Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 13, 1963, Page 7, Image 7

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    Oregon Tech iysips ffiteiin)ee&,$ For Fourth Win
Pelican Wrestlers Ax
Medford, Henley Teams
l"Ihe Klamath Union wrestling
lam is back on the winning road
again. The Pelican grapplers won
tbeD" second Southern Oregon
wxnerence duel in three at
tempts Friday night by defeating
Medford, 25-16, and came back
Saturday afternoon to down Hen
ley s A-2 group, i-3.
The Jayvees also won both
meets. They beat .Medford's Jay
vees, 35-14, and took Henley's sec
ond unit, 46-8.
The Pelicans got off to a rough
start against .Medford by dropping
three of the first four matches.
But then they came on to take
six. of the last nine bouts and
dww two others. There were no
puis in the duel.
-Mike Christy, wrestling his first
varsity match, lost the opener to
Medford's Rick Orr, 9-0. Then
Dave Davis fell to Rod Smith
7-2. Jim McClung got the Peli
cans back into winning ways with
a 13-5 slaughter of Mike Orr. It
was an easy decision for the un
beaten Pelicans.
John Stilwell, wrestling in place
of Grant Humphrey in the 123-
pound class, lost a 4-2 decision
to Mike Horton. But it was vir
tually all KU from there on. Hum
phrey, who moved tip to 130
pounds, clobbered John Swarts
fager, 13-1. Tom Miles kept things
going in the 136-pound event
with a 4-2 decision over Tom
Ron Head, who has a winning
streak going for himself after a
slow start, beat Denny Schmall.
4-2. Paul -Wilson decisioned Tom
GUman, 10-2, and Ron Hitchcock
beat Ray Laurieticn. 4-1.
Mike McKibben, taking over at
168 while Bob Daulton moved up.
had to settle for a draw with
Jledford's very tough Tom Mctz.
' 4-4J Kent Puckett lost the only
other bout when he was deci-
sioped, 4-2, by Terry Winetrout in
the- 178 class.
Daulton, a 168-pounder, wrestled
at -191 Friday night and beat the
rugged Mike Mayficld, 4-3. May-
field was one of the touted Tor
nado grapplcrs. Thurston Hcnzcl
had a penalty point go against
him in the closing seconds and it
cost him the match and he had
to settle for a draw with Jeff
It was a big win for !ho 1'eli
cans and puts them back into con
tention with Grants Pass which is
still undefeated. Coach Delance
Duncan said that -McClung. Hum
Mt. Shasta
Tule. 49-44
TULELAKE (Special! Mount
Shasta handed the Tulclake Hon
kers their first Siskiyou County
League loss here Friday night.
which Uie Honkers were unable to
It was the first league game for
Tulelake and leaves their rec
ord at 4-3 for the season.
The Shasta team took a 9-6 first
period lead but the Honkers tied it
up at half time, 19-19. Mount Shas
ta actually won the game in the
third when they pumped in 17
points to Tulelake's 10. The Hon
kers made a run for it in the
iourth with 15 points to Shasta's 12
but couldn't quite make up the
Mike Todd paced Tule with 14
point while Kurt Thomas had 12
and Eel Roberts 10. Jonn ien
redy led Shasta with 12 points
and Robert Cobuo had 10.
-The Tulclake jayvees remained
undefeated fnr the season by
whipping the Shasta B team. 39-21
with a fourth period spurt. It
was lied at 19-all at half and 2o-2.'i
going into the fourth. John Craw
ford and Greg Cushman each net
ICct 10 fnr the winners and Tom
Freeman had 12 for the losers
Score by quarters:
unt Shasta 9-10-17-12 4it
Tulelake ft-13-10-15 (4
Baker Leads OSU By
By United Press International I
Fabulous Terry Baker of Ore
gon State today was a member
of the elite handful of super-stars
who have made it to the top in
two sports after turning in his
greatest -wer performance on the
fiakcr. winner of football's Heis
rrieTi Trophy as tlie I'PI grid star
of. the rar. pufriped home 25
points Friday mcht as Oregon
.State downed Slaniord. 65-58. in
the Cards' gym.
