Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 13, 1963, Page 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 2-B
HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls, Ore.
Sunday, January 13, 19U
Wraps tFiirst'Contest T Mdffcd
It takes more than defense to
win a basketball garret
The KUHS Pelicans found this
out Friday night at Mcdford when
they turned in a tremendous de
fensive game only to find them'
selves on the short end of the
scoring totals 44 to 35.
It was the first defeat of the
season for the Pelicans and left
them with a conference mark of
two wins and a single defeat,
An aggressive Black Tornado
club' played a pressing defense
very well, and finally broke up
the Pelicans offensive threat and
nullified a rugged zone defense.
The Pelicans opened the action
when Fred Kelley scored his only
field goal of the game with a
shot just off the key with 3:30
gone in the first quarter. Dick
Scott added a two-pointer a mm
ute later to give KU a 4 0 lead.
Jack Forde converted a free
throw when fouled by Kelley at
4:09 of the first frame for the
victor's first score. Wayne Chan
berland tipped in a reboundcr for
two and Scott broke through to
add two more as the Pels jumped
off to an eight to one lead.
Hal Holman converted a single
gift toss and Medford took time
out with 2:39 remaining in the
Sifting along the baseline on
the zone, Medford began to strike
back. Jim Hill dropped in two
free throws on Terry Ash's infrac
tion, and a few seconds later Mike
Neathammer converted on anoth
er Ash fouK
This pared the lead nine to
five. Kelley hit a free throw as
did Scott and the Pels held an
11 to five first quarter lead.
This was the high point for
the Whitebirds.
Gibb Mitchell hit for two to open
the second quarter, Kelley added
a charity shot for KU, but Dan
Miles hit on a two-pointer to pull
it down to 12-9.
Hill poured in one from under
neath for two, missing the foul
shot he gathered in the process
and the Pel lead was cut to a
single point at 12-11.
With 5:20 left in the second
quarter, Hill roared In for a lay
in and Medford was out front at
13-12. Forde, fouled by Kelley.
dropped in both gift shots for a
Medford 15-12 edge.
The Pelicans rallied with Ash
sinking two gift shots on Forde's
foul, and at 4:03 in the quarter,
Grover Dahn was fouled by Deff-
lcy. He dropped in the first shot to
tie the game at 15-all and the
second to give the Pels a short
lived 1615 edge. It was the last
time they were to lead in the
forde scored two straight field
goals to end the half with Med
ford in front 19 to 16.
Forde and Neathammer com
bined to forge a nine-point 32 to 23
margin for Medford in the third
quarter, and the Pels were unable
to close the gap as they found only
Scott able to hit from the field
Coach Al Keck commented aft
lerwards, "They still only beat us
by nine points as bad as we
His reference was tn the poor
snooting ol the Pels. They could
hit on only 10 out of 42 shots for
a miserable .238 per cent. Med
ford meantime counted 16 of 44
attempts for a .364 tiom the field.
Klamath's height told on the
boards where they outrebounded
Medford 39 to 30, but erratic Peli
can ball handling against the press
cost them the ball at least 11
times in the first half.
The loss of the Pels plus a de
feat of Crater by Grants Pass
Friday by a 44 to 33 score left
the Southern Oregon Conference
a four-way race with each' club
having at least one loss.
KlamaM Falls (HI FO FT-FTA PI TP
SCO" 5 5-5 1 IS
Cumberland 1 0-11 2
Kelley 1 3 5 4 5
H. Holman 0 1 l-l l I
Ash 3 ll 2 s
B. Holman ' 0 2-3 2'2
Piper 0 0-0 0 0
Dahn 1 e 1 5
MOOra 0 0-1 0 0
Guver 0 04 0 0
Tollli 10 Ull 3
Madlord (40 FO FT-FTA PF TP
Barnes 0 l-l 0 1
Forfle 4 J-4 I 7
Miles 2 2 3 a
Mitchell 2 0-0 2 4
Neathammer 2 2-3 0 a
Mill 3 12 ' 5 7
DeHley 0 0-0 2 0
Salvers 0 0-1 0 0
Stockton 13-3 IS
Lowary 0 (Ml 0 0
Raid 0 0-0 0 0
Totals ' it 12.11 14 44
Score by quarters:
Klamath. Palls 11 5 7 1235
Medlord 5 14 13 1244
.3 6 10 1
Tlmw Tfmtrt Times Wsnth
$2 W S4 00 15.00 S 9 00
3 25 5.00 450 H.50
4 00 4 00 100 14.00
US 7.00 ,5Q 14.50
Hally To Trip Mountaineers
LA GRANDE (Special) - The
Oregon Tech Owls, behind the
combined efforts of "Sweet" Sam-
mie Smith and Willie Anderson
pulled out a late come-from-be-hind
victory over the Eastern Ore
gon Mountaineers, 76-73, here Fri'
day night to remain undefeated
in the Oregon Collegiate ton
The Owls, defending league
champions, now sport a 3-0 leaguel
record and a 7-5 season record.
