Ap plies to Purchase." Klamath Music Center 515 E. Main TU 4-3360 it Television Service House colls A 7C Now only 3 USED TV SETS From $39.50 up. All warranted. DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Years on 7th St." 126 No. 7th- TU 4-5121 USED ORGAN TRADE-INS BALDWIN THOMAS LOWREY HAMMOND EASY TERMS SAVE UP TO $450 BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Main TU 2-4883 LIVESTOCK t POULTRY FOR sale 7-year-old dark colored fenny. TU 4 781 or see et 141 Hope. FOR saie long yearling Angui built. TU 3-4760. vi aiiATU DDnir (DP FBUIfF TU 4-400, TU 2-1 US, TU 4-4351. TU 2-AK BABY ralvei for tale. 1S45 Gary, phone 1 U ZOBBV, BABY caIvcs (or sale or trade. TU 4-3607, 2312 Autumn. KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! Call "Woody" Gueck, Owner-Mgr, TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY at 1 p.m. shorp Rte. 3, Box 44 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Rood Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. The BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Moke Your Plans Now to Consign to the Stockmen Market, Tuesday Is sale day in the Klamath Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Off 4-9667 Howe 4.9436 MACHINERY 44 DOZER BLADES for TD6's TD9's - D4's HDS's - D6's TD6 Anqle Dozer - $2,500 J. C. Equipment Co. 6th & Hilyord TU 2-2051 We have the following eouipment for lease, by the day, month or year. John Deere 2010 Wheel Loader m ith or without bock hoe John Deere 1010 aned 0 Crowl ers with doiers John Deere 1010 Crawler Looder John Deere 435 Dtesel with Trencher will trench 5 ft. deep 12 ft. wide iCoterp.llor D2 with dozer Coll or ice us at Klamath FqIIj or Tulclcke. Don Potter Machinery Co. Phone TU 2-5571 7376 South S.th St T,, 1,1-1,,. pk 67-,i?n MISC. FOR RENT RENTALS ON MOB'til B. WhMl fhiif. Wtk'. rMt'Oi, Cvrmoril iJ Holl-A-y Mi MERCHANDISE MART 2964 Sro. 6th TU 4-6660 .45, FOR RENT screw lack and hvdraulic (acKs. Klametn Valley Lumber Co., 1940 S. 6th. TU 4-4116. FOR RENT, American floor sender and edger, swift and easy to operate, sand papers and Bruce floor finishes. Klam ath Valley Lumber Co. 1940 So. th. TU 4-4ai. MISC. WANTED WANTED rear axle for truck and dual axle log trailer, both to take 6-hole Budd wneeis. rn. Express 1-2379 Macdoel. WANTED - pool table. Call TU 4-5792. MISC. FOR SALE 51 FOR sale fence pests, old orowth heart reawooo, aa cenis eacn. pn, Newell 844 1. LADIES V' carat diamond wedding set. nannum mgunnng. i u i-veu. INK BARRELS, $2 50 Press Room, Herald and News. DRAIN rock, gravel, ana roadway ma' terlal. TU 4-3561, GEO. R. STACY CO. MASON sand, fill dirt, sandy fill. Cin ders, pelican sand. TU 4-438. TOPSOIL, concrete aogregate driveway material, drain rock. J, M. Barnes, TU 4-745?. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS FOUNDATION gem seed Grown In iso lated area, n in. mm. 6-io ounce, bulk or sack. Merrill 798-S299. PEST KIL Livestock Spray & Cattle Oilers. Controls Lice, Ticks, Mange, Wood Mag' ales. $1.50 GAL In case LOTS "Other Animal Heai'n Products" PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE 4621 So. 6th TU 2-4555 SPECIAL OFFER FREE FLOWER SEEDS TAKE YOUR PICK Yours For The Asking STOP IN TODAY! GOODYEAR STORE Cofer's Exchange UNREDEEMED LOAN PLEDGES Cuitars-Radloi-Tools-Carneras-Shaverf Sewing Mac nines-Watches OUT OF PAWN Diamond Rlngs-Weodlnq Sett ALL NEW MOUNTINGS '1,001' Bargains Small-Short Term-Pawnbroker Loans 625 Klam. TU 4-7160 I I I I SPECAl. ICE SALE OUT OF PAWN DIAMONDS GUARANTEED Quality Plus Lowest prices in lown at COFER'S EXCHANGE 625 Klamath TU 4-7160 DURALON WAX NO MORE For Wood Linoleum Concrete - Cork -Masonita - Metal Asphalt or Rubber Tile DRIES IN 30 MINUTES! NO SLIP ... NO SKID . . . SAFE FRANK'S FROZE UP? . REPAIR THAT BROKEN PLUMBING WITH UNITS FROM The RESALE HOUSE 3RQ9 So. Sivth TRAILERS 52 FACTORY trlrd Coleman & Infernal' mobile furnace tervlce, parts, TU 4-8436, FOR SALE Equity in I960 Great Lakes frailer, X 10. Z Bert room, furrtisneo, washer-dryer, air conditioner. Conilder trade. TU 4-7431 alter i p.m. FOR ate two-wheel traher, all steel, TU 2-?047. FILL that vacant rental with a fait ad ng Want Ad. Simply dial TU 4-tlll. TRAILERS WANTED Uo to 3S ft. nv not or makt. ore. CASH waiting, trad, up or down! SELL YOUR TRAILER DON'T GIVE IT AWAY See Dole or "Shine." DALE'S USED CAR LOT 333 So. 6th TU 2-4980 JANUARY LIQUIDATION of all brand new 1962 ARISTOCRATS! To be sold at invoice or be low. See these right oway! EXAMPLES '62 ARISTOCRAT I A Ft. Slccpj 6, Ire boK. Completely equipped for camping.' Regu lar retail price, $1545 T9 ,or $I245 62 ARISTOCRAT 16 Ft. Hi-Liner Model. Completely sell contoined. Toilet. Pres sure water system, oas refri gerator. Sleeps 6. Regular re toil price, $1995. Going for below invoice $ I CQ7 ot only I 00 3 More '62 ARISTOCRATS In Stock All Likewise Reduced! Wilson WILEY BUICK Moin Goroge 1330 Mom TU 4 3UI Car Lot No 2 29 So 7th TU 4 9203 AUTO MISCELLANIOUS S3 Cecil Cox Garage iVofor Overhaul or Valve Orind Tun UD It a Scwcinttv JIS1 AMnmont CH TU 'OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE MOTORCYCLES NtW l USED LARGE SELECTION 04y'l Hirltv Dtvldion S4lM 7 North TU !' USED'CAR INSPECTION Save Money BEFORE You Buy! For $5, we will check: CoTpreion Plugs & Point Radio'or &, Hoses Broe Lmtng AnMreeie Lights & Battery Generator Output Shocks Ehamt System Tires & Miscellaneous HARVE'S DOUGLAS SERVICE 3S40 S 6th TU 2-9 1 3' MISC. FORJUNT AUTO MISCELLANEOUS .. 53 i rings, gaskets, oil. grind valves, adjust Prospect & uphem TU 1-419 COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE ' CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. MAIN & ESPLANADE USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 FOR sale 1960 Renault Dauphina, S525, see aT ui uanna M. FOR sale 1955 Jeep Pickup 4i4. exception al congmon. wincn, oual oas tanks, oowei brakes, new clear view Gem canopy, low mileage, 261 Cnev. engine new foam seat cusmon, air un overloads. SI395, call Newell 664,2141 eves. WANTED '37 & older carj. Central Auto Saiej, IU M13Q, 1 U 2-J204. 