It left both teams with a s-3
record going into Saturday mpht's
Fndav n;ght s loss as the first
at home for Stanford since Feb
pnrey ana Daulton looked very
good in their victories.
The Pelicans handed Henley its
worst defeat of the season but
Duncan said that he could see
the improvement in the Hornets.
Henley managed to win only one
match of the 13 and suffered
four pins.
Christy beat Rex Smith, 3-2, in
one of the closer bouts. Davis
took Dick Rodriguez by 4-1, and
McClung beat previously unbeat
en Fred Rodriguez by a 10-4 nod
Stilwell took Roger Peters. 4 0
and Humphrey blanked Bob Farm
er, 12-0.
Miles got the first pin of the
day with a second round pin over
John Kraus in 2:53. He was lead
ing by 7 0 when he pinned Kraus,
Head decisioned previously un
beaten Phil Hale, 3 0. He used a
one-point escape and a two-point
takedown in the third round for
the win.
The only loss came in the 148-
pound division where Chuck Mil-
anovich beat Paul Wilson, 7-0.
Milanovich applied a pair of take
downs and a three-point near fall
for the victory.
Hitchcock got the second p 1 n
when he stopped Rick Hudson in
the second round at the 3:22 mark.
He flattened Hudson while lead-
ng 5-0. McKibben decisioned Lyle
Bergstrom, 5-2, before Puckett
landed KU's third pin of the day.
He pinned Tony Vassallo in 3:21
of the second and was ahead by
5-0 when he got the pin.
Daulton took a 13-0 decision
from rugged Leo Huff and Hen-
zel got the final pin in the heavy
weight division in the second
Vandals Trample
Downtrodden Ducks
EUGENE (UPI) Veterans
Chuck White and Rich Porter
teamed with Gus Johnson to lead
Idaho to an 81-58 basketball win
over Oregon Here Saturday night
White scored 19 points and Por
ter tallied 17 as the Vandals
scored their 10th win in 12 starts.
It was their fourth win in a row
Johnson, Idaho's star 6-6 center
scored 16 points and collected 17
rebounds. Tom Whitfield added 13
noints for the winners.
The Vandals, wno cagca urcgon
62-61 in overtime last night, were
ahead all the w ay. They led 34-20
arhalftime. The closest the Ducks
could come in lite second half
was 13 points at 47-34 with 13:26
left to play.
Steve Jones and Jim jonnson
paced the Oregon scoring with 18
and 17 points.
Idaho made 33 ot 74 held goal
attempts for a .446 average and
outrebounded the home team 49-
44. The Ducks made 24 ol B4
shots from the floor for a .375 av-craRc-
Id.h. 111! G FTA-FT PF TP
While ' "
Whitfield '' J
Johnson '
Faces Fight
NEW YORK (1'PH-When Gen
Douglas MacArthur sits down
npvl week to mediate the differ
ences between the Amateur Ath
letic Union and the National Lol
leciste Athletic Association. h(
mav have one of Hie toughest
lichls of his career.
Fridav the general's assistant
Maj. Gen Courtney Whitney, said
"it may be about a week before
Gen. MacArthur can bring them
'the AAU and NCAA together
fnr the first lime because some
of Ihe people involved have to
enme trom the West Coast."
In the meantime, the general
has such bitter and almost un
reconcilable statements as "gangi
tactics," "sabotage." "Castro tac
tics." and "power grab" to digest
while waiting to bring the two
groups, which are seeking control
of amateur athletics in the I'nited
States, tncether.
:.. wi.
Mel Counts and Tom Dose. Ihe
Beavers' and Cards' outstanding
centers, kept away from the buck
et out of respect for each other
and settled (or 10 and 9 points.