The same two clubs were to tan
gle again Saturday night.
Smith, who just joined the
club this semester after laying
out the first term, combined with
Anderson In the closing seconds
to bring the Owls another win. "It
was a routine barn-burner," said
Coach Jim Partlow after the close
win. He stawa netore tne owis
left that they would be lucky to
get away from La Grande with
a split because the Mountaineers
play like wildcats on their home
The lead changed hands 12 dif
ferent times during the course of
the contest, Each club hit reason-
ibly well from the floor with
the Owls connecting on 33 of 90
floor attempts for 36.7 per cent.
The Mountaineers hit even a lit
tle better in dropping in 28 of 72
fielders for 38.9 per cent.'
The hustling Owls, inspired and
playing better ball with 6-6 Smith
on the floor, won the game on
the boards where they pulled down
46 rebounds to only 40 for the
The Mountaineers held a 72-71
lead with two minutes remaining
to play when Smith dropped in a
ond bonus shot a few seconds lat
cr to give the Owls the go-ahead
Anderson slipped in under the
basket shortly thereafter to dunk
a two-pointer and give the Owls
the victory. The Mountaineers
scored another basket but the
Owls had the game in the bag
Smith, who was averaging 17 re
bounds through the first t w o
games, could pick off only 12
Friday night. But Anderson
free throw to deadlock the score plucked off 13 and steady Norm
for the last time. He hit his sec-1 Johns another seven and spark
Henley Tumbles Illinois Valley
From Undefeated Ranks, 87-70
plug Hewlett Nash eight.
The Owls, who have had a bal
anced scoring attack most of the
year, had it again Friday night.
Anderson led the pack with 22
points but Van Zitck netted 18,
Smith 16 and Nash 11. Johns add
ed seven and the only other one
to score was 6-10 Ron Wilkerson
with two.
The Mountaineers also cot dou
ble figure scoring from four guys.
Dennis Bagnall led the losers with
19 while Dick Willems and Rob-:
ert Meyers each hit 13 and Dick
Turlcy 10. The Mountaineers led
at half, 38-37.
EOC (73) Fga-Fg Fla-FI (tab PI Tp
OTI (7tl
Scora by halves
3-4 1-2 0 17
17 1-15 5 3
5-12 0-1 11 4 10
3-12 7- 3 1 13
8-19 3-S 4 0 19
2- 7 4 4 451
09 1 2 0 1 13
0- 0 0-0 1 0 0
2172 17-M 40 II 73
Fga-Fj Fta-FI Rab P( Tp
10-24 2-3 13 3 22
3- 9 1-2 7 4 7
4- 70 45 12 2 la
5- 17 II s 3 11
lit 2-9 4 3 11
1- l 012 2 2
33-90 10-14 44 17 74
, To Place Your .
Phone TU 4-8111
PHONE TU 4-8111
I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays
I a.m. to noon Saturday
Count five words par Una. Ads under 31
lines count same as i lines.
Minimum Charge 1.50
per advertisement, If paid In advance.;
Above rates are for, consecutive lnser-1
Horn, without change of copy, for pri
vate Individual!, Advertising must be
near ana understandable to be produc
tive. All words must be lied out.
Wjtos offered tor sale by private Jndi-
viauats casn witrt copy.
DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day before publi
cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and
On same schedule, except on Monday
luau sii i a nun in y;jw a.m.
Please read first Insertion of vnur art
The Herald ft News will give one extra
run ror Typographical error.
"Business Builder"
I column Inch. 135 oer month with w
discount for payment on or before the
ium. vj men, jiy with si.50 discount for
payment on or before the 10th. Based on
one copy cnanga par monrn.
BOX SERViCE-so cents per ad.
PHONE TU 4-8111'
KLAYATH Alcoholics Anonymous. TU. CLEAN, comfortable
rrom wain, u a, uo.
4-3i9r. TU 4-1704. Friendly help anytlmt.
KLAMATH Alanon for counseling and
meetings, TU 4-33l. TU 44104 anytime.
KLAMATH Detective Agency. Bonded, li
censed. Investigations, security. P.O. Box
room, CO per
WEN. .34 N. 3rd. close In, housekeeping,
reasonable, parking, TU 4-9267.
STEAM heated,
310 So. J
tions, leveling, TU 2-0Br or TU 3-1014.
WATER-pipe thawing, .cell TU 4-3913
between 7 a.m. and 12 noon.
Phone TU 4-79W
THE PRIM POODLE, custom grooming,
for appointment, TU 4-4229.