1954 CENTURY 4 dr. Bulck, 1 owner. GOOD '41 CMC I Inn nifkun. tnn nhn j TU 4-8820. '54 PONTIAC Starchlef Custom Catallna Haraiop, New tires, power, automatic. i Also '52 Plymouth 2-Dr, Sedan, excel- . Both cars have had recent motor overhaul jobs. Call Dick Floyd TU 4-8124 days, TU 2-5859 eves. 1958 LLOYD 600. lots of miles on little gas, S250, TU 2-15J5. 1947 DODGE pickup, $110, see Marv Reed, Pacific Finance, 121 So, 9th. DRIVE MORE MOTORS Will pay cash for cars. TU 4-3579. 1955 OLDSMOB1LE, automatic transmis sion. Good condition, S550. TU 2-0805. '60 VOLKS. 2 Dr. Sedan, motor over. hauled, new clutch, battery & tires. Good paint ft. interior. Sacrifice 11195, no trades, private party, TU 4-4842. i WANTED antiques, anything oldl Call u 2-4gi aays or tu 4-bobq eves. 54 PONTIAC Slarchief Custom Catallna. UarHtnn M.u flr hr.l., It. serts. Completely reconditioned engine rower, nyaramaiic. uick r-ioya I u 4-li4 days. TU 2-5859 eves. SELL or trade 1962 Come' station wagon, Excellent condition. TU 4 4007, TU 4-6671. 1960 GOLIATH 3 door. $875. TU 2-5090. UNUSUAL often get response whan made In "Personals " Call TU 4-1111. SAVE UP TO $400 Gigantic Stock Reduction 7 Days 7 Down Payment Arranged for on Newer Models '62 CHEVROLET IMPALA Sport Sr-don. Like new. Looded. WAS $ '2598 $2798 '62 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4 -Door Sedan. V-8 engine, Power- Glide. ,sb s2398 '60 RAMBLER SUPER 4-Dr. Sedan. 6 cylinder with over drive. WAS $ $1498 298 '60 CHEVROLET CORVAIR ,4. Dr. Sedan. Rodio, heater, Power- Glide. WAS $ $1498 398 58 CHEV. BROOKWOOD Stotion Wogon. V-8 with Power- Glide. WAS $ $1198 098 '60 PONTIAC Ventura Hdlp. Lite newA Looded. WAS $ $2198 998 '60 CHEVROLET 4 Ton Pickup. A reol shorp one ZI& $I498 '57 FORD Vi Ton Pickup. State rock. WAS $1098 '898 '58 PLYMOUTH Sport Coupe. A reol Hot Rod. WAS $998 '598 '53 BUICK 4-Dr. Sedon. Big err . price. WAS $ I $398 I 98 '50 FORD Ton Pickup. 4-speed lras- Irrmtion. WAS $ 1 98 $298 DUGAN TRADE Main 6arage 410 So. 6th St. HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 ! WANTEO 1941-1955 Chevrolet i ton pick up, 4-soeed transmission. Will pay cash ror oesi pickup onerea. iu 2-4714 NINE passenger country sedan, )95i $25. TU 4-9315 evenings. 1941 FORD pickup. 4-speed, needs work. Mi, phone Don Kettier, TU 4-sill. TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your car or equity for cash fnm In TnHnul 7th & Plum TU 2-4784 LOOK THESE BARGAINS! They've simply been here too long ond are OLD IN STOCK '60 Ford V-8 Galaxie Hardtop 1:SU93: SI633 '61 Mercury Comet 4-Door 9 M583 62 Olds '88' 2-Dr. HordloD Wos $3193. 