That loft it up In Baker and
Stanford led 52-47 with seven min
utes to go as Don Clemctson hit al
most every shot he took. Then
Baker scored live points in f
Steve ra uly added a key buck
ct and then Baker led the final
stall that cinched the content
Clemctson had 21 for the Cards
When thinking of Pacific Cnat
I athletes who have shown great
ncss in more than one sport.
round. He pinned John Riggs in
3:16 of the second round and w as
behind 4-2 when he accomplished
the feat.
The KU Jayvees were 21-5 for
the two matches. Henley won
only two bouts and Medford won
three. Nine of those 21 victories
were by pins.
McClung is now 12-0 for the
year. Miles is 12 0 and Bob Ewing,
on the injured list, still is unde
feated. Hitchcock is 10-1-1 and
Henzel is 9-2-1.
The Pclians will take on Cra
ter's team next Saturday in Cra
ter. Henley w ill meet the Pelicans
again next Friday night at KU.
9t Mike Christy dec. by Rick Orr, 4-6.
104 Dave Davis dec. by Rod Smith, 7-2.
115 Jim McClung dec. Mike Orr, 13-5.
123 John Stilwell dec. by Mike Horton,
130 Grant Humphrey dec. John Swans
tager, 13-1.
136 Tom Miles oec. lorn uvvens,
141 Ron Head dec. Denny Schmall, 4-2.
148 Paul Wilson dec. Tom Gllman, 10-2.
157 Ron Hitchcock dec. Ray Laurie!-
ien, 4-1.
IAS Mike McKibben drew with Tom
Met;, 4-4.
176 Kent Puckett dec. by Terry wine-
trout. 4-2.
191 Bob Daulton dec. Mike Maytleld,
HWY Thurston Henzel drew with Jeff
Hardrath, 3-3.
98 Mike Christy dec. Rex Smith, 3-2.
106 Dave Davis dec. dick Kodriguei,
115 Jim McClung dec. Fred Rodriguez,
123 John stilwell dec. Roger peters,
130 Grant Humphrey dec. Bob Farm
er, 12-0.
138-Tom Miles pinned John Kraus. 2:33
141 Ron Head dec. Phil Hale. 3-0.
148 Paul Wilson dec. by Chuck Milano-
vch. 7-0.
157 Ron Hitchcock pinned RICK Hud
son, 3:22.
168 Mike McKibben dec. Lyle Bergs
trom, 5-2.
178 Kent Puckett pinned Tony vassal
lo. 3:21.
191 Bob Daulton dec. Leo hum. u-u.
HWY Thurston Hentel pinned John
Riggs. 3:16.
Oregon (58)
0 12 0
33 15-78 11
J. Johnson
24 10-11 It U
Halftime: Idaho 34 Oregon 20
Attendance: J.J4V
' n
... III'
ENTHUSIASTIC BACKING Mils Anne Marshall, one
of Henley's pert yell leaders, leaps into the air to
cheer the Horneti on. Notice both feet are off the floor.
Her enthusiastic efforts were rewarded Friday night at
the Hornets defeated tough llliniot Valley, 87-70.
names like Ernie Nevers, Jackie
Robinson and Bill Sharman come
to mind. Off Friday night's per
formance. Baker rales up there
with them.
Dc-pile the non-conference loss.
Stanford M-fli backed into the
Big Six lead when Southern Call
forma mow 1-2 1 handed Washing
ton ' 2-1 ' a 64-61 defeat.
The Trojans moved out lo an II
point lead but almost lost it. Wash
inton was hurt when big Dale
Easiey picked up lour fouls in a
hurry, lie later fouled out and
scored only 7. Ed Corrcll has 24
or tlie Huskies.
Troy was led by Al Young with
Sunday, January 13, 1963
Henley's Rally
Defeats Phoenix
Tlie Henley Hornets, playing
very sluggishly after the big 87-70
win over Illinois Valley Friday
night, had their hands full of the
Phoenix Pirates at Henley Satur
day night before catching fire and
pulling far ahead in the last three
minutes of the game to w in 71-54.