TREE surgery, such as removal, prun-
topping, grooming, tu 2-mt. ,
REMODELING and repairs, all kinds.
reasonable, references, ru 2-5388.
tel Units with kitchens, low winter
weekly rates. TU 4-32J6
DUPLEX, 4 room furnished, excellent
location, garage, laundry, $60, Tif
CLEAN, quiet, lurniwied, oath, steam
heal, near courthouse, 413 Walnut.
ft Pine, furnished,
959.50, Alpha Apts.,
free heat. Adults,
TU 4-4J22.
vour Diace. deliver to processing
plant or leave at your place. Al stoll, TU
FURNISHED, private bath, heat paid
Close in, adults, TU 4-467 j.
DOLLS- repaired, modern and antique.
Reasonable prices. Lome's Doll Hoipi-
i u 4-evYi, hj iflKcvicw.
Coin Op Laundry
Topload Washers
Also 10 lb. Washers
Behind U.S. Rank
31 35 73
37 3SW6
Herald and Newt Sportf Editor
Henley's second place rating In
the state may have risen Friday
The Hornets, plagued by a fan
tastic outside f hooting barrage by
Illinois Valley for three quarters.
roared away from the Cougars in
the fourth period to score a con'
vincing 87-70 victory over the pre
viously unbeaten IV (cam.
It was a whale of a scoring
contest with several players put
ting on a good show for the
packed house at Henley. Henley's
fi-7 Kent Gooding had his best
night of the season as he scorched
the net for 40 points, one point
hy nf his high school record of
41 points lust year. His best ef
fort this year was 31 before this
But his fabulous point output
didn't take much of the glimmer
off the performance of Illinois
Valley's great little 5-11 guard
Darryl Gellert who popped the
nets for 25 points. Ho had the
crowd buzzing with his shooting
ability. He hit six of his first
eight shots and all were from
25 feet or more. And he used some
great moves to get away from the
Hornets who were trying to stick
to him like fly paper.
,C .',',,.s
KEY. YOU'RE ON MY SIDE That's what HonUy'i LeVoy Youna 1301 could say.
He was scrappinq for a rebound hera with faammata Kent Gooding, at left, and
Illinois Valley's Charles Versteeg, in canter, when the ball hit him in the head. The
Hornets recovered this one and took tha Roqua League game, 87-70. Watching the
action at right is IV'i Ron Kentfield (45).
Hcsg!e Point Uses Height
a Down Sacred Heart, 61-40
The game was much closer than
the final score might indicate. It!
was the ninth straight win for
the state's second ranked team.
And by far the best of the season
The Hornets beat a well-drilled
team in the Cougars and tilings
will be closer when the Hornets
travel to the Cougar lair.
The Hornets, in the end, had
too much height and rebounding
'strength for the shorter Cougars.
But it looked in the first half as
if Ihey didn't need any rebound
ing because Ihey were ripping the
nets with almost everything they
sent arching toward' the basket.
The Cougars, behind the fabu
lous shooting of Gellert and Roger
Martin, took a 19-13 first period
lead and it looked as if the
vaunted Hornets were in for a
night of it which indeed they
were. And while they were hitting
the basket, they also did a cred
itable job of keeping Gooding
away from the bucket.
But Gooding went to work in the
second period and pulled he Hor
nets back into the lead just be
fore the half gun sounded. Good
ing ripped the cords for 17 points
in the second period and nine of
Ihcm came from the charity line
He hit 10 of 13 attempts for the
But while Gooding was scor
ing. Earl Allbritton was doing a
good job of taking up the re
bounding slack. He pulled down
10 for tlie night while Gooding fin
ished with 15. Allbritton also
scored 14 points and eight of them
came at the charily stripe. He hit
eight of nine. Tlie Hornets hil
7 of 36 for tlie night.
Allbritton hit a jump shot with
44 seconds left in the first half
to give Henley tlie lead of 35-34
and Gooding added two other bas
kels before tlie gun sounded for a
39-36 lead.
But the Cougars staved right in
there in the third quarter and the
Hornets went into the fourth
d ame leading hy only four points.
.Vl-54. But Hie guards stopped hit
ting, or seldom shooting, from the
outside and Henley got hot as a
peace pipe at a peace council in
tlte fourth and hit 29 big pomls.
Gooding ami Allbritton Jut eight
each, and IVoy Young con
nected for six. Tlie Cougars
weren't cold with IS points.
The Hornets hit 30 ol 63 shots
for a great 47 6 per cent.' The
Coucars connected on 2S of 68 for
Mouldlngcrall,. Inc. 51 21
oreqon Food stora ,a 3s
Eagles Aux. 40 33
Richlield 37's 3,'
Joe Fisher 30 a
40 Club 39 43
Acme Concrete 11 44
BUI'S Auto Towinn 34V1 4'.i
Jan. 10 results: Mou dinocralt 4. 40
Club 0; Richfield 4. Joe Fisher 0; Oreoon
Food 4, Bill's 0; eagles 3. Acmt I.