2993 '60 Olds '88' 4. Door Hordtop Woes 52193. I OQO Now I 700 '60 Pontioc Storchief 2-Door Wos S2I93. $ OQO Now I 70 J '62 Olds Cutlass F-85 Coupe Z: i2!!l '2643 56 Mercury 2-Door $343 57 Chev. Station Woaon .. $793 '55 Ford Stotion Wooon .. $393 '54 Olds '88' 4-Door $143 '55 DeSoto 4-Door $133 '57 Plymouth 4-Door $513 '59 Volvo Station Wagon .. $753 '53 Olds '88' 2-Door $183 DICK B. MILLER CO. & Klomoth TU 4-4154 7lh SALE OUT THEY GO! Mon. Jan. 14-Mon. Jan. 21 All Units Have Been FULLY RECONDITIONED and are GUARANTEED . Unless Otherwise Specified. 62 CHEVROLET CORVAIR Monro Couoa. 4-sDMd. radio. heater. 3& '2198 '61 CHEVROLET IMPALA Sport Sedan. Loaded with extras WAS $ '2198 $2498 '60 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-Dr. Sedon. Fully equipped WAS $ $1798 598 '59 CHEVROLET IMPALA Sport Coupe. Really nice through put. Sth $I498 '58 CHEV. BISCAYNE 2-Dr. Sedon. Rodio, heater, V-8 WAS $ '998 $1198 '61 WILLYS CJ5 Jeep. Cob, hubs, shorp. WAS $ I 7Qp $2098 I I TO '59 CHEVROLET Yz Ton Pickup. Long wheelbose. WAS $ $1598 398 '57 CHEVROLET Vi Ton Pickup. Long wheelbose. WAS $1098 998 "AS-IS" SPECIALS!!! '55 DODGE 4-Dr. Sedon. Lots or miles led. WAS $598 '298 '51 FORD 4-Dr. Sdn. Standord transmission. WAS $ 48 $198 '46 CHEVROLET Panel. Has winch worth $200! WAS $398 $248 &MEST BEST! TU 4-310 Falls. Ore. Sunday, USID CARS AND TRUCKS Jl! JANUARY CLEARANCE! '62 Stude. 4-Door (Over drive) $1845 61 Imperial 4-Door $3595 61 Chev. Bel Air 4-Dr. .. $1995 60 Plymouth 4-Door $1545 60 Pontiac Bonn. 2-Door Hardtop $2395 59 Plymouth Belv. 2-Dr. $ 995 59 Pont. 4-Dr. Sta. Won. $1695 59 Chev. Bel Air 4-Dr. .. $1495 59 Stude. 2-Dr. Hordtop (Overdrive $1195 59 Rambler 4-Dr. Over. drive $1295 58 Plymouth 4-Door Sta tion Wogon $ 895 '57 Pontiac 4-Dr. Stn. Wagon. Sharp $1095 '57 Goliath 4-Door $ 395 '57 Dodge 4-Door $ 795 '56 Willys 4x4 Station Wagon (Sharp) $1295 '56 Chev. 2-Door (As - is special) $ 345 '55 Stude. 4-Door $ 198 '55 Ford Sto. Wgn. (As-is speciol) $ 98 '54 Pontiac 2-Dr. Hdl. .. $ 98 '47 DeSoto Sdn $ 78 '54 Buick2-Dr $ 58 COMMERCIALS '62 GMC SWB (4-speed) $2095 62 GMC SWB (3 - speed) Power Steering $2095 61 Chev. LWB Vi ton (4-speed) $1995 60 GMC LWB (4-speed) $1695 59 Chev. SWB '6' (4- speed) $1295 56 Ford SWB (4-specd) V-8 $ 695 55 Willys 4x4 $ 995 JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot 7th & Commercial TU 2-5646 OK Guar anteed! 7 Days 7 DOWN IVKJ PAYMENT (Credit; Permitting) on Older Models '62 CHEVROLET IMPALA Sport Coupe. Blue and white. Pow er steering. '2598 '61 CHEVROLET IMPALA Sport Coupe. A real sharp one. WAS $2598 $2398 '60 CHEVROLET CORVAIR 4-Dr. Sedon. 3-speed. Sharp. WAS $ $1498 398 '58 VOLKSWAGEN 2 -Door Coupe. Like new. Reol eco nomy. WAS $QQQ $1198 770 '56 VOLKSWAGEN Coupe. Hos rodio, ond heater. WAS 7QQ $998 70 '61 CHEVROLET CORVAIR Rompjide Pickup. One owner. Zfn '1698 '59 GMC Vi Ton Pickup. Here' e real buy! WA5 $ I 9QQ $1398 I ZVO '55 CHEVROLET Vi Ton Pickup. See this one! WAS $798 $698 '53 FORD 2-Dr. Sedan. It runs . times! WAS $298 $48 '40 CHEVROLET Panel Delivery. 