The Hornets, now holding
10-0 record for the season and
a 4-0 mark to lead the Rogue
League as the only unbeaten
team, had to fight for most of
the game until they caught fire
with three minutes left.
The Pirates stayed right with
the sluggish Hornets for nearly
all the game. Henley took a 15-14
first quarter lead and Phoenix
matched their output in the se
cond period and the Hornets went
in for a rest at intermission still
leading but by only a point, 30-29.
Coach Jerry Johnson's crew wi
dened the margin in the third
but by only three points and led
going into the fourth quarter by
48-44. Then with three minutes left
and still leading by four, they
suddenly caught fire and bombed
the nets at a tornadic pace to
put the game out of reach and
a little more respectably.
It was big Kent Gooding lor
the Hornets again Saturday night
He had his best night of the
season Friday night in tallying 40
points. He notched 29 Saturday
night. He hit 13 baskets and three
of five from the charity line. He
hit 10-13 from the line Friday
night. The fouls were few and
far between Saturday night. Hen
ley got only eight and Phoenix
only 14.
Mike Beymer was second for
the Hornets with 16 points, all
from the field. Earl Allbritton had
14 points but he hit only two of
nine from the charity line. He hit
tub any: SCOBR
PhoenlK (54) FO FTA-FT PF TP
Granby 9 1-2
Rotr 4 3-3
Const-ruck 1 0-0
Barker i I'M
Johnson 3 0-0
HIM 0 l-l
Wallace 0 0-0
Henley (71)
13 3-5 I
2-9 0
Score by Ouartersl
in ;i
14 15 15 1054
15 15 II 2371
16, Gordy Martin 15, and Hilly
Morris and Pete Hillman 14 each.
T B"
Oregon State (451
T Hints
o r t
71 1 14
11 SI 3 11
3 44 3 m
S 3 4 3 I
0 113 1
0 3303
lanlt (III
C iemettnn
Haift.mt ICO-a
Slate 30
A'tendence. J.r
34 11-11 1141
O r T
4 3 4 3 It
I S 4 3 It
3 0)14
3 6 0 1 4
0 4414
3 0 0 3 4
13 14 II 14 M
I 31 Oreoo"
eight of nine Frday night. The
Hornets were atrocious in that
category Saturday night in con
necting on only seven ot 20 at
John Granby paced the losers
w ith 19 points. John Barker hit for
12 more and Rick Bolz for 11 for
the pesky Pirates.
The Hornets hit a very respec
table 43 per cent from the field
and Phoenix tallied on 35 per cent
of its attempts. Henley had the
measure of the rebounds with 58
to 38, which helped make the dif
ference in the game.
West 5
In Game
stars of tlie National football
League as selected by their coach
es get in their final football fling
Sunday in tlie 13th annual All-Star
Pro Bowl game between tlie East
ern and Western conferences.
Coaches Vince Lombardi of the
Western team and Allie Sherman
of the Eastern squad reported
their players were in good shape
for the charity clash.
Although Bart Starr of his own
Green Bay Packers was on the
West squad, Lombardi announced
he planned to start Unitas whose
performances in the last three
Pro Bowl games largely were re
sponsible for the West wins.
Joining Unitas in the West's
starling backficld will be Dick
Bass of the Los Angeles Rams,
Lenny Moore of the Colts and Jim
Taylor of the Packers.
Tittle starts for the East squad
as quarterback with little Eddie
LcBaron available to relieve him
John David Crow, who was feared
injured, reported himself ready to
go at halfback and the St. Louis
player will be Hanked by Tommy
McDonald of the Philadelphia ea
gles and Jim Brown of the
Largely because of Lombardi's
winning record and the fact that
the West holds an 8-4 edge in
the scries, the West squad was
favored to make it four straight
in Sunday's game.
AFL Star
Game Set
American Football League's 2nd
annual All-Star game here Sunday
shapes up as a duel similar to
the championship contest.