High teem game. Oregon Food 91;
high team series, Oregon Food, Eaoles
Auk. 363; high ind. game, Elaine Gray
333; high Ind. series. Nellie Shepard 521
Crescent Sr-a Foods ?s is
Klamatn Dairy Assoc. SO 77
ElectrnluK ii , 311,
Klamath Hardwoods
Connors Service
Shell Oil
Jen. 11 results- Drumstick I, Connors
service j; Kiamatn Dairy Assoc 4, Elec
IrotuK 0; Crescent Sea Fnnri 4. ruva. A.
Klamath Hardwoods 3, Shall Oil 1.
High team game. Klamath Dairy Assoc.
781; high team series, Conners Service
ittt; nign ind. game. Ritchie Dunn 197;
high Ind. series, Darlent Parry Hi.
Greenwood Masonry
Loooen Mosonry
Webb Insurance
Klamath Gas Co.
Simoiol Devoe
Adair Furniture
Bob I Pollys
Ketfers Auto Repair
& Save OH Co.
Jones Auto Repair
th St steel
Results: Klamath Gas Ca.
Furniture I; Bob a, Pollys 3. Simoiol 3
Jones Auto Repair 4. Cash A Save Oil
weno insurance 4. Stevens 0: Keftei
Auto Repair 3. Slith St. Steal 1; Lobben
wasonry 7. Greenwood Masonry
Hgh team oama. Webb Insurance f;i:
tfgh team ser.es. Webb Insurance 2417;
high Ind game. Jerry Fllti 113, Mickey
ouiier 3J1; high Ind. series. Wilma Bach.
tal S3. Elmer Anderson act.
Screw Balls 11 22
Results: Too Cats 1. Screw Ajiii. s.
Cards 2, Giants 1.
High team game, Cards 7ali hloh team
series. Screw Balls 1433; high Ind game,
Mlka Schooler lit; high Ind. aarlas, Mike
Schooler 333.
27 11
Lucky Strikes
Fowl Balls 13
Warriors 9
Results: Lucky Strikes 1. Fr.nl R.11.
Gutterbays 3. Wnmnrt n
High team game, Gutlerballs 557; high
.v.,. )ci ics. roui eaus IOB1; high ind
game, Pamela Warren .147; high Ind.
WARD'S Kjamath Funeral Home.
High Street. Phone TU 3-4101. .
Klomoth Lodqe No. 77 AF & AM
Mondoy, J o n u 0 r y
14th, 8 p.m. AMI
Master Mosons wel
come. Refreshments,
Gene R. Brynes, W M.
Gina's Tailor Shop
Tailoring - alterations for men, women.
children. All work guaranteed. R4 ton
able prices.
Gene'j Menj Wear i 537 Main
Jess' Tree Service
Tree topping, removing, any kind ot
clean-up work. Free estimate!.
TU 4-6418 Don't Guess Call Jess!
TREE topping, pruning. Insured tree
grooming. Lakeshore Nursery, TU 4-fi955.
Fuller Brush TU 2-5972
Repaired while you wait.
New Plates Made From Your Old
1033 Main ' TU 4-3134,
Licensed Insured professional service.
PARK APTS.. S30 up, bachelor, natural
hot water, TU 4-9754. T'J 4-38S4.
MODERN 3 rooms and bath, sto and up,
brick court, garages. 221 Spring.
Furnished apts., adults; also
213 Cedar. TU 4-9S57.
STEAM heat,
bachelor apt..
FURNISHED one bedroom apt., g a l
equipped, adults only, 2033 Eberleln.
ONE bedroom furnished apartment
333 SO. tlth
FURNISHED apartments
TU 2-4736.
142 Riverside.
ONE or 2
water paid.
bedroom furnished. Haat,
625 Grant, TU 2-4719.
CONSTRUCTION workers welcom.l
new OTI site, furnished, TV available.
weekly rates. Pelican Motti, TU 2-9256.
NICELY furnlshtnJ 2 bedroom apartment!
835 Lincoln. TU 4-5692.
APARTMENT near WeverhaBus.r ,w.
nished. Utilities, steam heal, 540. 4-8313
Klamath's most modern, (urnished. 219
So. 11th. TU 2-1062.
2 BEDROOM deluxe unfurnkhH j.n.r.
ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 3-fni
COMFORTABLE furnished apt., close In,
utilities paid, 126 N. 3rd.
Solve Problems!
TU 4-8 1 1 1
BACHELOR apartment, $47.50, heat, wa
ter, garbage service Included, inauira
223 No. 6th, Apt. 102.
CLEAN, convenient 2 and 3 room fur.
nished apartments. Water, oarbaas njiri
Washer, dryer, TV cable available! 140
and uo. Villa Marquise. 1330 Oak. TU
4-78J8 7 to 9 p.m. weekdays, Saturday
afternoon and Sundays.
COMPLETELY furnished Including util
it.es, 1411 Main.
CLEAN furnished apartment for one, lin
ens, cookware, dishes, utilities, laundry
included. No pets. $55, alio Summers
NICELY furnished 4 room apartment
Wool rugs. Ask about utilities being
paid. Baby accepted, TU 4-3762.