4-speed. WAS $ $198 78 '52 GMC Vi Ton Pickup. A shorp one. WAS $' 298 $498 Chevy Center 6th to 7th on Plum January 13, 1963 PAGE f3B USID CARS AND TRUCKS 55 LOOK HERE!!! '62 Chev. V-l Impale 2 Dr. HdD HI'S, t Ford Galaxie 3 Or. Hdto. RAH WJ. 61 Falcon 2 Door sedan, stenderd IU9S. 61 Chevrolet i Ten 3 speed pickup tHS. M Ford V-4 Ton 3 speed pickup IU?5. DEAL RITE MOTORS ?JI7 So. lh TU 4-44! TU 4 HJO Erv Dowdy CREW TRUCK! '47 International KB7 - With winch, pole set ter, tool compartments, crew cab. $1 195 JUCKELAND MOTORS INC. 1 lth & Klamath TU 2-2581 JOE FISHER'S Safe-Buy BARGAINS 60 FORD 2-Dr. Hardtop. Looded with extras 59 FORD 4-Dr. Sedan 797 I297 $I597 $I297 61 FORD FALCON 2-Dr. Sedon 60 FORD FALCON 4-Dr. Sedan ... '62 MERCURY 2-Dr. Hardtop. One owner. low mlleoge $2397 $I297 797 $ 997 '60 RAMBLER 4-Dr. Sedan 61 RENAULT 4-Dr. Sedon 61 HILLMAN MINX 4-Dr. Sedan '61 PLYMOUTH VALIANT 4.Door $ r-Q7 Stotion Wogon .. U 7 61 FORD Vj TON PICKUP Long box, 4-speed, big tires ond $ I COT wheels IJ7 61 CHEVROLET Vi T. PICKUP t.a M597 SALESMEN Dole Sechrist TU 2-5720 Roy Rinehart TU 4-9541 Joe Padgett TU 2-06 SI Jim Ehreth TU 2-0149 iMortin Arnold TU 4-571 1 Elnathon Davis TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 So. 7th TU 4-8104 ECCLES MOTOR CO. We're Having a Real JANUARY Stock Reducing JAM60REE at 606 So. 6th St. 62 Pontiac Grand Prix Coup Rodio, heater, floorshlft Hy dro. Finned wheels, power, bucket seats, Morrokide In terior, c;07 black '58 Codilloe '62' Sedan DeVllle Radio, heater. Hydra. Power steering, brakes, $ j QQ7 windows, seat ' '77 60 Pontiac Cotolina 4-Dr. Stn. Wagon. Rodio, heater. Hydra. Power ond 6-woy power seot. Full Morrokide In- JO I QJ te rior. Excellent .... 4t I 7 '61 Rambler '6' Custom 4-Door Radio, heater, overdrive, pow er steering. One loco I owner. Jet block. Full vinyl OnQ7 interior l I 56 Olds '88' 2-Dr. Sedon Hydramatlc, $ "iQJ heoler J7' 62 Mercury Montere Custom 4- Dr. Rodio, heater, Multi-drive, power steering, power brakes, Z. $2697 59 M:cury Monterey 4-Dr. Radio, heater, Mercomotlc, power steering, $ I 007 extra shorp I J7 '60 Plymouth Fury Convertible Rodio, heoter, auto, trans., power steering & brakes, swivel seats, $ I CQ7 one owner -J 1 1 '59 Volvo 544 2-Dr. Sedon Rodio. heater, 4-speed, low mileage, one owner. Fire ;:r $i097 '58 Volkswogen 2-Door Rodio, heoter, 4-speed. Black with white $ I r07 sldewolls IU7 '54 Rombler Amerleon Dlx. 2-Dr. Sedan. 6 cylinder engine, ston. transmission. $ 7Q7 A reol gas miser .... ill '55 Pontiac Storchief Hdtp. Cpe. Radio, heoter, Hydramatlc, genuine leather Interior. Ex cellent tires. $ "iOf Reduced to 07 '54 Ford V-8 Customllne 2-Door Rodio, heoter, stick shift. A reol shorp $ OQ7 '54 model 7 '60 Ford Fcirlone 2-Door Radio, heater, standord trans, V-8 engine .$I497 '47 Chev. Sdn. Delivery $ It runs 37 Call one of our Salesmen You'll be GLAD you did! Dick Floyd TU 2-5B59 Dean HoweM TU 2-3596 Pill Cunninghom .... TU 4-7177 Pete Stride TU 2-0491 Russ Cotter .... TU 2-1403 Bus Thompson TU 4-6618 Bill Hotchkin TU 4-455t ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th St. TU 4-8124