The East will bank on the pass
ing of quarterback George Blan
da and the receiving of Charlie
Hennigan, both of the Houston
Oilers, to offset the running of
Uie West's Abncr Hayncs and Cur
tis McClinton, both of Dallas.
Should the chosen method of at
tack fail (or either team, each is
capable of switching. The East
has the league s No. 1 ground
gainer, Cookie Gilchrist of Buffa
lo, to keep the defense honest.
East coach Frank (Pop) Ivy
has experimented in practice this
week with a bull elephant back-i
field featuring two fullbacks, Gil
christ and Charlie Tolar of Hous
ton, each gained more than 1,000
yards on the ground and can pro
vide stout pass protection for
West field general Lcn Dawson
prefers the ground game but was
the most effective passing quar
terback in the league when the
defense tightened against the run
ners. Although averaging only 22
throws a game, far below aver
aue in the AFL. Dawson led the
league in touchdown passes with
2ft and completed 61 per cent ol
his attempts.
P.O. lot 211 Klamath Falls, Ore. Phona TU 4 8151
(eel Stew will be served a noon by Hit Klamath Caw Ballet
i.'7 .
LX y
1 II lJk' '1
BAKER SCORES AGAIN Oregon State's Terry Baker
goes up for two points during the first period of action
against Stanford in Palo Alto Friday night. Behind Baker
is Stanford's Bob Sommers. At left is Oregon State's
Jim Kraus. Baker was recently All-America quarterback
and Heisman Trophy winner. He led the Beavers Friday
night with 25 points as they beat the Indians, 65-58.
UPI Telephoto
Indians Slaughter
Hapless Beavers
ford Indians roared to a 96-69
victory Saturday night over Ore
gon State behind the scoring of
Tom Dose and Don Clemctson.
The Indians, who avenged their
65-58 defeat at the Beaver's hands
Friday night, led by as many as 27
mints and cleaned the entire re
serve bench by the time the game
was finished.
Dose, who meshed 29 points
NEW YORK UP! - Heavy
weight Billy Daniels of Ozone
Park, N.Y., scored a technical
knockout over tall Tony Alongi of
Hollywood, Fla., Saturday in the
fifth round after Alongi had been
officially floored twice but was on
the deck three limes in their
nationally televised fight at Sun
nysidc Garden.
Referee Arthur Mcrcante ex
plained he had stopped Ihe bout
just as Alongi went down the
third time but "from a push," not
a punch.
The action was halted at 2:50
of the fifth round in an exciting
bout in which the six-foot-four
Alongi seemed nn his way to a
knockout victory over Daniels,
who Is only one inch shorter.
Alongi, weighing 195 pounds to
Daniels, 186, had been giving
Daniels a thorough beating in tlie
fourth round and had buckled his
knees with a right to the chin
early in the fifth.
Midway in the fifth round.
Daniels suddenly nailed Alongi
with a straight right lo the chin
that knocked him into tlie ropes,
and another right dropped Tony
to his knees. He was up at the
count of two and took the manda
tory eight-count on his feet.
Another right lo the chin
dropped Rocky Marciano's tall
protege to his haunches. Alongi
rose at the count of three and
look "eight" on his feet.
Daniels then tore after Tony
and harraged him. It appeared
that he had dropped Alongi with
another right to tlie chin, but
referee Mercantc said Tony had
merely been bumped by Daniels'
shoulder and not struck, just as
he was stopping the fight.
Klamath County Fairgrounds
Horned Herefords,
10 Aberdeen Angus, 2 Shorthorn. Sifted for
quality. Good breeding condition.
Sponsored By
jt lWt 1
bucketed 11 markers in six min
utes alter Oregon State's seven
foot center Mel Counts fouled out
with 11 minutes remaining In the
contest. Clemctson hit for 19
The Indians went on a scoring
spree in the first half, pushing
their advantage to more than 20
points several times. The Beavers
finally managed to get within 10
points of the Cards, behind the
scoring of Counts, who had 20
for the evening, and football great
Terry Bakor, who potted 11
Stanford's record now stands at
10-3, while Oregon State has
9-4 season mark.