NEW 1963 World Book Encyclopedia, Ruth
acnaetrer, tu 4-4?4l before f a.m.
LOST Jan. 11 near Timber Mt. sorrel
police dog named "Speck," son on front
knee. $25 reward for return. Call
4-3975 or 4403 Winter Ave.
LOST Irish setter mai, vicinity of Yams!
Ranch, Call TU 2-4860.
FOUND: equipment for hay hauling
truck, Sprague River Road, TU 2-3644.
p piUnbeaten
Teams Fall
51 15
44' i 31'-?
43' 32 '.i
42' j 33' i
41' i 34 i
111 34
40 36
35 41
31' 1 44'
30 46
79 47
26 50
AMy Off,
JeMM jj
Reiults: Jettons 9. Unfour tihl t:
Corruptorf J, Alley Cats 1.
High tem game. Corrupfon 104; high
tearn tenet, Co'ruohvs W8Si h0h (nd
game,1 Gary Hickman 204; high Ind.
senes, Gary Hickman 337.
Cards J 10
Top Cats 19 14
Gie-it ij jo
By United Press International
I m o ot Orecon's previously
unbeaten prep basketball Dowers
ana a pre season favorite for the
.Metropolitan leaeuc title fell hv
uie wayside friaay night.
Klamath Falls, ranked No. 8
the Journal Coaches' Poll. Crater
and Astoria all suffered setbacks
away from home.
The Pelicans were beaten by
.sieoiora m-m at iledford. Defend
ing state A-l champkm Grants
Pass beat Crater 56-45 at Grants
Pass. And .Milwaukie stunned As
toria 58-43 at Milwaukie.
However; the state's top four
ranked teams managed to record
easy victories.
No. 1 ranked North Eucene
overwhelmed Willamette 74-4H
Aiarsnall ol for and ssnn iu
eighth straight game by beating
Lincoln 53-40: Corvallis encounter
ed litUe trouble in beating Albany
72-45 on the Bulldogs' court; and
South Eugene downed Cottage
orove 52-32.
Coifs Farm jMcLoughlin
Teams Fare Well Falls To Pels
IIOl'STON (t Tl - While the
neophyte IloiMon Colts were fin
ishmg in eighth place during the
resent .season, their farm hands
were faring much better and
posting the thud best won lost
record in tlie National Leapie.
The Colts' (our minor league
teams xsted a record of 274!
wins and 2T1 defeats lor a per-
rentage of .50.1. bested onlv bv
farm clulis of the Cincinnati Reds
and the Milwaukee Braves.
The Uravrs. with eight clubs.
won 55S and lost 516 for a .519
.a J per cent. Henley continues to mark while tlie Heds with five
r.Kl the Icajue The Henley B 'clubs, won :m and lost for
511 mark.
Tha boa acora:
IMA (411 P au TFtP
fcroh 3 44 4 10
Kv.,n ) 00 1
V 'ani 00 S 4
n Camp 0 0-0 i 0
V.nar 1 1) J 7
D -'pfl I 00 0 ?
Lfsu 4 14 5 a
'.''. I W J I J
DawiS I 1? J
ToiaH it ill ll aa
fat la Point (II) PO T PT PP TP
ppma.oy a j-4 in
Av.es 0 M 1 0
Wnalay t 01 S 3
S'rsus 1 03 O )
Si-o't t it o la
Wavnn 0 1111
L 'vdar J a-l a 1
Cr-Ms 1 09 4
P-arfiQht 1 ti I H
Cia"y l l.l l s
ratals II ISH II ill
Secav by quartats: I
lacrad Maart 11 It I U-
tagia Paint 13 i 1 la) asl I
EAGLE POINT iSrcialiThe jKrok lasted out the g.ime and
Sacred Heart Trojann. missing the fmished tush for the Trojans with
height needed to rebound with. ,n , ,c.. , , .
team also won. 57-50
THI tox icoai
nine and Mi!lr with seven.
Richard Short, the leading scor
er for Eagle Toint with IS points,
took down IS rebounds as the Ea
gles out-rebounded the Trojans al-
The IVtroit Tigen. with six
farm teams, led the majors with
a record of 3 wins and 337 df-
i pion Eagle Pnt quintet here Fri
day night, ni-40.
The Trojans, now M in league
play, didn't have enough rebound
ing strength to itay with the tall
er Eagles. most I I. The Eagles went to work
Eagle Toint took a 13-11 first to increase the margin alter Mill
period lead and increased it torr fouled out nod most of the
10 points hy intermission, 31-21. Trojan rebouiiiiiiii strength was
The Trojans slued the margin !
some in the third reriod but! Charles Pomerov. who has been
couldn't kecp up the pace when'one of the leading scorers in. the!-"";''"
t,Piek Miller. Chuck Milan! and Rogue l.ts;iie. v. is held to 11 sa-via-s
r.imo uneu all fou.ed out. Pete, points. John Lmder finished with
u-ao Krok and LeBeau each i,2 and Wilbur Bc.itviuht 10 for
nfmir fouls in the second period, the w innei s.
tlliaall Valtay (rt) Pf Pta Pf tab
r, Ma-t in st a
pv"-o-aar a it i
Sivy.".!! 4 14 s
Vrsa 0 0 1 J
P S'a-' i 4 111
VrNt.gM M I
saoM aid 1 I J S
rts,t 0 09 0
. sa'l 9 0 IS ft
, ratals if uii n
i Manley tl't Pf Pta-Pt R
I tv-q s a-4 a
Pa" -3 1 o:
i-wt-o !S 1M1 IS
I Pan.r s : 1 s
a -I.- nn i a a ifi
j . .wv,ai o o-f ,i
iP"d 0 110
i .'r"..-! O 0-9 0
' Pa-f. t t OS 3
Sana's 0 I 1
iSC-a ft so 0
Totals at IT 3i as
s, ft-a by K-arta-s.
Itn.nrtis Vai'av ta l 11
'tif'ay u It la
Tlie Klamath I'nion freshman
wrestling team downed McLough-
lin Junior High of Medford on
Pelican Court Saturday after
noon. 29-17, to get their fourth
victory against a pair of losses
The Telicans won six of the
bouts with Dan Row and Denni
Taber getting victories via the
pin route. Phil Coulson, Fred Zah-
lor and Glenn Miller each earned
decisions and tlie Pelicans got
two victories by forfeit. Perry
Chestnut and Darwin White were
tlie forfeit winners.
Coach Phil Harder said that the
wins by Miller. Coulson and Ta
bor were the best bouts. The
fresh beat Henley's frosh En-
day night. 21-91
ui-iit-i.il .iianacer ram Kicn- a a
: nrds said he believed the Colts OPOI SmOn S
, have made a good start toward
a de eloping
o.whiih will soon start producing
,2;n;ng players or the n.t
league club
T" "Our filler
ta v
ta li
of welding ihoe players
eoniemluig tram
strong orcani;al.on Meetina blated
The Klamath Sportsman's As
Kiculion will hold a merlins
Mondav nichl. beginning at
7; JO. tn the club's meeting
It Is scheduled as a general
meeting and the public Is In
vited, f or information regard
ing the cluh house site, call
Carl Harris, TV J-50n7.
MISSING from 1122 West Oregon near
YacM Club, b'ack male kitten
Vacation Money
selling the
Herald & News
Herald & News, Circulation
Dept., 1301 Esplanade
PHONE TU 4-8111
BRIGHT, cheerful atmosphere (or vour
pre-icriooler. Attractive, sunny, nicely
equfcoed nursery school, experienced
tMcner. hot springj. Vinton welcome
TU 4-S70J.
WOMAN WITH CAR to call regularly
each month on established Studio Girl
iome'ics cuenrs in and around Klam
ath Falls, maklnrj neceitarv rillwr(c.
etc. 3 or 4 hours per day. Route will
pay up to w.ou per hour. Write STUDIO
UlKL (.U5METIC5, Dept. 7343), G lend alt,
FURNISHED t ronm nt . (in ..miii
I paid. 419 NO. 10th.
FURNISHED clean one bedroom amrt
ment, hot water heat. Call TU 2-3151.
ENJOYABLE, downtown furnished, heat
free. Adults, $45, Alpha Apartments, TU
7 BEDROOM unfurnished, ground floor,
auto, washer hookup, fenced, ISO, TU
SPARKLING, uptown, furnished. Larqe
bedroom, extra bath, heat free, adults,
185, Alpha Apartments, TU 4-4522.
RELIABLE woman for child cart and
light housework, my home, 5 day week.
iu 4-605 aftfer 7 p.m. No. calls after
Jan. 13.
LADIES: Earn extremely high commis
sion plus new seasonal wardrobes. Bee
Line Home Fashion shows No investment.
Car & phone necessary. Call before 10
a.m. or evenings. 7-9 p.m. TU 4-5255i
PART-TIME work. Interesting mnrket re-i
searcn interviewing, car desirable.
High school grfld. or more. Write Box
436C. care of Herald and News.
NEEDED at onct, ladies from Otvrii,
Mfllin, Klamath Falls, full or part-time,
Prirty plan, TU 2-4301.
WOMAN to care lor two small chile
In my home Mon. through Fri. Musi
permanent and have references. TU 2-0114
anar s:m eno weekends.
CLEAN newly decorated for caualm nr
single, utilities. S60, Greer Apts.
$40 AND 149.50. newly decorated,
or single, on 9th St. Gun store.
FURNISHED Iront aol. All utiliti na,t
except lights. Natural hot water heat.
Lincoln Apartments, Apt. 5, 31?
E. Main. Adults only.
NICE dean furnished aoarlmpni. rin in
TU 2-2531. TU 4-69M.