Malin, 49-36
MALIN (Special) The Bonanza
Antlers got a good scare from the
Malin Mustangs fcr a half here
Friday night and then drove on to
defeat the young Mustangs, 49-36,
in a Klamath County League
The Mustangs stayed right with
the Antlers in the first half and
the teams went in for a rest at
intermission tied at 21-21. Bui the
Antlers came out in the second
half to jump to a 39-27 lead atl
the end of three periods and
coasted on to the victory.
It was the third victory as
against two losses for the Ant
lers and the loss left the Mus
tangs winlcss with an 0-5 record
The Antlers had four players in
double figures with Eddie Sim
mons leading the way with 12
poinls while Bill Ncwlun chipped
in with II and Ricky Stcber and
Fred Dearborn 10 each.
Sophomore Randy LeQuieu led
the losers with 13 poinls. Tom
Brown hit for nine and Tom To-
fell for seven.
Bonanza also won Ihe B
game, 43-34.
Score by quarters:
Bonanza II 10 18 1049
Malm 9 12 6 936
TOKYO (UPI I Mexican ban
tamweight Roberto Luna scored a
10-round upset decision over Ori
ent junior featherweight cham
pion Haruo Sakamoto in a non
title bnul Thursday night. Luna
weighed 123 pounds and Sakamo
to I224.
14 Polled Hcrefords,
Owls Grab OCC
Lead, Win 79-69
LA GRANDE (Special! - The,
Oregon Tech Owls romped to
their fourth straight Oregon Col
legiate Conference victory here
Saturday night when all five of
tlie starters, three of them play
ing with penicillin m them for
colds, scored in the double fig
ures lo win, 79-69, over Eastern
Oregon's Mountaineers.
The Owls, playing in the cold
est place in the state at 18 de
grees below zero, weren't especial
ly hot themselves as they hit only
29 of 91 shots for 31.9 per cent.
But it was enough for the vic
tory. "Sweet" Sammy Smith led the
parade with 22 points, his best
output of the four games he's
played in. Hewlett Nash contribut
ed 18 points. Willie Anderson and
Van Zitek 14 each and Norman
Johns It.
Tlie Owls were in control of tlie
game all tlie way and played pret-
ty well. "We had three boys sickE0c
Bruins" Rally
Topples Bears
UCLA recovered from another
agged start and got rolling on
Fred Slaughter's buckets in the
second half last night to whip Cali
fornia, 63-58, and score its first
big six basketball victory of the
The Bruins trailed 28-27 at half-
lime after hitting only 30 per
cent of their shots that included
an icy streak of only 2 of 22 in
the opening minutes.
But with Walt Hazzard direct-
Washington State Cougars had
little trouble last night as they
downed the Montana Slate Collegi
Wildcats 80-65 in a basketball
game here. The win broke a nine-
game losing streak lor the Cou
Cougar forward Byron Adsct
scored the season high for any
Cougar player as he tallied 31
points lo lead Ihe attack.
Except tor a slow start the
Cougars led all the way as they
hit a blistering 45 per cent from
the floor.
Montana State rallied in the sec
ond half after trailing 40-28 at
half .and closed the gap to 50-44
with 12 minutes remaining in the
Sophomore center Ted Werner
was second high scorer for Wash
ington Slate as he scored 15
poinls. Milton Horton led the los
ers with 21 points.
Washington State is now 3-10 on
the season and tlie Wildcats arc
In tlie preliminary game the
Washington Slate Coubabcs beat
Lewiston Normal 122-67.
Fete Honors
Hugh Campbell
PULLMAN, Wash. (UPI) The
Pullman Junior Chamber of Com
merce honored Washington State
end Hugh Campbell with a big
banquet Friday night.