? BEDROOMS furnished acts., carport,
1 u ,t-yj3 anytime, I U 4-3769 after 7.
15 TO $20 weeklv rale, kitrhan
able. Johnny's Motel, ?oos Blehn.
THREE room lurnnhen apartment
2061 White
ONE bedroom unfurnished duplex, $49,
3537 Boardman, Ph. TU 2-4090.
NEW furnished not. 142.50. imn Ti.
ham St., TU 4-9907.
THREE room completely furnlshBd n.,i.
ment, 199 Walnut, TU 4-5472.
POSITION available aooroxlmatalv Jan
15 with Klamath Falls Creamerv. Vimi
sienograpny, general office work. Appli
cant must be above averaqe typist. This
is a oood ob for the right person. StarUnq
salary commensurate to ahiiitv nr
perlenct. Apply In person to HJamnth
Falls Creamery Office, 1:30 a.m. to 10:301
, mornings.
NICELY furnished, three rooms ind htn.
garage, private entrance. TU 2-1214.
FURNISHED large 3 rooms, clean, warm,
rug, $45, Inquire 1624 Qlyls 1 on.
SPEED Y ll the word advartltan uta tt.
describe Want Ad results. Diai TU 4-1111.
224 BROAD - TU 2-9217
VACANCY for lady or gentleman need
Inn nurslra and-or convalescent care.
Mountalnvlew Nursing Horn, 6H Park,
Ashland, Or. Ph. 413-1 31.
GRAHAM'S licensed home, for the aqed,
private- rooms or ward cart, special
diet, personal interest assured, TU 2-3165.
Gets Crown
Slender little Pone Kingpetch of
Thailand became the first man in
ring history Saturday to recapture
the svorld flyweight championship
when he won a lS-round decision
over Masahiko ( Fighting Harada
of Japan.
Kingpetch. 2B. outpointed the 19-
ear-old Harada in their return
itle fight before a jammed crowd
of 20.000 in the national stadium
gymnasium, and avenged Hara-
da's llth-round knockout victory
in their first fight last Oct. 10. at
Saturday's victory was the first
time anyone had regained the 112-
pound title in its 53-year history.
Despite young Harada s kayo
ictorv in October, Kingpetch went
into the ring favored at 5-4. His
victory was witnessed hy King
Phumipol Adulyade of Thailand
from a special ringside seat.
Pone weighed lll'i pounds as
he scored his 24th victory in 2H
fights. Stocky, muscular Harada
registered HI.
Harada lost his title only three
months and tuo days after he had
it: but Sider Pladncr of
France had held it only one month
and 16 davs oack in
EXTRA CASH Van. no Investment
work full or part time selling the
famous Knsop Aerotred Shoes. Earn too
commissions plus bonus, plus tree Insur
ance. Previous shoe experience NOT nec
essarywrite W. J. Theisson, Knepe Bros
Shoes, 01 E. Flotilla St., E. Los An
geles 11. Calif.
YOUNG man In good physical cond.tion
with term or hardware tsachqround foa
Inside selling and stochwora. Contact
Ranch Wholesale Supoly. Verrlll . Lake
view JunctKVt, TU 3-55il 9 a m. to 3
WANTED brake and alignment
Vust be eroerienced. Goorwear
301 So llth. Call Pon, TU a-llsl.
location. TU a-716
EXPERIENCED butcher to oprral, mrnt
Oeoartment In new O'ocery store In Dor.
ns. Calif. Must have own hand tools
EX 7?I51.
who wants permanent position In bos fac
tory located in Central California. Vu't
be experienced and have references Write
du. -jit., care ot neraio and News
Audley Apartments
N.ce, furnished I bedroom apt. loi Sex,
f'n near Pott Office.
$36 to $58li0
1-2-3 bedroom apts., furnished or untur.
nnhed. Permanent maintenance Included,
Monday through Friday
Office hours I a.m. to 5 p m.
2660' Shasta Way
One ond Two Bedroom opt.
Furnished ond Unfurnished
$69.50 to $89.50
Dotty, Weefcly Motel Rotes
TU 2-5577
WANTED brake and a'ianmenf man
Mmt be eper.fwced Can Don. tu 4 H4t
Combinelion man for right jhlt In taw
mill r plywood plant. Send reume in
eluding references to Co'ona Bo K
Lumber Co , Red Bluff. Calif ., P O. Box
Aggressrve Alert
who detirei to learn the Auto Butinets
and mae It hii career. Muit be ma.
in ana ready to oo to work. Salary
while training. Send qualif iCAeni
Bon 43?C care ot Herald and News.