Campbell, who caught more
passes in his career lhan any col
legian in the history of the Rame.
was praised by University Presi
dent Dr. C. Clement French as
a ureal credit to the university
and the city. Coach Jim Sutlier-
land of the Cougars also spoke.
Newest Addition to fh Cavemon Camper Line
Shown here on a GMC
Ne "canopy," Ihe Caetle
link, warar tank, lijhtt, butane tank, planty ef storoaa
ipaca. Dinatta mokes Into a bail lor 2. Lood anal unload by
hand waiaht only ISO pounds. Fotnout Cavtmen construc
tion with 1 year warranty. Priced to meet anyone'! budjat!
Now on dtlploy ot
7th & Commercial
but the doctor gave his consent
for them to play and gave them
some shots. We didn't play too
badly considering that," Coach
Jim Parllow said.
The Owls led at tlie half time,
33-31 and came on strong in the
second half for tlie margin of vic
tory. Bob Myers paced the losers
with 21 points while Dick Turlcy
was the only other Mountaineer in
double figures with 13 points.
OTI (7tl
Fga Fg Fta-Ft Rtb PI Tp
-v 15 s 14
S-10 11 2 22
2-1 a 4 ii
2- 3 1 2 14
3- 4 3 2 4
0-0 0-0 0 0 0
fro 0-0 0 0 0
3t-f1 11-20 M IS 7
Fga-Fg Fla-FI Rib PI Tp
EOC ()
12 4
4 0
3 4
11-44 1121 37
Score by harvest
33 3470
31 3S o
ing Uie fast break and slaughter
topping off the drives with buck
ets UCLA roared into an 11-point
lead midway in the second half
and then held on.
Slaughter scored 17 points to
tie for scoring honors with Cal's
Camden Wall and also did an out
standing job on the boards, grab
bing 14 rebounds.
Hazzard finished with nine
points while guard Gail Goodrich
backed him with eight.
Cal, which was losing its sec
ond straight conference game af
ter a pair of wins, got only four
points from usually accurate Dick
The Bears' Dan Lufkin ran his
streak to 31 consecutive free
throws with two foul shots and
then missed. A crowd of 2.400
watched the game at Santa Moni
ca City College gym.
Henley 71, Phoenix 54
Lakeviotr 54. Illinois Valley 50
Crater 60, Medford 63
Grants Pass 67, Ashland 39
Soulhcrn Oregon 80, OCE 57
South Eugene 86, Marshiirld 59
North Eugene 66, Springfield 43
Roscburg 55, North Bend 45
ADD CO!. 1IKII Results
Oregon Tech 79, Eastern Ore
gon 69
College Basketball Results
By United Press International
Mich. Slate 75 Wisconsin 68
Illinois 106 Purdue 82
ake Forest 78 Va. Tech 63
Notre Dame 105 Detroit 70
Duquesne 76 Carnegie Tech. 53
Washington 62 USC 61
Minnesota 83 Iowa 58
Kansas 61 Iowa St. 55
Maryland 67 Navy 61
Carolina St. 71 S. Carolina 63
Baylor 61 Texas Christian 60
Phillips Oilers 81 Do Paul 70
Tennessee St. 72 Kentucky St. 68
West Virginia 100 George Wash
ington 97
West Texas St. 75 New Mexico St.
Southeast Missouri 102 Missouri
Mines 88
Duke 78 Clemson 67
North Dakota St. 104 Morningsicle
Kansas St. 66 Nebraska S3
Ohio St. 68 Michigan 66
Princeton 81 Brown 67
Seton Hall 81
Fnirleigh Dickinson 63
Drcxel Tech 77 Wagner 76
Hamilton 69 Rensselaer Poly 56
Marshall 53 Lehigh 48
Buffalo St. 52 Oswego St. 50
airfield 86 Bridgeport 71
la. A tV M 88 Ft. Valley 66
Brandcis 69 Bales 58
Connecticut 92 Maine 64
I Pennsylvania 60 Yale 50
- It fits any Pick-Up
It 'silly e.uippacl with trove.
jh. 2-5646