"ad book matches'
Write us torMv: we nut vm in h,,.if
" RETURN MAIL. hendlinQ eom0tete
" ma P(W vaiCfei tn de-naifj ny
eve'y buiie right In your town i No
investment; everything turnijhaaj FPEF
Too eommiiitnj daily! MONARCH
CafCH C' "M S F,ri' S' Sn Joie
7944 Union
t Budroom unfurnished
I Bedroom unfurnished
Srae-eut Roomt
Tastefully Oeco-afetf
Vail ta wall Cft'Deting
Swimming Pool
Rental includes all tarvOaa
eeent taieohone and electricity
TWO peone f(
tine opening
more. Write m
'"d 13. Ca!.'
route werlr. One Dart
n rjr wemar., parma
13 W tn f s per hour Or
vetson, p o Bo 4014.
CLT AsJ J bedroom r-nij',!
Dtnct, Calt TU )6I
SUPERIOR, furnish One h.tjroom du
n ew. utility room, trash burner, w-m in
C'Q'f'S. i'7 Uphm, TU J-3JM
nR r-rt. ch.n. iatvr allowed i
Vri Bob Adams, Bonanza, ot
Loreiia 4t4
i rnt.
ONE bedroom houie. furnishafl u)
hacr.ior cahln, furnlsh-rj. $;j jo.- J's
bedroom, unrurnfrhfd, $7j 50 tu 4-fJUO
AN one bedroom turn.shfj cab n,
1735 Adam?,, TU 4 38 Si, TU 4-t7Si
i V A LL t bPd'oeir.. oaranc. qa fur
naee. ranpe. U0. Inquire 1 5C7 Cali'omia.
'WO bed'oom unfurnished house. TU
TWO bi'oci
OUirf KJ7 WanfUrxJ
y fwrniih.cd house.
TWO bed.
O'f Cnarles
isned houe m
. Dyer, rci.sns.
with the vouns-
rj-stcrs." Ilu-h.ird Mid. "We must
t;tind ;uul d,-o;,.p Oiir own play
'J fr w hc ni.t.ie a cwl start
? a'Kl rviorr vn our farm system
J.shiMiM start prmlueiiy; ball' play
vers pool piuhiJi t. make the
voilv inen ti win tv a onestion
ARCADIA. Caht. ITI'-Jd k
Wilhe Shoemaker, who has
Keen hainc his troubles of late.
as handed a five-day suspension
hy stewards at Santa Anita Fri-;
dav. The stivension begins next!
luesday. Mioemaker was set
down hy ciwsinR over in t h e
hackstretch while abodrd Alma
nac in the sixth race on Thurs
Pa-eie a-vt p'nba'ien wtyir et vrMi ie.
cations .r o-eoon. vust be be'waen
n aM i. co'i"5e O'aduate ana hav
fe yea- (sM'ifKr at a o-ce e' (
or tn raaM w,al t-v.ce t, p, ,f(l.
-0 Sa'ar-v rar-o' 15 20 to W WO A.-e'v
--"eavfiv o-eqM Cvl Sa--v.ee Com.
ssion. Public Se-vice Buidn, Sa e-n
Vam. one Ct-iiftl, Tl
e OM-wrn cabm. furrn,hfd
rr-uD'e Rent, 135. 1335 Shasta.
Art. J
0 ic
Key at
TWO bel'Mm hoL.e. wirM
Vi D'amood, Stewert-Lennoi,
'oca on
brt'OOrr r--mi Quiet
TU 4.JM-
" f'""! I bdro?m hfxie, Mali to wa't
ra-pat r,0 Hying room. Pertly furniihea.
TU J-3 '44
rushed er wnfyrnn-nd,
''ed duDie.' AdiTitT,
into a
More Sports
(Page 4-B)
NOT if F Tfl rr trnr'cu."
wnra tn, cubing )n ? . . , 'ur
in thtj advarf.tmQ r-cv Wa ara ui . M ..t -r, . .
's. but we matt fv-v pe'f t . ONE bed-owr. u-umisV1. eiec'ic --t-ae.
cpver t-yj r,act aU fwifieMi-a advert... 'n crvf" "' end stcase
"KtM ans'. hto e-td crM ts 0'oe. tc-es, 33
Kt and f.tj rt f, fs, p..,; , TU 4-OJC
lM B 'ttf'1 It t C'iSS'efl A.-V '"VACULA-E "vV.-o v-ta ) TTr
fi-l'lfl Da-'ttsna mi aJ... - I . c . " n 1 M ' bed'oo-n
CULA'E v-i'o-r
'"Qu -e u-
CSE bed-tv-n i
ed hxse. c:i
Cmild c-e
'e Tu J-!T
Tu ?
labce to bed-rx-o u-
"e rt VI. :Vi S
1 I 'AO hrfl-K-
' f i rsat
"v Vv' "m-r, Wa
Vorev t-oh c-t3av m t tm
'" Ca-.son Dne. Tu
''NINO. AkTwSG tLB Df"t7
"' c-x-e-ta a9nn Tu tUM
w. ot'basje pad Tj
i mn-1,
T O pes - rws-i hty4t.
fe-xed ya-a.
"vt e y. T j